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Structured Question:

SBP13P2SAQ6 Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show two arrangements of the apparatus in the laboratory to study the
interference of sound waves.

(a) What type of wave is the sound wave?

........ [1 mark]

(b) Explain how loud sound and soft sound occurs.

........................................[2 marks]

(c) Observe Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2.

(i) Compare the distance between the two loud speakers, a.
....................[1 mark]

(ii) Compare the distance between two consecutive loud sounds, x.

................... [1 mark]

(iii) Relate a and x.

....................[1 mark]

(d) State two physical quantities that should be remain constant throughout the experiment.
(i) ........................
(ii) ........................ [2 marks]

Question 2:

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