Journal of Stored Products Research: R. Rusinek, R. Koby 1ka

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Journal of Stored Products Research 59 (2014) 254e259

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Experimental study and discrete element method modeling of

temperature distributions in rapeseed stored in a model bin
R. Rusinek*, R. Koby1ka
Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Doswiadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rapeseed is one of the major sources of vegetable oil. Improving processing and storage conditions is
Accepted 22 March 2014 very important in order to get high quality product. Rapeseed stored in silos is at constant risk of
Available online 14 April 2014 deterioration of quality. The self-heating phenomenon is the main reason for deterioration during
storage. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to describe the temperature distribution during this
Keywords: phenomenon and determine whether the self-heating area in a silo could be predicted. The discrete
Temperature distribution
element method (DEM) was used to predict temperature distributions in rapeseed in a cylindrical storage
bin and to describe the self-heating process of rapeseed. Model validation was carried out by comparing
Granular assembly
Discrete element method
the results of the model with experimentally measured grain temperatures at different points in a model
Silo silo. The predicted and measured temperatures were found to be in good agreement. DEM may be useful
for predicting temperature distributions in a silo and can describe the self-heating phenomenon.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction temperature for a long time; on the other hand, it is a drawback

because of the low level of heat transmission. The poor migration of
The self-heating phenomenon is a well-known reason for the heat accelerates the dynamics of the development of self-heating
deterioration of the quality of freshly harvested seeds. Some factors and makes self-heating difcult to detect and locate (Ileleji et al.,
that inuence self-heating are high moisture content, a high tem- 2006). Heat transmission between seeds may occur in three
perature of the harvested seeds and excessive metabolic activity of ways: by seed-to-seed contact, by convection of the air in the
insects living in the crop (Mills, 1989; Jia et al., 2001; Arbogast et al., intergranular spaces, and by radiation between the surfaces of
2004: Ramirez et al., 2010). Self-heating is a destructive process particles or across voids (Vargas and McCarthy, 2001). Unless there
(Gawrysiak-Witulska et al., 2011) that is, unfortunately, rather is forced air movement in a particular direction, the temperature
common in practice during the storage of grain and seeds. The eld in the case of heat exchange by convection is governed by the
physical consequences of self-heating include the formation of an gravitational eld, heated air tending to move upwards. Two
area of increased temperature, caking of the seeds, and cessation of important determinants of convectional heat exchange in seeds are
the outow of the material from the silo. the bulk density of the medium and the moisture content. The
One method to reduce the risk of deterioration of stored grain density is inuenced by the method by which the container was
is to monitor the temperature in the silo and to provide aeration lled (Horabik and Rusinek, 2001), the moisture content of the
when necessary. The ability to detect this phenomenon depends on seeds (Wia cek and Molenda, 2011), and the geometry and the
the thermal diffusivity of the bulk material. For example, rapeseed, structure of the seeds (qukaszuk et al., 2009). Lower porosity causes
according to the studies of Moysey et al. (1977), has a poor thermal a higher resistance to airow, but it increases heat transfer (and
diffusivity, ranging from 8.7  108 to 10.14  108 m2/s (the ther- therefore the thermal conductivity) by contact. Some authors (e.g.,
mal diffusivities of some other bulk materials, according to Smith and Sokhansanj, 1990; Iguaz et al., 2004) claim that heat
ASAE (2008), are as follows: corn, 10.22  108 m2/s; rice, transmission by seed-to-seed contact dominates in small-grain
10.99  108 m2/s; and hard wheat, 11.5  108 m2/s). On the one cereals such as wheat, rice, and rapeseed, whereas the effect of
hand, this is an advantage because precooled seeds hold their low convection is more important for larger particles such as apples and
potatoes. According to Muramatsu et al. (2007), the thermal con-
ductivity of brown rice kernels increases linearly with an increase
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 48 81 744 50 61, fax: 48 81 744 50 67. in the moisture content; similar results were obtained for cumin
E-mail address: (R. Rusinek). seed by Singh and Goswami (2000).
0022-474X/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Rusinek, R. Kobyka / Journal of Stored Products Research 59 (2014) 254e259 255

