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Getting into the Living City is hard. Getting out is harder. Some will go to any lengths for a
chance to have their wish granted in the City of Djinn...

A Scroll-Keeper and the Djinn bound to her bloodline are racing to escape before
anyone notices the epoch map leading to the legendary City of Djinn is missing.

The Undertaker had no choice after her magickal talent was exposed and she
couldn't exactly leave without the Corpse she brought back to (sort of) life.

With a monstrous curse looming over him, the Assassin has enough to worry
about without getting stuck with the target he refused to kill. Unfortunately,
Written by Kezle
that's exactly what happened.
Art by Kezle, clipartbro, clipartkid
Now crouched together in a hidden passage beneath a smuggler safehouse with Based on John Harpers Lady Blackbird
automatons of the Brass Forces banging on the door above, it is only a matter of time This document is licensed under a Creative Commons
before they break in and the search for your hiding place begins. Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 license.

Getting out of the living city is hard. Surviving the shifting sands, forbidden magicks, exhumed
lords, and ancient automatons to find the fabled City of Djinn is harder.

Will they be able to locate the City of Djinn?

If they do, will their wish be worth the cost?
By the time they get there, will their wish still be the same?
The red sun gazes down upon the sand-clogged gears of a world running out of time....


When it still had a name, The Living City was the gem of the desert but as A shifting ocean of dense sand swirling at the centre of the desert. Sand sailors and
its great clock winds down its efforts to protect its population have pirates navigate the surface, hopping from sandbars to platforms as long as they can keep
gotten out of control. The gates are sealed, magick is prohibited, and brass their skimmers afloat. The most daring caravans make the trek on foot but such a
automatons enforce the City's will. The failure of the rebellion left most with a will to journey is suicide without an experienced navigator. If you venture off the firm path
fight dead or scattered to the desert outside. Now, besides those granted official positions there is no swimming, only death.
by the City, the city is mostly populated by smugglers and those too poor to pay them. Mobile pirate mooring platform Slowly sinking sand skimmer
Automaton Factory Smuggler Catacombs Heart of the City Automaton glinting beneath the Sand Waves

More often referred to as the Melted City, Lagas is the long dead sibling of the Living City. Set over the skeleton of the ancient Star Feller, Akkada is a settlement for the outcasts,
Its great clock is unmoving and its mechanisms have long since ground to a halt but the the sellswords, and all things magickal. Alone in the sands, It stands as a counterbalance
city is far from empty. Time-stranded spirits, criminals, and treasure hunters seeking the to the laws of the Living City and the lingering traditions of Lagas. More caravans might
slumbering clockwork army said to be locked deep beneath the city gather to its shadows. flock there were it not for the tales of Daeva, the Graven Crone, and her twisted magick.
Most respectable travellers look elsewhere for shelter and for good reason, rumour says Butchers Emporium Sand Dune Trapdoor The Binding Tent
even djinn are wary of the Exhumed Lords who still rule the dead city.
The Old Clock Vault of the Exhumed Lords Graveyard of the Living KING OF URU
The remains of an ancient automaton of gigantic proportions... or at least its head.
OASIS Where's its body? Do any other parts remain?
The library of scrolls, collecting knowledge from across the desert. Scroll-Keepers spend Abandoned Scavenger Camp Rusted Hatch Buzzing beneath the sands
their lives here while inventors and knowledge seekers pass through the gates. The outer
courts are open to merchants and caravans, making it a welcome rest stop and trading DESERT RUINS
place in the harsh desert if you can ignore the wandering prophets proclaiming the end
Ancient ruins dot the desert; sinking pillars, bas-reliefs of unfamiliar figures, watchful
of the world.
statues with their eyes gouged, and stairs to nowhere. Scavengers and nomads make their
The Room of Uncatalogued Scrolls Viewing Pool camps there but no one lingers longer than they have to.
Scroll-Keeper locked in the Observatory Scorched Library Hanging Gardens Gate of Faces
The red sun gazes down upon the sand-clogged gears of a world running out of time....


