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The Negative Effects of Jealousy

What is Jealousy?
Jealousy is a often painful emotional response that typically occurs in relationships when
a third party is seen as a threat in some way. Jealousy is related to envy in that we may
feel excluded from an experience our partner is having with someone else and envy their
positive experience. There can also be an underlying fear beneath jealousy especially of
losing the person we care about. Jealousy is often attributed to an insecure connection to
a partner in relationship.

Negative Effects of Jealousy

If jealousy is not addressed when it comes up in relationship some or all of these possible
effects may emerge. Jealousy can lead to physical and emotional distress for the person
feeling it. It puts a strain on the relationship potentially distorting communication and the
freedom of both partners. In extreme cases it can lead to verbal or physical abuse both
within and outside the relationship.

Jealousy in Different Relationships

Jealousy occurs in romantic relationships but it can also occur in work relationships,
friendships, family relationships or in almost any human interaction.

Addressing Jealousy
The most important aspect of addressing jealousy is open communication. If it is
discussed and brought out into the light the jealous person's fears may be able to be
relieved. If this is not successful professional counseling may be in order.

Jealousy is a natural part of relationship which can be challenging and lead to destructive
effects but if addressed it can also lead to greater intimacy, freedom and personal growth.

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