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Quarto do medo (panic room)

4 questes
Meg Altman, a recently divorced woman looking for an apartment with her daughter, Sarah.
Survive a home intrusion and keep Sarah alive
Three intruders: Junior, the grandson of the former brownstone owner; Burnham, a security officer; and Raoul, a bus driver. The
intruders are after $22 million in bearer bonds, locked inside a safe in the floor of the panic room.
She and her daughter will die.

4 arqutipos
She is emotionally distanced from her daughter, and she has recently broken up with her husband Stephan, owner of a pharmaceutical
She needs to find a way to thwart the burglars, keep her daughter safe, and get out of the panic room.Also, she needs to find a way to
get insulin for her daughter, and a way to conquer her claustrophobia.
She fights with the burglars to try to defeat them and find a way out
She must be willing to sacrifice her life to keep her daughter alive.

When a thirty-something divorced woman and her diabetic daughter discover intruders in their newly purchased NY Brownstone, they
must survive by hiding in their secure "panic room" and trying to find help, only to discover that the intruders want what is in the room.
So they must find a way to get insulin for the daughter's illness, and single-handedly beat the intruders while staying alive.

Plot points
Meg Altman and her daughter, Sarah, meet with a real estate broker to look at large brownstone apartment.
We learn Meg is looking for a new place to live because she has recently broken up with her rich husband.
The broker shows them the panic room.
Meg and Sarah move in. Over pizza we realize Meg and Sarah have been emotionally distant since Meg's marriage broke up.
Three intruders break into the house and realize someone has moved in earlier than they expected.
Meg wakes up to go to the bathroom and notices the closed-circuit TV screens are on in the panic room. When she goes to turn them
off, she sees the three intruders.
Meg dashes to Sarah's room. They are trapped by the intruders.
They rush to the elevator and start to descend, but when the intruders make it to the bottom before they do, Sarah tells her to head for
the panic room.
The intruders run after them.
Meg and Sarah make it into the panic room just in time.
The secure phone line is disconnected. They're stuck.
Meg realizes she has no insulin for Sarah. If she doesn't get insulin, Sarah will die.

Central question: Will Meg and her daughter survive to make it out of the panic room?

Via intercom, Meg tells the intruders she has called the police and they are on their way.
The intruders tell her they know she doesn't have a phone. They tell her that what they want is in the panic room.

She's adamant. She's not letting them in.

If Meg won't let them in, and they won't leave, then they'll make it impossible for her to leave. It's only a matter of time before their
stalemate erodes.

Meg and Sarah find supplies in the panic room. They might be able to stay awhile
The intruders start bashing at the walls, trying to get through. Meg and Sarah won't be safe for long.

Meg and Sarah bang on the walls, trying to wake up the neighbors.
Burnham finds a gas bottle. He pipes gas through a vent, trying to choke them out.

Meg finds a lighter and ignites the gas, launching the gas bottle across the room. Junior is badly burned.Sarah finds a powerful
flashlight. She shines the light through the ventilation tube, into the neighbor's bedroom. She turns the light off and on several times.
The neighbor wakes up.
But the neighbor just closes the blinds and goes back to sleep. Sarah feels the situation is hopeless.

While the intruders argue over money, Meg makes a run for her phone in the bedroom.
She drops the phone and breaks a light. The intruders dash back to the room.

Meg makes it back in the nick of time. She makes a call...

...but there's no signal inside the panic room.

Meg connects the phone to the main phone line. She calls the police, but they put her on hold. She hangs up and calls her ex-husband,
but just as she tells him about the intruders...
...they kill the main phone line. In the panic room, Sarah's insulin levels have dropped. Junior accidentally let's the other intruders know
how much money is really inside the panic room, $22 million instead of the $3 million they had thought. Raoul shoots Junior.

Meg's husband, Stephan, arrives.

Raoul takes Stephan hostage. The intruders hurt him on the closed-circuit TV camera so Meg can see. Meg and Sarah watch in horror.
Sarah goes into convulsions. She needs help fast or she'll die.

Burnham appears to take Raoul downstairs, leaving a moment for Meg to make a break. Meg goes for the insulin in Sarah's room.
It was a trap. What appeard to be Meg's husband is really Raoul in disguise. Raoul and Burnham get inside the panic room. Meg
realizes they have Sarah.

Meg tries to get insulin to Sarah, but Burnham and Raoul are already inside. She grabs her daughter and attempts to pull her out ...
...but they close the door. Meg throws the insulin shot inside. Raoul's fingers are jammed in the door.

Meg grabs a gun that Raoul dropped. She tells them to give her daughter the shot of insulin.
They tell her she has to go downstairs first, and then they'll give her the shot. She retreats, but not all the way downstairs.

Sarah talks Burnham through the injection. Sarah's going to be okay.

Meg checks on her ex-husband. His arm is broken. He begs her not to do anything stupid.

The cops show up, knocking on the door. Sarah grabs the insulin needles, hiding them behind her back.
The cops are very persistent. They don't think Meg is telling the truth when she tells them there's nothing wrong. But they eventually
go. Burnham continues breaking into the safe to get to the bonds.

Meg concocts a plan. She smashes the closed-circuit TV cameras and starts to lay a trap.
Burnham and Raoul find the $22 million in bearer bonds. It's time to leave. They grab Sarah and make their way out, threatening to
hurt her if Meg makes a wrong move.

They come across the husband holding the gun. He tells them to let his daughter go. Meg hits Raoul with a hammer and he falls down
the stairs.Burnham makes a run for it. Raoul makes his way back inside and wrestles with Meg. Sarah stabs Raoul repeatedly with the
insulin needles. Raoul knocks Sarah out. Raoul picks up a sledge hammer and just as he is about to smash Meg's head, Burnham shoots
Raoul dead. Burnham tries to run but...
...the police arrive and Burnham is caught. The bonds scatter in the air. Meg and Sarah are alive. They made it! Denouement: Meg and
Sarah start looking for a new apartment.

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