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FOREWORD vi Chapter 6
Chapter 1 6.1 The Atmosphere 87
WHO WAS VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER? 6.2 The Terrestrial Bio-Condenser 89
1.1 Viktor Schauberger-the Man 1 6.3 The Development of Electricity 95
1.2 What happened in America 15 6.4 Storms, Water Vapour and Climate 99
Chapter 7
ENERGY 7.1 Other Forms of Temperature 102
2.1 Energy Today 30 7.2 Temperature -Health and Disease 105
2.2 Relative Energies 32
2.3 The Fateful Choice 34 Chapter 8
2.4 But What is Energy? 36 THE NATURE OF WATER
8.1 Water - a Living Substance 107
Chapter 3 8.2 The Anomaly Point of Water 111
NEW DIMENSIONS OF ENERGY 8.3 Dielectrics and Electrolysis 111
3.1 Ur-Primordial Energy 39 8.4 Qualities of Water 114
3.2 Sound as a Formative Force 42 8.5 The Temperature-Gradient 115
3.3 The Phenomenon of Resonance 44 Chapter 9
3.4 The Creative Energy-Vortex 48 THE HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE
9.1 The Full Hydrological Cycle 118
Chapter 4 9.2 The Half Hydrological Cycle 122
WHAT IS MOTION? 9.3 Temperature Gradients and
4.1 The "Original" Motion 55 Nutrient Supply 125
4.2 Forms of Motion 56
4.3 Thesis, Antithesis and Chapter 10
Synthesis 60
4.4 Phi or the "Golden Section" 65 10.1 Seepage and True Springs 129
4.5 Magnetism and Electricism 70 10.2 The Rising of Springwater 131
4.6 Other Dimensions of Energy 74 10.3 Energy from the Deep Ocean 135
Chapter 11
5.1 The Light and Temperature of the11.1 Floating Stones 139
Sun 77 11.2 The Stationary Trout 141
5.2 The Sun as a Fertilising Entity 82 11.3 Fishes from Eggs 144
Chapter 12 17.5 Other Man-made Depredations 237
Chapter 18
THE DYNAMICS OF FLOW 18.1 The Movement of Sap 240
13.1 Temperature Gradients during Flow 156 18.2 Temperature Gradients in the
13.2 The Formation of Vortices 163 Tree 245
13.3 The Formation of Bends 166 18.3 The Tree as a Bio-condenser 248
13.4 The Geostrophic Effect on Flow 170 18.4 Root Systems 252
13.5 The Effects of Conventional River
Engineering 174 Chapter 19
13.6 Hydro-Electric Power 176 AGRICULTURE AND SOIL FERTILITY
19.1 The 'Golden Plough' 256
Chapter 14 19.2 Sun Ploughing 260
WATER SUPPLY 19.3 Of Cows and Scythes 260
14.1 The Wooden Water main 179 19.4 The Pernicious Effects of Artificial
14.2 The Stuttgart Investigation 183 Fertilisers 262
14.3 The Circulation of Blood 188 19.5 Biological Agriculture 264

Chapter 15 Chapter 20
15.1 The Consequences of Chlorination ENERGIES 270
and Fluoridation 193
15.2 The Springwater Producing Chapter 21
Device 197 IMPLOSION
15.3 The Storage of Water 200 21.1 The Biological Vacuum 276
21.2 The Repulsator 278
Chapter 16 21.3 The Repulsine 280
TREES AND LIGHT 21.4 The Implosion Motor 281
16.1 The Entity "Tree" 205 21.5 The Trout Motor and the
16.2 The Bio-Magnetic Tree 215 Biotechnical Submarine 285
16.3 Tree Types 216 21.6 The Klimator 287
16.4 Trees - the Mirrors of Light 217 21.7 The Flying Saucer 288
16.5 Photosynthesis 219
16.6 Why Growth occurs at the Chapter 22
Extremities 221
Chapter 17
17.1 Contemporary Forestry 225 BIBLIOGRAPHY 305
17.2 Monoculture 227
17.3 Light- and Shade-Demanding Trees 229 ABOUT THE AUTHOR 306
17.4 Light-Induced Growth 235

I t is very difficult to observe the extraordi- lished that is so vital to the salvation of
nary creativity and fruitfulness of Nature humanity? Part of the answer lies in history.
without a sense of wonder. But wonder is at When Austria was absorbed by Nazi
odds with reason. It has been said that Germany in 1938 there was a cultural meld-
humanity's schism with Nature was contrived ing. Viktor Schauberger was an Austrian, as
so that we could develop our sense of reason was Hitler, who saw that this remarkable
to the extent that we now experience. One of inventor could be valuable to his cause.
the outcomes of this, because they are preoc- Although Viktor was coerced to work for the
cupied with physical form, is that our contem- Third Reich, he has inevitably been associ-
porary biological sciences seem to believe that ated with it. Postwar German consciousness,
this munificent fecundity of Nature 'just hap- being anxious to distance itself from the
pens'. Viktor Schauberger's vision was that Hitler period, could not then easily embrace
this 'happening' is the result of a complex Schauberger's vision.
interaction of subtle energies, a process that is It took a Swedish engineer inspired by the
initiated and sustained from what he called vision of Rudolf Steiner to rescue Viktor
the 4th and 5th dimensions of Being. Schauberger from oblivion in 1976. Steiner
Viktor Schauberger was a man who was and Schauberger were contemporaries, and it
undoubtedly inspired by more exalted levels is tempting to believe that they were both
of reality and meaning than most of us experi- inspired by a similar source of profound wis-
ence. His great gift was to be able to show how dom of universal meaning. They had some
it is the finer and 'higher' energies that are lengthy discussions, and one wonders how
responsible for creating form and structure, not much common ground they found!
the other way round as contemporary science This Swedish engineer's book was pub-
would suggest. The story of his life is tragic at lished by a small publisher better known for
a personal level, for he was constantly its music publishing. I heard of Olof
ridiculed, because of the vested interests of Alexandersson's Det Levande Vattnet in 1979
science for whom he was a threat. He died a from some Swedish-speaking British friends. I
broken man when he saw that the gift he do not read Swedish, and so could not make a
wanted to make was corrupted by the power- 'rational' assessment of the book. But as some-
ful for material gain. His prophetic vision was times happens in publishing, I had a 'hunch'
that humanity was bound for self-annihilation this book was important, and that it must be
if steps were not immediately taken to change translated into English and published widely.
course. In a real sense we have had to see My previous company, Turnstone Press, in
many of his specific prophecies come true 1982 published Living Water which is a
before we were ready to take him seriously. popular introduction to Viktor Schauberger,
Schauberger died in 1958. Why has it the man and his mission. This lovely little
taken so long before a book could be pub- book has since gone through five reprints and

Foreword vii

this caused a strong demand for an authorita- through in one swoop. Rather it is an
tive book on Viktor Schauberger's practical inspired fountain of wisdom to be dipped
ideas for working with Nature, rather than into, here and there, for many a season.
against her, as we currently do. Clearly Another hint, I was finding the chapter on
Schauberger's time has come, as millions of energy hard going until I read it on an
people all over the world realise that we are Orkney beach. Surrounding yourself with
dangerously off-course. nature makes the ideas come alive!
It was when I was preparing Living Water Schauberger, in common with other
for press that Callum Coats came into my pioneers of radical thinking, realised that
life. Through his mother Callum met Viktor's words carry associations. Therefore, in order
physicist son, Walter Schauberger in 1977 to wean people away from a conventional
and, sensing that his future work lay here, word which is often inadequate for the task,
it is sometimes appropriate to coin a new
began an intensive study of Schauberger
word, to allow their imaginations to grasp a
theory. In 1981 Callum helped edit the
more inclusive or specific concept or idea.
translation of Living Water, during which he This is especially relevant for the subtle
confided with me his ambition to write a energies which are responsible for the
definitive work on Viktor Schauberger. interaction of all creation and the incredible
This was to prove a much more ambitious abundance and fecundity of Nature. We
task than he anticipated, and he has devoted have tried to cross-reference these in the text,
all his resources and energy for over 15 years and there is a glossary in the back of the
to this end. It is a remarkable body of book.
research, and Callum undertook to replicate Viktor Schauberger, besides being an
some of the experiments. A crucial part of the impeccable observer of Nature, was also an
process was to spend three years with inventor who saw how the practical applica-
Walter's Pythagoras-Kepler-System Institute tion of his ideas could transform our society.
at Lauffen in the Salzkammergut near Just as other visionaries have heard the har-
Salzburg. Walter has now passed on, but the mony of the Universe as 'The Music of the
Schauberger family has cooperated with Spheres', so Viktor Schauberger saw the sym-
Callum in helping this book be born, as with metry of all creation in terms of sacred geom-
its companion work Eco-technology, Viktor etry. Inevitably this requires a modicum of
Schauberger's own writings in three volumes, mathematics in the text. But to show that it is
which Callum has compiled and translated. not necessary for an appreciation of
Some thoughts on how to approach this Schauberger's ecological understanding, we
book. Callum and I talked about how to have, where possible, extracted the more
arrange the text of Living Energies. As the theoretical material into boxes. So, if you are
publisher, I did not want readers to be put off daunted by mathematical symbols, don't be
early in the book by a discussion of energy dismayed, for you will still find most of the
and motion. Callum, persuaded me that the text inspiring and enthralling.
more popular material - about water as the Living Energies may become the catalyst for
life-blood of the Earth, and how we need to re-writing all the textbooks of science and the
cherish it, and about the magic of trees and manuals of politics and planning. It shows
the biomass of the Earth - can really only be how humanity can take its place as the
appreciated with some understanding of responsible guardians of a very precious
what is energy. However, if you do find the centre of life in the Universe. We see this as
discussion of energy and motion (for energy required reading for anyone planning to
is motion) daunting, my suggestion is that participate in the next century. It is a guide to
you skip to a later chapter to get the sense of the new millennium!
our lost inheritance. You can always return to Alick Bartholomew,
put in the theory later. I suspect, in any case, Wellow, September 1995.
that this is not a book that most will read

Viktor Schauberger
Born: 30th June 1885
Holzschlag 2,
Pfarramt Ulrichsberg,
Upper Austria.

Died: 25th September 1958

Upper Austria.


1.1 Viktor Schauberger - The Man for they are endowed with a far higher sense
of perception than their contemporaries. For

T hroughout recorded history humanity

has been periodically uplifted by the
contributions of a few gifted and
enlightened individuals, whose teachings
their work an enormous dedication and
courage is necessary. Historically, and Viktor
Schauberger was no exception, the lives such
individuals have led have been dogged with
and philosophy have gradually raised the confrontation, difficulty, doubt and the great
level of human awareness; the Buddha, Jesus loneliness of the path-finder, or the individ-
Christ and the Prophet Mohammed being ual who stands alone far out in front on evo-
the most familiar examples of how a single lution's upward way. As pioneers, apart
individual can produce far-reaching changes from breaking new ground, they also suffer
in the consciousness of humanity. Lesser great adversity in their encounters with the
mortals have also played a vital role in this powerful opposition of those whose interests
process and the seeding of human conscious- and beliefs are rigidly immured in the cur-
ness with higher truths always seems to rent status quo.
come at a time when humankind as a whole Such great leading lights as Copernicus,
is ready to receive them. Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei, come to
It is sometimes said that these great teach- mind who devoted their whole lives to the
ers, themselves ardent students of Nature understanding of the universe and the
and the Divine, lived ahead of their time. At raising of human consciousness. In the main
first view this would appear to be true, but they were only permitted a view into their
on further reflection it becomes apparent Promised Land, a vista over the unfolding of
that they lived precisely when they should their life's work, but almost without excep-
have, for otherwise they could not have tion had to forgo the passage into the new
provided the vision or the direction neces- and the reaping of the fruits of their travails.
sary for humanity's upward evolution and Denied any recognition for their contribu-
progress. In most instances a signpost is long tion, their end was often clothed in misery
forgotten and unheeded if it lies behind, and and penury, as though the gods would exact
to be of any use it must of necessity stand from them the very last ounce of personal
out ahead in order to indicate the new way. surrender. Many of these enlightened indi-
Many such human signposts have punc- viduals died alone, unloved, unwanted and
tuated the passage of humanity's progress, unsung.
but have received recognition for their great Kepler was reduced to total insolvency
contribution only long after their own and, although owed a considerable sum for
passing. his services by the Duke of Regensburg, he
These exceptional individuals are indeed died a pauper and was buried in a common
visionaries in the truest sense of the word, grave outside hallowed ground, for he, like

2 Living Energies

his contemporary Galileo, had dared to couraging and loyal friends such as
question the authority of the Church. To this Prof. Philipp Forchheimer, a hydrologist of
day no-one knows where Kepler's body lies. world repute. Another was Prof. Werner
He too had had a vision and, through his Zimmermann, a Swiss, who published arti-
meticulous study of the movement of the cles by Viktor in his ecologically oriented
planets, produced his great work, Harmonices magazine Tau between 1935 and 1937.
Mundi, "The Harmonies of the World". Werner Zimmermann frequently entered the
Having finally completed it in 1618, he dedi- lists in Viktor's defence against the narrow-
cated it to James I of England, declaring that minded, self-interested attacks of academia
now that he had discovered the harmonious and entrenched bureaucracy, which on
qualities and proportions of all things, there occasion were very intense. More often than
would no longer be the need for human con- not Viktor's discoveries totally contradicted
flict. Kepler's opus had barely been pub- established theory and in their flawless
lished when the Thirty Years' War broke out, functioning and practical implementation
thoroughly obscuring and interring all his seriously threatened the credibility and
endeavours. This happened as a result of the reputation of scientist and bureaucrat
so-called 'Defenestration of Prague' in which alike.
on May 21st, 1618 the envoys of the Austrian There are many more such individuals
Kaiser were hurled from the windows of the who have given themselves wholly to the
Great Hall. betterment of their fellow human beings.
Mozart, who took music, its resonances Without exception they were endowed with
and harmonies to new heights, also suffered extraordinary perceptive and intuitive abili-
a similar fate - oblivion at the age of 35 and ties, which afforded them fresh insights into
burial in a common grave. Max Planck, the the way in which the world functioned,
great physicist who brought an end to the enabling them to understand phenomena
purely materialistic world view of the late hitherto inexplicable to their contemporaries.
19th century with his quantum theory in They were aware of another dimension of
December 1900, was another who, bereft of reality, that 'Dimension of Comprehension'
adequate clothing, food or other means of which makes sense of the whole - just as the
support, died alone in extreme poverty and 3rd dimension makes a two-dimensional
cold. world understandable.
Viktor Schauberger's life followed a path Some of these great teachers were born
similar to those of his illumined predeces- with this ability, while others fought long
sors, for in his life too he was met with and hard external and personal battles to
derision, slander and deceit in a long con- acquire it, their struggles fraught with
frontation with the Establishment in its hardship and ridden with disappointment.
various forms. He was a man of enormous Often assailed by doubt, they nevertheless
strength of purpose; he was warm and courageously persevered, urged ever
encouraging, particularly to young people in onward to finish the task they had set
whom he took a great interest, for he saw in themselves to complete. If ever there was a
them the possibility for the restoration of a true exponent of the person described in
secure and bountiful future. But to those Rudyard Kipling's poem If1, it was Viktor
whose view of life he considered irretriev- Schauberger.
ably perverted spiritually and intellectually, He was one of those rare human beings,
he was absolutely uncompromising, seeing those explorers in human thought and
them as obstacles on the path of human endeavour, whose chosen path was to throw
evolution and in the rehabilitation of the light on the future. It is therefore inevitable
environment. that he too will eventually take his place
Naturally he made many enemies in the amongst the ranks of these exalted, self-
process, but on the other hand a certain bal- sacrificing beings. In the years to come he
ance was achieved by a very few en- will be acknowledged as one of the principal
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 3

guiding spirits of the 21st century and are invalid, because they operate within parame-
beyond, who brought about a fundamental ters that do not exist.
shift of Copernican proportions in human- Our work is the embodiment of our will. The
kind's appreciation of Nature and natural spiritual manifestation of this work is its effect.
energies. When such work is done properly, it brings
There can be very few of his contempo- happiness, but when carried out incorrectly, it
raries whose comprehension of the sublime assuredly brings misery.3
energetic interdependencies, upon which life
at all its levels is founded, was so profound, Taking his mother's advice and following his
Nor, apparently, has any other person had natural instincts, Viktor became a junior for-
Viktor's deep understanding of that living est warden, spending the next few years
substance so vital to all life processes - often in areas of remote forest. There he was
water, which he viewed as the blood of able to perceive movements of energy and
Mother-Earth, for like Sir James Lovelock, natural phenomena in Nature's own labora-
the originator of the Gaia hypothesis2, Viktor tory, because in Austria in the early part of
too saw the whole Earth as an organism and this century, circa 1900-1915, there were
expressed this view in his early writings of large tracts of forest still untouched by
the 1930s. human hand. After the 1914-1918 war in
Viktor Schauberger was born on June 30th, which he was wounded, Viktor returned to
1885 in the parish of Ulrichsberg, in Upper forestry, eventually entering the employ of
Austria. He was descended from a long line Prince Adolph zu Schaumburg-Lippe, the
of foresters, who had devoted their whole owner of a large hunting and forestry
lives to the natural management and admin- reserve in Steyrling.
istration of the forest, a dedication mirrored In these districts there had been no
in their family motto, 'Fidus in silvis interference in the balance of Nature
silentibus' or 'Faith in the silent forests'. With and Viktor was thus able to observe
this as his background and much against his events that are today inconceivable, and
father's will, but with the support of his which no longer take place because of
mother, at the age of 18 he flatly refused to the enormous deterioration of the en-
follow in the footsteps of his two elder broth- vironment. It was here that he acquired
ers and attend university, having seen how it the insights into the natural movement
had affected his brothers' thinking. Apart of water that resulted in the building of his
from his earnest desire to become a forester, first log flume, which will be described in
the main reason for his refusal was that he detail in chapter 12. Here too he first became
did not wish to have his natural way of aware of other levitational energies inherent
thinking corrupted by people he considered in water, for one day in the middle of a very
totally alienated to Nature. He did not want cold winter, as he was about to cross over a
to be forced to see things through other jaun- fast-flowing mountain stream, he flushed a
diced eyes, but through his own. For, as he stationary trout from its lair as he sought a
later wrote: firm hold for his staff on the stream bed. Its
lightning flash upstream immediately
The only possible outcome of the purely catego-
caused a number of questions to race
rizing compart-mentality, thrust upon us at
through his mind:
school, is the loss of our creativity. People are los- How did the trout actually manage to get to this
ing their individuality, their ability to see things spot - and later I saw dozens of them in the same
as they really are and thereby their connection stream - which was cut off by a 60 metre high
with Nature. They are fast approaching a state of waterfall about a kilometre downstream, where
equilibrium impossible in Nature, which must the water was atomised into a veil of mist?
force them into a total economic collapse, for no How was it able to flee upstream like a streak
stable system of equilibrium exists. Therefore the of greased lightning in mockery of all the laws of
principles upon which our actions are founded gravity?
4 Living Energies

How was it possible for this fish to stand so own consciousness from the body and attach it to
motionlessly, only steering itself with slight that of the water.
movements of its tail-fins, in this wildly torren- When my own consciousness was eventually
tial flow, which made my staff shake so much that returned to me, then the water's most deeply con-
I could hardly hang onto it? cealed psyche often revealed the most extra-
What forces enabled the trout to overcome its ordinary things to me. As a result of this
own body-weight so effortlessly and quickly and investigation, a researcher was born who could
at the same time overcome the specific weight of dispatch his consciousness on a voyage of discov-
the heavy water flowing against it? ery, as it were. In this way I was able to experi-
Why didn't the water freeze even during peri- ence things that had escaped other people's notice,
ods of severe frost with temperatures below because they were unaware that a human being is
-30oC?4 able to send forth his free consciousness into
those places the eyes cannot see.
While Viktor undoubtedly had an especial By practising this blindfolded vision, I eventu-
talent for observation, a penetrating ally developed a bond with mysterious Nature,
power of perception undimmed by precon- whose essential being I then slowly learnt to
ceptions, he also developed what might be perceive and understand.6
called an active consciousness, an ability to
go beyond the merely visual in search It is very interesting to compare this with a
of what lay behind a given phenomenon. statement taken from The Urga Manuscript7,
This taught him a great deal and how this which is the record of a letter by Do-Ring, a
ability gradually evolved, he explained as scholar and scribe to the Panchen Lama,
follows: written in the early 1920s to his friend, Wing
The Schaubergers' principal preoccupation was On concerning the inner life and describing
directed towards the conservation of the forest the functions and phases of spiritual evolu-
and wild game, and even in earliest youth my tion.
fondest desire was to understand Nature, and It [the 6th function] is the one in which the ini-
through such understanding to come closer to the tiate is given the power of sending his intellect or
truth; a truth that I was unable to discover either conscious mind right away from his body, direct-
at school or in church. ing it to any part of the material earth he desires
In this quest I was thus drawn time and time it to visit, and then recalling it still conscious of
again up into the forest. I could sit for hours on all that it has seen.8
end and watch the water flowing by without ever Truly the intellect, or that part of life that sees
becoming tired or bored. At the time I was still and records its observations, can and does leave
unaware that in water the greatest secret lay hid- the body and travel great distances, observe detail
den. Nor did I know that water was the carrier of at those distances and return, giving to the mind
life or the ur-source5 of what we call conscious- as a whole an accurate picture of where it has
ness. Without any preconceptions, I simply let been and what it has seen. This function occurs
my gaze fall on the water as it flowed past. It was at the immeasurable will and is preceded by a
only years later that I came to realise that run- short, deep meditation.9
ning water attracts our consciousnesses like a
magnet and draws a small part of it along in its These perceptions of truth presented Viktor
wake. It is a force that can act so powerfully that with considerable problems in translating
one temporarily loses one's consciousness and them into everyday language, for when it
involuntarily falls asleep. comes to transferring spiritual imagery into
As time passed I began to play a game with mundane word-pictures - regrettably still
water's secret powers; I surrendered my so-called the only means of human communication -
free consciousness and allowed the water to take enormous difficulties are encountered due to
possession of it for a while. Little by little this the limitation of language. While all lan-
game turned into a profoundly earnest endeav- guages are in a constant state of evolution or
our, because I realised that one could detach one's devolution, the words and terminology at
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 5

any given moment are a reflection of the cur- very simply, saying that, "For a person who
rent state of conceptual awareness. Thus for lives 100 years in the future, the present is no
someone who is 'ahead' of his time, gener- surprise." 11
ally speaking the conceptual framework of In the late 1920s as a result of the suc-
language does not necessarily extend to the cessful operation of Viktor's Steyrling log-
clear and unequivocal explanation of new flume, Prof.Philipp Forchheimer was asked
concepts for which new acceptable words by the Austrian Government to investigate
may have to be coined. Viktor's unusual theories. Through their col-
n many instances therefore, when he came laboration, Forchheimer gradually became
to describe these phenomena, Viktor uses not aware of the truth of Viktor's ideas, eventu-
the conventional terminology of physics, ally insisting that Viktor put all his discover-
chemistry or biology, etc., but his own words. ies down on paper, saying that he thought
In this he was greatly assisted by the struc- Viktor's theories were not only valid, but
ture of the German language, which facili- extremely valuable. Forchheimer later con-
tates the formation of new concepts through fided that he was delighted to have retired,
additive nouns. Despite this and for lack of because he would now be relieved of the
suitable technical vocabulary, their interpre- humiliating task of telling his students that
tation and comprehension is still sometimes he had been teaching them rubbish for the
extremely difficult, which in his writings he previous forty-five years.
freely admitted, "Few will understand the With the cooperation of Prof. Wilhelm
meaning of the above! Some individuals, however, Exner, President of the Austrian Academy of
will obtain an indefinable inkling."10 Science and inventor of the Exner electro-
In an attempt at clearer explanation he did scope, a treatise of Viktor Schauberger's enti-
eventually study these subjects on his own in tled "Turbulence", which described the
order to acquaint himself with their respec- braking function of vortices and their rela-
tive terminologies. However, in his writings tion to water temperature, was placed under
they are often used merely as indicators of seal and on deposit at the Austrian Academy
the theme under discussion and therefore of Science on January 1st, 1930. This was
cannot always be taken literally. done, not only to ensure the precedence of
Water, forests, natural energies and their Viktor Schauberger's theories on water
generation were ever his passionate concern. movement, but also to safeguard them for
In our present way of looking at things he some time in the future. While stressing its
would probably be considered one of the value, Forchheimer considered there to be no
world's first 'greenies'; Dr. Richard St. Barbe point in publishing it at the time, because the
Baker, founder of 'The Men of the Trees' in hydrological world was not ready. The sci-
1922, and Viktor's friend, being another. ence of hydraulics would first have to
Viktor had tremendous foresight and an change its values and way of thinking before
enormous capacity for writing, reputedly these trail-breaking concepts could be taken
having composed many, many thousands of seriously. It wasn't until 1974 that this docu-
pages. At times, apparently in a trance-like ment was released to Viktor's son, Walter
state, he wrote for hours on his typewriter Schauberger.
with no idea of what he had written until Forchheimer did change his views later,
finally reading it at the end. Amongst other however, and saw to it that Viktor's pioneer-
things, he set down all that he saw would ing theories on temperature and its effect on
inevitably happen, if we did not mend our the movement of water were published in
ways and change our whole approach to the 1930-31 in a series of articles in Die
environment, both technologically and con- Wasserwirtschaft, the Austrian Journal of
ceptually. All the various crises that are Hydrology. This showed Forchheimer to be
today engulfing humanity, he foresaw as all that a true scientist should be, and rarely
long ago as 1930. When questioned on the is. It demonstrated the honesty and humility
accuracy of his predictions, he answered of a sincere academic who was prepared to
6 Living Energies

accept that his former ideas had been wrong greater confusion and the necessity to elabo-
and that current thinking could be changed; rate more and more complex theories to
that there was another way of looking at explain the various functions of the physical
things. world. Our great omission has been our total
Viktor's aim was always to try to perceive disregard and our failure to come to grips in
the dynamic reality behind what he saw as depth with the more ephemeral, unseen, yet
physical illusion. He claimed, and rightly so, fundamental energetic causalities. Like the
that by and large we human beings are negative mentioned in the quotation above,
extremely superficial, looking for and only these energies manifest themselves only
seeing direct relations between cause and indirectly, the physical constructs of the
effect, whereas Nature always moves indi- outer physical world being a positive reflec-
rectly. But worse than this, in our ignorance tion of their respective functions. What we
of the unseen dynamic behind the seen mani- perceive as the foundation of physical reality
festation, we mistake the effect for the cause, - a reality to which we have ascribed laws -
greatly compounding this error by failing to is therefore only half of the truth, for in their
see that an effect becomes the cause for a fur- dynamic these formative magnitudes con-
ther effect in an endless chain of causes and form to a sublime inner law of energetic reci-
effects. In this regard Viktor comments: procities which will be discussed more fully
in chapters 3 and 4, and about whose mutual
Our thinking is inconsistent with what we actu-
interaction Viktor commented:
ally see. The eye is a perfect, natural organ. The
seen image is a reaction phenomenon. Using an Nature is not served by rigid laws, but by rhyth-
artificial optical apparatus the same effect, for mical, reciprocal processes. Nature uses none of
example, can only be obtained by a roundabout the preconditions of the chemist or the physicist for
way, by means of a negative. The eye, on the the purposes of evolution. Nature excludes all fire
other hand, immediately presents us with the dia- on principle for purposes of growth; therefore all
positive, namely the true image. contemporary machines are unnatural and con-
Our sight constitutes an unconscious, auto- structed according to false premises. Nature avails
matic transformation process, whereby the nega- herself of the biodynamic form of motion through
tive image - like a photographic negative - i.e. the which the biological prerequisite for the emergence
effect, is transformed into a positive one, like a dia- of life is provided. Its purpose is to ur-procreate
positive colour slide. Our thinking, however, is higher' conditions of matter out of the originally
really a purely individual, conscious process and inferior raw materials, which afford the evolution-
therefore learnable. If our thinking is to attain the ally older, or the numerically greater rising gener-
same perfection as our seeing, then we must ation, the possibility of a constant capacity to
change our way of thinking and learn to see real- evolve, for without any growing and increasing
ity, not as an action, but as a reaction. Perfect reserves of energy there would be no evolution or
thought lies in the apprehension of the correct development. This results first and foremost in the
reaction, for before the eye can show us the posi- collapse of the so-called Law of the Conservation of
tive, it must first transform the negative and in a Energy, and in further consequence the Law of
certain manner must break up what it records. Gravity, and all other dogmatics lose any rational
What we see, therefore, is the turning inside out of or practical basis.13
what we receive. What our mind grasps in this
way must be re-formed and re-thought if we wish In Viktor's view Western science and educa-
to attain that for which we strive.2 tion generally left much to be desired. Our
civilisation suffered from a myopic compart-
Our direct mental approach towards the mentalisation of the mind, which prevented
understanding and investigation of natural a detached overview, a synthesis of what
phenomena; our present materialistic and was observed:
scientifically ingrained view that only the
physically palpable and measurable repre- Today's science thinks too primitively; indeed it
sents the true reality, has lead to greater and could be said that its thinking is an octave too
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 7

low. It has still not ventured far enough into the cumbersome prototype was later followed
realm of energy, and its attitude has remained by an egg-shaped device which was much
purely materialistic. For this reason it is princi- smaller and far more efficient. When tested
pally to blame for the state of affairs we are expe- to its extreme power, however, it developed
riencing today. In all probability, this such powerful internal suction that even
development was necessary, for how else should a mercury seals (of extremely densely packed
misguided humanity perceive the true interde- molecular structure) were unable to with-
pendencies? 14 stand the enormous suction generated and
Without doubt, therefore, there is a definite leaked into the water undergoing treatment.
intention to teach young people upside-down Despite the fact that this leakage occurred
methods of working with which they have to mis- only when extremely high vacuum effects
earn their daily bread. That is to say, instead of were present, which were absent under nor-
moving forwards, they go backwards all the more mal conditions of operation, the Government
rapidly in step with the improvements in the con- argued through its consultant Professor
trary methods of motion. For only thus can Diering that the public could not be exposed
today's teaching principles flourish.15 to the hazard of mercury poisoning. Laying
heavy emphasis on this, all further use of the
In contrast to contemporary science, Viktor machine for the regeneration and production
saw will and spirit as the principal causative of spring-quality water and super-distilled
forces of physical existence. They deploy water was forbidden. Indeed Viktor Schau-
themselves through the agency of various berger's machine had evidently offended
lower orders and magnitudes of energy somebody in high places, for it was con-
belonging to the 4th and 5th dimensions, i.e. fiscated and destroyed by the Austrian
through those more subtle, non-spacial police.
dimensions of being that are inherent, but Always a thorn in the side of scientific and
are not perceived in the three dimensional government institutions, Viktor's long battle
world to which we are accustomed. Of to save both the Rhine and the Danube from
ethereal nature and endowed with very high total ruin was ultimately lost through their
frequencies and formative potencies, they rejection of his practical suggestions. In early
could also be termed 'potentialities', which 1932 he wrote a paper about the rehabilita-
in their extremely sensitive and unstable tion of the Danube detailing the measures
state of energetic equilibrium await the right that needed to be taken in order to reinstate
stimulus and occasion to manifest them- it as the magnificent river it had been in days
selves. In being able to speak of these higher of yore. This paper was included as a sepa-
and therefore more powerfully and pro- rate chapter in "The Danube", a study
foundly structuring dimensions of reality, undertaken by the International Danube
Viktor's own comprehension of them must Commission and consisting of submissions
have been at the level of the 6th dimension, a from the Danube's various contiguous coun-
level where the encapsulation and under- tries.
standing of a given concept or phenomenon When officialdom discovered with horror
is both simultaneous and total. Perhaps this that Viktor's contribution had been incorpo-
might be termed the dimension of rated into this major work, the whole edition
'throughth' or pure truth, a crystal-clear was recalled, destroyed and republished in
transparency, a complete comprehension of October 1932 omitting the offending article,
the wholeness devoid of all uncertainty and disregarding the publishing costs of the orig-
unclarity. inal edition which amounted to over 100,000
From 1930-1933 Viktor Schauberger schillings - a very large sum at the time. All
worked with systems for water re- this happened largely due to the actions of
generation and the production of high-qual- Viktor Schauberger's implacable antagonist
ity drinking water for which patents were Dr.Ehrenberger, who hounded him wherever
applied in 1934 (see fig. 15.2). This rather he went. This eventually provoked a sharp
8 Living Energies

response from Viktor Schauberger largely in tions were always broken off at the last minute
the form of a letter containing twenty-nine due to the receipt of untrue information?
questions of which the following are repre- Are you aware that I was invited by His
sentative: Majesty the King of Bulgaria and that there too
similar slanderous material was sent from
Are you aware that, before a large assembly of Vienna?
university professors in the lecture rooms of the Are you aware that Mr. Werner Zimmermann
Technical University for Agricultural Science, has also been warned repeatedly never to have
Prof. Dr. Forchheimer was able to demonstrate on anything more to do with me?16
the blackboard that water temperature plays not
only an important, but actually the principal role Whatever might have been thought of Viktor
in the movement of water? Schauberger in Austria, word of his abilities
Are you aware that Prof. Dr. Forscheimer and the statements contained in his then
urged me to publish these observations in the recent book, Our Senseless Toil - the Source of
Wasserwirtschaft and that the Professor himself the World Crisis17, evidently reached others
saw to it that my articles were accepted for ears including those of Adolf Hitler. At a
publication? time when the relations between Austria and
Are you aware that the river engineering Germany were at an all-time low, Viktor
departments of Vienna, Linz, Pragarten and Schauberger was summoned to an audience
Bregenz, the Chairs for Hydraulic Engineering with the Reichschancellor in Berlin. Special
in Danzig and other places demanded the imme- papers were arranged and all the documen-
diate withdrawal of these articles otherwise they tation carried out within one day. Suddenly
would officially cancel their subscriptions to this Viktor Schauberger left for Berlin and a
scientific journal? meeting with Hitler, who greeted him
Are you aware that over 100 academics jointly warmly as a fellow countryman, telling him
resolved not to permit my presence in govern- that he had studied all the reports about
ment service and to enforce my dismissal? Viktor's work thoroughly and was very
Are you aware that with the encouragement of impressed with what he had learned.
Assistant Secretary, Engineer Kober I stated my Thirty minutes had been allocated for the
preparedness to explain the principles of my sys- discussions, which Prof. Max Planck had
tem of river regulation publicly at the Technical been requested to attend as scientific adviser
University for Agricultural Science? shortly before he was rudely deposed from
Are you aware that this lecture was cancelled his position as Privy Councillor. This
at the last minute by the Rector, Dr. Olbrich? exchange of views eventually lasted 1 1/2
Are you aware this professor publicly declared hours, during which Schauberger explained
before witnesses, that this event was the darkest the destructive action of contemporary tech-
episode of his whole period as rector? nology and its inevitable consequences. He
Are you aware the Federal Austrian Forestry contrasted this with all the processes of nat-
Department had to pay A. Sch. 5,000 per 1,000 ural motion and temperature, of the vital
logs after I was able to prove that I could trans- relation between trees, water and soil pro-
port this timber over a distance of 30km in a ductivity, indeed all the things he considered
wild, unruly watercourse simply with the aid of had to be thoroughly understood and prac-
temperatures and that the competent authorities tised in order to create a sustainable and
were unable to raft one log even 50 metres? viable society.
Are you aware that your articles created great When Viktor had finished his explana-
difficulties for me in the German Patent Office, tions, Max Planck, who had remained silent,
because there I was apparently held to be a liar was asked his opinion about Viktor's natural
and a swindler? theories. His response was the remarkable
Are you aware that I have entered into negotia- and revealing statement that "Science has
tions with the widest variety of Foreign nothing to do with Nature". 18 Pausing for a
Ministers and that on each occasion the negotia- moment to take in this astonishing admis-
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 9

sion, Viktor then referred to the proposed very alert, for despite his status as persona
four-year plan, the so-called Goering Plan, non grata in the Third Reich, he somehow
seating that not only was the time frame was always managed to survive.
far too short, but if instituted it would grad- Despite the new order after the Anschluss
ually undermine and ultimately destroy and the Sword of Damocles now hanging
Germany's biological foundations. As a over his head, by now hardened to setbacks
result, the Third Reich would last only ten and with indomitable courage and a mind
instead of the boasted 1,000 years. (Viktor never still for a moment, Viktor quietly con-
was not far out in his estimate!) tinued his research. His main drive was to
During the earlier part of the discussion, investigate phenomena and correlations that
Hitler had been enthusiastic, but he became interested him. Once he had discovered that
greatly perturbed at what he had just heard something worked, he noted the fact, and
and ordered his technical and economic then got on with the next project. He was
advisers, Messrs. Keppler and Wiluhn, to never very interested in commercialising his
discuss with Schauberger what could be discoveries.
done. Once outside the door these two men As ever he pursued ways of generating
demanded to know how Viktor had got in energy with water through the interaction of
there in the first place. Angered at their tru- complementary, but opposite, forms of
culently condescending air, he replied energy, i.e. heat and cold, electricity and
"Through the same door I've just come out magnetism, and centrifugence and centripe-
of!" Seeing that his ideas had no hope of tence, both aspects of which combine to cre-
acceptance, and leaving them gaping, he ate a unity, a wholeness through their
returned to his hotel and left for Austria the synthesising, reciprocal interaction. Viktor
following morning. Keppler and Wiluhn, also saw that suction and pressure could be
however, were to get their revenge later after used in similar fashion on the same axis to
the Anschluss on March 13th, 1938. produce a powerful propulsive effect. In
In Vienna later that year, at one moment 1936 he successfully applied for patents for
while taking tea with Mrs Mada Primavesi, a an air-turbine, which made use of a cen-
well-known figure in the upper echelons of tripetal 'compressor' and rifled central
society, Viktor excused himself saying that exhaust pipe (Austrian patent no. 145141).
he would be away for about twenty minutes This was followed by further patent applica-
for a routine medical examination of his First tions in which this concept was improved.
World War wounds at the nearby Vienna Although all trace of them has since been
University clinic, to assess his eligibility for a lost, the device described in these later
continuing war pension. When he did not patents was not only able to convert sea
return, and furious at being so rudely water into fresh water, but could also be
deserted, Mrs Primavesi set out to find him. exploited to power aircraft and submarines.
Fuming, she went to where he lived, and Yet once again Viktor was the victim of
being told by his wife that he had not deceit and his ideas were usurped. In docu-
returned and that it was quite unlike him to ments dated 1941, he describes how
behave in such a way, she then went to the Professor Ernst Heinkel, the designer of the
clinic. Collaring the director, Professor Polzl, first successful jet-plane (first flight 27 Aug.
whom she knew well, she refused to leave
until Viktor had been found and eventually
found where he was - in the section reserved
for lunatics. He was lying quietly on a bed
trussed in a straitjacket waiting for the lethal
injection, which was then the standard pro-
cedure in the Third Reich for the removal of
the mentally insane and other 'undesirables'.
Viktor's guardian angels must have been
10 Living Energies

1939 - fig. 1.1), had illegally obtained sight of

Viktor's preliminary applications at the
Patent Office in Berlin through his patent
attorneys, Lehmann-Harlens. Having stud-
ied them carefully, Heinkel then expressed
his disinterest in them, but immediately
inaugurated a covert research programme
using this information in modified form to
improve the performance of his 1,000 kph
fighter, most probably the He 280. This was
an indictable infringement of Viktor's still
confidential application. Wishing to avoid
discovery and in order to continue to make
use of the unlawfully obtained data, Heinkel
fraudulently attempted to have Viktor's
patent restricted to the conversion of sea
water into fresh water only, by having its
application to aircraft and submarine
propulsion disallowed. Continuing his
undercover experiments all the while, but
without success due to lack of proper under-
standing, Heinkel, with a certain absence of
ethical principle, then sought Viktor's collab-
oration in the project. Although some initial
discussion eventually took place, Viktor did
not cooperate, having become aware of the
facts of the matter, and further contact
between the two men ceased. Using his ill-
gotten gains and keeping all the kudos for
himself, however, Heinkel persevered with
his research, which, as a direct result of the
application of Viktor's theories, finally cul-
minated in a much improved turbine. In the
light of this Viktor Schauberger, in company
with others, such as Sir Frank Whittle, inven-
tor of the English jet engine, could also be
viewed as an early contributor to the present
jet-age. Indeed, in terms of aircraft design, he
even went as far as to state that in order to
develop and build fast-flying, supersonic air-
craft successfully, the bodily forms of deep-
sea fish should be copied. Today's 'stealth
bombers' very much emulate these forms
(fig. 1.2).
In 1939 Viktor's personal research virtu-
ally came to an end, all the materials he
needed being appropriated for war pro-
duction. In 1941, however, he was sum-
moned by Air Marshal Ernst Udet to discuss
the growing crisis of energy production and
means of solving it. Premises were subse-
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 11

quently set up near Augsburg for research Although these will be examined in more
and development, all of which came to detail in chapter 21, accurate information
nothing partly due to the death of Udet and about them is difficult to obtain, because
partly because it was bombed by the Allies after the end of the War all top secret infor-
in 1942. mation was confiscated and sequestered by
In 1943, despite his incapacitating war the Allies - the Russians, French, English
wounds and 58 years of age, Viktor and Americans - and is therefore no longer
was declared fit for active duty and was available to the general public. Nor is there
inducted into the Waffen-SS, very much any trace of Viktor's wartime patents, for
under duress. He came under the control of which according to his usual custom he is
Heinrich Himmler, who forced him into certain to have applied.
research to develop a new secret weapon. From a certain point of view, Viktor
Provided with suitable accommodation Schauberger could have been considered
at Schloss Schonbrunn, the nearby lucky at the end of the war, because
Mauthausen Concentration Camp to supply together with his team of engineers, he had
the workforce of prisoner engineers, Viktor been moved by the SS to Leonstein in
was threatened with his life if he did not Upper Austria due to the bombing of Vienna
comply with orders and carry out this and therefore in May 1945 came under the
research. jurisdiction of the American forces of
In spite of these threats, however, Viktor occupation. In Leonstein Viktor was placed
put his foot down and demanded from in protective custody for nine months by
the SS Command the absolute right to the Americans and quartered inside a
select the various engineers he needed. He doubly-fenced and guarded perimeter. This
further demanded that any technicians he was done partly to glean information about
chose were to be removed entirely from the his involuntary, though to him useful,
camp, fed properly, dressed in normal civil- wartime research into 'higher' atomic
ian clothes and billeted in civilian accommo- energies at Mauthausen and Leonstein and
d a tion, o th erw is e the y wou ld b e partly to prevent his abduction by the
unproductive. As he explained, people who Russians. Confirmation of this can be found
live in fear of their lives and under great in a letter Viktor wrote to the German
emotional stress could work neither consis- Minister of Defence, Franz Josef Strauss, on
tently nor creatively. Surprisingly the SS the 28th of February 1956. Here he relates
agreed and so Viktor selected somewhere how the last device upon which he had been
between twenty and thirty engineers, crafts- working had been seized only a few days
men and tradesman from Mauthausen, to be after its successful flight by American intelli-
accommodated in various houses near the gence investigators, who appeared to be
plant. very well informed about it. Its most impor-
When they were all assembled. Viktor tant component on the other hand, which
exhorted them to work as hard as they was forgotten in the haste to move to
could, but under no circumstances were they Leonstein, had been removed by the
to attempt to escape, otherwise his own life Russians from his Vienna apartment and the
would be forfeit. They set to work with a apartment subsequently blown up. Once
will and, while not understanding what Viktor had been thoroughly 'de-briefed', he
Viktor was trying to achieve, they neverthe- was apparently threatened with further
less carried out his instructions faithfully. internment should he be foolish enough
Two machines were eventually built, one to continue his research in this field. Apart
called a 'Repulsator' and the other a from time spent on interrogation during this
'Repulsine', reflecting the forces of recoil period of confinement, however, for Viktor -
active in them. Both machines operated with now almost entirely penniless - this was a
the densifying forces of implosion, which are time of reflection and reassessment of his
far more powerful than those of explosion. future.
12 Living Energies

During this immediately postwar period Popel, which will be addressed in more
food was still extremely scarce and many detail in chapter 14.
people were suffering from malnutrition. With enquiring mind and tenacity of pur-
When he was ultimately released, eventually pose, Viktor continued to work on his vari-
moving to Salzburg in late 1946, he then ous devices. Aloys Kokaly, the publisher of
set about applying his wide knowledge to Implosion, a magazine devoted to Viktor
agriculture and the systems of cultivation Schauberger's theories, and a former corpo-
then in use. In collaboration with Franz ral in the Waffen-SS who had managed by
Rosenberger (and as discussed later in devious means to procure materials for
chapter 19), he was able to demonstrate Viktor's research at Schloss Schonbrunn,
that significant increases in productivity asked him why he was still working so hard,
could be achieved using the knowledge to which Viktor replied:
he had acquired in Bulgaria before the I must furnish those who would protect or save
war. All progress in this area subsequently life, with an energy source, which produces
being blocked by corrupt politicians in 1949, energy so cheaply that nuclear fission will not
Viktor then returned to his study of implo- only be uneconomical, but ridiculous. This is the
sion, energy generation and water move- task I have set myself in what little life I have
ment, trying with his limited funds to pick left.19
up the threads of his earlier research, culmi-
nating in a scientific investigation and vindi- The product of this last personal effort is the
cation of his theories on the natural flow of home-power generator shown in figs. 1.3
water at Stuttgart Technical University in a&b, which due to Viktor's very limited pen-
1952 under the direction of Prof. Franz sioner's funds and its resulting crude, unso-

Fig. 1.3a The Home Power Generator. Fig. 1.3b

1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 13

phisticated construction, did not function as which lay far beyond my capacity to pay, and the
well as he had hoped, for as it transpired, machines I was struggling to build were withheld
this machine was an unfortunate compro- as security against payment.
mise between the geometry of mechanics I then began to work covertly and in this way
and that of organics. It was a miserable cul- succeeded in producing workable machines. I
mination to the life's work of this quite then first became aware of what I had discovered,
remarkable man. namely higher-grade atomic energies. At this
Being the enlightened individual he was, stage 'Demonstrate it!', 'Prove it!', 'Let it be
Viktor Schauberger had a remarkable stan- examined!' was and is always demanded. If I con-
dard of personal integrity, honesty and cur, then all is lost. If I do not, however, then I
responsibility. His word in any undertaking am a fraud.
was always his bond, even if he was ulti- Then along came a major German industrialist
mately the loser. He would brook no deceit with his scientific advisors. He investigated the
or underhand activity in any of those with process and found it in order. Statements were
whom he worked either as employers or made expressing readiness to proceed with fabri-
employees. This often created enormous dif- cation and cost evaluation and then, yes, then
ficulties for him and he suffered considerable one will just have to wait and see. All they are,
personal losses as a result. He was not a are empty promises, never kept.
businessman, nor had he any interest in the Now representatives of the U.S. government
commercial exploitation of his inventions for have announced themselves. They too want to see
personal gain. and evaluate everything first, and then, only then
His overriding desire was to provide will it be considered what might be done.
present and future generations with the I requested a provisional agreement, which
ability in terms of knowledge and machines would only come into force once I proved that I
with which to usher in and sustain a could achieve significantly increased output. This
golden age of prosperity, peace and har- was rejected. First see, then negotiate and the
mony. His chief problem was always to find outcome was always the same.
honest and unselfish people to help in the Professors also want first to see, evaluate and
development and production of the various then, aye, and then take over.
apparatuses needed to bring this about. In My dear Mr. R, I have now reached the point
many instances his trust was sadly where they can all kiss the place where my spinal
misplaced, as illustrated in extracts from a column terminates. l am old and seriously ill. My
letter of the 4th February 1958 to a friend, a only concern now is for all the poor children who
certain Mr. 'R', about 7 1/2 months are faced with a grisly future.
before If I reveal everything it will only be hushed up,
Viktor died. because it not only involves the whole scientific
establishment, but also the doctrines of the
I was always challenged to provide proof. Church. All power politics will collapse once the
Whenever I did this, I was robbed to such an truth emerges that science is the actual causative
extent that no other course was open to me, other agent of cancer.
than to remain silent once more. In the February I intend to return to the forest once more, there
issue of Weltgewissen you will be able to read to die in peace. The whole of science and all its
that these apparatuses which the Austrian State hangers-on are nothing but a band of thieves,
Police took from me, are now being manufactured who are suspended like marionettes and must
in Germany with enormous success. This has dance to whatever tune their well-camouflaged
happened to me twelve times. Every time I had slave-masters deem necessary?20
something produced, all I was given were the left-
overs, while the best part was retained and This letter, most probably written to Alois
exploited commercially by others. Or the appara- Renner in the light of what follows, heralded
tus was never made public, although I had paid the final disastrous chapter of Viktor
all the agreed development costs myself. Schauberger's life, a chapter that started
Subsequently large sums were demanded of me,
14 Living Energies

