2017 08 05 Jlrsoc Flash General Meeting Minutes

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Author: Damien Taylor JLRsoc Flash GM Minutes Authored Date: 05/08/2017

JLRsoc Flash General Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Joshua Toki, Nick Fraser, Alex Woodham, Damien Taylor 04/08/2017

Apologies: Scott Allan


A flash GM was called by the President on the day. This was due to the revelations of the Multitap and
other business that needed quick attention. A sufficient number of members came to share their
thoughts and make some positive moves forward for the club. The new club multitap was tested and
in-between games the topics were discussed. The points and their actions are outlined below.

World Ranking System:

The president put forward the idea of changing the ranking system which displays the top 10 players
on the website. Due to the complexities of the modern tournament system and the sheer volume of
players entering into the competition, it needed an overhaul. After a description of the system to
date and a discussion of a number of alternatives, the following system was decided on:

Competitors/captains will be awarded points on a ranked basis upon entering and

completing a competition/tournament.
Points ranging from 10 1 will be award to competitors. The winner of a tournament will
receive 10 points, second place 9 points, third place 8 and so on.
This awarding will go down to 1 point in which case each player thereafter will receive 1
point also. This is to encourage participation at tournaments even if the player thinks they
may not make the top ten.
These points will then be display as a percentage value at a ratio of the total amount of
points that could ever be awarded over all tournaments i.e. the competitor had won every
single competition. This will stop the points just continuing to go up and up and up, and will
make the scoreboard look more professional.

A simplified example follows:

Player A, B and C enter a tournament. Player A wins and receives 10 points. Player B comes second
and receives 9 points and player C comes third with 8.

Their points are as follows:


Total possible points would be 10 as only one tournament had been played.
10 9 8
= =1 = = 0.9 = = 0.8
10 10 10

Another tournament is held and Player B comes first (10 points), player C comes second (9 points)
and player A comes third (8 points).

Their new Ranking Points totals:

Author: Damien Taylor JLRsoc Flash GM Minutes Authored Date: 05/08/2017

1 + 2
1 + 2
Total Possible from each tournament would be 10
10 + 8 9 + 10 8+9
= = 0.9 = = 0.95 = = 0.85
10 + 10 10 + 10 10 + 10
And so, the World Rankings would be: B, A, C

End example.

This new ranking system will be implemented at the next official tournament.

Note: the highest ranked champion will not necessarily be the winner of the latest tournament and
1st equal rankings may occur.

Another point raised in this discussion was that a minimum of 8 competitors was required for official
tournaments. This was to ensure quality of play and that the club was keeping up with what the
public demanded.

Re-election of Officials and Tournament

This was to be raised at the last GM a few weeks ago, but as insufficient members were present, it
was not dealt with. Again, at this short notice meeting, not enough members were present to re-
elect. So, this will occur at the next official meeting which will be held on the 26/08/2017 before the
tournament on that day. This tournament was also discussed and decided upon.

Furthermore, some ideas for new club officials were floated. They are as follows:

Refreshment and Citrus Technician

Equipment Manager
Master of Ceremonies

And any other positions to be discussed at future meeting.

New Doubles Format, Equipment and Trophies:

With the arrival and successful testing of the new Multitap to the club, the idea of a doubles
tournament was floated. This idea met with a resounding yes, and so at the next tournament
(subject to numbers) a doubles tournament will be held.

This brought up new issues such as a doubles ranking system and a trophy. These are to be
organized before the next tournament by the president.

It was also observed that many of the clubs current controller units are faulty or lack faculty in one
or more buttons. It was actioned that new controllers be sought before the next tournament.

From this discussion, other trophies were proposed. It was floated that a Wooden Spoon, Best Try
and Player of the Tournament awards should be staples of each competition, and so it will be.
Author: Damien Taylor JLRsoc Flash GM Minutes Authored Date: 05/08/2017

Wooden spoon is awarded to last place, and Best Try and Player of the Tournament awards will be
voted on by competitors.

Formalising Formalities:

A discussion around clarification of the formalities held before each tournament occurred. It was
decided that before each tournament the Official MC (elected prior) was to give a speech, which was
not limited to, but must include the first two paragraphs of the Jonah Lomu Rugby Booklet and the
first two lines of the third paragraph. This is to replace the reading of the game case. The text is as

Welcome to Jonah Lomu Rugby! Like the man himself, the game is big, and you will require skill,
precision, teamwork and dedication if you are going to win. Dont fall apart in the fast furious
gameplay because there are no prizes for second place.

Pick a team and learn their individual player attributes they are different, some harder to beat than
others. If you think youre the best, then try pit all your nerve, skill and body parts against a special
team. 15 Jonah Lomus is like a battalion of tanks stampeding down the field. The stakes are high so
win or get flattened.

Rugby Union is played by two teams of 15. The object of the game is to score more points than the

On the completion of this speech the National Lomu Anthem will be conducted. This is observed as
all competitors, officials and supporters taking an arm, and one hand to the heart. The opening
theme in its entirety is then played at a sufficient volume. Following this, the games may begin.

The idea of a curtain raiser match was tossed about but ultimately fell flat as it seemed to draw
attention away from the tournament. This may be discussed in future after some modifications and

Big Competition

A large competition idea was discussed. It has been the hope and dream of this rugby social club to
connect and improve the Jonah Community and the world at large. This is best done through
practical and positive application of the game we all know and love.

We want to hold a big tournament in the future that will hopefully connect people from around
tautahi and Aotearoa. Plans are only in the initial stages, but we hope to host a large event at a
public venue, with prizes, collateral advertising and oranges for all. Tentatively named the Weekend
before Waitangi Comp, its going to hopefully become a new summer staple on the NZ events
calendar. More news on this to come.

The meeting was closed at this point and doubles play continued.

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