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1. a basis of (...-nn temeli) 54.

assassination ( suiskast)
2. a crucial role ( nemli rol) 55. assemble (bir araya gelmek)
3. a decent living (terbiyeli,ahlakl yaam) 56. assume a role (rol stlenmek)
4. a delicate balance (hassas denge) 57. at once (hemen)
5. a fundamental change (kkl deiiklik) 58. at someones disposal (-nin emrine amade
6. a great deal of (ok miktarda) olmak)
7. a mob of ( gruh, ete, ayaktakm) 59. attached to (-e bal)
8. a professional occupation (profesyonel 60. attack vehemently (iddetle saldrmak)
meslek) 61. attain (erimek)
9. a proportion of ( -nn oran, pay) 62. attempt to (bir eye kalkmak)
10. a striking example (arpc rnek) 63. attention (dikkat)
11. a wide range of situations (ok eitli 64. attitude towards something (bir eye ynelik
durumlar) tutum)
12. abate ( azaltmak, hafifletmek) 65. attract interest/attention (dikkat/ilgi
13. accommodation( kalacak yer) ekmek)
14. acknowledge( kabul etmek) 66. attribute to(-e balamak/dayandr)
15. addicted to alcohol ( alkole baml) 67. auditor (mfetti, deneti)
16. address a crowd ( kalabala hitap etmek) 68. average(ortalama)
17. adequate competition (yeterli rekabet) 69. avoid (kanmak)
18. admit to a club (klbe kabul edilmek) 70. ban (yasaklamak)
19. admit to doing something (itiraf etmek) 71. barely (hemen hemen hi)
20. adolescence (ergenlik) 72. barrier (bariyer, engel)
21. adult (yetikin) 73. barter (takas)
22. advance (ilerleme) 74. battle (sava, dv)
23. adviser (danman, mavir) 75. battleground ( sava alan)
24. aggravate (ktletirmek) 76. be a nuisance (ba belas olmak)
25. alleviate (hafifletmek) 77. be against( -e kar olmak)
26. amazing (artc) 78. be anxious to do something (endieli)
27. ambiguous (belirsiz) 79. be aware of (haberdar olmak)
28. ambition (hrs, tutku) 80. be committed to something (-e
29. ambitious (hrsl, tutkulu) adanm/bal olmak)
30. amend (dzeltmek) 81. be confronted with a problem (problem ile
31. amendment (dzeltme, iyiletirme) karlamak)
32. an ambitious person (hrsl kii) 82. be conscious of (bilincinde olmak)
33. an asset for the company (irketin mal 83. be deprived of (-den mahrum olmak)
varl, bilanosu, deerleri) 84. be engaged in (ile itigal etmek)
34. an impressive system (etkili system) 85. be envious/jealous of something
35. ancient world (antik dnya) (kskanmak)
36. annual (yllk) 86. be in charge of(..-den sorumlu olmak)
37. annual meeting (yllk toplant) 87. be in favour of (tarafnda, lehinde olmak)
38. apology (zr) 88. be jealous of talents in others (bakalarnn
39. appeal to somebody (ilgilisini ekmek, yeteneklerini kskanmak)
bavurmak, temyiz) 89. be made up of(-den olumak)
40. appreciate (kadrini bilmek) 90. be on display (tehirde olmak)
41. apprehend a criminal (suluyu tutuklamak) 91. be opposed to war (savaa kar olmak)
42. apprentice (rak, stajyer) 92. be present (mevcut olmak)
43. approach (yaklam, yaklamak) 93. be prone to (eilimli)
44. approval (onay, tasdik) 94. be proud of (-den gururlu)
45. aqueducts (su kanallar) 95. be satisfied with (tatmin olmu,memnun)
46. arch (kemer) 96. be suited (uygun)
47. armed with (..ile silahlanm) 97. be superior to something (-den stn)
48. armistice (atekes) 98. be up to a job (bir i iin yeterli olmak)
49. armour (zrh) 99. bear in mind (aklda tutmak)
50. arms (silah) 100.become extinct (nesli tkenmek)
51. artificial (yapay) 101.beg for (iin yalvarmak)
52. ascribe to (atfetmek) 102.belligerent country (muharip lke)