Folklore says that under the sands lies the great mechanism upon MALE: Akil, Arash, Bahara, Cas, Darius, Diyaa, Ellil, Farouk, Gul, Hadad, Idris, Jahan,
which civilisation was built when rain still fell. Now the great gears churn Jaspar, Khalil, Kir, Luga, Mirzal, Namhu, Navir, Omid, Orris, Payam, Rahim, Tanit, Zander
beneath the desert, keeping time moving and the sands shifting. Was it
FEMALE: Aisha, Azusa, Bau, Iltani, Leyla, Lina, Malika, Nahid, Nakurta, Nima, Nour, Oma,
built by Djinn? The old kingdoms? Does it even exist? If it does, it must be in a very sorry
Roksan, Rosa, Shala, Taruh, Ummi, Utu, Vashti, Yasmin,Yayo, Zareen
Metal plating under the sand Desert plains moving underfoot REGIONAL: Gearborn, Clocker, Sunfoot, Duner, Timelost, Seaskimmer, Sandsleeper
Dune clogging gears
DJINN MONIKERS: Amber, Brass, Cane, Gem, Gold, Hopper, Knot, Link, Lock, Peg, Pommel,
Roach, Rain, Root, Shade, Slice, Skimmer, Snake, Sweets, Treasured
It is said that the fabled city is remade every dawn and never appears in the same location DJINN TRUE NAMES: An-ashurka-ullal, Mardu-uru-marshik, Lugal-sin-kitun, Ziusudra-
twice. Beyond its gates lie unknown riches; gems, gold, spices, and High Djinn who can puzur-aua, Mar-inanna-isil, Lilith-tul-ninlil, Ibal-pi-el, Ur-tirigan-ba
grant any wish. At least those are the stories. No one telling the tales have actually been
there and most spread outlandish rumours rather than admit to a lack of knowledge.
Whether the city even exists is debatable but djinn have to come from somewhere, right?
Golden markets Court of Eternity Library of the Lost

ESTA Damaged Times Up Depleted Marked Lost Hunted Exposed
Scroll-Keeper fleeing the Living City
with the stolen Epoch Map in search YOU HAVE: Gavels Container [____________] Epoch Map Clockwork Legs Far more scrolls than you need
the fabled City of Djinn and her
inventor mother who disappeared on To overcome an obstacle, roll: 1 TRAITS
die + 1 die for a TRAIT that can help
the same quest. + 1 die for each TAG from that trait that applies +
Scroll-Keeper Script Magick
Ancient Lore, Identify, Curious, Search, Insight, Myths, Sight, Read, Channel, Mend, Awaken, [Seal],
any POOL DICE you add. Each die that shows a 4+ Cartography, Artifacts [Overload], [Possess]
is a hit. You need hits equal to the difficult level
to succeed.
Clockwork Legs Mediator
Levels: 2 - easy/3 - difficult/4 challenging/5 - extreme Clockwork, Nimble, Dodge, Leap, Trip, [Knockout Kick], Negotiate, Logic, Soothe, Reassure, Debate, [Deduce
[Transform], [Enhancements] Motive], [Befriend]
If you succeed, discard all dice (including pool dice). If you
fail, keep any pool dice used and add one die to your pool. The GM will then escalate the situation. To help Tags in [brackets] have yet to be unlocked. You can buy them with advances.
another character on a roll: describe what your character does to assist them and give them a die
from your pool. On a failure you get the die back. On a success you don't.
Key of the Pacifist Secret of the Old Tongue
Conditions: When appropriate, the GM may impose a condition on your character. Mark the condition and You believe knowledge and understanding can solve You can decipher and write the ancient glyphs. As
all problems and that violence should be the last long as you can write or gesture, you can use them to
describe how it happened. A character can never die unless the player agrees.
resort. trigger dormant magick in objects and locations.
BUYOFF: Spill the blood of a foe
When you hit a key: Take an experience point (XP) or add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10).
Take 2 XP, pool dice, or one of each if you go into danger because of your key. If you choose to buyoff a key when Key of Curiosity Secret of the Epoch Map
the condition occurs, cross out the key and take two advances. Whether it is ancient artifacts or the mysteries of the You can use the map which holds the secret to
human mind, you cannot resist an opportunity to charting the desert's motion and predicting where the
5 XP equals an advance which you can hoard or spend at any time to: broaden your knowledge. Hit your key when you City of Djinn will appear next. Who knows what other
investigate something unusual or meddle in an priceless knowledge it may hide? The Epoch Map
Add a new Trait (based on what was learned in game or some past experience that has been revealed)
intriguing situation.. functions as a traitless tag which may be added on
Add a tag to an existing trait any appropriate roll. Just try not to lose it!
BUYOFF: Ignore a chance to learn something new
Add a new Key (each must be unique)
Learn a new Secret (if you have the means to) Key of the Daughter Secret of the Quick Wit
When the letters from your mother stopped, you knew Once per session, you can re-roll a failure while
something was wrong. You aren't going to let it lie. negotiating with someone.
Refreshment scenes:
Hit your key whenever you take steps towards finding
Refresh your dice pool back to 7 by having a refreshment scene with another character or a meaningful your mother.
flashback. You may also remove one condition or refresh a Secret, depending on the particulars of the scene. BUYOFF: Give up on your quest
This is a good time to ask questions (in character) and get to know the other characters.
GAVEL Damaged Times Up Depleted Marked Lost Hunted Exposed
Once a prestigious Djinn, now he is
shackled to a container in the mortal YOU HAVE: Gold. Only mortals need more than that.
realm and bound to Estas bloodline.
He longs to be free and regain his To overcome an obstacle, roll: 1 die TRAITS
+ 1 die for a TRAIT that can help + 1
former status. Djinn Bound
die for each TAG from that trait that applies + any
POOL DICE you add. Each die that shows a 4+ is a Shapeshifting, Incorporeal, Manifest, Expand, Harden, Summoned, Bond, Bloodline, Suspicious, Shield,
Swift, [Immortal Strength], [Invisibility], [Wish] [Immobilise], [Unnatural Sense], [Rescue],
hit. You need hits equal to the difficult level to
Ancient Crafty
Levels: 2 - easy/3 - difficult/4 challenging/5 - extreme
Djinn, Ageless, Imposing, Memories, True Name, Cunning, Manipulate, Languages, Deceive, Steal,
If you succeed, discard all dice (including pool dice). If you Reputation, [Sense Magick], [Indomitable Will] [Appraise], [Enrage]

