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A substance that deforms continuously by applications of smallest shear force is

both a & b
none of the above

2.The unit for pressure

none of the above

3.The symbol for mass density

4.Specific weight of water at 20oC is
9810N/ m3
all the above

5.The minimum temperature limit is called___________ it as a value of -273 oC

normal temperature
absolute zero
standard temperature
all the above

6.Force acts to hold two separate bodies together is termed as

surface tension

7.It is the measure of resistance to shearing motion

surface tension
both a & b
capillary rise
8.The ratio of dynamic viscosity to mass density is termed as
kinematic viscosity
Dynamic viscosity
both A & B
none of the above

9.It measures the elasticity in fluid

none the above

10.__________ is one of the causes of the upward flow of water in the soil and in plants
surface tension
vapour pressure

11.The unit of pressure one bar is

1 Pascal
kilo Pascal
12.Atmospheric pressure at sea level at 150C is
101.3 kN/m2
760mm of mercury
10.33m of water
all the above

13.When the pressure measured above atmospheric pressure it is called

(a)Absolute pressure
(b)static pressure
(c)vacuum pressure
(d)gauge pressure

14.Calculate the density of petrol of specific gravity 0.7

none of the above
15.Pressure on liquid is equal to or less than vapour pressure , the liquid starts
none of the above
16. This is the type of flow in which the velocity at any given time does not change with
respective to space
Steady flow
Laminar flow
Uniform flow
Rotational flow

17.The volume of fluid flowing across the section per second is

all the above

18.Continuity equation is
a1v1 = a2v2

19.A grid obtained by drawing a series of stream lines and equipotential line is known as
stream line
path line
flow net

20 It is a product of mass density and gravitational acceleration

mass density
specific weight
specific volume
specific gravity

21When fluid mechanics is applied to fluid at rest is

(a)Fluid statics
(b) fluid dynamics
(c) both(a)&(b)
(d)none of the above

22. The volume of fluid flowing across the section per second is
(d)None of the above

23.Newtons second law

(b) m=f x a
(d)none of the above

24.The basic unit for mass is

(d)none of the above

25.Unit for power

(d)none of the above

26.The unit for energy

(d) None of the above

27. One pascal is

(b) N/mm2
(d) KN/mm2
28. An ideal fluid is defined as the fluid which compressible incompressible incompressible and non-viscous (inviscid)
d.has negligible surface tension.
29. Newtons law of viscosity states that
a. shear stress is directly proportional to the velocity
b. shear stress is directly proportional to velocity gradient
c. shear stress is directly proportional to shear strain
d. shear stress is directly proportional to the viscosity.

30.A Newtonian fluid is defined as the fluid which

a. is incompressible and non-viscous
b. obeys Newtons law of viscosity
c. is highly viscous
d. is compressible and non-viscous

31..Kinematic viscosity is defined as equal to

a. dynamic viscosity x density
b.dynamic velocity/density
c.dynamic viscosity x pressure
d.pressure x density

32. The expression weight per unit volume is

(a)mass density
(b) Specific weight
(c) Relative density
(d) None of the above

33. The symbol for viscosity


34. Specific weight of mercury is

(b) 13600N/ m3
(c) 136kg/m3
(d) all the above

35.Specific weight of water at 20oC is

(b)9N/ m3
(c) 9.81kg/m3
(d) None of the above

36.The expression inverse of mass density is

(a)mass density
(b)specific gravity
(c) specific volume
(d) none of the above

37.It is a product of mass density and gravitational acceleration

(a)mass density
(b)specific weight
(c) specific volume
(d) specific gravity

38.The ratio of specific weight of liquid to specific weight of water is

(a)specific gravity
(b)specific weight
(c) specific volume
(d) all the above

39..Kinematic viscosity is defined as equal to

a. dynamic viscosity x density
b.dynamic velocity/pressure
c.dynamic viscosity x pressure
d.None of the above

40. Relative Density of Water is

(c) 9.81

41. Specific gravity of water is

(c) 9810
(d) 9.81

42.Relative density of mercury is


43. The unit of viscosity in SI unit is

(b) N-s/Kg
(c) Kgm2/s
(d)none of the above

44.In CGS system unit of kinematic viscosity is

(c)mach number
(d)all the above

45. Standard atmospheric pressure in terms of mercury is _____________

(b) 760mm
(c) 10.3mm
(d)none of the above

46. The unit of relative density is

(d)None of the above

47. The unit of bulk modulus in SI unit is

(d)all the above

48.The unit of mass density in SI unit is

(d)all the above

49.The unit of visocity in SI unit is

(d)all the above

50.In CGS system unit of viscosity is

(c)mach number
(d)all the above

51. The ratio of volume to mass of the fluid is termed as

(b)specific volume
(c)Specific weight
(d)none of the above

52. The ratio of mass to volume of the fluid is termed as

(b) Specific volume
(c)Specific weight
(d) Mass density

53. The compressibility of the fluid is the reciprocal of

(a) density
(c) bulk modulus
(d)none the above

54. The bulk modulus of the fluid is the reciprocal of

(d)none the above

55.In capillary rise the angle of contact between mercury and glass tube is
(b)228 o
(c) 60 o
(d)none of the above

56.It is a product of mass density and volume of the fluid

(b)specific weight
(c) specific volume
(d) specific gravity

57. The ratio of density of liquid to density of water is

a. specific gravity
b.specific weight
c. specific volume
d. all the above
58.__________ is one of the causes of the upward flow of water in the soil and in plants
(a)surface tension
(c)vapour pressure
(d) None of the above

59.When the pressure measured above atmospheric pressure it is called

a.Absolute pressure
b.static pressure
c.vacuum pressure
d.None of the above

60.In capillary rise the angle of contact between mercury and glass tube is
(b)128 o
(c) 60 o
(d)none of the above


1. An ideal fluid is defined as the fluid which

a. is compressible incompressible incompressible and non-viscous (inviscid)
d.has negligible surface tension.

2. Newtons law of viscosity states that

a. shear stress is directly proportional to the velocity
b. shear stress is directly proportional to velocity gradient
c. shear stress is directly proportional to shear strain
d. shear stress is directly proportional to the viscosity.

3.A Newtonian fluid is defined as the fluid which

a. is incompressible and non-viscous
b. obeys Newtons law of viscosity
c. is highly viscous
d. is compressible and non-viscous

4. Kinematic viscosity is defined as equal to

a. dynamic viscosity x density
b.dynamic velocity/density
c.dynamic viscosity x pressure
d.pressure x density

5. Dynamic Viscosity has the dimensions as

a.MLT -2
b.ML-1 T-1

6.Poise is the unit of

a.mass density
b.kinetic viscosity
d.velocity gradient

7. The increase of temperature

a.increases the viscosity of a liquid
b.decreases the viscosity of a liquid
c.decreases the viscosity of a gas
d.increases the viscosity of a gas
Ans : [b]

8. Stoke is the unit of

a.surface tension
c.kinetic viscosity
d.none of the above
Ans : [c]
9.The dividing factor for converting one poise into MKS unit of dynamic viscosity is
Ans : [b]
10.Surface tension is the ratio of
a.force per unit area
b.force per unit length
c.force per unit volume
d.none of the abpve
Ans : [b]
11.The gases are considered incompressible when Mach Number equal to 1.0 equal to 0.50 more than 0.3 less than 0.2

12.Pascals law states that at a point is equal in all directions a liquid at rest a fluid at rest a laminar flow a turbulent flow Ans : [b]

13.The hydrostatic law states that rate of increase of pressure in a vertical direction is equal to
a.density of the fluid
b.specific weight of the fluid
c.weight of the fluid
d.none of the above.

14.Fluid statics deals with

a.visdcous and pressure forces
b.viscous and gravity forces
c. gravity and pressure forces
d.surface tension and gravity forces.

15.Gauge pressure at a point is equal to

a.absolute pressure plus atmospheric pressure
b.absolute pressure minus atmospheric pressure
c.vacuum pressure plus absolute pressure
d.none of the above.

16.Atmospheric pressure held in terms of water column is


17.The necessary condition for the flow to be steady is that

a.the velocity does not change from place to place
b.the velocity is constant at a point with respect to time
c.the velocity changes at a point with respect to time
d.none of the above.

18.The necessary condition for the flow to be uniform is that

a.the velocity is constant at a point with respect to time
b.the velocity is constant in the flow field with respect to space
c.the velocity changes at a point with respect to time
d.none of the above.

18. The flow in pipe is laminar if

a.Reynolds number is equal to 2000
b.Reynolds number is equal to 4000
c.Reynolds number is more than 2500
d.None of the above.

19.A stream line is a line

a.which is along the path of a particle
b.which is always parallel to the main direction of flow
c.across which there is no flow
d.on which tangent drawn at any point gives the direction of velocity.

20.The range for co efficient of discharge for a venture meter is

a.0.6 to 0.7
b.0.7 to 0.8
c.0.8 to 0.9
d.0.95 to 0.99
21. A flow is said to be turbulent when
a. the fluid particles moves in a zig zag way
b. the Reynold number is low
c. the fluid particles move in layers parallel to the boundary
(d)none of the above

22. Bernoullis equation is derived making assumptions that

a.the flow is uniform and incompressible
b.the flow is non-viscous, uniform and steady
c.the flow is steady, non-viscous, incompressible and irrotational
d.none of the above.

23.. The ratio of actual discharge of a jet of water to its theoretical

Discharge is known as
a. co-efficient of discharge
b. co-efficient of velocity
c. co-efficient of contraction of viscosity

24.Pitot tube is used for measurement of

a. Pressure
b. Flow
c. Velocity at a point
d. Discharge

25.In a steady flow the velocity

a.does not change from place to place a given point does not change with time
c.may change its direction but the magnitude remain unchanged
d.none of the above.

26..If the Reynolds number is less than 2000, the flow in a pipe is
a.laminar flow
b.turbulent flow
c.transition flow
d.none of the above
27. In which of the following measuring devices Bernoullis equation is used?
Orifice meter
pitot tube
All of the above
28. The co-efficient of discharge of an orifice meter is . that of a venturimeter
equal to
much smaller than
much more than
any of these
29. The piezometric head is the summation of
a. velocity head and pressure head
b. pressure head and elevation head
c. velocity head and elevation head
d. none of the above

30.venturi- meter is used to measure

a. average velocity
b. velocity at a point
c. pressure at a point
d. None of the above

31. The velocity distribution in laminar flow through a circular pipe follow the
a. parabolic law
b. Linear law
c. Logarithmic law
d. None of the above

32. Hydraulic gradient line (H.G.L) represents the sum of

a. Pressure head and Kinetic head
b. Kinetic and datum head
c. Pressure head , kinetic head and datum head
d. Pressure head and datum head

33. When the pipes are connected in series the total rate if flow
a. is equal to the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe
b. is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe
c. is the same as flowing through each pipe
d. none of the above

34. Boundary layer on a flat plate is called laminar boundary layer if

a. Reynold Number is less than 2000
b. Reynold number is less than 4000
c. Reynold number is less than 5 x 105
d. None of the above
35. Boundary layer thickness is the distance from the surface of the solid body in the direction
perpendicular to flow, where the velocity of fluid is equal to
a. free stream velocity
b. 0.9 times the free stream velocity
c. 0.99 times the free stream velocity
d. None of the above

36. The boundary layer separation takes place if

a. pressure gradient is zero
b. Pressure gradient is positive
c. Pressure gradient is negative
d. None of the above

37. Drag is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid on a solid body
a. in the direction of flow
b. perpendicular to the direction of flow
c. in the direction which is at an angle of 45 degree to the direction of flow
d. None of the above

38. Lift force is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid o a solid body
a. in the direction of flow
b. perpendicular to the direction of flow
c. at an angle of 45 degree to the direction of flow
d. None of the above