53. aspect (yn, taraf, cephe) 103.benefit from(-den yarar salamak)
104.besiege (kuatmak) 158.complacency(honutluk)
105.beverage (iecek) 159.compliment on something
106.beyond recognition (tannmaz halde) (vmek,kutlamak)
107.blame for (sulamak) 160.comply with(-e uymak, itaat etmek)
108.blend (kartrmak) 161.component (bileen, para)
109.boost production (retimi gelitirmek) 162.comprise something (kapsamak)
110.bother somebody (cann skmak) 163.compromise (uzlama)
111.boundary (snr) 164.conceal (saklamak)
112.brand (marka, etiket, damga) 165.concern about (hakknda endielenmek)
113.breakthrough (dnm noktas) 166.conduct (yrtmek, davranmak)
114.brilliance (deha, parlaklk) 167.confidentially (gizli olarak)
115.bring about (sebep olmak) 168.confined to (-e snrl, mahkum)
116.bring something to an end (sonlandrmak) 169.confirm (dorulamak)
117.bring to the fore (n plana karmak) 170.conflict (atma)
118.bullet (mermi, kurun) 171.confront (yzlemek)
119.burglary (hrszlk) 172.conquer (fethetmek)
120.calendar (takvim) 173.consecutive (ardk, sral) (sermaye, bakent) 174.consequence (sonu) (kariyer) 175.considerable (nemli, kayda deer)
123.carve (oymak, oyuk) 176.conspiracy (komplo)
124.cave (maara) 177.constant (srekli, daimi)
125.cease (durmak, durdurmak) (yapm, ina)
126.celebrate (kutlamak) 179.consult (danmak)
127.census (uzlama) 180.contemporary (ayn zamana ait, ada)
128.challenge (meydan okumak,zorlamak) 181.contestant (yarmac, rakip)
129.charge somebody with something (birini bir 182.continent (kta)
eyle grevlendirmek, sulamak) 183.contradict (elimek, zt dmek)
130.cheat (aldatmak, dolandrmak) 184.contrary to (aksine, zddna)
131.cheerful (neeli) 185.contribute to something (katkda bulunmak)
132.chief concern (temel mesele) 186.controversial (tartmal)
133.circumference (ember) 187.convict (sulu bulmak)
134.civil rights (medeni haklar) 188.convince to (ikna etmek)
135.close (yakn) (ibirlii yapmak)
136.close similarity (yakn benzerlik) 190.cooperate with somebody
137.clumsy (sakar, beceriksiz) 191.cope with (baa kmak)
138.coincide with (rastlamak) 192.corporation (ortaklk, kurulu, tzel kii)
139.collapse (kmek) 193.corruption (yozlama)
140.collide with (arpmak) 194.counterpart (meslekta, kar taraf)
141.colonization (kolonileme) 195.coup dtat (akeri darbe)
142.combat (sava, dv) 196.craftsman (zanaatkar)
143.come into being (ortaya kmak) 197.criminal (sulu)
144.comment on something (zerine yorum 198.crop (ekin, rn, mahsl)
yapmak) 199.cruel (zalim)
145.commentator(eletirmen,yorumcu) 200.culminate (sona ermek, dorua ulamak)
146.commerce (ticaret) 201.curb (frenlemek)
147.commission somebody (atama, 202.curfew (sokaa kma yasa)
grevlendirme) 203.curiosity (merak)
148.commit a crime (su ilemek) 204.curtail (azaltmak, ksmak)
149.commit suicide(intihar etmek) 205.dare (cesaret etmek)
150.commitment (x2) (ballk, taahht) back(gemie dayanmak)
151.common (ortak, yaygn) 207.deadline (son tarih)
152.commonplace (olaan, sradan) 208.debris (enkaz, atk)
153.compelling (zorlayc) 209.decade (10 yl)
154.compete with (ile yarmak) 210.deceive (aldatmak,kandrmak)
155.competent employee (yetenekli ii) 211.decent (makul, uygun)
156.competition(yarma, rekabet) 212.deception (aldanma/aldatma)
157.compile (dosyalamak,derlemek)
213.declaration of human rights (insan haklar 266.draw (izmek)
bildirgesi) 267.drawback (engel, kusur)
214.decline something (reddetmek) 268.drift (srklenmek, kaymak)