Questions for Science

What is it that keeps the Earth floating in space? Why do west-to-east flowing watercourses fertilise
Why does a top stand upright when it is spun from their banks?
the side? Why are the banks of east-to-west flowing rivers so
What is temperature? What is heat? What is cold? barren?
What is energy? Why are the banks of south-to-north flowing
watercourses fertile on one side only?
What is evaporation?
Why do rivers flowing into cold seas migrate laterally
What is vaporisation? to the north?
What is dissolution? Why do deltas and estuaries develop?
What is combination? Why does a trout stand still in a raging torrent, as if by
What is absorption? magic?
On what effects are these processes founded? THE SEA
MAGNETISM Why is the water at the poles warmer at the bottom?
Why do the magnetic lines of force run from south to Why is the sunlit surface at the poles so icily cold?
north? Why doesn't the warmer, lighter bottom-water of the
Why does the Earth rotate from west to east? sea rise upwards?
THE SUN Why are the water temperatures at the equator so
What serves the sun as a carrier of light and heat, if,
in the view of our learned scientists, space is a Why is it that it gets colder with increasing depth?
vacuum? Why does it get warmer again below the boundary
Why do gases condense with a decrease in layer of +4oC?
temperature? Why does life below this boundary layer begin anew?
Why don't the fiery gases of the Sun, with supposed Why does the salt content of the seas vary?
temperatures of over 6000oC, stream out into Why do herrings migrate northwards in winter?
Why do deep-sea fish glow?
Why is the light and heat in the tropics more diffuse
Why can the warm Gulf Stream push the cold
and at the poles the Sun's light more intense and its
seawater aside and wend its way for thousands of
radiant heat less?
kilometres over mountains and valleys in a reversed
ATMOSPHERE temperature gradient without the assistance of a
Why doesn't the Earth's warm air rise? mechanical gradient?
Why is it so cold at the top of a mountain, i.e. nearer BLOOD
the Sun? Why do cold-blooded animals carry fever-inducing
Why in our houses is it warmer nearer the ceiling and poison?
colder at the floor, when an artificial source of heat is Why does a cold fever occur in the tropics?
used? Why does a warm fever arise from a chill?
Why does marble expand with heat and why doesn't What is fever anyway?
it contract again with cold? Why is our body temperature subnormal when
EVAPORATION climbing a mountain and above normal as we
Why is the desert so dead despite all the heat?
Why do damp tiled roofs dry out from the eaves Why does the heart beat in our breast?
towards the ridge? Who gives this muscle its impulse to move?
Where is the motor for this pump?
Why does blood circulate in our blood vessels?
Why does the groundwater in walls rise far above the
surface of the ground? Why do the fluids in a chicken's egg circulate without
a heart?
Why don't wooden posts rot under water, but above
it always? Why do we breathe day and night, when asleep and
even when totally unconscious?
Why can rising cold water pierce through the hardest
rock? Does the heart beat because we breathe, or do we
breathe because the heart beats?
Why does water pulsate and breathe?
Why does groundwater manage to remain on the TREES
sides of mountains? Why have light-demanding timbers a thick bark and
Why, growing colder and heavier, does it rise shade-demanders only a thin one?
upwards? Where is the heart of a plant?
Why does it frequently spring from high peaks? [from Our Senseless Toil]
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 15

with much hope for the final realisation of all cant and verifiable detail about it is
that he had striven for in his life. Having had extremely difficult to ascertain, mainly
no appreciation or support from the govern- because all those involved, with the excep-
ment or anyone else in Austria, when he was tion of Karl Gerchsheimer with whom I
eventually approached by the Americans, spent two days, have passed away in the
who expressed an enthusiastic interest in interim. In whatever information is available
developing his theories on implosion, Viktor concerning this tragedy, there is a profusion
thought that at last something positive would of conflicting statements, interpretations and
hapen as America was such a powerful timetables which, 37 years after the event,
country with tremendous entrepreneurial makes the unravelling of what precisely took
energy. He was by this time quite exasper- place in this, for all concerned, abortive
aded at the behaviour of Europeans and what endeavour rather problematic. That nothing
he had suffered at their hands, and in a con- eventually came of this unfortunate affair in
versation with Aloys Kokaly, Viktor some- my view is due largely to cumulative misun-
what embittered declared: derstandings, misapprehensions and inade-
quate clarification on both sides, which
"AN American aircraft consortium offered me 3.5
finally culminated in a complete breakdown,
million dollars, a similar offer was made by
not only in communication, but in mutual
Canaian interests. "21
trust. The three principle factors that brought
"You didn't want it in Europe, so now
this about were firstly, the difficulty Viktor
you'll have to get it back from America expen-
Schauberger had in describing accurately in
sively!" 22
language that others could understand
exactly what forces, motion and energies
This all came to pass, but as we shall see, were involved in the processes of implosion.
nohing ever came back to Europe, nor to the His demonstration of their most elementary
rest of the world for that matter, which has form, the centripetal inwinding vortex that
been the greatest loss and misfortune for forms over a waste pipe, was deemed far too
humanity at large. But before proceeding to simple and too familiar a phenomenon to be
this final tragic episode and to obtain some of any consequence. This provoked a rising
insight into the scope of Viktor's thinking, let scepticism and dwindling belief in the valid-
us examine and present it by directly quoting ity of Viktor's theories. The second factor
a passage taken from his book Our Senseless relates to Viktor's and Walter's nervousness
Toil (see p. 14). Here he poses a number of about possible theft and exploitation of
questions relating to phenomena that appar- the implosion idea, the result of the many
ently had not been satisfactorily investigated misfortunes experienced by Viktor, as told
at the time. Since its publication in 1933, to Mr 'R' in the above letter. The third
many of these may well have been answered, factor was the absence of a working proto-
but not perhaps in the way that he would type.
have himself, because of his different view of While earlier accounts of this 1958 venture
life processes. While presented here under infer the involvement of the United States
their original heading, they are not in the government, the initiative actually came
same sequence as first written, but have been
from Karl Gerchsheimer. Born in 1903 to a
arranged according to subject and more or
well-connected family in Wiirzburg, Bavaria,
less in the order in which some of them will
in his youth Gerchsheimer spent a great deal
be discussed in this book.
of time in the surrounding forests and had
developed an understanding of Nature, of
the importance and function of trees and
1.2 What Happened in America water very similar to that of Viktor
Schauberger. In this particular area both

B efore embarking on this last and lamenta-

ble chapter in Viktor Schauberger's life, I
would like to state at the outset that signifi-
Gerchsheimer and Viktor seem to have had a
great deal in common. Leaving Germany in
16 Living Energies

1922, Gerchsheimer's life followed an event- powered by explosion, a matter he discussed

ful path. Under contract to the Mexican with von Braun himself at NASA, Gerch-
Government from 1926 to 1935 he reformed sheimer gradually became convinced that
Mexican agriculture and introduced the some other antithetical system of propulsion
pineapple and banana. He also installed the would solve the problems of powered flight
potable water supply system for the whole and open the way towards a safe and effec-
of Mexico City and set up the Mexican tive exploration of space. During the course
Highway Police, which under his steward- of their rising friendship, Gerchsheimer had
ship became renown for its incorruptibility. often expressed these views to Robert
Moving to Texas in 1937, where he married Donner, engaging the latter's interest in the
his present wife, it would appear that he potential of these other forces, if they could
later became involved in US counter-espi- be harnessed. In late 1957 these convictions
onage activities during World War II, the of Gerchsheimer's became more concretised
most likely agency being the C.I.C. (Counter upon reading about Viktor Schauberger and
Intelligence Corps). From war's end in 1945 implosion in a German publication - most
to 1950 he was the U.S civilian property probably Leopold Brandstatter's booklet
administrator-in-chief in charge of all civil "Implosion statt Explosion" published in
administration, logistics, transport and 1956, although Gerchsheimer does not con-
accommodation under the American Army firm this, in which Viktor's theories were
of Occupation, and in this role was the most elaborated.
powerful non-military individual in the With this more definite information to
American zone. Returning to the United hand, Gerchsheimer then enthused Donner
States in 1950, he set up his own metal with the idea of visiting Viktor Schauberger
fabrication business, which manufactured a himself, because if valid, his theories were
large number components under contract worthy of closer examination. Moreover to
to NASA and from which he retired at age maintain American supremacy as a world
81. power, it was important that an invention of
In the years immediately following his such promise should be developed in the
return to America in 1950, Gerchsheimer United States rather than in any other coun-
gradually developed a close friendship try. Agreeing to this, Donner then told
with Robert Donner, who was the former Gerchsheimer to make arrangements for
owner of the Donner Steelworks of Phila- immediate travel to Austria. In addition,
delphia, a large and prosperous company. however, and much to Gerchsheimer's
Very much a patriot who waged constant annoyance, Donner also insisted that he be
war against subversive activity in the United accompanied by his financial adviser,
States, Donner eventually retired to Color- Norman Dodd, who was to be in overall
ado Springs, Colorado, an extremely wealthy charge of the expedition. A man in his early
man (Gerchsheimer placed his personal 60s, Norman Dodd moved in financial and
fortune in 1958 at about US$400 million). investment circles in New York and was
He was also the chief executive of the Donner's trusted financial consultant, a posi-
Donner Foundation, a philanthropic organi- tion he had held for the preceding 10 years
sation set up by his father in Philadelphia or so, which had resulted in a firm friend-
in the mid-1940s to fund cancer research ship between the two men. Dodd was also
which in the 1950s and 1960s awarded grants the author of an investigative study carried
for educational and other charitable ven- out on behalf of Congress into the financial
tures. structures, administrative procedures, taxa-
Over the years Gerchsheimer had become tion, etc., both legal and fraudulent, of
increasingly disenchanted with technology's various American foundations and like
use of explosive forces to generate power and organisations. According to Gerchsheimer,
motion. Viewing with disdain Werner von this study, though completed and backed by
Braun's efforts to conquer space with rockets Congress, was never published, because too
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? Y7

many people in high places would have not happy. Well acquainted with U.S. intelli-
been implicated. gence agencies as former U.S. property
administrator, Gerchsheimer then contacted
Donner's decision having been made, the F.B.I.'s offices in Germany, thus demon-
Gerchsheimer then contacted his business strating an intimate familiarity with intelli-
acquaintance, Harald W. Totten (some gence agencies. Gerchsheimer himself admits
reports claim that Gerchsheimer actually that in hindsight this well-intentioned
worked for Totten), the proprietor of the action probably did more to confirm the
Washington Iron Works Inc., in Sherman, Schaubergers' suspicions than to allay
Texas. He suggested that Totten's foundry, them.
pipe-making and precision engineering All this took place at a time when Viktor
works would be the ideal venue for develop- was involved in a legal wrangle at the
ing and replicating Viktor's devices. Totten's Salzburg District Court to recover a number
interest was immediately aroused and he of machines that he had commissioned
agreed to make his premises available. All Sebastian Thurner, a mechanical engineering
this having been arranged, Gerchsheimer professor at the Salzburg Polytechnic School,
and Dodd informed Viktor of their impend- to build for him. These devices were a fur-
ing visit. Flying to Frankfurt in mid-April ther development of the home-power gener-
1958, they proceeded from there by chauf- ator shown in figs. 1.3a and 1.3b, which
feur-driven car to Linz on the Danube, apparently had ruptured when first switched
where Viktor lived. on. Due to obstructions or constrictions in
After the initial introductions were over, at the spiral core-pipes, strong pressures had
which Walter Schauberger was also present, been created within them instead of the
Gerchsheimer began to explain the purpose anticipated suction, resulting in an explo-
of their visit. Speaking in fluent German with sion. Three redesigned models were appar-
a Bavarian accent, Gerchsheimer told Viktor, ently built incorporating a pressure-relief
or the "Old Man" as he came to be called, valve, one of which Viktor had obtained, the
that they had come as representatives of other two being withheld against payment of
Robert Donner, an American financier inter- Thurner's costs.
ested in the rapid development and practical As discussions with the Schaubergers pro-
implementation of Viktor's theories on gressed it became apparent to Gerchsheimer
implosion, for which almost unlimited funds and Dodd that they were not the only parties
could eventually be made available. interested in the development of Viktor's
Gerchsheimer relates that at the time both theories on implosion. A number of other
Schaubergers seemed to be in a state of organisations including certain Swiss inter-
high ests were also in the process of negotiating
anxiety about espionage and surveillance, for Viktor's devices. Wishing to put paid to
even to the point of expressing concern over any competition, Gerchsheimer regaled
the identity and presence of the German Viktor with assurances as to how much eas-
chauffeur and guide who had been left out- ier it would be to obtain large sums of
side. Mindful of his 9-month surveillance by research money in the United States than in
American intelligence in 1945/46, a period Europe, where so much still had to be
when Walter Schauberger had also been directed towards reconstruction. Taking
interrogated, Viktor was certain that they Gerchsheimer's lead, Dodd then urged
were once more being watched and Viktor to come over to America to complete
expressed his deep-seated unease to his life's work, pointing out that historically
Gerchsheimer. At this Gerchsheimer laughed, America had often shown that it was pre-
but at the same time offered to find out. pared to undertake ventures considered
In front of the Schaubergers he rang up Utopian in Europe. Moreover Viktor's and
the Criminal Investigation Department of Walter's work had the potential to solve a
the Austrian police. Though this produced problem, whose solution despite much
assurances that neither Viktor nor Walter
were under surveillance, Viktor was still
18 Living Energies

research had long remained unsolved, little time left to live. In response it was
namely the generation of virtually free immediately proposed that Viktor should be
energy. accompanied by an Austrian doctor in
Financing such research and development whom he had confidence and who would
would present few problems in the United look after him, all expenses being paid by
States, however, for once a small operational the Americans. At this Viktor brightened and
prototype had been successfully built, then a was eventually accompanied by his son-in-
research foundation would be set up into law, Dr Walter Luib.
which millions of tax-free dollars could be A few days later at Donner's house in
invested. Gerchsheimer then revealed that Colorado Springs, Gerchsheimer and Dodd
there was an engineering facility in Texas delivered a full report on events in Austria.
well able, ready and willing to develop and While agreeing to authorise payment of
build Viktor's machines. Dodd's offer in full, Donner also wanted to
His interest awakened, Viktor asked for secure his investment and asked his lawyer
time to consider their proposal. After Viktor to draw up a contract for eventual signa-ture
and Walter had discussed the offer between by Viktor. The substance of this contract
themselves and with Viktor's still reluctant required Viktor to acknowledge the receipt
agreement, because he did not really want to of the US$15,000, to be paid in cash as an
leave Austria, Viktor then gave his provi- initial payment towards the acquisition
sional assent. Under psychological pressure by the Donner, Dodd, Gerchsheimer consor-
from the rumoured competitors and fearing tium of all relevant data, designs, drawing
a successful outcome to their already and models related to Viktor's implosive
advanced negotiations with the Schau- theories. Walter Schauberger was also to
bergers, the following day Dodd offered receive an advance of US$5,000 at the same
Viktor US$15,000 in down payment on his time.
various data and models, a sum that Viktor Returning to Europe in early May, Gerch-
had previously requested in order to pay sheimer and Dodd drove to Linz in a white
Thurner. In taking this step, however, Dodd Mercedes two-seater sports-car that Gerch-
apparently exceeded his authority for he had sheimer had bought on arrival in Germany.
insufficient funds to back the offer up. Finding Viktor unwell when they arrived,
Promising Viktor that they had every inten- they picked him up or arranged for his trans-
tion of developing implosion in America and fer to Bad Ischl. Here Viktor was accommo-
asking him to sign nothing until they dated in a villa just outside the town, where
returned, Gerchsheimer and Dodd hastened they could keep an eye on him while his
back to the United States to confer with health improved and also ward off any fur-
Robert Donner and finalise arrangements. ther contact with possible competitors. First
Just before they left, however, Viktor warned on the agenda was the contract. This stated
them stating that: that Viktor's sojourn in the United States
"I am neither a technologist nor an engineer, all I
would be for 3 months only, and that Walter
understand is the principle. I could only agree to
Schauberger, a physicist and mathematician,
come provided certain conditions are met as I
was to accompany his father and would be
don't feel very well physically and I don't think I
expected to stay for a year in order to assist
am really up to the rigours of the journey. "23
in the scientific interpretation of Viktor's
ideas for which there was often no recog-
Viktor's concern in this respect was well- nised scientific terminology. One further
founded, for his physical condition at the condition required that Viktor grant permis-
time was not good. Apart from suffering sion for all pertinent data and devices neces-
from emphysema and an ailing heart - the sary for the success of 'Project Implosion' to
result of his wartime experiences, the pre- be transferred to the United States. Before
ceding winter had taken an enormous toll of agreeing to sign the contract, however,
him, to the point where he felt that he had Viktor stipulated that Alois Renner, his
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 19

trusted friend and exceptionally gifted Nature's processes, Dodd's life had been
machinist who had manufactured some of devoted to finance and investment. Dodd
Victor's devices, would have to be brought was therefore something of a layman during
over to the United States to collaborate with these discussions and unable to take any
Victor in building the models. Renner's really effective part, having to rely on
salary in this regard was to be paid by Gerchsheimer's opinion as to the substance
Donner or the Washington Iron Works. and validity of Viktor's ideas. In this way
Concurring with Viktor's demands, this their roles gradually reversed with
first agreement, whereunder Viktor and Gerchsheimer gaining the more command-
Walter were required henceforth to maintain ing position. In some ways, however, Dodd
total secrecy, was signed on the 9th of was more instrumental in bringing the
May. Schaubergers to America than Gerchsheimer.
His quiet, forthright and sincere nature
While waiting for Viktor's health to inspired the Schaubergers with confidence
recover sufficiently for the journey and and it was essentially because of him that
the better to acquaint themselves with his they eventually agreed to the Americans'
ideas. Gerchsheimer and Dodd continued overtures. After about three weeks of talks
their discussions with Viktor and Walter on a and feeling in better health, Viktor finally
daily basis, talking first with Viktor in agreed to go, but reiterated categorically
the morning and Walter in the afternoon. that:
While it has been contended that seeing
"One thing is to be thoroughly understood. This
Viktor and Walter separately was intentional,
whole affair is not to take longer than three
it was far more probably due to the fact that
months; three months only and not a single day
Viktor's health was better in the morning
longer !"24
and that there was insufficient space in
the Mercedes for more than two people Early in June Viktor and Walter were
comfortably. requested to fill out a comprehensive ques-
In their morning talks over and after tionnaire for the purposes of obtaining visas
breakfast, Viktor tried to explain everything to the United States. Shortly thereafter on the
about his theories of implosion and how 17th of June, 10 days before their departure,
they could be implemented practically, they were taken to the American consulate in
Gerchsheimer admits that he was very Salzburg to have the necessary visas
impressed with Viktor's wide knowledge of stamped into their passports. 10 minutes
forestry and water, though not comprehend- after their arrival, their passports were
ing his detailed explanation of implosion. In returned to them. Shaking their hands after
the afternoon the attention of the two the formalities had been completed, the con-
Americans turned to Walter, who, while sul then congratulated them on the four-year
alluding to a good knowledge of physics, duration of their visas. Both Viktor and
mainly elaborated on his activities in connec- Walter found this remark rather unsettling,
tion with the "Grime Front" (Green Front), a for contrary to the original agreement,
movement started by Viktor in the early whereby Walter would be in the United
1950s to inaugurate large scale reafforesta- States for only one year and Viktor for only
tion. In this way Gerchsheimer and Dodd three months, it now appeared that their
gradually obtained a more concrete idea of presence was required for four years. At this
what the Schaubergers had to offer. In early stage of the affair, however, this
my discussions with Gerchsheimer, he mooted extension of their sojourn may in no
revealed that in his opinion Walter neither way have reflected what was actually
knew nor understood much about his planned at the time, because visas are often
father's theories. issued with a currency of four years. The
While Gerchsheimer was relatively well Schaubergers' trepidations, while well-
versed in the overall concept of implosion founded from their point of view owing to
and also had a greater understanding of
20 Living Energies

their limited experience of post-war travel, they were met by Gerchsheimer and Dodd,
would therefore have had no basis in fact. who had arrived two days earlier, and were
From the 18th of June onwards at taken to an American-owned hotel for the
Gerchsheimer's request and expense, Walter night. At 10 pm the following day all five
set about gathering together all the proto- boarded a Pan American Airways flight and
types, working models, documents, designs, were flown non-stop to New York, a rela-
drawings, patents, of whatever kind, which tively low-altitude, bumpy flight of 11 to 13
he thought would be material to the research hours according to headwind, which for
and development of implosion. These were Viktor in his low state of health would have
eventually packed into cartons and crates been a gruelling experience. Here Dodd had
and forwarded by sea to the Washington arranged for the Schaubergers and Dr. Luib
Iron Works Inc. in Texas, where Viktor to be put up for two or three days at the
devices were to be fabricated. Prior to leav- University Club at 1 West 54th Street, of
ing for Frankfurt to arrange the necessary which Dodd was a member, so as to allow
air-tickets, Gerchsheimer advised the Viktor to recover from the long flight. The
Schaubergers to leave all traditional following day, while Viktor remained in his
Austrian clothing, 'trachten', 'lederhosen', room, Walter went sight-seeing and was
etc., behind as they would be unsuited to the taken to the top of the Empire State building.
climate in Texas. More normal apparel On the 30th June a small celebration was
would also permit their discrete and in- held for Viktor's 73rd birthday. While earlier
conspicuous integration into American reports have stated that a large banquet was
life. held in their honour by the U.S. Chamber of
On the 25th of June Viktor, Walter and Dr. Commerce, Gerchsheimer denies this on the
Luib left Linz for Frankfurt by train. There grounds that Donner would have shunned
any such publicity.
When the time came for departure for
Texas on the 1st of July, Dodd, who hitherto
had been their constant companion, was
apparently no longer to accompany them. In
an unguarded remark by Gerchsheimer,
Walter learned that Dodd was about to be
dismissed by Donner. Dodd himself was
only informed of this about three weeks after
the Schaubergers had arrived in Texas. The
reasons for Dodd's dismissal are not
recorded, but a newspaper article of the 21
August 1959 in the Gazette Telegraph of
Colorado Springs reports on a law suit
against Donner in which Dodd sought
US$100,000 in damages for wrongful dis-
missal. Unaware of his impending dismissal,
however, Dodd set about arranging for the
immigration of Renner and his wife to the
United States as stipulated in the contract
signed in Linz. In this endeavour he appar-
ently pulled a number of strings in high
places in order to expedite matters, as no fur-
ther progress could be made on the project
until Renner had arrived. This took consider-
ably longer than anticipated owing to the
emergence of certain unstated irregularities,
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 21

the Schaubergers and Dr Luib spent two or

three days in motel in Sherman before being
comfortably installed in Harald Totten's
large, air-conditioned ranch-house complete
with swimming pool about 3 miles from
town. Encouraged to rest and acclimatise
themselves while waiting for Renner to
arrive, here they were provided with all they
needed, which included a telephone, a cook
and a car and chauffeur to take them into
town when necessary (fig. 1.5).
For the first three weeks while waiting for
Renner's arrival, Gerchsheimer continued to
try to gain greater insight into Viktor's ideas.
As has been mentioned earlier, however, the
language and terminology Viktor used to
describe the dynamics of implosion and the
functioning of his machines was very difficult
to understand in any concrete way. Moreover,
Viktor continually reiterated that to under-
stand it all properly it was imperative that an
actual machine should be examined. This
never happened. Walter was apparently of no
use whatsoever in any of these explanations
either, because at the time he too was insuffi-
ciently acquainted with his father's theories
and their implementation. As a result
which delayed the Renners arrival in Gerchsheimer found Viktor's description of
Texas until September 3rd. the processes of implosion and his higher
Boarding the American Airlines plane (fig. form of atomic energy increasingly incompre-
1.4), Viktor, Walter, Dr. Luib and Gerch- hensible - gobbledygook was how Gerch-
sheimer then flew non-stop to Dallas. As sheimer described it to me. Becoming more
they flew over the mid-western States, and more exasperated and frustrated with the
Viktor looked down despondently at the whole affair, he eventually came to the conclu-
near treeless landscape passing by under- sion that the Schaubergers had nothing to
neath, which was dotted here and there by offer. Viktor also had problems, but of a differ-
bores and high water towers, all of which ent nature. Coupled with the difficulties of
provoked the remark: communicating his ideas to Gerchsheimer, iso-
"What's the point? From a biological point of lation in the oppressive heat and vastness of
view what's down there is a dying land. The Texas, and inactivity due to Renner's non-
water's had it. The soil's had it and the earth is as arrival, Viktor's psychological and physical
dry as a hot plate! You haven't the vaguest idea condition declined. On Gerchsheimer's advice
what water is! Water belongs inside the earth and not and with Dr Luib's agreement, Viktor was
above it. What's in these water towers is no longer removed to a clinic near Sherman for observa-
water, but firewater !"25 tion. Eventually staying some four weeks, he
apparently responded satisfactorily to treat-
Arriving in Dallas they were greeted by ment. The end-effect of Viktor's physical
Gerchsheimer's family and Harald W. Totten lapse, however, was to increase his longing to
and taken to a restaurant to have something return to his natural habitat in Austria. One
to eat and relax from the journey. Pending full moonlit night in August, while standing
decisions as to their final accommodation, in the evening cool, Viktor said to Walter:
22 Living Energies

"You have no idea how wonderful it will be, when translate and transmit any information to the
I can tread European soil once more ! I felt myself scientific evaluators that the Schaubergers
obliged to come to America despite my health and might provide. At one point during these
age. Whatever it was that I could do, I do believe negotiations, Boerner apparently suggested
I have now done."26 that a multi-million dollar implosion
research centre be set up in Arizona, perhaps
Seriously concerned for Viktor's physical with an idea of leading it himself. Boerner
condition, Walter proposed a plan of work evidently mentioned this proposal to the
which he submitted to Gerchsheimer on the Schaubergers, who seem to have misinter-
9th of August. In this Walter suggested that preted it as fact, although it had already been
once Viktor was well enough to travel, both rejected by both Gerchsheimer and Donner.
he and Walter should then return to Austria, Having finalised the agreement, Donner
where Viktor would continue to act as con- returned to Colorado Springs the next day.
sultant. Having safely installed his father, From this point matters began to accelerate,
Walter would then return to America with reaching their zenith in early to mid-
his family for a year with visitor status only September.
to oversee the development of the implosion On the 20th of August, some seven weeks
devices. This proposal was evidently rejected after their arrival in Texas, Gerchsheimer
by Gerchsheimer, who, unable to evaluate instructed the Schaubergers to write up their
Schauberger's data himself, but being finan- own separate reports about implosion, at the
cially committed to the project, had mean- same time announcing that a decisive confer-
while voiced his rising disquiet and disbelief ence was to take place in three weeks' time.
to Donner. Viktor was told that he should write his
Upset at hearing this and anxious for reports in his own words, regardless of
the success of the venture Donner then flew whether the concepts or terms he used might
to New York and on to the National or might not be correct, because any pearls
Atomic Research Laboratories at Brook- of wisdom they contained would still be
haven, Long Island, to seeking expert extracted. Headed P.O. Box 28, Sherman,
scientific opinion on Viktor's theories and Texas, Viktor Schauberger's reports were
his new form of atomic energy. In discus- addressed to Mr Eric. A. Boerner, National
sions held over the next three days from the Atomic Research Laboratory, Brookhaven, Upton,
15th - 17th August culminating in a written New York State. As a subheading it was fur-
agreement, the services of Eric A. Boerner, a ther indicated that their submission was at
native German speaker and the head of a the behest of Mr Robert Donner or his represen-
team of design engineers working on the tative, Mr Karl Gerchsheimer, in accordance with
Cosmotron Project, were retained to act as the agreement drawn up on the 15th, 16th &
go-between. (Used for the investigation of 17th August 1958 at Brookhaven. The writing
atomic structures and nuclear particles, the of these reports took about 10 days from the
Cosmotron was a proton (ionised hydrogen 20th to the 31st August, Walter's mainly
atom) accelerator or synchrotron, which addressing and reinterpreting the known
made use of a large toroidal electromagnet to facts of physics, one 12 page report dis-
generate high electric and magnetic fields. cussing various aspects of bio-magnetic
These were required to guide and accelerate axes. When finished these were collected on
the particles to an energy of 3,000,000,000 a daily basis by Gerchsheimer, who for-
electron volts (3 GeV) in preparation for sub- warded them post-haste to Boerner for trans-
sequent collision with atomic nuclei through lation and transmission to the scientific
which the behaviour of the scattered nuclear evaluators.
particles could be evaluated.) While no On all accounts it seems that much of
nuclear physicist himself, Boerner was suffi- the communication between the Schau-
ciently conversant with the terminology and bergers and Gerchsheimer were fairly per-
fundamentals of nuclear physics to be able to functory, with few chances of real
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 23

clarification about the personalities, project Boerner and possibly Renner. This first of
and programme. Being thus kept largely three meetings then took place at Totten's
in the dark, patience and tolerance between ranch outside Sherman. Although chaired by
both sides began to be very strained Donner, it was addressed principally by
with Gerchsheimer's communication becom- Boerner, who declared that Project Implosion
ing increasingly terse and he himself was now a viable proposition, because
more distant. It would therefore seem Viktor's ideas and basic premises had been
quite likely that the Schauberger's were not found to be in agreement with newly estab-
wholly informed as to who Boerner lished facts of physics, namely the functional
actually was and came to believe that he dynamics of implosion. An energy concept
was the director of the Cosmotron Project. in accord with Nature's processes could
Thus erroneously invested with high office therefore be realised. In Boerner's view the
at the National Atomic Research Labora- solution of the problem of energy lay in the
tories,. Boerner inevitably became bracketted proper interpretation of Max Planck's equa-
with the cutting edge of nuclear research and tion E = hv, formulated in 1900, and the
in consequence fallaciously accredited with Friedrich Hasenohrl-Albert Einstein equa-
government backing and top secret clear- tion E = mc2. 27 Walter's unveiling of the true
ances. As a result the Schaubergers came to interpretation of c2 had clarified the way in
believe that Boerner was an expert on all which Nature's energies were accumulated
questions concerning energy. On occasion and therefore there was now a sound mathe-
during discussions at which I was present, matical and physical basis upon which
Walter Schauberger admitted that in the Project Implosion could proceed (see boxed
process of producing their reports, it dawned data entitled "The Consonances between E =
on them that a bomb could possibly be pro- hv, E = mc2 and Kepler's 3rd Law of
duced through implosion that was magni- Planetary Motion", p.24). This having been
tudes more powerful than the hydrogen established a start could now be made.
bomb. Assuming Boerner to be more influen- Viktor and Walter were then told that a four-
tial than he was, Viktor and Walter became year period of development would be
convinced that all the information they were required before fruition. Energy was prob-
supplying to him was being passed directly lem No. 1 for the United States and its solu-
to the U.S. government and the military. tion required an all-out effort, particularly
Since the Schaubergers' principal preoccupa- from Viktor and Walter, which would neces-
tion concerned the enhancement of Life and sitate their presence in America for eight
no doubt anxious not to enable or participate years. With this statement no doubt all
in any way in the development of such a Viktor's and Walter's earlier suspicions
lethal device, this may well have contributed about the four-year currency of their visas
to the communication difficulties that were thoroughly confirmed. To be fair, how-
peaked towards the end of the project. These ever, the possibility exists that a stay of such
problems were indubitably exacerbated by length had not originally been envisaged,
Viktor's later vow of silence, which in the but evolved into a necessity, the result of the
light of the above realisation could well have far more comprehensive information the
been more than accidental and would also Schaubergers had supplied. Viktor was
go a long way towards explaining Walter's deeply shocked at this announcement, partly
behaviour at the third and most important at the prospect of an 8-year sojourn in a for-
meeting in Colorado Springs, described eign land isolated by language, but more
later. importantly at the enormous deceit, if deceit
The cartons and crates despatched from it was, that had been perpetrated on them.
Europe having meanwhile arrived in When Viktor interjected animatedly that in
Sherman, on the appointed day in early the initial agreement he was only required to
September the conference was convened. stay for three months, he was told that he
It was attended by Viktor, Walter, Dormer, would have two days to accustom himself to
24 Living Energies

The Consonances between E = hv, E = mc2 and Kepler's 3rd law of Planetary Motion
In clarification of the above, Planck's equation E caused by light-rays, the particles had to be
= hv or hf relates to his law of radiation which propelled along the same spiral path as the light
states that: "Energy only exists in multiples of itself (fig.1.6). It was also determined that light
whole numbers. The total action of energy is magnetises matter and noted that while some
always a whole-numbered multiple of h." particles spiralled away from the light source,
(postulate of quantum theory). In this equation others such as chlorophyll, gyrated towards it.
the energy of electromagnetic radiation E is the Measurements also determined that the
product of a universal and fundamental physical observed particles orbited up to 650 times per
constant h = (6.62 x 10-34 joule/seconds -, second while rotating at 4,000 cps about their
Planck's constant) times a frequency f or v, own axes, an effect only possible because the
which can only be emitted or absorbed in calculated energies involved, apparently
discrete packets or quanta. This leads to the endowed with antigravitational properties, were
concept of energetic periodicities, which can be 70 times more powerful than gravity.
variously interpreted as longitudinally pulsative, According to Walter Schauberger's
cyclical, rotational, helical or wave-like forms of formulation derived from standard physics,
motion, Nature expressing herself physically where energy in the form of work W is the
and exclusively through the properties of the product of mass m x acceleration a x
whole number or the creation of discrete displacement s, e.g. W or E = mas, the speed of
individualities, atoms, trees, humans, etc. The light squared c2 can be equated with as, or
analogous Hasenohrl- Einstein equation E = more specifically as angular acceleration rw2 x
mc2 on the other hand states that energy E is radius r. For each rotation through 360, long
the product of mass m times the speed of light wavelength, low frequency radiation would
c squared. However, since electromagnetic therefore describe a wider (greater radius) and
radiation can only be manifested in discrete thus longer (slower angular acceleration) spiral
quanta, as above, then the speed of light path than short-wave, high frequency radiation.
squared as a factor in electromagnetic In view of this the absolute speed of light as it
radiation, which according to relativity is travels forwards along a given axial path over
assumed to be an invariable constant, should this same distance is NOT CONSTANT, but as
also be interpretable in terms of periodicities - stated above is the varying product of the
whole numbers and their reciprocals, the latter reciprocities of spiral radius r x angular
being inversely proportional to and therefore acceleration rw2. Wavelength thus becomes
true harmonics of the former. In consequence of either the spiral or axial distance between 360
this, if as Walter Schauberger claimed at the nodes and frequency the number of 360
time, radiation is propagated through space not rotations within a given period of time. Long-
in linear fashion, but spirally, then the absolute wave and short-wave frequencies would
speed of light, i.e. the combined spiral and therefore arrive at fractionally different times
translatory (radial) velocities at which light over a given distance. This may well account for
travels along a given trajectory through space, the equally fractional differences in the
must vary according to frequency, its speed measured speed of light to be found in various
being a product of angular acceleration and textbooks, different because the frequencies of
spiral radius of action. the light measured were marginally different. By
Evidence substantiating this spiral movement extension the mass m of a given elementary
was produced by Prof. Felix Ehrenhaft at the particle, atom, etc., or its momentum could
Physics Department of Vienna University in therefore be deemed to be dependent upon its
1949 through a process known as characteristic rate of rotation, which in turn is
photophoresis. Reported in the Acta Physica the product of the energy-packet's or
Austriaca (Vol. 4,1950 and Vol. 5,1951), the quantum's radius of action and angular
behaviour of barely perceptible particles of acceleration; the tighter the radius, the faster
matter and gas particles enclosed in glass the angular acceleration and periodicity
tubes were observed when illuminated by (frequency), the more powerful the energetic
concentrated light-rays of various frequencies. effect and the greater the mass, and vice versa.
Observations of this phenomenon were made This reciprocity would also explain why the
under conditions varying from high pressure to measured intensities and energies of cosmic
high vacuum (30 atm to 1 x 10-6 mm Hg [Hg = radiation, for example, are higher than those of
mercury]) and it was concluded that since the x-rays, the radius of the cosmic ray spiral being
spiral movement of the observed particles was significantly smaller and therefore its kinetic
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 25

the idea, because Viktor too would have to

make some sacrifices. Donner then closed
the conference and all present left for their
cars except for Viktor and Walter, who
remained behind.
The second conference, which was
scheduled not long after the first, took
place in the main workshop of the
Washington Iron Works in which the crates
despatched from Austria had meanwhile
been placed. Some employees were ordered
to dismantle the most important prototype,
namely the one built by Thurner, whose
central core element was a single casting
consisting of a number of whorl-pipes (figs.
1.3a & b). As an eye-witness, Walter relates
how this was brutally cut open with metal-
cutting power-saws, leaving Viktor totally
speechless. While some continued their
examination unmoved by this event, Viktor
and Walter were asked to accompany the

energy and translatory velocity commensurately According to Walter Schauberger's re-

higher. With implosive vortical motion, where interpretation, M can have the value of 1 and
the radius of action constantly reduces, the since G is a constant, it is merely a multiplier
increase in angular acceleration and therefore and therefore can be removed from the
the magnification of the energetic effect would equation without negating the equation's
be automatic validity. Thus equation (1) above becomes
A second factor here may relate to Walter
Schauberger's re-interpretation of Sir Isaac
Newton's reformulation of Kepler's 3rd law of
planetary motion. In Johannes Kepler's original
formulation this states that the square of the
orbital period T is proportional to the cube of If r is equal in length to 1 astronomical unit
the orbital radius a. in the form:
(1 AU = the distance between Sun and
Earth), and the Earth's mean orbital velocity =
29.799 328 85 km/sec, then rv = 888.
Using 888 as the hyperbolic constant,
Taking the periods and radii of all the planets the orbital velocities and radii of any planet can
into account, the average value for T2/a3 be calculated and plotted on a rectangular
amounts to 2.987 773 813, which seems to hyperbola. The combined concept that light
have a connection with the values of 29 travelled or orbited spirally about its axis of
elaborated in fig. 3.4 (p. 45). In Newton's propagation and the simplification of Kepler's
equation for gravitational attraction between 3rd Law, may therefore provide the basis for
two celestial bodies determining the actual speed and radius of
action of any given electromagnetic radiation,
for once the radius of action of a particular
frequency can be determined, then the radii and
actual spiral velocities should be determinable
where G = 6.67 x 10-11 N.m2/kg2 = Gravitational for all other forms of electromagnetic radiation.
constant; M = the mass of the Sun; m = a given It is these congruencies that may have
planet's mass; r = the radial distance from the provided the "sound... basis on which... to
Sun; v = the planet's mean orbital velocity. proceed".
26 Living Energies

others to a nearby office for further detailed energies. Whatever the reason, it effectively
discussion of the project. Both Viktor scuttled the whole project. Donner was
and Walter had many questions arising equally furious and after ordering Gerch-
from the previous meeting and urgently sheimer to send the Schaubergers home at
asked for more information and clarification. once, instructed his lawyer, Mr Ross, to draw
Their questions were brushed aside, how- up a final contract for the Schauberger's
ever, and they were told that these would be immediate signature.
answered at the next conference. On the way Two days later on the 13th of September
back to their quarters, Viktor confided to at about 5 pm, Viktor and Walter were col-
Walter that he was going to insist that he be lected by Gerchsheimer for the fourth
returned to Austria after the agreed three and final meeting, which took place in
months had passed, otherwise he would Totten's office. While Totten looked on
henceforth remain silent. When Gerch- grimly from behind his desk, Donner sat
sheimer appeared the next day Viktor at at a small table in the middle of the room.
once informed him that, since they had bro- When Viktor entered he was shown to a
ken their agreement with him, he would seat opposite Donner, the remaining com-
remain silent and would not cooperate in the pany, Gerchsheimer, Donner's lawyer and
project. Walter standing at the back of the room,
About three days after this 2nd meeting, Donner then signed a document in front of
Viktor having returned to hospital, Walter Viktor and passed his golden pen over for
accompanied Gerchsheimer on a trip to Viktor's signature. Picking up the document
Colorado Springs for a decisive 3rd meeting Gerchsheimer handed it to Viktor and
with Donner and executives of the Eastern announced that it had been decided to
Oil Company and Trunk Line Company. permit his return to Austria, the only stipula-
Attended by their scientific advisers, they tion being that he should countersign the
had flown specially from New Mexico for the document. At first Viktor demurred, because
meeting to be held on the following day. it was written in English, a language he
While Gerchsheimer stayed with Donner, could neither read nor understand. Looking
Walter was put up at a nearby hotel, to Walter for help, an argument then broke
Gerchsheimer having lent him his imported out between Walter and Gerchsheimer,
white Mercedes to drive to the meeting at the Walter insisting that the document be trans-
Broadmoor Hotel in the morning. The meet- lated into German so that Viktor would
ing took place as scheduled, but without know what he was supposed to sign.
Walter's attendance. Instead he had appar- Gerchsheimer became extremely irritated at
ently driven up to the top of the famous this and asked Walter to keep silent. He then
Pike's Peak (about 14,000 ft), returning from turned to Viktor and assured him that he
there only in the late afternoon. When he could safely sign the document unread, for
eventually arrived at the Broadmoor Hotel with its signing all his wishes would be
Gerchsheimer was almost speechless with fulfilled.
fury, because Walter's attendance had been At this point Gerchsheimer reminded
crucial to the success of the conference, which Donner that they had to be at the airport in
in his absence had been a total fiasco. ten minutes, whereupon Walter demanded
Demanding an explanation, Walter appar- that the contents of the 'contract' should at
ently answered that he had simply forgotten. least be translated to Viktor orally. By this
This only added fuel to Gerchsheimer's fire, time in a state of semi mental paralysis born
because Walter was an intelligent man and of his desperation to return home and to get
his non-attendance could therefore not have the whole matter over quickly, Viktor told
been an accident. Why Walter did this will Walter that he wanted to sign the agreement
never be known. Perhaps he was motivated whatever it contained. Walter then asked
by his and Viktor's desire to withhold any Gerchsheimer for a copy of the document, so
further information on implosive nuclear that he could check as far as he was able, the
Who was Viktor Schauberger? 27

accuracy of the salient points their losses by legally acquiring possession

of the oral translation. of Viktor's apparatuses as collateral. This
would no doubt have been done with a view
It is not known how fluent Walter's to exploiting them commercially in some
English actually was. In London in 1951, way in the future. The manner in which this
however he was invited by Richard St. Barbe was achieved notwithstanding, to legitimise
Baker to give lectures and conduct experi- such acquisition, the signing of the above
ments at the Dorchester Hotel to which the document by Viktor personally would have
full diplomatic corps had been invited, an been a legal necessity.
event that St. Barbe Baker described as highly The deplorable upshot of all this, however,
successful. While in England Walter gave is that all Viktor's models, prototypes, draw-
lectures in Cambridge, Birmingham and ings, detailed data, including Professor
Oxford, and also took the opportunity to Popel's original report implying that what
visit William Lawrence Bragg (Nobel might be termed "Negative Friction" was an
prize for physics 1915 for his x-ray study of actuality, have remained the possession of
crystal structures) and Sir James Chadwick the Donner-Gerchsheimer consortium. That
(Nobel prize for physics 1935 for his 1932 this report was actually part and parcel of
discovery of the neutron). Apparently there this project is confirmed by Viktor's refer-
had been few communication difficulties ence to it in one of his reports to Boerner
during their exchanges of view, although dated 23/24 August 1958.
both Bragg and Chadwick may well have On the evening of the 17th of September
spoken German. All this having happened Viktor and Walter were told to prepare for
some seven years previously, however fluent an early start the following morning at
Walter may have been at the time, his 5.45 am. Ready and waiting, nobody
English had no doubt become extremely appeared until 8.30 am. Gerchsheimer had
rusty in the interim. overslept. In great haste they left for the
This demand to sight the document, how- airport, Viktor being transferred to Totten's
ever, provoked even further argument. car in Sherman. Walter continued the
When it was finally explained to him in journey with Gerchsheimer, who reminded
German, Viktor quickly signed it. It was only him once more of the conditions stipulated
later that the soul-destroying realisation in the last agreement signed with Donner,
dawned on him that he had signed away his namely that all further discussion of
whole mind, his whole life and implosion and implosive devices in the
everything future was restricted to U.S. personnel. In
for which he had striven. I have studied this other words, that once in Europe, both
document myself and it does state in quite father and son were constrained to total
unequivocal terms, that not only were all silence on the subject and the associated pro-
Viktor's models, sketches, prototypes, ject.
reports and other data to become the sole Due to this late start, Viktor and Walter
property of the Donner-Gerchsheimer con- arrived at the airport only eight minutes
sortium, but that Viktor was to commit him- before take-off for New York. Arriving
self to total silence on anything connected there several hours later, they changed
with implosion thereafter. Moreover, any planes and flew to Frankfurt by way of
further concepts or ideas he might develop London, where they had to make an emer-
in the future were also to belong to Donner gency landing. Always a man to stand by his
and Gerchsheimer, and under no circum- word or signature whatever the ultimate
stances whatever could he discuss these or outcome to himself, on the way back in the
anything else with anyone else.. While on plane Viktor turned to Walter and expressed
the face of it this coercive action by the the deep sadness of his innermost being, say-
Americans might appear reprehensible, it ing with utter resignation words to the effect
could equally well be argued that, having that;
expended considerable sums on this venture,
they at least wanted to recuperate some of
28 Living Energies

"I no longer own my own mind. I don't even own and improve the lot of humanity, died a bro-
my thoughts. After all I've done, finally there is ken man.
nothing left. l am a man with no future."
"They call me deranged. The hope is that
Leaving Frankfurt by train a few hours later, they are right. It is of no greater or lesser
they arrived in Linz on the 20th of import for yet another fool to wander this
September at about midnight. On the after- earth. But if I am right and Science is
noon of the 25th of September 1958, five wrong, then may the Lord God have mercy
days after arriving home in Linz, Viktor on mankind!!"28
Schauberger, who throughout his whole life
had fought so hard to heal the environment Viktor Schauberger - 30 June 1885 - 25 Sept. 1958.

