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Procedures Mrs.

Hailey Riverol

This document allows students to know almost everything I except from you in my classroom.
By making this document for you I am building an environment of trust and safety for you and
for me. This, also, eliminates any confusion you might come across during the school year.

Warm Up:
Every class will begin with a writing prompt written on the board or projected. It is the students
responsibility to complete the Warm Up before the end of the Warm Up time. If a student is
absent they will be able to make up Warm Ups.
Warm Ups are worth participation points. Warm Ups will begin as soon as the bell rings and
students will be required to continuously write for a period of time.
Students will be expected to write their Warm Ups either on a piece of paper or say them out
loud, depending on how the teacher provides them for the day. At the end of the required writing
time, students will turn in the piece of paper.

How Warm Ups are graded?

Students must be writing during the Warm Up, not visiting. You will receive full
participation if you are writing during the ENTIRE time of the Warm Up. Each day will have its
own page for the writing prompt and will be dated.

The Imagine Prep Tardy Policy is explained in detail in the student handbook.
You will be asked to receive a late pass from the Front Office if you walk after the final
bell rings..

Bathroom Use:
One student will be allowed to use the restroom at a time. If a student is using the
bathroom to frequently, or is out for a long period of time they will have their bathroom
privileges taken away.
With that being said, I understand students may have medical conditions or special
circumstances that require them to go, if this is the case people have your parents email the
school so they can notify me of this.

Drinks in closed, clear containers (water bottles) are allowed in the classroom. Any drink
not in a closed, clear container will be asked to throw them away. If this privilege is taken
advantage of, all students will lose the drink privilege.

If s student leaves food wrappers or trash in my classroom they will receive detention and
clean my classroom. If they refuse, they will be given a referral.
If I have to enter my classroom clean, I expect you to keep it clean, as well, because
students are in here just as I am.
Anyone caught throwing things in my class or leaving trash behind will be asked to stay
after the bell rings to clean up the mess. My philosophy is if you make the mess, you can clean
up the mess.

Food is not allowed in my classroom, unless a special event or project is taking place and
if I say it is okay. If a student is caught eating in my classroom, they have the option of either
throwing it away or me taking it away.

Announcement over the Loudspeaker:

If anyone makes an announcement over the loudspeaker students are to sit quietly and
listen. If an announcement is being made it is important and I need to be able to hear it.

My Stuff:
I do NOT share food, drinks, money, gum, etc. I bring enough for myself the same way
students bring enough for only you.
Any stuff at my desk or near my desk is mine. Please refrain from going behind my desk
to grab things or touch my stuff. I do not go to a students house and touch your stuff, I ask that
students do the same.
I care about each and every student in my classroom. I feel it is important for students to
trust me with anything that is happening in their life. Keep in mind, if a student tells me a
situation in which they or someone else is being hurt in any way it is my responsibility to get
help, either from the counselor or an administrator. This does not get them in trouble, but it is
done to protect them and others.

The destruction of school property is not allowed, and if a student is caught drawing on a desk,
walls, etc. they will be sent to the office immediately with a referral.

Rounding Grades:
I do NOT round grades. Each student is given enough opportunity to get their grades at
the level that they want it.

Redoing Assessments:
Any assessment may be redone if the student did not completely master the intended content or
skills, and the student has demonstrated sincere effort to prepare for the assessment the first time
it was given. Redoing assessments is a privilege, not something to be taken for granted.
Students may only redo an assessment if he/she scored below a 92%. In addition, the highest
redo score a student can earn is a 92%.

Students must complete 2 for the remediation process: correct original test/essay/project and
attend office hours. Required component: Parent signature on the original test

Once the remediation process has been completed, reviewed and is satisfactory, the student is
eligible to complete a retake of the assessment during Wednesday stay full day.
Extra Credit:
I do not believe in Extra Credit. I believe a student should give their best effort the first
time. With that being said, the only time a student can receive Extra Credit is when I sallow it.

Grades Work:
Most of a students work for this class will be kept in either their notebook, portfolio or
binder. It is important that students keep all graded work in these areas; this is done to that their
parents can see your work. If they lose their work there is no way for them or me to keep track
of their assignments. Also, by keeping it all together is allows them and me to see everything
they have done so if an assignment is missing we can figure out what happened.
When I pass back papers, students will look at their paper and place it in their binder. If
they are caught sharing an assignment with someone else so they can copy it is considered
cheating; refer to the cheating policy for consequences.
Large assignmentsif completion of assignments becomes an issue large assignments
will be sent home for a parent to signin order to verify that the students have discussed and
told their parents about this assignment.

Late Work:
Students must turn in all assignments on time so that the learning opportunities involved in
completing each assignment are realized. If a student fails to turn in an assignment on time,
students are encouraged to make an effort to complete that work in a timely manner for partial
credit as indicated below:
Within 1 week of the initial assigned due date for 90% of the original credit.

