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Composers use distinctively visual images in a way that draws an audience in, allowing the story to

unfold the way they want it to. This is demonstrated in the short stories The Drovers Wife and The
Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson and short film The Most Beautiful Thing by Cameron Covell, whereby
distinctively visual elements are used to have an impact on the audience, and successfully convey a
particular view point to within the stories worlds.

In the film The Most Beautiful Thing Covell begins the unfolding of the story by helping the
audience to visually envision the hardships and struggles of being an outsider. The use of the
medium long shot in the opening creates a vivid image to the audience that the protagonist is
constantly alone.The juxtaposition of shots between the other students and the protagonist further
visually emphasises this sense of isolation in the audiences mind. Blurring out the background to
focus on the foreground allows the audience to visually focus on the contrast between the dull
colour palette used in the protagonists costuming against the bright pink flyer. This flyer becomes a
visual depiction to the audience of hope for the protagonists in his dull word of isolation. The little
use of dialogue visually draws the audience into his isolated world, symbolically allowing them to
view his perspective of life within their imagination. Through Covells distinctively visual depiction of
the protagonists isolated world he is able to have an emotional affect on the audience, successfully
conveying this view point that life as an outsider is sad and lonely. Similarly, in the beginning of The
Drovers Wife, Lawson helps the reader imagine a world filled with hardships and struggles. The
compound words and accumulated adjectives in, Four Ragged, dried up looking children are playing
about the house, sun-browned bush women, gives the reader a clear visual image of the drovers
wife and her children being malnourished, and intensely affected by the hot, dry environment to
which they live. The lexical word chain, Round timber, slabs, and stringy bark, creates a visual
image of the poor materials the house is made off, visually showing the poor lifestyle of the family.
At every flash of lightning, the cracks between the slabs gleam like polished silver, enables the
reader through the simile to visually imagine the limitations of their shelter, further visually adding
to this oppressive lifestyle they are envisioned by the audience to live in. Lawsons distinctively visual
elements of the familys everyday hardships have a powerful affect on the audience, making a point
that people in rural areas live only have their family.

Contrastingly in The Loaded Dog Lawson firstly opens the story by helping the reader visually
imagine a world filled with humour and foolishness. The accumulation and alliteration, They had a
big black young retriever - or rather an overgrown pup, big, foolish, four footed mate draw our
attention into visually imagining the size and youth of the dog, so that we visually see how unaware
the dog is of the damage he can cause. Who was always slobbering round them and lashing their
legs with his heavy tail that swung like a stock whip, the onomatopoeia visually helps the reader
see the friendly enthusiasm of the dog whilst the physicality of this energy is further depicted in our
minds through the simile. The hyperbole and personification in most of his silliness creates a clear
picture in the readers mind of the dogs friendly, joyful nature, a characteristic that is vital in creating
the humour of the story as his joyful enthusiasm becomes incongruous with the danger of the
stories climax. Lawson visually enables the reader to picture this carefree world, joyfully impacting
their emotions.
Covell in The Most Beautiful Thing visually creates a climatic change within the unfolding of his
story filling this once isolated world with love and affection. The upbeat background music has an
effect on the audiences visually perspective towards how they perceive the protagonists state of
wellbeing. The background lighting is visually seen to become lighter effectively giving off this ora to
the viewer that his life is becoming happier. Changing the audiences visual perspective of the
protagonists current life. The break in the non-dialogue pattern visually allows the audience to
picture this as being a step towards a brighter future for the protagonist, as they imagine this
symbolically meaning that they are not going to live in silence anymore. The medium shot
positioning the two characters embracing at the end contrasts with the beginning shot of the
protagonists being alone, visually making the audience picture for the first time the protagonist as
no longer being an outsider. Through the empathetic nature of Covells distinctively visual elements
he is able to have a powerful affect on the reader, making point that an outsider only needs one
person to make them feel accepted.

Contrastingly in the unfolding of The Drovers Wife, Lawson helps the reader visually envision that
although this world has not changed, the people inside have stayed strong and not crumbled in their
troubles. One day she sat down to have a good cry, as she said - and the old cat rubbed against her
dress and cried too. Then she had to laugh, The use of dialogue visually reveals the protagonists
inner strength, as she finds sunshine in the darkest hours, visually painting her sense of character to
the reader. The short sentence she thought how her husband would feel when he came home and
saw the result of years of labour swept away. She cried then, Lawson does not dwell on painting a
picture of her despair but rather on her efforts for the audience, visually giving dignity to her
failures. Lawson has an emotional impact on the reader through his view point that there will always
be happiness in life if you search hard enough.

Similarly in The Loaded Dog Lawson visually unfolds this story by showing how although the
characters foolish nature got them into trouble, their world doesnt change. The dash and truncated
sentences in he sniffed at the cartridge twice, and was just taking a third cautious sniff when - ,
visually making the reader imagine the explosion for themselves. This anticlimax is highly distractive
and avoids disrupting the humour of the story. Bushman say that kitchen jumped off its piles and
on again, the hyperbole creates aural imagery, helping us see how powerful and the consequences
of the blast was, confirming how much danger the men were in and how foolish they were for
allowing the dog to take the cartridge. Using humour and imagery Lawson distinctively conveys
images of the bush and those that lived there.

In conclusion, it is seen within the short stories The Drovers Wife and The Loaded Dog by Henry
Lawson and short film The Most Beautiful Thing by Cameron Covell that the use of drawing the
audience in through distinctively visual images allows the story to unfold the composers message,
having an emotional affect, and successfully conveying a particular view point to the audience within
the stories worlds.

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