1. 'IF' 'Ursache', when normally it would be joined. By
___ * __
this he intends to place a particular emphasis
If you can keep your head when all about you on the prefix, thus endowing it with a more
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, profound meaning than the merely super-
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, ficial.
But make allowance for their doubting, too; This prefix belongs not only to the German lan-
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, guage, but in former times also to the English, a
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, usage which has now lapsed. According to the
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, Oxford English Dictionary, 'ur' denotes 'primi-
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; tive', 'original', 'earliest', giving such examples as
If you can dream and not make dreams your master, 'ur-Shakespeare' or 'ur-origin'.
If you can think, and not make thoughts your aim, This begins to get to the root of Viktor's use
If you can meet with triumph and disaster, of it and the deeper significance he placed
And treat those two impostors just the same; upon it. If one expands upon the interpreta-
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken tion given in the OED, then the concepts of
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, 'primordial', 'primeval', 'primal', 'fundamental',
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, 'elementary', 'of first principle', come to
And stoop to build them up with worn-out tools; mind, which further encompass such meanings
If you can make one heap of all your winnings, as:
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, - pertaining to the first age of the world, or of
And lose, and start again at your beginnings, anything ancient;
And never breathe a word about your loss; - pertaining to or existing from the earliest
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew beginnings;
To serve your turn long after they are gone, - constituting the earliest beginning or starting
And so hold on when there is nothing in you point;
Except the will which says to them: 'Hold on!' - from which something else is derived, devel-
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, oped or depends;
Or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch, - applying to parts or structures in their earliest
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, or rudimentary stage;
If all men count with you, but none too much; - the first or earliest formed in the course of
If you can fill the unforgiving minute growth.
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, To this can be added the concept of an 'ur-con-
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, dition' or 'ur-state' of extremely high potential or
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my Son! potency, a latent evolutionary ripeness, which
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) given the correct impulse can unloose all of
2. The Ages of Gaia, by James Lovelock: W.W. Nature's innate creative forces.
Norton, New York 6. Implosion No.7, p.l, "The 1st Biotechnical
3. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.I, pp.28-29 (see ftnt. 16). Practice" ("Die erste biotechnische Praxis").
4. Implosion, No.27, p.29 "The Winding Way to Implosion, No.67, p.l, "Let the Upheaval
Wisdom" ("Der gewundene Erkenntnisweg") Begin!" ("Den Umbruch beginnen!").
Implosion, No.48, p.27, "Nature's Secrets 7. Published 1: Pearson Foundation of Canada,
Unveiled" ("Entschleierte Naturgeheimnisse") 1949. Transl. by Maj.Gregory Pearson in Outer
5. In Viktor Schauberger's writings in German, the Mongolia 1921 with the Panchen Lama's permis-
prefix 'UR' is often separated from the rest of the sion. Pub.2: Colin Smythe, Gerrards Cross, U.K.
word by a hyphen, e.g. 'Ur-sache' in lieu of 8. ibid.,,p.23, para.73.
1: Who was Viktor Schauberger? 29

9.ibid,. p.24, para.74. 21. Implosion, No.83, p.20, "Harmony as a Question

10. Sec 7.4 spec.ed. Mensch und Technik, of Existence" ("Harmonie als Existenzfrage") by
Year 24, Ing.Wilhelm Reisch.
Vol.2, 1993, wholly devoted to recently 22. Implosion, No.49, p.17, "The Legacy of Viktor
discov- Schauberger" ("Die Erbe Viktor Schaubergers")
ered information on Viktor Schauberger con- by Aloys Kokaly.
tained in the Swiss, Arnold Hohls' notebook. 23. Implosion, No.93, p.3, "The Death of Viktor Schau-
11. A handwritten note, dated July 1936, on berger" ("Der Tod des Viktor Schauberger") by
the back Raimund Lackenbucher.
of a photograph of Viktor Schauberger. 24. ibid, No.93, page 3.
12. "Return to Culture" ("Zuruck zur Kultur"), 25. ibid, No.93, page 5.
by 26. From "The Death of Viktor Schauberger" ("Der
Viktor Schauberger, p.l. Tod des Viktor Schauberger") by Raimund
13. Implosion, No.81, p.6, extract from letter Lackenbucher, 'Neue Illustrierte Wochenschau',
to No. 8, Sunday 22nd February 1959.
Mr. Kroger. 27. While Einstein is generally credited with its for-
14. Implosion, No.10, p.30. "Natural mulation - and it may well have been an almost
Farm simultaneous, but independently arrived at
Husbandry" ("Naturnahe Landwirtschaft"). discovery - chronologically it was first postu-
15. Letter from Viktor Schauberger to lated in 1903 by Prof. Friedrich Hasenohrl
Josef (30.Nov.1874-7.Oct.1915), Head of Physics at the
Brunnader, 20.10.1956. Univ. of Innsbruck and later Vienna, Austria, in
16. TAU, No.l44, p.31: Letter (12.Mar.1936) to the form
Since Hasenohrl died in the First World War, he
berger, M.Eng., Research Inst. for Hydraulic Engi-
neering, Ast.Sec'y to the Minister, Federal Ministry was never able to establish his priority in the for-
for Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna, Austria. mulation of this equation.
17. Our Senseless Toil - The Source of the World 28. Implosion, No.99, p.13. Quotation.
("Unse re Sinnlose Arbeit - die Quelle der
Weltkrise"), Pts.I & II, 1933-34: Krystall
Vienna. Defunct in 1938.
14. Implosion, No.51, p.23, "What happens next?"
geht es weiter?") by Leopold Brandstatter.
19. Implosion, No.29, p.22, "Home Power Generator
an Illusion ?" ("Das Heimkraftwerk - eine
Illusion?") by Aloys Kokaly.
20. Implosion, No.17.

2.1 Energy Today the former Prime Minister of Norway, these

scientists contributed their time and com-

A we observe the world around us today,

signs of deterioration and symptoms of
degeneration are everywhere evident. We are
bined expertise to a thorough evaluation of
the present state of the world, which culmi-
nated in the production of a detailed report
engulfed by a concatenation of interrelated entitled "Our Common Future"1.
crises; crises in energy, crises in the global The thinking of many other scientists,
water-balance, crises in agriculture and, however, has been coloured by the increas-
worst of all, crises in Nature herself. ingly mechanistic approach towards life -
Wherever we look, things are not going Deus ex machina - which is not to imply that
nearly as well as we have been led to believe. all the established facts of science and the
The downward spiral of disintegration seems painstaking, dedicated research that has been
to be accelerating at an alarming rate, with carried out are invalid, but to suggest that
few if any really concrete proposals or action their interpretation could perhaps be differ-
being implemented to arrest it. All of which ent. To date there has been far too much
provokes the question: Has science, the lead- emphasis placed on analysis, the pursuit of
ing light in all our much-vaunted technologi- minutiae, the development of specialist ter-
cal progress, somewhere grossly erred? minology incomprehensible to other scienti-
Had science been in tune with Nature, if fic disciplines, let alone the rest of a
scientists had truly understood Nature's humanity ever subservient to the dictates of a
inner workings, if science itself operated science that has become the infallible new
according to Nature's laws, we ought to have God.
an abundance of everything we need, energy, According to Viktor Schauberger, science
food, water; but we have not! In actual fact, thinks an octave too low and, due to its
science has been far less successful than it purely materialistic approach, neglecting the
claims. It has failed to take note of Nature's underlying energetic basis for all physical
innumerable hints and indicators as to how manifestation, has lost sight of the integrated
things should be done and instead has taken whole. Prof. David Susuki, the eminent biolo-
the opposite path. This is not to deprecate the gist, once stated that there were at least
sincere and untiring efforts of many individ- twenty branches of biology, each of which
uals to improve conditions generally. had it own jargon, unable to communicate
The recent activity of an international coherently with the others. The individual
group of concerned scientists from all conti- feels insignificant in the face of all this vast
nents of the globe is proof enough of this. array of scientific expertise, a condition one
Under the auspices of the World Commission has noticed among acquaintances, when con-
on Environment and Development and the fronted by the towering edifice of the appar-
stewardship of Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland, ently all-knowing, 'Scientific Establishment'.

2: Energy 31

Overwhelmed by this indecipherable com- mountains', 'grain mountains', all of which

plexity and in the belief that any understand- are the result of market forces open to all
ing was impossible, the public at large has manner of manipulation. People are saddled
relinquished control over its health and with enormous debt, mortgages, loans, inter-
future to the high-priests of science. Viktor est payments and so on; to a large extent due
Schauberger, however, had other ideas: to the withholding of all systems that would
grant them independence. Indeed there are
The majority believes that everything hard to
many cases where significant improvements
comprehend must be very profound. This is incor-
in energy generation, health treatment and
rect. What is hard to understand is what is
agricultural productivity, to name a few, have
immature, unclear and often false. The highest
been suppressed for the sake of the vested
wisdom is simple and passes through the brain
interests of those whose natural humanitarian
directly into the heart.2
s sensibilities have been corrupted by the lust
What use, therefore, is all this analysis if ulti- for power and material gain.
mately no synthesis results through which all Independence, however, is the last thing
the research can be effectively implemented? these dubious individuals and mega-
There is doubtless an ample sufficiency, nay businesses wish to bestow on humanity,
an oversupply of detail, but what is now of because their ultimate dominance would
crucial importance to our survival on this thereby be lost. Independent people are free
planet is that all this vast fund of knowledge people and not answerable to control. The
should be coordinated and applied practically. observation of the famous Russian novelist and
Science, however, is by no means solely to philosopher, Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
blame for this unhappy state of affairs. (1828-1910), is here very much to the point:
Politics and power have also played a major,
Thoughts that have important consequences are
controlling role. The pursuit of profit and
always simple. All my thinking could be summed
power for its own sake, coupled with the nec-
up with these words: 'Since corrupt people unite
essary systems of control, have relegated the
amongst themselves to constitute a force, then
mass of humanity to a state of almost total
honest people must do the same.' It is as simple as
dependency for everything it needs in the
way of food, energy, health and all other
necessities of life. The artificial procurement, At the forefront of this battle is the control
sometimes aided by climatic fickleness, of over the systems of energy. The present lam-
shortages in commodities, ensures the contin- entable condition of the planet, our only
uance of this dependency. According to home in this vast universe, has now reached
Viktor Schauberger, "Capital interest only such a parlous state that for our own survival
thrives on a defective economy" and there can be we simply cannot afford to allow present
little doubt that the economic system result- methods of energy exploitation to continue.
ing from this manipulation is totally unnat- Unless we can arrive at a different way of
ural. What there is no shortage of today, looking at things, unless science is prepared
however, is misery and privation, two devel- to adopt a more open and universal approach
opments which are on the increase world- towards the concept of energy itself and
wide. People despair of improvement and a realise that there are more powers unseen
pall of gloom for the future descends. Not than seen, then we shall continue down the
only are parents desperately concerned for sombre road to oblivion.
the survival of their children, but their chil- All his life Viktor Schauberger strove to
dren also view their future with enormous improve the lot of his fellow human beings
despondency. and fought an often acrimonious, running
While millions of our fellow human beings battle with academia. Despite their continual,
are dying from acute starvation, we are daily uninformed deprecation by science, his trail-
aware of the gross, at times incomprehensible, breaking ideas have vital relevance for the
inequities in food distribution; of the 'butter present state of the world, and their validity
32 Living Energies

becomes all the more apparent when one 2.2 Relative Energies
gradually comes to understand the processes
of his thinking and the energy processes he
describes. This book will elaborate Viktor
Schauberger's ideas and practical demonstra-
B efore addressing the question of energy
and our concepts of it, however, let
us make a few comparisons to get things
tions for generating energy, improving the in perspective. The following examples
quality of water and increasing agricultural are intended to show how much the
productivity for the benefit of humanity. energy consumption of our technical civilisa-

The amount of energy a human being requires unknowingly take 750 oxygen-breathing slaves
for survival over one year is averagely 1,000 along with us. These slaves, however, do not
kilowatt-hours (kWh). According to Walter breathe out nice, healthy carbon-dioxide and
Schauberger's calculations a human being water as we do, but they spew out a noxious
operates at the relatively insignificant energy concoction of poisonous gases.
level of an electric light bulb, namely 100 watts. In a journey lasting eleven hours, all the
1,000kWh is also the average amount of energy oxygen required by one human being for one
received from the Sun annually per square metre year has been consumed. According to the
of ground surface. Theoretically, therefore, all a scientific television program "Quantum"
human being needs to do is to stand on its (11 .Oct.89), it has been estimated that there
square metre and obtain its energy from the are presently 450 million vehicles in use world-
Sun. Were it able to transmute this energy wide. If we multiply this figure by 750, we arrive
directly, then its annual energy requirement at an oxygen consumption equal to that of
would be satisfied. This amount of energy, 337,500,000,000 people, about 67.5 x the
however, is associated with the consumption of present world population. We are forced to
260kg of molecular oxygen (O2) per year, which admit, therefore, that the relationship between
is equal to 29.659gr of oxygen per hour. These our technology and its use of energy is
are the amounts of energy and oxygen required diametrically opposed to that of Nature.
by a human being for the maintenance of bodily In Australia, for example, the amount of
functions, reproduction, creativity and intelligent oxygen consumed annually through fossil fuel
thought for a whole year. combustion for the purposes of industry and
The average petrol consumption of a car power generation equals 214,465,670 tonnes
with a 1.6 lit. engine, however, amounts to of molecular oxygen (O2) [1977 figures]. At a
between 1011 lit per 100km. Walter consumption rate of 0.26 tonnes O2 per annum
Schauberger has calculated that to travel a per person, this is sufficient to keep
distance of 1,000km requires an energy 824,868,073 people alive for 1 year. In
expenditure of 1,000 kWh. Therefore to highlight contrast, the amount of oxygen consumed by
the ludicrous mechanical efficiency we have so the Australian population over the same period
far managed to achieve and of which we are amounts to 4,290,000 tonnes O2, which is 1/50th
apparently so proud, a car travelling 1,000km of the first figure above.
destructively consumes the same amount of But where does our oxygen originate?
energy in a few hours that a human being uses Based on Canadian figures for conifer forests,
far more economically and productively in a the number of hectares required to produce
whole year. The car, however, does not think, it sufficient oxygen to satisfy the above
does not reproduce, nor is it creative. It has combined demand at a production rate of
none of these abilities. Equating 1,000km 10.0619 tonnes of O2 per hectare =
travelled with the annual activity of one human 21,740,990ha or 217,410km2. This area is
being produces a very poor energy marginally less than that of the whole of Great
relationship. Britain = 229,523km . Australia has a
Once again, the amount of oxygen used per population of about 17 million, whereas Great
human being per year is 260kg. To drive a car Britain's population amounts to some 60
at 50km an hour requires 22.25kg of oxygen million odd. Extrapolated world-wide in relation
per hour, which is roughly 750 times the to total world consumption of oxygen and the
amount needed by a human being. Therefore rapid eradication of the world's forests, the
as we drive happily along in our cars, we picture becomes quite horrendous.

Fig. 2.1 Energy, Oxygen Consumption and Production

2: Energy 33

tion is totally out of harmony with that of reached a height of, say, 100km, but due to its
Nature (see fig. 2.1). rapid and unnatural overconsumption, its
To obtain some inkling of the possible mag- overall depth may now have been consider-
nitude of global oxygen consumption, for ably reduced in a manner similar to the drain-
example, and to provoke some interest in the ing of a bucket. For those who live in the water
question, I have used the figures in Fig. 2.1 as a at the bottom of the bucket, however, there
basis for calculation3. I do not claim any high would appear to be no change to the quantity
degree of accuracy, however, because there are of available water (the oxygen), until such time
so many variables and data involved, which as the bucket is empty! Remaining at all times
are unknown to me. Be that as it may, accord- thoroughly immersed until this catastrophic
ing to my calculations the annual demand for event, they are oblivious to the slow death that
oxygen world-wide could be as much as inexorably approaches. It would therefore be
38,496,255,232 tonnes, which may be an under- of great interest to know whether an accurate
estimate. To satisfy this demand would require audit of the residual oxygen pool has recently
an area of healthy, productive forest amounting been undertaken. If not, then perhaps it should
to 38,259,432 km2. This represents 28.3% of the be put in hand as a matter of some urgency.
world's total land area of 135,000,000km2, If we now consider the famous Hasenohrl-
whereas we know the forests are being Einstein equation for energy (E=mc2), in which
deci- the amount of energy E in a given system is the
mated at a precipitous pace. A higher annual product of mass m times the speed of light c
rate of O2 consumption would naturally require squared, then in 1 gram of undifferentiated
a commensurately larger area of forest for matter 25 million kWh of energy are stored
replenishment. On the other hand, it is also (fig. 2.2). It matters not what the gram of sub-
possible that the point may have already been stance is. It could be of human flesh, of carpet,
reached where existing areas of forest and veg- of wood, of whatever we choose, but in this
etation are insufficient to compensate for what minuscule gram this seemingly huge and dis-
is presently being consumed, thus creating a proportionate amount of energy is concentra-
nett oxygen deficit. ted. This means that the relatively minute vol-
While it is normally assumed that the avail- ume of l cm3 of water contains 25 million kWh
able oxygen pool is so large as to be almost of energy. As Viktor Schauberger once said:
inexhaustible (it comprises 20-21% of the More energy is encapsulated in every drop of good
atmospheric gases by volume), it could be spring water than an average-sized power station
mooted that, although the relative proportions is presently able to produce.4
of these gases remain the same, their actual
atmospheric depth may be diminishing. In We do not seem to know how to unlock it in a
other words, when initially measured, the creative way, however, because we have failed
abundance of molecular oxygen may have
34 Living Energies

to make a thorough investigation of natural technology has accelerated enormously, with

energetic processes. Our attempts to release the result that the divergence has become
this huge potential of energy through atomic quite dramatic, and the far more subtle
fission, through the destruction of natural, energy systems of Nature have been over-
resonant systems (atoms), have only created whelmed by the ceaseless onslaught of a
a lethal legacy for future generations, not merciless, mechanistic technology, with the
only for humanity, but also for countless direst consequences for us all.
other living things, upon whose existence our The upper, rising path is that of the course
own depends. of natural evolution from the simple to the
increasingly complex, building higher, more
evolved systems and species, on the
2.3 The Fateful Choice foundation of earlier ones. It denotes a
path of increasing diversity. It follows the

T wo systems are therefore available to us.

We are presented today with an
extremely fateful choice. We can choose for
curve of an increase in natural capital, the
interest based on the sound economy of the
evolution and development of new life-forms
Life or for our ultimate oblivion. Viewed as suited to the improved conditions, the latter
evolutionary paths over a long period of time providing the ecological niches for these new
(fig. 2.4), there have been two simultaneous life-forms, so that no opportunity is lost for
developments, which initially followed further creative expression. In Nature's
almost parallel paths, because humanity's super-economical system, in which nothing is
activities were largely in tune with Nature. wasted, the surplus on her own interest is
As the population grew and a scientifically- represented by the various fruits, seeds, cere-
based technology gradually developed, these als, nuts, etc., freely given for the sustenance
two paths began to diverge. In the last 150 of the life-forms currently in existence at any
years or so, the advance and application of given moment. This is the way Nature
2: Energy 35

operates and also the way we should with the broadening application of our
operate, for as Viktor has stated: unnatural systems of energy. Quite apart
from their manifest inefficiency, the systems
"The most natural is always the most
we exploit pollute the very air we breathe. A
conversation in the 1970s between Walter
perfect and the only system economically viable
Schauberger and Dr. Fritz Kortegast, the head
of research and development for Mercedes-
Nature's 100% base capital - the mineral and Benz, revealed that the greatest efficiency
other resources of the Earth - should be invi- hitherto achieved with their most sophisti-
olable. For evolution to proceed, Nature cated engines amounted to only 13% of the
increases her capital by, say 10%, in terms of total energy input. In other words, if 100
growth, movement, evolution of new life- energy-units are initially input into such a
forms. We should therefore learn to live off car, the useful energy that produces forward
the surplus on Nature's interest on her own propulsion amounts to only 13%, the remain-
capital, which is probably quite ample for our der being lost through the dissipation of heat.
needs. With such a system, stability would If such a car were a business, it would very
increase, because increasing diversity means quickly go bankrupt.
more legs to stand on, so to speak, and if one But such is the business we have created,
leg is accidentally removed, the whole sys- namely a form of technology bolstered and
tem does not collapse. The natural system is, fostered by vested interests that consumes
and has ever been, demonstrably sustainable. energy through the massive exploitation of
The middle line in fig. 2.4 on the other unrenewable resources. The continuing use
hand, represents 100% efficiency. However of such a technology must therefore
apparently ideal this may be, it is still no inevitably lead us into a state of instability,
solution, because it is like going round in a bankruptcy, disorder, devolution, deteriora-
circle. As a uniform condition it never gets tion, decay and ultimately death. If we
more, it never gets less. It just stays the same. observe all that is taking place around us, all
Nature, however, has no use for uniformity; these things are happening, and all because
her overriding purpose being constant we are actually imprisoned in an energy sys-
change and upward transformation. tem which is self-annihilating. In our present
The path we have so far chosen, the lower mechanistic system, an investment of $100 is
curve, is one that not only uses energy in an reduced to 13 productive dollars. Reinvested
extraordinarily profligate and unsustainable in the same system at 13% efficiency, these
way, but has also placed the whole of the ecos- $13 return only 1.69 usable dollars.
phere under the hard, insensitive heel of eco- But we humans, presumed arrogantly to be
nomics. Where high forest, rich in a wide the highest level of life on this planet, do
variety of interdependent species of tree and everything to destroy the very basis of our
animal alike, once flourished, there are now existence. If the myriads of different species
only monocultures, ecological deserts of uni- or qualities, representing every element of
formity. Where hedgerows, burgeoning with life, are viewed as a heap of dry sand, the
wild life, once surrounded highly productive, highest quality in the form of humankind sits
largely organically managed fields, there are right at the top of the heap. However, when
now vast, wind-swept acres in which only one lesser qualities are removed from the lower
species of crop is grown without rotation, parts, oil extracted here, coal there, deforesta-
propped up with artificial fertilisers which ulti- tion here, overfishing there, then it is
mately ruin the soil. Almost daily we hear that inevitable that the relatively few grains of
one species or another is in danger of becom- 'human' sand, these extremely soft and vul-
ing extinct or has already become so, thereby nerable creatures astride the top, must start
reducing the diversity so vital to the health and to sink down, because the lower grains of
existence of everything on this planet. sand, the various supportive qualities, are
This is a downwardly accelerating curve, gradually and inexorably being removed. It
the steepness of descent increasing in step
36 Living Energies

is a known fact that poor quality water will despite all scientific investigation, nobody
only support poor quality fish. The same seems to have come up with a definitive
applies to us. If we allow the natural capital answer! All we know of are the ways in
of the environment to depreciate, our own which energy manifests itself. We can see that
human capital depreciates commensurately. energy is involved in flowing water. We can
The use here of the word qualities rather see that energy is associated with creating
than the apparently more appropriate quanti- clouds. Energy is active in an engine com-
ties is important and of great significance. busting petrol or gasoline. But what is it?
Indeed in the view of Gallilei and Johannes What is its essence? What is this sublime
Kepler, Nature could only be conceived of in process that always seems intimately con-
terms of mathematics and qualities. In nected with motion?
Nature no two things are identical. As noted An honest physicist would answer, We
earlier, Nature's supreme condition is that of don't know. We might also ask a bishop or a
constant change and transformation and her priest, What is spirit or the substance of spirit?
greatest law states that Repetition of the identi- While many propositions may be put
cal is forbidden. 1 + 1 does therefore not make forward, in the final analysis they may also
2, because no two natural systems are wholly be forced to admit their ultimate ignorance.
identical and thus cannot be summated. It could be argued, however, that what is
Repetition would mean the repeat of an called energy by the scientist and spirit by
energetic or experiential process that has the priest are essentially the same. Its origin,
already happened, in which no new develop- however, remains problematic.
ment, no advance, however slight, is possi- Since we cannot actually see energy,
ble. Identical repetition is therefore wasteful but only its outward manifestation, its ori-
of energy, and Nature wastes nothing! In an gins may well lie in a reality beyond our
evolutionary sense, there is quite obviously senses. Perhaps energy is the culmination of
nothing to be gained from mere repetition. a desire to create, to afford every possibility
Something can only be gained and progress for the gaining of new experience. While
made in the development of a new process or there are many extremely high energies of
system, even only marginally different. which science is aware and has actually
Having now discussed some of the more measured, there are also forms of energy of
technical aspects, let us look at the question which we are aware, but which defy all
of energy from a different point of view. scientific quantification and measurement.
Viktor Schauberger frequently stated that we These are too subtle and cannot be detected
humans are blind, that we are extraordinarily by even the most sophisticated scientific
superficial creatures who look/but never see. instruments.
Most of our seeing is concentrated to the Although it must recognise their existence,
point of recognition only, but not on deep for scientists are also human beings, science
examination. Relying on outward appearance cannot accurately measure various human
alone, everything we observe we deem to be energies such as thought, desire, love,
the totality. We mistake effect for cause. enthusiasm, hatred, anger, etc., all of which
Whatever we perceive, however, all move- are emanations from the human psyche and
ment, all the external garb of manifestation, motivators for action. While science may be
are secondary effects. The primary cause we able to detect brain activity related to these
never see. The primary cause is energy. phenomena, it cannot actually measure their
intrinsic power, size, frequency or
vibrational state, nor their true point of ori-
2.4 But What is Energy? gin. As immaterial forms of energy emanat-
ing from other-placeness - the physical void

W hat is the essential nature of energy?

Where do we begin to search for the
answer to this age-old question? Surprisingly,
- which Viktor Schauberger claims operate
according to the law of anti-conservation of
energy, they are therefore conveniently
2: Energy 37

ignored. This is because they do not conform This neglect of immaterial energies, or life-
to, nor are calculable by the famous energies, whose tremendous power has long
Hasenohrl-Einstein equation (fig. 2.1) and its been recognised by earlier cultures and indi-
derivation, the law of conservation of viduals variously as Ch'i, Ka, Prana, Mana,
energy. As H.H. Price, Wyckham Professor of Archeus, Vis Vitalis, may also be because, as
Logic at Oxford (Hibbert Journal, 1949) Viktor Schauberger often said, scientific think-
comments: ing should take more account of higher meta-
We must conclude, I think, that there is no room physical realms and is unaware of what he
for telepathy in a materialistic universe. Telepathy called the 4th and 5th dimensions. Ch'i, for
is something which ought not to happen at all, if example, is the life-force that moves along the
the materialist theory were true. But it does hap- energetic meridians of the body and which
pen. So there must be something seriously wrong was pinpointed several thousand years ago by
with the materialist theory, however numerous the Chinese and used for healing.
and imposing the normal facts which support it Acupuncture, a treatment using fine needles
may be. to correct bio-energetic imbalances of Ch'i in
the body, is still not recognised by orthodox
medicine, although widely used in China and
Goethe too says of scientists: "Whatever you in many Western countries by accredited prac-
cannot calculate you do not think is real." titioners and more open-minded doctors.
To place the matter in its proper perspec- Taking this as our cue in the search for
tive, Sir William Grove (1811-1896), Professor these other dimensions, we might begin with
of Experimental Philosophy at the London the highest and most powerful form of
Institution, states: "Science should have neither natural energy experienced by human beings
desires nor prejudices. Truth should be her - love. If this is raised several octaves, dimen-
sole sions and magnitudes higher, we may begin
aim." He goes on to predict that "...that day is to perceive the outlines of what energy
fast approaching when it will be confessed that the actually may be, namely the outpouring of
'forces' we know of are but the phenomenal mani- unconditional love for the purposes of
festations of realities we know nothing about, but manifold experiential fulfilment.
which were known to the ancients and - by them
worshipped." 6


1. Our Common Future: Oxford Univ.Press, 214,465,670 tonnes O2 x 294.117 = 63,078,137,856

Oxford. tonnes O2 annually.
2. From list of Viktor Schauberger quotations in
the The world is not 100% industrialised, however,
Schauberger archives. so instead we shall take a more realistic figure of
3. ROUGH CALCULATION FOR ORLD 30% industrialisation. The world's annual indus-
ANNUAL CONSUMPTION OF XYGEN trial consumption of O2 would therefore be
(O2) 30% of 63,078,137,856 tonnes O2 = 18,923,442,176
tonnes O2
Let us assume that the Australian industrial O2
consumption of 214,465,670 tonnes is typical for all To this must be added:
industrialised countries. Using Australia's popula- The O2 consumption of 450,000,000 vehicles
tion as a basis for the extrapolation of industrial O2 assuming, an average use of 5 hours per day per
consumption world-wide, therefore: vehicle:
Australia's population = 17,000,000 0.02225 t/O2/hour x 5hrs x 365 days x 450,000,000
World population = 5,000,000,000. vehicles = 18,272,813,056 tonnes O2
Human O2 consumption = 0.26 t/O2 x
5,000,000,000 = 1,300,000,000 tonnes O2
If all the countries of the world were equally This makes an annual total of = 38,496,255,232
industrialised, then by multiplying the Australian tonnes O2
figure by the above extrapolation coefficient the
amount of world industrial O2 consumption (100%
industrialisation) would be
38 Living Energies

Using the Canadian figure for the O2 production area that would be required to replace the above
of conifer forest of 10.0619 tonnes/hectare, or annual consumption is:
1,00619 tonnes/km2, the area of forest required
to satisfy the above oxygen demand would
4. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.I, p.28.
5. From an article by Viktor Schauberger, "The
Development of Steppeland in Germany" ("Die
The total world land area is estimated at Versteppung Deutschlands").
135,000,000km2. 6. The Secret Doctrine, by H.P.Blavatsky, Adyar Ed. 1971,
Therefore the percentage of total world land Vol.2, p.234: Theosophical Pub.Ho., Adyar, India.

3.1 The Origin of Energy the formation of more densely concentrated

energy domains where their respective cycles
Let us take as an hypothesis that the ur- or wavelengths converge (field energy densifi-
original 1 source of energy is a radiant cation), and on the other, in regions of diffuse,
emanation from the Cause of Causes, from more rarified energy where they diverge (field
God, or better still, from the Eternally Creative energy attenuation).
Intelligence to avoid any gender implications Due to this now non-uniform energy distri-
thereafter referred to as the ECI). Of necessity bution comprising zones of greater and lesser
an entity such as the ECI must constantly cre- energy density, the way in which the formerly
ate on the process of Its own evolution. Energy unimpeded, primary outflow of energy moves,
might then be viewed as an expression of the it gradually becomes influenced through the
Will-To-Create, as the agency through which creation of denser vibratory matrices to which
the ideas of the ECI become manifest. it is no longer directly harmonically related.
This could take the form of an infinitely Deflected from its initially linear radiating
high-energy emission of unconditional love or path on encountering these lower vibratory
spirit pulsating over a wide range of frequen- resistances, the outward movement of energy
cies at hyperluminal speeds. Radiating from progressively assumes a more curvilinear con-
the Central Ur-Cause or the ECI, it operates in figuration in its descent into less spiritual
the most sublime of realms, in all directions to planes. According to the 'angle' at which these
all parts of the unmanifested Universe. Not emissions impact on the denser domains of
being limited by the constraints of matter, the resistance, they are imparted a right-hand or
speed of light or the conservation of energy left-hand direction of spin. From an originally
law, it is therefore present in all parts of the undifferentiated state, the energetic entity thus
Universe simultaneously, and because of its created becomes endowed with either a
total unconditionality or as pure, unpurpose- positive or negative charge and enters the
prescribed energy, it can be freely employed lower worlds of duality (fig. 3.1).
either and equally for 'good' or 'evil'. The difference between these various levels
This is no straight-line movement, however, and dimensions of creative, formative energy
for this would imply uniformity. Uniformity may best be illustrated by a simple analogy.
cannot beget life, since life is created out of By replacing the Eternally Creative
differences, out of a state of non-equilibrium Intelligence with the Sun (our principal
which, in this instance is generated by the source of life-energy), one could say that the
radiating pulsation of ethereal mind energies solar wind (waves of high-energy particles)
at diverse frequencies. In the process of emis- impinges on the Earth's atmosphere, creating
sion, the interaction between these various fre- turbulence (air-waves) due to thermal and
quencies produces certain periodicities or energetic reactions. This represents the first
cyclical effects. On the one hand this results in demodulation from a high energetic state to a

40 Living Energies
3: New Dimensions of Energy 41

motion of lower velocity and intensity. These occupies a dimension which perhaps has no
reactions in turn generate waves of yet lower size. It has no physical magnitude.
velocity, but greater physicality, on the sur- How big is a thought? What is thought?
face of the ocean, a denser medium with What is an idea and what is the substance of
more harmonically stabilised energy than air. an idea? What is the process which motivates
Finally,. the ocean waves form nearly static us to do something? We first get an idea, then
ripples in the sand on the ocean floor. we develop the concept and then, and only
The whole arrangement not only clearly then, are we in a position to fulfill our desire
demonstrates the creative power of higher to implement it. Our natural aspiration is to
energies and higher dimensions over lower be creative. The force, the impulse, which is
ones, but also the distinct energetic the motivator for us to create, is an unseen
separations between them in terms of energetic process.
the matter-energy or matter-spirit balance. For There are those who believe that the world
the sand-ripple dweller, the fluid movement came into being purely accidentally. There
of the water above it is all it is aware of. The are others who believe it was created by God
causal dynamics of the air above the water are or the ECI. The truth, however, probably lies
almost beyond its ken, although it may be somewhere in between and in a certain sense
dimly are of this higher state of energy. this could be viewed as a reflective process.
As human beings we are immersed in a That is to say that the ECI, imbued with the
3-dimensional world, but yet have an desire to create, is constantly seeking for new
inkling of a possible 4th dimension in the knowledge gained through the experiences of
form of time. What spacial magnitude is Its multifarious creations in order to create
occupied by a 5th dimension, perhaps the even better universes. As human beings, we
dimension of thought and feeling, is well- could thus be construed as the creative, cellu-
nigh inconceivable to us. It may indeed pos- lar organisms within the host entity of the
sess none of the familiar 3-dimensional ECI, which contribute to Its overall develop-
aspects of length, width and depth, but all ment, although having no inkling of the
the same it IS. spaces and higher planes in which the ECI
Although these various levels of being will operates. As a corollary of this, there is
be elaborated in more detail in the following therefore no absolute truth as such, for
chapter, a simple computer graphics pro-
gramme may perhaps give an insight
these other dimensions of energy. With it a cir-
cle is drawn, whose centre lies about 50cm
above the centre of the screen (fig. 3.2). As the
sequence progresses, the initial, visible portion
of the circle, represented by a series of arrows,
is drawn from the bottom centre of the screen
towards the right. After a certain period the
line of the circle again appears from the left to
close with the point from which it began.
What is visible is only part of the circle.
In its operation a computer embodies rela-
tively subtle energetic processes. While the
visible part of the circle stops at the right-hand
side of the screen, the computer continues to
draw it, as is proven when the circle finally re-
emerges from the left-hand side of the screen a
few moments later. Where is the space in
which the circle is being drawn when it is not
on the screen? This somewhere, this nowhere,
42 Living Energies

however profound and absolute it may great civilisations was always preceded by the
appear to be, such a truth must move and degeneration of popular music, which seems
develop as its discoverer, the Eternally to be about where we are now. In this regard,
Creative Intelligence, Itself evolves. research carried out by Dr. John Diamond in
the field of behavioural kinesiology (BK)4,
yields some interesting insights. A member of
3.2 Sound as a Formative Force the International Academy of Preventive Medi-
cine, Dr. Diamond found that while the deltoid

I t could therefore be argued that all physical

manifestation develops as the product of
focused energy emanating from a seed of
muscle of a healthy adult male can normally
resist a force of 40-451bs, its strength is
reduced to 10-151bs through the negative
desire, of Will-to-create. This manifests itself effect of certain types of rock music, such as
as vibrations carrying the image or the idea heavy metal and hard rock. In contrast to a
of what is to be created and that form and more natural rhythm, where the beat emulates
that form only can arise which corresponds that of the heart, with emphasis on the first
faithfully to the idea of the thing itself or, in beat, i.e. DA-da-da or 'LUB dup rest', as he
other words, the particular pattern of vibra- puts it, in the above type of music this empha-
tions. Fig. 3.3 taken from Hans Jenny's book sis is reversed, i.e. da-da-DA, which conflicts
Kymatic/ Cymatics2, gives a graphic example with the body's natural pulsation and in
of this in relation to the formative force of poetry is known as an 'anapestic beat'. As
sound as the source of the idea or in- Dr.Diamond states:
formation. Here a 0.5mm thick, square metal of the characteristics of the anapestic beat is
plate sprinkled with sand is vibrated at a fre-
that it is stopped at the end of each bar or mea-
quency of 7,560 cycles per second. Following
sure. Rock music that has this weakening effect
the sequence from Plate 1 to Plate 6, the grad-
appears to have this stopped quality; it is as if the
ual evolution from the unformed to the final
music stops and then has to start again, and the
form can be traced. This beautiful image is
listener subconsciously 'comes to a halt' at the
the one directly associated with the formative
end of each measure. The anapestic beat is the
influence of 7,560cps.
opposite of the dactylic or waltzlike beat, which is
As a form of energy, sound has long been
DA-da-da, and in which there is an even flow.
attributed a form-creating capacity, indeed in
the Christian religion the coming into being of He further asserts that these forms of music
the world was ascribed to the 'Word' of God; and unnatural rhythms cause switching in
in the Hindu religion to the 'Beat' of Rama's the brain's responses, which induces 'subtle
drum; in modern scientific parlance, to the 'Big perceptual difficulties' that may well manifest
Bang', all of which are sound phenomena. themselves in children as decreased performance
Prayers, chanting, Indian ragas, the uttering of in school, hyperactivity and restlessness; in adults
mantras are believed to produce various as decreased work output, increased errors, gen-
effects, some of which are as concrete in form eral inefficiency, reduced decision-making capac-
as the photographs in fig. 3.3 show. That sound ity on the job, short, the loss of energy for no
also has an effect on the quality of a structure, apparent reason.
organic or otherwise, is also subconsciously Moreover, exposure to such music also
reflected in our own language. We say that a appears to create an addiction for more of the
structure is 'sound' or 'unsound', meaning that same plus a desire for debilitating foods. To
it is either safe or unsafe. Similarly a person is this can be added the deleterious effect of the
said to be of 'sound' or 'unsound' mind, fashion prevalent amongst young people
reflecting their creative or destructive propen- today, when dark glasses are worn both day
sities. Jericho was supposedly destroyed by and night and even on overcast days. As a
destructive sound resonances. result, the eye never receives the full spec-
In his book The Secret Power of Music3 David trum of natural frequencies for which it is
Tame makes a convincing case that the fall of designed and which it requires for the health
3: New Dimensions of Energy 43

Fig. 3.3.
The illustrations show a simple sonorous figure taking shape under the action of crystal oscillators (piezoelectric
effect). Steel plate 31 x 31 cm. Thickness 0.5mm. Frequency 7560 cps. The material strewn on the plate is sand
which has been calcined to purify it.
44 Living Energies

and stability of those parts of the brain asso- the overall level of vibration, which contains
ciated with it. Apart from other factors, this the formative patterns explicit to the creature
may well account for the alarming increase in or form of life in question, has demodulated to
violence, disease and mental instability. frequencies too low to support these formerly
Sunlight as a vital factor in health is dis- highly complex structures.
cussed in chapter 16 in relation to the find- As we survey the world around us today
ings of Dr. John N.Ott. One of the reasons for this is precisely what appears to be happening
this debilitating effect is that each molecule of - the quantitative thrust of our technology and
the body has its own resonant frequency, ideology is pressing downwards towards uni-
which can be stimulated, over-stimulated or formity, to a vibrationless state, which is equiv-
suppressed by different light frequencies and alent to zero energy and quality. Thus species
vibrations (sounds). What long-term effect after species is disappearing simply because
the ceaseless bombardment of the body's the ambient creative energetic matrix, which
very sensitive, electrically charged cells by has to do with upward evolution, has been
the veritable salad of electro-magnetic emis- rendered inoperative. But while it may appear
sions in the way of high-tension cables, radio, that all we now have left is all that we can still
television, radar, microwave ovens and trans- preserve, namely an increasingly limited spec-
mitters, etc. has on the overall health is a trum of possible life-forms, all that is needed to
matter for serious conjecture. reawaken the creative urge of Nature is to raise
the level of human spirituality and natural
awareness, in order to produce an outflow of
3.3 The Phenomenon of Resonance positive, creatively potentiated energy.
Higher spirituality is synonymous with a

S ound or resonance therefore does seem to

be associated with creative or destructive
phenomena. Resonance is the free transfer of
higher level of energy. As this energy is
renewed in the human psyche it permeates
and enriches the noosphere, the immaterial
energy or the sympathetic vibration between realms of thought, the abode of the Will-to-cre-
one system and another without loss, and is ate, and the complexity of the creative ener-
the function of mutually precisely harmoni- getic matrix is raised as a result. New species
cally related frequencies. As such, it and the or those previously extinct may then begin to
phenomena, physical or otherwise, that it pro- reappear in physical form as a reflection of this
duces, are the result of the periodic repetition higher creative dynamic. Ultimately we there-
of a given number of impulses, which can be fore have no need to fear for the future on this
categorised as vibration, oscillation, or rota- planet - that the spectrum of life will con-
tional periodicity.5 In fig. 3.3 the formative stantly diminish - because, as we attune our
effects of resonance in the form of sound are own harmonic vibrations more and more with
clearly apparent and, in other plates in Hans those of the ECI, then in the process we will
Jenny's book higher frequencies are shown to reactivate the evolutionary vibrancies through
give rise to increasingly complex perceptual which all life will be revivified and reborn.
patterns6. From this it follows that the state of Incidentally in regard to resonance per se the
order of a given physical structure manifested number 29 seems to have some strange affin-
through resonance is dependent on a particu- ity with the Earth and the planetary system
lar frequency level or standing-wave pattern of for, in the course of my research I discovered
vibrations, higher vibrations producing higher some peculiar coincidences, which are per-
forms and vice versa. Therefore if the intensi- haps worthy of note and are set out in fig. 3.4.
ties of those resonant interactions that furnish To return to the theme in hand: As the will-
the idea and energetic basis for more evolved to-create intensifies, the focus becomes more
manifestations of life are lowered artificially or concentrated, extraneous elements are ejected
by other means, then the general quality of life- and a channel is opened to the free passage of
forms degenerates, sometimes reaching the creative energy, resulting in an increasing
extreme condition of extinction. This is because charge (life-force), energetic density and
3: New Dimensions of Energy 45
3: New Dimensions of Energy 47

rotational velocity; in other words, a vortex Birth and grave, eternal ocean, ever-moving,
of life-energy evolves, into which more and transient flow.
mode and higher qualities of energy are A changing, vibrant animation, the very stuff of
drawn for the generation and development life is mine,
of the form itself (fig. 3.5). Since it is first gen- Thus at the loom of time I sit and weave this
erated in a particular location or moment in living cloth divine.
space-time, this vortex bears the imprint of
the conditions obtaining at that spot (its ref- In Its universe, therefore, there is no energy
erence point in the space-time continuum) crisis!
and is therefore a totally unique phenomenon From this it could be construed that it is
with its own individual and characteristic due the interaction of manifold harmonic
frequency or vibration, or combination vibrations ultimately manifesting into tight
of radius and extreme rotational velocity that
vibrations. Its inherent stability and eventual material existence emerges. A good example
physical manifestation is assured as long as of this is the spiralling air masses of our
its originating idea is unchanged and weather systems, in which the very large and
remains concentrated. extended gyrating air-masses have relatively
These interacting vibrations must be in har- little dense substance, a large radius of
mony with each other and also in resonance action, very little material form and very
with the particular conditions of the place of slow rotational velocities. As they gradually
genesis, so that a given life process or creature converge, however, their speed and force
can actually grow and evolve. This is the increases and their radius reduces.
function of the various chakras of the human Ultimately they resolve themselves into
body, which are represented as flower-like almost physically palpable energetic entities
vortices whose stems enter the body at vari- such as tornadoes and waterspouts, whose
ous points, such as the heart, in order to con- core at the base, where the rotational velocity
duct the particular variety of higher energies is greatest, is very nearly hard, physical, mat-
suited to the enhancement and health of the ter. From being ephemeral, they have become
organ in question. almost tangible. Their upper roots originate in
Harmony and resonance are prerequisites relatively low-density atmospheric conditions,
for growth and development; lower stages of which can be equated with a less structured
harmony in the form of lesser individualities and more radially dynamic energy-state, since
providing the firm and stable substructures this zone is more exposed to high-energy solar
upon which the higher structures are built. radiation, whereas the base of the tornado
The ECI is thus everywhere at once, and cre- penetrates into greater atmospheric densities
ates all the various levels of existence which are synonymous with more structured,
through the formation and concentration of rotational conditions of energy. The effective
life-force into harmonic vortices of matter density of tornadoes is such that their natu-
from Its infinite ocean of energy. That rally occurring vortexial energies have been
Goethe known to bend steel railway lines.
was very much aware of this is evident from Using this as an analogy for the structural
the following poem8: development of the atom, which is of course
infinitely smaller and has a much higher rate
All things into one are woven, each in each doth of rotation and vibration, then it becomes
act and dwell clearer how physical matter could come into
As cosmic forces, rising, falling, charging up this being through the focusing of energies at one
golden bell, particular point. Therefore in almost nothing
With heaven-scented undulations, piercing Earth is almost everything. Taken to its extreme, it
from power Sublime. could therefore be said that in nothing is
Harmonious all and all resounding, fill they everything; that all manifestation emerges
universe and time! through the 'eye of the needle' as it were, from
Amidst life's tides in raging motion, I ebb
and flood - waft to and fro!
48 Living Energies

Fig. 3.6 Sea shells: energy focussing at a point.

the high-potency, formless void of the ECI. If we desire to build a house, we certainly
Our world is thus, indeed, a world of illusion! do not want one in which it is inconvenient to
The sea-shells shown in fig. 3.6 are an move about. We build it to suit ourselves and
example of this focusing of energy, for their our way of living. As has been mooted earlier,
gradual growth in size is due to the applica- all natural systems are evolved as a result of
tion of creative energy from and at a point, the pattern of energy, or the idea that sought
from the minute ovum in which initial fertili- to create them in the first place. All this may
sation took place. On the other hand, the reek of metaphysics, but it is difficult to
fourth shell-like form indicated by the larger express the notion otherwise.
arrow was also created, this time more Once the external form has been created, a
rapidly, by the application of energy from point is reached where the matter used to cre-
and at a point, in this case a hammer on the ate it is now too coarse to continue along the
edge of a piece of glass! energetic path and is left behind. Viktor
Schauberger often referred to this Earth as a
huge dung-heap and said that all the matter,
3.4 The Creative Energy-Vortex all the living things upon it, were only the
fecal matter ejected by the various energies

S ince we still do not know what energy is

and for the purposes of discussion, fig. 3.5
represents a possible energy path. As the
and their forms of movement, because they
could not carry the material any further. In
other words, whatever energies contribute to
energy moves along its desired path, it draws an increase in life-force are retained in imma-
matter into its wake and forms the vessel terial form, while the remaining energetic
through which it wants to move. A river does material is expelled as waste, analogous to
exactly the same thing. The capillaries in our the daily defecation of human beings.
bodies likewise. The blood is the external Having been extracted from food, apart from
manifestation of an energy path. What we see metabolic functions, these often very subtle
is the blood, but we do not see the energy immaterial energies are used for the produc-
that moves it. The blood is all that matter tion of thought processes. From a certain
which is too coarse to be taken to the point of view, the human body could there-
energy's final destination. Energy therefore fore be seen as a hollow energy path, a com-
creates the form of the path through which it plex toroidal vortex for the transmutation of
wants to move and along which it can move matter-energy into physical and intellectual
with the least resistance. activity.
3: New Dimensions of Energy 49
50 Living Energies

In line with this view, energy and its move-

ment are unquestionably the primary cause,
the prerequisite for physical manifestation.
Everything we see around us, the trees, the
flowers, all are the outside casing of the for-
mative energy path. According to Viktor
Schauberger, while the main body of a tree's
energy lies above it, the tree can only grow to
a certain height, because the energies are only
able to draw up the physical mass of the tree
so far in their wake.
Continuing our discussion of the vortexial
movement of energy, let us observe just how
beautiful such a naturally structured vortex is
(fig. 3.7). Such phenomena are not often
observed. What a marvellous structure! It is
not handmade, but it is the path along which
water likes to move. Each of these segmental
whorls is fractionally smaller than the one
above, the mathematics and proportions of
which can be explained using the system
developed by Walter Schauberger.
Let us briefly examine various illustrations
taken from a book, beautifully penned and processes, she always appears to select a spiral
printed in 19089 (figs. 3.8-3.10). In fig. 3.8 the form of movement and its vortical derivatives,
movement of the fish is shown to be undulat- which are represented in both macrocosm
ing and sinuous, and the woman walks with (fig. 3.11, a galaxy, in this case overlaid by
a swinging gait. What should be noticed in Walter Schauberger's hyperbolic spiral) and
particular is that none of these shapes has microcosm (DNA molecule - fig.3.1210).
any connection with the straight line, circle, Nature's workings could therefore be
point or cylinder, or with any of the mechani- described not as 'wheels within wheels', but as
cal systems we presently employ for the gen- 'whorls within whorls'. It is all the more extra-
eration of energy. Nevertheless, they are all ordinary, therefore, that despite so much
energy paths. They were all created by a
movement of energy and express the way
that that particular form of energy desired to
move in the manifestation of the original or
originating idea of the thing itself.
It is now becoming more and more impera-
tive that we understand how energy moves in
order to create conditions similar to those
achieved with double-helical pipes in the
investigation carried out by Professor Franz
Popel at the Stuttgart Institute of Hygiene in
1952 on Viktor Schauberger's initiative (see
chapter 14 on water supply). It is vital for our
survival that whatever methods we adopt in a
future technology should always emulate the
natural movement of energy and Nature's sys-
tems of motion, growth and development. In
her systems involving dynamic energetic
3: New Dimensions of Energy 51
52 Living Energies
3; New Dimensions of Energy 53
54 Living Energies

evidence of this vortical, cyclical, helical move- which is investigating the vortex as a means
ment, which lies everywhere in Nature before of controlling the flow of liquids. It is high
our very eyes, science has never ascribed any time that we developed a technology,
fundamental importance to it or tried to copy it. whereby these processes are truly under-
It has been too immersed in the euclidean ele- stood. This should be termed an 'Eco-
ments of mechanics with little knowledge or Technology' rather than 'Biotechnology', the
conceptions of organics. We have never taken latter having been brought into disrepute
the time to understand Nature's dynamics through gene manipulation and experimen-
enough to be able to exploit them. tation. Perhaps Ec2otechnology would be an
Today, science is only just developing a even better term, for it embodies Viktor
new (but in all truth, a very, very old) field of Schauberger's concept 'C2', signifying
research that it now calls 'power fluidics', 'Comprehend and Copy Nature'.