fail, keep any pool dice used and add one die to your pool. The GM will then escalate the situation. To help
Tags in [brackets] have yet to be unlocked. You can buy them with advances.
another character on a roll: describe what your character does to assist them and give them a die from
your pool. On a failure you get the die back. On a success you don't.
Key of the Inhuman Secret of the Djinn
Conditions: When appropriate, the GM may impose a condition on your character. Mark the condition and Hit your key when you pull off something only a djinn You can change shape, size, and become incorporeal
describe how it happened. A character can never die unless the player agrees. could (and make sure to brag about it to all the mere at will. Just remember, when no one can touch you,
mortals). you cant touch them.
BUYOFF: Be humble
When you hit a key: Take an experience point (XP) or add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10).
Take 2 XP, pool dice, or one of each if you go into danger because of your key. If you choose to buyoff a key when Key of Freedom Secret of Summoning
the condition occurs, cross out the key and take two advances. Once per session, instead of pool dice you can roll as
Esta has promised you your freedom if you help her
many additional dice as you have unlocked Bound
find the City of Djinn but sometimes you get a bit
tags when answering a call for assistance from Esta
5 XP equals an advance which you can hoard or spend at any time to: impatient. Hit you key when you defy authority or
order someone else around for a change.
Add a new Trait (based on what was learned in game or some past experience that has been revealed) BUYOFF: Give up on becoming a free djinn
Add a tag to an existing trait
Add a new Key (each must be unique) Key of the Hoarder
Learn a new Secret (if you have the means to) Mortal objects hold little value for you but there is
something about the way gold shines that is so hard to
Refreshment scenes: resist. Hit your key when you go after gold and other
treasures to add to your collection.
Refresh your dice pool back to 7 by having a refreshment scene with another character or a meaningful
BUYOFF: Abandon or spend your hoard
flashback. You may also remove one condition or refresh a Secret, depending on the particulars of the scene. This
is a good time to ask questions (in character) and get to know the other characters.
GearBORN Damaged Times Up Depleted Marked Lost Hunted Exposed