39. Manometer is a device used for measuring

a. Velocity at a point in fluid
b. Pressure at a point in a fluid
c. Discharge of fluid
d. None of the above

40. Differential manometers are used for measuring

a. Velocity at a point in a fluid
b. Pressure at a point in a fluid
c. Difference of pressure between two points
d. None of the above

41. When the fluid is at rest the shear stress is

a. Maximum
b. Zero
c. Unpredictable
d. None of the above

42. The inlet length of a venturimeter

a. is equal to the outlet length
b. is more than the outlet length
c. is less than the outlet length
d. none of the above

43. Flow if a fluid in a pipe takes place from

a. Higher level to lower level
b. Higher pressure to lower pressure
c. Higher energy to lower energy
d. None of the above
44. If the velocity, in a fluid flow does not changes with respect to length of direction of flow, it is
a. Steady flow
b. Uniform flow
c. Incompressible flow
d. Rotational flow

45. If the velocity, in a fluid flow changes with respect to length of direction of flow, it is called
a. Unsteady flow
b. Compressible flow
c. Irrotational flow
d. None of the above

46. If the density of a fluid in constant from point to point in a flow region it is called
a. Steady flow
b. Incompressible flow
c. Uniform flow
d. Rotational flow

47. If the density of a fluid in changes from point to point in a flow region it is called
a. steady flow
b. unsteady flow
c. Non- uniform flow
d. Compressible flow
48. If the fluid particles move in straight lines and all the lines are parallel to the surface the flow
is called
a. Steady
b. Uniform
c. Compressible
d. Laminar

49. If the fluid particles moving in a zig zag way, the flow is called
a. Unsteady
b. Non- uniform
c. Turbulent
d. Incompressible

50. Study of fluid at rest is known as

a. Kinematics
b. Dynamics
c. Statics
d. None of the above

51. The term v2 / 2g is known as

a. Kinetic energy
b. Pressure energy
c. Kinetic energy per unit weight density
d. None of the above

52. The term p/ g is known as

a. Kinetic energy / unit weight
b. Pressure energy
c. Pressure energy per unit weight density
d. None of the above

53. Using Pitot Tube we can measure in a pipe.

a. discharge
b. average velocity
c. velocity at a point
d. pressure at a point

54. venturi- meter is used to measure

a. discharge
b. average velocity
c. velocity at a point
d. pressure at a point

55. Orifice- meter is used to measure

a. discharge
b. average velocity
c. velocity at a point
d. pressure at a point.

56. An oil of specific gravity 0.7 and pressure 0.14 kgf /cm2 will have the height of oil as
a. 70 cm of oil
b. 2 m of oil
c. 20 cm of oil
d. 80 cm of oil.

57. When the pipes are connected in parallel, the total loss of head
a. is equal to the sum of the loss of head in each pipe
b. is same as in each pipe
c. is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of loss of head in each pipe
d. none of the above

58. Maximum efficiency of power transmission through pipe is

a. 50%
b. 66.67%
c. 75%
d. 100%

59. The boundary layer takes place

a. for ideal fluids
b. for pipe flow only
c. for real fluids
d. for flow over flat plate only

60. Maximum efficiency of power transmission through pipe is

a. 50%
b. 25%
c. 75%
d. None of the above


1.The loss of pressure head for the laminar flow through pipes varies
a. as the square of velocity
b. directly as the velocity
c. as the inverse of the velocity
d .none of the above

2. For the laminar flow between two parallel plates

a.the maximum velocity = 2.0 times the average velocity
b.the maximum velocity = 1.5 times the average velocity
c.the maximum velocity = 1.33 times the average velocity
d.none of the above

3. The velocity distribution in laminar flow through a circular pipe follow the
a.parabolic law
b.Linear law
c.Logarithmic law
d.None of the above

4. When the pipes are connected in series the total rate of flow equal to the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe

c. is the same as flowing through each pipe

d. none of the above

5. Boundary layer on a flat plate is called laminar boundary layer if

a).Reynolds Number is less than 2000
b)Reynolds number is less than 4000
c)Reynolds number is less than 5 x 105
d)None of the above

6.Boundary layer thickness is the distance from the surface of the solid body in the direction perpendicular to flow, where stream velocity

b.0.9 times the free stream velocity
c.0.99 times the free stream velocity
d.None of the above

7. The boundary layer separation takes place if

a.pressure gradient is zero
b.Pressure gradient is positive
c.Pressure gradient is negative
d.None of the above

8. Drag is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid on a solid body the direction of flow
b.perpendicular to the direction of flow the direction which is at an angle of 45 degree to the direction of flow
d.None of the above
9. Lift force is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid o a solid body the direction of flow
b.perpendicular to the direction of flow an angle of 45 degree to the direction of flow
d.None of the above

10. Hydraulic gradient line (H.GL.) represents the sum of

(a) pressure head and kinetic head
(b) kinetic head and datum head
(c) pressure head. kinetic head and datum head
(d)Pressure head and datum head.

11. Total energy line (T.E.L.) represents the sum of

(a) pressure head and kinetic head
(b) kinetic head and datum head
(c) pressure head and datum head
(d)Pressure head. kinetic head and. datum head.

12. When the pipes are connected in series. the total rate of flow
(a) is equal to the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe
(b) is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe is
(c)the same as flowing through each pipe
(d) None of the above.

13. When the pipes are connected in parallel the total rate of flow
(a) is equal to the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe
(b) is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe is
(c)both of a &b
(d) None of the above.
14. Power. transmitted through pipes, will be maximum when
(a) Head lost due to friction =1/2total head at inlet of the pipe
(b) Head lost due to friction = 1/4 total head at inlet of the pipe
(c) Head lost due to friction = total head at the inlet of the pipe
(d)Head lost due -to friction = 1/3total head at the inlet of the pipe.

15. Euler's number is the ratio of

(a)inertia force to pressure force
(b) inertia force to elastic force
(c) inertia force to gravity force
(d) none of the above.

16 .Geometric similarity between model and prototype means

(a) the similarity of discharge
(b) the similarity of linear dimensions
(c) the similarity of motion
(d)the similarity of forces.

17. Reynold's number is defined as the

(a) ratio of inertia force to gravity force
(b) ratio of viscous force to gravity force
(c) ratio of viscous force to viscous force
(d) ratio of inertia force to elastic force.
18. Froude's number is defined as the ratio of
a) Inertia force to viscous force.
b)inertia force to gravity force
(c) inertia force to elastic force .
(d) inertia force to pressure force.

19. Models are known undistorted model if

(a) the prototype and model are having different scale ratios
(b)the prototype and model are having same scale ratio
(c) model and prototype are kinematically similar
(d) none of the above.

20 . Model analysis of aero planes and projectile moving at supersonic speed based on

(a)Reynolds number
(b) Mach number
( c ) froude number
(d) None of the above
21.The boundary-layer takes place
(a) for ideal fluids
(b) for real fluids
(c) for pipe flow only
(d) for over flat plates only

22. The boundary layer is called turbulent boundary layer if.

(a) Reynold number is more than 2000
(b) Reynold number is more than 4000
( c ) Reynold number is more than 5 x 105
(d) None of the above.
23. Laminar sub-layer exists in.
(a) Laminar boundary layer region
(b) Turbulent boundary layer region
(c) Transition zone
(d) none of the above.

24. The thickness of laminar boundary layer at a distance x from the leading edge over a flat plate varies as
(a) x4/5
(c) Xl/5
(d) none of the above

25 .The thickness of turbulent boundary layer at a distance x from the leading edge over a flat plate varies as
(a) X4/5
(b) Xl/2
(c) Xl/5
(d) X3/5

26. The separation of boundary layer

(a) negative pressure gradient
(b) positive pressure gradient
(c) zero pressure gradient
(d) none of the above.

27. Loss of head at the entrance of the pipe

(a)0.5 v2/2g
(b) v2/2g
(c)( V1-V2)2/2g
(d)none of the above
28. Loss of head at the exit of the pipe

(a)0.5 v2/3g
(b) v2/2g
(c)( V1-V2)2/2g
(d)none of the above

29. Loss of head at the sudden expansion of the pipe

0.5 v2/3g
( V1-V2)2/2g
none of the above

30. Energy Loss due to friction of the pipe is given by the Darcy formula is

b) 2v2/2g
c)( V1-V2)2/g
d)none of the above

31. The boundary layer is called turbulent boundary layer if.

(a) Reynold number is more than 2000
(b) Reynold number is more than 4000
( c ) Reynold number is more than 5 x 105
(d) None of the above.
32. Laminar sub-layer exists in.
(a) Laminar boundary layer region
(b) Transition zone
(c) both a &b
(d) none of the above.


1 Maximum efficiency of power transmission through pipe is


2. The boundary layer takes place

a.for ideal fluids
b.for pipe flow only
c.for real fluids
d.for flow over flat plate only

3. The boundary layer is called turbulent boundary layer in flow over plates if
a.Reynolds number is more than 2000
b.Reynolds number is more than 4000
c.Reynolds number is more than 5x 105
d.None of the above

4. The drag force exerted by a fluid on a body immersed in the fluid is due to
a.pressure and viscous force
b.pressure and gravity forces
c.Pressure and turbulence forces
d.None of the above

5. A pump is defined as a device which converts

a.Hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
b.Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
c.Kinetic energy into mechanical energy
d.None of the above.

5. A turbine is a device which converts

a.Hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
b.Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
c.Kinetic energy into mechanical energy
d.Electrical energy into mechanical energy

6. Efficiency of the jet of water having velocity V and striking a series of vertical plates moving with a velocity u is maxim
a.u = 2V
b.u= V/2
c.u=3V/ 2
d.u= 4V/2

7.The net head (H) on the turbine is given by

a.H= Gross Head + Head lost due to friction
b.H= Gross Head Head lost due to friction
c.H = Gross Head + V2/ 2g Head lost due to friction
d.None of the above

8.Hydraulic efficiency of a turbine is defined as the ratio

a)Power available at the inlet of turbine to power given by water to the runner
b)Power at the shaft of the turbine to power given by water to the runner
c)Power at the shaft of the turbine to the power at the inlet of turbine
d)None of the above

9.Mechanical efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of

a.Power at the inlet to the power at the shaft of turbine
b.Power at he shaft to the power given to the runner
c.Power at the shaft to power at the inlet of turbine
d.None of the above

10. The overall efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of

a.Power at the inlet of turbine to the power at the shaft
b.Power at the shaft to the power given to the runner
c.Power at the shaft to the power at the inlet of turbine
d.None of the above

11.A turbine is called impulse if at he inlet of the turbine energy is only kinetic energy energy is only pressure energy energy is the sum of kinetic energy and pressure energy
d.none of the above

12. Francis turbine is impulse turbine
b.a radial flow impulse turbine axial flow turbine
d.a reaction radial turbine

13. Flow ratio is defined as the ratio of

a.velocity of flow at inlet to the velocity given (2gH)
b.Velocity of runner at inlet to the velocity of flow at inlet
c.Velocity of runner to the velocity given by (2gH)
d.None of the above

14. The speed ratio foe Pelton wheel varies from

a.0.45 to 0.50
b.0.6 to 0.7
c.0.3 to 0.4
d.0.8 to 0.9

15.Unit speed is the speed of a turbine when it is working

a.under unit head and develops unit power
b.Under unit head and discharge one m3/ sec
c.Under unit head
d.None of the above

16. Unit discharge is the discharge of a turbine when

a.The head on turbine is unity and it develops unit power.
b.The head on turbine is unity and it moves at unit speed
c.The head on the turbine is unity
d.None of the above

17. Unit power is the power developed by a turbine when

head on turbine is unity and discharge is also unity
head = one metre and speed is unity
head on turbine is unity
one of the above

