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Read the Comic Strip below.


A. Answer the following questions.

1. What do you think Moose is like?


2. What do you think the phrase Bring it on means?

a. Im ready to do something easy

b. Im ready to do something difficult

3. Why do you think everyone looks surprised when Moose keeps saying


4. Write down another phrase for Whats up with him?

e.g. Whats wrong with him?


5. What did you understand from the above comic strip?


6. Did you like it? Yes / No Why? _________________________________

B. Work in pairs to fill in the following comic strip.

C. Now take a look at the original. Is yours similar?

D. Answer the questions.

1. From the comic strip, what do you think happened?


2. What do you think gotcha means?


3. What do you think the explanation was worse than the offense means?


E. Be creative. Fill in the following comic strip by yourself.

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