A rebel who outlived the failed YOU HAVE: Memento from the Revolution [____________] Old Rifle Muddy Shovel Pocket watch that never works right
revolution. Undertaker. The city branded
her a criminal after accidentally To overcome an obstacle, roll: 1 die TRAITS
+ 1 die for a TRAIT that can help + 1
using magic to bring Samur die for each TAG from that trait that applies + any Revolutionary Orphan of the City
back to (semi)life. POOL DICE you add. Each die that shows a 4+ is a Improvise, Guerilla Tactics, Sabotage, Escape, Scrounge, Backstreets, Automatons, Gossip, Black
Connections, [Inspire], [Brawl], [Undercover] Market, Low Profile
hit. You need hits equal to the difficult level to
Sniper Time Magick (one tag at a time)
Levels: 2 - easy/3 - difficult/4 challenging/5 - extreme
Shooting, Rifle, Aim, Spotting, Experience, Careful, Reflections of the Past, Bygone Whispers, Future
If you succeed, discard all dice (including pool dice). If you [Long Range], [Camouflage], [Ambush] Glimpse, [Disrupt the Flow], [Reach Outside Time]

fail, keep any pool dice used and add one die to your pool. The GM will then escalate the situation. To help
Tags in [brackets] have yet to be unlocked. You can buy them with advances.
another character on a roll: describe what your character does to assist them and give them a die from
your pool. On a failure you get the die back. On a success you don't.
Key of the Revolutionary Secret of Time
Conditions: When appropriate, the GM may impose a condition on your character. Mark the condition and The rebellion lives on in you. Hit your key when you Time doesn't always flow normally around you.
describe how it happened. A character can never die unless the player agrees. stand up to oppression, defend the unfortunate, or Disruptions of any serious magnitude are difficult
challenge authority. and most are rarely more than a few minutes from
BUYOFF: Accept your circumstances the present, making it easy to keep yourself anchored.
When you hit a key: Take an experience point (XP) or add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10). But even small disturbances can have unintentional
Take 2 XP, pool dice, or one of each if you go into danger because of your key. If you choose to buyoff a key when Key of Time side effects like when you touched that corpse and
the condition occurs, cross out the key and take two advances. You arent always in complete control of your ability he came back to life (more or less). With walking,
and its consequences. Hit your key when your magick talking evidence following you around, there is no
5 XP equals an advance which you can hoard or spend at any time to: causes you trouble or time wrinkles at an denying your abilities. Whether you call it innate
inconvenient moment. magick or an unfortunate accident, it is a fact of life
Add a new Trait (based on what was learned in game or some past experience that has been revealed)
BUYOFF: Embrace the chaos for you.
Add a tag to an existing trait
Add a new Key (each must be unique) Key of the City Secret of Foresight
Learn a new Secret (if you have the means to) You hope the backing of the djinn or some greater Once per session, roll and decide whether or not to
force will be enough to free your beloved city once and complete the action after seeing the result. If you
Refreshment scenes: for all. Hit your key when you take action towards choose to take the action, keep the result. If you do
completing that goal. not, ignore the roll and take a different action.
Refresh your dice pool back to 7 by having a refreshment scene with another character or a meaningful
BUYOFF: Give up on The Living City
flashback. You may also remove one condition or refresh a Secret, depending on the particulars of the scene. This
is a good time to ask questions (in character) and get to know the other characters.
SamUR Damaged Times Up Depleted Marked Lost Hunted Exposed
Bal-MARR YOU HAVE: Your head (sometimes it comes off) Bloodstained Robes Potent Perfume Emerald brooch with unfamiliar initials
Former prosecutor and official of the
Living City. Murdered. Accidentally To overcome an obstacle, roll: 1 die TRAITS
brought back to (semi)life by Mot. + 1 die for a TRAIT that can help + 1
die for each TAG from that trait that applies + any Unliving Gentleman
POOL DICE you add. Each die that shows a 4+ is a Undead, Outcast, Impervious, Repair, Outside Time, Educated, Refined, High Society, Presence, Persuasion,
Sense Living, [Strength], [Project Soul] Charm, Science, Medicine
hit. You need hits equal to the difficult level to
Corpse Old Life
Levels: 2 - easy/3 - difficult/4 challenging/5 - extreme
Horrifying, Stench, Unnerving Stare, Fists, Bite, Bureaucracy, Law, Wealth, Distract, Flatter, Gamble,
If you succeed, discard all dice (including pool dice). If you [Detach Limbs], [Unstoppable], [Disease] Reckless, Drinking, [Contacts], [Reputation]