18. Main characteristics curves of a turbine means

a.Curves at constant speed
b.Curves at constant efficiency
c.Curves at constant head
d.None of the above

19.Operating characteristics curves of a turbine means

a.curves drawn at constant head
b.Curves at constant speed
c.Curves at constant efficiency
d.None of the above

20. Governing of a turbine means

a.The head is kept constant under all condition of working
b.The speed is kept constant under all conditions
c.The discharge is kept constant under all constants
d.None of the above

21.A turbine is a device which converts

a. Electrical energy into mechanical energy
b. Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
c. Kinetic energy into mechanical energy
d. energy into mechanical energy

22. Efficiency of the jet of water having velocity V and striking a series of vertical plates moving with a velocity u is maximu
a.u = 2V
b.u= V/2
c.u=3V/ 2
d.u= 4V/2

23.The net head (H) on the turbine is given by

a.H= Gross Head + Head lost due to friction
b.H= Gross Head Head lost due to friction
c.H = Gross Head + V2/ 2g Head lost due to friction
d.None of the above Ans.b

24. Hydraulic efficiency of a turbine is defined as the ratio

a.Power available at the inlet of turbine to power given by water to the runner
b.Power at the shaft of the turbine to power given by water to the runner
c.Power at the shaft of the turbine to the power at the inlet of turbine
d.None of the above

25.Mechanical efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of

a.Power at the inlet to the power at the shaft of turbine
b.Power at he shaft to the power given to the runner
c.Power at the shaft to power at the inlet of turbine
d.None of the above

26. The overall efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of

a.Power at the inlet of turbine to the power at the shaft
b.Power at the shaft to the power given to the runner
c.Power at the shaft to the power at the inlet of turbine
d.None of the above

27.A turbine is called impulse if at he inlet of the turbine energy is only kinetic energy energy is only pressure energy energy is the sum of kinetic energy and pressure energy
d.none of the above

28. Francis turbine is impulse turbine
b.a radial flow impulse turbine axial flow turbine
d.a reaction radial turbine

29. Kaplan Turbine is impulse turbine
b.a radial flow impulse turbine axial flow reaction turbine
d.a radial flow reaction turbine

30.Flow ratio is defined as the ratio of

a.velocity of flow at inlet to the velocity given (2gH)
b.Velocity of runner at inlet to the velocity of flow at inlet
c.Velocity of runner to the velocity given by (2gH)
d.None of the above

31.The speed ratio foe Pelton wheel varies from

a.0.45 to 0.50
b.0.6 to 0.7
c.0.3 to 0.4
d.0.8 to 0.9

32.Unit speed is the speed of a turbine when it is working

a.under unit head and develops unit power
b.Under unit head and discharge one m3/ sec
c.Under unit head
d.None of the above

33. Unit discharge is the discharge of a turbine when

a.The head on turbine is unity and it develops unit power.
b.The head on turbine is unity and it moves at unit speed
c.The head on the turbine is unity
d.None of the above

34.Unit power is the power developed by a turbine when

a.head on turbine is unity and discharge is also unity
b.head = one metre and speed is unity
c.head on turbine is unity
d.none of the above

35.Main characteristics curves of a turbine means

a.Curves at constant speed
b.Curves at constant efficiency
c.Curves at constant head
d.None of the above

36.Operating characteristics curves of a turbine means

a.curves drawn at constant head
b.Curves at constant speed
c.Curves at constant efficiency
d.None of the above
37.Governing of a turbine means
a.The head is kept constant under all condition of working
b.The speed is kept constant under all conditions
c.The discharge is kept constant under all constants
d.None of the above

38. The monometer head (Hm) of a centrifugal pump is given by

a.Pressure head at outlet of pump pressure head at inlet
b.Total head at inlet total head at outlet
c.Total head at outlet- total head at inlet
d.None of the above

39. Francis turbine is

an impulse turbine
a radial flow impulse turbine
an axial flow turbine
none of the above

40. Kaplan Turbine is

an impulse turbine
a radial flow impulse turbine
a radial flow reaction turbine
None of the above
41. A pump is defined as a device which converts
a.Hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
b.Heat energy into hydraulic energy
c.Kinetic energy into mechanical energy
d.None of the above.

42. A turbine is a device which converts

a.Heat energy into mechanical energy
b.Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
c.Kinetic energy into mechanical energy
d.None of the above
43.Flow ratio is defined as the ratio of
velocity of flow at inlet to the velocity given (2gH) 1/3
Velocity of runner at inlet to the velocity of flow at inlet
Velocity of runner to the velocity given by (2gH)
None of the above

44.The speed ratio foe Pelton wheel varies from

0.05 to 0.50
0.6 to 0.7
0.3 to 0.4
None of the above

1.The discharge through a single acting reciprocating pump is
a.Q= ALN / 60
b.Q= 2ALN/ 60
c.Q= ALN
d.Q= 2ALN
2. Mechanical efficiency of a centrifugal pump is given by
a.Power at the impeller / S.H.P.
b.S.H.P./ Power at he impeller
c.Power possessed by water / power at the impeller
d.Power possessed water / S.H.P.

3. To discharge a large quantity of liquid by multi- stage centrifugal pump the impellers are connected
a) in parallel
b) in series
c) in parallel and in series
d) None of the above

4. Specific speed of a pump is the speed at which a pump runs when

a.head developed is unity and discharge is one cubic metre
b.head developed is unity and shaft horse power is also unity
c.discharge is one cubic metre and shaft horse power is unit.
d.None of the above

5. The discharge through centrifugal pump is

a) Q= DBVf1
b) Q= 2ALN/ 60
c) Q= ALN
d) Q= 2AL

6. Air vessel in a reciprocating pump is used

a) To obtain a continuous supply of water at uniform rate
b) To increase suction head
c) To increase the delivery head
d) none of the above

7. The change in moment of fluid due to flow along a curved path results in
a) a change in pressure
b) torque
c) a change in the total energy
d) none of the above

8. Which of the following is an example of free vortex flow?

a) a whirlpool in a river
b) Flow of liquid in centrifugal pump casing
c) Flow of liquid through a hole provided at the bottom of a container
d) All of the above

9. In case of forced vortex the rise of liquid level at the ends is. The fall of liquid level at the axis of rotation

10. In case of a closed cylindrical vessel sealed at the top and the bottom the volume of air before rotation the volume o

11. With respect to a reciprocating pump which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) The limiting value of separation pressure head for water is 6.8 m ( absolute)
b)During suction, the separation may take place at the beginning of suction stroke
c)During delivery the separation may take place at the end of delivery
d)Indicator diagram shows variation of pressure head in the cylinder for one revolution of crank

12. Reciprocating pumps are most suited where

a) Constant heads are required on mains despite fluctuation in discharge
b) Operating speeds are much high
c) Constant supplies are required regardless of pressure fluctuations
d) None of the above.

13. Which of the following statements is incorrect for a reciprocation pump?

a) The reciprocating pump is essentially a low speed machine
b) The percentage of power saved by fitting air vessels is more in a double acting than in a single acting pump.
c) The reciprocating pumps can handle only low viscosity liquids free from impurities.
d) None of the above

14. In a reciprocating pump the air vessels are used for which of the following purposes?
a) To get continuous supply of liquid at a uniform rate.
b) To save the power required to drive the pump
c) To run the pump at much higher speed without any danger of separation
d) All of the above

15. Which of the following types of impeller is used for centrifugal pumps dealing with muds?
a) One side shrouded
b) Two sides shrouded
c) Double section
d) Open

16. Which of the following statements is correct with reference to an impeller with backward curved vanes?
a) It has a falling head discharge characteristic
b) It has a rising head discharge characteristic
c) It is easier to fabricate
d) It cannot run at speeds other than the design speed.

17. The delivery valve while starting centrifugal pump is kept

a) Fully closed
b) Fully open
c) Half open
d) In any position

18. Which of the following is not a dimensionless parameter?

a) Friction factor
b) Specific speed
c) Thomas cavitations parameter
d) Pressure co efficient

19. Higher specific speeds (160 to 500) of centrifugal pump indicate that the pump is of
a) Radial flow type
b) Axial flow type
c) Mixed flow type
d) All of above
20. The machine can rise the fluid pressure upto 1 atm. is called
a) Fan
b) Blower
c) Compressor
d) Pump
21. The delivery valve while starting centrifugal pump is kept
a)Fully open
b)Half open
c)In any position
d)None of the above
22. Manometric efficiency of the centrifugal pump
a) The ratio between Manometric head and the head imparted by the impeller to water
b) The ratio between Manometric head and power at the shaft
c) The ratio between Manometric head and the power output of the pump
d) None of the above
23. Mechanical efficiency of the centrifugal pump
a)The ratio between Manometric head and the head imparted by the impeller to water
b)The ratio between power at the impeller and power at the shaft
c)The ratio between Manometric head and the power output of the pump
d)None of the above

24. Overall efficiency of the centrifugal pump

a.The ratio between Manometric head and the head imparted by the impeller to water
b.The ratio between power at the impeller and power at the shaft
c.The ratio between the power output of the pump and the power input to the pump
d. None of the above

25. Overall efficiency of the centrifugal pump

a)The ratio between Manometric head and the head imparted by the impeller to water
b)The ratio between power at the impeller and power at the shaft
c)The ratio between the power output of the pump and the Manometric head
d)None of the above
26. Slip of reciprocating pump is
a) The difference between theoretical and actual discharge of the pump
b) The ratio between theoretical and actual discharge of the pump
c) The ratio between actual and theoretical discharge of the pump
d) None of the above Ans :a
27. Negative slip of reciprocating pump is
a) The difference between actual and theoretical discharge of the pump
b) The ratio between theoretical and actual discharge of the pump
c) The ratio between actual and theoretical discharge of the pump
d) None of the above Ans :a
28. Negative slip of reciprocating pump occurs when
a) Delivery pipe is short
b) Suction pipe is long
c) pump is running at high speed
d) all of the above Ans :d
29. If the water is in contact with one side of the piston the reciprocating pump is called
a) Double acting
b) Single acting
c) Both of a & b
d) None of the above Ans: b

30. If the water is in contact with both sides of the piston the reciprocating pump is called
a) Double acting
b) Double stage
c) Both of a & b
d) None of the above Ans: a
31. The discharge through a double acting reciprocating pump is
a.Q= ALN / 60
b.Q= 2ALN/ 60
c.Q= ALN
d.Q= 2AL

32. Air vessel in a reciprocating pump is used

a) To run the pump at a high speed without separation
b) To increase suction head
c) To increase the delivery head
d) None of the above
33. Which one is the best example for rotodynamic pump?