1. See ftn.5, chap.l, concerning the use of the prefix seem to be at variance with Nature's use of inte-
'ur'. gers. This value was no doubt founded on the cal-
2. From Kymatik/Cymatics by Hans Jenny, photos by ibrated values of the measuring instruments
Hans Peter Widmer: Basilius, Basel, Switzerland available to Planck at the time. These calibrations
(now defunct). were probably quite arbitrary originally in the
3. The Secret Power Of Music by David Tame: Inner same way that the standard gauge railway track
Traditions, Rochester, VT, USA. owes its dimension (4ft 8 1/2in 1.435m) to the dis-
4. Your Body Doesn't Lie, (Behavioral Kinesiology) by tance between the wheels of the first steam
Dr. John Diamond MD: Harper & Row, New York, engine, 'The Rocket', built by Robert Stephenson.
1979. Since Planck's constant is fundamental to the
5. Referring once more to Planck's constant whereby interpretation of physics, it might be extremely
energy can only be emitted or absorbed in whole- rewarding if its present value could be replaced
numbered quanta, since Nature never seems to with some fundamental unit or integer value. In
lack energy for her various functions, they must so doing some very interesting integer rela-
therefore be closely associated with resonant states. tionships might surface between what are now
While the present system of manipulating large apparently disparate magnitudes through the
numbers using scientific notation, i.e. the first five conversion of their current values to accord with
or so significant figures multiplied by 10 to the this new unit value for Planck's constant.
power of something, may simplify calculation, the 6. Perceptual patterns or structures possessing
establishment of an exact value or periodicity qualities as a whole that cannot be described
upon which true resonance at high frequencies is merely as a sum of its parts. Collins English
founded becomes rather hit and miss. Dictionary.
For example, were a given resonant state giving 7. The Ghost of 29 Megacycles, by John G. Fuller: Signet
rise to a particular phenomenon to have an actual ed. 1986, New American Lib., New York. Describes
value of say 6,622,458,316 Hz, then with scientific research of Dr. George Meek, an American engi-
notation this would be expressed as 6.622 46 x 109 neer, and the German electronics engineer,
Hz. If written out in full, the value of the latter Dr. Hans Otto Konig, into communication with the
would be 6,622,460,000, slightly higher than the recently deceased. The optimum frequency for
former. Subtracting the original number from this enabling the dead to communicate with the living
truncated value leaves a deficit of 1,684 Hz from and vice versa by super-imposing their voices on
the true state of resonance. If the creation of the the carrier wave, was 29 megacycles. On January
above phenomenon was the object of the exercise, 15th, 1983 Radio Luxemburg invited Dr Konig to
then for lack of the missing 1,684 vibrations, it broadcast a live-to-air experiment in such commu-
would be impossible to reproduce the original nication, which much to the consternation of all
phenomenon exactly. In terms of the achievement concerned, was largely successful.
of resonant states, in my view it is actually the 8. From Viktor Schauberger's article, "The Ox and
last few digits that are significant, not the first. the Chamois", pub. by Prof. Werner Zimmermann
With the use of computers, however, this should in TAU magazine, No.146, June 1936, p.30.
be a simple matter to rectify. 9. Design In Nature by J. Bell Pettigrew: Longmans
With regard to the above whole-numbered Green, London, 1908.
harmonical aspects themselves, the value of 10. "DNA Double Helix" p.101 of The Molecular Biology
Planck's constant of 6.62 x 10-34, i.e. the whole of the Cell by B. Alberts, D. Bray, J. Lewis, M. Raff,
number 6 plus the decimal value of 62, would K. Roberts & J.D. Watson: Garland, New York.

4.1 The 'Original' Motion experiential information is absorbed and

digested by the ECI in order then to create a
If one observes the Universe as a whole, new universe. The very word 'Universe' signi-
ie. from 'Big Bang' to 'Black Hole', as it fies a single curve (uni=one, versum=curve).
were, a form of motion is evident that The fact that the configuration of this curve
Viktor Schauberger called "cycloid-spiral- may be a complex combination of descending
space-curve motion". He also referred to it and ascending, involuting and convoluting,
as expanding and contracting spiral movements
the "original" motion, not only in a primor- does nothing to detract from its uniqueness or
dial sense, but also as a "form-creating" unit quality, since from inception to culmina-
dynamic. Shown in its quintessential, arche- tion its path is continuous. This curve is an
typal form in fig. 4.1, which depicts the cre- energy-path and the essence of energy is
ation of three successive universes, the ceaseless movement. In its eternal trajectory
'cycloid-spiral-space-curve' embodies an ini- from spirit to matter (outward breath) and
tial out-breathing, centrifugal, curving expan- from matter to spirit (inward breath) it perme-
sion of undiscriminating, creative energy ates all creation. It is all creation!
unconditional love) from a point, which Apart from its inherent pulsation, it would
results in the generation of countless individ- be impossible to dissect this eternal move-
ualities and energetic systems. In The Secret ment into discrete segments, for the point at
Doctrine1 Helena P. Blavatsky describes which one portion of this sublime curve
this ceases and the next begins cannot be defined
phenomenon stating that: mathematically, whatever the subjective
view. Therefore this unique, primordial, cre-
An out-breathing of the 'unknown essence' pro-
ative curve embodies the unbroken path of
duces the world and an inhalation causes it to dis-
evolution, of cyclical, pulsating out-foldment
and in-foldment, as it spirals in and out of all
the myriads of apparently inextricably inter-
Its culmination is an in-breathing, centripetal connected and interdependent individual
implosion of the concentrated energies and systems in the cosmos, tying and uniting
experience of the created individualities who them all in one inscrutable Gordian Knot. We
now seek reunion with their source, the ECI, are therefore unequivocally all part and par-
bringing back with them all the myriad expe- cel of the One and any harm of whatever
riences they have gained. Once all has kind we inflict on others or to the planet, we
reverted to the ECI via the 'Black Hole', then not only inflict on ourselves, but the rest of
that universe, or that part of the Universe at the cosmos as well.
the end of the Black Hole, leaves our space- This creative force and its dynamic
time and enters a highly ethereal continuum, have already long been known to Eastern
the magnitudes and dimensions of which we
cannot conceive. What happens then is open
to all manner of speculation. Possibly the new

56 Living Energies

esotericism and is referred to by Mme. vertebra is referred to as a whirlpool or a vor-

Blavatsky as follows2: tex. Clearly, the Germans have long had a
completely different view of the central struc-
Kundalini Shakti: the power or Force which
ture of our bodies. Whereas we see it as a
moves in a curved path. It is the Universal life-
stiff, more or less rigid, physical structure,
Principle manifesting everywhere in Nature. This
they see it more as an energy path. This has
force includes the two great forces of attraction
obvious associations with the Hindu concept
and repulsion. Electricity and magnetism are but
of Kundalini, the name given to the two ser-
manifestations of it. This is the power which
pents that dwell at the base of the spine,
brings about that 'continuous adjustment of
whose rising energises and spiritualises the
internal relations to external relations'', which is
various higher chakras (ethereal vortices) of
the essence of life according to Herbert Spencer,
the physical body and whose entwinement
and that 'continuous adjustment of external rela-
on Mercury's staff (the caduceus) empowers
tions', which is the basis for the transmigration of
him as Messenger of the Gods. Nature too,
souls, punar ianman (re-birth) in the doctrines of
provides us with countless examples of
the ancient Hindu philosophers.
dynamic spiral growth and movement in the
Even the tools of common language unwit- form of galaxies, cyclones, whirlpools and
tingly (or wittingly) allude to the character of tornadoes, of which we, in our blindness and
this spiral movement. When we e\-(s)pire, we arrogance, fail to take note in our pursuit of
leave this our 'mortal coil'. When we are in- mechanical perfection.
spire-d, we feel drawn to higher ideals. Our According to the late Dr.Tilman Schauberger,
spir(e)it is raised and we are sucked into the grandson and expert on Viktor Schauberger's
upward spiral. Similarly through re-spir(e)- works, creative, formative motion is:-
ation the ionisation balance of the body,
which varies according to the time of day, is Open, goal-oriented, structured, concentrated,
adjusted by the proportional ionisation of the intensifying, condensing, dynamic, self-organising,
air indrawn through the nostrils, which due self-divesting of the less valuable, rhythmical,
to opposite directions of rotation, is nega- cyclical, sinuous, pulsating, inrolling, and
tively ionised by the left nostril and posi- centripetal = the cycloid-spiral-space-curve.
tively by the right nostril. Sneezing,
therefore, may perhaps be a compensating
process, through which high opposing 4.2 Forms of Motion
charges resulting from over-ionisation are
reduced to zero.
Interestingly enough, while on the subject
of the body, the German word for the spinal
W ithin this framework there are four fun-
damental forms of movement: all nat-
ural dynamic motion will comprise one or
column, the fundamental supporting struc- more of four types - orbital, rotational,
ture of the human body, is 'Wirbelsaule', toroidal and circulatory (fig. 4.2). All of these
which translated directly into English, means are combined in the processes of natural
a 'spiral' column. Similarly each one of the movement as illustrated in the bottom image
4: What is Motion? 57
58 Living Energies

- here the diameter of the internal passage of This is typical of our forms of technical move-
energy varying according to the pattern of ment, in which there is initially no motion at
flow. Fig. 4.3 depicts the dynamic body of the the centre, but with increasing distance from
solar system over one full cycle of Saturn. It this point, velocity and resistance also
is not the fairly static, disc-like structure we increase. The axial->radial centrifugal form of
are accustomed to think of, but is actually a motion can thus be defined as divergent,
vortex with each planet describing its own decelerating, dissipating, structure-loosening,
spiral path about the Sun, which is itself disintegrating, destructive and friction-induc-
moving in the direction of star cluster ing. While the destructive diffusion of energy
'Hercules' at about 20km per second. results in noise, the creative concentration of
When we come to spiral-vortical motion energy, however, is silent. Indeed, as Viktor
itself, we can further subdivide it into asserted on many occasions, "Everything that is
another two forms. Viktor referred to radial- natural is silent, simple and cheap."3
axial and axial->radial (actually tangential-> Upon reflection, this statement is quite
axial and axial->tangential) motion, which obvious. All the concentrated energy
are terms of his coinage in this particular con- involved in the growth of the forest, for
text. As illustrated in fig. 4.4 axial->radial example, all the innumerable chemical and
motion signifies an initial movement around atomic interactions, are none other than ener-
a centre, which subsequently transfers to a getic processes, movements of creative
radial movement towards the exterior; it is energy. The silence of the forest is indicative
thus centrifugal and a movement from the of the extraordinary concentration of creative
inside outwards. At the centre of the wheel, energy. Its destruction, however, is always
for example, there is no motion but, with associated with the horrendous racket of
increasing distance from the centre, the speed chain-saws, heavy machinery and the like.
of motion and the tendency towards disinte- Whereas our mechanical, technological sys-
gration also increase. This is why the wooden tems of motion almost without exception are
wagon-wheels of earlier days had a steel axial->radial and heat- and friction-inducing,
band around them to hold them together. It Nature uses precisely the opposite form of
was called a 'tie-er' (= tyre or tire) and tied movement. When Nature is moving dynami-
the wheel together. cally, the slowest movement occurs at the
In Viktor's theories, also proven practically, periphery and the fastest at the centre. One
with this form of movement the resistance to only has to observe the dynamics of a cyclone
motion increases by the square of the starting or a tornado. Her form of movement, therefore,
velocity. In other words, if the radial distance is centripetal or radial->axial, moving from the
from the centre of rotation is 1 and the resis- outside inwards with increasing velocity, which
tance is 1, when the radius is doubled, the acts to cool, to condense, to structure.
resistance is quadrupled and the rotational Radial->axial motion can therefore be
period halved. If the radial distance is 3, the defined as convergent, contracting, consoli-
resultant resistance is 32 (=9) and the rotational dating, creative, integrating, formative, fric-
velocity reduced to a 1/3rd, and so on. However tion reducing. If the starting radius is 1 and
if the rotational velocity of such a centrifugal the initial resistance is 1 on an inwinding
system is to be maintained at a constant level, path, when the radius is halved, the resis-
then a continual, wasteful and expensive tance is (1/2)2 = 1/4 and the rotational periodic-
increase in the amount of input energy is ity, frequency or velocity is doubled. The
required to overcome the resistance, and the dynamics of evolution must therefore follow
whole system becomes less and less efficient. this centripetal, radial->axial path, for if the
Not only this, but it creates discordant noise opposite were the case, all would have come
and the more noise a device makes, the more it to a stop almost before it started.
operates against the laws of Nature. Force is the application of energy to do
The dispersion of energy, therefore, is asso- work. The magnitude of a force F is the prod-
ciated with noise or heat, as the case may be. uct of a mass m times acceleration a (F=ma).
60 Living Energies

As it stands, this equation is not particu- W, where W is the product of (mass m x

larly interesting, because it tells us nothing velocity v2) divided by 2 (W=1/2*mv2), we dis-
about the all-important type of acceleration, cover something very interesting. This equa-
for one form leads to destruction and the tion also relates to energetic activity and,
other to creation. It is therefore necessary to analogous to the Hasenohrl-Einstein equa-
differentiate between them, which is most tion, determines the quantity of energy used
simply done by superscripting the accelera- in our technical, mechanical systems. Here
tion a with either a positive or negative sign, however we suddenly find that the amount
i.e. a+ or a-. This would indicate whether the of available energy in the form of work W is
radius of rotation is expanding or the form of halved. In this equation mass is still repre-
acceleration is pressure- and friction- sented by m, whereas c is replaced by v -
intensifying (+ = axial->radial, centrifugal both terms relating to the time and speed
acceleration) or conversely whether the taken to travel a given distance. The expres-
radius of rotation is reducing, creating a form sion mc2 can thus be equated with mv2. In the
of acceleration that is suction-increasing and Hasenohrl-Einstein equation, however, there
friction-reducing (- = radial-> axial, cen- is no division by 2, so the amount of avail-
tripetal acceleration). The equation derived able energy always remains undiminished.
using the latter Viktor Schauberger consid- But when intrinsically the same energy
ered to be the one for determining creative equation is applied to technical energetic
force. Whereas with centrifugal acceleration processes and purposes, the amount of use-
a+ more power must be applied in order to ful energy is apparently halved. From text-
accelerate or to maintain the same velocity, in books we learn that energy is indestructible,
the case of centripetal acceleration a- the but merely changes form, this reduction
velocity and energy increase automatically. being attributable to the encounter with a
This produces Viktor's formative force, or resistance of some kind (deceleration) or
those upbuilding energies from which all life through the conversion of energy into heat,
is created. or both. In consideration of what has been
In this context we could usefully re- stated above, and, Walter Schauberger's rein-
examine the Hasenohrl-Einstein equation (E terpretation of C2, perhaps the real reason for
= mc2) in connection with other energy- this loss is the exploitation of wasteful axial-
determining equations. While their general radial, centrifugal motion. In contrast, radial-
premises apply to mechanical systems, there axial dynamics operate according to the law
is some doubt as to their relevance to living of the anti-conservation of energy mentioned
systems. As presently interpreted E = mc2 in chapter 1, wherein friction - and therefore
requires that the amount or energy in the heat - constantly reduces and velocity
Universe to be finite and assumes the speed increases automatically, because the type of
of light to be constant. Here, however, we are motion is in conformity with natural ener-
reminded of Walter Schauberger's contention getic (spiritual) law and not the mundane,
that the absolute speed of light is not con- physical laws of mechanics.
stant (p.24), but dependent on the frequency-
related radius of its spiral path; the smaller
the radius of rotation (frequency of periodic- 4.3 Thesis, Antithesis and
ity), the greater the velocity and intrinsic Synthesis
energy of the radiation (light) and vice versa.
Such a nonconstancy in the speed of light -
as a factor in quantifying energy or mass -
would seemingly negate the doctrine of uni-
W ith vortical motion still fresh in our
minds, let us begin our appraisal of the
elements of thesis, anthesis and synthesis by
versally finite energy and the conservation of examining the dynamics of a tornado. The tor-
energy law. Leaving this aside for the nado descends from a lower to a higher atmos-
moment, let us now consider the standard, pheric density and generally takes the form of a
textbook equation for kinetic energy or work hyperbolic funnel or cone (fig. 4.5). The smaller
4: What is Motion? 61
62 Living Energies

the radius, the higher the rotational velocity. not merely a question of heat, but also of its
It is another example of how Nature moves inseparable counterpart - cold.
from the outside inwards in terms of increas- Fig. 4.6 lists a few examples of such reci-
ing energetic effect and of generating power. procities, in which, generally speaking, thesis
In the eye of the tornado or a cyclone, there is is the quantifiable aspect and antithesis the
an upward movement - suction. Suction and qualifiable aspect, both of which are repre-
pressure are the two forces here interacting, sented in the equation formulated by Walter
each being the counterpart of the other, the Schauberger, which incidentally is the sim-
opposite sides of the same coin which, taken plest equation for the rectangular hyperbola
together represent the wholeness or united, (see fig. 11.4):
undivided phenomenon. They could thus be
viewed as two discrete entities emanating
from a single generative principle.
In terms of dialectic thinking, which seeks to where 1/n stands for the quantitative aspect,
fathom the extremes of logical thought, they n for the qualitative aspect and n itself is
could also be interpreted as the two counter- equal to any integer or whole number from
concepts of argument (thesis) and counter- zero to infinity.
argument (antithesis). According to the
German philosopher, George W. F. Hegel
(1770-1831), dialectic thinking refers "to the
process of thought by which such contradictions are
seen to merge themselves in a higher truth that
comprehends them".4 The existence of this higher
truth or unifying principle, however, appears
to have eluded general scientific thinking,
which conceives of reality more in terms of The answer is always 1, echoing Albert
laws than mutually interactive reciprocities. Einstein's observation that "Nature is the embodi-
ment of the simplest conceivable mathematics", and
Perhaps therefore we need to adopt a more
dialectic approach to our appraisal of the indeed the actual mathematics could not be
simpler, representing as it does the reciprocal
dynamics and forces of reality. This should
relationship between the two terms. Viktor
encompass both thesis and antithesis, the two
Schauberger maintained that any given phe-
apparently conflicting elements that find
their synthesis or wholeness in their mutual nomenon always has its counterpart or
combination and interaction. However, there counter-aspect, and both components should
seems at present to be what might be called a always be taken into account. The manifesta-
tion of all natural forces is the result of the
'scientific Berlin Wall' separating these
interaction between two opposites, neither of
opposing, but complementary magnitudes
(see fig. 4.6), which in the light of the above which ever reaches totality in the lower realms
should perhaps be advantageously disman- of duality (the physical world), for they can
tled as its namesake already has. only become total when they unite within their
unifying, non-physical, governing principle.
Dialectically speaking we could therefore say In the physical world each component of a
that: heat x cold = unity = the wholeness. pair of forces can only attain 96% of its
Indeed it requires no great stretch of the boundary or extreme condition. Once this
imagination to realise that the condition of point is reached, then its opposite force grad-
health, reproductive and otherwise, of all life- ually begins to gain strength. It is an action
forms is founded on the delicate balance similar to the Chinese concept of Yin and
between heat and cold specific to the organ- Yang. When Yang reaches the point of
ism in question. Some types of fruit and exhaustion (96% of its capacity), then Yin
seeds cannot germinate properly unless they intervenes and gradually increases in
have been exposed to frost. Life therefore is strength. As a case in point, in the creation of
4: What is Motion? 63
64 Living Energies

a vacuum, there is always a residual 4% left However, it is always the qualities which are
of the medium to be evacuated, a figure that the defining factors. In itself quantity is rela-
can only be further reduced by an enormous tively unimportant. In its simplest form it is
expenditure of energy; 100% - 4% = 96%! unformed, amorphous mass - just weight.
Thus Chaos x Order = 1. Without chaos This quantitative drive has led us into a
(undifferentiated, unstructured matter or mass-production mentality. It has also taken
energy, or unordered, unmetamorphosed us into the mode of reducing diversity and
unconditional love) there could be no basis increasing uniformity principally for eco-
for the creation of order (differentiated, nomic and control purposes. And herein lies
harmonically-structured matter or energy); a very great danger, for as Montesquieu
therefore the foundation of order is chaos. stated in the 18th century, "The inner corrup-
Recently chaos theory has come very much tion of liberty shows itself first in uniformity"'.
to the fore. We therefore need urgently to develop a
Matter and Spirit or, as they are more com- system where the emphasis is far more on the
monly expressed, Matter and Energy are also qualitative side, for quality is the differentia-
a unity. While a human being or a living sys- tor and animator of life.
tem represents a certain quantity, it also Another pair of antitheses, not considered
possesses certain energetic and other imma- by science, are Gravitation and Levitation.
terial characteristics, and the totality is the Levitation is not taken into account at all,
combination of both aspects. Then there is consideration being given only to gravitation,
also the conservation and anti-conservation although a levitational force is basic to
of energy, which was touched on earlier. The Nature. Viktor Schauberger once commented
so-called 'Law of the Conservation of Energy' wryly that instead of asking himself what
requires that energy be indestructible; that caused the apple to fall to the ground, Sir
the amount of energy in the universe is finite Isaac Newton should have asked how it got
and at all times constant; that there can up there in the first place! What else if not
neither be more, nor less energy. It is merely levitation enables a tree to grow upwards
transformed from one form into another. against the action of gravity? Were there no
On the other hand, according to Viktor levity, the tree would just spread out horizon-
Schauberger, the cycle of interactive pulsation tally over the ground in a green amorphous
between opposite forms of energy can actually mass. It does thrust skywards, however, and
be interrupted through the application of does so in response to another force operat-
radial-axial dynamics, in which one form of ing in the opposite direction.
energy or element, be it cold or oxygen, is This is life-force, the quickening and
taken to its extreme, non-spacial condition. In uplifting energy; the force responsible for
this case the law of anti-conservation of uprightness and right-side-upness of things.
energy applies, i.e. power is virtually unlim- It is the rising power that imbues all healthy
ited as it is obtained from higher realms. living things, particularly the more youthful,
Egoism and altruism are also dialectic with a feeling of lightness, of relative
opposites, thesis and antithesis. On examina- weightlessness, removing all sensation of
tion of the above table, however, the antithe- ponderousness of the limbs. With increasing
ses of Quantity and Quality are probably the age it gradually weakens, making the more
most important in their ramifications elderly conscious of the weight of their bodies
because, through our contemporary devel- and the greater difficulty of movement. When
opment, through our logical, ideological, this levitational force is extinguished, so too is
philosophical development, we have today the life-force of the body, which then dies.
come to attach a great deal of importance to When we consider these interdependencies
quantity at the expense of quality, of greed at and the illustrations of spiral forms in Nature
the cost of generosity, even to the extent of (see figs. 2.10-2.12, chapter 2), we can see that
proffering the philosophy of greed as some- the dynamics of the universe are therefore
thing totally acceptable morally and ethically. caused by an inherent imbalance, since
4: What is Motion? 65

movement is always occurring somewhere the right, its form encompasses five spirals
between one extreme and the other. There descending and eight spirals ascending.
can be no state of stable equilibrium, which In terms of integers or whole numbers
would signify immobility, uniformity and themselves, uneven numbers are generally
stasis. Were such the case neither develop- considered male and even numbers female,
ment, nor evolution would be possible and since even numbers are divisible by two
the whole condition of the Universe would (mother + offspring). In the pine cone this
be unchanging and unproductive, which is gender aspect or duality on the one hand is
manifestly not the case. represented by the five descending spirals of
male energies or higher rotational velocities,
since within the overall length, or cycloid-
4.4 Phi or the 'Golden Section' spiral-wavelength as it were, of the pine
cone, they achieve more rotations. The eight
The eminent biologist Ilya Prigogine once ascending spirals of female energies, on the
stated that all natural movement arises other hand, gradually being aroused by the
out of a state of imbalance, of non-equilib- male forces, are slower moving, making only
rium. Non-equilibrium is a pre-requisite for one full rotation over their common wave-
movement and evolution in all its forms, and length. Between them a state of harmony, or
a state of equilibrium is therefore impossible resonance, comes into being in relation to
in Nature. Yet we find that certain symmetries their respective energies. Where the two sys-
do occur, nevertheless. The pine cone shown tems of spirals cross; where they combine or
in fig. 4.7 represents a condition of 'balanced negate each other, the seed of future pine
imbalance'. The apparent symmetry of the trees, the new life, is formed.
pine cone at the same time embodies a dis- The actual proportion of five male spirals
symmetry in that from the left-hand side to to eight female spirals or 5:8 forms part of the

The symmetry of the pine cone demonstrates the condition of "Balanced Imbalance" which arises out of the
harmonic interaction of two antithetical, complementary, but oppositely charged forces. The 5 positive male spirals of
energy descend towards the 8 rising negative female spirals of energy. Where these cross each other a union of both
forces occurs and there the seed of the new life is to be found. The male forces decelerate and the female forces
accelerate to arrive at a mutual state of resonance.
66 Living Energies

so-called Fibonacci series, which progres- The zero point is where all motion ceases and
sively and with increasing accuracy, mathe- where all motion begins. It is a point of
matically defines the proportion of the extremely high potential in the same way that
'Golden Section', also known as Phi, or the string of a musical instrument is still in a
which becomes almost constant in the ratio of state of tension, of sound-creating potential,
1:1.618033988. Together with Pi the 'tran- even though it is not vibrating.
scendental number' describing the circumfer- Here, therefore, we have two systems of
ence of the circle, this is one of the so-called opposing, but complementary energy which
'Perfect' or 'Divine Proportions'. create a symmetry, although this is created
Pi has been given the term 'transcendental', out of unequal forces. Referring to the func-
because no end to the sequence of numbers tion of the dialectic magnitudes set out in
after the decimal point has yet been found, fig. 4.6 (p. 63), generally speaking those in the
even though computers have been working on right hand column should prevail over those
it for years. It is assumed to be of infinite on the left for evolution to proceed produc-
length and therefore in this sense is a magni- tively. That is to say, the effect and function of
tude beyond time and space. Phi on the other the right hand aspects of each dialectic unity
hand, is more down to earth and is also found should predominate. Viktor estimated the
in the linear proportions of the pentagon correct proportion between them to be 1/3rd to
(fig. 4.8). Phi is frequently expressed in many /3rds respectively. The ancient Chinese also
of Nature's creations, and by varying the considered an unequal relation to be the one
angle between the adjacent radii (their relative most propitious for the harmonious unfold-
lengths conforming to the Phi proportion), a ment of life, their ratio being 2/5ths Yin to 3/5ths
number of natural spirals (fig. 4.9) and leaf- Yang. However in view of the manifestation
shapes (fig. 4.10) can be created. of Phi in so many of Nature's creations, the
Phi is also manifested in the structure of proportion of 1:Phi is probably the more cor-
the human body. If the length of the hand has rect, since as a proportion of slightly more
the value of 1, for instance, then the com- than 1:1%) it lies between the two other ratios
bined length of hand + forearm has the of 2/5:3/5 (= l:1 1/2) and 1/3:2/3 (= 1:2). In fig.
approximate value of 1.618033988. Similarly 4.12
the proportion of upper arm to hand + fore- the relative magnitudes of these forces are
arm is in the same ratio of 1:1.618033988, or represented by Weight B = 1 kg (left hand col-
In my studies of Phi from an energetic umn aspect) and Weight A = 1.618033988kg
point of view, it seems always to be associ- (right hand column aspect). Weight A is at a
ated with the transmutation of energy into distance of l/Phi m or 0.618033988 cm from the
form, since this proportion is reflected in so pivot and weight B is 1 m away. Weight B
many of Nature's creations. In recognition of exerts a moment about the pivot calculated as
this peculiarity, I have come to call it the lkg x lm = 1 kgm. Weight A exerts the same
'Transmutation Number'. moment, however, since 1.618033988kg x
From another angle, the two spiral systems 0.618033988m also equals l kgm. The seesaw
in fig. 4.11 have a common wavelength, of life, as it were, is thus in a state of balance
dynamically viewed as cycloid-spiral-space- even though the absolute force of one magni-
curves, since they curve out from their com- tude is greater than the other. The resultant
mon axis and eventually return to it over the downward force is the sum of these two
full length of the pine cone, the eight female weights and equals 2.618033988kg, which
spirals having a slower rotational period than equals (1.618033988)2 or Phi2.
the five male spirals. Within this wavelength, Through the interaction of these two pro-
there are points where they interconnect cre- portions the unstable dynamic balance in
atively. Such a point I call the zero-point, since Nature and her energetic processes is
it is the point where both male and female achieved. Were it not for this tentative bal-
energetic attributes die or are temporarily sus- ance no forward progress would be possible,
pended in order that new life can be created. much in the same way that tightrope walkers
cannot actually put one foot in front of the
70 Living Energies

other unless they are in a state of balance. At (fig. 4.14).5 In Viktor's view, however, no true
a more sublime level this also represents magnetism as conceived today existed in the
what the Buddhists call the 'Golden Middle physical world. What did exist was 'bio-
Way', the path of tranquillity, compassion magnetism'. Viktor saw magnetism and its
and contemplation unassailed by the vissi- higher aspect as the uplifting, upbuilding,
tudes and extremes of life. creative and levitative form of energy.
Viktor Schauberger attached a great deal of Therefore, wherever magnetism is mentioned
importance to this relation, stating that the later, the properties of bio-magnetism are
extreme egg-form suited to his apparatuses also inferred. However, in the physical world
was to be found within the pentagon, which is neither magnetism nor bio-magnetism are
the Phi polygon. Viktor never actually stated permitted to reach their extreme values
how he obtained this egg-shape. Fig. 4.13 because, at the same time the destructive, dis-
shows how it may be drawn using six pins mantling, disintegrative, debilitating energy
and a loop of string, although any variety of of electricity (similar to electrolysis) applies
egg-shape can be precisely determined using the necessary brake. Viktor termed this form
Walter Schauberger's hyperbolic mathematics. of energy 'electricism', its higher aspect being
Overall, however, bio-magnetic energy or
4.5 Magnetism and Electricism bio-magnetism must be slightly in excess of
the electrical energy, or electricism, in order

E lectricism and magnetism are two other

complementary, but antithetical forces, the
latter being the one that circulates through
that evolution can proceed. Were it other-
wise, there would always be less and less cre-
ative energy. Viewed in this light, the
and around the Earth on the polar axis so-called Van Allen radiation belts girdling
Super-dynamic state "cool" kinetic energy

Super-passive state "cool" potential energy

At all points where male and female spirals cross and where radius and angular velocity are equal or in a harmonic
relationship, both charges (positive-male and negative-female) cancel each other out, or fuse together to create new life, to
bring forth seed, which is the encapsulation of the DNA/RNA gene programme for the structuring of the new manifestation.
Such a point is the "ZERO-POINT", the eternal place where all motion ceases and from which all life springs forth.

Fig. 4.11
4: What is Motion? 71

the Earth therefore represent the electrical and the slow development of higher con-
component of this symbiotic interaction sciousness. Analogous to the full dynamic
between bio-magnetism and bio-electricism, cycle of the tornado described earlier, a
which together produce the necessary pulsa- young, evolving soul's initial evolution lies in
tion,. the hallmark of life and living things. the progressive spiralling descent from its
Although in this diagram their respective spiritually highest self down through the
magnitudes are shown to be constant, neither mental and emotional planes, finally entering
achieves its maximum value at the same time the physical body.
as the other. When the electrical energies Here in its primitive, undeveloped physi-
expand to their maximum, relative to the sys- cal state, the ego becomes involved in self-
tem as a whole, the bio-magnetic energies are aspected activities, in self-awareness, in
reduced to their minimum. They can there- self-ishness, wherein it succumbs to the ego-
fore be seen to be reciprocal and their mutual centric drive for the acquisition or 'encir-
interaction can thus be interpreted by the clement' of material attributes. Possession
equation and physical sensation become the all-
important purpose of life, to the extent that
some earlier societies 'encircled' their oppo-
nents, as it were, by eating them, in the belief
where 1/n = electricism or bio-electricism, that the consumer would thereby acquire the
and n = magnetism or bio-magnetism. additional attributes of its victim. Although
According to Viktor Schauberger this unconsciously connected to its spiritual ori-
oscillation between magnitudes is of such gins, but having meanwhile become oblivi-
high frequency that it appears as a state of ous of them, the ego's immaterial energy and
rest. driving force (mind), still sourced from its
higher self, is devoted towards greedily accu-
Referring to fig. 3.1 in chapter 3, "New mulating material illusions of well-being,
Dimensions Of Energy", concerning the ur- drawing them all into its tight personal orbit.
original source of energy, electricism and bio- Now in intimate contact with and closely
magnetism and their respective allied forces surrounded by the objects it has a-mass-ed, a
of gravitation and levitation, also have their feeling of dissatisfaction, of something miss-
counterparts in the field of human experience
72 Living Energies
4: What is Motion? 73

Fig. 4.14 The Earth's magnetic field

ing, gradually surfaces from the unconscious uplifting process and levitates the soul to the
and the soul eventually discovers them to be source from whence it came. As it rises up
hollow and devoid of actual tangible sub- through the various planes of higher energy
stance, as is the centre of the tornado. All at and spirituality, the soul's vibrational rate or
once the former static security of physical frequency progressively increases and its
matter vanishes and the realisation slowly motion reverses direction. It now changes
dawns that true reality, security and peace lie from axial, self-centred rotation to radial
in the dynamics of the higher immaterial expansion and in the process enters into an
realms. increasingly harmonic relationship with the
In the soul's descent into matter, the bio- rest of the Universe.
magnetic forces, while acting to maintain Finally reaching the level of infinitely high
stability and life, were not uppermost vibration, which is synonymous with a state
and contributed only to the tightening of the of infinite harmony, it becomes one with
circle around the Self. Once the boundary everything; it loses its individuality as it
condition of materiality is reached; once once again unites with its originating source.
the acquisitive, gravitational impulse is Having now completed its long, arduous
exhausted, the soul begins to resonate more and often painful journey into matter;
and more with its higher aspects as the ever- having become aware of the vacuity of
present bio-magnetism finally and inevitably physical substance, it has become filled with
must gain the upper hand. In the same way the selfless love arising from total non-
that it creates the updraught in the centre of attachment and adds its small contribution
the tornado, these bio-magnetic forces begin to the eternal radiation of unconditional love
to draw the soul upward. As its power throughout the manifested and unmani-
increases, bio-magnetism accelerates this fested universe.
74 Living Energies

4.6 Other Dimensions of Energy or male in nature. There are thus female fructi-
gens and male dynagens, for example. The
Amongst the antitheses listed on the table female attributes, however, are principally
on p. 63, Viktor viewed certain pairs such related to the magnitudes in the right hand
as heat and cold, pressure and suction, column in fig. 4.6. In their aggregate these are
expansion and impansion, electricism and the primary prime movers of creation and in
magnetism, centrifugence and centripetence, the human mind enthusiastic or inspired
gravitation and levitation, as being similar thought gives rise to the formation of the
provenances of energy, but separated by immaterial dynagens that ceaselessly provide
octaves. Therefore cold, suction, impansion, the motivating energy for external activity,
centrifugence, magnetism (actually bio- thus totally confuting the Energy Conserva-
magnetism) and levitation are all related tion Law which requires that the amount of
magnitudes. Endowed with specific vibra- available energy be finite. To obtain some
tional energies and powers, these antitheses insight into what may be the relative magni-
are the agencies or self-organising, intermedi- tudes of the various levels of energy or vibra-
ate, vibratory matrices of immaterial energies tory energetic matrices here involved, it may
by which the gap between Will-to-create and be enlightening to refer to comments in The
creation, spirit and matter, and idea and Secret Doctrine7 concerning the 'Keely Motor',
manifestation is bridged. In The Secret a free-energy device constructed by John
Doctrine these forces are comprised in the Worrell Keely, which operated through the
concept of 'Fohat'. creation of a 'neutral centre', or in Viktor
Schauberger's terms, a 'biological vacuum'.
Fohat is the 'bridge' by which the 'Ideas' existing
in the 'Divine Thought' are impressed on Cosmic We are told that Mr.Keely defines electricity 'as a
substance as the 'laws of Nature'. Fohat is thus certain form of atomic vibration'. In this he is
the dynamic energy of cosmic ideation; or quite right, but this is electricity on the terrestrial
regarded from the other side, it is the intelligent plane, and through terrestrial correlations. He
medium, the guiding power of all manifestation. estimates:-
Fohat is the mysterious link between mind and
matter, the animating principle electrifying [or bio-
magnetising - c.C] every atom into life.6
In the attempt to describe these subtle
energetic essences with terminology more
familiar to readers than Sanskrit, it became
necessary to coin various new terms
under the collective term of 'ethericities', The vibrational level of the so-called etherici-
the word 'ethericities' itself referring to ties would probably lie somewhere between
those supra-normal, near non-dimensional, the inter-atomic and inter-aetheric in the
energetic, bio-electic, bio-magnetic, catalytic, above table. Moreover they may well func-
high-frequency, vibratory, super-potent enti- tion at frequencies that can be beneficially or
ties of quasi-material, quasi-etheric nature detrimentally affected by human thought. It
belonging to the 4th and 5th dimensions is a known fact, for instance, that the level of
of being. These ethericities are further white blood corpuscle production can be sig-
categorised as 'fructigens', 'qualigens'', 'dyna- nificantly influenced by the positive or nega-
gens'. tive attitude towards life of the human host.
These respectively represent those subtle The extent to which the collective human
energies whose function is the enhancement psyche may influence these ethericities and
of fructification (fructigens), the generation of their proper function may well be far greater
quality (qualigens) and the amplification of than we imagine.
immaterial energy (dynagens). According to Imprisoned - as we have been led to believe
their function or location these may be female - within our physical reality by the speed of
4: What is Motion? 75

light (299,793,000 metres per second or m/s), and appearance at the same time becoming
and since we are also here concerned with cer- more and more well-defined. Such a form,
tain dimensionalities, it might be more useful however, cannot be created without a design
were we to attempt to express what may be (= c4) and the design cannot be conceived
even vaster differences between the various without the idea (= c5). As Plutarch states:
planes of the higher realities by using squared,
An idea is a being incorporeal, which has no sub-
cubed, quadrupled, etc. multiples of the speed
sistence by itself, but gives figure and form unto
of light c expressed in metres per second. At
shapeless matter, and becomes the cause of the
the same time we might also begin to get some
manifestation. (De Placit. Philos).
notion of the primary, creative and formative
supremacy of such high, yet extraordinarily The existence of the idea demands an intel-
subtle energies, for the higher the frequency of lect (= c6) and intellect requires a higher con-
a given vibration, the shorter its wavelength sciousness (= c7), all of which are enclosed
and the greater its intrinsic energy and power. one within the other like Russian dolls, c7, the
In this regard I have deliberately avoided Eternally Creative Intelligence, must neces-
using scientific notation as many readers will sarily lie at the very centre, the hub, in order
find it confusing. to regulate and be aware of all it surveys,
Recalling the brief discussion of the effect of always ready to develop new systems to fill
sound in chapter 2, let us for the moment new needs or to gain new experiences.
equate c1 above with simple vibration as the As an architect I have long been associated
agency of physical manifestation. Energy on with processes of design, the end-product
the other hand, through which the physical culminating from recurrent movements
manifestation is animated, is determined using between the dialectic opposites of analysis
c2. In striving to obtain a more graphic concept and synthesis. A building does not just hap-
of the possible structure of the various ener- pen, but is the physical outcome of a great
getic and spiritual levels of reality, we could deal of mental activity in realms of unknown
therefore say that: Vibration (= c1) cannot take dimension. What eventually results is the
place without energy (= c2), but energy cannot synthesis of the interaction of various imma-
manifest itself without form (= c3). Having cer- terial energies and imagery, themselves
tain 3-dimensional connotations, here c3 brings vibrations of a kind. For example, a kitchen is
to mind the morphogenetic fields of Rupert not merely an assembly of various elements,
Sheldrake8 which, as vibratory matrices pos- although viewed purely theoretically if all
sessed of certain properties and potential, are the elements of sink, stove, refrigerator, etc
the immaterial energetic agencies that engen- are placed in one space, then the material
der the emergence of a new species. parameters of a kitchen are fulfilled. If by
As the configuration of the formative pat- accident they were disposed in a certain con-
terning (the design) of a given progenerative figuration, then the space as a kitchen might
matrix becomes 'hardened', as it were, or per- actually work. However, to ensure as far as
fected through its frequent reiteration, each possible that this space is both aesthetically
successive reproduction of the entity in ques- pleasing as well as functional, then it must be
tion becomes increasingly easier, its character designed.
76 Living Energies

Here we come up against the long-held What, apart from increasing the diversity and
materialistically founded conviction that every majesty of life, is the purpose of a peacock, if
creature on this planet evolved solely through not purely for the sake of introducing exquis-
processes of natural selection: that whatever ite beauty into this world for the delight of
shape, colour or form it has, is merely the those entities whose immaterial sensitivities
result of accidental interactions and the influ- can appreciate it in all its aesthetic splen-
ences and demands of the environment in dour? How else would evolving human
which it has to exist. Although natural selec- beings be able to develop any aesthetic sense
tion may play a certain role in the physical or learn what beauty and proportion is
evolvement of the genetic base, any intelligent unless some examples were provided for the
direction or control of evolution and develop- purpose?
ment is totally excluded. Some creatures, fish, Today new species are continually being dis-
birds and flowers for example, are particularly covered whose form, behaviour and other
breathtaking in their beauty, in the various characteristics are totally suited - and with
proportions of shape and colour they embody, such perfection - to the surroundings in which
and seem to refute this hypothesis entirely. they live. Each has its ecological niche, as it
Their physical appearance is very hard to were, and fulfils a function contributing to the
explain in terms of purely mechanistic and enrichment of the whole panoply of life and
environmental demands. yet all this apparently happened by accident of
The intricate geometry and exquisite form Nature, a Nature, however, to whom we have
of many flowers speak far more about inten- ascribed certain laws. What formulated these
tion than random happenstance. The sheer sublime and mathematically elegant laws, if
magnificence of the peacock, for example, not some form of intelligence far beyond our
defies all rational explanation from a natural own? For laws cannot evolve by accident or by
selective point of view. Its colour could not themselves. What entity other than such as the
have evolved for purposes of concealment ECI could have a high enough overview of
and self-protection, because the gleaming affairs in order to perceive yet another space,
turquoise iridescence of its breast-feathers yet another possibility, into which it could
loudly declares its presence to all predators. infuse new experiential life in the form of an
Its tail too, with several superimposed layers ideally suited creative design?
of variously patterned feathers, capped with Let us try, therefore, to think at least one
single quills upon which the famous 'eyes' octave higher and instead of developing
flutter and sway, is difficult to construe as extremely complex theories based on the
having evolved merely for the purposes of morbid logic of random interactions, let us
courtship. As far as the peahen's attraction to entertain the notion that things are perhaps
the male is concerned, it seems unlikely that much simpler than we perceive, for as Albert
one or two fewer layers of tail feathers would Einstein is reputed to have stated, "The sim-
make much difference. So why all the layers? pler a theory is, the more it is to the point".


1. The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky, Adyar 5. Interplanetary Particles and Fields (diagram by Dan
Ed.1971, Vol.1, p.71.-1971), Theosophical Pub. Ho., Todd), by James A. van Allen, 1975 by Scientific
Adyar, India; American, Inc.
2. Ibid, Vol.1, p.333. 6. The Secret Doctrine above, Vol. 1, p.81.
3. From list of Viktor Schauberger quotations in the 7. Ibid, Vol.2, p.286.
Schauberger archives. 8. The New Science of Life, by Rupert Sheldrake: Blond
4. The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, & Briggs, London, 1981.
Oxford Univ. Press 1971.