fail, keep any pool dice used and add one die to your pool. The GM will then escalate the situation. To help
Tags in [brackets] have yet to be unlocked. You can buy them with advances.
another character on a roll: describe what your character does to assist them and give them a die from
your pool. On a failure you get the die back. On a success you don't.
Key of the Wish Secret of the Corpse
Conditions: When appropriate, the GM may impose a condition on your character. Mark the condition and More than anything, you wish to be restored to life You are neither living nor dead and can no longer be
describe how it happened. A character can never die unless the player agrees. and have revenge on those who murdered you. Hit injured. You can suffer physical and mental damage
your key when you work towards finding the City of but limbs can always be stuck back on and it's only a
Djinn and having revenge. matter of sewing up any holes. Still, try not to catch
When you hit a key: Take an experience point (XP) or add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10). BUYOFF: Give up on your wish on fire or anything because every body has their
Take 2 XP, pool dice, or one of each if you go into danger because of your key. If you choose to buyoff a key when limits, even dead ones.
the condition occurs, cross out the key and take two advances.
Key of the (un)Living
Somehow you are still living when you ought to be
Secret of the Second Breath
5 XP equals an advance which you can hoard or spend at any time to: dead. Hit your key when you tempt fate or survive a Once per session after a failed roll you can get back
Add a new Trait (based on what was learned in game or some past experience that has been revealed) near death experience. double the amount of pool dice used in the roll.
Add a tag to an existing trait BUYOFF: Avoid a dangerous situation
Add a new Key (each must be unique)
Learn a new Secret (if you have the means to) Key of the Past
You had a life before your murder; friends, family,
Refreshment scenes: enemies. Hit your key when people or mistakes from
Refresh your dice pool back to 7 by having a refreshment scene with another character or a meaningful your past come back to haunt you.
flashback. You may also remove one condition or refresh a Secret, depending on the particulars of the scene. This BUYOFF: Renounce your old life
is a good time to ask questions (in character) and get to know the other characters.
DARIEN Damaged Times Up Depleted Marked Lost Hunted Exposed
Assassin with a monstrous curse.
Formerly in the service of Daeva. YOU HAVE: Your Signature Weapon [____________] Magickal Tattoo Missive from Daeva So many daggers
His latest and unfilled
assignment is to kill the errant To overcome an obstacle, roll: 1 die TRAITS
+ 1 die for a TRAIT that can help + 1
scroll-keeper, Esta. die for each TAG from that trait that applies + any Assassin Wanderer
POOL DICE you add. Each die that shows a 4+ is a Silent, Agile, Deadly, Ruthless, Signature Weapon,, Resilient, Blend in, Ruins, Monsters, Desert Living,
Reputation, [Hand-to-Hand], [Conceal], [Weapon [Hidden Messages], [First Aid]
hit. You need hits equal to the difficult level to
Mastery], [Final Strike]
Cursed * (failures advance clock) Snoop
Levels: 2 - easy/3 - difficult/4 challenging/5 - extreme
Monstrous Speed, Fangs & Claws, Thick Hide, Double- Perceptive, Intimidate, Investigate, Assess, Track,
If you succeed, discard all dice (including pool dice). If you Jointed, Terrifying, [Devour], [Bone Shatter], [Bribe], [Lure], [Coerce]
fail, keep any pool dice used and add one die to your pool. The GM will then escalate the situation. To help
Tags in [brackets] have yet to be unlocked. You can buy them with advances.
another character on a roll: describe what your character does to assist them and give them a die from
your pool. On a failure you get the die back. On a success you don't.
Key of the Wish Secret of the Monster
Conditions: When appropriate, the GM may impose a condition on your character. Mark the condition and More than anything, you want to have your wish You are cursed to transform into a monster. You may
describe how it happened. A character can never die unless the player agrees. granted at the City of Djinn and be rid of your curse. transform at will or when the clock fills. Every time
Hit your key when you take action towards finding you use the Cursed trait, the clock advances by ticks
the legendary city and being freed from your curse. equal to the number of dice that rolled a 3 or below.
When you hit a key: Take an experience point (XP) or add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10). When the clock reaches 6, you become a monster.
BUYOFF: Give up on your wish
Take 2 XP, pool dice, or one of each if you go into danger because of your key. If you choose to buyoff a key when When in your monstrous form, you may only use the
the condition occurs, cross out the key and take two advances. Key of the Deserter Cursed trait and you always roll an additional die. To
You have refused to fulfil Daeva's orders and left her return to your normal state, you must reset the clock.
5 XP equals an advance which you can hoard or spend at any time to: ranks. Hit your key when you strike back against her
Add a new Trait (based on what was learned in game or some past experience that has been revealed)
organisation and the magick in this world. Secret of the Cursed
BUYOFF: Follow Daevas orders Dark magicks have left you with a monstrous curse
Add a tag to an existing trait
and you arent going to let its influence spread any
Add a new Key (each must be unique)
Key of the Warm Heart further. Sometimes that requires desperate
Learn a new Secret (if you have the means to) measures.. Once per session, you can use tags from the
Esta helps bring out your human side and keep the
monster at bay. Hit your key when you make a decision Cursed trait with any other trait. The clock does not
Refreshment scenes: influenced by her or show you are still human inside. advance when the Cursed trait is used in this way.
