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Parte Daniela

Petra: Petra is a city of Jordan; the city of Petra is more than 2.500 years old. Most
of its buildings were built in red rock of the mountains in the area. The city was an
important center in the country for years even for centuries. At the finale of the
century the Romans arrived at area. For years nobody knew about this beautiful city,
just the people who lived around the area. In this place was recorded a part of the
Indiana Jones film where it can see one of its temple

Machu picchu: For a long time, nobody knew about this wonder, Machu Picchu was
built by the Incas around 1460 in the highest mountains of Peru, 80 Km from the
Cuzco's city. Some people think that it was for the protection of the Inca people,
other people say that Inca Cuzco's rulers enjoyed travelling and stay there. This
great place can be reached by train or it can walk there, this can take about a week

Stonehenge: Is a late 19th-century Neolithic megalithic monument located near

Amesbury in the county of Wiltshire, England, about fifteen miles north of Salisbury.
Stonehenge is formed by large blocks of metamorphic rocks distributed in four
concentric circles. The purpose of the construction of this great monument is
unknown, but supposed to be used as a religious temple, funerary monument or
astronomical observatory used to predict the seasons.

#How old is the city of petra?
2.500 years old
# Where it is located Stonehenge
In england

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