215.dedicate to (adamak) 269.drop in prices (fiyatlarda d)
216.defeat (yenilgi) 270.drought (kuraklk)
217.defend (savunmak) 271.drug trafficking (uyuturucu ticareti)
218.definition (tanm) 272.durable (dayankl)
219.delegate work (grev vermek) 273. dynasty (hanedan)
220.deliberately (kasten) 274.ease (kolaylk)
221.delicate (hassas) 275.efficiency (etkililik)
222.deliver (gndermek) 276.elaborate (ayrntl, zenli)
223.demonstrate (spatlamak, gsteri yapmak) 277.embassy (byk elilik)
224.demonstration (ispat, gsteri) 278.embezzlement(zimmetine para geirmek)
225.denominate (ad, nvan vermek) 279.embrace(kucaklamak, kapsamak)
226.denote something (belirtmek) 280.emerge from (-den ortaya kmak)
227.deny membership (yelii reddetmek) 281.eminent statesman (sekin devlet adam)
228.depict (tasvir etmek) 282. emphasise (vurgulamak)
229.derive from (-den gelmek/tremek) 283.employee (ii)
230.desert (l, terk etmek) 284.employer (iveren)
231.deserve (hak etmek) 285.employment (istihdam)
232.destroy (yok etmek) 286.enable sb to do(mmkn klmak)
233.destruction (ykm) 287.encourage(cesaretlendirmek)
234.detain suspects (phelileri gz altna almak) 288.endeavour (gayret etmek)
235.deter criminals from .. (sulular den 289.enforce (zorlamak)
caydrmak) 290.enforcement of capital punishment (idam
236.deteriorate (ktlemek) cezasnn yrrle konmas)
237.devastate (mahvetmek) 291.enhance (arttrmak, gelitirmek)
238.deviate from (sapmak) 292.enlightenment (aydnlanma)
239.devise (icat etmek,) 293.enormous (muazzam, ok byk)
240.devoid of something (-den yoksun) 294.enterprise (giriim)
241.devote to (adamak) 295.enthusiasm (isteklilik)
242.diminish (azaltmak) 296.entirely (tamamen)
243.disappointed (hayal krklna uram) 297.envy something (kskanmak)
244.disarmament( silahszlanma) 298.essential (nemli)
245.disband (datmak, feshetmek) 299.eternal (sonsuz)
246.discernible (ayrt edilebilir) 300.evidence 8kant)
247.discharge from (-den tahliye/taburcu 301.evidence given at a trial (mahkemeye
etmek,kartmak) sunulan kant)
248.discourage (cesaretini krmak) 302.exact (kesin, tam)
249.disorder (bozukluk) 303.exactly (kesinlikle)
250.display (sergilemek) 304.excavation (kaz)
251.disposable (tek kullanmlk) 305.excellent (mkemmel)
252.dispose of something (imha etmek, 306.exception (istisna)
kurtulmak) rates (dviz kuru)
253.disregard (aldrmamak) 308.exclusively (yalnzca, zellikle)
254.distinct (ayr, belirgin) 309.exhausted (bitkin)
255.distinction (ayrm) 310.exhibition (sergi)
256.distinguish between(ayrt etmek) 311.exist(var olmak)
257.distinguish one from the other 312.existence (varlk)
258.distinguished (ayr) 313.expenditure (harcama, masraf)
259.disturb (rahatsz etmek) 314.experience (tecrbe)
260.divorce (boanmak) 315.expiration date (son kullanma tarihi)
261.dome (kubbe) 316.expire (sresi dolmak)
262.domestic market(yerli piyasa) 317.exploit (smrmek, istismar etmek)
263.donate (balamak) 318.explore (kefetmek)
264.donation(ba) 319.export (ihra etmek)
265.drag on (srp gitmek) 320.expression (ifade)
321.extend (sresini uzatmak, yaylmak) 376.heritage (miras, kaltm)
322.extensively (kapsaml ekilde) 377.highland (dalk blge)
323.external (harici, d) 378.highlight(altn izmek, vurgulamak)
324.extravagance (savurganlk) 379.hijack a plane (uak karmak)
325.extreme poverty (ar fakirlik) 380.hold elections (seim dzenlemek)
326.faade (grn, d cephe) 381.identical (ayn)
327.facilitate (kolaylatrmak) 382.identify (tanmlamak, belirlemek)