Refresh your dice pool back to 7 by having a refreshment scene with another character or a meaningful BUYOFF: Tell Esta the truth about your curse
flashback. You may also remove one condition or refresh a Secret, depending on the particulars of the scene. This
is a good time to ask questions (in character) and get to know the other characters. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ask Questions and Improvise Note on Abilities
For the GM, this is the most important thing to remember. Don't All of the characters have a range of unique and powerful abilities at their disposal. They
plan a campaign and enemies for the group to face. Instead, ask questions may even manipulate time! If you preplan a campaign, these kind of powers could be
and improvise. If you listen and reincorporate, the story plans itself. Use game-breaking. In this case, let the players go wild. They can and should use every skill at
questions to steer the game in different directions and reveal new facts about the their disposal to succeed because the desert is not a forgiving place. There are monsters,
world, the characters, and the ongoing plot. Questions like: djinn from a higher (or lower) plane, and ancient technologies waiting to be awoken.
Remember, the characters are not the only ones with magic and there are consequences
Does that time shift affect the automatons too? to meddling with time, especially in a world that is rapidly running out of it.
That sounds like some potent magic. How do you fuel it?
Have you ever seen a djinn before? Is it unusual for one to be wandering alone so far Starter Questions
from the city? ESTA: What secret did your mother entrust you with before she disappeared?
Who or where did you steal the Epoch Map from?
Obstacles Why does Mot seem so familiar to you?
When a player wants to do something, don't say no, say: Yes and or Yes but and
look for obstacles. The characters are competent people (djinn, corpses, whatever) and by GAVEL: Does anyone know your true name?
default can do anything covered under their traits so don't ask for a roll if there is not an How did you come to be bound to Estas bloodline?
interesting obstacle to be overcome. Obstacles can be desert inhabitants (automatons, What do you know about the City of Djinn that you havent told the others?
nomads, djinn, sand pirates), environmental (sandstorms, collapsing ruins, shifting
dunes), monsters (whip scorpion, time stranded souls, thorny devil, the consumed), MOT: How long have you possessed your time magick?
situational (fleeing, swimming, dodging), and anything else you can come up with. Whose betrayal brought down the revolution?
Does The Living City know Mot the Undertaker was a member of the rebellion?
Conditions have no mechanical effect, it's all in the narrative. Players might look to them SAMUR: How much can you remember about your life before death?
for how their character is feeling or how to act. As GM, they are there for you to Who do you think killed you?
incorporate in the fiction and create new situations. Is a character marked? They might How do you know Estas mother?
look like a beacon for those spirits surrounding the party. Has a character been exposed?
Now other automatons in the city have heard the news and are searching for them too. A DARIEN: What loathsome deed resets the clock and reverts you to human form?
condition might even become an obstacle of its own and take on mechanical significance, What is so special about your signature weapon?
warranting rolls to overcome or get rid of it. Why did you refuse to fulfil Daevas orders?
Escape the Living City Sail the Red Sand Sea
The City itself works against any trying to escape and automatons hunt for The quickest route is not always the safest
lawbreakers, which most of the party would be considered even if they werent OBSTACLES: Find a navigator to take you across: 3. Find a trustworthy expert navigator:
hiding in a smuggler tunnels. 4. Keep the skimmer on course in a sandstorm: 3. Elude sand pirates: 4. Dredge up an
OBSTACLES: Barter with smugglers: 3. Battle automatons in the confined tunnels: 4. ancient navigator automaton: 3. Battle the sand serpent who made their nest inside: 4-5.
Navigate the catacombs with a guide: 3. Navigate the catacombs without any guide: 5. ESCALATION: A sandstorm is approaching. Someone falls overboard. The skimmer is
ESCALATION: The smugglers sell you out, revealing your hiding place to the Brass Forces. damaged. The mooring platform is deserted and all the supplies are missing. Pirates on
The automatons unleash the new crawler prototype. You take a wrong turn and get lost the horizon. They make off with the Epoch Map.
in the catacombs. You emerge not in the desert, but in the city centre.
A World of Magick
Navigating the Perils of the Desert There are other powers in the desert beside the clockworks of the ancients. To have your wish
The desert is not a place for the weak of heart. granted, you might just have to make use of them. But users and abusers beware, when it comes to
OBSTACLES: Endure the heat: 2 (Samur: without smelling of decay: 3). Find water: 3. Stop magick there is always a price to be paid.
the soaring lizards making off with your supplies: 3. Escape the lizards brood mother: 4. OBSTACLES: See through the mirages to find the settlement: 3. Barter for charms: 3.
Barter for passage on a caravan: 3. Barter for passage on a caravan after they recognise Consult the omens of the burrowing owls: 4. Avoid the spies of the Graven Crone, Daeva: 4.
the corpse, assassin, and djinn in your midst: 5. Dont get lost in the shifting dunes: 4. Realise you have been hexed: 3. Identify and attack Daevas true form: 5.
ESCALATION: You begin to feel faint from dehydration. Time wrinkles, causing your ESCALATION: Word reaches the Daeva of your arrival. The charms you were given have the
supplies to age and spoil. The desert shifts and you find you are travelling the wrong way. opposite effect. Magick dealers try to kidnap Samur. A member of the group is hexed. The
The sand gives way and you tumble down into a thorny devil nest. nightmares and memory loss start. Darien loses control of his monstrous form.

