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17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001


An effective teacher is flexible, comfortable to attempt new things and willing to

continue learning along with the students. An effective teacher knows that they
will never know everything and is not afraid to ask for help, as well as constantly
advancing their professional development (Pike, Bradley & Mansfield, 1997).
Teachers are not meant to be the power-holder but rather power should be
shared in collaborative learning with the class, meaning that teachers are the
facilitators of learning who scaffold student learning, so that students can make
discoveries and find solutions for themselves (Goodman, 1988). This does not
mean that direct instruction never occurs, to the contrary it means that direct
instruction is vital, but that the students are then encouraged to apply
knowledge for themselves or find solutions to problems. I am interested in
fostering creative individuals that are innovative and capable, and who will one
day become successful members of society (Ministerial Council on Education,
Employment, Training & Youth Affair [MCEETYA], 2008). I believe that teaching
should be about developing the whole individual, not just academically, but
socially and emotionally as well (Goodman, 1988).

The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians is a key

document that outlines the aims of teachers to prepare students for their role as
citizens of a global society (MCEETYA, 2008). In order to ensure that students
meet these desired outcomes of becoming autonomous, collaborative learners
(The School Curriculum and Standards Authority [SCASA], 2017a), specifically in
correlation with the constructivist approach, to develop critical, creative and
reflective young people (MCEETYA, 2008), there needs to be certain standards
that teachers need to meet. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School
Leadership [AITSL] introduced these teaching standards, to ensure that teachers
are trained at a high quality level and that they are performing effectively to
meet the needs of students (AITSL, 2014). These standards are also a way to
ensure accountability and transparency between teachers, the government and
the public, as teachers are the greatest resource in any Australian school (Jensen,
17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001

2010 cited in AITSL, 2014). Therefore, I strive to have a balanced approach to

teaching by following the principles and values outlined by SCASA (2016b) and
AITSL (2014), not only in my own development as a teacher but also to prepare
students for their future as active citizens of society (SCASA, 2016a; MCEETYA,
2008). As I strive to meet and excel at the AITSL (2014) standards in my teaching
career, I believe that my professional philosophy is something that can never be
stagnant, but that it will continue to change and grow along with my
development as a teacher.
17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001

Rationale for Artifacts

AITSL Standard Artifact and Rationale

Know Students and How They Case Study on Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss
Learn This is a case study that I wrote as an exploration of an
1.1: Demonstrate knowledge individual students disability, the impact it has on their
and understanding of physical, learning in a classroom setting and the
social and intellectual recommendations for support of the student.
development and
characteristics of students and STEM Researcher 2015; 2016 STEM Margaret River;
how these may affect learning. 2016 STEM Perth College
1.2: demonstrate knowledge This certificate of participation indicates my involvement
and understanding of research as a co-researcher from 2015-2016 into how female
into how students learn and students learn within STEM subjects and what
the implications for teaching. implications this may have for teaching.

1.3: Demonstrate knowledge of TESOL Lesson Plans

teaching strategies that are This is an outline of lessons for students who speak
responsive to the learning English as a Second Language (ESL) and demonstrates
strengths and needs of my ability to cater for students from diverse
students from diverse backgrounds.
linguistic, cultural, religious
and socioeconomic Report: Strong & Smart
backgrounds. This is a report written by me, which explores the
documentary Message Stick: Strong and Smart
1.4: Demonstrate broad (Newman, 2003) as an example of how teachers and
knowledge and understanding schools can best support Aboriginal students to improve
of the impact of culture, their literacy and numeracy outcomes, use Aboriginal
cultural identity and linguistic and Standard English, and to engage with Indigenous
background on the education of perspectives to foster a strong identity.
students from Aboriginal and Journal Entries - Indigenous Education Unit
Torres Strait Islander These journal entries reflect on the learning I completed
backgrounds. over the course of the Indigenous Education Unit.

1.5: Demonstrate knowledge Portfolio 2016

and understanding of Task 2: Catering for Diversity
strategies for differentiating This task contains 3 artifacts from my teaching
teaching to meet the specific experience and rationales for how each displays
learning needs of students differentiation.
across the full range of abilities.