34. Human heart is a example of ______________ pump.

35. Which pump having diffuser section in delivery part?

36. The work done by impeller of a centrifugal pump on water per second per unit weight of water is given by

d) None of the above

37. The manometer head (Hm) of a centrifugal pump is given by

38. The manametric efficiency (man) of a centrifugal pump is given by


39. Mechanical efficiency (mech) of a centrifugal pump is given by

40. To produce a high head by multistage centrifugal pumps the impellers are connected

41. Specific speed of a pump is the speed at which a pump runs when

42. During suction stroke of a reciprocating pump, the separation may take place

43. During delivery stroke of a reciprocating pump, the separation may take place

44. Hydraulic ram is pump which works

45. To discharge a large quantity of liquid by multistage centrifugal pumps the impellers are connected

46. The sum of suction head and delivery head is known as ____________

47. The manometric head is equal to __________

48. Overall efficiency of the centrifugal pump is equal to __________

49. The vane angle made in centrifugal pump at outlet is _______________

50. Head lost at inlet in centrifugal pump

51. The vane angle made in centrifugal pump at inlet is _______________

52. The gear pump is worked as ________ pump

53. The oil is filled in gear pump

a) Space between teeth and the casing

b) Space between teeth and gear
c) Space between cases
d) Space between suction and delivery pipes

54. Discharge per second of the gear pump is _______________

55. The volumetric efficiency in the gear pump is ________________

56. The vane pump is used for pumping

57. Electromagnetic pump is used for pumping

58. The oil is filled in vane pump

a) Space between teeth and the casing

b) Space between teeth and gear
c) Space between case and delivery pipe
d) Space between vanes and case

59. The eccentricity of vane pump is increased

60. Which of the following components are important to pump oil in vane pump?
: [c]

Ans : [b]
Ans : [c]

Ans : [b]
Ans : [b]

Ans : [c]

(Ans : d)


Ans. a
Ans : [c]




Ans. d
Ans. d



Ans. C

Ans. A

Ans . a

Ans. (b)

in each pipe

he direction perpendicular to flow, where the velocity of fluid is equal to

Ans. C

Ans. d
Ans. d


er a flat plate varies as


over a flat plate varies as

Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)

Ans: (c)

Ans: (a)

l plates moving with a velocity u is maximum when

to the runner


plates moving with a velocity u is maximum when


ellers are connected

Ans. a
level at the axis of rotation
less than b.
equal to d.

e of air before rotation the volume of air after rotation

more than b.
equal to d.

g of suction stroke

der for one revolution of crank

uble acting than in a single acting pump.

m impurities.
kward curved vanes?

Ans : ( a)

mpeller to water
Ans :b

Ans :c

Ans :d
Ans. A

a) Gear pump b) Vane pump

d) Centrifugal pump

a) Reciprocating b) Centrifugal
c) Axial flow

a) Circumferential piston pump b) Vane pump

c) Centrifugal pump d) Screw pump
ght of water is given by



a) Pressure head at outlet of pump pressure head at inlet

b) Total head at inlet Total head at outlet
c) Total head at outlet - Total head at inlet
d) None of the above



a) Power at the impeller/S.H.P

b) S.H.P/Power at the impeller
c) Power possessed by water/ Power at the impeller
d) Power possessed by water/S.H.P

a) in parallel
b) in series
c) in parallel & series
d) None of the above

a) Head developed is unity and discharge is one cubic metre

b) Head developed is unity and shaft horse power is also unity
c) Discharge is one cubic metre and shaft horse power is also unity
d) None of the above

a) at the end of the suction stroke

b) in the middle of suction stroke
c) in the beginning of the suction stroke
d) None of the above

a) at the end of the delivery stroke

b) in the middle of delivery stroke
c) in the beginning of the delivery stroke
d) None of the above
a) on the principle of water - hammer
b) on the principle of centrifugal action
c) on the principle of reciprocating action
d) None of the above

rs are connected
a) in parallel
b) in series
c) in parallel & series
d) None of the above

a) Static head
b) Stagnation head
c) Dynamic head
d) Velocity head

a) Vw2u2/g
b) Total head at outlet Total head at inlet
c) Hs+hfs+hds+V2d/2g
d) All the above

a) manxm
b) o = {(W/g)(Hm/1000)}/S.P
c) o = mHm/1000/S.P
d) All the above

a) Between relative velocity vector and flow velocity vector

b) Between absolute velocity vector and flow velocity
c) Between flow velocity and tangential velocity vector
d) Between relative velocity vector and tangential velocity vector Ans. D

a) The square of change in tangential velocity at inlet

b) The square of change in tangential velocity at inlet/2g
c) The square of change in absolute velocity at inlet
d) The square of change in relative velocity at inlet Ans. B
a) Between relative velocity vector and tangential velocity vector
b) Between absolute velocity vector and flow velocity
c) Between flow velocity and tangential velocity vector
d) Between relative velocity vector and flow velocity vector Ans. A

a) Centrifugal
b) Reciprocating
c) Rotary
d) Piston

Ans. A

a) Volume of oil per revolution X No. of revolution in one second

b) Volume of oil per revolution X No. of revolution in one minute
c) Volume of oil per revolution X Motor RPM
d) None of the above

a) The ratio of Actual discharge to theoretical discharge

b) The sum of Actual discharge and theoretical discharge
c) The multification of Actual discharge and theoretical discharge
d) None of the above

a) Water
b) Oil
c) Liquid metal
d) Gas
a) Water
b) Oil
c) Liquid metal
d) Gas

a) Discharge also increased

b) Discharge will decrease
c) No change in discharge
d) None of the above

a) Vanes
b) Vanes and rotor
c) Vanes, rotor and cam ring
d) Vanes, rotor, cam ring and case
























Ans : [c]
Ans : [b]

Ans : [b]

Ans : [b]

Ans : b

Ans : b

Ans : b

Ans :d
Ans : c

Ans : b

Ans :a

Ans : [d]

Ans : a

Ans : b

Ans :a
Ans :d

Ans :b

Ans :b

Ans :d

Ans :a

Ans :c

Ans :d

Ans :a
Ans :b

Ans :d




Ans : a

Ans :a



Ans : [b]
Ans : [b]

Ans : [b]

Ans : [c]
Ans : [d]

Ans : [b]

Ans : [b]

Ans : [d]
Ans : [a ]

Ans. C
Ans : (b)

Ans : (a)

Ans : (d)

Ans : (b)

Ans : ( b)
Ans. C

Ans. C

Ans. B
Ans. b

Ans. c


Ans. C

Ans. C

Ans. b

Ans. B

Ans. d


Ans. c

Ans. C


Ans. C
Ans. b

Ans. b

Ans. b

Ans. (b)

Ans. (a)

Ans. C

Ans. c
Ans. C

Ans. b

Ans. a

Ans. b

Ans. d

Ans. c

Ans. a
Ans. a










Ans. b







Ans. C


Ans. d

Ans. A.


Ans. C








Ans. C


Ans. d
Ans. C

Ans. a.



Ans. C




Ans. C

Ans. d

Ans. C




Ans. a




Ans. a

Ans. a
Ans : ( b)

Ans : ( d)

more than
none of the above Ans : ( c)

less than
none of the above Ans : ( c )

Ans : (a)

Ans : ( c)

Ans : (b)

Ans : (d)
Ans : (d)

Ans : a)

Ans : (b)

Ans : ( b)

Ans : ( b)

Ans : d)

Ans :a
Ans. b

c) Reciprocating pump
Ans. D

b) Centrifugal
d) Mixed flow Ans. A

d) Screw pump Ans. C

Ans. B

Ans. C
Ans. B

Ans. A




Ans. A
Ans. A



Ans. D

Ans. C

Ans. A

Ans. A

Ans. B
Ans. C


Ans. A

Ans. D
Question Choice1 Choice2


1.A substance that deforms continuously by applications of

Fluid solid
smallest shear force is

2.The unit for pressure Newton Pascal

3.The symbol for mass density
4.Specific weight of water at 20oC is 9810kg/m3 9810N/ m3
5.The minimum temperature limit is called___________ it
normal temperatureabsolute zero
as a value of -273 oC

6.Force acts to hold two separate bodies together is termed

adhesive cohesive

7.It is the measure of resistance to shearing motion viscosity surface tension

8.The ratio of dynamic viscosity to mass density is termed
kinematic viscosity Dynamic viscosity

9.It measures the elasticity in fluid Compressibility Viscosity

10.__________ is one of the causes of the upward flow of

surface tension viscosity
water in the soil and in plants
11.The unit of pressure one bar is 1 Pascal kilo Pascal
12.Atmospheric pressure at sea level at 150C is 101.3 kN/m2 760mm of mercury

13.When the pressure measured above atmospheric

Absolute pressure static pressure
pressure it is called

14.Calculate the density of petrol of specific gravity 0.7 700kg/m3 0.7x13.6

15.Pressure on liquid is equal to or less than vapour pressure

flowing boiling
, the liquid starts

16.This is the type of flow in which the velocity at any given

Steady flow Laminar flow
time does not change with respective to space

17.The volume of fluid flowing across the section per second

discharge velocity

18.Continuity equation is Q1=Q2 a1v1 = a2v2

19.A grid obtained by drawing a series of stream lines and

stream line path line
equipotential line is known as
20 It is a product of mass density and gravitational
mass density specific weight
21When fluid mechanics is applied to fluid at rest is Fluid statics fluid dynamics
22. The volume of fluid flowing across the section per second
density velocity
23.Newtons second law (a)F=m/a (b) m=f x a
24.The basic unit for mass is (a)Newton (b)kilogram
25.Unit for power (a)Newton (b)Watt
26.The unit for energy (a)Newton (b)Pascal
27. One pascal is (a)N/m2 (b) N/mm2

28. An ideal fluid is defined as the fluid which ompressible compressible

29. Newtons law of viscosity states that a. shear stress is directly

b. shear
stress is directly
to the velocity
proportional to ve

30.A Newtonian fluid is defined as the fluid which a. is incompressibleb.and

Newtons law of viscosity

31..Kinematic viscosity is defined as equal to a. dynamic viscosityb.dynamic

x density velocity/density
32. The expression weight per unit volume is (a)mass density (b) Specific weight
33. The symbol for viscosity (a) b)
34. Specific weight of mercury is (a)13.6kg/m3
(b) 13600N/ m3
35.Specific weight of water at 20oC is (a)9810kg/m3 (b)9N/ m3
36.The expression inverse of mass density is (a)mass density (b)specific gravity

37.It is a product of mass density and gravitational

(a)mass density (b)specific weight

38.The ratio of specific weight of liquid to specific weight of

(a)specific gravity (b)specific weight
water is
39..Kinematic viscosity is defined as equal to a. dynamic viscosityb.dynamic
x density velocity/pressure
40. Relative Density of Water is (a)1 (b)9810
41. Specific gravity of water is (a)1000 (b)1
42.Relative density of mercury is (a)13.6 b)13600
43. The unit of viscosity in SI unit is (a)N-S/m3
(b) N-s/Kg

44.In CGS system unit of kinematic viscosity is (a)poise (b)stokes

45. Standard atmospheric pressure in terms of mercury is

(a)13.6 (b) 760mm

46. The unit of relative density is (a)N/m2 (b)pa-s

47. The unit of bulk modulus in SI unit is (a)N/m2 (b)pa-s
48.The unit of mass density in SI unit is (a)N/m2 (b)pa-s
49.The unit of visocity in SI unit is (a)N-S/m2 (b)pa-s
50.In CGS system unit of viscosity is (a)poise (b)stokes
51. The ratio of volume to mass of the fluid is termed as (a)compressibility (b)specific volume
52. The ratio of mass to volume of the fluid is termed as (a)compressibility (b) Specific volume
53. The compressibility of the fluid is the reciprocal of (a) density (b)viscosity
54. The bulk modulus of the fluid is the reciprocal of (a)compressibility (b)viscosity

55.In capillary rise the angle of contact between mercury and

(a)0o (b)228 o
glass tube is

56.It is a product of mass density and volume of the fluid (a)mass (b)specific weight
57. The ratio of density of liquid to density of water is a. specific gravity b.specific weight

58.__________ is one of the causes of the upward flow of

(a)surface tension (b)viscosity
water in the soil and in plants

59.When the pressure measured above atmospheric pressure

a.Absolute pressureb.static pressure
it is called

60.In capillary rise the angle of contact between mercury and

(a)0o (b)128 o
glass tube is


1. An ideal fluid is defined as the fluid which a. is compressible incompressible

2. Newtons law of viscosity states that a. shear stress is directly

b. shear
stress is directly
to the velocity
proportional to ve

3.A Newtonian fluid is defined as the fluid which a. is incompressibleb.and

Newtons law of viscosity

4. Kinematic viscosity is defined as equal to a. dynamic viscosityb.dynamic

x density velocity/density
5. Dynamic Viscosity has the dimensions as a.MLT -2
b.ML-1 T-1
6.Poise is the unit of a.mass density b.kinetic viscosity