In practice, the safe storage of seeds requires their ventilation 2.2. Model silo
(Rusinek et al., 2012). Safety and measurement equipment is used
to control the conditions of storage, and the condition monitoring is A measurement station was developed for the study presented
usually based upon measurements of the temperature in the here, composed of a model cylindrical silo with a capacity of 3.85 m3
intergranular space (Jia et al., 2001). For the storage of dry matter, (w2500 kg), which was lled with winter rapeseed of the variety
ISO 4112:1990 (ISO, 1990) recommends that temperature sensors Suzy. A cylindrical container with a height H and diameter D of 1.7 m
should be arranged geometrically in a silo in the shape of a grid. The (so that H/D 1) was constructed from steel sheeting. The surface of
present work is centered on the description of temperature in- the seedbed was covered with plywood. The container was lled
creases that indicate self-heating. centrally, directly from a screw conveyor. The sensors were placed
Testing destructive phenomena such as self-heating in labora- every 0.15 m in one plane in both vertical and horizontal directions.
tory experiments is demanding of time and resources. However, the In the rst test (Fig. 1a), the sensor network was adjusted so as to
development of computer technology and numerical algorithms in place the intersection of the horizontal and vertical axes at the
recent decades provides us with an opportunity to devise a more center of the model container, where the most rapid progression of
convenient alternative. Numerical modeling of heat transfer inside the heating phenomenon might be expected to occur. In this
a mass of material is usually based on assumptions of continuum experiment, the silo was lled with three layers of seeds, each 0.5 m
behavior and homogeneity, using, for example, the nite element high: the rst layer, at the bottom, had a moisture content of 7%
method or computational uid dynamics (a basic description of (w.b.), the second layer had a moisture content of 12.7%, and the last
such models can be found, for example, in Wang and Sun, 2003). layer, at the top, had a moisture content of 7% again. The moisture
Recently, there have been a number of numerical simulations of content of the seeds was determined by oven drying at 103  1  C
heat transfer, pressure distributions, and airows in grain silos (Xu for 72 h (ASAE, 2006).
and Burfoot, 1999; Jia et al., 2000a,b; Moran et al., 2006; Juan et al., The second test (Fig. 1b) was performed with an internal heat
2006; Chourasia and Goswami, 2007). However, although such source. An electric heater (0.17 kW, 230 V, consisting of a heating
approaches may give accurate time-averaged results, they do not mat 0.8 m long and 0.5 m wide, which generated a maximum
take account of interparticle interactions in the granular bed, nor of temperature of 40  C) was installed at the bottom of the container.
the behavior of distinct particles (Chaudhuri et al., 2006). The temperature of the heater was increased in accordance with
In recent years, one of the more popular approaches for dealing the typical progression of self-heating: for the rst six days, the
with granular media has been the discrete (or distinct) element increase was about 1  C per day, and for subsequent days, 2  C per
method (DEM). This was originally proposed by Cundall and Strack day. A digital programmer and temperature sensors in the bulk
(1979), but has been extensively developed and used over the last material were used to control the increase of the temperature in the
20 years. The DEM was originally developed to simulate the me- silo. Three replications of the experiment were performed. Tem-
chanical response of a granular bed. However, it can easily be perature in the laboratory was controlled at 21  C.
extended to study other physical properties such as heat transfer (Li
and Mason, 2000; Chaudhuri et al., 2006; Kwapinska et al., 2008;
Nguyen et al., 2009). 2.3. Numerical DEM simulation
In the work reported here, the DEM software package LIGGGHTS,
developed by Kloss et al. (2012) was used. The aim was to evaluate The DEM algorithm is based on four main steps, namely:
the potential application of DEM to predicting phenomena such as
self-heating. The objectives of this study were as follows.  detection of particleeparticle and particleewall contacts;
 application of forces (contact, gravity, etc.) to each particle;
 to determine the progress of the self-heating phenomenon with  constructing and solving a set of differential equations based on
time and to nd out whether, and if so how fast, a grid of Newtons second law of motion for every particle;
temperature sensors situated in the bed can detect an area of  updating the particle parameters (e.g., positions and velocities)
self-heating; after a time step and repeating the whole cycle.
 to adapt the DEM model to predict the temperature distribution
in a rapeseed storage bin and to describe the self-heating phe- In the most basic form of the three-dimensional DEM, the sys-
nomenon; and tem of equations in the third step consists of three equations for the
 to validate the simulation model based on experimental data. spatial coordinates and three for the rotational coordinates. How-
ever, this system can easily be extended with additional equations,
describing other particle properties transferred during contact, for
2. Methods example charge and temperature.
The mathematical model used in the present work for calcu-
2.1. Measuring system lating the contact forces between colliding particles was based on
Hertzs theory, extended with a tangential force based on the work
The system was composed of 20 sensors. Each sensor measured of Mindlin and Deresiewicz (see, e.g., Di Renzo and Di Maio, 2004).
the temperature and relative humidity (r.h.) of the air in the In the case of a static bed discussed here the normal component of
intergranular space. The temperature and r.h. values were trans- the contact force is calculated as follows:
mitted over single wires to a control module. All data e sensor
4 * p* 3=2
numbers, temperature and r.h. values, measurement numbers, and N E R dij ; (1)
additional information e were archived in the memory of the
control module. After the test, control module was connected to the where the reduced parameters representing the Youngs modulus
PC to copy the data. Each of the humidity and temperature sensors E*, and particle radius R* are calculated as follows:
was built into a square plastic box with a size of 10  10  15 mm.
The casing had 1 mm diameter holes in it, sufcient to ensure a free  
1 1  v2i 1  v2j
ow of air. This paper presents the results of the temperature ; (2)
measurements only. E* Ei Ej
256 R. Rusinek, R. Kobyka / Journal of Stored Products Research 59 (2014) 254e259