5.1 The Light and Temperature of swap over every 11.2 years as part of the
well-known magnetic sun-spot cycle and it
the Sun pulsates, like something alive, expanding

T he source of energy that supports all

life on this Earth, our Sun1, needs to be
examined. In a sense it is also the
spiritual centre of our planetary system,
and contracting by about 3km every 160 min-
utes (see analogous description of a dipole in
fig. 6.11, chapter 6). All this data, however,
can be gleaned from various textbooks and
Johannes Kepler, the great astronomer therefore will not be elaborated further here.
famous for his three laws of planetary One aspect concerning the Sun and our
motion, not only considered it to be a magnet conception of it does need to be examined,
which has connotations with the attributes namely the question of temperature. In our
of centripetence, cold and levitation men- understanding of temperature, we generally
tioned in the previous chapter), but also consider it to be a measure of heat. For most
believed that as an immaterial body its of our customary purposes this is indeed the
energy, and by extension that of the whole case. However, when speaking of the temper-
planetary system, was derived from and gov- ature of the Sun, for instance, which is sup-
erned by the realm of the spirit. posed to be about 6,000C at the surface and
In theosophical teaching the Sun is the 20,000,000C at the centre, we may no longer
abode of the Logos, the spiritual entity that be concerned with thermal temperature, but
administers and orders the planetary system. rather with energetic activity, for according to
Viktor Schauberger held similar views about Isaac Asimov:
it, but in its relationship to the Earth he also
Temperature here has to be distinguished from
considered it to be the male fertilising impe-
heat. The temperature is a measure of the kinetic
tus for life on this planet, as will be shown
energy of the atoms or particles in the gas, but
later. In addition he made assertions about
since the particles are few, the actual heat content
the Sun, which are Copernican in their rami-
per unit of volume is low.2
As part of the Pleiadean system our Sun, a In the light of previous discussions concern-
fairly average star, revolves around Alcyone, ing the contrasting characteristics of axial->
taking about 180 million years to complete radial (inside-outward) and radial->axial
one orbit. Its speed in relation to the largely (outside-inward) motion, it is therefore not
hydrogen-filled space through which it kinetic activity per se that generates heat, but
passes is around 48,280km/hr and it is it is the type of motion that produces either
presently moving in the direction of the heat or cold. In the context of the Sun, there-
Hercules system. It has a diameter of fore, temperature may be merely a measure
1,392,530km, roughly 110 times greater than of kinetic energy and may have little or
that of the Earth. Its magnetic poles also no thermal content at all. Indeed viewed
78 Living Energies

thermally, and since we cannot actually visit However, since we cannot know the exact
the Sun, the conditions applying to such sequence of Viktor's train of thought or
activity may actually be icily cold. This pro- imagery before he committed it to paper, in
posal would represent a gigantic paradigm order to make sense of it in line with known
shift. It would be against all reason and facts it may be more appropriate to reverse
apparent logic, just as was Copernicus' asser- the order of the last two sentences in the
tion in 1543 that the Earth actually orbited above quotation. Let us examine the last
the Sun at a time when the opposite was held sentence first:
to be the case, although as early as the 3rd
The nearer we are to it, the brighter the stars will
century BC, Aristarchos of Samos, a Greek
be and as its light diminishes, heat, atmosphere,
astronomer, had already advanced the theory
water and life will also disappear.
that the planetary system was heliocentric.
Copernicus' daring declaration, however, In this statement the keyword is 'nearer',
proved to be true. which does not define how much nearer we
And this is perhaps the moment to drop have to be, whether half way towards the
Viktor Schauberger's bombshell! Viktor con- Sun or merely at very high altitudes above
sidered the Sun to be a cold, dark body, Earth's surface. According to available infor-
expressing this view in the introductory mation, once free of the denser atmosphere
remarks to "Questions for Science" in his and the lack of clarity caused by the presence
book Our Senseless Toil published in 1934, in of atmospheric dust, water-vapour, etc., the
which he states: stars do increase in brightness and more of
them are visible than from the surface of the
Since the very beginning of time the Sun has
stood above everything, staring down in icy
Indeed in the documentaries showing the
silence at the frenzied activities of humankind,
various space-shuttle flights it is quite evi-
who regard it as a fiery orb. How could it be oth-
dent that there is a great deal of light at the
erwise, such is their direct mental approach
altitude at which the shuttle orbits, i.e. about
towards life! The closer we approach this source of
800km or 500 miles. The visual clarity at
light and heat, the colder and. darker its face will
orbital altitude is phenomenal, the intensity'
become. The nearer we are to it, the brighter the
of light extreme; doubtless the Hubble space-
stars will be and as its light diminishes, heat,
telescope was sent into orbit to take advan-
atmosphere, water and life will also disappear.3
tage of this super-clarity. Instead of the
Astonishing as this may be, let us not reject normal graduations of shade that occur on
the proposal out of hand, for as was men- Earth, however, in orbit the areas of light and
tioned in chapter 1, Viktor made many of his shade are sharply defined with little gradua-
discoveries by despatching his "free con- tion, being reduced to almost pure light and
sciousness into those places the eyes cannot shadow. This is because the density of the
see". These assertions are not further elabo- particles of the surrounding gas is insuffi-
rated in the documents in my possession, but cient to cause any significant lateral diffrac-
in view of the number of other practicable tion or scatter, which would vary the
discoveries he made in this way, they should direction in which the light is propagated,
not be merely discounted as foolish conjec- thereby lightly illuminating the areas in
ture. We shall therefore examine the two shade.
claims of darkness and cold more closely. Let From this it would appear that it is upon
us begin with the aspect of darkness, for the density of the gas particles in the space
there is some evidence to support his view surrounding the Earth that deceleration, dif-
that, without any atmosphere, no stars would fraction and scattering of radiation and the
be visible. overall luminosity depend. Relative to space,
In the last sentence of the above quotation the Earth's atmosphere is extremely dense
there appears to be a slight conceptual incon- and would most certainly have a braking
sistency, because the Sun is also a star. effect, causing the very high frequency of the
5: The Sun 79
incoming radiation to be reduced to the fre- other things the presence or otherwise of an
quency levels of visible light. The greater the atmosphere and strong gravitational field on
density, the greater the scattering, which in the Moon. The scientifically proffered view of
to aggegate at lower levels of the atmos- the absence of any significant lunar gravity
phere acts like a magnifying glass, producing he contests, stating that:
an enlarged image, a phenomenon which
...A strong Moon gravity, of course, is not com-
explains why the Sun and the Moon appear
patible with orthodox physics. Other powerful
larger when just above the horizon at dawn
evidence of a dense Moon atmosphere came from
or dusk. In this sense therefore, the "nearer we
statements made by astronauts during Apollo
are to" the Sun at a small scale, "the brighter
missions. The following case is a typical example.
the stars will be".
Prior to the publicized excursions to the Moon,
At a larger scale, however, the picture may
early astronauts had stated that the stars were not
well change markedly, for as we proceed
visible above the atmosphere. This is to be
from the Earth's surface towards deep space,
expected. There is little or no diffusion of light in
the particle density gradually decreases from
outer space and therefore the only stars that could
about the Loschmidt constant4 of 2.68719 x
be seen would be those whose discs could be
1019 (or 26,871,900,000,000,000,000) particles
resolved. This could only be done with powerful
per cubic centimetre at standard temperature
telescopes. An atmosphere functions in a manner
and atmospheric pressure until it equals the
analogous to a lens. The light from a distant star
density of the interstellar hydrogen gas, esti-
is diffused and spread out. Consequently, stars are
mated at 1 gas atom per cm3 which, relative
visible because of a greatly enlarged and distorted
to conditions on Earth, represents an extreme
image of the disc caused by the atmosphere.
On the Apollo 11 mission shortly before reach-
ing the Moon, Armstrong stated that he could see
While high-frequency electromagnetic
the crater Tycho clearly and that he could see the
radiation can be made to manifest itself as
sky all around the Moon, even on the rim of it
visible light in a cathode ray tube under con-
where there is no earthshine or sunshine, Collins
ditions of very low pressure or a moderate
then stated, 'Now we're able to see stars again
vacuum, if this is increased to an extreme
and recognise constellations for the first time
vacuum, then the light disappears. As far as
on the trip....The sky's full of looks like
the generation of light is concerned, there-
its night side on Earth.' This means that after
fore, the decisive factor here would be the
leaving the Earth the astronauts could not see any
specific particle density required to produce
stars until they got close enough to the Moon to
it which, at a certain distance from the Earth
view them through the Moon's atmosphere!
may be too rarefied to do so. Assuming for
the moment that there is such a boundary If this transcript of the astronauts' commen-
condition of density, the sky would then tary is authentic - and there is no reason to
gradually darken as it is approached, in suppose that it is not - then light is a function
keeping with the assertion in the penultimate of the atmosphere without which no stars can
sentence in the above quotation, namely; actually be seen. By extension, this invisibil-
"The closer we approach this source of light and ity could obviously also apply to the Sun, its
heat, the colder and darker its face will actual degree of visibility as a much larger,
become," and in regions lying beyond it the sky far closer and more powerfully radiant object
would be totally black. being dependent on the ultimate extent and
If this is actually the case, then whence did attentuation of the Earth's atmosphere. In
the light come that enabled the astronauts to this sense, therefore, the face of the Sun could
be filmed during their visit to the Moon, indeed be dark. All of this would appear to
which is supposed to have no atmosphere? In confirm Viktor's proposition.
his book The Awesome Life-Force5 Joseph Because no-one apparently has as yet been
H. Cater, a physicist and engineer who stud- far enough away from this planet physically,
ied data from the American Apollo missions i.e. far beyond the Moon, the extent to which
to the Moon very closely, discusses amongst
80 Living Energies

the atmosphere and visible light actually ment from outside inwards - and the cen-
reaches into space is not known. It could rea- tripetal interrelationship between cold, suc-
sonably be assumed, however, that there is a tion and biomagnetism, this may perhaps be
very gradual attenuation of both until the due to the concentrative effect of the greater
atmosphere equals the degree of rarefaction density of the magnetic field lines entering
of the hydrogen gas that fills interstellar and the current (in time) north pole radially-axi-
intergalactic space. Alarmingly, we might ally, i.e. vortically, and leaving from the cur-
find, were we able to go far enough away, rent south pole axially-radially. It could
that upon looking back at our own planet we therefore be mooted that as the particles of
could not even see it! It would be black; it the more rarefied equatorial gases draw
would be dark! We would find ourselves nearer to the solar north pole, they would
engulfed by a particularly Stygian blackness tend to become increasingly contracted and
in which there was nothing to be seen at all. concentrated spatially owing to the cooling
There would be no up, no down, no right, no and densifying effect of radial->axial motion
left, no sideways, just total disorientation and and its attendant biomagnetism. As a result
isolation. of exposure to this extremely intense biomag-
Let us turn now to the question of cold, for netic field the particles would implode
as we approach the Sun, as we climb higher, isotropically6. This would effectively remove
it certainly does get colder. In actual fact the some of their outer (that is, detectable) trans-
temperature varies with height as can be seen latory velocity, thus producing the apparent
in fig. 6.1 in chapter 6, although in connection deceleration in lateral movement, a decelera-
with Isaac Asimov's definition of tempera- tion that could not happen if we were here
ture above, it is a matter of conjecture concerned with heat, since heat causes
whether the values indicated in the upper expansion. With immense heat, therefore,
regions of the atmosphere in the above fig. expansion would be immense. At the solar
are to be interpreted as thermal or kinetic. south pole on the other hand the process
If there is an outpouring of heat from the would take place in reverse order; the super-
Sun as is presently believed, then why do cooled, biomagnetic particle constriction
these various regions of extreme cold exist gradually being released as the magnetic
within the atmospheric envelope? Perhaps lines diverge and the field intensity
they lie within the zones where the Earth's decreases, thus permitting the particles to
magnetic or bio-magnetic field lines are 'breathe' and expand, giving rise to the faster
strongest (neutron concentration), the heat rotation observed about the equator.
being generated in the Van Allen radiation Should this proposition concerning the
belts (see fig. 4.14 - concentration of electrons deceleration of lateral motion towards the
and protons) or where the electrical compo- poles be correct, then a corollary would be
nent of the Earth's electromagnetic field pre- that, thermally speaking, the Sun is at least a
dominates. Moreover, if interstellar space is a relatively cold body, despite a high kinetic
near absolute vacuum with a thermal tem- temperature. In terms of its radiant qualities
perature of -270.15C (3 Kelvin), then how it is known that the superconduction of elec-
does the Sun's supposed heat ever reach us, tricity, that is, the resistanceless transport or
since, being unable to pass through an propagation of energy, takes place a:
extreme vacuum, a denser medium is there- extremely low thermal temperatures. In view
fore necessary for the propagation of heat- of the fact that the Sun has been radiating,
rays or infra-red rays? vast amounts of energy over billions of year-
Curiously enough, while the Sun's outer that it is able to do so may well be due to an
envelope rotates about its axis in 25 days at effect similar to superconduction. By exten-
the Equator, towards the poles it rotates con- sion the energies given off by the Sun, which
siderably more slowly, taking 34 days to com- deluge the Earth with about 100,000 trillion
plete one revolution. Recalling the earlier watts of energy, would therefore be the result
discussion of radial-axial motion - the move- of cold fusion, representing the aggregate
5: The Sun 81

mass defect ensuing from the cold fusing of part went to form the waters, and the waters set-
myriads of pairs of hydrogen atoms into tled upon the Earth and covered its face so that no
helium atoms. land anywhere appeared. The gases that did not
Should Viktor's hypothesis that the Sun is form the waters formed the atmosphere, and:
both dark and cold prove to be correct, it
would without doubt have far-reaching The light was contained in the atmosphere.
implications for all human intellectual And the shafts of the Sun met the shafts of the
endeavour, science, religion, etc., and the light in the atmosphere and gave birth to light.
resultant upheaval would be gargantuan in Then there was light upon the face of the Earth;
its ramications. As in the earlier case of The heat was also contained in the atmosphere.
Copernicus, suddenly all accepted doctrine, And the shafts of the Sun met the shafts of the
all that had previously been held to be true, heat in the atmosphere and gave it life. Then
would be overturned. The whole system of there was heat to warm the face of the Earth.
education, textbooks and religious docu- The second quotation is taken from The Life
ments would have to be rewritten. and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by
Two other sources known to me also allude Baird T. Spalding8, written as a record of his
to the limits of the Earth's and the Sun's light three-year visit to Tibet in company with ten
and heat. While not widely known, they are other Americans at the invitation of high
presented below because in Viktor's writings lamas, and which began in 1885. Here it was
there is specific explanatory detail of this explained to Spalding that:
remarkable reappraisal of reality. It would be
a serious omission if these far-seeing percep- If we take the science of things, we know there is a
tions of Victor's were left wholly unsup- legend told here that all the heat and light and
ported by other available data and merely many other natural forces are contained right
considered to be the delusions of a madman, within the Earth itself. The Sun, of itself, has no
which he most certainly was not. heat or light. It has potentialities that draw the
The first quotation is from James heat and light from the Earth. After the Sun has
Churchward's book The Lost Continent of Mu7, drawn the heat and light rays from the Earth, the
which is a largely anthropological study heat rays are reflected back to the Earth by the
examining the folklore, legends and myths of atmosphere that floats in the ether. The light rays
the peoples of the Pacific basin and the Indian are drawn from the Earth in about the same man-
subcontinent who survived the cataclysm of ner and are reflected back to Earth by the ether.
the subsidence of Mu, a land which according As the air extends only a comparatively short
to his research occupied most of what is now distance, the effect of the heat rays varies as you
the Pacific Ocean. In it there is a translation of leave the Earth's surface and ascend toward the
the Naacal Tablets, reputed to have been writ- outer limit of the atmosphere. As the air becomes
ten by the Holy Brothers, the Naacals, who less dense, there is less reflection; consequently as
had been sent from the motherland of Mu to you ascend into the higher altitudes the heat
teach in the colony of Burma. On these tablets becomes less and the cold increases. Every heat
are recorded the seven intellectual commands ray, as it is drawn out and reflected, drops back to
of the seven superlative intellects of the the Earth, where it is regenerated. When you have
Seven-headed Serpent, together with nine reached the limit of air, you have reached the limit
explanatory diagrams describing the manner of heat.
in which the Earth was formed. The story told It is the same with the light rays. They are
therein is analogous to the seven days of cre- drawn from the Earth and reflected back by the
ation recorded in Genesis. The third intellec- ether. As this ether extends much farther from the
tual command states the following: Earth than the air, the light rays extend much far-
ther before they are all reflected. When you have
The third command was: 'Let the outside gases be reached the limit of ether, you have reached the
separated and let them form the atmosphere and limit of heat and light. When you have reached the
the waters.' And the gases were separated; limit of heat and light, you have reached the great
82 Living Energies

cold. This cold is far more solid than steel, and it or internal resistances in order to modify
presses down upon the ether and the atmosphere their rate of vibration and intensity to such a
with almost irresistible force and holds them point that they harmonise with the rate of
together. vibration of the now slowly, but increasingly
Now that we have disposed of the (them) above, accelerated and more stimulated, receptive
let us take the other scientific legend and go and passive female forces. They must attain a
below. According to this legend, the Earth a short mutual level of interaction, a state of
distance from the surface is a molten mass. It is so reciprocity in order to be able to combine
hot that it melts any substance. This molten mass with one another, an example of which was
at the centre revolves more slowly than does the shown in chapter 4, figs 4.7 and 4.12. Without
crust at the outer, and the belt where the two meet this modification or change in the state of
is the place where the natural forces are generated both forces, no growth or evolution can take
and there, again, the hand of God rules all. place. When they are in a state of resonance,
however, reproduction or regeneration
If all these quotations represent the truth and
occurs, the Earth-ovum is fertilised and the
should Viktor Schauberger be right, then it
processes of incubation, birth and growth
makes our Mother-Earth, this lonely capsule
begin (in-cube-ation means to evolve in three
of light amidst the darkness, all the more
precious to us. What we do to the atmos-
All life can thus be seen to evolve through
phere enveloping our planet and to the life-
the interaction of male and female entities,
sustaining environment of water, trees and
energies and essences. Each has its own special
warmth within which we live and to which
direction or orientation of action and operates
we owe our very existence, then becomes of
perpendicularly to the other. As energies of
crucial, vital importance. It is that special
contrasting gender they are also imbued with
medium that gives us light and allows us to
opposite, but yet complementary, properties
marvel at all the beauty that surrounds us
and potentialities, which function on diverse
and to experience what earthly life is. For this
planes varying from the gross material to the
reason the worsening pollution of the skies
ethereally subtle, as was explained in the pre-
becomes of even greater concern, not only for
vious chapter.
its more immediate thermal and climatic
This is a pulsating process which varies
effects, but also for its overall luminosity. If
according to the time of year and the elonga-
we do nothing, if we do not act effectively
tion or reduction of the respective develop-
and quickly, then perhaps the light on this
mental paths of the upwardly-radiant earthly
planet will slowly and irrevocably go out and
subtle energies and the downwardly-radiat-
all life will be painfully extinguished.
ing solar ones as they alternate between the
extreme and the mean, from differentiation to
5.2 The Sun as a Fertilising Entity integration. In winter when there is the high
est solar luminosity (greater percentage of
V iktor Schauberger considered the Sun to
be the entity responsible for impregnat-
ing the Earth - Mother Earth - thereby creat-
blue and ultraviolet light) and the greatest
passivity on the Earth, with low tempera-
tures and the cold, bright, white, winter sun-
ing the myriads of different life-forms that light, the vegetation is dormant and much
inhabit this planet. Its life-activating rays animal life hibernates. At this time reproduc-
penetrate through the atmosphere and deep tion, fertilisation and growth are reduced to a
into the ground to awaken the sleeping, pas- minimum.
sive princess (the elements and substances of But in spring and summer, when the angle
the Earth) and stimulate them into an evolu- of the Sun's rays increases, the thermal inten-
tionary union. The dynamic motion of the sity of its radiation rises as the intrinsic
Sun's radiant and fertilising energies, the power of the ultraviolet increases and the
bearers of in-form-ation and the stimulators ultraviolet-infra-red balance shifts more
of activity, must decelerate through external towards the red end of the spectrum. This
5: The Sun 83

stimulates the passivity of the Earth and the posed as it is of carbones and fertilised by
high-frequency energy of the Sun is moder- oxygen, is floating in the carrier ocean of the
ated through their mutual interaction. Acting hydrogen gas filling all space.
along their mutually perpendicular paths,
both come into a state of reciprocal resonance
and an expulsion of the waste products of
this energetic exchange occurs. This outfall is
what Viktor Schauberger saw as the dis-
charged precipitates of higher, bipolar subtle As mentioned above, each of these two poten-
energies which result in what we commonly tialities of opposite gender has its own charac-
call 'growth'. A third entity is thus created, teristic orientation or axis along which it
the offspring of the marriage between male moves in a particular direction. So the Sun's
and female potentialities. paternal energies are propagated vertically
With the exception of oxygen and hydro- with respect to the Earth's surface, whereas
gen, Viktor grouped all the known elements the Earth's maternal energies are propagated
and their compounds under the general clas- horizontally. This 'horizontality', as it were,
sification of 'female', although some, such as depends on the scale at which it is observed.
silver, zinc and silicon, were endowed with At a small scale this lateral extension appears
paternally-oriented characteristics and pow- flat and planar whereas, viewed over the
ers, whereas gold, copper and limestone were Earth as a whole, it is actually curvilinear and
more maternally oriented (these will be dis- spherical, and is coupled with a certain expan-
cussed in more detail in chapter 20). All these sive movement. The Earth-ovum is therefore
elements he called 'carbones' ('carbone' or fertilised through the Sun's seasonally pulsat-
'carbones' is my English interpretation of the ing, male impulses from a direction perpen-
original German expression 'Kohlestoffe', dicular to the Earth's surface and embodies
normally spelt Kohlenstoffe, the additional the most ethereal and sacred act of coition
'e' in the English word redefining and enlarg- (fig. 5.2b). In its modus operandi it is comparable
ing the scope of the usual term 'carbon'), to the fertilisation of the female ovum by the
reflecting the predominance of carbon and male sperm (fig. 5.2a) and, without in any way
carbonous matter in the formation of the wishing to offend, the human sexual act is
physical structures of life, the various living perhaps the best way to explain it.
bodies and organisms created in the womb of Analogous to the penile penetration of the
Mother-Earth. In terms of her procreative female (Earth) by the male (Sun), this pulsat-
psyche Goethe called her the 'Eternally ing movement along its characteristic,
Female' and the 'All-uplifting'. To endow the straight (vertical) axis subsequently meta-
Earth with this attribute, Goethe must have morphoses into a movement perpendicular
had some inkling of the forces of levitation. to it; into a spherical expansion of the Earth's
Oxygen, on the other hand, Viktor deemed matter-energy field, like the rotund expan-
to be male and a lower form of solar energy, sion of the womb. In human beings (and
seeing both Sun and oxygen as the means by many animals) the growth of the foetus pro-
which these female, fecund, fructifiable duces a lateral stretch-expansion of the outer
potencies are fertilised, for without the Sun tissues, namely a horizontal movement that
there would be no life at all, and without occurs when the outwardly-radiating, forma-
exygen there would be no organic growth tive energies reach the physical limits of their
and development. Hydrogen, however, is in radial extension. They are then propagated
a category of its own, for Viktor viewed it as parallel to the outer surface. Equally applica-
the carrier substance of both oxygen and car- ble to the Earth, both movements of energy
bone, often writing it down in the hiero- are caused by the expansion of the internal
glyphic form in fig. 5.1. If we look at the pressures resulting from the conversion of
world from space this concept is quite fac- the combined energies of the two genders
tual, because we can see that our planet, into physical mass (the baby).
5: The Sun 85

The same applies to solar fertilisation. occult significance of these two axially differ-
During the winter months, those fertilising ent movements may well be the reason why
solar ethericities, which have not been meta- the Cross has long been held not only to be a
morphosed into physical growth by fusing symbol of spiritual perfection, but also of the
with their female counterparts present in the sublime marriage between spirit (the father)
higher strata of the Earth, continue their and matter (the mother).
inward penetration and encounter the The feminine nature of physical substance
embryonic female energies lying deep below is further affirmed by the fact that the two
the surface. Here their union gives rise to the words matter and material, both have their
procreative energies that produce the bur- root in the Latin word mater, meaning mother.
geoning blossoms of springtime. Since this Thus all physical elements of whatever kind
process of impregnation is repeated continu- (with the exception of oxygen and hydrogen)
ally, there is an almost continuous outward- can be viewed as the progenitive essences of
and upward-moving, pulsating flux of 'Mother-Earth' and therefore innately mater-
maternal fructigenic and qualigenic matter nally-oriented. This explains more com-
radiating from the centre, which forms and pletely Viktor Schauberger's concept of the
concentrates at the ground surface (figs. 5.2b, 'Mother-Substances' from which all physical
c, d & e) providing the creative impulse for structures, all new living entities, come into
renewed growth. being through the marriage between these
Reduced to their simplest form, the paths elementary substances and the inseminating
these two ethereal energies follow could be spirit, predominantly oxygen.
represented by the Cross (fig. 5.2f), symbolis- This affords us an insight into what fire
ing the ennobling creative power of the ECI may actually be. Also associated with spirit,
in both material and immaterial dimensions. it is one of the four arcane, alchemical ele-
When the sign of the cross is made by a priest ments of earth, air, fire and water, and over the
during Mass, for instance, the first gesture is ages the quintessential nature of flame has
a strong, blade-like downward movement of long been the subject of much study and
the hand reflecting the Sun's primary down- speculation by both chemist and alchemist
ward fertilising impulse. This is then fol- alike. Frequently ascribed a purifying func-
lowed by the softer, flatter sideways tion, the physical effect of fire is to reduce a
movement of the palm, which alludes to the given substance to its elementary con-
horizontal motion of female, fructigenic stituents; to its maternal potentialities, in a
energies. process which, from this point of view, could
At a physical level, loving coition between be described as 'de-insemination', namely the
man and woman should be a very sacred act, withdrawal of paternal potencies. This could
never to be debased, for as entities with also be interpreted as the retraction or release
opposite charge and potential, in their true, of spirit from matter, wherein light is again
exalted union of mind, body and soul, man manifested in the form of flame as the
and woman fulfil the function ordained by departing spiritualising essences are freed
the ECI for the furtherance of material life from material confinement and rise once
and higher spiritual evolution on this planet. more to reunite with their spiritual origins -
In its highest sense and performance this the Sun.
union is the closest that two human beings To return to the theme, however, it is these
can approach the essential nature of the self- female fructigenic ethericities (subtle ener-
less outpouring of the Divine on the physical gies) in their outward spiralling desire for
plane of existence, for it is through the inter- fertilisation that give rise to the generation of
mingling of their characteristic energetic levitational energies. On their vortical ascent
essences that the eternal ur-procreative spark these forces draw up matter in their wake. In
of new life is thrust forward into the future. this way they are responsible for the ex-
The symbol of the cross predates Christianity. pansion of the Earth-ovum, whose further
That earlier peoples understood the deeper outward movement is restrained by the
86 Living Energies

opposing forces of the Sun as sunlight and the reason why it resonates like a bell when
the atmosphere. The former exerts a mild seismic charges are set off. Solid bodies do not
pressure of about 4kg/km2 and the latter of resonate so readily. A similar, apparently
about 10.683 tonnes/m2 or 14.721bs/in2, a unaccountable resonance was also detected on
large component of which is the weight of the Moon at the time of the lunar landings.
water vapour. The extent of the Earth's pre- In his writings Viktor also refers to the
sent diameter or girth is therefore the result Rig-Veda, the most ancient and most impor-
of the attainment of an unstable state of equi- tant of the four Vedas comprising the sacred
librium between these counter-directional Hindu scriptures, in which air battles are
forces. This echoes the assertion from the described that were fought from flying
second quotation above, in which the great machines referred to as 'vimanas'. He sug-
cold of space was described: gests that not only were these machines
powered with levitational energy, but that
This cold is far more solid than steel, and it
the forces of implosion and levitation were
presses down upon the ether and the atmosphere
also known to the high priests of Atlantis.
with almost irresistible force and holds them
Moreover it was through their overstimula-
tion by the priesthood that Atlantis was first
If, indeed, the above immense pressure is torn upwards from the Earth, before being
actually resisted by a levitational counterforce flung back, its levitational forces disinte-
as Viktor Schauberger maintains, that it can grated, to create the basin that is now the
expand at all suggests that, in keeping with all Atlantic ocean, giving rise to the Great Flood
other globular cell-structures, the Earth is hol- recorded in the Old Testament and the myths
lower than we presently think, which may be of other peoples.


1. I have given the Sun, the Earth and the Moon capital ticles per cubic metre. First calculated by Joseph
letters, for as living, spiritual entities, in my view Loschmidt (1821-1895).
they are as equally deserving of capitals as the rest of 5. The Awesome Life-Force by Joseph H.Cater: Cadake
the planets, which are named after gods. Industries, P.O.Box 9478, Winter Haven, FL, USA,
2. Guide to Science: 1 The Physical Sciences by Isaac 1984, ISBN 0-86540-274-0.
Asimov, Chap.2, p.88, Penguin Books, Harmonds- 6. ISOTROPIC = Exhibiting equal physical properties
worth, England. or actions (e.g. refraction of light, elasticity, con-
3. Published by Krystall Verlag, Vienna, 1934 - duction of heat or electricity) in all. (Compact
defunct in 1938. Edn.Oxford English Diet.)
4. The Loschmidt Constant or Loschmidt Number 7. The Lost Continent of Mu by James Churchward:
(N L) determines the number of particles per unit Neville Spearman, London, 1959.
volume of an ideal gas at standard temperature 8. Volume 2, p.50: De Vorss, Marina Del Rey, CA
and pressure and has a value of 2.68719 x 1025 par- U.S.A. ISBN 0-875516-085-9.

6.1 The Atmosphere which all the planets orbiting the Sun lie,
with the exception of Pluto.
Let us now come down to Earth as it were, Viktor viewed the Earth as a living organ-
and examine the planet on which we live. ism, a being possessed of intelligence. The
We have seen how life, movement and word 'organism' actually originates from
energy are synonymous; therefore for life to Aristotle's concept of 'Organon', meaning an
exist on our planet, as anywhere else for that 'instrument of reason'. This throws a whole
matter, there must be a number of natural new light on everything we consider organic,
processes and functions which promote the in that all physical forms are seen to be the
concentration of the energetic matrix within creation of mind or an ordering principle. As
which physical life can evolve. According to an animate being, the Earth also breathes,
Viktor Schauberger these are created by the pulsating its fundamentally female energies
'original' motion of the Earth as it rotates outward in tune with its gyration and in
about its own axis and circulates its bio-mag- response to the energy received from the Sun.
netic and bio-electrical energies through itself This concept of a breathing planet is not
during its 365.26-day, orbital waltz around new. The word 'atmosphere' and its associ-
the Sun. ated concepts are interesting and originate
Contrary to common belief the Earth is not inter alia from the Ancient Greek and
actually a true sphere, but is slightly oblate. Sanskrit. From the Oxford English Dictionary1
That is to say, there is a slight flattening at the we discover the following meanings, opin-
poles. According to best measurements the ions and data, which are relevant to the dis-
polar diameter is 12,639.648km and the equa- cussion that follows. Words in bold type are
torial diameter, 12,682.176km, the latter being to draw the reader's attention to their further
42.688 km greater. Due to the effect of cen- significance.
trifugal forces acting on the greater land-
masses of the northern hemisphere, it bulges
slightly more above the Equator, making the
SPHERE = Ball.
world pear-shaped, the southern hemisphere
being the more 'pointed' end. SANSKRIT: ATMAN = Breath
This has the effect of displacing the Earth's
centre of gravity marginally north of true
centre, producing the so-called 'Chandler 1) The spheroidal gaseous envelope surrounding
Wobble', which is akin to the wobble of a any of the heavenly bodies. The name was
spinning top. One revolution of this wobble invented for the ring or orb of vapour or
takes 26,000 years to complete and in the 'vaporous air' supposed to be exhaled from the
process causes a variation in the inclination body of a planet, and so to be part of it, which the
of the Earth's axis to the ecliptic, the plane in air itself was not considered to be. It was extended
88 Living Energies

to the portion of surrounding air occupied by this, exhalations' are the water vapour present in
or supposed to be in any way 'within the sphere the atmosphere. Due to the heating effect of
of activity' of the planet (Phillips 1696) and the interaction between solar radiation and
finally, with the progress of science, to the sup- atmosphere, the water covering the Earth's
posed limited aeriform environment of the Earth, surface gradually evaporated and became
or other planetary or stellar body. (It is curious dispersed through the atmosphere, ulti-
that the first mention of an atmosphere is in con- mately charging the atmospheric envelope
nection with the Moon, now believed to have with water vapour, though mainly in the tro-
none.) posphere which extends to an altitude of
2) 1677 PLOT: That subtile Body that immedi- about 6km at the poles and 18km at the equa-
ately incompasses the Earth and is filled with all tor. According to H.L. Penman's paper, "The
manner of exhalations, and from thence com- Water Cycle"2, water has the greatest specific
monly known by the name of the atmosphere. heat known among liquids (=1) and also has
3) 1751 CHAMBERS: Among some of the the greatest thermal conductivity of all
more accurate writers, the atmosphere is liquids, whereas iron, which heats and cools
restrained to that part of the air next the Earth, more rapidly, has a far lower specific heat of
which receives vapors and exhalations and is 0.107.
terminated by the refraction of the Sun's light.
Its great specific heat means that, for a given rate
4) 1867 E.DENISON ("Astronomy without
of energy input, the temperature of a given mass
Mathematics"): The Earth's atmosphere decreases so
of water will rise more slowly than the tempera-
rapidly in density, that half its mass is within 3.5
ture of any other material. Conversely, as energ
miles above the sea; and at 80 miles there can be
is released its temperature will drop more slowly.
practically no atmosphere.
5) 1881 STOKES: In the solar atmosphere there Owing to its high specific heat and its capac-
is a cooling from above. ity to retain heat, the water vapour gradually
6) 1727-51 CHAMBERS: Atmosphere of Solid absorbed the heat of the Sun, and in doing so
or Consistent Bodies, is a kind of sphere formed by raised the general level of temperature.
the effluvia, or minute corpuscles emitted from Because it absorbs heat strongly in the infra-
them. red portion of the spectrum and is transpar-
7) 1871 EMERSON: A man should not go ent to (i.e.unaffected by) ultraviolet light,
where he cannot carry his whole sphere or circle during the night when there is no heat input,
with him, not bodily, but atmospherically. heat losses are kept to a minimum. Had
water not this capacity, if this water vapour
While several of these quotations underscore buffer did not exist, then the Earth would
some of the comments made in the previous have remained cold, lifeless and barren.
chapter about the Sun, in the main they Water, initially in its vaporous form, is there-
affirm an apparently earlier held view that fore responsible for the emergence of all life.
the Earth is a living organism, namely an When water vapour reaches extreme alti-
entity that breathes. Viewed from outer tudes, however, it then becomes so rarefied
space, the atmosphere itself could also be that it is dissociated into its constituent atoms
construed as the vital amniotic fluid that sur- of oxygen and hydrogen through the action
rounds an Earth pregnant with life, in which of strong ultraviolet radiation. Being the
it floats and which shields it from the poten- heavier element, the oxygen then sinks back
tially destructive forces of the Sun and to Earth, while the lighter hydrogen atoms
Cosmos. rise to rejoin their peers in space. Now sepa-
When the Earth was first formed, suppos- rated from the hydrogen, the oxygen is
edly from a molten mass of condensing exposed to high levels of ionising radiation
gases, it is believed to have been totally cov- through which the now single oxygen atoms
ered by water before the dry land eventually are made to combine with the molecular oxy-
came into being. Apart from volcanic gen (O2) into an allotropic form of oxygen, O2
emissions, in the main these 'vaporous or ozone, which is responsible for the absorp-
6: The Earth's Atmospheric Envelope 89

tion of otherwise dangerous levels of ultra- temperature to be found anywhere in the

violet radiation, a process which is vital for all Universe, the temperature of 0C, or freezing
life on Earth. The result is a net loss of water. point, is relatively warm.
The greater the amount of water vapour Lying between approximately +40C and
propelled into the atmosphere through the -10C, the temperature range in which we
overheating resulting from excessive defor- live is not very large. In fact it is a fairly nar-
estation, the greater the consequent losses; row band-width between extremes to which
losses indeed that can never be recovered (see we are not normally subjected. Our radius
pp. 121 & 123). of action, our living space, as it were, lies
What differentiates water from all other within the upper and lower boundaries of the
liquids, a factor that will be discussed in troposphere, itself a stratum or 'sphere'
more detail later, is its so-called 'anomaly within the overall atmospheric envelope and
point' or 'point of anomalous expansion'; defined by temperature and water vapour
that is to say, water's volume does not content.
decrease continually with increasing cold. Its To glean more facts about the structure of
behaviour is anomalous, and hence the term the atmosphere, from the Phaidon Concise
'anomalous expansion' or 'anomaly point'. Encylopedia of Science and Technology3 we are
This point of reversal is reached when the provided with the classifications shown in
water attains its greatest density and energy fig. 6.1, which should be viewed in conjunc-
content at a temperature of +4C, below tion with fig. 6.2. My own questions and com-
which it eventually crystallises as ice at 0C, a ments are printed in bold type.
process greatly assisted if so-called 'impuri-
ties' are present which provide the nucleus
around which the ice forms. 6.2 The Terrestrial Bio-Condenser
Another important factor is water's dielec-
tric value. The base dielectric value for calcu-
lating all other values is based on the
permittivity of a vacuum and has a value of
K eeping in mind water's dielectric value
of 81 and its enormous resistance to the
transfer of charges, let us now examine the
1. Permittivity is the extent to which a sub- thermal structure of the atmosphere (fig. 6.2),
stance can be penetrated or traversed by an for this may explain to us another way in
electric current or charge. Apart from a which, apart from the accumulation of heat,
vacuum, a dielectric can be formed of an the Earth could become charged with life
electrically neutral, interstitial membrane energy.
separating positive and negative electric The portion of the atmosphere most impor-
charges, i.e. a non-conducting substance such tant to us and which affects us most is the
as paraffin wax. troposphere, which from fig. 6.2 can be seen
The dielectric value of pure water (distilled to terminate at the tropopause between 6km
water) is 81 (=9 2) and is therefore 81 times and 18km up. Curiously enough, we also
more effective as a charge separator than a find that the temperature neither decreases
vacuum and almost the highest dielectric nor increases constantly (shown as wavy
value there is 1 mm 3 of the purest water at broken line), but fluctuates as we ascend
room temperature, for example, has an elec- through the various atmospheric layers, so
trical resistance equal to a lmm2 copper wire, that at a certain altitude, at 29km for instance,
15,000,000km long. It thus possesses a the temperature is -60C, whereas at a height
tremendous innate resistance to the transfer of 80km it is +10C. Somewhere between
of charge. Pure water will only freeze at tem- these two temperatures, therefore, there is a
peratures of around -40C or in clouds at layer where the temperature is +4C.
about -10C, which again is fairly important, According to my calculations there are at
as we shall discover later. In comparison with least four such levels where the temperature
a temperature of -273.15C (= absolute zero equals +4C, at altitudes of about 3.5km,
or 0oKelvin), supposedly the lowest possible 77km, 85km and 175km.
90 Living Energies

EXOSPHERE: The outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere extending from about 400km-
500km above the Earth's surface, where terrestrial gravitation is too weak an
effect to prevent the escape of uncharged particles.

THERMOSPHERE: An atmospheric layer lying between the mesosphere and the exosphere,
reaching an altitude of about 400km, where the temperature is over 1000C.
[Is this thermal or kinetic? - CC]

IONOPAUSE: The transitional zone in the atmosphere between the ionosphere and the
exosphere about 644km (400 miles) from the Earth's surface.

IONOSPHERE: A region of the Earth's atmosphere extending from about 60km to 1000km
above the Earth's surface in which there is a high concentration of free
electrons formed as a result of ionising radiation entering the atmosphere from

F-REGION: 150km-1000km. Highest proportion of free electrons and most useful for long-
range radio transmissions, also called the Appleton Layer. [+4C stratum at
about 175 km-CC]

E-REGION: 90km-150km. Reflects radio waves of medium wavelength, also called the
Heaviside Layer. [+4C stratum at about 85km - CC]

D-REGION: 60km-90km. Lowest region of the ionosphere - Low concentration of free

electrons and reflects low-frequency radio waves. [+4C stratum at about
72km - CC]

MESOPAUSE: The zone of minimum temperature between the mesosphere and the

MESOSPHERE: The atmospheric layer lying between the stratosphere and the thermosphere
characterised by a rapid increase in temperature with height. The atmospheric
zone immediately above the stratosphere marked by a temperature
maximum of +10C between altitudes of 48km and 53km.

STRATOPAUSE: The transitional zone of maximum temperature between the stratosphere and
the mesosphere.

STRATOSPHERE: The atmospheric layer lying between the troposphere and the mesosphere in
which the temperature generally increases with height. The atmospheric
zone immediately above the tropopause, including the Ozone layer.

TROPOPAUSE: The plane of discontinuity between the troposphere and the stratosphere
characterised by a sharp change in the lapse rate and varying in altitude from
about 18km (11 miles) above the equator to 6km (4 miles) above the Poles.

TROPOSPHERE: The lowest atmospheric layer about 18km thick at the equator and 6km thick
at the Poles in which air temperature decreases with height at about
6.5C/km. Most meteorological phenomena occur in this layer. The innermost
zone of the Earth's atmosphere extending from the surface to the tropopause.