7. The increase of temperature a.increases the viscosity

of a liquid
the viscosity of a liquid

8. Stoke is the unit of a.surface tension b.viscosity

9.The dividing factor for converting one poise into MKS unit of
a.9.81 b.98.1
dynamic viscosity is

10.Surface tension is the ratio of a.force per unit areab.force per unit length

11.The gases are considered incompressible when Mach equal to 1.0 equal to 0.50

12.Pascals law states that at a point is equal in all directions a liquid at rest a fluid at rest
13.The hydrostatic law states that rate of increase of pressure
a.density of the fluidb.specific weight of the fluid
in a vertical direction is equal to

14.Fluid statics deals with a.visdcous and pressure

and gravity forces

15.Gauge pressure at a point is equal to a.absolute pressureb.absolute

plus atmospheric
minus atmospheric pre

16.Atmospheric pressure held in terms of water column is a.7.5m b.8.5m

17.The necessary condition for the flow to be steady is that a.the velocity does not
is constant
place to at
a point with res

18.The necessary condition for the flow to be uniform is that a.the velocity is constant
b.the velocity
at a point
is with
in the
to time
flow field wi

19.A stream line is a line a.which is along theb.which

path of is
a particle
always parallel to the main direct

20.The range for co efficient of discharge for a venture meter

a.0.6 to 0.7 b.0.7 to 0.8

21. A flow is said to be turbulent when a. the fluid particles b.

the Reynold
in a zig number
zag wayis low

22. Bernoullis equation is derived making assumptions that a.the flow is uniformb.and
the incompressible
flow is non-viscous, uniform and stea

23. The ratio of actual discharge of a jet of water to its

a. co-efficient of discharge
b. co-efficient of velocity
theoretical discharge is known as

24.Pitot tube is used for measurement of a. Pressure b. Flow

25.In a steady flow the velocity a.does not change b.

at aplace
placedoes not change with tim

26..If the Reynolds number is less than 2000, the flow in a

a.laminar flow b.turbulent flow
pipe is

27. In which of the following measuring devices Bernoullis

a.Venturimeter b.Orifice meter
equation is used?

28. The co-efficient of discharge of an orifice meter is .

a.equal to b.much smaller than
that of a venturimeter

29. The piezometric head is the summation of a. velocity head andb.pressure

head and elevation head

30.venturi- meter is used to measure a. average velocity b. velocity at a point

31. The velocity distribution in laminar flow through a circular
a. parabolic law b. Linear law
pipe follow the

32. Hydraulic gradient line (H.G.L) represents the sum of a. Pressure head and
b. Kinetic and
headdatum head

33. When the pipes are connected in series the total rate if
a. is equal to the sum
b. is
of equal
the rate
to of
in eachofpipe
the sum of th

34. Boundary layer on a flat plate is called laminar boundary

a. Reynold Number b.
is Reynold
less thannumber
2000 is less than 4000
layer if

35. Boundary layer thickness is the distance from the surface

of the solid body in the direction perpendicular to flow, where a. free stream velocity
b. 0.9 times the free stream velocity
the velocity of fluid is equal to

36. The boundary layer separation takes place if a. pressure gradientb.isPressure

zero gradient is positive

37. Drag is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid on a

a. in the direction ofb.flow
perpendicular to the direction of flow
solid body

38. Lift force is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid o

a. in the direction ofb.flow
perpendicular to the direction of flow
a solid body

39. Manometer is a device used for measuring a. Velocity at a pointb.inPressure

fluid at a point in a fluid

40. Differential manometers are used for measuring a. Velocity at a pointb.inPressure

a fluid at a point in a fluid

41. When the fluid is at rest the shear stress is a. Maximum b. Zero

42. The inlet length of a venturimeter a. is equal to the outlet

b. islength
more than the outlet length

43. Flow if a fluid in a pipe takes place from a. Higher level to lower
b. Higher
level pressure to lower pressure

44. If the velocity, in a fluid flow does not changes with

a. Steady flow b. Uniform flow
respect to length of direction of flow, it is called

45. If the velocity, in a fluid flow changes with respect to length

a. Unsteady flow b. Compressible flow
of direction of flow, it is called

46. If the density of a fluid in constant from point to point in a

a. Steady flow b. Incompressible flow
flow region it is called
47. If the density of a fluid in changes from point to point in a
a. steady flow b. unsteady flow
flow region it is called

48. If the fluid particles move in straight lines and all the lines
a. Steady b. Uniform
are parallel to the surface the flow is called

49. If the fluid particles moving in a zig zag way, the flow is
a. Unsteady b. Non- uniform
50. Study of fluid at rest is known as a. Kinematics b. Dynamics
51. The term v2 / 2g is known as a. Kinetic energy b. Pressure energy

52. The term p/ g is known as a. Kinetic energy / unit

b. Pressure
weight energy

53. Using Pitot Tube we can measure in a pipe. a. discharge b. average velocity
54. venturi- meter is used to measure a. discharge b. average velocity
55. Orifice- meter is used to measure a. discharge b. average velocity

56. An oil of specific gravity 0.7 and pressure 0.14 kgf /cm2
a. 70 cm of oil b. 2 m of oil
will have the height of oil as

57. When the pipes are connected in parallel, the total loss of
a. is equal to the sum
b. is
of same
the loss
as of
in head
each in
each pipe

58. Maximum efficiency of power transmission through pipe

a. 50% b. 66.67%

59. The boundary layer takes place a. for ideal fluids b. for pipe flow only

60. Maximum efficiency of power transmission through pipe

a. 50% b. 25%


1.The loss of pressure head for the laminar flow through pipes
a. as the square of velocity
b. directly as the velocity

2.For the laminar flow between two parallel plates a.the maximum velocity
= 2.0
times thevelocity
average = 1.5
times the a

3.The velocity distribution in laminar flow through a circular

a.parabolic law b.Linear law
pipe follow the
4. When the pipes are connected in series the total rate of flow equal to the sum
of is theequal
rate to
of the
in each pipe
of the sum of

5. Boundary layer on a flat plate is called laminar boundary

a).Reynolds Number
b)is less
than 2000
number is less than 4000
layer if

6.Boundary layer thickness is the distance from the surface of

the solid body in the direction perpendicular to flow, where the stream velocity
b.0.9 times the free stream velocity
velocity of fluid is equal to

7. The boundary layer separation takes place if a.pressure

zero Pressure gradient is positive

8. Drag is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid on a the direction ofb.flow
perpendicular to the direction of flow
solid body

9. Lift force is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid o the direction ofb.
perpendicular to the direction of flow
a solid body

10. Hydraulic gradient line (H.GL.) represents the sum of (a) pressure head and
(b) kinetic
head and datum head

11. Total energy line (T.E.L.) represents the sum of (a) pressure head and
(b) kinetic head and datum head

12. When the pipes are connected in series. the total rate of
(a) is equal to the sum
(b) is
of equal
the rate
to of
in eachofpipe
the sum of t

13. When the pipes are connected in parallel the total rate of
(a) is equal to the sum
(b) is
of equal
the rate
to of
in eachofpipe
the sum of t

14. Power. transmitted through pipes, will be maximum when (a) Head lost due to(b)
lost due head
to friction
at inlet
= 1/4
of the

15. Euler's number is the ratio of (a)inertia force to pressure

(b) inertiaforce
force to elastic force

16 .Geometric similarity between model and prototype means (a) the similarity of (b)
the similarity of linear dimensions

17. Reynold's number is defined as the (a) ratio of inertia force

(b) to
of viscous
force force to gravity force

18. Froude's number is defined as the ratio of a) Inertia force to viscous

force to gravity force

19. Models are known undistorted model if (a) the prototype and(b)the
are having
model are
20 . Model analysis of aero planes and projectile moving at
(a)Reynolds number(b) Mach number
supersonic speed based on

21.The boundary-layer takes place (a) for ideal fluids (b) for real fluids

22. The boundary layer is called turbulent boundary layer if. (a) Reynold number(b)
is more
2000 is more than 4000

23. Laminar sub-layer exists in. (a) Laminar boundary

regionboundary layer region

24. The thickness of laminar boundary layer at a distance x

(a) x4/5 (b)X1/2
from the leading edge over a flat plate varies as

25 .The thickness of turbulent boundary layer at a distance x

(a) X4/5 (b) Xl/2
from the leading edge over a flat plate varies as

26. The separation of boundary layer (a) negative pressure

positive pressure gradient

27. Loss of head at the entrance of the pipe (a)0.5 v2/2g (b) v2/2g
28. Loss of head at the exit of the pipe (a)0.5 v2/3g (b) v2/2g
29. Loss of head at the sudden expansion of the pipe 0.5 v2/3g 2v2/2g

30. Energy Loss due to friction of the pipe is given by the

a)4flv2/d2g b) 2v2/2g
Darcy formula is

31. The boundary layer is called turbulent boundary layer if. (a) Reynold number(b)
is more
2000 is more than 4000

32. The viscous flow is characterised by Reynolds number

(a) less than the critical
(b) equal
valueto critical value
which is

33.The loss of head due to friction in a pipe of uniform (a) 1/RN (b) 4/RN
diameter in which a viscous flow is taking place is

34. The laminar flow is characterised by (a) existence of eddies

(b) irregular motion of fluid particles

35. Which of the following is an example of laminar flow? (a) underground flow
(b) flow past tiny bodies

36. The pressure gradient in the direction of flow is equal to

(a) parallel to the direction
(b) normal
of flow
to the direction of flow
the shear gradient in the direction

37. ------------- studied the laminar flow through a circular tube

(a) Prandtl (b) Pascal

38. -------------- is the commonly used equation for the velocity (a) u = u [ 1 (r/R)]
(b) u = umax [ 1 (r/R)2]
distribution for the laminar flow through pipes max
39. In laminar flow the pressure drop per unit length of pipe is
(a) 32u/D2 (b) 2u/D2
given as

40. The momentum correction factor for a circular pipe is

(a) 1/3 (b) 2/3
equal to

41. The maximum velocity in a circular pipe when flow is

(a) the top of the pipe
(b) the bottom of the pipe
laminar occurs at

42. For viscous flow co-efficient of friction is given by (a) f = (8/Re) (b) f = (16/Re)

43. In case of viscous flow through circular pipes (a) u = 2 umax (b) u = umax /2

44. The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f which is a direct

measure of resistance to flow in pipes depends on which of (a) Relative roughness,
(b) Relative
velocity roughness,
and viscosity
diameter and visco
the following?

45. A flow in which the viscosity of fluid is dominating over the

(a) steady flow (b) unsteady flow
inertia force is called

46. Laminar flow takes place at (a) very low velocities

(b) very high velocities

47. The velocity at which the flow changes from laminar flow to
(a) critical velocity (b) velocity of approach
turbulent flow ia called

48. The velocity at which the laminar flow stops is known as (a) velocity of approach
(b) lower critical velocity
49. The velocity at which the laminar flow starts is known as (a) velocity of approach
(b) higher critical velocity

50. The velocity corresponding to Reynolds number of 2800,

(a) velocity of approach
(b) super sonic velocity
is called

51. Darcy-Weishbach equation is used to find loss of head

(a) sudden enlargement
(b) sudden contraction
due to

52. The energy loss in a pipe line is due to (a) surface roughness
(b) only
viscous action only

53. Loss of head due to sudden enlargement is given as (a) (V1-V2)3/2g (b) (V1-V2)2/2g
54. Loss of head due to sudden contraction is given as (a) V22/g [(1/Cc)-1] 2 (b) V22/g [(1/Cc)-1] 3
55. Loss of head due to an obstruction is given as (a) [{A/(A-a)} -1] 2 V2(b)
/g [{A/Cc (A-a)} -1] 2 V2/g

56. The flow in a pipe is either laminar or turbulent when

(a) less than 2000 (b) more than 4000
Reynolds number is

57. A flow is called super-sonic if the (a) velocity of flow is(b)

high is difficult to measure
58. Whenever a plate is held immersed at some angle with the
direction of flow of the liquid, it is subjected to some pressure.
(a) lift (b) drag
The component of this pressure, in the direction of flow of the
liquid, is known as
59. Whenever a plate is held immersed at some angle with the
direction of flow of the liquid, it is subjected to some pressure.
(a) lift (b) drag
The component of this pressure, at the right angles to the
direction of flow of the liquid, is known as
60.When a plate is immersed in a liquid parallel to the flow, it
will be subjected to a pressure---------- that if the same plate is (a) less than (b) more than
immersed perpendicular to the flow.

