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1. Objective:
The objective of this document is to build an Object model for the proposed TIMS system. TIMS
stands for Training information management system. It is a system built to manage students,
course schedules, and training instructors efficiently.

2. JAD Summary:
In the JAD session Jill comes up with a proposal of an efficient information management system
that can be used in managing the activities of Training programme. The title chosen is TIMS. It
stands for training information management system.

The session introduces the objectives of the TIMS system. It shall manage student, courses and
training instructors data efficiently. To perform the said task the system shall be supported with
various kinds of database. The JAD session discusses various needs and their opinions with the
respect to TIMS system. The team comprises of Administrative support group, web designers,
system groups, programmers, Business Solutions Group, Accounting department etc.

Each of the participants expresses their specific requirements which they expect TIMS should
fulfill and the type of report they expect from TIMS.

For example: Accounting department expresses that TIMS should provide them updates with
respect to student courses fees so that they can generate invoices to students and SCR clients.

SCR clients request for schedule of training courses for next 90 days to be announced to them by
TIMS system and TIMS must be capable of generating and issuing digital certificate of training

Based on the above discussion it was found that TIMS should perform following functionalities:

1. Schedule courses.
2. Register student for various courses
3. Verify student registration
4. Manage class scheduling
5. Track classes


6. Generate digital certificates

7. Generate updates of payment
8. Generate report of student info, course conducted, institutional assignments and training
9. Take feedback and generate its report
10. Update SCR.

3. Use cases:
The primary actors in TIMS system are:

1. Administrator: managing TIMS system

2. Students: Using TIMS for registration etc.
3. Instructor
4. SCR clients

Based on the above functionalities of the TIMS and primary actors, the use case diagram is given


4. Use case description:

1. Use case 1: Registration

Actor(s): Student

Purpose: To fill the registration form and enroll for course


Overview: this process enables a student to enroll to training program. Student enters
his/ her details.

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists and vacancy should be there for
that course

Post conditions: student details are entered and verified

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Registration A form asks for Student details, and

other information, which are entered.

Save the form Form is saved in the database

Alternative Courses

Calls help desk or mails help desk

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to schedule classes >

2. Use case 2: Select course

Actor(s): Student

Purpose: To select a training course

Overview: this process enables a student to select for a training course.

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists and vacancy should be there for
that course


Post conditions: student is allotted a training schedule for that course.

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Select course A student is asked for various courses

and based on his choice and vacancy
course is allotted.

Alternative Courses

Calls help desk or mails help desk

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to schedule classes >

3. Use case 3: pay fees

Actor(s): Student

Purpose: To pay fees for a training course

Overview: this process enables a student to pay fees for a training course.

Preconditions: student should exist, and a course be allotted to him/her

Post conditions: student is notified with an invoice.

Typical Course of Events


Actor Action System Response

Pay An fee invoice is generated and student

is asked to pay fee at account department

Alternative Courses

Calls help desk or mails help desk, or visits account department

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to get updates >

4. Use case 4: Give feedback

Actor(s): Student

Purpose: To select a training course

Overview: this process enables a student to select for a training course.

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists and vacancy should be there for
that course

Post conditions: student is allotted a training schedule for that course.

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Select course A student is asked for various courses

and based on his choice and vacancy
course is allotted.


Alternative Courses

Calls help desk or mails help desk

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to schedule classes >

5. Use case 5: Take class

Actor(s): Instructor

Purpose: To Take training classes

Overview: this process enables an Instructor to get schedule o class and take class

Preconditions: Instructor should exists, course should exists

Post conditions: Class performance is tracked

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Take class A schedule of classes is generated to the

Instructor which he/ she has to follow

Alternative Courses

Can consult admin

Related Use Cases


Inclusion<to get schedule>

Extensions <to track class >

6. Use case 6.: Give assignment

Actor(s): Instructor

Purpose: To give assignments during training to students

Overview: this process an instructor to give assignments.

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists and class should be scheduled

Post conditions: performance of students is evaluated

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Submit assignment Instructor submits assignments, students

enrolled for that course are sent the
assignments on their portal.

Alternative Courses

Can orally announce assignment and make update.

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to generate report >

7. Use case 7: View report

Actor(s): Instructor and SCR client

Purpose: To view report of student registration and performance


Overview: this process enables an Instructor and SCR clients to get idea of student
before training and their performance after training.

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists

Post conditions: Student performance is evaluated

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

View If select before training


A report giving student details before

training is sent to Instructor and SCR


A report of performance of training is

sent to Both.

Alternative Courses

Calls help desk or mails help desk

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to generate certificate >

8.Use case 8. Get schedule

Actor(s): SCR Client

Purpose: To update SCR client with courses schedule


Overview: this process enables SCR clients with Course schedule

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists

Post conditions: student is allotted a training schedule for that course.

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Get Schedule for course and their details are

sent to SCR client

Alternative Courses

Calls help desk or mails help desk

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to schedule classes >

9. Use case 9: Verify registration

Actor(s): Administrator

Purpose: To verify student registration

Overview: this process enables administrator whether student data is correct or not

Preconditions: student should register.

Post conditions: student registration is confirmed

Typical Course of Events


Actor Action System Response

Verify Student registration form is displayed

upon verification tick the student is
notified for successful registration.

Alternative Courses

Notify student

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to schedule classes >

10.Use case 10: Schedule class

Actor(s): Administrator

Purpose: To Schedule training courses and classes

Overview: this process enables an admin to manage courses and classes for both
student and instructors.

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists

Post conditions: a training schedule for that course is generated and classes are executed

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Schedule A class schedule with instructor name,

student names, size , room number, time,
and course name is generated for each



Alternative Courses

Calls help desk or mails help desk

Schedule manually

Related Use Cases

Extensions <to give assignments >

11.Use case 11: track class

Actor(s): Administrator

Purpose: To track whether training is imparted or not

Overview: this process enables TIMS admin to track whether training was executed
on time

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists and vacancy should be there for
that course class must be scheduled

Post conditions: Give assignments and generate performance report

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Track class Based on class schedule student

attendance by allotted Instructor is

Alternative Courses



Related Use Cases

Extensions <to generate certificate >

12.Use case 12: Generate Report

Actor(s): Administrator

Purpose: To generate reports for instructor and SCR clients

Overview: this process enables Instructors and SCR clients to get status of student
training program, performance and feedbacks

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists

Post conditions: View report

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Generate report Based on report choice following reports

are generated:

If choice is 1: Registered student for each

course with student info

If choice is 2: schedule for course and


If choice is 3: student performance

If choice is 4: student feedback

If choice is 5: fee updates


Else exit

Alternative Courses

visit admin

Related Use Cases


13.Use case 13: Generate Certificate

Actor(s): Administrator

Purpose: To generate certificates for enrolled students

Overview: this process enables a student to download a certificate from TIMS

Preconditions: student should exists, course should exists , certificate should exist

Post conditions: student passes programme.

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Generate Student details are asked

If found student certificated is generated

Else Not generated

Alternative Courses


Calls help desk or mails help desk

Related Use Cases

Inclusion< get report, registration>

14.Use case 9: Generate update for accounts

Actor(s): Administrator

Purpose: To provide updates of fees and bills

Overview: this process enables accounts department to generate invoices for SCR
clients and students

Preconditions: student should exists

Post conditions: bills are generated and sent

Typical Course of Events

Actor Action System Response

Generate Based on course fee student fee updates

and instructor charges are given to
accounts for student fee bills and SCR
client bills.

Alternative Courses

Calls help desk or mails help desk

Related Use Cases


Inclusion< pay fees>

5. Object diagram:


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