Fig. 6.1 The Structure of the Atmosphere

6: The Earth's Atmospheric Envelope 91
92 Living Energies
6: The Earth's Atmospheric Envelope 93

Since there is water vapour in the atmos- If the charge surface on one side and the
phere near these various altitudes in the form separation are decreased simultaneously,
of cumulus and cirrus clouds (troposphere), then both charge density and potential
nacreous clouds (stratosphere) and noctilu- increase exponentially relative to the initial
cent clouds (mesosphere) as shown on magnitude of the charges and sizes of the
fig. 6.3, we have a situation where a thin stra- charge-plates (fig. 6.7). If we now recompose
tum of pure water may exist at each of these these plates in the form of concentric cylin-
levels, which has a high resistance to the ders as shown in fig. 6.8, then as the surface
transfer of an electric charge. In view of the area of the inner cylindrical plate is necessar-
presence of these various +4C strata and ily smaller, the charge and potential increase
water's high dielectric value of 81, it could be automatically from the outside inwards. The
postulated that their combined effect would greater the number of nested plates, there-
act to create a natural bio-condenser, a con- fore, the more intense the potentiation.
denser being a device with which an electric Referring once more to fig. 6.3, we can see
charge can be accumulated and stored. that from the outside inwards, like an onion,
Before elaborating further on this each succeeding layer has a smaller surface
hypothesis, however, it is necessary here area owing to their concentricity. In other
briefly to explain the principles of an words, these layers form a condenser with
electrical condenser. In its most elementary concentric spherical plates (fig. 6.9). It could
form, a condenser consists of two electrically therefore be construed that, on encountering
charged plates, one with a positive charge each successive, concentric, spherical +4C
equal to the other's negative charge. If the dielectric stratum, the potential of the energy
positive charged is raised on one side of the coming from the Sun is gradually magnified.
dielectric then the negative charge automati- As the Sun's energy passes from the outside
cally rises to the same level on the other. In towards the inside, it becomes increasingly
fig. 6.4 these two charged plates are separated concentrated as it approaches the Earth's sur-
by the intervening dielectric (the largest ele- face, due to these enveloping layers of +4C
ment), which in this case we shall deem to be water, which as noted earlier does not freeze
pure water. The charges themselves are dis- at temperatures of -40C.
tributed uniformly over the surfaces of the Viewed from a more cosmic perspective
two plates. these strata are extremely close together, pro-
In order to increase the charge density on ducing a very high potential. Relative to the
one side of the dielectric, the surface area of average diameter of the Earth - 12,660.912km
the respective plate is reduced. If this plate is - the height of the highest of these +4C
reduced to a quarter the size of the other, strata represents only 0.0138%. In other
then its charge density is four times that of words, if the Earth were depicted as a sphere
the larger plate (fig. 6.5). The force with with a diameter of 1 metre, then these four or
which the two opposite charges try to
equalise or attract each other is known as the
potential. The smaller the separation between
the charges, the smaller the distance between
them, the greater the potential, which
increases by the inverse square of the separa-
tion. Therefore, if the separation is 10mm, for
example, then the potential is 12. If the sepa-
ration is reduced to 1/2 i.e. 5mm, then the
potential is 2 2 (=4) and so on, as shown in
fig. 6.6. The smaller the separation, therefore,
the greater the corresponding potential,
which could be unleashed once the permit-
tivity of the dielectric has been overcome.
6: The Earth's Atmospheric Envelope 95

so strate would lie within 13.8mm of the sur- the atmosphere, thus creating the medium
face. From this arises the concept of the Earth with which radio-waves are reflected back to
as an accumulator of energy within whose Earth.
volume a charge is progressively built up.
This accumulation of energy naturally
enhances the emergence of life because, with- 6.3 The Development of Electricity
out energy without differences in charge,
gender, potential or a suitable energy field
any form of life is impossible.
As charge-resisting layers, these mooted
O nce the preconditions for life were estab-
lished, then the development of another
form of energy - electricity - became neces-
diaelectric strata could also in part contribute sary, although it was probably almost simul-
to the reflection of long, medium and short- taneous. Through its agency the ozone layer
wave radio transmissions from different could be additionally reinforced. How this is
altitudes as shown on fig. 6.3, normally attrib- done is demonstrated by a very simple
uted to different ionisation levels for in each experiment, in which energy in the form of
of the so-called D-, E- and F-regions water an electric charge is generated by falling
vapour is present at different densities. Being water (fig. 6.105).
in a lower dynamic and more harmonically First carried out by Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
stabilised energetic state, the greater density in the latter part of the 19th century, it consists
of water vapour at increasingly lower alti- of two needle-jets of water falling through two
tudes may well correspond through reso- insulated brass collector-cylinders into two
nance to the lower wavelengths of the similarly insulated collector-cylinders below,
incident radiation, whose frequency has been each of which contains a metal funnel. Each of
reduced by contact with the braking effect of the upper collector-cylinders A and A1 is
96 Living Energies

with paraffin wax to prevent any charge leak-

age to earth. These vessels are labelled V- and
V+ on the apparatus I built shown in fig. 6.11,
and each contains a brass strip diagonally con-
nected with an insulated copper rod to the
respective insulated, hollow collector-cylin-
ders denoted by C- and C+. Instead of the
finest hypodermic needles at A and B, which I
used to create the jet, Viktor Schauberger used
needle-jets in which the configuration and vol-
ume of flow could be adjusted by the extent to
which the central needle was inserted through
the jet. With very fine adjustment, the water
could be made to stream out in spirals around
the needle tip, endowing it with a greater
energetic potential.
In order to detect the presence of an electri-
cally charged field, an electroscope is
required, the first of its kind being invented
by Professor Wilhelm Exner at the University
of Vienna, which he lent to Viktor
Schauberger for his Nuremberg experiments.
Exner's electroscope consisted of a cylindri-
cal metal casing sealed with glass at each end
into which a thin flat metal plate, insulated
connected diagonally via an insulated rod to from the surrounding metal casing, was
collector-cylinders C1 and C respectively, posi- inserted through the top. Attached to each
tioned under the opposite water-jet. Each drop side of this and hanging vertically were two
of water falling from nozzle B through cylin- thin foils made of gold leaf. When a wire con-
der A towards lower cylinder C is negatively nected to one of the collector-cylinders was
charged, due to the inductive influence of held near the protruding tip of the metal
cylinder A. Upon coming in contact with the plate or touched it, the two strips of gold leaf
funnel, this negative charge is transferred to flapped. Endowed with like charges, they
cylinder C and the water drains away through repelled one another. Upon touching the
the bottom of the funnel free of charge. Since metal casing at their furthest extent, the
cylinder C is connected to upper cylinder charges were earthed and gold-leaf foils once
A1, A1 also becomes negatively charged. Now more hung vertically.
negatively charged, cylinder A1 induces a pos- The structure of water is formed of dipole
itive charge in the water falling from nozzle B1 molecules (molecules with negative and posi-
into cylinder C, thus reinforcing the positive tive poles) and when falling each of the water
charge in cylinder A via the insulated diagonal droplets generates a charge. To give a more
connection, the combined effect of which is a detailed idea of a dipole let me quote from
constant increase in both positive and nega- H.Lindner's book, Das Bild der Modernen
tive charges which may well be without limit. Physik6 (fig. 6.12).
In 1937 this experiment was also carried out
by Walter Schauberger in Nuremberg at Viktor For the generation of electromagnetic waves a
Schauberger's behest in order to study the 'transmitter' is necessary, which in many
energies in water, but with some modifica- instances is a very expensive apparatus techni-
tions to the experimental arrangement vis-a- cally speaking. That such apparatuses, despite
vis Lord Kelvin's. Instead of funnels, the water their diverse construction, can propagate electro-
fell into collector-vessels heavily insulated magnetic waves, in the final analysis is founded
6: The Earth's Atmospheric Envelope 97

on one feature only: Electrical charges are forced 3. After completion of the charge equalisation,
to perform.accelerated movements. Electrons are the electric field has vanished. The widely
usually employed for such purposes. They pendu- extended magnetic field has reached its maximum
late to and fro in oscillating circuits created by strength.
coils and condensers. The particular part of the 4. The spheres at the poles become oppositely
apparatus in which the waves are generated, con- charged, plus becomes minus and vice versa. The
tained an opn oscillating circuit, which is so con- magnetic field begins to disappear, a new electric
tracted that the fields evolving within it are field evolves with reversed polarity, ultimately
radiated into space via the attached antenna. regaining its original strength.
Let uss take a simple example and one of a type
Heinrich Hertz also used in his experiments. This Incidentally, this also explains more graphi-
consists metal rod with a sphere at each end. cally why the Sun's poles swap over every
The electrons, which were originally distributed 11.2 years as mentioned in chapter 5. The
through it uniformly, will subsequently be stimu- Earth's poles are also known to have shifted
lated into rapid oscillation, into an alternating periodically, the mechanics of which are the
current of the highest frequency by the remote same and the way the electric fields shown
emitter. What happens in the vicinity of this in fig. 6.12c come into being is virtually
dipole emitter is shown in the diagram below and identical to the formation of the Van Allen
is briefly described in the following: radiation belts surrounding the Earth in
1. Each end of the dipole is either positively or fig. 4.14.
negatively charged. In the same way as occurs But to return to the theme in hand, for the
betweenn the plates of a condenser, an electric field is same reason that the gold leaf foils of the
propagated between them. This extends much fur- electroscope diverge, the fine jet of water par-
ther into space than can be shown in the diagram. ticles soon splits apart as the charge intensi-
2. The charges equalise, the electrons flow fies and the negative or positive field builds.
through the connecting rod towards the positive Finally the electric field, generated in and fill-
pole. This swelling current generates a magnetic ing the space below the jets, becomes so great
field, during which the electric field disappears in that the particles are forced to rise (fig. 6.11).
the vicinity of the dipole. In relation to Maxwell's When the water pressure is very slight and
equation, it can just as well be said that the after the charge has built up, no falling water
changing electric field creates the magnetic field. can be heard, nor is any seen below the
6: The Earth's Atmospheric Envelope 99

upper collector-cylinder. However, when spirals. The blue light is associated with bio-
holding one's hand about 50cm away from magnetism - the upbuilding, levitational
the jet, after a while icy-cold pin-pricks can life-energy - and the reddish light is the
be felt as the droplets encounter the skin and product of electricism and has a degenera-
discharge into it. An insulated high-tension tive effect.7
lend can be connected to each collector- Apart from his interest in the actual gener-
cylinder and when the ends of the two leads ation of charges, Viktor Schauberger also
are brought closely together, a spark sud- made use of this apparatus to test the quality
denly jumps between them, which can be and vitality of water. One litre of good,
in the order of 60,000 volts. The rule of mountain springwater had to pass through
thumb for determining the magnitude of the the needle-jets about 150 times before the
charge is 2,000 volts per millimetre jumped. gold-leaf foils ceased flapping. Experi-
With the device that I built, a charge was menting with varying water temperatures he
generated sufficient to arc across a gap of also found that at +37C the oxygen in the
2 cm, producing a sharp snap as a result water became aggressive and the water
of the passage of about 40,000 volts. This almost undrinkable. Its charge also decreased
relatively large charge was generated by with increase in temperature. Whether the
an extraordinarily small quantity of falling colour of the ionised glow described above,
water. similar to the Aurora Borealis, varied with
temperature, has not been reported. One
This explains, for instance, why rainwater could however assume with some confidence
is much more productive, regenerative and that different temperatures would produce
growth-enhancing than irrigation water. different emanations.
While rainfall does not always culminate in a
discharge of lightning, which depends (as
discussed later) on the prevailing conditions 6.4 Storms, Water Vapour and
and density of water vapour, as this little Climate
dipole falls, it rotates, building up both an
electric and a magnetic, or bio-magnetic
field, the formative energetic field. When
this now highly-charged raindrop encoun-
T his experiment has many implications. It
shows, for instance, that as a result of the
gradual accumulation of water vapour, the
ters a living organism, in this case a leaf, its atmosphere became sufficiently saturated to
accumulated energy is discharged into the permit the aggregation of individual water
plant and is made directly available for the molecules into macro-molecules, or rain-
plant's use. This is the reason for the more drops. In the process of falling, these
vigorous reaction of plants to rainwater vis- droplets of water generate a charge, and sud-
a-vis irrigation water, because the latter does denly the phenomenon of electricity appears
not have the same fall-distance, and there- in the form of lightning. All at once a form of
fore cannot accumulate any significant pure energy is made available for the
charge. planet's use.
If this experiment is carried out in the In the course of an electrical discharge,
dark, then with a powerful torch, the ozone is created and, due to the often
water droplets can be seen to rise upwards intense temperature- and ionisation-
above the upper collector-cylinders. If hori- induced, high-velocity updrafts in thunder-
zontally disposed spirals of copper rod are storms, this ozone can be borne aloft to form
installed in lieu of the upper collector- or reinforce the ozone layer, which protects
cylinders, this apparently gives rise to us all from excessive ultraviolet radiation.
another phenomenon namely the appear- At any given moment the number of
ance of vertical plumes of bluish and white, thunderstorms world-wide has been placed
cold light above the water-jet the result of at about 1880 with an estimated 100
intense ionisation and the horizontal propa- lightning strikes per minute. At an
gation of a reddish glow below the copper
100 Living Energies

average of 15,000,000kw per strike, this has been greatly assisted by an increase in
amounts to l,500,000,000kw/min or temperature caused by the effects and prod-
13,000,000,000kw/hrs per year8. ucts of our technology. A 1C rise in tempera-
Lightning strikes can be up to 9km long ture causes the retention, but not necessarily
and sheet lightning can extend up to an even distribution, of an additional 1,000
100km. All of these strikes are associated million cubic metres of water vapour in the
with the production of ozone due to the atmosphere.
intense ionisation caused by the electrical In consequence the whole of the Earth's
discharge. In view of the fact that thunder- water balance has been seriously disturbed,
storm clouds can reach altitudes as high as resulting in very disorderly agglomerations
12km or so and contain extraordinarily pow- of atmospheric water; a fact we are daily
erful upcurrents, as demonstrated on a small made aware of. In some places there is an
scale in the experiment described above, it is overload, causing repeated catastrophic rain-
possible that this newly produced ozone is fall and large-scale inundation, such has been
carried up to augment the protective ozone occurring in recent years in Bangladesh,
layer. while in others there is little or none at all, i.e.
If thunderstorm activity should decline, severe drought conditions prevail, as in the
however, then this contribution will also Sudan and Ethiopia, all of which are associ-
drop commensurately. Indeed, over recent ated with extreme suffering and enormous
years the author has noticed a fall in the loss of life. Due to the sheer volume of excess
usual number of thunderstorms in the area water vapour, instead of the creation of the
where he lives and it may well be that this is small water particles mentioned above, much
a trend world-wide. Should this be the case, heavier drops are formed which fall as delug-
then it may have serious consequences for us ing rain and generate considerably lower
all. Remembering that the water molecule is charges.
a dipole, for rain to produce an electrical dis- In many such rainstorms, cyclonic and
charge the water particles must be very fine monsoonal storms there is no thunder at all.
in order to be able to spin fast enough to While this additional water vapour will
generate a high charge. increase the general atmospheric tempera-
According to research by Kenneth S.Davis tures, due to the movement of the upper air
and John Arthur Day9 the amount of water streams it graduates towards the poles, there
evaporated annually from the oceans to fall as snow, adding to the volume of
amounts to about 333,000km3, the contribu- water fixed almost permanently as ice.
tion from lakes, river and land surfaces being Moreover the area of cloud cover also
in the order of 62,000km3; the latter represent- increases owing to this abnormal water-
ing 18.6% of the total of 395,000km3 that vapour content, which in turn amplifies the
returns to Earth as rain every year. Relative so-called albedo effect of the Earth. The
to the total area of rivers and lakes, the land albedo is the term for the overall whiteness
surfaces covered by forest are far greater and of the Earth's atmosphere caused by the
therefore the major part of land evaporation reflection of light off the white cloud areas.
is derived from the forest. As a percentage of This obscures the Sun's rays and prevents
the whole the contribution from the forest is the water vapour below the clouds from
therefore critical to the maintenance of stable being further warmed.
climatic conditions. On the other hand, as most of the water
However, owing to our massive deforesta- vapour has been accumulated in the clouds,
tion activities, principally for agriculture and where there are none relatively little vapour
beef production, the area of natural forest has is present and so the Sun, where it can
decreased enormously from its original state. shine through, no longer warms the atmos-
This massive enlargement of hot, sun- phere. Assisted by the increasing pressures
exposed surfaces has resulted in an enor- in the lower atmosphere caused by the
mous increase in the evaporation rate, which temperature-induced expansion of abnormal
6: The Earth's Atmospheric Envelope 101

quantities of water into vapour, more and Australia at Christmas 1993 (hottest time of
more water-molecules are forced to higher the year) is the first outstretching of the icy
altitudes, there to be subjected to the tentacles of an incipient ice-age. Viktor
dissociative processes mentioned earlier and Schauberger already foresaw all this in 1933,
the irredeemable loss of water increases. long before anyone had any idea of global
In warming, and described it in detail in his
the long-term all of these effects act to reduce book Our Senseless Toil - The Source of the
the general ambient temperatures and the World Crisis. The major causes in his view
presence of atmospheric water and while ini- being the overclearing of the forest, coupled
tially the temperature in parts of the Earth with heavy-handed, mechanistically-oriented
will rise, in the end it will inevitably cool off agricultural practices and unnatural, mis-
dramatically as the precursor to a new ice- guided systems of water resources manage-
age. ment, all of which are due to a total
incomprehension of natural energies and
Historically no-one has ever experienced processes.
the initial stages of an ice-age. But perhaps
the recent, totally unseasonal fall of snow in


1.The Compact Edition of the Oxford English TRIC field, which has a relatively low potential
Dictionary: due to increased charge separation. In conse-
Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1980. quence it produces a discharge, whose colour lies
2. "The Water Cycle", The Biosphere, at the lower frequency, longer wavelength, HOT
Scientific end of the spectrum, i.e. red. We also know from
American, 1970: W.H. Freeman, New York, U.S.A. fig. 4.6 (p. 63) that levitation, centripetence, mag-
3. Phaidon Concise Encylopedia of Science and netism, impansion, suction and cold are equally
Technology, 1978 Andromeda Oxford Limited, octavely related. As the continuing flow of spin-
11-15 The Vineyard, Abingdon, OX14 ning dipole molecules with like charges encounter
3PX, the now fully developed electric field, they are
England. repelled aloft in what might be described as an
4. ibid.. LAPSE RATE: The rate of change of any 'upward fall'. Along this longer U-shaped fall-
mete- path each gradually develops its MAGNETIC
orological factor with altitude, especially tempera- charge. As the BIOMAGNETIC field develops
ture, which usually decreases at a rate of 0.6C per gravity rapidly gives way to LEVITY. Mutual
100 m (environmental lapse rate). Unsaturated attraction (SUCTION) increases, producing a
loses about 1C per 100m (dry adiabatic(*) lapse converges the coiling MAGNETIC lines of force
rate), whereas saturated air loses at an average of into an accelerating LEVITATIONAL vortex.
0.5oC per 100m (saturated adiabatic lapse rate). Reaching extreme intensity at the pinnacle of this
ibid.. (*) ADIABATIC: Of a thermodynamic vortex, a plume-like, high frequency, bio-magnetic,
process bluish-white, COLD light soars upward as the bio-
occurring without loss or gain of heat. magnetic field discharges. In a sort of backhanded
5. Electricity & Magnetism, Cambridge Univ. confirmation of this phenomenon, the human psy-
Press, che appears already to have been unconsciously
1908. impressed with the respective colours of magnet-
6. Das Bild der Modernen Physik by H.Lindner, p.108, ism and electricism, because coloured diagrams in
fig. 51/1, "The formation of electromagnetic most text books show magnetic fields in blue and
waves": Urania-Verlag, Leipzig, Germany. electric fields in red!
7. Why blue above the red below one might ask? 8. Leopold Brandstatter, Implosion statt Explosion,
For Self-publication, Linz 10, Fach 20, Austria.
an explanation of the principles rather than the 9. Water - The Mirror of Science, by K.S.Davis &
specifics we must refer to the table in figure 4.6, J.A. Day, p. 149: Heinemann Educ, London, 1964.
where we are reminded that gravitation, centrifu-
gence, electricism, expansion, pressure and heat
are all octavely related. It could thus be inter-
preted that as the dipole droplets fall due to
GRAVITY they develop like ELECTRIC charges,
giving rise to mutually repulsive PRESSURES.
These in turn cause the CENTRIFUGAL axial->
radial and horizontal EXPANSION of the ELEC-

7.1 Other Forms of Temperature thinking in science, through which both sides
of the coin, as it were, are taken into account, it

W e shall now turn our attention to

more familiar concepts of tempera-
ture. The movement of temperature
in its eternal cycles is also the activator of life
would then have become a 'Law' in the same
way that science speaks of the 'Law of Gravity'
while discounting the counter-aspect of Levity
(see fig. 4.6, chapter 3).
and death, of increase and decrease, decompo- While there may indeed be very high tem-
sition and renewal. It is temperature, or rather peratures elsewhere in the Universe, here on
the innate energies functioning under the ban- Earth the temperatures conducive to growth
ner of temperature, that produce the pulsations and development are relatively low and lie
which punctuate and control all life's processes. within a fairly narrow band-width. In the main,
We think of evolution as a continuous process, natural growth takes place in moderate temper-
which it is on the whole, although it also has an ature conditions, large or abrupt variations
important discontinuous aspect. If it were not being harmful to most organisms. Owing to
for these energy pulsations which at one our blinkered education and the technology
moment act to dissociate and at another to arising from it, we are accustomed to think of,
recombine both energy and matter, there would and accept as natural, temperatures of an
be no ordering instruments by which the extremely high order. We generate our power
countless individualities and qualities could be using combustion and hot fission. Our form of
created that make up life as we know it. Thus chemistry is coercion-chemistry, in which we cre-
the cyclical movement of temperature can be ate compounds and power our machines using
viewed as individuality-evoking motion which heat, often under extremely high
creates episodal conditions conducive to the pressures.
evolution of new life forms or the renewal of Nature, on the other hand, has little construc-
existing ones. tive use for high pressures and temperatures,
The defining factors of temperature are the except as a means of relieving stresses, e.g. vol-
two antitheses of heat and cold, their extreme canoes and earthquakes, and instead employs
limits being the transcendental aspects of infi- cold fusion in her cooperation-chemistry. This is
nite heat and infinite cold. As we have seen, the the cool chemistry of mutual suction or attrac-
achievement of either limit is impossible in the tion between opposite polarities and charges, in
physical world, since the attainment of one which under a partial vacuum - the spacial and
would totally negate the existence of the other, energetic vacuity between attracting bodies -
while at the same time negating itself. It would various elements come together to create life.
then have no counterpart, no polarity, no dual- Were it not for such a vacuum, we would not
ity, and the wholeness comprising the interac- be able to breathe. In 1908 the German sur-
tion of heat and cold at a physical level would geon, Prof. Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch, discov-
cease to exist. Through the neglect of dialectic ered this region of low pressure between the
pleura and the surface of the lungs and

7: Temperature 103

explained it to his superior, Professor relates to the temperature inversions that occur
Mikolitsch, as follows: between night and day, between winter and
summer, or a combination of both diurnal and
In the enclosed and healthy lung a low-pressure zone
seasonal temperature fluctuations. During the
exists, which maintains the pulmonary cavity and
daytime increasing warmth is experienced as
enables the lungs to expand with inhalation and
we descend to the bottom of a valley (falling
contract with exhalation. Were there no vacuum
and concentrating heat), whereas it gradually
between the surface of the lungs and the pleura, no
becomes cooler (rising and expanding cold) as
intake of breath, no resistanceless expansion of the
we ascend. At night the process reverses (it is
lungs would be possible. Without this partial vac-
more apparent in winter). As we descend the
uum, which causes the lining of the lungs to cling to
air becomes chillier and denser (falling and
the interior of the rib-cage, the lungs would collapse
concentrating cold), whereas when we ascend
and death could follow. Should this biological vacu-
the air warms (rising and expanding heat).
ity be filled with normal, atmospheric pressure
It is therefore evident that two different
through any form of perforation, then everything
forms of natural temperature/density relation
would suffocate.1
exist, one of which has as yet neither been
When Sauerbruch had finished speaking, recognised nor investigated by science,
Mikolitsch old him he was out of his mind and although according to Viktor Schauberger it is
dismissed him without notice. So much for the predominant form and the one that makes
Mikolitsch's open, objective, scientific opinion, life possible. Our present technology is there-
a response many other discoverers have suf- fore completely unbalanced as a result.
fered at the hands of orthodoxy! These two different forms of temperature, or
The currently accepted and one-sided view temperament as Viktor says in reflection of
of this heat-cold duality, however, is that heat their ethereal origins, have opposite functions
rises and expands, and cold falls and contracts, and are both active in Nature simultaneously.
This is certainly valid for all technical systems For evolution and development to proceed
and where this applies we shall call them tech- unimpeded, however, the higher, uplifting
nical heat and technical cold, for want of a bet- form must predominate. This we will call Type
ter definition. However, this view is only part A, representing the collective attributes of ris-
of the truth for Nature also uses the opposite ing and expanding cold and falling and con-
form, namely rising and expanding cold and centrating heat, which acting together have an
falling and concentrating heat. integrating, life-affirming function, leading to
Relative to the vast expanse of the Earth, we cold, formative, metabolic processes. It arises
humans are little more than viruses, if that. Our through the 'original' motion of the Earth and
general perspective therefore borders on the can be induced mechanically through the
analytical, since from our low vantage point we artificial, but naturalesque creation of the
cannot observe the whole, but only the smaller cycloid-spiral-space-curve motion (radial-axial)
parts in our immediate vicinity. By raising our discussed in previous chapters. By this means
station, as it were, we can see that this other, bio-magnetism can also be generated, a form of
opposite temperature relationship also exists, energy of which science is presently ignorant.
Viewed from space, a high-energy state of risen Conversely, Type B temperatures where
and expanded cold, we can see that a condition heat rises and expands and cold falls and con-
of falling and concentrating heat gradually centrates, have a disintegrative, life-negating
evolves as we approach the Earth's surface, function and give rise to warm, decomposive,
where it supposedly reaches its maximum in metabolic activity. Being associated with the
the Earth's interior, depending on whether the analysing energies of electricism, when gener-
Earth is viewed as a solid or a hollow body. So ated naturally, Nature makes use of Type B for
far neither of the latter propositions has been the proper organic decomposition of previ-
proven incontrovertibly. ously living matter, i.e. for decay without
The difference between these two forms of putrefaction.
temperature most commonly experienced, Through his understanding of the interaction
Fig. 7.1 Sonorous figure.
Plate 24.5 x 32.5 cm, thickness 0.5mm, frequency 1580 cps before the effect of heat (detail).
7: Temperature 105

between these two types of temperature, in the posed to it. In the process, all the natural condi-
later wars of the 1930s and early 1940s Viktor tions for creating and maintaining health are
Schauberger developed the 'Klimator', a space- disrupted and the afflicted organism eventually
heater/cooler that functioned according to nat- falls victim to disease. In addition to the
ural law and was the size of a hat. With the use reduction in available oxygen due to over-
of this machine, instead of the usual conditions consumption by vehicles (see chapter 2), which
of cold feet and hot head experienced in winter in humans produces a mild anoxia (oxygen
and symptomatic of technically controlled starvation) coupled with a marginal rise in
environments, warmer air was generated at overall body temperature, the permanent estab-
lower levels and cooler air higher up. It was lishment of slightly higher and therefore abnor-
also able to create the reverse conditions in mal, unnatural ambient temperatures creates
summer. In the later chapter 21 on implosion conditions suitable for the propagation of path-
this will be addressed more fully. ogenic bacteria.
Type B temperature can be generated by ex- A graphic example of the damaging effect of
cessive heat - man-made creation of deserts and excess heat on structure is shown in fig. 7.1,
overclearing of forests. When exploited mecha- where a flame was applied to a metal plate
nically in machines or devices not constructed upon which an orderly pattern of sand had
according to Nature's system of dynamics, it been formed through vibration2. To further
gradually disturbs the delicate balance of illustrate the effect of a rise in temperature here
health in all organic bodies, making them sus- are some pertinent quotations from Viktor
ceptible to cancer and other diseases. This is Schauberger3.
mainly due to disturbances in the metabolism TO BE OR NOT TO BE: In Nature all life is a
and therefore in the healthy formation of the question of the minutest, but extremely precisely
life-fluids of water, blood or sap. Unfortunately graduated differences in the particular thermal
for us and the rest of the environment, today it motion within every single body, which continually
is Type B that is exclusively in widespread use. changes in rhythm with the processes of pulsation.
This unique law, which manifests itself through-
out Nature's vastness and unity and expresses itself
7.2 Temperature - Health & Disease in every creature and organism, is the Law of
Ceaseless Cycles that in every organism is linked

W ith present methods of energy generation

and creation of motion, large amounts of
unnatural, technical heat, noise, noxious fumes
to a certain timespan and a particular tempo.
The slightest disturbance of this harmony can
lead to the most disastrous consequences for the
and vapour are dissipated into the atmosphere, major life forms.
while soil and water are subjected to massive In order to preserve this state of equilibrium, it is
loses of poisonous materials. All of this is vital that the characteristic inner temperature of
orchestrated according to a mechanistic, cen- each of the millions of micro-organisms contained in
trifugal and therefore divisive ideology which, the macroorganisms be maintained.
driven by purely materialistic motives, arro-
gantly upsets the delicate thermal balance and The fact that temperature plays a role in the
preconditions required for the health and vital- development of cancer, however, has now at
ity of every living thing. These misguided prac- least been recognised in the sphere of mam-
tices all have a tendency to raise the general mography. According to a recent report4 con-
level of temperature above the naturally nor- cerning the detection of breast cancer in
mal, thus bringing about subtle and sometimes women, the milk-ducts in healthy women are
lethal changes in cellular function. In other regular, whereas in cancer-prone breasts (about
words the anomaly state of health, the state of 1 in 10 women) the milk-ducts are lumpy and
'indifference' as Viktor called it, peculiar to all irregular. Strange to relate, the degree of cancer
organisms, macro and micro alike, is disturbed. risk is determined by temperature! Using a
Cumulatively this has very serious conse- Chronobra scanning device, the daily changes
quences for all those organisms constantly ex- in breast temperature are measured at 1 minute
106 Living Energies

intervals. It was determined that there was a them. This changes the natural movement of
different rhythm for high-risk breasts and that energy associated with the metabolism in ques-
their overall temperature was higher than tion which inevitably alters the state of 'indif-
healthy ones. Now what did Viktor Schau- ference' (temperaturelessness) peculiar to it.
berger just say? Another interesting facet, which relates to a
While on the subject, on average there are conversation I once had with an experienced
85,000 dust particles in a litre of city air. Not glider pilot, further highlights the differences in
only that, but in France, for example, investiga- the forms of temperature produced by forest
tions determined that the street-air (warmer and city respectively and is indicative of the
than normal air) in Paris contained 36,000 path- inferior quality and dynamics of the rising tech-
ogenic bacteria per cubic metre, whereas in the nical heat from factory chimneys, car exhausts,
forest and over the fields this reduced very concrete surfaces, metal roofs, etc. As the gain-
sharply to only 490 airborne germs per cubic ing of altitude is the most crucial factor in glid-
metre, 0.0136% of the above figure. Other data ing, I asked where the best thermals (rising air
also infer a correlation between green space currents) were to be found. Expecting him to
and disease, as exemplified in the comparative say that these occurred over obvious heat
levels of tuberculosis in relation to the popula- sources, such as towns, I was surprised to learn
tion of three major European cities set out that it was large areas of natural forest that pro-
below5. duced them.
With the continued use of present methods,
London 14.0% green space 1.9% tuberculosis
it is therefore no wonder that the incidence of
Berlin 10.0% green space 2.2% tuberculosis
cancer and other diseases is rising so quickly
Paris 4.5% green space 4.1% tuberculosis
But worse than this, they are infecting younger
Under the direction of Dr. John Whitelegg at and younger age groups. Acute suffering and
Lancaster University, England, a recent two- previously unheard of ailments are increasing
year scientific study6 of 1,000 households alarmingly and all manner of cures are attemp-
fronting on major traffic arteries and the health ted - surgery, radiation, chemotherapy - and
of their occupants has established a direct con- yet no-one perceives that it is inherent in the
nection between respiratory diseases and traffic heat-generating and health-debilitating systems
fumes (corollary of traffic heat). It was found of technology, forestry, land and water resour-
that these people had a higher incidence of dis- ces management that we have contrived and
ease, the most common complaints being with which we have managed to debase all life.
headaches, sore throats, breathlessness, itching Thorough knowledge of these two forms of
eyes and a general lack of energy. What is sur- temperature and their application will in time
prising here is that it has taken so long to con- put an end to this dreadful scourge. There is
firm scientifically what would appear to be therefore no time to be lost in implementing a
quite obvious. programme of in-depth investigation of the
In their aggregation all the various factors theories put forward by Viktor Schauberger
mentioned above change, accelerate, retard or leading to their practical application, for therein
otherwise inhibit the normal healthy metabo- may lie the main chance for our ultimate
lism of any organism constantly exposed to salvation.

1. "The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving magazine, Vol.146, p.2.
Force For Machines", by Viktor Schauberger: 4. "Beyond 2000", Channel 7 Television, Australia
Implosion No.53, p.28. 25th June 1991.
2. From Kymatik/Cymatics by Hans Jenny, photos by 5. Our Common Future: Oxford Univ. Press.
Christiaan Stuten: Basilius, Basel, Switzerland Oxford/New York.
(now defunct), ISBN 3-85560-009-0. 6. BBC 9.00pm news broadcast, Monday 17th
3. "The Forest and its Significance" ("Der Wald un December 1993; and The Times newspaper, p.9,
seine Bedeutung"), by Viktor Schauberger: Tau 14th December 1993.
How blossomingly I rejoice! All hail to the new! spring or the 'First Born' of these energies, as
All is born of water and upheld by water too! he put it, he maintained and frequently
Transpierced thus am I by beauty and by truth! asserted that "Water is a living substance!" a
Oh, great ocean, grant us thine eternal ruth! notion to which Goethe also subscribed in the
For wouldst thou not send clouds, nor bounteous
above poem.1
streams endow,
As a living entity, Viktor saw water as the
Nor perfect the currents, nor rivers here and there
accumulator and transformer of the energies
originating from the Earth and the Cosmos,
Then where would mountains be and what of
and as such was and is the foundation of all
plains and world?
life-processes and the major contributor to
For thou on alone it is that keeps this freshest life
the conditions which make life possible. Not
only that, but once mature, water is a being
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
invested with the power of extraordinary
giving and gives of itself to all things requir-
ing life in the ECI's Great Plan. It is the ECI's
8.1 Water - a Living Substance faithful life-messenger and, in its eternal
cycles, coils and twists in its natural move-

W ATER! Where do we begin our

quest in search of the true nature of
this remarkable substance, this
wondrous, many-facetted jewel, which is
ment about the path of evolution, like the
serpents on Mercury's staff.
The Upholder of the Cycles which supports the
whole of Life, is WATER. In every drop of water
both Life and liquid? So primordial, primeval
and fundamental is the function of water that dwells a Deity, whom we all serve; there also
it begs the question as to which came first, dwells Life, the Soul of the 'first' substance -
life or water. Thales of Miletus (640-546BC) Water - whose boundaries and banks are the cap-
described water as the only true element illaries that guide it and in which it circulates.2
from which all other bodies are created, Viktor Schauberger
believing it to be the original substance of the Water is therefore a being that has life and
cosmos. It was the only real substance, death. With incorrect, ignorant handling,
because it was imbued with the quality of however, it becomes diseased, imparting this
Being. condition to all other organisms, vegetable,
This view was also firmly held by Viktor animal and human alike, causing their even-
Schauberger, who saw water as the 'original' tual physical decay and death, and in the
substance formed by the subtle energies case of human beings, their moral, mental
called into being through the 'original' and spiritual deterioration as well. With this
motion of the Earth, itself the manifestation awareness we can see just how vital it is that
of even more sublime forces. Being the off- water should be handled and stored in such a

108 Living Energies

way as to avoid such disastrous conse- In The Divining Hand4 Christopher Bird
quences. When we fail to perceive water as a describes the pioneering theories and discov-
living entity which nurtures all life, we arrest eries of Stephan Riess in the United States,
water's creative cycles, we stop life and water which like Viktor Schauberger's, completely
is transformed into a dangerous enemy. contradicted established hydraulic theory.
Viktor Schauberger's understanding of According to Stephan Riess under certain
water and what he achieved as a result is conditions the oxygen and hydrogen gases
well exemplified in this quotation from his present in certain types of rock can be
book, Our Senseless Toil, written in 1933: released due to the effects of geothermal heat
It is possible to regulate watercourses over any and a process akin to triboluminescence, a
given distance without embankment works; to phenomenon relating to the light given off by
transport timber and other materials, even when crystalline rocks under friction or violent
heavier than water, for example ore, stones, etc., pressure. This glow is attributed to the
down the centre of such water-courses; to raise the energy given off by the electrons contained
height of the watertable in the surrounding coun- the rocks as they return from a pressure-
tryside and to endow the water with all those ele- induced, excited state to their rest orbits. As a
ments necessary for the prevailing vegetation. discharge it imparts free energy to the sur-
Furthermore it is possible in this way to render rounding material, which could be sufficient
timber and other such materials non-inflammable to cause the hydrogen and oxygen released
and rot resistant; to produce drinking and spa- by the pressure to form new water under a
water for man, beast and soil of any desired com- process of cold oxidation.
position and performance artificially, but in the Riess called this virgin water, and as a result
way that it occurs in Nature; to raise water in a of his knowledge he was able to tap straight
vertical pipe without pumping devices; to produce into formations of hard rock of the right com-
any amount of electricity and radiant energy position and obtain very large quantities of
almost without cost; to raise soil quality and to water, in some cases as much as 3,000 gallons
heal cancer, tuberculosis and nervous disorders. per minute. All this right out in the middle of
... the practical implementation of this ... would the desert, where no water could be expected.
without doubt signify a complete reorientation in Unfortunately, his efforts to provide needy
all areas of science and technology. By application areas with copious quantities of superb qual-
of these new found laws, I have already con- ity, fresh water were sabotaged. As happened
structed fairly large installations in the spheres of to Viktor Schauberger before him, Christopher
log-rafting and river regulation, which as is Bird relates how Riess was slandered and his
known, have functioned faultlessly for a decade, ideas brought into disrepute through the scur-
and which today still present insoluble enigmas to rilous activities of certain high officials in the
the various scientific disciplines concerned.3 state of California, whose interests were
threatened by Riess' discoveries.
But before going further, let us acquaint our- As a liquid, water is chemically described
selves with some of the more commonly as H 2O and is a dipole molecule comprising
known facts about water. First of all, whence two hydrogen atoms, each endowed with a
did water come? Obviously it cannot have positive charge, and one oxygen atom con-
come from the upper atmosphere, since as taining two negative charges. Due to the dis-
we saw in chapter 6 the water molecule is tribution of the charges around the nucleus,
actually dissociated at high altitudes. Where the angle between the two hydrogen atoms is
else do we look then? If not above then per- 104.35, as shown in upper right-hand inset
haps below, because the atmosphere does not in fig. 8.1. According to Kenneth S. Davis and
seem conducive to its formation. If below John Arthur Day, pure water is actually a
then where? Has it been contained in a crys- mixture of 18 different molecular compounds
talline state in ore-bearing rocks since the and 15 different kinds of ions, making a total
Earth began? There is some evidence to of 33 different substances5. In this regard The
suggest that it has. Secret Doctrine comments:
8: The Nature of Water 111

Even on the next higher plane, that single element cooling, water, alone reaches its densest state
which is defined on our Earth by current science, at a temperature of +4 Celsius (39.2
as the ultimate undecomposable constituent of Fahrenheit). This is the so-called 'anomaly
some kind of matter, would be pronounced in the point', which is decisive in terms of its
world of a higher spiritual perception as some- potency and has a major influence on its
thing very complex indeed. Our purest water quality. Below this temperature it once more
would be found to yield, instead of its two expands. At +4C water has a density of
declared simple elements of oxygen and hydrogen, 0.99996 grams per cubic centimetre (g/cm3),
many other constituents, undreamt of by our has the least spacial volume and is virtually
terrestrial modern chemistry.6 incompressible (fig. 8.1).
Plus 4C also signifies the temperature
In its pure form, being a compound of the two
where water has its the highest energy con-
gases hydrogen and oxygen, water could
tent and is in what Viktor called a state of
technically be described as an oxide of hydro-
'indifference'. In other words, when in its
gen. Water is no self-contained, isolated sub-
highest natural condition of health, vitality
stance, however, for it possesses other
and life-giving potential, water is at an inter-
characteristics according to the medium or
nal state of energetic equilibrium and in a
the organism in which it resides and moves,
thermally and spatially neutral condition. In
As a molecule, water has an extraordinary
order to protect water's health, energy and
capacity to combine with more elements and
life-force, certain precautions must be taken,
compounds than any other molecule and is
which will be addressed later. For the present
sometimes described as the universal solvent,
it is important to realise that the +4C anom-
As such it is able to provide the basis for an
aly is crucial to water's diverse functions.
intimate intermixture of substances which
Viktor's theories about the temperature
Victor referred to as an 'emulsion'. The more
gradient and their implementation will be
complex the make-up of constituents dis-
elaborated in the following section.
solved or suspended in water, the more com-
If water's temperature rises above +4C, it
plex the emulsion and the broader the
expands. When it cools below this level then it
spectrum of its properties. Carbon, its so-
also begins to expand and becomes specifi-
called inorganic counterpart, has a similar
cally lighter. This anomalous expansion below
capacity above and beyond all other elements.
+4C is vital to the survival of fish life, for as
At a physical level water is to be found in
the water expands and cools further it eventu-
three states of aggregation, solid (ice), liquid
ally crystallises as ice at 0C, thus providing a
(water) and gaseous (water vapour) and in
floating, insulating sheath, which protects the
terms of its structure as a liquid, it tends more
aquatic life underneath from the harmful
to the crystalline, as it continually forms and
effects of severe external cold in winter. The
re-forms nodes of temporary crystallisation,
specific gravity of water at +0C =
exhibiting a space-lattice structure, such as is
0.99984g/cm3, whereas the specific gravity of
shown in figs. 8.2 & 8.3 taken from a homeo-
ice at the same temperature = 0.9168g/cm3. As
pathic study of water by Dr. Gerhard Resch
1 spacial unit of water expands into ice, its
and Prof. Viktor Gutmann7.
volume increases in the ratio of 0.9168:0.99984,
or 1:1.09058, which is equivalent to an increase
8.2 The Anomaly Point of Water in displacement of about 1/11th of its former
volume as water. This is why ice floats.
The anomalous expansion of water is also a
factor of major importance. While this has
already been partly covered in chapter 7, fur- 8.3 Dielectrics and Electrolysis
ther elaboration is necessary. To recapitulate
briefly: As a liquid, the behaviour of water While pure water's high dielectric value of
differs from all other fluids. While all fluids 81, namely its capacity to resist the
become consistently and steadily denser with transfer of an electric charge, has already been
112 Living Energies

mentioned in chapter 7, there is another aspect and water when combined as a mixture in
to this which, in the light of Viktor electrolysis.
Schauberger's concept of hydrogen as the car-
The question whether Hydrogen and Oxygen
rier of oxygen and carbone (fig. 5.1, see p. 83),
cease to exist when they combine to form water, is
needs to be looked at in relation to one of the
still a moot one, some arguing that since they are
major fallacies of science. Still taught as
found again when water is decomposed, they must
Gospel truth in all schools and universities,
be there all the while; others contending that as
electrolysis is supposedly the process by
they actually turn into something totally different
which water is dissociated into its constituent
they must cease to exist as themselves for the time
atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. However
being; but neither side is able to form the faintest
from the above we know that pure water will
conception of the real condition of a thing, which
not transmit an electric current and this factor
has become something else and yet has not ceased
is also used to measure the pollution of water
to be itself.9
using what are called electro-conductivity
units or ecus. The greater the content of dis- It appears then that water retains its identity
solved and suspended matter in water, the when in the electrolyte (the mixture of water
greater its capacity to carry an electric current and acid), and once the electrolytic process
and the higher the values in ecus registered. has been completed, then all that remains is
In order to set the process of electrolysis in again water.
motion, however, it is necessary to add some A further life-giving property of water is its
acid, such as sulphuric acid - H2SO4 - to the high specific heat and thermal conductivity
distilled water, the acid here always being (which were studied in chapter 6), namely the
referred to as the 'catalyst'. A catalyst is an ele- ability and the rate at which it absorbs and
ment or agent which inaugurates a given reac- releases heat. This means that a large input or
tion, but is not itself affected or changed in extraction of heat energy is required to bring
any way by it. This can be learnt from any about a change in density and temperature.
physics textbook. From time to time, however, The lowest point of the curve of the specific
if electrolysis is to continue, more acid must be heat values for water, however, is +37.5C or
added otherwise the process will cease and all 99.5F (fig. 8.1). It is remarkable that the lowed
that will be left once again is water. But this specific heat of this 'inorganic' substance -
acid was supposed to be the catalyst and water - lies but 0.5C (0.9F) above the normal
therefore impervious to the effects of the +37C (98.6F) human blood temperature - at
electric current! What happened to it? which the greatest amount of heat or cold is
As the process of electrolysis proceeds, oxy- required to change the water's temperature.
gen gas and hydrogen gas are indeed released, This property of water to resist rapid thermal
the negatively charged hydrogen ions migrat- change enables us, with blood composed of
ing towards the positive electrode and the posi- up to 90% water, together with many other
tively charged oxygen ions towards the animals and creatures, to survive a relatively
negative electrode. Are these released gases large range and fluctuation of temperatures
actually derived from the water, however, or do and still maintain our own internal bodily
they originate from the added acid? Sulphuric temperature. Pure accident so we are told, or
acid is formed of 2 hydrogen atoms, 1 sulphur is it by clever, symbiotic design?! If the blood
atom and 4 oxygen atoms. If these gases are in in our bodies had a lower specific heat, it
fact produced through the dissociation of the would mean that it would heat up much more
acid rather than the water, then the whole rapidly to the point where we would either
process of electrolysis as presently taught is a start to decompose or freeze if exposure was
widespread fraud as Viktor claimed in his 1932 to extreme cold.
article "Electrolysis"8. However, in our mechanistic world we are
The Secret Doctrine also advances thought- used to thinking about temperature in gross
provoking comment on what might be the terms (automobile engines operate at temper-
state of being of the various elements of acid atures of l,000C (l,832F) or so and many
8: The Nature of Water 113

industrial processes employ extremely high Life is movement and is epitomised by

temperatures. Despite the fact that we begin water in a constant state of motion and trans-
to feel unwell if our temperature rises by as formation, both externally and internally.
little as 0.5C (0.9F), we fail to see that non- Flowing as water, sap and blood, this life
mechanical, organic life and health are based molecule is the creator of the myriad life-
on very subtle differences in temperature. forms on this planet. How then could it ever
When our body temperature is +37C (98.6F) be construed as life-less as in the chemist's
we do not have a 'temperature' as such. We clinical view of water, defined as the inor-
are healthy and, recalling Viktor's view, are ganic substance H2O?
in an 'indifferent' or 'temperature-less' state. This cryptic symbol is a gross misrepresen-
Just as good water is the preserver of our tation. Were water merely the sterile, distilled
proper bodily temperature, our anomaly H2O as presently described by science, it
point of greatest health and energy, so too would be poisonous to all living things. H2O
does it preserve this planet as a habitat for or 'juvenile water' is sterile, distilled water
our continuing existence. Water in all its and devoid of any so-called 'impurities'. It
forms and qualities is thus the mediator of all has no developed character and qualities. As
life and deserving of the highest focus of our a young, immature, growing entity, it grasps
esteem. like a baby at everything within reach. It
absorbs the characteristics and properties of
Water and its vital interaction with the for- whatever it comes into contact with or has
est was Viktor's principal preoccupation, attracted to itself in order to grow to matu-
viewing water as the 'Blood of Mother-Earth', rity. This 'everything' - the 'impurities' -
which in contrast to Carl Riess' theories men- takes the form of trace elements, minerals,
tioned earlier, was born in the womb of the salts and even smells! Were we to drink pure
high forest. This will be examined more fully H2O constantly, it would quickly leach out all
later. Our mechanistic, materialistic and our store of minerals and trace elements,
extremely superficial way of looking at debilitating and ultimately killing us. Like a
things, however, prevents us from consider- growing child, juvenile water takes and does
ing water to be anything other than inorganic, not give. Only when mature, i.e. when suit-
i.e. supposedly without life, but which, while ably enriched with raw materials, is it in a
apparently having no life itself, can neverthe- position to give, to dispense itself freely and
less miraculously create life in all its forms.
Fresh Water has many principal qualities, which can be differentiated

according to drinking quality.

Water Type Description Quality
Distilled water Purest water, contains no other elements. bad
Meteoric (rainwater) Contains some atmospheric gases. poor
Juvenile (immature water) Contains few minerals or trace elements. poor
Surface water (dams, Contains some minerals and salts accumulated by adequate
reservoirs, rivers) contact with the soil.
Groundwater Contains a greater quantity of minerals. good
Seepage-spring water As for groundwater. good
True spring water High in dissolved carbons and minerals best
Artesian water Deep-lying water which may be fresh or saline and variable
can contain a variety of dissolved elements and gases

Fig. 8.4
114 Living Energies

willingly, thus enabling the rest of life to it. When drunk as melted snow-water, it also
develop. gives rise to certain deficiencies and if no
other water is available on occasion can
result in goitre, the enlargement of the thy-
8.4 Qualities of Water roid gland.