Unit IV
1 Maximum efficiency of power transmission through pipe is a.50% b.66.67%
3. The
The boundary
boundary layer
layer takes place
is called turbulent boundary layer in a.for ideal fluids b.for pipe flow only
flow over plates if
4. The drag force exerted by a fluid on a body immersed in the a.Reynolds number b.
more than number
2000 is more than 4000
fluid is due to a.pressure and viscous
force and gravity forces
6. Efficiency of the jet of water having velocity V and striking a
5. A pump
series is defined
of vertical asmoving
plates a device which
with converts
a velocity u is maximum a.Hydraulic energy b.
into Mechanical
mechanical energy
energy into hydraulic energ
when a.u = 2V b.u= V/2
7.The net head (H) on the turbine is given by a.H= Gross Headb.+HeadH= Gross
lost dueHead to friction
Head lost due to fric
8.Hydraulic efficiency of a turbine is defined as the ratio a)Power available b)Power
at the inlet at the
of shaft
turbine of to
to power
by w
9.Mechanical efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of a.Power at the inlet
the powerat heatshaft
the shaft
to theofpower
turbinegiven to
10. The overall efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of a.Power at the inlet
turbineattothe theshaft
powerto the
at the
shaftgiven t
11.A turbine is called impulse if at he inlet of the turbine energy is only
total energy
energy is only pressure energy
12. Francis turbine is impulse turbine
b.a radial flow impulse turbine
13. Flow ratio is defined as the ratio of a.velocity of flow b.
to theofvelocity
at inlet
to the

14. The speed ratio foe Pelton wheel varies from a.0.45 to 0.50 b.0.6 to 0.7
15.Unit speed is the speed of a turbine when it is working a.under unit headb.and
develops unit unit
and discharge one m3
16. Unit discharge is the discharge of a turbine when a.The head on turbine
b.Theis unity
headand on turbine
it developsis unity
unit and
it mov
17. Unit power is the power developed by a turbine when head on turbine is unity headand = onedischarge
metre and is also
is unity
18. Main characteristics curves of a turbine means a.Curves at constant
Curves at constant efficiency
19.Operating characteristics curves of a turbine means a.curves drawn atb.constant
Curves head
at constant speed
20. Governing of a turbine means a.The head is kept b. constant
The speed under is all
workingall con
22. Efficiency of the jet of water having velocity V and striking
21.A turbine
a series is a device
of vertical plateswhich converts
moving with a velocity u is maximum a. Electrical energyb.into Mechanical
mechanical energy
energy into hydraulic energy
when a.u = 2V b.u= V/2
23.The net head (H) on the turbine is given by a.H= Gross Headb.+HeadH= Gross
lost dueHead to friction
Head lost due to fric
24. Hydraulic efficiency of a turbine is defined as the ratio a.Power availableb.atthe
shaftto ofpower
the turbine
25.Mechanical efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of a.Power at the inlet
the powerat heatshaft
the shaft
to theofpower
turbinegiven to
26. The overall efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of a.Power at the inlet
turbineattothe theshaft
powerto the
at the
shaftgiven t
27.A turbine is called impulse if at he inlet of the turbine energy is only
total energy
energy is only pressure energy
28. Francis turbine is impulse turbine
b.a radial flow impulse turbine
29. Kaplan Turbine is impulse turbine
b.a radial flow impulse turbine
30.Flow ratio is defined as the ratio of a.velocity of flow b.
to theofvelocity
at inlet
to the

31.The speed ratio foe Pelton wheel varies from a.0.45 to 0.50 b.0.6 to 0.7
32.Unit speed is the speed of a turbine when it is working a.under unit headb.and
develops unit unit
and discharge one m3
33. Unit discharge is the discharge of a turbine when a.The head on turbine
b.Theis unity
headand on turbine
it developsis unity
unit and
it mov
34.Unit power is the power developed by a turbine when a.head on unity
headand= one
metre andis also
is unity
35.Main characteristics curves of a turbine means a.Curves at constant
Curves at constant efficiency
36.Operating characteristics curves of a turbine means a.curves drawn atb.constant
Curves head
at constant speed
37.Governing of a turbine
38. The monometer means
head (Hm) of a centrifugal pump is a.The head is kept
The speedunderis all
all c
given by a.Pressure head b.
pump atinlet
39. Francis turbine is an impulse turbine a radial flow impulse turbine
40. Kaplan Turbine is an impulse turbine a radial flow impulse turbine
41. A pump is defined as a device which converts a.Hydraulic energy
into Heat
energy into energy
hydraulic energy
42. A turbine is a device which converts a.Heat energy into
energy into hydraulic energ
43.Flow ratio is defined as the ratio of velocity of flow at inlet
to theofvelocity
at inlet
to the
velocity of
44.The speed ratio foe Pelton wheel varies from 0.05 to 0.50 0.6 to 0.7
45. Breaking jet in an impulse turbine is used tobreakthejetofwater
46. Work done by a turbine ___________ the weight of water
dependsupon doesnotdependsupon
flowing per second
47. A pelton wheel is tangentialflowimpulseturbine

48. An impulse turbine used for lowheadofwaterhighheadofwater

49. The condition of maximum efficiency of Pelton wheel u=V1/2 V=2gh

50. Spiral casing used in the case of _________________
Francisturbine Kaplanturbine
51. A jet of deflector is used in Pelton turbine when the load
Suddenly drooped increase
52. Flow ratio is flowvelocity/bladevelocity

53. The specific speed of a hydraulic turbine depends upon dischargeandpowerdeveloped

speed and power developed
54. The cavitations in reaction turbine is avoided to a great
extent by
55. The power developed by a turbine is directlyproportionaltoHpower
56. Which of the following turbines preferred for 0 to 25 m
Peltonwheel Kaplanturbine
57. A of water turbine is used when the available head of water
0to25m 25to250m
58. For 450m head of water ____________ shall be used Peltonwheel Kaplanturbine
59. The depth of the bucket for a Pelton wheel is generally
___________ diameter of jet
equalto 1.2times
60. Which of the following statement is wrong thereactionturbineareusedforlowheadandhighdischa

1.The discharge through a single acting reciprocating pump is a.Q= ALN / 60 b.Q= 2ALN/ 60
2. Mechanical efficiency of a centrifugal pump is given by a.Power at the impeller
/ S.H.P.
Power at he impeller

3. To discharge a large quantity of liquid by multi- stage

a) in parallel b) in series
centrifugal pump the impellers are connected

4. Specific speed of a pump is the speed at which a pump

a) head developed is
unity and
is unity
is one
horse p
runs when

5. The discharge through centrifugal pump is a) Q= DBVf1 b) Q= 2ALN/ 60

6. Air vessel in a reciprocating pump is used a) To obtain a continuous

b) To increase
supply ofsuction
water at
uniform rate
7. The change in moment of fluid due to flow along a curved
a) a change in pressure
b) torque
path results in

8. Which of the following is an example of free vortex flow? a) a whirlpool in a river

b) Flow of liquid in centrifugal pump casing
9. In case of forced vortex the rise of liquid level at the ends
a) less than b) more than
is. The fall of liquid level at the axis of rotation
10. In case of a closed cylindrical vessel sealed at the top and
the bottom the volume of air before rotation the volume of a) less than b) more than
air after rotation
11. With respect to a reciprocating pump which of the
a) The limiting valueb)ofDuring
the separation
head for may
is 6
following statements is incorrect?
12. Reciprocating pumps are most suited where a) Constant heads are
b) Operating
required on
high in
13. Which of the following statements is incorrect for a
a) The reciprocatingb)pump
The percentage
is essentiallyofapower
low speed
by fitting
reciprocation pump?

14. In a reciprocating pump the air vessels are used for

a) To get continuousb)supply
To save
of the
at a uniform
to drive the p
which of the following purposes?

15. Which of the following types of impeller is used for

a) One side shrouded
b) Two sides shrouded
centrifugal pumps dealing with muds?

16. Which of the following statements is correct with reference

a) It has a falling head
b) Itdischarge
has a rising
head discharge characteris
to an impeller with backward curved vanes?

17. The delivery valve while starting centrifugal pump is kept a) Fully closed b) Fully open

18. Which of the following is not a dimensionless parameter? a) Friction factor b) Specific speed

19. Higher specific speeds (160 to 500) of centrifugal pump

a) Radial flow type b) Axial flow type
indicate that the pump is of

20. The machine can rise the fluid pressure upto 1 atm. is
a) Fan b) Blower
21. The delivery valve while starting centrifugal pump is kept a)Fully open b)Half open
22. Manometric efficiency of the centrifugal pump a) The ratio between b)Manometric
The ratio between
head and
the head imparted
head and
23. Mechanical efficiency of the centrifugal pump a) The ratio between b)Manometric
The ratio betweenhead and
the at
the imparted
24. Overall efficiency of the centrifugal pump a.The ratio betweenb.TheManometric
ratio between
head and
the head
at theimparted
impeller b
25. Overall efficiency of the centrifugal pump a)The ratio between
b)The Manometric
ratio between
and theat head
the impeller
26. Slip of reciprocating pump is a) The difference between
b) The ratiotheoretical
actual discharge
and actual
of t
27. Negative slip of reciprocating pump is a) The difference between
b) The ratioactual
and theoretical
and actual
of t
28. Negative slip of reciprocating pump occurs when a) Delivery pipe is short
b) Suction pipe is long

29. If the water is in contact with one side of the piston the
a) Double acting b) Single acting
reciprocating pump is called
30. If the water is in contact with both sides of the piston the
a) Double acting b) Double stage
reciprocating pump is called

31. The discharge through a double acting reciprocating pump

a.Q= ALN / 60 b.Q= 2ALN/ 60

32. Air vessel in a reciprocating pump is used a) To run the pump b)

at To
a high
33. Which one is the best example for rotodynamic pump? a) Gear pump b) Vane pump
34. Human heart is a example of ______________ pump. a) Reciprocating b) Centrifugal
35. Which pump having diffuser section in delivery part? a) Circumferential piston
b) Vane
36. The work done by impeller of a centrifugal pump on water
per second per unit weight of water is given by a) vw1u1/g a) vw2u2/g

37. The manometer head (Hm) of a centrifugal pump is given

a) Pressure head atb)outlet

38. The manametric efficiency (man) of a centrifugal pump is

given by a) Hm/gvw2u2 b) gHm/vw2u2
39. Mechanical efficiency (mech) of a centrifugal pump is given
a) Power at the impeller/S.H.P
b) S.H.P/Power at the impeller
40. To produce a high head by multistage centrifugal pumps
a) in parallel b) in series
the impellers are connected
41. Specific speed of a pump is the speed at which a pump
a) Head developed b)
is unity
is unity
is one
runs when
42. During suction stroke of a reciprocating pump, the
a) at the end of the b)
in thestroke
middle of suction stroke
separation may take place

43. During delivery stroke of a reciprocating pump, the

a) at the end of the b)
in the stroke
middle of delivery stroke
separation may take place

