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Remember : Y you spent so much

time Writing this !!

Ah..!!! sweet Im sorry but Im up here.. because I

failed I continue to fail coz I love failure

The abdominal will if u have a belief u can so

something.. the only way u grow like that in the
gym you row your muscles by actually exercisesI
actually exercise umm. U know u grow the love of
u n your wife by caring for them and have their
back to grow the individual will to become something
u must get comfortable with fear and failure they
must be your best friends will be the only 1 that
moves the needle of life

Why is that? Because its report card back on your

shortcomings.. u take a guy with a guy that can
earn a dollar forever wealthy coz no matter what
comes u can grow it back !

What is that about the willpower to believe the

confidence and just like u go to the gym and lift
your muscles right u have to exhaust in the grow
on perishable ..use it or lose it!!! Ur confidence
must be the same way and it must be tested every
single day !

Safety , comfort zones r dead zones because your

true potential will never be matched guys.. it wud
never be matched u continue to push yourself and
when u push yourself like I saw was about here gold
coast of u guys.. I saw excellence in the community
effort !

The Hero u had was called an idiot , crazy , a

loser. U must break society status quo status quo
is nor malady its alive but its not living ..its death
on a stick guys.. the belief of the individual can
overcome thousands of followers 1 person with a
belief overrides thousands of people with just
content! Oh ! Jackie ,this trying to u know take it
to the making LA base not the gold coast.. my first
cover guys ever got and Im gonna go into this
failure Im gonna go into this fear .. I am gonna go
into all these things that r really your truest
assets your life guys is not about making money
its not about having titles.. its not about having
the Hot Trophy Wife.. your life is about a moment
to come its inevitable.we cannot stop it from

Right now we have the most valuable asset on earth

on our side ..Time ..and u guys r sitting there and
make that first step towards greatness is the
hardest step but. There is 1 thing harder that
that my friends its later in life as u look back on
your life the windows of opportunity has closed
your ablilty is no longer present and u think back
that u cud have been gr8!

Right now u have the ability to never have that

debate inside your head thats the debate u can
never win.. u go back n forth ..back n forth
..theres no verdict..sure its always gonna be the
jury room .. its never gonna come back soon u did..
okaywhat u will do is u will bury that deep insideu
wont tell an1 u cud have been this ull be second
best to your true potential and u live your life fine
but in 1 of ur friends is going to succeed in sum
endeavour and u r gonna hate him for it.. because
this success in a spotlight shining down on your
missed opportunity

We all had the ability to do anything.. theres

people in here far superior than me.but theres
no1 in here to work harder than me!! but maybe
there is.. and if its so.. I wud love to meet u coz u
r gonna make me stronger making stronger that
works together without a belief.. a driving force
then u r in the car and no idea where the
supermarket is ..the paths that u travel r not the
paths that r beaten..thats already been done

Society, society status quo is not tested.. the

world.. the world still flat isnt it..? ..if not tested
the industrial revolution never existed.if failure
wasnt 1 mans strength over a thousand times and
failed then these lights wud never wud have lit for
Thomas Edison!!
Theres so much power in failure coz u learned so
much form it . And the difference between the
champion and the 1 whos forgotten is that champion
who shows up thats the only thing every day
shows up..puts it doesnt have a chance to make a
differencenot sitting back not making a step going
for it comes to nature.!!

Now I had to crawl my way to get the first cover

I had to lie I had to break all the rules.. and I
do it coz I wanted it bad enough breaking the
rules worked for me these rule r so else in the
book I out with network.Iron Man
magazine to get that cover .. what I found out is
that I did sum study its not about having a
party.. u gotta have a business side.. so this body
u go to the gym..its just something..lets sell this
productnow the fun begins

Business, enterpreneurship.. how to market has

dropped sum way to buy it right!.. whether u r
showing a supplement ,a cover for tax for yourself
as an IPO u r trying to build a value and a very
competitive market this 1 comes to u meet u and
give u highlighted in blue how to live your life and if
it was the case wud u even go that way.!!?... how
boring is that is the unknown about he be that gets
me up in the morning its always a challenge and as
soon as the challenge is lost guys. Ur will is
dead .. theres no reason to get up in the
morning.when I get up in the morning guys u know
Ive don sum things in my life I should be proud of
it .. yes Im proud of it u know Ive learned so
many lessons to be the person I am now. Im not
defined by it Im just equipped by it to have a
knowledge so what comes next that fork in the
road I can apply what I have learned to make the
best decision forward..!!

Good Luck !!,

Stay Cool !! , Stay Awake!! , Give Your Best

Potential !! Remain Focused !!


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