328.facility (tesis, imkan, kolaylk) 383.ignore(grmezden gelmek)
329.fair (adil, fuar) 384.illustrate(rnekle aklamak)
330.fairy tale (peri masal) 385.imaginary (hayal rn) (inan, ballk) 386.imitate something (taklit etmek)
332.fall into disuse (tedavlden kalkmak) 387.immense (engine, geni)
333.famine (alk, ktlk) 388. imperceptible (ferk edilemez)
334.fascinating (artc, byleyici) 389.import (ithal etmek)
335.feasible (uygulanabilir) 390.impoverished (yoksullam)
336.feature (zellik) 391.impression (etki, izlenim)
337.fertile (verimli) 392.improve (gelitirmek)
338.fiction (kurgu) conjunction with (ile balantl)
339.figure (ahsiyet, rakam, biim) danger of(tehlikesi altnda)
340.figure out (anlamak, zmek) return for (karlnda) aid (parasal yardm) search for something (araynda)
342.find something a strain (bir eyi yk grmek) succession (pe pee)
343.float (yzmek, batmamak) terms of democratic criteria (demokratik
344.flourish (gelimek) kriterler asndan)
345.follow suit (uymak, taklit etmek) 399.incentive (tevik edici)
346.foreign exchange (dviz) 400.incidence (vaka, olu skl)
347.fountain(eme) 401.include (iermek)
348.frame (ereve) 402.inconsistent (tutarsz)
349.framework (taslak, iskelet) 403.incorporate (birlemek, irketlemek, iine
350.fraud (sahtecilik) almak)
351.frustrated (sinirli) 404.independent of (-den bamsz)
352.fundamental (esas, nemli) 405.indicator (belirti, iaret)
353.gain (kazanmak) 406.indispensable (vazgeilmez)
354.gain insight (igr/bak as kazanmak) 407.inevitable (kanlmaz)
355.gain insight into something 408.infer from (-den sonu karmak)
356.gather (toplamak, bir araya gel) 409.inferior to (-den aa)
357.get over(stesinden gelmek) 410.infinite (sonsuz) (hediye, hner) 411.infrastructure (alt yap)
359.gifted (hnerli) 412.inherit (miras almak)
360.give guidelines (ynerge vermek) 413.inheritance (miras, kaltm)
361.give priority (ncelik vermek) 414.initiate (balatmak)
362.give rise to something (sebep olmak) 415.innocent (masum)
363.glacier (buzul) 416.innovation (yenilik)
364.go on strike (grev yapmak) 417.inscription (yazt, kitabe)
365.goddess (tanra) 418.inspiration (ilham)
366.grain (tahl, hubuhat) 419.inspire (ilham vermek)
367.grand (byk, hametli) 420.instability (istikrarszlk)
368.grant (vermek, balamak) 421.instalment (taksit)
369.grasp (kavramak) 422.instil habits in somebody (birine alkanlk
370.gratifying (sevindirici) alamak)
371.grave (mezar, nemli) 423.instinct (igd)
372.great masters (byk ustalar) 424.insufficient (yetersiz)
373.gross domestic product (gayrisafi milli (sigorta)
hasla) against(-e kar sigorta)
374.guilty (sulu) 427.intelligence (x2) (zeka, istihbarat)
375.handful (az miktarda) 428.intensive (youn)
429.interest (ilgi, faiz, kar)
430.interior parts (i ksmlar) 483.misery (zdrap, ac, mutsuzluk)
431.internal (isel, i) 484.missile (fze, roket)
432.interpret (yorumlamak, evirmek) 485.mistakenly (yanllkla)
433.intervene in (mdahale etmek) 486.modify (ayarlamak)
434.intervention (mdahale) 487.monetary system (para sistemi)
435.introduction of something (-in balangc, 488.monopoly (tekel)
takdimi) 489.mosque (cami)
436.invariably (deimez ekilde) (karlkl)
437.investigate reasons behind criminal 491.mysterious (gizemli)
behaviour (su davrannn arkasndaki 492.narration (anlat, kaleme alma)
nedenleri soruturmak) 493.negotiation (mzakere, grme)
438.irrigate (sulamak) (iletiim a, a)
439.irrigation of deserts (lleri sulamak) 495.noise-induced (grlt kaynakl iitme kayb)
