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Best Jobs for Computer

Science Majors by Salary


Paul McConkie
CSIS 1030-501 ~ AUG. 3, 2017 | HOWARD FISH, INSTRUCTOR
Paul McConkie ~ CSIS 1030 Final Project Research Paper

Best Jobs for Computer Science Majors by Salary Potential

I. Introduction

In the world of 2017 it would seem that there is no doubt that the skills and

education of a computer science degree are some of the most sought after qualities

in the market. Our daily lives probably come with thousands of connections to works

provided by or influenced by computer science students. Our cars are built by robots

created and programmed by computer science, and our phones - well they are just

thousands of computer science jobs lumped together. Facebook, many more

thousands, and the stop light you waited at and checked FB also, several

computer sciences along the way.

But the question that probably comes across everyones mind is, how much can a

person make in these computer science fields and what would I be doing? To

answer this question, well look at a few sources and see if we can break a possibly

endless string of careers down to a few manageable ideas.

II. Career Fields

Computer science degrees dont always dictate a life as a code monkey. Many

degrees will include facets of coding as well as various hardware functionalities.

Obviously, once in the field the potential of career advancement can wildly change

the pathing that a future computer science graduate might find himself going down.

Given the wide range of potential career fields that would, of course, be computer-

centered, but not fixed in coding.

Paul McConkie ~ CSIS 1030 Final Project Research Paper

a. A more in depth look at the varying degree specifications of computer

sciences will also give an idea to future careers and the work expectancies.

A degree in Computer Information Systems revolves around the application of

technology to a company and utilizes a large array of subjects, such as

communications, business, networking and mathematics.1

b. While, in contrast, a degree in Information Technology has a reduced

requirement for mathematics and less focus on management and information

sciences. It concentrates on the business and communication applications of

computing. This fills a critical need that many e-commerce, e-business and

many of the hybrid businesses that operate today.2

Now obviously those gifted and well-studied in the arts of coding are rock stars in

todays world, drawing well founded salaries and job titles with perks that might

leave many with their jaws hanging open as they look upon in a very expansive job


A final note of course is that while many careers may have origins in coding and the

like, the progression of careers for those individuals seem to quickly find themselves

further and further from the coding process. In many organizations, chief level and

upper-level management positions are often occupied by these computer sciences



Paul McConkie ~ CSIS 1030 Final Project Research Paper

III. Salary Potential

Taking into consideration the number of variables that can surround these fields

from company size, location and industry to varying programming needed etc.,

putting a specific figure on an expected salary does have its challenges. However,

with a couple of resources provided, we will look at what we summarize to that end.

a. While we will look at a few sources of information on this topic, the reference

below I feel gives a more comprehensive overview of the various types of

fields that one might encounter as a first foray into the employment world of a

recent computer sciences graduate.3

As illustrated the job fields run from Developers, Testers, Programmers,

Analysts, and Engineers. Many, with the exception of Web Developers and


Paul McConkie ~ CSIS 1030 Final Project Research Paper

Software Systems Developers, show a similar salary range from $75,000 -

$85,000. Similar job openings are shared by all except for Software

Applications Developers, which expect to see many more job openings in the

future to come.

b. Another illustration, regarding the salary options of the computer science

degree, goes into further depth of the career progression side of things.

Citing more sources for the experience and advancing computer science

graduate moving up in the world.4


Paul McConkie ~ CSIS 1030 Final Project Research Paper

While Agile Coach is a career not previously mentioned, it is from the birth of

a newer mentality taken by many industries in the software world around

Agile Software development.5 The inclusion in this illustration of the titles of


Paul McConkie ~ CSIS 1030 Final Project Research Paper

Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer, and VP of Engineering

give a glimpse into the goal of many recent graduates and inspire great

interest from those faced with choosing the path they want to take with their


In conclusion, there is no doubt that the future holds great potential for those

endeavoring to hone their skills in the computer sciences arena. And it is with further

speculation that we will see advancements and progressions from the sciences we

know today that will use those skills as a launching pad take them to destinations

that are only a jokes and dreams in the minds of our computer science colleagues.

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