Fig. 1. Model silo: (a) test 1, self-heating; (b) test 2, with internal source (0, 1, 2,.,19, temperature sensors; distance between sensors 15 cm).

A numerical experiment was performed in a cylindrical bin

1 1 1 (Fig. 2) with a diameter D and height H equal to 0.068 m (i.e., H/
; (3)
R* Ri Rj D 1), lled with 33,000 spherical particles having the material
parameters of rapeseed (Wia cek and Molenda, 2011; Timbers,
Also, n is Poissons ratio, d is the overlap of spheres in contact
1975): particle radius R, 0.001 m; density r, 1050 kg/m3; Youngs
(d Ri Rj  d > 0, where d is the distance between the centers of
modulus E, 410 MPa; Poissons ratio n, 0.17; coefcient of restitution
spheres i and j), The indices i and j are the numbers labeling the
e, 0.4; coefcient of friction m, 0.379; thermal capacity c, 99.185 J/
particles (the particle id) (i s j).
kg K; and thermal conductivity k, 1.2823 J/K s m. The at bottom of
The model used for heat transmission between two particles
the container was split into two equal parts (see Fig. 2); one part
was the same as the one used by Chaudhuri et al. (2006). An
was used as a heat source (the hatched part of the bottom), and the
evaluation of this model with all the assumptions behind it can be
other was left at the environmental temperature (21  C).
found, for example, in Vargas and McCarthy (2001) and the refer-
Boundary conditions were assumed at constant temperature to
ences cited therein. The rate of heat conduction Q in this model is
reect laboratory environment during the testing. Because of the
calculated from every single particleeparticle and particleewall
highly different scales between simulation and an experimental
contact (the heat transmission through pores, for example by
setup, particles in heated area very close to the cold wall gain more
convection and radiation, is assumed to be negligible, especially for
heat from other particles because of more contact points than they
storage without aeration e Smith and Sokhansanj, 1990) using the
are able to lose through single contact with silo wall. The constant
following scheme (Chaudhuri et al., 2006):
temperature of the walls was stabilization factor rather than an
element able to carry the heat.
Qij hc;ij DTij (4)
Having in mind an equation describing thermal energy transfer
Here, T is the temperature, and the heat transfer coefcient hc is inside the continuous material:
expressed as

4ki kj q
hc;ij Acontact;ij ; (5)
ki kj

where the coefcients k are the thermal conductivities of the par-

ticles (in units of J/K s m), and A is the contact area (in m2) between
two particles (assumed to be spheres), calculated on the basis of
Hertzs theory (Dintwa et al., 2008):
Acontact;ij p : (6)

The temperature change is calculated according to the following


dTi X
mi ci Qij Qsource;i (7)
dt contact;ij

where mi is the mass of the particle, ci is the specic thermal ca-

pacity (in J/kg K), and Qsource,i is the rate of heat generation due to
heat sources. Fig. 2. Numerical setup. The hatched area was used as a heater.
R. Rusinek, R. Kobyka / Journal of Stored Products Research 59 (2014) 254e259 257

rcp vDT (8)

where, dQ/dt is heat ux, r and cp e bulk density and thermal ca-
pacity of the material, DT e temperature change and v e velocity.
Based on Buckingham P-Theorem, the terms