Absent Work:
Students will be given the amount of days that they were absent plus one additional day to
complete course work that was missed during their absence. For example, if a student missed 3
days of school they would be permitted 4 total school days to turn in work without penalty.

During an anticipated absence, parents must contact the office 3 days prior to their absence if
they wish to receive work. Parents may only request to pick up work from the office after their
child has been absent for 3 or more days. Students who miss two or less days of school are
required to obtain their work upon returning to school. It is the students responsibility to
acquire, complete and turn in work that was missed during

Please refrain from complaining about assignments. Or begging to go to extracurricular
activities during class time. Everything I am teaching is important and the students full
attention should be on whats being taught. Begging or complaining does not change my mind,
it only makes me mad.

Im proud of every student that is involved in sports at school. But class time is for
learning, not hanging out with the coach or talking to other students about the game.
Profanity, talk and discussion about pornography or perversion will not be tolerated.
Consequences for this behavior range from verbal warning, calling the students parents,
detention, to having to go to the principals office. Please act professional, students are educated
individuals with an extensive vocabularyfind something else to talk about.

MP3 & iPods:

Everything should be earned through positive behavior. If the class is quietly working on
something in class, I MAY allow students to use their iPods and MP3 players, but they cannot
play loudly or be disruptive. If this privilege is abused, it will be taken away.
I will let students know when they have earned the privilege of using these devices.
IPods are different than cell phones. If students do use their phone for music and I catch
them texting, the phone will be taken away.
When students listen to music, they are only allowed to have one ear-bud in. This is to
make sure they can still hear me when I am talking.
If the music is too loud, or if I can hear it, the student will have their music privilege
taken away.

Cell Phones:
Cell Phones will not be tolerated in my classroom. I do not text or call my friends during
class, students should not either.
If students are in possession of a cell phone or distracting electronic device during class,
the student will be asked to give me the phone for the rest of the class. If this becomes a
persistent thing, further action will be taken; the phone will be taken to the office.

Discipline Policy:
In the case of a discipline issue such as: being argumentative, acting rudely toward
others, and various other offenses which can be imagined, students will be asked to have their
parents sign a paper with which I write up about the problem.
Continuous discipline problems will conclude to a referral to administration.

Pledge of Allegiance:
I expect everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. If a student has a religious
reason as to why they cant stand I respect that, but please do not cause a distraction or act
disrespectfully to those whom desire to say it.

Quite Signal:
When students hear that I am being quiet and putting a SSSHHH finger over my mouth,
they are to get quiet and stop talking. It is important that students follow this procedure so we
dont waste any class time waiting for classmates to stop talking.

School Bell:
Students are not dismissed when the bell rings, I dismiss. Students will wait for me to
say they are free to go.
It is very important that students read and understand the safety codes used in the
classroomthis is outlined in the Student Handbook.
We will have school wide safety drills. These are done in order to prepare us for an
emergency situation and I take these very seriously. If students act inappropriately during a drill
I will treat this as if they were acting inappropriately during a real emergency in which they may
compromise the safety of themselves and their classmates. This behavior will be taken very
seriously and consequences will be enforced.

Calls Home:
I will call a students parents at some point this school year, please do not be alarmed it is
not always to discuss something negative.

If I am absent from school I expect students to behave as they normally would when I am
here. If I am not here, they are expected to attend class as you normally would, should utilize
their textbook, and/or your school issued electronic device. Students are NOT to use teacher
electronic devices. Students are to sit in your own assigned seat. They are to obey the directions
the substitute providesthe substitute is me that day, and if they report an issue to me there will
be consequences on a collective or individual basis. Do NOT take advantage of the sub, I will
find out.

Hats and Hoods are not allowed to be on in my classroom. I understand that the dress
code allows students to wear sweatshirts at school, but they are not allowed in my classroom. If
I see a student wearing them, I will ask them to take them off; failure to do so will result in a

Backpacks and purses are required to be on the floor during class. Failure to do so will
result in me taking the backpack/purse away for the rest of class. Students are here to learn, not
to focus on their backpack/purse all class.

All note-taking is required to be done on paper. Students are not required to take notes,
but the notes we discuss in class will better help them understand the information and help them
with any quizzes, tests, papers, or projects are assigned.

Complements, Concerns, and Questions:

During class there will be many opportunities for students to ask questions, but if they
feel they were not able to ask a questions, express a concern, or provide a complement, please
take the opportunity by writing a note to me.
If you have any concerns please feel free to email me.

I anticipate an exciting year whereupon students will be challenged in a positive and enthusiastic
environment. I look forward to getting to know all of my students, and I thank you for
partnering with me in the education and growth of yourself.

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