1.6: Demonstrate broad Sample Individual Education Plan

knowledge and understanding This is an IEP constructed as part of a university
of legislative requirements and assignment to demonstrate the adaptations needed to
teaching strategies that cater for the needs of a student with disability.
support participation and
learning of students with
17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001

Know the Content and How to AISWA Literacy PD
Teach it Attended Professional Development on Literacy
2.1: I demonstrate knowledge addressing the curriculum content and AITSL
and understanding of the requirements. The PD focused on developing a Literacy
concepts, substance and Program for the year, how to teach and assess it.
structure of the content and
teaching strategies of the
teaching area.
2.2: I organise content into an
effective learning and teaching
2.3: I use curriculum,
assessment and reporting Report: Strong & Smart
knowledge to design learning This is a report written by me, which explores the
sequences and lesson plans. documentary Message Stick: Strong and Smart
2.4: Demonstrate broad (Newman, 2003) as an example of how teachers and
knowledge of, understanding of schools can best support Aboriginal students to improve
and respect for Aboriginal and their literacy and numeracy outcomes, use Aboriginal
Torres Strait Islander histories, and Standard English, and to engage with Indigenous
cultures and languages. perspectives to foster a strong identity.
2.5: Know and understand Journal Entries - Indigenous Education Unit
literacy and numeracy teaching These journal entries reflect on the learning I completed
strategies and their application over the course of the Indigenous Education Unit.
in teaching areas.
2.6: Implement teaching English & ICT Unit of Work 2016
strategies for using ICT to This is a unit of work that I planned and implemented in
expand curriculum learning my 3rd practical placement. It incorporated ICT (Toondoo
opportunities for students. on iPads) as part of the final product produced.
Plan for and implement AISWA Literacy PD
effective teaching and learning Attended Professional Development on Literacy
3.1: Set learning goals that addressing the curriculum content and AITSL
provide achievable challenges requirements. The PD focused on developing a Literacy
for students of varying abilities Program for the year, how to teach and assess it.
and characteristics.
3.2: Plan lesson sequences
using knowledge of student
learning, content and effective
teaching strategies.
3.3: Include a range of teaching
3.4: Demonstrate knowledge of English & ICT Unit of Work 2016
a range of resources, including This is a unit of work that I planned and implemented in
ICT, that engage students in my 3rd practical placement. It incorporated ICT (Toondoo
their learning. on iPads) as part of the final product produced.
3.6: Demonstrate broad
knowledge of strategies that
can be used to evaluate
teaching programs to improve
17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001

student learning.
Create and maintain supportive Portfolio 2016
and safe learning environments Task 2: Catering for Diversity
4.1: Identify strategies to This task contains 3 artifacts from my teaching
support inclusive student experience and rationales for how each displays
participation and engagement differentiation.
in classroom activities.
4.2: Demonstrate the capacity 2nd and 3rd Practical Results 2015/2016
to organise classroom activities Standard 4 has been met on both practical experiences
and provide clear directions. as I engaged with many different behaviour management
4.3: Demonstrate knowledge of techniques and classroom rewards systems.
practical approaches to manage
challenging behaviour.
4.4: Describe strategies that
support students wellbeing
and safety working within
school and/or system,
curriculum and legislative
4.5: Demonstrate an
understanding of the relevant
issues and the strategies
available to support the safe,
responsible and ethical use of
ICT in learning and teaching.
Assess, provide feedback and AISWA Literacy PD
report on student learning Attended Professional Development on Literacy
5.1: Demonstrate addressing the curriculum content and AITSL
understanding of assessment requirements. The PD focused on developing a Literacy
strategies, including informal Program for the year, how to teach and assess it.
and formal, diagnostic,
formative and summative Portfolio 2016
approaches to assess student Task 3: Planning, Assessing, Record Keeping and
learning. Reporting
5.2: Demonstrate an This shows how a unit of work is designed using the
understanding of the purpose feed-forward model of assessment and planning.
of providing timely and Task 4: Professional Teacher Assessment Identity
appropriate feedback to This demonstrates my understanding of all the aspects
students about their learning. that teachers should consider when planning
5.3: Demonstrate assessments.
understanding of assessment
moderation and its application 3rd Practical Results 2016
to support consistent and Feedback from my mentor teacher on how I met
comparable judgements of Standard 5 on my practical experience.
student learning.
5.4: Demonstrate the capacity
to interpret student
assessment data to evaluate
student learning and modify
17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001