440.issue ( mesele, konu) 496.nominate (aday gstermek)
441.jealous (kskan) 497.notice (dikkat etmek)
442.journalist (gazette yazar) 498.noticeably (fark edilir ekilde)
443.just (adil) 499.novice (acemi)
444.justice (adalet) 500.numerous (ok sayda)
445.justice system (adalet sistemi) 501.obstruct (engellemek)
446.justify (savunmak, hakl karmak) 502.occupation (meslek, meguliyet)
447.Ktahya tiles (Ktahya inileri) 503.on a massive scale (byk oranda)
448.labour market (i gc piyasas) 504.on the spot (olay yerinde, derhal)
449.large scale (geni kapsam) 505.opportunity (frsat)
450.launch an attack (saldr balatmak) 506.oppress (bask yapmak) citizens (kanuna uyan 507.ordinary (sradan)
vatandalar) 508.originate (balamak, domak)
452.left wing parties (sol kanat partiler) 509.outnumber (sayca ok olmak)
453.legislation (yasama) 510.outstanding (arpc)
454.lethal (lmcl) 511.outstanding examples (arpc rnekler)
455.literature(edebiyat, kaynaka) 512.outweigh (ar basmak)
456.livestock (iftlik hayvanlar) 513.overcome (stesinden gelmek) (bor, kredi) 514.overestimate (abartmak, gznde
458.logging company (tomruk irketi) bytmek)
459.logic (mantk) 515.overrate (abartmak, gznde bytmek)
460.looter (yamac, apulcu) 516.overseas (denizar)
461.loyal to (-e sadk) 517.participation (katlm)
462.magnificent (ihtiaml) 518.particularly (zellikle)
463. main pipeline (ana boru hatt) 519.patriot (vatansever)
464.maintain (devam ettirmek) 520.patriotism(vatanseverlik)
465.majority (ounluk) 521.pattern (model, kalp, rnek)
466.make money (para kazanmak) 522.pave the way for(iin hazrlk yapmak)
467.make profit (kar salamak) 523.peace treaty (bar anlamas)
468.make use of something (-den yararlanmak) 524.peasant (kyl)
469.manner (tutum, davran) 525.penetrate (nfuz etmek, iine ilemek)
470.manufacturer (imalat) 526.perfection (mkemmellik)
471.marble (mermer) 527.pertain(-e ait/uygun olmak)
472.maritime( denizcilikle ilgili) 528.phenomenon (fenomen)
473.mass production (toptan/seri retim) 529.pilgrim (hac)
474.masterpiece (bayapt) 530.pillar (stun)
475.meagre (yetersiz, kt) 531.piracy (korsanlk)
476.medieval (orta aa ait) 532.pirate (korsan)
477.melt (erimek) 533.playwright (oyun yazar)
478.merchant (tccar) 534.plot (olay rgs)
479.merge (birletirmek) 535.poetry (iir)
480.merit (erdem) 536.poison (zehir)
481.mineral deposits (mineral deposu) 537.policy (politika)
482.misconception (yanl anlama) 538.posterity (soy, gelecek nesil)
539.pot (kap, pota) 594.recommend (nermek)
540.pottery (anak mlek) 595.reflect (yanstmak, dnmek)
541.poultry (kmes hayvanlar) 596.refresh (tazelemek)
542.poverty (fakirlik) 597.regret doing something (piman olmak)
543.power plant (elektrik santrali) 598.reign(hkmdarlk, hkmetmek)
544.pray (dua etmek) 599.reject something (geri evirmek)
545.precede somebody (-den once gelmek) 600.relief operations (kurtarma harekat)
546.precise (kesin, tam) 601.reluctant (isteksiz, gnlsz)
547.predecessor (nceki kimse) 602.remain(deimeden/geriye kalmak)
548.predict (tahmin etmek) 603.remain ineffective (etkisiz kalmak)
549.predominantly (arlkl olarak) 604.remarkable (dikkate deer)
550.prescribe medicine (ila yazmak) 605.removal of lawbreakers (yasay ineyenleri
551.prevail (hkm srmek) ortadan kaldrma)
552.prevalent (baskn) 606.render (hale getirmek)
553.priority (ncelik) 607.requirements (gereklilik, koul)
554.privilege (ayrcalk) 608.resemblance (benzerlik)
555.process (sre, ilem) 609.resemble (benzemek)