44. Hydraulic ram is pump which works a) on the principle ofb)water

on the
- hammer
principle of centrifugal action

45. To discharge a large quantity of liquid by multistage

a) in parallel b) in series
centrifugal pumps the impellers are connected

46. The sum of suction head and delivery head is known as

a) Static head b) Stagnation head

47. The manometric head is equal to __________ a) Vw2u2/g b) Total head at outlet Total head at inlet

48. Overall efficiency of the centrifugal pump is equal to a) manxm b) o = {(W/g)(Hm/1000)}/S.P

49. The vane angle made in centrifugal pump at outlet is
a) Between relative b)
and flow
and flo
50. Head lost at inlet in centrifugal pump a) The square of change
b) Theinsquare
of change
inlet veloc

51. The vane angle made in centrifugal pump at inlet is

a) Between relative b)
and tangential
velocity vector

52. The gear pump is worked as ________ pump a) Centrifugal b) Reciprocating

53. The oil is filled in gear pump a) Space between teeth

b) Space
and the
casingteeth and gear
54. Discharge per second of the gear pump is
a) Volume of oil perb)
Volume ofX No.
oil per
of revolution
revolution in
X one
No. of
55. The volumetric efficiency in the gear pump is
a) The ratio of Actual
The sum of
to Actual
and theoret
56. The vane pump is used for pumping a) Water b) Oil
57. Electromagnetic pump is used for pumping a) Water b) Oil
58. The oil is filled in vane pump a) Space between teeth
b) Space
and the
casingteeth and gear

59. The eccentricity of vane pump is increased a) Discharge also increased

b) Discharge will decrease

60. Which of the following components are important to pump

a) Vanes b) Vanes and rotor
oil in vane pump?
Choice3 Choice4 Answer Answer

both a & b none of the above Fluid 1

Joule none of the above Pascal 2

9.81kg/m3 all the above 9810N/ m3 2

standard temperature
all the above absolute zero 2

visocity surface tension adhesive 1

both a & b capillary rise viscosity 1

both A & B none of the above kinematic viscosity 1

Pressure none the above Compressibility 1

Capillarity vapour pressure Capillarity 3

100kpa 1000kpa 100kpa 3

10.33m of water all the above all the above 4

vacuum pressure gauge pressure gauge pressure 4

0.7/1000 none of the above 700kg/m3 1

evaporating none of the above boiling 2

Uniform flow Rotational flow Uniform flow 3

accelaration all the above discharge 1

q1/q2 a&b a&b 4

flow net streakline flow net 3

specific volume specific gravity specific weight 2

both(a)&(b) (d)none of the above
Fluid statics 1

accelaration (d)None of the above

None of the above 4

(c)F=m.a (d)none of the above

F=m.a 3
(c)second (d)none of the above
kilogram 2
(c)Joule (d)none of the above
Watt 2
(c)Joule (d) None of the above
Joule 3
(c)KN/m2 (d) KN/mm 2
N/m2 1
is incompressible and incompressible
tension. 3
non-viscous (inviscid)

shear stress is directly

c. shear stress is directly
d. shear
stress is directly
strainto velocity
to the viscosity.
obeys Newtons law of
c. is highly viscous d. is compressible and non-viscous 2
c.dynamic viscosity d.pressure
x pressure x densitydynamic velocity/density 2
(c) Relative density (d) None of the above
Specific weight 2
(c) (d) 2
(c) 136kg/m 3
(d) all the above 13600N/
None of them3 above 2
(c) 9.81kg/m3 (d) None of the above 4
(c) specific volume (d) none of the above specific volume 3
specific gravity
(c)specific volume (d) specific gravity 4

(c) specific volume (d) all the above specific gravity 1

None of the above
c.dynamic viscosity d.None
x pressure
of the above 4
(c) 9.81 (d)1000 1 1
(c) 9810 (d) 9.81 1 2
(c)1 (d)9.8 13.6 1
(c) Kgm /s
(d)none of the abovenone of the above 4

(c)mach number (d)all the above stokes 2

(c) 10.3mm (d)none of the above760mm 2

None of the above
(c)kg/ms (d)None of the above 4
(c)kg/ms (d)all the above N/m2 1
(c)kg/m3 (d)all the above kg/m3 3
all the above
(c)kg/ms (d)all the above 4
(c)mach number (d)all the above poise 1
(c)Specific weight (d)none of the above
specific volume 2
Mass density
(c)Specific weight (d) Mass density 4
(c) bulk modulus (d)none the above bulk modulus 3
(c)pressure (d)none the above compressibility 1

(c) 60 o (d)none of the above

none of the above 4

(c) specific volume (d) specific gravity mass 1

c. specific volume d. all the above specific gravity 1

(c)vapour pressure (d) None of the above

None of the above 4

c.vacuum pressure d.None of the aboveNone of the above 4

(c) 60 o (d)none of the above

128 o 2

is incompressible and incompressible d.has
and non-viscous
negligible surface
tension. 3
non-viscous (inviscid)
shear stress is directly
c. shear stress is directly
d. shear
stress is directly
strainto velocity
to the viscosity.

obeys Newtons law of

c. is highly viscous d. is compressible and non-viscous 2

c.dynamic viscosity d.pressure

x pressure x densitydynamic velocity/density 2
c.ML T
-1 -2
d.M-1L-1T-1 ML-1 T-1 2
c.viscosity d.velocity gradient viscosity 3
decreases the viscosity of
c.decreases the viscosity
of a gas
the viscosity of a gas 2
a liquid
c.kinetic viscosity d.none of the abovekinetic viscosity 3

c.981 d.0.981 98.1 2

c.force per unit volume

d.none of the abpveforce per unit length 2 more than 0.3 less than 0.2 is less than 0.2 4 a laminar flow a turbulent flowin a fluid at rest 2

c.weight of the fluidd.none of the above.specific weight of the fluid 2

gravity and pressure

c. gravity and pressure
forcestension and gravity forces. 3

absolute pressure minus

c.vacuum pressure d.none
plus absolute
of the above.
pressure 2
atmospheric pressure

c.9.81m d.10.30m 10.30m 4

the velocity is constant at

c.the velocity changes
at a of
a pointtowith
timerespect to 2

the velocity is constant in

c.the velocity changes
at a of
the flow
to field
timewith respect 2
to space

across which there is no

c.across which thered.on
is no
flow tangent drawn at any point gives the direction
3 of velocity.

0.95 to 0.99
c.0.8 to 0.9 d.0.95 to 0.99 4

the fluid particles moves

c. the fluid particles d.none
move inoflayers
the above
parallel to the boundary 1
in a zig zag way
the flow is steady, non-
c.the flow is steady,d.none
of the above.
viscous, incompressible
and irrotational 3
and irrotational

c. co-efficient of contraction of viscosity
co-efficient of discharge 1

c. Velocity at a pointd. Discharge Velocity at a point 3

at a given point does not

c.may change its direction
d.none of
magnitude remain unchanged 2
change with time

c.transition flow d.none of the abovelaminar flow 1

c.pitot tube d.All of the above All of the above 4

c.much more than d.any of these much smaller than 2

pressure head and

c. velocity head andd.elevation
none of the
above 2
elevation head
c. pressure at a point
d. None of the aboveNone of the above 4
c. Logarithmic law d. None of the aboveparabolic law 1

Pressure head and datum

c. Pressure head , kinetic
d. Pressure
head and
and datum
head head 4

is the same as flowing

c. is the same as flowing
d. none
of the each
abovepipe 3
through each pipe

Reynold number is less

c. Reynold number d.
is less
of the
5 xabove
105 3
than 5 x 105

0.99 times the free

c. 0.99 times the free
d. stream
None ofvelocity
the above 3
stream velocity

Pressure gradient is
c. Pressure gradientd.isNone
of the above 2

c. in the direction which

d. None
is atofanthe
to the
of flow
direction of flow

perpendicular to the
c. at an angle of 45 d.
None to
of the
the direction
above of flow 2
direction of flow

Pressure at a point in a
c. Discharge of fluidd. None of the above 2
Difference of pressure
c. Difference of pressure
d. None
of the above
two points 3
between two points

c. Unpredictable d. None of the aboveZero 2

is less than the outlet

c. is less than the outlet
d. none
of the above 3

Higher energy to lower

c. Higher energy to d.
of the above 3

c. Incompressible flow
d. Rotational flow Uniform flow 2

c. Irrotational flow d. None of the above

None of the above 4

c. Uniform flow d. Rotational flow Incompressible flow 2

c. Non- uniform flowd. Compressible flowCompressible flow 4

c. Compressible d. Laminar Laminar 4

c. Turbulent d. Incompressible Turbulent 3

c. Statics d. None of the aboveStatics 3

Kinetic energy per unit
c. Kinetic energy perd.unit
of thedensity
above 3
weight density
Pressure energy per unit
c. Pressure energy d.
unit weight
of the above
density 3
weight density
c. velocity at a pointd. pressure at a pointvelocity at a point 3
c. velocity at a pointd. pressure at a pointdischarge 1
c. velocity at a pointd. pressure at a point.
discharge 1

c. 20 cm of oil d. 80 cm of oil. 2 m of oil 2

c. is equal to the reciprocal

d. none of
of the
the sum
sameof as
in each
in each
pipe 2

c. 75% d. 100% 66.67% 2

c. for real fluids d. for flow over flat plate

for real
onlyfluids 3

c. 75% d. None of the aboveNone of the above 4

c. as the inverse of d
of the abovedirectly as the velocity 2

the maximum velocity =

c.the maximum velocity
= 1.33
of the
the velocity
average 2

c.Logarithmic lawd.None of the above

parabolic law 1
is the same as flowing
c. is the same as d.
none of
the above
each pipe 3
through each pipe

Reynolds number is less

c)Reynolds number
less than
of the
5 above
x 105 3
than 5 x 105

0.99 times the free

c.0.99 times the free
None ofvelocity
the above 3
stream velocity

Pressure gradient is
c.Pressure gradient
of the above 2
positive the direction d.

is atofanthe
degree toofthe
flowdirection of1flow

perpendicular to the an angle of 45
degreeNone to
of the
the direction
above of flow 2
direction of flow

Pressure head and datum

(c) pressure head. kinetic
head and
and datum
head head. 4

Pressure head. kinetic

(c) pressure head and
datum head
head. kinetic
head and.
and. datum
head. head. 4

the same as flowing

(c)the same as flowing
(d) None
of the
pipe 3
through each pipe

is equal to the sum of the

(c)both of a &b (d) None of the above. 1
rate of flow in each pipe

Head lost due -to friction

(c) Head lost due to(d)Head
friction =lost
the inlet
= head
of the
at the
at the inlet
4 of the pipe.
of the pipe.

inertia force to pressure

(c) inertia force to gravity
(d) none
of the above. 1

(c) the similarity of motion

(d)the similarity of forces.
the similarity of motion 3

ratio of viscous force to

(c) ratio of viscous force
(d) ratio
to viscous
of inertia
force to elastic force. 3
viscous force

inertia force to gravity

(c) inertia force to elastic
(d) inertia
. to pressure force. 2
the prototype and model
(c) model and prototype
(d) none
are kinematically
of the above.
having same scale 2
( c ) froude number (d) None of the above
Mach number 2

(c) for pipe flow only(d) for over flat plates

real fluids 2

Reynold number is more

( c ) Reynold number is more
(d) None
5 the
x 10above.
than 5 x 105

Turbulent boundary layer

(c) Transition zone (d) none of the above. 2

(c) Xl/5 (d) none of the above

X1/2 2

(c) Xl/5 (d) X3/5 X4/5 1

positive pressure
(c) zero pressure gradient
(d) none of the above. 2
(c) ( V1-V2)2/2g (d)none of the above0.5 v2/2g 1
(c)( V1-V2)2/2g (d)none of the above
v2/2g 2
( V1-V2)2/2g none of the above ( V1-V2)2/2g 3

c)( V1-V2)2/g d)none of the above

4flv2/d2g 1

Reynold number is more

( c ) Reynold number
the 5above.
x 105 3
than 5 x 105

(c) more than the critical

(d) none
of the above.
less than the critical value 1

(c) 16/RN (d) 64/RN 16/RN 3

fluid particles moving in

(c) fluid particles moving
(d) none
in layers
of theparallel
to the
to thesurface 3
boundary surface

