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Dear Rebekah

Thank you for sharing your reflections. Your interpretations and representations of home
are personal and I appreciate you sharing.

Home for you was represented as Adelaide but more specifically your family, pets and
significant others.

Just as the word culture carries many different connotations, so does the word home
and no one definition will adequately reflect all these meanings. You explored the notion
of home and belonging as the strong emotional and physical attachment we have to
places, peoples, animals and environments. Sometimes this changes. For you it appears
that Home is not defined by where you live - Home is family. Family has an enormous
influence on us.

You have acknowledged that Aboriginal peoples have a deep emotional and spiritual
connection to the land. This in essence, is so very important and connected to feelings of

Well done!

Video (75%) 94%
Reflection (25%) 82%
Final 88%

Prior to commencing this course I had never actually assessed what the term
home meant to me. If someone were to ask my response would have simply
been Adelaide. I was born in Adelaide, attended schooling throughout
Adelaide and have never lived in any other city other than Adelaide and
although Adelaide does make up an element of my home, there are also
many other aspects I have discovered that also contribute towards my
understanding of what home means to me.

One aspect that I could relate to was discussed by Kingsley et al (2013) who
states that to Aboriginal people of Australia belonging to country and the
concept of home is more than merely being on a specific area of land.
Belonging to country in facts entails much more. Within my own concept of
home I can now see that my idea of home is much more than merely claiming
Adelaide is my home much like I had previously done.

I ensured to incorporate the above into my video, sites of Adelaide were

included, however these photos were not just used in order to make point of
the fact I live in Adelaide but were used due to the fact I spend much of my
time in the city and spend much of my time with family and friends at
beaches such as Glenelg and Semaphore, therefore these are significant sites
of Adelaide that have some meaning to me. Sites of Adelaide was however a
very small segment of my video and I chose to focus more upon the people in
my life as they ultimately make up home to me.

In the context of this course it has been discovered that; Land is

fundamental to the wellbeing of Aboriginal people. The land is not just soil
or rocks or minerals, but an entire environment that maintains and is
maintained by people and culture (Australian government, 2015). My
concept of home is more than just Adelaide or even my house itself. This
why I included many photos of my family, friends, pets and partner, as
these are the people who are important to me, these are the people who
have contributed towards making memories and these are the people who I
spend significant celebrations with. Although it may not be explicitly obvious
many of the photos provided were taken at significant celebrations including
important occasions such as Birthdays and Christmas.

My identity and concept of home are interconnected, my video aimed to show

elements within my physical home (my house) that are of importance to me.
This is why there are photos of my pets who very much make up my idea of
home, as animals are quite important to me and being someone who is
passionate about animals makes up my identity to an extent and thus my
physical home does portray this.

Ultimately my video aims to portray that fact that place and landmarks only
play a small role in what I consider home and although it plays a small role it
is still an important role. The major aspect of what I consider home consist of
the people and animals in my life.

Reference list

Kingsley, J, Townsend, M, Henderson-Wilson, C & Bolam, B 2013, 'Developing

an Exploratory Framework Linking Australian Aboriginal Peoples Connection
to Country and Concepts of Wellbeing', International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 678-698.

The Government of Australia, 2015 about Australia, viewed 1st October 2015

Crazy cruises 2015, cruises from Adelaide, viewed 3rd October 2015

Video Reference list

Corfu accommodation 2013, Glenelg in photos, viewed 3rd October 2015


Snip view n.d, rundle mall, viewed 2nd October 2015 <

Pinterest 2015, pint, viewed 2nd October 2015 <


Pinterest 2015, pets, viewed 2nd October 2015

Quotesnsmiles 2015, picture quotes. Viewed 4th October 2015

Sawdust city 2014 viewed 5th October 2015 http://www.sawdustcityllc.com/a-


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