teaching practice.
5.5: Demonstrate
understanding of a range of
strategies for reporting to
students and parents/carers
and the purpose of keeping
accurate and reliable records of
student achievement.
Engage in professional learning Portfolio 2016
6.1: Demonstrate an Task 1: Self-Assessment and Professional Learning
understanding of the role of the Plan
Australian Professional This professional learning plan demonstrates my
Standards for Teachers in capacity to understand and meet the AITSL standards by
identifying professional self-assessment as well as continued professional
learning needs. learning. I identify helpful resources and professional
6.2: Understand the relevant development that I can undertake to ensure that I
and appropriate sources of maintain a high professional standard as a teacher.
professional learning for
teachers. 3rd Practical Results 2016
6.3: Seek and apply Feedback from my mentor teacher on how I met
constructive feedback from Standard 6 on my practical experience.
supervisors and teachers to
improve teaching practices.
6.4: Demonstrate an
understanding of the rationale
for continued professional
learning and the implications
for improved student learning.
Engage professionally with 3rd Practical Results 2016
colleagues, parents/carers and During my third practical experience, I used SeeSaw as a
the community digital platform to communicate with parents, as well as
7.3: I understand strategies for informal meetings before and after school.
working effectively, sensitively
and confidentially with
17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001


The standards that I seek most improvement in is Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning and Standard 7:
Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community (AITSL, 2014). Even though I have some evidence in these
standards, I do not feel that I can prove that I have met them with complete confidence. I feel that I need more experience on moderating
tasks, as well as interpreting students data and using it to adapt lesson plans. I know that my final teaching practical in 2017 will provide
me with plenty of opportunities to develop these skills, as well as experience writing reports. Prior to the practical I will explore the
Victoria State Government and Education Training resources on report writing, so that I will have plenty of resources to take with me on
my internship. After the practical, if I feel that I still do not have enough evidence, I will explore the School and Community Partnerships
Bureau website and ensure that I attend the Department of Education funded Graduate Teacher Conferences to gather evidence of
meeting standard 5.

Standard 7 will also be met on my final teaching practical in 2017, through engagement with policies in regards to excursion planning. I
will attend the AISWA Professional Development course on Mental Health in November, as this meets part of standard 7.1 in teacher
conduct. I aim to watch the videos on teacher evidence for standard 7 provided on the AITSL website, before my final internship in term
3, so that any ideas I get for evidence that I wish to collect I can speak to my mentor teacher about for my practical experience.

AITSL Graduate Standards- Plan for Improvement

Standard Plan for Improvement
Assess, provide feedback and report on student DET Graduate Teacher Conferences- Module 3 Assessing Student Learning
learning This is a free online or face-to-face professional development course that focuses on
5.3: Demonstrate understanding of assessment assessment in regards to the teaching, learning and feedback/reporting cycle.
17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001

moderation and its application to support See:

consistent and comparable judgements of
student learning. learning-website/for-graduate-teachers/graduate-teacher-professional-learning-
5.4: Demonstrate the capacity to interpret program.en?cat-id=16624401
student assessment data to evaluate student
learning and modify teaching practice. DET funded Family-School & Community Partnerships Bureau
5.5: Demonstrate understanding of a range of This website is all about engaging the community and families as part of improved
strategies for reporting to students and communication and relationships so that student learning can be supported best both
parents/carers and the purpose of keeping at home and school.
accurate and reliable records of student See:
Victoria State Government and Education Training
This website provides formats and information on how to report to parents. See:

Engage professionally with colleagues, ASIWA PD on Youth Mental Health First Aid (13/11/2017)
parents/carers and the community This PD addresses 7.1 as part of teacher conduct and responsibility.
7.1: Understand and apply the key principles See:
described in codes of ethics and conduct for the
teaching profession. AITSL Illustrations of Practice- Standard 7
7.2: Understand the relevant legislative, Explore how other teachers addressed the standards and make a plan for how I can
administrative and organisational policies and provide similar evidence. See:
processes required for teachers according to standards-for-teachers/search?&fc=Standard!standard-7&fc=Scope!Iop&t=2
school stage.
7.4: Understand the role of external
professionals and community representatives in
broadening teachers professional knowledge
and practice.
17753757 Leandri Visagie EDUC4001


Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2014). The crucial role of
the teacher. Retrieved from

Goodman, J. (1988). Constructing a practical philosophy of teaching: A study of

preservice teachers professional perspectives. Teaching and Teacher
Education, 4(2), 121-137. Retrieved from

Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs

(2008). Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians.
Retrieved from

Pike, B., Bradley, F., Mansfield, J. (1997). Philosophy of teaching: Developing a

statement that thrives in the classroom. The Clearing House, 70(3), 125-
128. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-

School Curriculum and Standards Authority (2017a). Principles of teaching,

learning and assessment. Retrieved from

School Curriculum and Standards Authority (2017b). Values. Retrieved from

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