556.processed food (ilenmi gda) 610.residence (yaanan yer, hane)
557.profit (kar, yarar) 611.resident of a city (ehir sakini)
558.profit from (-den kar salamak) 612.resist to something (-e direnmek)
559.profound (derin) 613.resistance of something (-in direnci)
560.progress (ilerleme) 614.resolution (kesin karar, kararllk)
561.prominent (sekin, gze arpan) 615.resource (kaynak)
562.promote (terfi ettirmek) 616.respect somebody/something (sayg
563. promote someone above his abilities duymak)
(yeteneklerinin tesine atamak) 617.respond positively to something (olumlu
564.promotion (terfi, reklam) yant vermek)
565.properly (uygun ekilde) 618.restrict to (ile kstlamak)
566.properly trained (iyi eitimli) 619.restricted (kstl)
567.prophesy (kehanet) 620.restriction (kstlama)
568.prophet (kahin, peygamber) 621.retail sale (perakende sat)
569.proportion (oran) 622.retain (alkoymak)
570.prose (dz yaz) 623.reveal (aa karmak)
571.prosecute (dava amak) 624.reveal the value of (-nn deerinin
572.prosper (baarmak, refaha ermek) aklamak)
573.prosperity (refah) 625.revise (tekrar gzden geirmek)
574.public fountain (eme) 626.revival (yeniden canlanma)
575.punishment (ceza) 627.revolution (devrim)
576.purchase (satn almak) 628.rhyme (uyak)
577.purpose (ama) 629.rhythm (ritim)
578.pursuit (takip, aray) 630.riot (isyan, ayaklanma, arbede)
579.put an end to something (sonlandrmak) 631.rival (rakip)
580.put into force (yrrle koymak) 632.royal (kraliyet, krala ait)
581.put into practice (hayata geirmek) 633.rug (kilim)
582.put pressure on (bask uygulamak) 634.ruins of classical buildings (klasik binalarn
583.qualification (nitelik) kalntlar)
584.race (yar, rk) out /of something(-I tketmek)
585.racial discrimination (rksal ayrm) 636.rural 8krsal)
586.racism (rklk) 637.rush back home (eve aceleyle dnmek)
587.raise money ( para toplamak) 638.rush hour (trafiin youn olduu saatler)
588.raw material (ham madde) 639.satisfaction (tatmin)
589.realise something (farkna varmak) 640. satisfactory (tatmin edici)
590.reasonable (mantkl, makul) 641.satisfied with something (-den memnun)
591.recession (durgunluk) 642.scatter (samak, datmak)
592.reclaim (tazminet istemek, -nn iadesini 643.scent (koku)
istemek) (bilimkurgu)
593.recognise (tanmak) 645.scientific approach (bilimsel yaklam)
646.sculpture (heykel) is in excess of demand (arz talebin
647.secular (dini olmayan/laik) stnde.)
648.secularity (dnyevilik/ laiklik) 703.suppress (bastrmak) for something (aramak) 704.supremacy (stnlk) to do something(-maya almak) 705.supreme court (yargtay)
651.sentence to death (lme mahkum etmek) 706.surpass (amak, stn gelmek)
652.set down conditions (koullar belirlemek) 707.surplus production (retim fazlas)
653.severe flood (ar sel) 708.surveillance (gzetleme)
654.shadow (glge) 709.survey (aratrma)
655.shape (ekil) 710.survivor (sa kalan)
656. share (paylamak) 711.suspicious of something (-den pheli)
657.shelter (snak) 712.sustain(finance etmek, devam ettirmek)
658.shoplifting (maaza soygunculuu) 713.swamp (bataklk)
659.shortage (darlk, ktlk) 714.take advantage of something (faydalanmak)
660.shrine (tapnak) 715.take effect (geerli olmak, tesir etmek)
661.shrink (klmek) 716.take immediate action against (-e kar
662.sink (batmak) hemen harekete gemek)
663.slave (kle) 717.take pride in (gurur duymak)
664.slavery (klelik) 718.take something into account (hesaba
665.sluggish (miskin) katmak)
666.smuggle (kaaklk yapmak) 719.take something into consideration(gz