B ut what is this marvellous, colourless,

tasteless and odourless substance, which
quenches our thirst like no other fluid? Did
Juvenile water, again, is immature water, but
it is water coming from the ground. It has not
we but truly understand the essential nature matured properly on its passage through the
of water - a living liquid - we would not ground. It emerges, perhaps in the form of
treat it so churlishly, but would care for it as geysers, etc., from quite a long way down. It
if our lives depended on it, which undoubt- has not yet resolved itself into a mature struc-
edly they do. ture and is therefore still of 2-star quality. It
Apart from the actual treatment of water contains a few minerals, some trace element-
investigated in chapter 15, certain types of and only small quantities of dissolved car-
water are more suitable for drinking than bons, but again as drinking water it is not
others, the following being a general classifica- very high grade.
tion to be read in conjunction with fig. 8.4.
DISTILLED WATER Surface water - dams, reservoirs, etc. - con-
This is what is considered physically and tains some minerals and salts accumulated
chemically to be the purest form of water. by contact with the soil and also from the
Having no characteristics other then total atmosphere but, generally speaking it is not
purity, it has a pre-programmed will to unite a very good quality water, partly because
with or acquire, to extract or attract to itself of atmospheric exposure to heavy
all the substances it needs to become mature oxygenation and to heat exposure from the
itself, and therefore absorbs and grasps at Sun. The Sun's heat removes a great deal
everything within reach. Such water is really of the character and energy of water.
quite dangerous if drunk continuously long-
term. When distilled water (aqua destillata) is GROUNDWATER
drunk it acts as a purgative, stripping the Ground water is already much better, often
body of trace minerals and elements. On expressing itself as a seepage-spring, which is
occasion it has been used for its short-term water emanating from lower levels and
therapeutic effect, such as in the so-called which seeps out at the surface after passage
'Kneipp cure', where it acts to purge the along the top of an impervious stratum. It
body of excessive deposits of various has a larger quota of dissolved carbons
materials. which are the most important ingredient in
high quality water, apart from other trace
While the purest naturally available water,
noxious atmospheric pollutants aside, mete- TRUE SPRING WATER
oric water or rainwater is also unsuitable True springwater, and we shall explore the
for drinking in the long term. It is marginally differences between a seepage spring and a
better than distilled water and slightly true spring later on, is very high in dissolved
richer in minerals, due to the absorption of carbons and minerals, and of the highest pos-
atmospheric gases and dust particles. As a sible quality. Its high state of health and vital-
living organism it is still in adolescence, still ity is affirmed by its shimmering, vibrant
immature, and needs to undergo certain bluish colour, which is not evident in inferior
ripening processes in order to be able to be waters. Such water is ideal for drinking, if it
absorbed by the body and to be of benefit to can be obtained. Unfortunately there are now
8: The Nature of Water 115

very few true, high-quality springs left, due purity. In this way it acts as the conveyor of
to the destruction of the environment. all the necessary minerals, trace elements and
Apart from the above waters, there are other subtle energies to the surrounding
artesian waters obtained from bores, which environment.
are of unpredictable quality. At times they Naturally flowing water seeks to flow in
may be saline and at others, brackish, or darkness or in the diffused light of the forest,
fresh. One can never be sure that bore-water thus avoiding the damaging direct light of
will necessarily be of drinking quality. Well- the Sun. Under these conditions, even when
water would probably lie between ground- cascading down in torrents, a stream will
water and seepage-spring water, but most only rarely overflow its banks. Due to its cor-
probably can be likened and classified as rect natural motion, the faster it flows, the
groundwater. Once again it depends on how greater its carrying capacity and scouring
deep the well is and what stratum of water is ability and the more it deepens its bed. This
trapped. is due to the formation of in-winding, longi-
tudinal, clockwise-anti-clockwise alternating
But what are we actually given to drink? spiral vortices down the central axis of the
This subject of vital interest to us all, which current, which constantly cool and re-cool the
so intimately affects our life, health and well- water, maintaining it at a healthy tempera-
being, will be discussed in a later chapter, ture and leading to a faster, more laminar,
because we must now turn our attention to spiral flow.
the temperature gradient which, after the To protect itself from harmful effects of
anomaly point of +4C, is the next most excess heat, water shields itself from the Sun
important factor in the understanding of with over-hanging vegetation, for with
water and its proper, natural handling. increasing heat and light it begins to lose its
vitality and health, its capacity to enliven and
animate the environment through which it
8.5 The Temperature Gradient passes. Ultimately becoming a broad river,
the water becomes more turbid, the content

A part from other factors (some cannot be

defined quantitatively), encompassing
such aspects as turbidity (opaqueness), impu-
of suspended small-grain sediment and silt
increasing as it warms up, its flow becoming
slower and more sluggish.
rity, and quality, the most crucial factor affect- However, even this turbidity plays an
ing the health and energy of water is important role, because it protects the deeper
te mperature, the various aspects of which water-strata from the heating effect of the
will be addressed in greater detail later, but Sun. Being in a denser state, the colder bot-
first of all a general overview is in order. tom-strata retain the power to shift sediment
Conceived in the cool, dark cradle of the of larger grain-size (pebbles, gravel, etc.)
virgin forest, water ripens and matures as it from the centre of the watercourse. In this
slowly mounts from the depths. On its way the danger of flooding is reduced to a
upward way it gathers to itself trace elements minimum. The spiral, vortical motion men-
and minerals. Only when it is ripe, and not tioned earlier, which eventually led Viktor
before, will it emerge from the bowels of the Schauberger to the formation of his theories
Earth as a spring. As a true spring, in contrast concerning 'implosion', creates the condi-
to a seepage spring, this has a water tempera- tions where the germination of harmful
ture of about +4C (39.2F). Here in the cool, bacteria is inhibited and the water remains
diffused light of the forest it begins its long, disease-free.
life-giving cycle as a sparkling, lively, The omission of temperature in the form of
translucent stream, bubbling, gurgling, the 'temperature gradient' in all hydraulic
whirling and gyrating as it wends its way calculation has resulted in the most devastat-
valleywards. In its natural, self-cooling, spi- ing floods and the ruination of almost all
ralling, convoluting motion, water is able to waterways. While flow velocity, shear force
maintain its vital inner energies, health and
116 Living Energies

(sweeping force), sediment load, turbidity, and therefore never taken into account.
viscosity, to name a few, are taken into Having had this information straight from
account in numerous formulae, the tempera- the horse's mouth, as it were, it is therefore to
ture gradient, which significantly affects the be concluded that temperature, as a factor in
function of all these different factors, has river engineering, is still ignored. As we shall
so far been totally disregarded in the fields see, however, it is precisely the small, some-
of river engineering, water supply, water times infinitesimal variations in temperature
resources management and the condition of that are crucial to the natural, healthy move-
water generally. ment of water and optimal flow-regimes in
Apart from variations in its content of streams.
organic matter, minerals and salts, the so- Viktor Schauberger defines the tempera-
called 'impurities', water has always been ture gradient, of which there are two forms,
deemed a lifeless inorganic substance. There- as follows:
fore, except for certain defined water-temper-
A positive temperature gradient exists;
atures required for specific purposes, cooling,
a) when the temperature of the water
heating, etc., the temperature or variations in
decreases and its density increases
temperature of any given water or water-
towards the anomaly point of +4C, or;
body has been considered totally immaterial
b) when the density and temperature
to the behaviour of the water itself, since
increase from freezing and below towards
the measured range of these variations
has generally been rated too small to be
c) When ground or water temperatures are
capable of producing any noteworthy effect.
cooler than air temperatures.
This attitude has apparently remained
unchanged. A negative temperature gradient exists;
In early July 1991 I attended a symposium
d) when the movement of temperature is
on river engineering at the University of New
away from +4C, either upwards or down-
England, Armidale, Australia, for the express
wards, both of which signify a decrease in
purpose of discovering the state of the art in
density and energy.
hydrology with regard to water temperature.
The keynote speaker was Prof. John F. In fig. 8.1 (p. 109) the direction of movement
Kennedy (!!), a hydraulicist of world repute, of these two temperature conditions are
director of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic shown as two curves delineating the varia-
Research and Hunter Rouse Professor of tions of volume and density with tempera-
Hydraulics at the University of Iowa in the ture. Here it can be seen how, with cooling,
United States. As he spoke I sat ready with the volume decreases and the density
pencil and paper to record every mention of increases, and vice versa with heating. A
the word 'temperature'. By the end of the movement of temperature towards the anom-
hour's very interesting address, in which aly point of +4C always involves a positive
Professor Kennedy expressed his great love temperature gradient, whereas a movement
of rivers, I had only one tick on my paper! in the opposite direction is indicative of a
Afterwards, wanting more precise data, I negative temperature gradient. Remember
spoke with him for about 15 minutes, here that heat, or whatever is suspended in a
describing Viktor Schauberger's theories given medium (air or water), always flows or
about water movement and temperature and is transported towards cold.
the fact that in the 1930s they had had the full Both forms of temperature gradient are
support of an equally world renowned active simultaneously in Nature but, for there
hydrologist, Prof. Philipp Forchheimer, with to be evolution instead of devolution, the
whose work Professor Kennedy was positive temperature gradient must predomi-
acquainted. However, according to Kennedy, nate. On both upward and downward paths
the influence of temperature on the dynamics life emerges at the intersection of these two
of water flow was still considered negligible 'temperaments' as it were, each of which has
8: The Nature of Water 117

different characteristics, properties, potential gradient is in force. In its concentrative, cool-

and opposite directions of movement or ing, energising function the +4C-approach-
propagation. ing, positive temperature gradient has a
Whatever manifests itself as a result of the formative effect. It is a process whereunder
interaction of these mutually opposing living systems can be built up, since in water
essences depends on the relative proportions it draws the ionised substances together into
between them, which also determines their intimate and productive contact, for here the
point of intersection. For example, if the posi- contained oxygen becomes passive and is
tive temperature gradient is very powerful, easily bound by the cool carbones, thereby
then the effect of the reciprocally weaker nega- contributing beneficially to healthy growth
tive temperature gradient is beneficial and and development. The +4C-deviating, nega-
promotes the outbirth into physical form of tive temperature gradient, on the other hand,
the highest quality substances. In more mathe- has a disintegrative, debilitative function, for
matical terms, if as seen in fig. 4.6 the total with increasing warming the structure of a
effect of two dialectic opposites equals the given body becomes more loosely knit with a
unity, i.e. 1x1=1, then if one of the aspects is commensurate loss in cohering energy. In this
reduced to a half, the value of the other is two. case, due to the rising temperatures, the oxy-
Despite the changed characteristics and gen become increasingly aggressive and
properties, the overall value of the unity 1 reverses its role as co-creator and benefactor,
has not been changed, however, because 1/2 x 2 turning into a destroyer and fosterer of dis-
equals 1. eases and pathogens.
Conversely, if the roles and ratios are In all waters, forests and other living
reversed and the negative temperature gradi- organisms the temperature gradient is active
ent is very dominant, then what unfolds as in both positive and negative forms. In the
material substance is of inferior worth. For natural processes of synthesis and decompo-
evolution and growth to proceed with sition each has its special role to play in
increasing quality, vitality and health, which Nature's great production, but each must
form is uppermost and at what level of enter upon the stage of life at its appointed
reciprocity their interaction takes place is of time. The positive temperature gradient,
absolutely crucial importance, for this not however, like temperature Type A and bio-
only affects the movement of water, the magnetism (see p. 103), must play the princi-
movement of sap in plants and the flow of pal role if evolution is to unfold creatively.
blood in our veins, but also the configuration, Unfortunately with our myopic fixation on
structure and quality of the channels, ducts heat-producing and therefore destabilising,
and vessels surrounding and guiding them, depletive technology, we have turned this
as will be seen later. sublime order upside down and are now
As it flows, water acts completely differ- reaping the ever more awesome fruits of our
ently according to whichever temperature misguided labour.


1 . " T h e O x a n d t h e C h a m o i s " , b y V i kt o r 7. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Homoopathie,

Schauberger: TAU magazine, No.146, p.30: Werner "Scientific Foundations of Homeopathy": Barthel
Zimmermann. & Barthel, Postfach 57, D-82069 Schaftlarn,
2. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.I, p.ll. Germany, ISBN 3-88950-025-0.
3. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.I, p.4. 8. Quoted from Viktor Schauberger's article,
4. The Diving Hand by Christopher Bird: New Age "Electrolysis", Der Wiener Tag newspaper, No.3443,
Press, USA ISBN 0-87613-090-2. p.20,18th December 1932.
5. Water - The Mirror of Science by K.S. Davis & 9. The Secret Doctrine, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,
J.A.Day: Heinemann Educational, London, 1964. (Adyar Edition 1971), Vol.2, p.266, Stanza II:
6. The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky, (Adyar Ed., Theosophical Publishing, Adyar, India.
1971), Vol.1, p.125: Theosophical Pub., Adyar, India.

As a precursor to the evolvement of other the leaves and rises to form clouds. In this
life-forms, water's most vital function is diagram the evaporation from the ocean is
its ceaseless, life-giving cycle through, differentiated from the transpiration from the
around and over the Earth. This is normally vegetation, the former depicted as rising spi-
referred to as the 'Hydrological Cycle' or 'Water rals rotating anticlockwise, the latter as clock-
Cycle' and involves the movement of water wise gyrating spirals. This differentiation has
from subterranean regions to the atmosphere been made because, in my view, the energies
and back again. In terms of Viktor's concepts, in the transpired water from the forest are
however, we have to differentiate between the qualitatively different from those in water
full and the half hydrological cycles, the differ- evaporated from the sea.
ence between which is presently unrecognised When water rises from the trees, it is ris-
by science. This difference, however, is crucial ing from a living thing, rather than from a
to the understanding of what is presently body of water, such as the ocean. This is not
happening worldwide climatically. to suggest that such a body of water is dead,
but that it is inhabited by many creatures
which consume almost all that it produces,
9.1 The Full Hydrological Cycle both materially and in the way of energetic
emanations, CO2, O2, etc. Therefore in terms of

F ig. 9.1 shows the full hydrological cycle.

Here the series of upward, anti-clockwise
spirals at the far left hand side depict the
transpiration from the forest, we may be con-
cerned with an energy form derived from a
more dynamic living system which carries
evaporation of water from the sea. This rises, within it the imprint of the characteristics,
condenses and falls as rain. Some sinks into traits, higher vibratory matrices of its mineral
the earth and some drains away over the and trace-element content and the resonances
ground-surface, depending on whether the of its living plant source. These additional
ground is forested or not and what type of qualities and energies are largely of immater-
temperature gradient is active in a given situ- ial nature and best explained in terms of
ation. In forested areas where, under natural homeopathic theory, in which the finer the
conditions a positive temperature gradient dilution of a substance, the greater its efficacacy
normally prevails, the retention of runoff is in as a healing medium. We shall therefore
the order of 85%, about 15% being absorbed digress for a moment to acquaint ourselves
by the vegetation and humus and about 70% with them.
going towards groundwater, aquifer and The publication of an article entitled
underground stream recharge. "Human Basophil Degranulation Triggered
In the full hydrological cycle the ground- by Very Dilute Antiserum Against IgE" on
water table is recharged, the water is drawn the 30th June 1988 1 , startled the scienhfic
up by and through the trees, transpires via world, because the discovery it described

9: The Hydrological Cycle 119

Fig. 9.1 The full hydrological cycle

The "FULL CYCLE" of water, the full hydrological cycle, is characterised by the following phases:

Evaporation from oceans and evapo-transpiration from vegetation;

Rising water-vapour;
Cooling and condensing:
Formation of clouds;
Precipitation as rain;
Infiltrates the ground under positive temperature gradient;
Recharge of groundwater and aquifers;
Maintenance and regulation of height of groundwater table;
Formation of +4C centre-stratum in groundwater;
Creation of underground retention basins;
Passage through the +4C centre-layer of the groundwater;
Purification at this temperature;
Further sinking into the subterranean aquifers due to its own weight;
Transition to a vaporous state due to the influence of the Earth's hot interior;
Rising again towards the ground-surface with the simultaneous uptake of nutrients;
Cooling of the water and deposition of nutrients;
Draining away over the ground-surface;
Evaporating and forming clouds;
Falling again as rain, and so on.
120 Living Energies

could not be explained by the ordinary laws body IgE, there should have been no mole-
of physics. The article was the result of metic- cule of the antibody left. This relates to the
ulous research began in 1983 by Professor so-called avogadro constant, 6.022 52 x 1023,
Jacques Benveniste of the French National formulated by the Italian physicist Count
Institute for Health and Medical Research Amadeo Avogadro di Quaregna (1776-1856),
laboratory (INSERM) at the University of which determines the number of atoms or
Paris-Sud, carried out at the instigation of molecules in 1 mole of substance, 1 mole
Bernard Poitevin, a homeopathic researcher, being the amount of matter containing the
this new avenue of scientific enquiry was same number of elementary particles as there
aimed at testing the biological effects of are atoms in 0.012kg of Carbon-12. This num-
homeopathic dilutions, and by extension, the ber is in the ratio of 1:1+23 zeros, so in con-
efficacy of homeopathic medicines and the sideration of the above dilution in the ratio of
validity of homeopathic concepts. 1:1+119 zeros, it meant that there were effec-
The main ingredients of the experiment are tively no material residues of the original
basophils (a jelly-like white blood cell and substance left in the liquid.
anti-immunoglobin E - or algE), and a stain- Another experiment showed that, after the
ing dye, toluene blue, whose application mother-tincture had been diluted 37 times, it
enables the otherwise invisible basophils to was more than twice as effective as a solution
become visible. The effect of exposure of the that had been diluted thrice. It has been
cells thus stained to the antibody IgE, which mooted by theoretical physicist Lynn Trainor
Michel Schiff refers to as a "biological 'paint of the University of Toronto, who carried out
stripper'" or 'eraser'2 is to render them par- parallel experiments, that these reactions
tially or wholly invisible. This permitted the may be the result of a 'physical' memory left
researchers to determine the extent to which a in the water3.
reaction had taken place in the basophils What caused this effect? Why did the cells
exposed to the antibody solution. According still react with such an over-astronomically
to Professor Benveniste, the reaction occurs dilute solution? Is it memory as Lynn Trainor
even when the antibody dilutions amount to 1 suggests? In a certain sense memory could be
part in 10120 parts of distilled water, that is to construed as a phenomenon of resonance, of
say, a dilution in the proportion of 1:1 +119 things once heard as it were, the immaterial
zeros. To give an idea of the vast magnitude of energetic imprint of the image and qualities
the above figure, it is estimated by of the original preparation. Be that as it may,
astronomers that the number of stars in the in my view it is for this reason that the tran-
Universe amount to about 10 to the power of spirational material from the forest is
20, i.e. 1 + 19 zeros or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. endowed with a higher quality energetically
In these experiments one drop of what is than the water coming from the sea.
described homeopathically as the 'mother-tinc- Just for the record, however, this discovery
ture' (in this case algE) is added to 99 drops of by Jacques Benveniste, like those of Stephan
distilled water. This mixture is then shaken up Riess and Viktor Schauberger before him, was
and down or 'succussed' for about 30 seconds. evidently viewed as an unpardonable assault
1 drop of this new mixture is then added to a on the doctrines of established academe which
further 99 drops of distilled water. This process tends to stray far from the principles of scienti-
was repeated 120 times. However, when the fic integrity and impartiality enunciated by Sir
basophils exposed to this extraordinarily dilute William Grove in chapter 1. As a result
antibody were observed, the reaction, i.e. the Benveniste became both target and victim of
change in their visibility, could still be detected much opprobrium from orthodox science and
in a very large number of them. medicine. Indeed, in October 1993 it was
Statistically, according to classic physics reported that he was to be evicted as head of
and chemistry, after 23 dilutions in which 100 the immunopharmacology unit at INSERM.
trillion-billion molecules of distilled water Moreover the research unit itself, U-200, was
were added to every molecule of the anti- also supposed to be closed down by the end of
9: The Hydrological Cycle 121

the year, Benveniste claiming that he was the amount of infiltration and the presence of a
victim of "ideological repression"4. positive temperature gradient.
Other forces have meanwhile been at work, Recalling that the temperature of absolute
however, for due to the subsequent verification zero is -273.15C and that the temperature
of his findings at other independent institutions spectrum in which we live lies roughly
and the establishment of their apparent between -10C and +40C, any general change
irrefutability, Benveniste has been accorded cer- in a downward direction would have the direst
tain international recognition and 'notoriety' in consequences not only for our continuing exis-
the interim. Fearing that it would suffer the tence on this planet, but for all other life-forms
same scorn it had heaped on Benveniste, as well. It is therefore of vital importance to our
INSERM have continued to pay his and his sec- survival that this bandwidth of temperatures,
retary's alaries, although it has withheld all largely determined and regulated by the
funding for further research and refused any amount of water vapour in the atmosphere,
allocation for other day-to-day expenses and should remain unaltered. Moreover, any activ-
the employment of laboratory staff, for which ity of ours which reduces the naturally occur-
Beneviste himself must pay. On a happier note ring water vapour content of the atmosphere
however, while INSERM continues to maintain should be prevented because it will inevitably
its obdurate stance, other more enlightened lower the World's overall temperature. This is
individuals have deemed Benveniste's research because there will no longer be sufficient water
on water to be so important that an organisa- to retain the prescribed amount of heat.
tion 'Science Innovative' was formed with the Although all the evidence is there in the
specific purpose of providing him with moral way of deserts, it seems that mankind has
support and financing his currently on-going never learnt that to take away the trees is to
research.5 take away the water. It is the forest cover that
Returning now to the description of the is responsible for fine-tuning the content of
full hydrological cycle, the water first evapo- water vapour in the atmosphere and for the
rates from the oceans and the forest. The rising creation of fresh water itself. Through the
water vapour cools with altitude, condenses, continuous removal of forest, we will gradu-
forms clouds, aggregates into larger droplets ally approach the condition where what we
and precipitates as rain. Precipitation occurs might term the 'base quantity' of water pro-
when two systems combine, which in their vided by the oceans, which raises the atmos-
separated condition float within the ambient pheric water level to a certain degree, is no
energy-field, be it of liquid or aeriform nature, longer tempered by the additional transpira-
thus creating a mass in excess of the volume of tion from the forest. It is this which augments
air or liquid they displace. the overall amount of water vapour both quan-
With full forest cover the ground tempera- titatively and qualitatively, and at the same
ture is cooler than the incident rainwater time raises the ambient temperatures suffi-
which infiltrates the ground under the influ- ciently to enable us to exist.
ence of a positive temperature gradient, i.e. Unfortunately this alarming disturbance
the temperature decreases from the air of the natural cycles is already far advanced.
through the ground towards the +4C anom- The increasingly chaotic weather patterns we
aly point of water in the central stratum of presently experience are merely the legitimate
the groundwater body. Falling on the cooler consequence of an ever more disorderly and
ground, the warmer rainwater is readily fragmented distribution of water vapour. In
arsorbed, the groundwater is recharged and some areas there is an excessive concentration,
aquifers and subterranean waterways are resulting in an over-accumulation of heat, a
developed. Rainwater can only infiltrate sharp rise in temperature, massive downpours
under a positive temperature gradient. A and flooding, while in others there is virtually
corollary of this is that the maintenance and no water vapour at all, producing both severe
the height of the groundwater table is wholly drought conditions and premature, local cool-
dependent amongst other things on the ing. The combined effect of both these
122 Living Energies

processes is to provoke increasingly frequent cycle shown in fig. 9.2 has the same basic for-
and violent storms as these two extremes of mat as the full cycle, but in this instance the
temperature clash together in the process of trees shown in fig. 9.1 have been removed
restoring Nature's equilibrium. from the land surface; note that the heavy
broken line, representing the sub-surface
movement of groundwater is missing. The
9.2 The Half Hydrological Cycle type of evaporation changes, since it is no
longer sourced from living things, but from
I n contrast, the half hydrological cycle is
the condition that presently prevails
almost worldwide. The half hydrological
barren ground, and may well be the reposi-
tory of destructive rather than creative ener-
getic imprints.

The "HALF CYCLE", in contrast, has the following features:

Evaporation from ocean;

Rising water-vapour;
Cooling and condensing:
Formation of clouds;
Precipitation as rain;
No infiltration of rainwater due to negative temperature gradient;
Rapid run-off over the ground surface;
No groundwater recharge;
Sinking water table;
Cessation of natural supply of nutrients to vegetation;
Under certain conditions, major flooding can occur;
Excessively fast re-evaporation;
Over-saturation of atmosphere with water-vapour;
Rapid reprecipitation as storm-rain.

One flood therefore produces the next, or no rain falls at all and drought conditions prevail.
9: The Hydrological Cycle 123

Once the forest has been removed, the water to the atmosphere, under a half hydro-
exposed ground heats up rapidly, all the logical cycle the nutrients present in the
more so if dry, and to much higher tempera- upper zones of the groundwater table, which
tures. A negative temperature gradient now are normally raised up by the trees to a level
prevails, because the ground temperature in accessible to other lesser plants, are left
general is hotter than the incident rain; in below and sink with the sinking groundwa-
other words the temperature increases from ter. It subsides to levels far beyond the reach
the clouds into the ground. If the rainfall is of even deep-rooted trees, taking all soil
excessive, then flooding inevitably occurs. moisture and trace-elements down with it.
We have all seen how cold water sizzles and No water, no life and the desert reigns
skitters rapidly sideways when it falls on a supreme. The groundwater is virtually lost
hot-plate. A hot, dry ground-surface, pro- forever, vanished into the bowels of the Earth
duces the same effect, making it impossible from whence it originally came.
for the the rainwater to infiltrate and in many Not only is water lost in the depths, but it
hot countries denuded of vegetation, dry val- also begins to be lost at great heights. The ini-
leys and creeks are suddenly engulfed by a tially greater intensity of thunderstorms and
wall of water as terrifying flash-floods sweep storm activity following the onset of the half-
away everything in their path. cycle, raises the water vapour to levels far
With no longer any trees to absorb it, the sur- higher than normal, even to as much as 40-80
face water runs off immediately, spreading over kilometres. Here it reaches altitudes where it
wide areas, thereby increasing the rate of evap- is exposed to much stronger ultra-violet and
oration locally. This overloads the atmosphere high-energy gamma-radiation, which dis-
with water vapour and flooding is either soon sociate the water-molecule, separating the
repeated or precipitation occurs elsewhere, oxygen from the hydrogen. Due to its lesser
sometimes far away from the original source of specific weight the hydrogen then rises,
the water vapour, and devastating drought while the oxygen sinks. Worst of all, all
ensues regionally. One flood therefore begets that was once water has effectively been
the next, or precipitates drought conditions. removed altogether. It has gone, and gone for
Over the last few years we have all become good.
aware of the increasingly disastrous flooding This initiates a process, in which the atmos-
worldwide, a process that under the present phere is first forced to get warmer due to the
conditions is self-perpetuating. In December overcharge of water vapour, but then, as the
1993, for example, the record flooding of the water rises higher, it is dissociated and disap-
Rhine caused inundations not seen since pears, and the atmosphere cools, because the
1743. This was repeated in even more devas- amount of heat-retaining water vapour has
tating measure in January 1995. Until a suffi- diminished. What follows is a new ice age. All
cient number of trees are replanted; not just a this was elaborated in detail in Viktor Schau-
billion, but several hundred billions, we will berger's writings some 60 years ago.
be subjected to the unrelenting, merciless Clearly, the hitherto unrecognised differ-
cycle of drought, flood, drought, flood, par- ence between the half and full hydrological
ticularly in equatorial and warm temperate cycles is extremely important. Only when
zones. There is only one solution and that is this has become known and generally
to reafforest this planet on a massive scale - understood by the public at large and suffi-
now! cient economic and political pressure
A further horrific consequence of the half applied, can appropriate remedial action be
cycle is that there is no groundwater taken to counter the inevitable outcome. It is
recharge, the groundwater table sinks and in our urgent interest to restore the full
the supply of nutrients to the vegetation from hydrological cycle as quickly as possible, for
below ceases. This is what Viktor Schau- the full cycle means life and continuing exis-
berger called a 'biological short-circuit', for tence, whereas the other signifies death and
apart from the rapid transfer of substanceless extinction.
9: The Hydrological Cycle 125

9.3 Temperature Gradients and reduces the capacity of the groundwater to

Nutrient Supply rise as high as it might otherwise do were the
trees left untouched. If the temperature of the
We shall now examine the temperature incident rainwater is, say, +18C and the tem-
gradients in the ground and their effects perature of the receiving ground surface
in connection with figs. 9.3, 9.4 & 9.5, because +20C, the rain will not penetrate, but will
the solution, transport and deposition of nutri- flow off laterally to areas where it can, always
ents are all functions of the temperature gradi- presuming that a healthy balance between
ent. Positive and negative temperature open space and forest has been maintained. In
gradients produce opposite effects. The direc- such a case problems of salinity will be kept to
tion of the temperature gradient indicates the a minimum, since the overall level of the
direction of movement. The direction of energy groundwater table is not unduly affected.
or nutrient transfer is always from heat to cold. It does rise, however, under the areas where
Vikttor Schauberger's important principle on the trees have been removed, due to the geot-
this subject states that under the exclusion of hermally induced upward pressure from
light air the precipitation of salts and min- below and the reduction in the quantity of
erals occurs with cooling, whereas with expo- overburdening groundwater lying above the
sure to light and air precipitation takes place +4C centre-stratum. In other words the coun-
with heating. In both cases the highest quality teracting downward pressure has been dimin-
matter is precipitated last. In the former case ished. (This effect is discussed in more detail in
all the various nutrients and salts are chapter 10.) As this water rises so too are the
deposited well below the ground surface as the salts elevated, though in this case not into the
water cools to +4C. In the latter case, however, root-zone of the vegetation. However, if all the
due to heat-evaporation and little penetration, trees are removed (fig. 9.5), then there is no
the lowest quality nutrients are precipitated at rainwater penetration at all, the groundwater
the surface, which not only has dire conse- table initially rises, bringing up all the salts
quences for soil fertility, but also for the proper with it, only eventually to sink or disappear
formation of trees, as we shall see later. altogether, because under these conditions no
To recapitulate, a positive temperature gra- recharge is possible. This is how oversalination
dient occurs when the incident rainwater is of the soil occurs, and the only way the prob-
warmer than the receiving soil. This naturally lem can be remedied is to recreate a positive
implies that the soil is protected from the heat- temperature gradient through reafforestation.
ing effect of the Sun by trees and other vegeta- In the beginning such trees will have to
tion and, if the whole surface of the Earth is be pioneer, salt-loving trees and other primi-
forested, then the groundwater table hugs the tive plants, such species being the only ones
configuration of the ground-surface. As that can survive under such conditions. Later,
shown in fig. 9.3 the water infiltrates down to as the soil climate improves and its salt con-
the lower strata, the groundwater body and tent diminishes, other species of tree can
aquifers are recharged, subterranean retention replace them since, over a period of time and
basins are created and the salts (shown as a due to the cooling of the ground by the shad-
dotted mass) remain at a level where they can- ing of the pioneer trees, the rainwater enters
not contaminate the upper strata and are not the ground, taking the salts with it. Eventually
damaging to those plants unable to metabolise the pioneer trees die off, because the evolved
them. Should a part of the forest be felled and soil conditions are now no longer suitable, and
the ground surface exposed to the direct light the dynamic balance of Nature is restored.
of the Sun, as in fig. 9.4, the temperature of Irrigation only exacerbates the problem,
ground in that area rises. because during the night the ground temper-
With this in mind it is essential that if any atures cool somewhat, allowing the irrigation
felling is to occur, then the trees should never water to percolate a certain distance into the
be cut at the top of a hill. This creates a bald upper, now salt-containing strata. There it
patch exposed to the Sun's heat and effectively collects the salts and, with the increase in
9: The Hydrological Cycle 127

temperature during the day, the atmosphere evaporation are left lying in the uppermost
rises as it becomes specifically lighter, draw- soil level. The problem of salination varies
ing up the infiltrated irrigation water plus its according to latitude, altitude and season,
acquired salts, which through exposure to since these also affect the ambient ground
light and heat are deposited, and through temperatures, the intensity of the Sun's radia-

Fig. 9.7 Negative Temperature Gradient

If the ground temperatures are hotter than the river water, then a negative temperature gradient from river to ground
exists and the transport of nutrients and salts takes place from the ground strata to the river. The ground strata are
leached of their various minerals and trace elements, leading to a nett loss of biochemical material. Increasing soil
infertility and river salinity results. The groundwater table also sinks for lack of resupply.

Fig. 9.8
The orientation of a river relative to the general position and height of the Sun also affects the nutrient supply. In
stretches of rivers where the flow is either east->west or west->east, the side nearest the sun tends to be shaded
more frequently. The water on this side is therefore cooler and on the opposite side, warmer. This produces an
asymmetrical channel profile as the result of an asymmetrical temperature distribution. Should the side nearest the
Sun be suitably forested, then the ground temperatures on this side are also cooler and a positive temperature
gradient exists in the direction river->ground, permitting the absoprtion of moisture, trace elements and nutrients from
the river. If the ground-surface on the opposite side of the river has been cleared, the ground temperatures there will
be hotter, a positive temperature gradient then prevails in the direction ground->river, leading to the absorption of
soil-moisture and nutrients by the river. One side of the river therefore tends to be more fertile than the other.
128 Living Energies

tion and the length of the periods of the river. Here the river actually extracts from the
ground's exposure to heat. ground the nutrients which have themselves
There are other conditions which also pertain been raised to the upper strata due to the
to nutrient flow and, while slightly out of place processes mentioned earlier and illustrated in
here, since rivers and stream management will fig. 9.5 above. This results in an increasing
be discussed more fully in later chapters, it nev- leaching of the minerals, trace-elements and
ertheless seems more appropriate to address nutrients from the surrounding soil, leading to
them while we are on the subject. Through the a nutrient deficit and eventual infertility. For
corrasion and abrasion of their sediment, all the same reasons no groundwater recharge
healthy rivers and streams are metabolisers and results. A corollary of this phenomenon is that
transporters of nutritive material, and as such the longer a river flows through irrigated, sun-
are major contributors to the supply of nutri- lit farmlands, the more it becomes contami-
ents to the surrounding vegetation. However nated with salts, artificial fertilisers, pesticides
they can only impart nutrients where the con- etc. making it increasingly unusable as a
ditions are conducive to a nutrient transfer, i.e. source of water in the lower reaches.
where a positive temperature gradient between In fig. 9.8 both negative and positive tem-
water and ground prevails. perature gradients are active simultaneously.
Fig. 9.6 shows a river flowing through an Here the variation in river water temperature,
entirely forested area. As an illustration the again for the purposes of discussion, is from
river water has a temperature range of +17C at the water surface to +13C at the bot-
between +10C and +8C from surface to tom. The ground under the forested area on
riverbed. In contrast the ground temperatures one side of the river has lower temperatures
under the forest are cooler, ranging from +8C than the river water, whereas the cleared, tree-
at the surface to +4C at the level of the less land on the opposite side gives rise to
groundwater centre-stratum. The river water higher ground temperatures. In this instance
is therefore warmer than the surrounding soil, the river acts to convey nutrients from the
a positive temperature gradient exists and the warmer left bank to the cooler right bank fol-
transfer of nutrients, energy and moisture lowing the dictates of the prevailing tempera-
takes place from warmer to cooler regions, ture gradient which, from examination of the
namely from the river in the direction of the various ground temperatures, on the left hand
ground. The fertility of the soil is enhanced side is negative and the right hand side posi-
and the groundwater table recharged. tive. The cooling effect of the forest also affects
Conversely, if the opposite condition of a the shape of the channel profile and is mir-
negative temperature gradient prevails as rored in the greater depth of water on that
shown in fig. 9.7, then the flow of energy, side, since cooler water flows faster and in a
moisture and nutrients proceeds from the more laminar fashion, removing sediment and
warmer ground strata towards the cooler thereby deepening the bed at that point.


1. British scientific journal Nature, 30th June 1988. ment at 'Science Innovative', and from
2. The Memory of Water Homeopathy and the Battle of Jack
Ideas in the New Science by Michel Schiff, Thorsons, Dupre, a close associate of Dr. Marie
an imprint of Harper Collins, 1995, ISBN 0-7225- Nonclerce
3262-8. pharmacist and author of a book on
3. Information from Brauer Biotherapies, 1 Para Antoine
Road, P.O.Box 234, Tanunda 5352, So. Australia. Bechamp; (Louis Pasteur, Bechamp's
4. Nexus New Times magazine, Vol.2, No.17, contempo-
Dec.1993-Jan.1994, quoting from New Scientist rary, was responsible for suppressing his
23rd October 1993. signif-
5. Christopher Bird has kindly supplied information cant findings). 'Science Innovative' was set up by
from Mme Annie Asada, director for develop- Mme. Evelyne Besso who is also its President
S.I.'s headquarters are presently situated at
Ave. D'Elyau, Paris 75116 (tel: 01.4656.6650).
aim is to foster enquiry and interest into
essential nature of water, and to support Jacques
Benveniste's continuing research.

There, where water splits in twain, represent the true temperatures, but are indi-
Life is ere set free, unfolding its domain, cated here as examples. Since there is a positive
And in emerging from its source, temperature gradient from the ground-surface
Water's blessed with vital, living force. inwards, it means that rainwater can always
There flock beasts, athirst for flowers, infiltrate. Recalling that this is immature water,
Midst thrusting boughs and leafy bowers. it greedily absorbs all the elements it can.
"God, Nature and Cosmos" by Undesirable elements, salts, etc, lying in the
J.W. von Goethe upper strata are therefore dissolved by the per-
colating rainwater and carried down into the
depths, where they are eventually precipitated
10.1 Seepage and True Springs as the water cools to +4C. In this densest state
at the centre of the groundwater body, the
Generally speaking, springs are understood +4C centre-stratum, the water no longer has
as the emergence of groundwater that has any room for them. They are expelled from it
encountered an impervious stratum. This type and left in a zone above the now fresh ground-
of spring is actually a seepage spring (fig. 10.1), water table, where they are accessed by vari-
but not a true spring. Under the correct condi- ous deep-rooted species of trees, whose job it is
tions, namely under a positive temperature to metabolise and transform them and to raise
gradient - warmer rain, cooler ground, cooler them up to the higher levels, making them
substrata, etc - a seepage spring forms as available to other shallower-rooted forms of
water infiltrates, accumulates underground, vegetation.
meets an impervious layer and under the effect We might recall what Viktor Schauberger
of gravity, drains away down the gradient to formulated on this theme, that under the
its point of egress. The temperature of seepage exclusion of light and air the precipitation of
springs generally approximates the tempera- salts and minerals occurs with cooling,
ture of the ground-strata through which the whereas with exposure to light and air
water passes, which may be in the order of precipitation takes place with heating.
+6C to +9C. It contains a certain amount of As the rainwater enters the ground, it exerts
dissolved salts and trace elements, but is not increasing pressure on the +4C centre-stratum
very rich in them. On the other hand, a true of the groundwater body. Due to this overbur-
spring, and this is where the difference lies, is a dening pressure from above, the lowermost
spring which has a temperature of around strata of the groundwater body are themselves
+4C. It evolves under completely different forced downwards into regions where the
conditions and processes. ground temperatures begin to rise owing to
Fig. 10.2 depicts a cross-section through a geothermal activity. As a result, the water in
mountain and shows the various ground tem- these strata begins to expand, creating a
peratures at different levels. These may not counter-pressure to the pressure from above.

Fig. 10.1 Seepage spring
Seepage springs occur when water infiltrating into the ground (positive temperature gradient) encounters an
impervious stratum. Due to gravity it seeps down the inclined plane of this stratum and emerges where this meets the
outer ground surface. The rate of outflow is principally determined by the amount of infiltrated rainwater and its
temperature roughly conforms to that of the surrounding strata. They are not often very cold. Establishment of a true
groundwater table does not arise.

True springs come into being because of pressure acting from above and below on the +4C centre-stratum of the
groundwater, which at this temperature is incompressible. This centre-stratum is squeezed between the weight of the
over-burdening water-strata above and the water-strata lying below it, which try to expand due to increasing heat
from the Earth's interior. Finding no other avenue of escape from this immense pressure, the +4C centre-stratum is
therefore forced to move either laterally or vertically, ultimately emerging as springs. This is why springs are often to
be found near the tops of mountains, where no sufficient catchment for a seepage spring exists. True springs
normally exhibit temperatures closely approximating +4C. This combination of opposing pressures is also
responsible for regulating the height of the groundwater table.
10: The Formation of Springs 131
The +4 C centre-stratum, which is incompress- likely to die within a few days to the accompa-
ible at this temperature, is therefore increas- niment of excruciating stabbing pains in the
ingly squeezed between these two opposing chest. However, once the water has emerged
pressures, namely the overburden of infil- and has flowed even ten metres, due to its con-
trating water from above and the expand- voluting, splashing, flowing motion it has
ing, sometimes super-heated water from already made up for the lack of oxygen
below. Its only possible avenue of escape is through its absorption from the atmosphere
either laterally or vertically, or a combination and the proper carbone-oxygen balance has
of both again been restored.
The absorption of oxygen, however, has the
On many mountains in Austria, for exam- effect of increasing the volume of the water. At
ple, there are springs which emerge at between a spring in Montenegro, which flowed down a
100 and 200 metres below the summit. These smooth, unfissured face of rock, Viktor Schau-
mountain peaks are commonly composed of berger made careful measurements of the
solid rock and, were such springs to be attrib- volume of flow directly at the mouth and
uted seepage only, there is not sufficient metre by metre below it. He discovered that it
catchment area to provide for their continuous, increased significantly. There being no possibil-
year-round discharge. The temperature of ity of any additional inflows due to the unbro-
these springs always lies between +4C and ken formation of the rock, the only possible
+5C very cold water indeed. From this it can answer was that this resulted from the absorp-
be inferred with some certainty that true tion of oxygen.
springwater arises and moves within the cen-
tral core of the groundwater body.
As the springwater rises, while rich in car- 10.2 The Rising of Springwater
bones, particularly in the form of carbonic acid,
it is very largely deficient in dissolved oxygen,
for during the course of the water's initial sink-
ing, various organisms and tree roots have
I n Our Senseless Toil Viktor briefly describes a
24-hour experiment designed to show the
dynamics of true springs, the diurnal fluctua-
removed whatever dissolved oxygen was tion in the height of the groundwater table and
available in the infiltrating rainwater. By and the flow of sap in trees. As we said earlier,
large such water is therefore oxygen-deficient there is no condition of equilibrium in Nature.
and, this deficiency is extreme and the water The experimental arrangement shown in
is drunk directly at the place where it gushes fig. 10.3, consists of a U-shaped tube with open
out of the ground, its emanation of carbon- connections on one arm to two capillary tubes
dioxide vapours are breathed in at the same and on the other to four capillary tubes. A cer-
time. Mountain folk in Austria call these tain quantity of pure quartz sand sufficient to
vapours the 'waterworm'; they are also known close the internal diameter is placed in the bot-
as choke-damp and are on occasion to be tom of the U-tube and saturated with salt
found in mines, the effect of which is to do pre- water. The effect of this saltwater and sand is
cisely what its name suggests, and if no air to separate and prevent direct communication
containing oxygen is soon available then death between the contents of the two rising arms of
follows. Since the water from these so-called the U-tube. These are then filled with fresh,
'poisoned springs' has no oxygen, it actively high-grade springwater, containing little or no
extracts this from the tissues in the area of oxygen, which has not been exposed to the
the trachea, esophagus and stomach, while Sun, or other light or any atmospheric influ-
the undiluted carbon-dioxide vapour immedi- ence. The U-tube is then placed in an insulated
ately begins to attack the lungs for the same vessel, such as a bucket, containing some ice at
reason. the bottom, and the whole filled with good,
This affliction was also known as the 'van- clean loam. The ice at the bottom is necessary
ishing lung disease,' or in plain English, to create an artificial zone of +4C at the base
'galloping consumption'. Those who are unfor- of the U-tube and a positive temperature
tunate enough to drink much of this water are
132 Living Energies

gradient from the outer surface of the loam water, blood and sap. These capillary tubes are
inwards. very fine, i.e. their internal diameter is minute,
The whole arrangement is then placed out- in this case about 0.4mm internal diameter. In
side under the Sun's heating influence. Once terms of plant anatomy, the bundle of 4 capil-
the lowest water has reached its ice-induced laries represents the xylem tubelets. These gen-
anomaly point of +4C, where it attains its erally have a larger cross-sectional area than
highest density and weight, and the higher- the phloem tubelets, which are represented by
lying water begins to heat up, losing its 'tem- the bundle of 2 capillaries.
peratureless' state, the water slowly rises up What is not explained in Viktor's description
the arm to which the bundle of four capillary is whether both arms of the U-tube are posi-
tubes is attached and overflows due to its tioned parallel to the Sun's rays, or at right-
greater communication with atmospheric angles, the 2-capillary bundle lying behind the
influences; the water in the other arm remain- 4-capillary bundle. Not explained either is
ing at rest. whether both capillary bundles are to be pro-
While I have not found more explicit details tected from light and heat. However, as this
of this experiment in the material in my pos- experiment is designed in part to demonstrate
session, I think this upward movement is most the ebb and flow of sap which occurs beneath
probably due to two factors: the bark, it is desirable that the capillary tubes
should be adequately shielded and insulated.
1) the conversion with warming of the car-
If the bundle of four capillary tubes is
bonic acid content into carbon dioxide bub-
removed, then water emerges from the top of
bles, which rise, pushing individual packets
the U-tube leg, demonstrating the formation of
of water ahead of them (see description of
natural springs. On the diagram, it can be seen
rising sap in chapter 18), and
that the two water levels on each side of the U-
2) the suctional effect of rising atmospheric
tube are not in communication, but remain
gases, which become specifically lighter
independent of each other, representing
with exposure to the Sun's heat.
another phenomenon in Nature inexplicable
At day's end this water column subsides with according to current theory.
cooling, and overnight is in a state of rest, its This decrease in atmospheric density close
contained carbones now replete with absorbed to the ground during the day is also responsi-
oxygen and other atmospheric gases. During ble for the slight diurnal fluctuation in the
the night, however, the carbone-rich water in height of the groundwater table. Being
the arm under the bundle of two capillaries specifically lighter, the atmosphere exerts
becomes active. This may be due partially to its less pressure and the groundwater rises in con-
largely unsatisfied appetite for oxygen, whose sequence. The weight of the atmosphere
supply has been limited by the fewer number is thus a contributing factor to the height of the
of capillary tubes; also to the combined pres- groundwater table and to the rate of flow of
sures of the night-cooled, therefore specifically springs, which are known to deliver more
heavier, atmospheric gases entering the now water during the night than during the day.
evacuated bundle of 4 capillaries; and to the Another experiment showing the action of
marginally specifically heavier weight of the true springs and one much simpler to carry out
condensed gas-enriched, recently subsided is described in Etidorpha (Aphrodite spelt back-
water. Both of these exert pressure on the salt- wards), a book published by John Uri Lloyd in
water in the base of the U-tube, causing it to 1896. The book gives an account of the experi-
shift laterally. This in turn exerts an uplift pres- ences of William Morgan, who was mysteri-
sure on the unoxygenated water in the oppo- ously abducted on the 12th of August 1826
site arm, causing the water to rise up the which he related when he appeared to
bundle of two capillaries. Llwellyn Drury some 30 years previous to the
This emulates the continuous temperature-, book's publication1. The book gives a number
pressure- and suction-related pulsation, which of interesting insights into many natural phe-
is the hallmark of all natural fluid movement - nomena including water and its movement.
10: The Formation of Springs 133
134 Living Energies

