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Critically Reflecting on Your Practice

Date: 19/7/17

Self-reflection Connections to Code of Ethics

(Your reflection on your performance)
Today, I engaged with and completed a number of components in Integrity
Standard 7. I engaged professionally with a range of colleagues, parents,
carers and the community as I was given the opportunity to implement a Dignity
number of processes required when organising a school excursion to a Responsibility
local food establishment. This task meant that I was able to engage in
professional conversations through phone calls and emails with the
manager. Furthermore, I complied with meeting standard 7.1 by meeting Justice
the professional responsibilities of making communications with parents Care
in regards to their childs behaviour, following school protocols of cross
classing students and entering information into OneSchool. I believe that
this task was greatly beneficial to my teaching practice as it provided me
with the opportunity to actively extend my knowledge and skills of
implementing standard 7 and allowed me to have greater
communications with members of the community.

Throughout my Year 9 Home Economics lesson today I chose to

improve a lesson previously completed yesterday, this specific
opportunity allowed for me to make numerous modifications and
establish clearer instructions and make elements of the lesson more
concise. Once adjustments to delivery were made with step-by-step
instructions my class was able to complete the required tasks within the
lesson. This particular reflection and adaption encouraged me to
thoroughly expand my professional practice, specifically in the sense of
understanding how my students learn and adapting to their necessary

Following the completion of a formative assessment quiz at the

beginning of this week, I made adjustments to lessons by revisiting
components today and therefore greatly supported students in their
working towards achieving the set learning goals for this lesson. This
revisiting of content and building upon current knowledge and
understanding was essential as students will be required to draw upon
this information throughout the construction of their summative
assessment task and future classroom interactions.
Student Feedback Peer Assessment
(What your students thought about your (Feedback that your mentor teacher has provided)

Throughout todays lesson I Following my complete lesson with the Year 9 Home Economics class
encouraged the students to discuss my mentor and I began to discuss her class/teacher observation of my
one-on-one with me how they felt lesson. This provided me with the opportunity to reflect upon the
about the task I had provided them strategies used and any that may need improvement.
with. It was during this section of
the lesson where I was made area Further discussions with mentors that in following lessons I should allow
that a number of students in the a few minutes at the beginning of the lesson for students to settle before
classroom struggle with extensive beginning to mark the role and begin my teaching.
instructions and prefer visual
demonstrations and explanations of
tasks in the practical classroom.

What you will do?

Allow time for students to settle at the beginning of each lesson

Set Goals Reinforce classroom expectations into each lesson
Continue to reinforce school behaviour management strategies.

Incorporate settling time into lessons
Implement greater discussion time that aligns with the selected activity.
Pose questions to students to identify students understanding.
Modifications to
Discuss strategies with mentor teachers

Structure my lessons in accordance to the unit planners.

Action Plan Create engaging activities for all students.
Create an environment that students enjoy working in.

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