(c) Flow of oil in measuring

(d) noneinstruments
of the above.
none of the above. 4

normal to the direction of

(c) both a & b(d) none of the above. 2

(c) Hagen and Poiseuille

(d) none of the above.
Hagen and Poiseuille 3

(c) u = umax [ 1 (r/R)(d)

] u = u2 max [ 1 (r/R)
u =2] umax [ 1 (r/R)2] 2
(c) 32u/D3 (d) none of the above
32u/D2 1

(c) 4/3 (d) 5/3 4/3 3

(c) f = (32/Re) (d) none of the above

f = (32/Re) 3

(b) f = (16/Re) (d) f = (60/Re) f = (16/Re) 2

(c) u = (3/2) umax u = umax /2

(d) none of the above 2

Roughness height,
(c) Roughness height,
(d) diameter,
none of the
and kinematic
and 3
kinematic viscosity

(c) laminar flow (d) turbulent flow laminar flow 3

(c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of the above

very low velocities 1

(c) sub-sonic velocity

(d) super sonic velocity
critical velocity 1

(c) sub-sonic velocity(d) super sonic velocity

lower critical velocity 2
(c) lower critical velocity
(d) super sonic velocity
higher critical velocity 2

(c) lower critical velocity

(d) higher critical velocity
higher critical velocity 4

(c) friction (d) none of the above

friction 3

friction offered by pipe

(c) friction offered by(d)pipe
of as
by as
well as
by viscous 3
(b) (V1-V2)2/2g (d) (V12-V22)/2g (V1-V2)2/2g 2
(c) (V13-V23) /2g (d) V22/g [(1/Cc)-1] V22/g [(1/Cc)-1] 2 1
(c) V2 /g [(1/Cc)-1] (d) V22/g [(1/Cc)-1] [{A/Cc (A-a)} -1] 2 V2/g
2 2 2

(c) between 2000 to(d)

none of the above
between 2000 to 4000 3

Mach number is between

(c) Mach number is (d)
none of
1 and
6 3
1 and 6
(c) stagnation pressure
(d) none of the above
drag 2

(c) stagnation pressure

(d) none of the above
lift 1

(c) both a & b (d) none of the above

less than 1

c.75% d.100% 66.67% 2

c.for real fluids d.for flow over flatfor plate
fluids 3
c.Reynolds number d.
moreof than
the5x Reynolds number is more than 3
10 5
5x 105
c.Pressure and turbulence
d.None forces
of the abovepressure and viscous force 1
c.Kinetic energy into
None of theenergyabove.
Mechanical energy into hydraulic 2 energy
c.u=3V/ 2 d.u= 4V/2 u= V/2 2
c.H = Gross Head d.+ V2/
None2g of Head
the above
H=due Grossto friction
Head Head lost due 2 to friction
c)Power at the shaftd)None of the turbineof the above
to theNonepower of the
at the inlet of turbine 4
c.Power at the shaft
power of at
Power at he shaft to the power 2given to the runner
of turbine
c.Power at the shaft
the power
of the atabove
Power inletatofthe shaft to the power 3at the inlet of turbine
turbine energy is the
sum none of of
the above
total energy
and pressure
is only energy 1
kinetic energy axial flow turbine
d.a reaction radial a turbine
reaction radial turbine 4
c.Velocity of runner
toNonethe velocity
of the above
by (2gH) 1
of flow at inlet to the velocity

given (2gH)
c.0.3 to 0.4 d.0.8 to 0.9 0.45 to 0.50 1
c.Under unit headd.None of the above Under unit head 3
c.The head on the d.
turbineNoneisofunity The head on the turbine is unity3
the above
head on turbine is unity one of the above head on turbine is unity 3
c.Curves at constant
None of the above Curves at constant head 3
c.Curves at constant
None of the above curves drawn at constant head1

c.The discharge is kept d.None constant

of theunder
above Theall constants
speed is kept constant under 2 all conditions
c. Kinetic energy into d. mechanical
energy into energy mechanical energy into mechanical 1energy
c.u=3V/ 2 d.u= 4V/2 u= V/2 2
c.H = Gross Head d.+ V2/
None2g of Head
the above
H=due Grossto friction
Head Head lost due 2 to friction
c.Power at the shaft
the turbine
of the above
None power
of the the inlet of turbine4
at above
c.Power at the shaft
power of at
Power of turbine
at he shaft to the power given 2 to the runner
c.Power at the shaft
the power
of the atabove
Power inletatofthe shaft to the power3at the inlet of turbine
turbine energy is the
sum none of of
the above
total energy
and pressure
is only energy 1
kinetic energy axial flow turbine
d.a reaction radial a turbine
reaction radial turbine 4 axial flow reaction
d.a radial
turbineflow reaction
an axial flow reaction turbine 3
c.Velocity of runner
toNonethe velocity
of the above
by (2gH)
of flow
at inlet to the velocity given (2gH)
c.0.3 to 0.4 d.0.8 to 0.9 0.45 to 0.50 1
c.Under unit headd.None of the above Under unit head 3
c.The head on the
the above
The head on the turbine is unity3
c.head on turbined.isunity
none of the abovehead on turbine is unity 3
c.Curves at constant
None of the aboveCurves at constant head 3
c.Curves at constant
None of the abovecurves drawn at constant head 1

c.The discharge is
kept None
of theunder
is kept constant under2 all conditions
c.Total head at outlet-
d.Nonetotal head
of theat Total head at outlet- total head 3
inlet at inlet
an axial flow turbinenone of the above none of the above 4
a radial flow reaction Noneturbine of the above radial flow reaction turbine 3
c.Kinetic energy into
None of theenergy
None of the above. 4
c.Kinetic energy into
None of theenergy
None of the above 4
Velocity of runner toNone the velocity
of the above
given by
of the above
0.3 to 0.4 None of the above None of the above 4
noneofthese tobringtherunnertorestinashorttime
Noneoftheabove dependsupon 1
inwardflowreactionturbinetangentialflowimpulseturbine 1
mediumheadofwater highdischarge highheadofwater 2
1/gVw1u1 Noneoftheaboveu=V1/2 1
Both(a)&(b) Noneoftheabove Both(a)&(b) 3
decrease Suddenlyincreased Suddenly drooped 1
flowvelocity/Sqrtof2gh 3
speedandheadofwater speed,powerdevelopedandheadofwater
alloftheabove alloftheabove 4
Francisturbine Noneofthese Kaplanturbine 2
Above250m Noneofthese 25to250m 2
Francisturbine Noneofthese Peltonwheel 1

1.8times Double 1.2times

c.Q= ALN d.Q= 2ALN Q= ALN / 60 1

c.Power possessedd.
by water
/ power
at the
/ S.H.P.
impeller / S.H.P. 1

c) in parallel and in d)
None of the abovein parallel 1

c.discharge is one cubic

d) None
of the
power is unit.
is unity and discharge
1 is one cubic metre

c) Q= ALN d) Q= 2AL Q= DBVf1 1

c) To increase the delivery

d) nonehead
of the above
To obtain a continuous supply of1 water at uniform rate
c) a change in the total
d) none
of the abovetorque 2

c) Flow of liquid through

d) Allaofhole
the provided
above Allat of
aboveof a container 4

c) equal to d) none of the above

equal to 3

c) equal to d) none of the above

equal to 3

c)During delivery thed)separation

Indicator diagram
may take
at the
in the cylinder
head forfor
6.8 m ( absolute)
of crank

c) Constant suppliesd)are
of theregardless
of pressure
are required regardless
3 of pressure fluctuations

c) The reciprocatingd)pumps
None can
of the
low viscosity
of liquids
power free
2by impurities.
fitting air vessels is more in a double acting than in

c) To run the pump d)

at All
muchof the
of the above
any danger of separation

c) Double section d) Open Open 4

c) It is easier to fabricate
d) It cannot run at speeds
It has aother
design speed.

c) Half open d) In any position Fully closed 1

c) Thomas cavitations
d) Pressure
co efficient
Thomas cavitations parameter 2

c) Mixed flow type d) All of above Mixed flow type 2

c) Compressor d) Pump Compressor 2

c)In any position d) None of the aboveNone of the above 4

c) The ratio betweend)Manometric
None of thehead
and ratio
the power
of the pump
1 and the head imparted by the impeller to water
c)The ratio between
d) None
of the above
power output
2impeller and power at the shaft
c.The ratio between
d) None
the power
of the output
of the
and the power output
3 toofthethepump
pump and the power input to the pump
c)The ratio between
d) None
the power
of the above
of the
of pump
the above
and the Manometric4 head
c) The ratio betweend)actualNone and
of the
aboveThe discharge
difference ofbetween
the pump
1 and actual discharge of the pump
c) The ratio betweend)actualNone and
of the
the pumpactual and
1 theoretical discharge of the pump
c) pump is running at d) high
of the aboveNone of the above 4

c) Both of a & b d) None of the aboveSingle acting 2

c) Both of a & b d) None of the above
Double acting 1

c.Q= ALN d.Q= 2AL Q= 2AL 4

c) To increase the delivery

d) Nonehead
of the aboveTo run the pump at a high speed
1 without separation
c) Reciprocating pump
d) Centrifugal pumpCentrifugal pump 4
c) Axial flow d) Mixed flow Reciprocating 1
c) Centrifugal pumpd) Screw pump Centrifugal pump 3

a) vw1u1/g a) vw1u1/g vw2u2/g

c) Total head at outlet
d) None
- Totalofhead
the above
at inlet
Total head at outlet - Total head at inlet

b) Hm/vw2u2 d) None of the abovegHm/vw2u2

Power at the impeller/S.H.P 1

c) Power possessedd)by
Power at the
by water/S.H.P

in series 2
c) in parallel & series
d) None of the above

Head developed is unity and discharge

1 is one cubic metre
c) Discharge is one d)
of the
shaft horse power is also unity

c) in the beginning of
of thestroke
abovein the beginning of the suction stroke

at the end of the delivery stroke1

c) in the beginning of
of thestroke

on the principle of water - hammer

c) on the principle ofd)reciprocating
None of the above

in parallel 1
c) in parallel & series
d) None of the above

Static head 1
c) Dynamic head d) Velocity head

c) Hs+hfs+hds+V2d/2gd) All the above All the above 4

manxm 1
c) o = mHm/1000/S.P
d) All the above

c) Between flow velocity
d) Between
and tangential
relative velocity
and tangential
vector velocity vector
The square of change in tangential 2 velocity at inlet/2g
c) The square of change
d) Theinsquare
of velocity
change inat relative
inlet velocity at inlet

Between relative velocity vector1and tangential velocity vector

c) Between flow velocity
d) Between
and tangential
relative velocity vector and flow velocity vector

c) Rotary d) Piston Rotary
c) Space between cases Space and
d) Space between suction between teeth
delivery and the casing
pipes 1

Volume of oil per revolution X No.

1 of revolution in one second
c) Volume of oil per d)
None of X

The ratio of Actual discharge to 1theoretical discharge

c) The multification d)
of Actual
None ofdischarge
the above
and theoretical discharge
c) Liquid metal d) Gas Oil 2
c) Liquid metal d) Gas Liquid metal 3
c) Space between cased) Space
and delivery
Spaceand case vanes and case4

Discharge also increased 1

c) No change in discharge
d) None of the above

c) Vanes, rotor and d)
ring rotor, camVanes,
ring and
casecam ring and case

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