Timeless Streets of a Dead City Inside the Fabled City

Scholars can help, but to locate the City of Djinn you may have to consult older, stranger wisdom. For those seeking to have their wish granted, the quest doesnt end simply by finding the City of
OBSTACLES: Navigate the graveyard without waking anything: 3. Strike a deal with black Djinn. As the old saying goes: be careful what you wish for.
marketeers: 3. Strike a fair deal: 4. Withstand an audience with the Exhumed Lords: 4. OBSTACLES: Keep sense of time in the city: 3. Establish a contract with a djinn: 3. Establish
Steal the keys to the clockwork army without alerting the Lords: 5. Use time magick in the a contract that favours you: 5. Gain audience with a high djinn: 4. Exit the gates after
city: difficulty +1. Communicate with time-stranded spirits: difficult -1. nightfall: 5. Attack a high djinn while they are not on this plane: 5.
ESCALATION: Word spreads among the treasure hunters that you have the epoch map. ESCALATION: You sold more than you meant to in the golden markets. The contract had a
Mots time magick is affecting the slumbering clockwork army. You receive a summons hidden clause. You realise several years have passed while you wandered the shining
from the Exhumed Lords. streets. Dawn approaches and the city is about to be remade with you inside.
Half-Djinn Sand Sailor Beast Master
Long Life, Attuned, Exotic, Petty Magick, Strong, Thick Sand Sea, Sail, Skimmers, Navigate, Loot, Board, Scimitar, Knives, Desert Creatures, Monsters, Ecology, Train, Tame, Bond, Command,
Skin, Manipulate, Connections, Languages, Feign, Grow, Tether, Disarm, Speedy, Pursue, Barter, Kidnap, Threaten, Guard, Track, Hunt, Trap, Understand, Communicate, Possess, Through
Impress, Unreadable, Impatient, Fierce Their Eyes, Transform, Bestial, Heightened Sense

Delver Automaton Storyweaver

Ruins, Artifacts, Devices, Locks, Secret Entries, Darkness, Hardy, Inhuman, Gears, Brass, Clockwork Mind, Unfeeling, Efficiency, Grind, Tales, Folklore, Legends, Exaggerate, Distract, Enthrall, Embolden,
Traps, Search, Decipher, Endure Heat, Endure Cold, Close Quarters, Pin, Break, Determined, Armour, Immune, Calculate, Obey, Hidden Enchant, Memories, History, Hallucination, Interpret, Read Dream,
Demolition, Tireless Weapon, Reflexes Superstition, Scare, Friendly