667.soil (toprak) nnde bulundurmak)
668.solely (sadece) 720.talent (yetenek)
669.solicitor (savc) vergi)
670.sophisticated (ok ynl, gelimi) evasion (vergi kaakl)
671.sovereignty (egemenlik) 723.temple (tapnak)
672.spark (atelemek) 724.temporarily (geici olarak)
673.speculation 725.tendency (eilim)
674.spirit (ruh) 726.terminate (son vermek)
675.spontaneous (e zamanl) 727.terrain(arazi)
676.stabilise (dengede/sabit tutmak) 728.the decline of something (bir eyin d)
677.staff (personel) 729.the emergence of something (bir eyin
678.stagflation (dk retim yksek enflasyon) ortaya k)
679.stagnant (hareketsiz) 730.the urge to dance (dansetme drts)
680.stagnation (durgunluk) 731.theft (hrszlk)
681.standards of conduct (davran standartlar) 732.thief (hrsz)
682.statute (heykel) 733.thrive (bymek, gelimek)
683.steadily (devaml) 734.timber (kereste)
684.steady (sabit) 735.time consuming (zaman tketen)
685.stem from (-den kaynaklanmak/gelmek) a great extent (byk oranda)
686.stiff (sert, kat) 737.tomb (mezar ta)
687.storey (bina kat) 738.trace back (asln arayp bulmak)
688.strain (zorlanma, kaslma) (ticaret)
689.stuff (madde, ey) 740.traditions and customs (rf adet)
690.subscribe to (imza atmak, abone olmak) 741.traffic congestion (trafik skkl)
691.subscription fee (yelik creti) 742.transition (gei)
692.subside (yatmak, dinmek) 743.tremendous (muazzam, ok byk)
693.subsistence (mevcudiyet, geinme) 744.trial (dava)
694.substitute (vekil, yedek) 745.trial by jury (jri tarafndan muhakeme)
695.substitute for something (bir eyin yerine 746.trivial (nemsiz)
koymak) 747.ultimate goal (nihai ama)
696.succeed somebody (birini takip etmek) 748.unavoidable (kanlamaz)
697.suffer (muzdarip olmak) 749.under constant stress(srekli stress altnda)
698.sum up (zetlemek) 750.underestimate (azmsamak)
699.superficial (yzeysel, stnkr) 751. underline (altn izmek)
700.superfluous (gereinden fazla) 752.
701.supplier (satc, mal veren) 753.underline the importance of something
(-nin nemini vurgulamak)
754.undermine something (baltalamak,
kuyusunu kazmak)
755.underneath (altnda)
756.understand properly (dzgn ekilde
757.undertake (stlenmek)
758.unease (kayg)
759.unique (biricik, esiz)
760.unprecedented (benzeri grlmemi)
762.unwilling (isteksiz)
763.upset (zgn)
764.urban (ehirsel)
765.urge (tevik, drt)
766.value (deer)
767.vary (eitlilik gstermek)
768.vast and barren (geni ve kurak)
769.vastness (genilik)
770.vegetation (bitki rts)
771.velocity (hz)
772.verify (dorulamak)
773.versatile (deiken, ok yetenekleri olan)
774.viable (tutarl, geerli)
775.vigorous(gl, kuvvetli)
776.violate a rule/law (kural/yasay ihlal etmek)
777.violence (iddet)
778.violent (siddetli)
779.virtually (neredeyse, hemen hemen)
780.visionary (ileriyi gren/ hayalperest)
781.vitality (yaama gc)
782.vivid (hayat dolu, canl)
783.volume (hacim, cilt, ses kuvveti)
784.volunteer (gnll) (oy) against(kar oy) for (desteki oy) for/against (kar/desteki oy vermek)
789.vulnerable (savunmasz, tehlikeye ak)
790.wages and salaries (cretler ve maalar)
791.warfare (sava hali)
792.waste (boa harcamak, atk)
793.wealthy (zengin)
794.weapon (silah)
795.weaving (dokumaclk)
796.welfare (refah, selamet)
797.whisper (fsldamak, fslt)
798.whole (btn)
799.wholesale (toptan sat)
800.with reference to (-e ilikin olarak)
801.within this framework (bu erevede)
802.worship (tapmak)
803.wounded soldier (yaral asker)

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