P (9)
rcp vDT

should remain constant for all systems, and therefore in our case

dQ dQ
dte dts
re cpe ve DTe rs cps vs DTs

where indexes e and s denotes an experimental and simulation

Fig. 4. Experimental (mean and standard deviation) and DEM simulated values for
coefcients, respectively. Assuming similar conditions in laboratory
sensors close to the wall.
experiment and numerical simulations namely dQ/dte dQ/dts,
re rs, cpe cps and DTe DTs and rewriting velocity as length/
time, one might get the relation between times in numerical versus
laboratory experiment: near the geometric center of the layer of seeds with a moisture
content of 12.7%. This area was monitored by sensors 11e20 along
te ls the horizontal axis and 3e6 along the vertical axis. The proximity of
ts (11)
le the container wall facilitated more effective heat emission from the
seed mass, which was recorded by sensors 11 and 20. Most prob-
To reect the conditions of the laboratory experiment, the ably, part of the heat was absorbed by the steel wall of the
temperature was raised every 345 s of simulation time, which, container. Similar results were obtained for the measured tem-
based on formula (11), corresponds to 24 h of the real experiment perature close to the wall in the experiment with internal heat
on the scale of the model silo. generation and in the simulation experiment.
The progress of the temperature increase was adjusted in Results of research on self-heating show that agglomeration and
accordance with the self-heating phenomenon. lumping of matter under real conditions starts at temperature
levels of 30e35  C. It may be concluded from this that preventive
measures make sense only in the early stages of the development of
3. Results and discussion the phenomenon. If none of the measurement probes in the silo is
in the immediate area of danger, the occurrence of the process may
Some measured values of the temperature in the self-heating not be detected. Similar results were obtained by Ileleji et al. (2006)
experiment are shown in Fig. 3, and the measured and simulated for corn stored in a 12.5 t capacity bin.
temperatures of the rapeseed at different distances from the silo The temperature of the stored rapeseed followed the trend of
bottom are shown in Figs. 4e6. The phenomenon of self-heating increasing with the internal heat generation; however, the changes
was axisymmetric. Larsson et al. (2012) obtained similar results in the values were different between the silo center and near the
for wood pellet stored in approximately 4500 tons capacity silo. The wall. The temperature at the center at a height of 0.05D increased to
most active area, where the self-heating evolved most rapidly, was higher values than those measured by the corresponding sensors
near the wall at the same height. Similar trends were observed in
the DEM simulated values (Figs 4 and 5). This trend was conrmed
in research and computer simulation by Jia et al. (2000a, b, 2001)
for wheat and rice stored in a steel bin.
Figure 6 depicts the heat distribution inside the stored grain bulk
calculated using DEM at the very end of the simulation experiment.
Similar values of heat distribution were obtained using DEM by
Chaudhuri et al., (2006) in work on heat transfer in a rotating vessel.
Figure 6 is composed of four diagrams, where each diagram presents
the heat distribution inside a slice (of thickness 1 mm). The values of
the temperatures of the particles with their centers inside the given
slice were averaged, and a contour plot (isolines) was drawn. The
background of each diagram represents a real view of the particles
inside the slice, marked with colors representing temperatures from
21  C (blue) to 27  C (red). The top left picture (Fig. 6a) shows an
axial cross-section parallel to the x-axis (0  y  0.001 m) of the silo.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this gure, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.) One may notice the
strong asymmetry of the temperature distribution, caused by the
Fig. 3. Distribution of temperature along the horizontal axis in the self-heating heat source being placed only in the left half of the bottom. The
experiment: values for sensors 11e15 only. inuence of the silo walls and of the cold part of the bottom is
258 R. Rusinek, R. Kobyka / Journal of Stored Products Research 59 (2014) 254e259

clearly visible as well. Because of this inuence, the area of increased

temperature tends to move not only vertically with time but also
horizontally toward the center. As a result, the area of rapeseed with
a temperature below 21.5  C is almost symmetrical. Figure 6b pre-
sents an axial cross-section parallel to the y-axis (0  x  0.001 m) as
seen from the direction where the heat source is located. All parti-
cles in this diagram are from the region above the unheated part of
the bottom. As can be seen, the particles in this region barely
exceeded 27  C, although the heat source operated at a maximum
temperature of 37  C. Figure 6c depicts a cross-section in the same
direction, but this time shifted to the area of the heat source
(i.e., 0.007 m  x  0.008 m), which leads to an area with a highly
increased temperature. Considering the heating-element tempera-
ture of 37  C, one may notice that such a high temperature is not
distributed widely, and at a height corresponding to about two
particle diameters the temperature decreases to about 33  C.
Figure 6b and c shows a very good symmetry of the temperature
eld; however, slight uctuations can be observed in Fig. 6b, which
Fig. 5. Experimental (mean and standard deviation) and DEM simulated values for leads to the conclusion that the progress of heat transport to some
sensors close to the vertical axis of symmetry.

Fig. 6. DEM predicted temperature distribution: (a) axial cross-section parallel to x-axis; (b) axial cross-section parallel to y-axis; (c) axial cross-section parallel to y-axis, shifted
toward the heat-source area by approximately 0.11D; (d) horizontal cross-section at a height of about 0.25D.
R. Rusinek, R. Kobyka / Journal of Stored Products Research 59 (2014) 254e259 259

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