Defiant Clockwork Artisan Hexer

Endure, Escape, Revenge, Reckless, Tempt Fate, Resist Magick, Automatons, Clockwork, Metalworking, Rebuild, Improve, Gears, Dark Arts, Hex, Curse, Read Feelings, Poison Mind, Nightmare,
Challenge, Iron Will, Boast, Fearless, Tough, Gallows Humour, Bold, Engrave, Fine Details, Identify, Appraise, Fix, Tools of the Trade, Accident, Infect,, Bewitch, Sedate, Torment, Transform, Bleed,
Daring, Oath, Unflinching Proud, Inventions Infirm, Infect, Accident

Remember: new traits dont start with any tags, you need to buy them each separately with advances.


Key of the Clock Breaker Key of the Birthright Secret of the Mark
Whether due to adherence to a magickal sect or personal grudge, You have a hidden birthright or had an inheritance stolen from you. You bear a dark mark. You may gain a pool die by attracting
you hate technology. Hit your key when you destroy autoomatons, Hit your key when you take action to claim your rightful title. unwanted attention or introducing a new threat to the scene.
clockwork mechanisms, and other desecrators of the desert. BUYOFF: Renounce your claim to the title REQUIRES: Being cursed or marked
BUYOFF: Embrace technology
Secret of the Price Secret of Brass
Key of the Nomad You can reroll a failure when using magick if you mark a relevant You know all there is to know about clockwork mechanisms. Once
The desert is home to you and you spend your life traversing it. Hit condition. This can only be done once per action. per session, you may reroll a failure when dealing with automatons
your key when you overcome environmental obstacles or visit a new REQUIRES: Allow your time/soul to fuel your abilities or clockwork technology.
place. BUYOFF: Settle in one place REQUIRES: Learning the ancient clockwork techniques

Key of the Contract Secret of the Legend Secret of the True Name (unique)
You have made a deal with a djinn, magickal forces, or a greater Word of you and your deeds has spread across the desert. This can You know someones true name and can use it for magick or, in the
being. Hit your key when you call upon their assistance or make use cause trouble with authorities but you automatically succeed on any case of a djinn, bind them or break a contract. You must learn this
of the benefits. But watch out for the fine print! roll to intimidate or impress with a target of 3 or lower, secret for each new true name.
BUYOFF: Break the contract REQUIRES: Become wanted in 3+ settlements REQUIRES: Discovering someones true name

For more traits, keys, and secrets, you may use Lady Blackbird and the Lady Blackbird Companion, subject to the groups agreement.
Damaged Times Up Depleted Marked Lost Hunted Exposed


To overcome an obstacle, roll: 1 die TRAITS

+ 1 die for a TRAIT that can help + 1
die for each TAG from that trait that applies + any
POOL DICE you add. Each die that shows a 4+ is a
hit. You need hits equal to the difficult level to

Levels: 2 - easy/3 - difficult/4 challenging/5 - extreme

If you succeed, discard all dice (including pool dice). If you
fail, keep any pool dice used and add one die to your pool. The GM will then escalate the situation. To help
another character on a roll: describe what your character does to assist them and give them a die from
your pool. On a failure you get the die back. On a success you don't.

Conditions: When appropriate, the GM may impose a condition on your character. Mark the condition and KEY OF SECRET OF
describe how it happened. A character can never die unless the player agrees.

When you hit a key: Take an experience point (XP) or add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10).
Take 2 XP, pool dice, or one of each if you go into danger because of your key. If you choose to buyoff a key when
the condition occurs, cross out the key and take two advances. KEY OF SECRET OF

5 XP equals an advance which you can hoard or spend at any time to:
Add a new Trait (based on what was learned in game or some past experience that has been revealed) KEY OF SECRET OF
Add a tag to an existing trait
Add a new Key (each must be unique) KEY OF SECRET OF
Learn a new Secret (if you have the means to)

Refreshment scenes: XP
Refresh your dice pool back to 7 by having a refreshment scene with another character or a meaningful
flashback. You may also remove one condition or refresh a Secret, depending on the particulars of the scene. This
is a good time to ask questions (in character) and get to know the other characters. 1 2 3 4 5 6

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