This experiment consists of the interaction There are, however, two additional factors at
between salt and fresh water as a result of their work in the movement of springwater. These
different specific gravities. Water is the basis are physical in nature and not mechanical,
for all specific gravities and has the value of although, as we have seen above, the mechani-
lg/cm3. Saltwater or seawater with a 4% salt cal forces of pressure are active as well. From
content has a higher specific gravity of about chapter 5 we learned that in Viktor Schau-
1.025g/cm3, depending on its temperature, berger's view the Earth is a female entity
thus making it 2.5% heavier than fresh water. and that all the energies and elements she
Fig. 10.4 depicts the experimental arrange- secretes within her body, principally the car-
ment assembled by the author. It consists of bones, are also of feminine nature. The Sun
two 4-litre glass bottles, one of which has had and oxygen on the other hand are male and
the bottom removed. This is turned upside fertilising.
down and fixed with a water-tight seal to the The first factor therefore relates to the chemi-
lower. Mixture between the two types of water cal composition of the springwater itself. As
is restricted by the placement of a cork where result of the processes mentioned above, the
the two bottles are joined together. In the cen- +4C centre-stratum water is virtually totally
tre of the cork there is a section of glass tube
with a diameter marginally larger than the
hooked capillary tube. Before insertion of the
capillary tube the lower bottle is filled with
fresh water. The capillary tube with an internal
diameter of 0.4mm is then introduced, the bot-
tom of the hooked section being about 15mm
above the surface of the saltwater in the upper
bottle when this is filled with saltwater. It is
suggested that a strong saline solution be used
to produce the best effects, since we are here
concerned with a natural process at a very
small scale. Almost immediately after filling
with saltwater, the fresh water can be seen to
rise up the capillary and, passing over the top
of the hook, it begins to form droplets. These
may not fall immediately, and initially the cap-
illary may need to be tapped once or twice.
After this the fresh water continues to drop
due to the effect of the heavier weight of the
saltwater in the upper vessel until such time as
the two waters have mixed. Dropping then
This clearly demonstrates another aspect
related to the formation of true springs and
mountain springs. While we have seen above
that the +4C centre-stratum of the groundwa-
ter body is compressed between two opposing
pressures, the pressure resulting from the
weight of the infiltrating rainwater is further
enhanced by the solution of salts and other ele-
ments as it descends. This gives the water
additional mass, which in turn exerts a higher
pressure on the centre-stratum than if the per-
colating water were merely fresh water.
10: The Formation of Springs 135

deficient in oxygen, but very high in carbonic Viktor Schauberger passed by a ramshackle
acid and other carbones obtained by its pas- dome-like stone construction from which
sage through coal-bearing and other mineral water, apparently from a spring, was flowing.
strata. From this arises a powerful mutual Since it was very dilapidated and might have
attraction as the female fructigenic ethericities presented a danger to his employers when
(non-physical energies) seek to unite with hunting, he ordered it to be demolished.
those of oxygen, the seminal or fertilising sub- Whereupon he was told that if this was done
stance. The uprising of springwater is therefore the spring would vanish.
enhanced by this hunger, as it were, because in Always of an inquiring turn of mind, Viktor
the process an energetic vacuity is created in said that it should still be dismantled, but very
the carbone-rich water which wants to be carefully with the place of each stone marked
filled, giving the centre-stratum the impulse to in case it had to be rebuilt. On another excur-
move to wherever the oxygen is waiting. sion about a week later, he noticed that the
The second factor concerns the type of flow of water had ceased. The spring was dry.
motion itself. The uprising of the springwater As sources of good water on this high plateau
is greatly assisted by the actual way in which were infrequent and therefore important dur-
the nascent springwater moves and by the par- ing time of hunting, he hurriedly summoned
ticular shape of the rising underground pas- his foresters and game wardens and had the
sages through which it flows. The best cupola carefully reconstructed as before. A few
example of this sinuous configuration can be days later the spring began to flow again.
seen in glaciers, where meltwater plunges What happens to the water after it has
down crevasses in the ice. Due to the motion of emerged from the spring and how it flows on
the falling water, these are sculptured into its gushing, gyrating, whorling path down into
twisting, convoluting shapes; shapes, however, the valley will be mainly addressed in chapter
that are created by the water itself, reflecting 13. The way water moves naturally is of
the way in which water likes to move natu- extreme importance for its inner health and
rally. By turning these crevasses upside down vitality. According to Viktor Schauberger, so
so to speak, we then get some idea of the shape subtle are the factors here concerned that even
of the shafts in which springwater comes to the the first two curves the water makes after leav-
surface. ing the spring can have an effect up to 10 kilo-
metres downstream. Therefore if we wish to
The form of movement these shafts ensure the maintenance of these qualities in
induce is that of the cycloid-spiral-space-curve our rivers and the water we drink, then careful
which, as mentioned in earlier chapters is attention must be paid to what follows in sub-
responsible for the Earth's floating motion in sequent chapters.
space and is associated with the forces of
levitation. Because of its incompressibility at
+4C, it is therefore the combined effect of 10.3 Energy from the Deep Ocean
these two additional factors of oxygen-hunger
and the generation of levitational energies that
permits springwater to overcome the forces of
gravity and gush forth all year round and
T his heading may appear slightly out of con-
text here, but while the formation of true
springs is still fresh in our minds, it would
often in large quantities from the tops of seem appropriate at this juncture to examine a
mountains where, incidentally, they are also method of generating unlimited amounts of
exposed to reduced atmospheric pressure. virtually free energy directly from the deep
Although they lack oxygen, both mountain ocean, since this can be achieved using the
springs and true springs generally emerge into same principle. As a means of generating
the light of day from dark clefts and shaded energy, it is not only wholly sustainable and
niches so as to avoid the direct light of the Sun, non-polluting, but it will also render all other
exposure to which may cause the spring to dry contemporary systems of power generation
up. A case of this was when, one day on a high obsolete. All the highly complex machinery
plateau in the mountains with his foresters,
136 Living Energies

and mechanisms presently used for such and find their way into museums, because mankind
purposes will be relegated to the scrap heap. has no need to go to such lengths to obtain light,
It will become clear from what follows that heat and other forms of energy in any desired quan-
nuclear power, in particular is no longer any tity almost without effort or expense.2
kind of economic option. It never was in the
first place, except perhaps in the short-term. It is a known fact that when deep-sea or
With all its vast associated costs and the ever- abyssal fishes are brought up to the surface
present and known perils of radiation leakage, they burst open. This is generally attributed to
the inescapable, immense costs of safe storage the different construction of their skeletons,
of fissionable material after decommissioning which are far less robust than those of their
have never really been included in the eco- counterparts in surface waters around the
nomic equation. These costs have always been coasts. It has long been assumed and explained
hushed up, because they will have to be borne from a purely mechanical point of view, that
by many generations to come. the rupture of their bodies is caused by the
Plutonium, one of the principle end-products enormous reduction in pressure during their
of nuclear fission, has a half-life of 25,000 years. ascent to the surface, which they are unable to
That is to say that after 25,000 years its level of withstand. This is a serious, though under-
radioactivity has been reduced to a half, but all standable misinterpretation of the true causes,
the while during storage its lethal energies are however, whose origins lie in the physical dif-
gnawing away at their containers. After ferences between surface and abyssal waters.
another 25,000 years the radioactivity will have Dwelling as they do in waters with minimal
been reduced to a quarter, and so on. 2,000 oxygen content, the carbone-oxygen balance in
years is almost beyond human comprehension, the bodily tissues and the blood of these crea-
let alone 25,000. Once the public at large has tures is weighted very much in the carbone's
become aware of this other source of cheap, favour. Moreover, such seawater as they do
unlimited and totally environmentally friendly contain is equally deficient in oxygen.
power, the nuclear lobby will be seen to be Therefore, like the growth of carbone-rich
mouthing empty phrases in defence of its life- springwater exposed to atmospheric oxygen,
annihilating industry. the carbones in the bodies of these fish have a
The principle upon which this new form of similar affinity and hunger for oxygen, whose
energy production is based is here set out absorption, as they are raised from the deep,
clearly for all to see. This has been done to causes their tissues to explode.
ensure that no individual and no large corpo- As was explained in the formation of true
ration will ever be able to obtain a patent on it, springs, the +4C water in the centre-stratum
which would enable them either to suppress it of the groundwater table is largely deficient in
or to create a monopoly for themselves to the male, fertilising oxygen due to the latter's con-
great detriment of the rest of humanity, which sumption by living organisms, tree roots and
has often been the case in the past. Once a so on, but does contain a high concentration of
principle has been published it is no longer female, fructigenic carbones. Incompressible at
patentable and becomes the property of the +4C and subject to intense pressures from
general public and therefore freely available to above and below, this oxygen-starved water
all people. This principle and the processes hungry for male essences, is partially squeezed
associated with it are so simple that as Viktor and partially lifted to the highest mountain
Schauberger said: peaks.
In fig. 10.5 it can be seen that the same
Our energy technologists would abandon contem- physical conditions inhere at great depths in
porary methods of generating electricity did they the sea, the only difference here being that the
but know that this can be obtained directly from the oxygen has been consumed by millions of fish
deep sea by means of the simplest apparatus. These and other aquatic life-forms. According to
devices and instruments, which would lift the world Viktor Schauberger, here the +4C saltwater
off its hinges, however, would be rapidly superseded centre-stratum may often be fresh due to the
138 Living Energies

expulsion of salts with cooling under the sive phenomenon which can be very simply
exclusion of light, heat and air. Moreover, due exploited and converted to the mechanical
to its enormous density, it is not possible for energy required to drive electric generators.
such abyssal water to absorb any gases This should not be done with conventional cen-
through processes of diffusion or convection. trifugal impellers, however, because they
But most importantly, and this is the crucial destroy both the structure and the quality of the
factor, there is no avenue of escape, no natu- water. Rather, centripetal impellers should be
rally formed rising shafts for the egress of the used of a design similar to that shown in large
highly compressed +4C water. scale detail in fig. 10.5, which in this case was
Therefore by lowering a suitably designed taken from Viktor Schauberger's patent for an
length of pipe to the appropriate depth, this air turbine3 and which improves the quality of
oxygen hungry water is provided with a the medium used to drive it.
means of rising to the surface. The water will While the basic principle is assured, there
rise of its own accord as it does in mountain are some precautionary measures that should
springs. Its levitational, vortical movement will be taken initially to safeguard the investment
initially be induced by a dual-function strainer, costs and to ensure the proper functioning of
whose tangentially arranged inflow provides the arrangement. Despite what has been stated
the impulse for the creation of a vortex while at above, since this system of power generation
the same time preventing the entry of aquatic has so far never been attempted, it may be nec-
creatures. The rising pipe itself will be a essary to use a conventional pump to initiate
smaller version of the double-spiral pipe flow and also to install a series of non-return
equipped with vortex-inducing vanes, which valves to ensure that any developing expan-
is described in chapter 14 on water supply. sion is directed upwards and not downwards
At a certain depth to be determined empiri- against the uprising water. While the system
cally as shown in the larger detail in fig. 10.5, may pulsate of its own accord, varying in flow
atmospheric oxygen, delivered through a between night and day, this is not a problem,
larger pipe forming an outer jacket, is diffused since pulsation is the vibrant essence of life.
into the oxygen-deficient water by means of a The actual investment costs of this new sys-
one-way filter consisting of a substance whose tern would be almost nothing compared to the
physical composition permits the passage of massive expense presently required for nuclear
the smaller oxygen molecule, but not that of reprocessing plants and power stations.
the larger water molecule. In contact with this Furthermore, apart from the actual energy pro-
diffusive filter, the rising water rapidly absorbs duced, the only end-product of this process is
the oxygen, warms slightly and begins to ecologically harmless oxygenated seawater
expand, to increase its volume in the same way which, after all is what is everywhere present
as occurred with the spring at Montenegro. in the upper strata of the oceans. All that needs
According to Viktor Schauberger this expan- to be done therefore is to make a beginning, for
sion can be significantly enhanced with the with this method humanity will be provided
addition of a few drops of a highly complex with unlimited electricity until yet another
carbone, such as oil. It is this powerfully expan- higher form of energy can be produced.


1. Etidorpha, now published by Health Research, Box 2. Our Senseless Toil, Part II, p.10.
70, Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245, USA. 3. Austrian Patent No.145141,10 April 1936.

11.1 Floating Stones is always to be found at the centre. Since water

cannot actually become denser unless it is
As a living, natural organism, water is cooled, then ipso facto it is the central core that
formed and functions according to contains the coldest and densest water. The
Nature's laws and geometry, and maintenance of low temperatures is a prereq-
inhibits none of the elements of the straight uisite for the continuing health and vitality of
line, circle and point, the basis of modern all waterways.
mechanical and technological constructs, When fresh, lively water gushes forth from
reflecting Nature's principal constant, namely a shaded spring in the high forest, it cascades
that of continuous change and transformation, down the side of the mountain, often with tor-
the vortex epitomises this form of open, fluid rential flows, but never overflows its banks. In
and flexible motion. Through his study of the the course of its descent it twists and turns,
vortices occurring naturally in flowing water first to the right and then to the left as it
and in the air in the form of cyclones and tor- whorls about one rock after another. Upon
nadoes, Viktor Schauberger developed his the- these rocks and on those lying on the bed of
ories of Implosion. It was through the research this crystal clear, cold water, undisturbed by
and development of these theories that he was human hand, the tips of the mosses growing
able to produce drinking water of mountain- there behave very peculiarly according to our
spring quality and generate considerable ener- conventional minds.
gies in and with water and air. In his various writings Viktor Schauberger
What is the natural movement of water and often stated that two energy streams are active
what is the function of the vortex? In relation simultaneously in healthily flowing water, but
to all that has been discussed previously in in opposite directions. As discussed previ-
terms of forms, shapes and so on, it can be seen ously there are always two processes associ-
that the expression or manifestation of natural ated with any form of natural energetic
energies is always in curves and vortices, but motion, which are always in a state of semi-
never in a straight linear fashion. In healthy, opposition and at the same time are comple-
naturally flowing water these curvilinear mentary. On the one hand, there is the
movements are principally expressed as longi- gravitational movement of water from the
tudinal vortices running parallel to the direc- spring down to the sea and, on the other, its
tion of flow, though minor transverse eddies levitational counterpart flowing from the sea
do form in the area adjacent to the river banks. right up to the source; in other words, a
Due to the centripetal action of these longi- counter movement of energy. Not being aware
tudinal vortices, in which material in the form that at least two forms of opposing, but com-
of water is drawn inwards, the densest water plementary energy are active in all natural

140 Living Energies

phenomena, nor having seen this phenome- the buck standing behind a small bush and,
non for ourselves, we would imagine that the despite the danger of it falling into the ravine
moss-tips would bend downstream due to the if shot, his hunting spirit got the upper hand
pressure of the fast-flowing current. and he fired at it.
Astonishingly, the opposite is the case as His worst expectations were realised and the
was observed on many occasions by Viktor buck plunged into the ravine, hitting the bot-
Schauberger, who regarded it as a reliable indi- tom far below with a dull thud. Anxious to re-
cator of the state of health of a given stream, cover the much-prized horns and beard, he cast
because both the downstream gravitational about for some way down. Losing his footing,
flow of matter and the upstream, levitational he slid down the path of an avalanche and lan-
flow of energy were in the proper state of bal- ded on a heap of snow at the bottom. Delighted
ance. Contrary to expectation, and despite the to discover that the horns and beard had not
fact that at +4C this water is at its most dense, been damaged, he removed them, afterwards
the moss-tips actually point upstream against going over to a pool below a waterfall, which
the current. This is quite inexplicable according was surrounded by ice to wash his hands.
to current hydraulic doctrine, which only treats Due to the crystal clarity of the water and
water mechanically as an inert substance with the bright light of the full Moon, as he was
no perception of its other physical or energetic looking down into it he became aware of a
characteristics. movement several metres below. Too heavy to
However, if through deforestation this stream float and colloquially called 'sinkers', a num-
is exposed to the direct light of the Sun, then ber of green logs were engaged in a strange
the situation soon changes markedly. The water dance. The butt of one log would suddenly rise
becomes warmer, specifically less dense and, lo up, move across another and then return to its
and behold, the moss-tips point downstream! former position. Then another would do the
They do so because the water's intrinsic ener- same. Totally enthralled, Viktor could not take
gies have been depleted by the heat and the his eyes off this uncanny phenomenon for a
counterflow of bio-magnetic energy from the second. Spending several hours, wholly oblivi-
mouth of the stream up to its source has been ous to the cold and with horns and beard for-
weakened. The moss-tips therefore act like the gotten, he stared down into the water.
needle on a dial faithfully recording the health More weird and wonderful happenings
condition of the stream in which they reside. unfolded as some of the stones too began this
This phenomenon is now almost impossible to rhythmical gavotte. Suddenly, one of them
find, because very few mountain streams have began to gyrate slowly along the bottom and,
escaped the marauding hand of humankind. much to his astonishment, it gradually rose to
But this was by no means Viktor's only the surface and stayed there, surrounded by a
encounter with the bio-magnetic energies halo of ice. Thirteen more stones followed
inherent in healthy water. As a young forest shortly thereafter. Despite his amazement at
warden in a large area of private forest in the this spectacle, he still had enough presence of
early 1900s, Viktor Schauberger was con- mind to notice that all the stones that rose to
stantly on the move about the forest in his the surface were egg-shaped, having been
care. During these years, when hunting was rolled around in the bowl at the bottom of the
common practice, on one occasion while off- waterfall for some considerable time. Those
duty he went after a particularly magnificent stones with rough and ragged edges were left
chamois buck that he knew to frequent a cer- lying on the bottom.
tain area of the forest. It was a very bright, full In reflecting upon this many years later
moonlit night in the middle of winter. Having Viktor came to realise that it was the com-
found the buck, he followed it to the edge of a bined effect of the cold, which enhanced the
very deep ravine, where he lost track of it. bio-magnetic levitational energies, and the
Keeping very still he waited for some indica- metalliferous composition of the stones them-
tion of its whereabouts. Noticing a slight fall selves that was responsible for this remark-
of snow on the edge of the ravine, he espied able occurrence. Here the term metalliferous
11: Floating Stones and the Stationary Trout 141

essentially refers to silica, the name for silicon raised can be considerably slowed. It could
dioxide (SiO2) which is abundant in the therefore be mooted that a sphere, which is
Earth's crust as quartz, rock crystal, flint, in not a natural form, is not particularly attuned
granite, sandstone etc, and silicates which are to vortical motion.
oxides of various metals such as magnesium,
calcium and aluminium. As will be shown
later, these metalliferous stones reinforce the 11.2 The Stationary Trout
energies in flowing water.
The fact that the stones actually stayed on
the surface is due to another phenomenon.
Even though its temperature may be well
A a result of the successful operation of the
several log-flumes Viktor Schauberger
built in the late 1920s (to be described later),
below the freezing point of 0C, the water whose function was incomprehensible to
flowing in such streams in winter does not hydraulic experts and could not be explained
freeze as long as it is moving. When this very
cold water of say -3C or -5C falls to the bot-
tom of the pool below a waterfall, it creates a
certain vortical movement. At the same time,
its motion having been decelerated in the
process, it has a tendency to crystallise and
does so on all surfaces of the floating stones,
bringing them up to the surface. Here more ice
forms and holds the stones in suspension.
As a result of this encounter with the float-
ing stones, Viktor Schauberger began to realise
that there were other forms which could
enhance the movement of water, the egg being
one of the most important, since eggs or egg-
shaped bodies would appear to have a certain
connection with vortical motion. A simple
experiment gives an idea of what is here
So as to make the experiment as fair as pos-
sible and to be able to compare the action of
an egg-shaped body with that of another, a
sphere - for example, a ping-pong ball - is
filled with saline solution weighing slightly
more than the specific weight of the contents
of the egg, preferably a bantam's egg with
similar surface area, in order to offset the
lighter specific weight of the plastic shell vis-a-
vis that of the heavier egg-shell. As the water
in the cylindrical measuring jar (fig. 11.1) is
stirred with a rod, the ping-pong ball just
wobbles about at the bottom. It exhibits no
quick tendency to rise, but will eventually do
so if the stirring is vigorous enough. However,
when an egg, which has a natural tendency to
spin on its longitudinal axis, is used instead, it
rises very quickly and will stay at the top of
the jar for as long as the stirring action is
maintained, which once the egg has been
142 Living Energies

by conventional concepts, the then Austrian Forchheimer to explain why the trout fled
government became very interested in his the- upstream instead of downstream and how it
ories and their practical implementation, since was able to do this. Unable to answer, Viktor
they might be of benefit to the country as a then responded mischievously, "Well, Profes-
whole. It was therefore decided to commission sor, it is because it never had any academic train-
Prof. Philipp Forchheimer, one of the world's ing! Were you in this gushing stream, you would
foremost but recently retired hydrologists, to be swept away!"
observe Viktor Schauberger's activities and The process by which the trout stays
report on them. He was to try to understand motionless in flowing water is as follows: The
the processes, which appeared to function trout always seeks out that part of the water-
flawlessly, but for which there were no body, that part of the current flow where the
accepted theories. water is densest and coldest, and the
At first Viktor Schauberger was rather irri- longitudinal vortex most intense. Here a factor
tated at having this man trotting around after discovered by Viktor Schauberger plays a very
him, looking over his shoulders as it were. important role, namely that the forward
Forchheimer, however, was always very velocity of every particle of water is
discreet, never asking trivial questions and associated with a specific temperature. If it
eventually they became firm friends, Forch- exceeds this critical velocity then turbulence
heixner ultimately enabling the publication of results. Because of its bodily form, as each
Viktor's treatise on water in the Austrian filament of water passes around the trout it
hydrological journal "Die Wasserwirtschaft". accelerates and in doing so exceeds the
During their period together, and because of above critical velocity relative to specific
Forchheimer's sincere interest, Viktor was temperature.
always trying to find practical examples to In other words, due to being deflected by
teach him about the substance of water, its the mass of the trout's body and depending on
intrinsic nature and the peculiar phenomena its proximity to the same, in varying degrees,
under which the energies in water evolve. One each water-filament is caused to move too fast
day he arranged a demonstration for (fig. 11.2). In consequence a series of vortices
Forchheimer and, taking him up to a certain are created along the trout's flanks which have
part of the forest, they came upon a fast- a component of motion in a direction opposite
flowing mountain stream which Viktor knew to the current. The combined action of these
to contain trout. Right in the middle of this counter movements in direct contact with the
rushing cold water at the point where the flow hindparts of the trout's body provides the
was fastest, Schauberger pointed to the counterthrust against the downward flow of
motionless stance of a so-called 'stationary water. A zone of negative pressure or negative
trout'. The trout was standing totally still or thrust is created within the length of the
very nearly so, apparently managing to main- trout's body. This negative pressure couter-
tain its station effortlessly with just an occa- acts the positive pressure of the water flow
sional flick of its fins. and the trout rests within the zone of neutral
Just holding a stick over it, or even the pressure its body has created.
shadow of the stick, was enough to make the If the trout wants to accelerate upstream, it
trout dart upstream. The direction of escape starts to work its gills. The flapping of the gills
was never downstream, but it always intensifies the vortices along its flanks, which
accelerated upstream. Very odd, because one makes the ensuing upstream thrust greater
would normally consider movement down- than the downward pressure. The faster it
stream to be the fastest avenue of escape, since flaps its gills, the faster it moves against the
movement would be with the current. But not current, and when its gills are going at 'full
so, the movement was always upstream bore', so to speak, it moves upstream like a
against the current. Once things had settled streak of lightning. The increased expulsion of
down and danger had passed, the trout would oxygen-deficient, CO2-rich and therefore car-
return to its former station. Viktor asked bone-rich water from the faster-functioning
11: Floating Stones and the Stationary Trout 143

gills also has an energising effect. The free dis- path and migrates towards the sides of the
solved oxygen in the stream water is almost stream or river. The trout becomes agitated
instaneously absorbed by the expelled oxy- and casts about, hunting for its food, no doubt
gen-hungry carbones causing the expansion of grumbling to itself, 'Where is my food? It's
the water adjacent to the trout's body so that, disgraceful! I actually have to work to get it!'
in consort with the vortical effects and the lev- Finally, in desperation, it jumps about, reck-
itational energies, the trout is squeezed for- lessly biting at anything which in any way
wards like a bar of slippery soap. resembles its food, because it has by this time
Considering the trout's behaviour, it is become extremely hungry and careless, falling
known there are some days when the fish are easy prey to the angler's hook. So before a
'biting', as as anglers say. On other days, they thunderstorm or when the weather suddenly
seem to ignore the hook altogether. The reason becomes warm, the fish are more likely to bite
for this is because the water temperature is than when the weather is fairly even. Fish also
perfect, the food supply is perfect and the tend to rise to bait in the evening because, by
trout just likes to sit there and wait for all its the end of the day, the water has warmed to a
food to float directly into its jaws. All that is certain degree and the flow has thus become
necessary to alter this serene situation is a very slightly more turbulent, partially disrupting
slight change in external temperature, which the normal food supply.
also affects the temperature of the water. The On this day Viktor Schauberger had also
water then begins to become more turbulent. arranged that his foresters build a fire and
As a result of the increased turbulence, the place a large cauldron containing 100 litres of
trout's food, which normally flows down the water over it to heat up. All this occurred
cold central axis of the current directly into the about 150 metres upstream from where the
trout's mouth, is diverted from its normal stationary trout was resting. Once the water

Fig. 11.2 The stationary trout

The trout normally swims in the middle of the central current vortex, where the water is densest and coldest. Due to
the volume of its body, the individual current filaments are displaced and compressed. This causes their acceleration
and eventually their critical velocities are exceeded, which results in the formation of vortices (counter-currents) along
the rear part of the body. These vortices act counter to the direction of the current and provide the counter-thrust
required by the trout to remain stationary in this fast flowing water. If it needs to accelerate upstream, then it flaps its
gills. creating a further vortex train along its flanks, thus increasing the counter-thrust upstream. The more rapid the
gill-movements, the faster the trout moves upwards against the current.
144 Living Energies

was hot enough, Viktor Schauberger gave the away by the torrent. Forchheimer carefully
signal to pour it into the stream, while he and measured the water temperature both above
Forchheimer continued to observe the trout's and below the stone and was very surprised
behaviour very closely. As soon as the hot to find there was a difference of about 2/10ths of
water hit the stream, the trout started to flail a degree Celsius - colder on the downstream
its tail, moving backwards all the while as it side of the stone. After a number of measure-
struggled to maintain its station. Something ments were made later on, Forchheimer found
drastic had happened to the water and its pat- that the cooling at these points varied from
tern of energy, which normally aided the trout 0.1C to 0.4C.
in the maintenance of its position. The upward When moving naturally, water develops a
flow of levitational energy had been totally series of vortices and eddies which brake its
disrupted by the introduction of the hot water otherwise unimpeded forward movement and
150m above. The trout was no longer able to at the same time cool it. The steadiness of flow
stay where it was in the fast flow without in naturally flowing river systems is closely
effort, as was the case before. associated with this vortical motion, which is
Missing was the energy that the trout also due to the turbulence arising through the
exploits to progress upstream and to make its exceeding of the critical velocity relative to
famous leaps, which it must do periodically in water temperature as mentioned previously.
order to reach the spawning grounds, which Such water will never accelerate continuously
are always to be found in the zone of high- and rush headlong down a given gradient but,
quality water near the spring. When the hot depending on its temperature and the type of
water was introduced, this counter-movement temperature gradient in force, it will fairly
of energy was cut. The energy was suddenly quickly develop vortices and thereby slow its
dissipated and became chaotic. All structure rate of forward flow, for the simple reason that
in terms of the natural thermal stratification of these vortices represent the application of an
the water was lost and the regularity of the automatic brake by creating a counter move-
longitudinal vortex with its cold core, essential ment in an upstream direction, a phenomenon
for the trout motionless stance, had been that will be explained in the following chapter.
destroyed. All its valiant efforts to maintain
station were in vain and it was swept down-
stream. Over a certain period of time the 11.3 Fishes from Eggs
counter-flow of energy was slowly restored
through the continuing descent of cold water Another interesting aspect about the trout in
and eventually the trout was able to return to that the form of its body arises from the
its former position. combination of three egg-shapes, two elon-
On another occasion, Viktor pointed out a gated in the form of seeds or grain and the
stone in the middle of a stream and asked other in the form of an egg (fig. 11.3), all of
Forchheimer whether he thought the water which can be precisely calculated with the
would be hotter or colder after flowing past it. hyperbolic mathematical system devised by
The Professor scratched his head and thinking Walter Schauberger. We are therefore con-
to himself, "Hmm, friction; friction produces cerned with a complex egg-form. As was
heat", answered "Hotter!" Schauberger then demonstrated in the measuring jar, the egg-
suggested he measure it to confirm his opin- shape does seem to have a certain affinity for
ion, stating, however, that he thought Forch- vortical motion and it is very possible that the
heimer's answer was incorrect. Equipped with resistance of this form to forward motion, or
his accurate thermometers and first furling up any kind of pressure, is much less than it
his trousers, the Professor entered the water. would be in the case of a cylindrical or an
Viktor's son, Walter, who at the time was elliptical system.
about 16 years old, was requested to hold onto Here we need briefly to address Walter
the spindly professor's belt, lest he lose his Schauberger's Pythagoras-Kepler System and
footing on the slippery stones and be swept its associated mathematics, which are are devel-
11: Floating Stones and the Stationary Trout 145

ratios of string length to pitch, can be inter-

preted as reciprocities.
These are the same reciprocities from which
the rectangular hyperbola mentioned in previ-
ous chapters is constructed according to
Walter Schauberger's simple equation
1/n x n = 1. Here 1/n represents the radius or
stringlength, and n the height above the base-
line or the pitch of the vibrating string. If n=1,
then 1/1 x 1 = 1, actually 12 since multiplying the
The form of most fishes consists of three interacting radius by the height produces a square with
egg-shapes. Because an egg-shape is of constantly sides of unit length (see fig. 11.4) whereas,
changing, non-euclidean curvature, it is conducive to a
reduction in friction and the generation of counter- musically speaking, stringlength 1 produces
thrusting vortices, which, if intensified sufficiently, result pitch 1. If n = 2 on the other hand, then
in accelerated forward movement. 1/2(radius) x 2 (height) also equals 1, in this case
a rectangle of 1/2-unit width and 2-unit height
oped from the Pythagorean concepts of har- and equal in area to the square mentioned
monics derived from the Monochord, a single above or, in terms of tone, string length 1/2 pro-
resonating string, and the planetary motion duces the first octave or double the original
and harmonies of Johannes Kepler. Through pitch. If n = 3, then 1/3 x 3 also make a rectangle
the whole-numbered division of the length of with the overall area of 1. In other words by
its string, i.e. by 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., certain musi- multiplying both reciprocal terms together, the
cally narmonic intervals can be obtained from answer is always 1. What could be simpler
the Monochord which, in their numerical mathematically!
146 Living Energies
as oval, i.e. egg-shaped (ovum=egg), but
because he was unable to define them mathe-
matically, he was eventually forced to adopt
the simpler ellipse, which for most of the plan-
etary orbits is a fairly close approximation.
Whereas an elliptical orbit has two foci - the
Sun occupying one, the other being empty -
and a symmetry about both axes, an egg-orbit
has but one focus - the unequivocal and only
possible location for the Sun - and is symmet-
rical about the longitudinal axis only.
In comparison with the thoroughly sym-
metrical ellipse, the constantly changing cur-
vature of the egg-orbit far better reflects the
varying strength of the Sun's gravitational
attraction as the planet moves around it.
Moreover the egg's dissimilar curvature at
opposite ends likewise far better reflects the
varying speed and the resultant path followed
by the planet as it accelerates towards the Sun,
until it reaches its maximum orbital velocity at
Applied to the concepts of Kepler, who was perihelion (position closest to the Sun; blunt
the first person to determine that the orbits of end of the egg). Having passed this point the
the planets were eccentric about the Sun, this planet then decelerates, attaining its minimum
same equation opens up a plethora of interest- velocity at aphelion (position furthest from the
ing insights in its three-dimensional form, Sun; sharp end of the egg). Both terms, perihe-
namely as the hyperbolic cone shown in lion and aphelion, are of Kepler's coinage.
fig. 11.5. When he first put pen to paper, By taking a section through this solid a cone
Kepler initially described the planetary orbits at a steeply inclined plane, the resultant flat
11: Floating Stones and the Stationary Trout 147

surface is grain-shaped as in fig. 11.6. If the different widths, but the same length, very
section is tangential to the surface of the fish-like forms can be created which are
hyperbolic cone, then the resultant profile is depicted in fig. 11.8. Here the four images of
sharply pointed at one end. On the other hand the two fishes produced by the author are
a section taken at a flatter angle produces the shown. This well demonstrates the possibili-
egg-shape shown in fig. 11.7. Even shallower ties for the natural, non-Euclidean design of
angles will produce the planetary orbits that various apparatuses and devices afforded by
Kepler originally described with the term the mathematics of the Pythagoras-Kepler
oval. System, with which any desired egg-shape,
from extreme to mean, can be accurately
Using an appropriate computer program to calculated.
combine data from two tangential sections of

I n the previous chapters we began to learn to-do still believed that they could continue
more about the behaviour of water and in life as before and returned to frequent the
order to get even more into the swim of tables at Monte Carlo. Prince Adolph and his
things, as it were, we shall now take a look at new young wife, Princess Ellen (nee Bischoff-
Viktor Schauberger's first major project, Korthaus), were no exception. The only prob-
whose successful function was founded on lem was that she lost heavily, which presented
his growing knowledge of water and its the Prince with the recurring problem of try-
essential nature. This was the log-flume at ing to recoup what she had lost. The only
Steyrling which began operations in the latter means available to him to avoid bankruptcy
part of 1923. was to sell the timber still untouched in the
Owing to his great inherited love of the large tracts of virgin forest on their Brun-
forest and, as an apprentice forester, during nenthal estate, some of which were in very
the period from 1903 to 1914, Viktor Schau- remote areas and access to them very difficult.
berger quickly acquired a great deal of How therefore could it be got out?
knowledge about the forest, demonstrating Before and during his early employ with
an expertise far beyond those of his peers Prince Adolph, Viktor Schauberger had been
and rapidly rising from the rank of forester working on the design of a log-flume for the
to forest warden, the highest position for safe transport of timber, using his own
those with no academic training in forestry. knowledge of the natural movement of water
His progress as a forester was interrupted by and what had been passed down to him from
conscription into the army to fight in the his ancestors' long association with log-
First World War, during which he was rafting. He was very concerned about the
wounded. At the end of the war at the age of damage to the forest and streams associated
33 he continued his career and, in a relatively with the normal system for recovery from
short time, he developed a certain reputation otherwise inaccessible sites, for in those days
which led to his employment in 1920 on a the usual method of recovery was to fell the
hunting and forest reserve owned by the trees and throw the green logs into the near-
German Prince Adolf zu Schaumburg-Lippe, est available stream at high-water in the hope
whose family seat was at Buckeburg in that some of them would arrive at the
Lower Saxony. As a forest warden Viktor's sawmill in a usable condition. This system
position was that of overseer of this very was extremely wasteful, much valuable tim-
extensive domain at Brunnenthal in Steyrl- ber never arrived and many logs were so
ing, Upper Austria. splintered by the rough passage that they
During the period immediately after the were useless for anything other than fire-
war the economic situation in the vanquished wood (fig. 12.1).
countries of Austria and Germany was partic- On several occasions Viktor presented his
ularly difficult. Despite this, some of the well- designs to the Estate Administration, only to

12: The Log Flume 149

have been haughtily rejected and ridiculed, Instead of the usual rectangular or
because the way the flume was supposed to trapezoid concrete channel, Schauberger's
function was totally contrary to proven log-flume was to be constructed of timber,
hydraulic theory and therefore would never the cross-section of the log-flume was egg-
work. After all, everyone with any good aca- shaped, or rather half egg-shaped (figs. 12.2
demic education knew that, in accordance & 12.3 - actually a later log-flume at Neuberg
with Archimedes' Principle, logs heavier 1928), and it was to function in total
than water - 'sinkers' - could not be trans- contravention of the established principles of
ported in water but merely sank to the conventional hydraulics. When they were
bottom. ready to start, the carpenters and labourers
asked Viktor Schauberger where it was to be
Much sobered by the spectre of eventual built. He told them to study the shape of the
bankruptcy and having heard rumour of river and the valley and to follow these as
Viktor Schauberger's unusual log-flume closely as possible, because water never likes
design the young Princess approached him to move in a straight line, but always curves
to find out what savings could be achieved in its natural meandering motion and
over the normal costs of timber trans- Nature's examples should always be fol-
portation which amounted to 12 schillings lowed. Therefore, as eventually built, it
per solid cubic metre, because the substantial followed the contours of the valley (figs. 12.4,
losses mentioned above always had to be 12.5 & 12.6).
taken into account. Viktor answered that the The day before it was due to be commis-
costs could be reduced to 1 schilling/m 3 , sioned, Viktor decided to make a preliminary
including the amortisation of construction test of the flume's performance. An average-
costs, because every log would arrive in sized green beech log was ushered into the
good condition. The Princess jumped at the mouth of the flume and to his horror it
idea. stranded on the bottom after a few metres
and would not budge. This was a catastrophe
Despite the fact that Viktor had no acade- and something had to be done at once if the
mic qualifications, she offered him three next day's opening was to be successful.
times his normal salary if he agreed to build Sending his workers away to give himself
it and begged her husband to agree to its con- space to think, Viktor sat on a rock to ponder
struction. He concurred, saying that, while it the situation. As he sat down he felt some-
was very unconventional, if all went well it thing scrabbling underneath his leather
would solve their financial problems, due to breeches and sprang up to find a very alive
the large returns anticipated. His agreement, snake. Grabbing it quickly, he flung it into
however, was subject to two conditions: the holding basin, which supplied the flume
1. the flume was to be built at Viktor's own with water and where the logs were to be
expense and in the event of its non-function assembled before being entrained into the
he was as also to pay for its demolition; 2. the flume. As he watched it swim to the other
flume had to deliver a minimum of 1,000m3 side, wondering how it was able to swim so
of solid timber daily. fast, he suddenly became aware of its
Viktor was delighted to take up the chal- peculiar sinuous movement. Nature had
lenge and immediately began preparation for again come to his aid.
the construction of his first log-flume. It was The snake's movement was that of a spiral-
not long before word was out, eventually space curve and like the shape of the Kudu
attracting the attention of the Estate Admin- horn (shown in fig. 12.7). Summoning his
istration and the Institute of Hydraulics at workers, he ordered the holding basin to be
the University of Vienna, who were outraged drained and the offending log removed. He
that a young upstart forester should be then gave them instructions on how to attach
awarded such a lucrative contract when they thin wooden slats to the curved sides of the
should have been called upon for their exper- flume walls, which would act like the rifling
tise. The whole thing was totally out of order
and quite preposterous!
150 Living Energies

in gun-barrels and cause the water to rotate thought him eccentric before, the experts
anti-clockwise at left hand bends and clock- were convinced that he had become mentally
wise at right hand bends (fig. 12.8). Working unhinged when his only response to their
all through the night with the promise of calls to return was to fire his shotgun into the
double wages, the work was finished by air.
early next morning ready for commissioning This was the prearranged signal to open
at the Grand Opening. the sluicegates at a higher weir. Having done
This momentous event was to be attended this, he then stood looking down over the
by the Prince and Princess, the Chief Forestry wall as a 6 metre high wall of muddy water
Commissioner and a number of hydraulic full of flotsam and jetsam boiled and surged
specialists and experts. Nothing would have into the basin from the other side. In spite of
prevented the latter from attending since the thrusting power of this roiling mael-
their dearest wish was to have the opportu- strom, the wall held and the basin gradually
nity publicly to heap scorn on Schauberger filled.
and to witness his humiliation. From subsequent static calculation it was
The first item on the agenda was the refill- determined that it had been built 12 times
ing of the 18 metre deep holding basin. It was more strongly than it need have been. The
of novel design and the inspecting experts experts were dumbfounded and asked how
considered its construction far too flimsy and he came to build it in this particular form. He
the wall too thin to withstand the pressures answered very archly that he had obtained
of being filled. Viktor assured them that it the shape from a common chicken's egg
was strong enough and, ignoring their stri- What he had known, but the experts had not,
dent protests for his safety, strode down to was that when the first inflow of water
the middle of the wall directly opposite entered the basin it would swirl across the
where the water would enter, at the same bottom and around the sides (fig. 12.9). All
time calling back to the assembled company the flows would then meet at the centre
that, if he was wrong, then at least the world where he was standing and recoil in the
would be rid of another fool. If they had opposite direction, thus creating an opposing
12: The Log Flume 151
152 Living Energies

surge of water, which would counteract the expressing his disgust to the royal couple, he
momentum of the oncoming water and tendered his resignation and was summarilly
relieve the wall of destructive pressure. dismissed without pay.
All this having been achieved with much The way in which the log flume operated
astonishment and no doubt a certain secret however, is as follows: Water for the flume
chagrin in some quarters, it was now time to was initially collected in a deep holding basin
test the flume itself. When everything was fed by an adjacent stream. In this storage
ready the flume sluice-gates were opened reservoir the water gradually stratified
and the logs guided into the mouth of this according to temperature and density, the
half-egg-shaped channel. One very large colder water lying at the bottom (fig. 12.10a).
beech log managed to get itself included with Water of different temperatures was then
the first few logs and, half way into the flume drawn off from various levels in the reser-
it suddenly jammed and the water began to voir, in particular low-temperature +4C
back up behind it. While all watched with water, and introduced into the flume.
bated breath, all at once with a loud gurgling Now it is a known fact that waters of
sound it was sucked forwards and departed different temperatures do not mix immedi-
round the first bend. Many other logs fol- ately and, indeed, on many occasions, not for
lowed, passing easily down the flume, being quite a long period. On the basis of the
kept away from the sides at the bends by the Archimedean principle of the specifically
longitudinal vortices induced by the rifling denser carrying the specifically lighter,
slats as shown in fig. 12.8. through the generation of the longitudinal
Against all official expectations, on its very vortices mentioned earlier, the only place for
first day of operation it proved its worth and the denser water was in the middle, the
actually delivered 1,600 cubic metres of tim- increasingly less specifically dense layers or
ber to the mill and Viktor Schauberger was skeins of water being at the outside. Because
paid. Delighted with the success, but unable the temperature of the water at the central
to raise him to the position of 'Forstmeister' core of the longitudinal vortex was colder,
(Forest Superintendent) due to the vehement its flow was faster and more laminar;
opposition of forestry officialdom, the Prince an increase in water temperature, on the
awarded Viktor the title of 'Wildmeister', or other hand, increases the incidence of
'Master of the Wilderness' for his efforts. turbulence.
Later on, however, Viktor Schauberger had Although no actual details of vortex-
cause to rue the day he had built it, because inducing elements exist for flumes con-
the greed of the Prince and Princess was insa- structed later, apart from the rifling slats, it is
tiable and, instead of the sustainable, eco- most probable that, when water was initially
nomic extraction of timber he had foreseen, introduced into the flume from the holding
the whole area was clear-felled. After basin, it was introduced into the system
12: The Log Flume 153
154 Living Energies
12: The Log Flume 155

tangentially (fig. 12.10b). As this central core otherwise equal conditions. There can be lit-
of water moved away faster than the outer tle doubt that Viktor was aware that the car-
layers, it created an area of suction in front of rying capacity and flow velocity of water
the logs, particularly the 'sinkers', and drew varied according to the time of day and sea-
these logs along with it (fig. 12.11). The logs son, because his forebears always rafted tim-
themselves did not touch the sides and ber during the cold nights of the full Moon in
neither the timber nor the flume was ever winter, when the water was at its very
damaged. densest.
Always inventive and wanting to test
Periodically, in order to retain the his theories further, using the same
water's energy, some water was drained principle, Viktor Schauberger developed a
off and replaced by fresh, colder 'energy- log-flume capable of carrying even larger
water' from affluent streams or adjacent logs, which was provided with skid-rails to
springs. Viktor Schauberger knew that, once take the additional weight of the heavier
the water had been warmed to a certain timber. Here there was a difference in the
degree, it lost its transporting ability, its roughness of the channel wall surfaces. In the
carrying power and its energy to move the upper part, above the rails, the walls were
material. It therefore had to be re-energised rougher and below them smoother, allowing
with colder water. The warmer water was a faster flow underneath, so if a log had a
therefore skimmed off and colder water tendency to jam, it was sucked along by the
introduced, probably tangentially again, (as faster flow of cold water underneath.
depicted in figs. 12.12a & 12b). This main- Fig. 12.13 illustrates the patented arrange-
tained the stratified vortical movement of the ment of this flume1.
whole water-body. All in all Viktor Schauberger built seven-
The extent to which these flumes were teen such flumes in various parts of Bohemia,
operated at night is not recorded. However, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and
in the early morning, when the overall tem- Romania, all of which functioned perfectly
perature of the water was between +9C and and remained in working order for about 20
+10Cp a block of wood took 29 minutes to years. The timber they were made of would
cover the distance of 2km at the Neuberg not rot due to the water's artificially induced,
flume at Steiermark. At midday, when the but nevertheless natural, form of motion.
water temperature was between +13C and How this comes about will be elaborated in
+15C the same block of wood took 40 chapter 15 concerning water supply.
minutes to travel the same distance under


1. Austrian Patent No.122144,10 April


23.1 Temperature Gradients during into account, as they do, just a mechanical
Flow point of view, only wreak damage to the
waterway and attract increasing damage and

he temperature gradient in moving maintenance costs in their wake.
water plays a very decisive role both in Standard river engineering practice always
its movement and in the configuration attempts to regulate a river through the
of its flow. This vital factor seems to have agency of the riverbank or other artificial
been completely lost to conventional river flow-confining structures, never by reorgan-
management, both historically and still to ising the flow of the water's intrinsic ener-
this day. Indeed the standard methods of reg- gies, to which Viktor Schauberger offers the
ulating and rectifying the channel, taking following trenchant critique:
13: The Dynamics of Flow 157

To regulate a waterway by means of the riverbank ful, for it is precisely upon these very subtle
itself is verily to fight cause with effect. ...It can- differences in temperature that the orderly
not and should not be the task of the river engi- drainage of water depends. The variations in
neer to correct Nature by violating her. Rather, in the temperature of the water-body as a whole
all watercourses requiring regulation his job and in its various parts are so subtle, lying
should be to investigate Nature's processes as far perhaps within a range of 0.1C to 2.0C, that
as this is possible, and to emulate the examples contemporary hydraulic engineers have
that Nature provides in the way of healthy never paid the slightest heed to them.
streams... Every violation, however, rebounds on Indeed, they generally regard the tempera-
the perpetrator. ...As water flows down a natural ture of the water as irrelevant either to the
gradient, it does so according to a sublime inner form of the flow or to its energy.
law, whose power our hydraulic experts are quite These small, but crucial, differences in
unable to comprehend. ...The more the engineer water temperature were therefore never
endeavours to channel water, of whose spirit and included in any hydraulic calculation.
where he is today still ignorant, by the shortest Nothing appears to have changed, as I dis-
and straightest route to the sea, the more the flow covered in my brief discussion with Professor
of water weighs into the bends, the longer its path John F. Kennedy described in chapter 8. This
and the worse the water will become.1 omission has had disastrous consequences
not only for those living next to rivers con-
In the light of this, unless the physical factor ventionally regulated, but also for the general
of temperature and the more immaterial climate and for the quality of the water itself.
magnitudes of the water's inherent energies Viktor Schauberger, on the other hand,
are taken into consideration, no river engi- considered these factors to be all-important
neering project will ever be wholly successful and absolutely essential to all natural water
and in many cases will be downright harm- resources management. He stated categori-

Fig. 13.1 Alternate deposition and scouring

1. Flow from A to B occurs under a negative temperature gradient by which the water is increasingly warmed and
begins to deposit its suspended sediment.
2.. Maximum deposition takes place at B, also the position of least carrying power.
3. The accumulation of sediment here causes water to back up, resulting in an overfall with a transverse horizontally
aligned vortex immediately downstream from B.
4. Just after B, D or F these vortices not only cool the water, but also scour into the riverbed material, forming
5. As a result of this cooling vortexial action the temperature gradient from B to C becomes positive and the
sediment is transported and not deposited. Deposition gradually occurs as the negative temperature gradient
beginning at C becomes more intense.
6. This results in a similar situation at D to that occuring at B.
Correction of this unwelcome phenomenon can be achieved by bringing about the extension of this alternation
over longer distances through the incorporation of the appropriate internal flow control structures.
158 Living Energies

cally that no regulation could ever be suc- In fig. 13.1, for example, from A to B the
cessful unless they were taken into account, temperature gradient is negative. From A to
since it is dependent upon the water temper- B the water gradually heats up and in the
ature and the temperature gradient predomi- process is unable to retain the sediment in
nantly active along its course whether a river suspension and drops it progressively as the
will either remove, transport or deposit its water becomes warmer. At B, the zone of
sediment. maximum deposition, the accumulated mate-
Under natural conditions when water rial creates an overfall which, in turn, creates
descends a gradient, its flow is affected by a a horizontal barrel vortex immediately
naturally occurring sequence of positive and downstream. This vortex, however, cools the
negative temperature gradients because, in water and therefore from B to C the tempera-
the course of flow, the water rhythmically ture gradient becomes positive. The sediment
heats up and cools down. How much it heats is once more picked up and transported.
up, however, depends on the degree of fric- Upon reaching C, the effect of the positive
tion with the riverbed, the external tempera- temperature gradient gives way to its nega-
ture and the extent to which the water is tive counterpart and the suspended matter is
directly exposed to the Sun. It only requires a again dropped, reaching a maximum at D.
very minute change in temperature for water This pulsation or alternation can be likened
to pick up, transport or deposit its sediment to breathing; a positive temperature gradient
and it is the type and duration of the temper- representing the inward breath, the absorb-
ature gradient prevailing that determines ing, material-collecting movement, the nega-
what happens and for how long. A negative tive temperature gradient representing the
temperature gradient causes the deposition outward breath, where the energetically
of sediment, whereas a positive temperature transformed matter is exhaled from the
gradient ensures its removal. This whole system and deposited.
process can become very aggravated, how- So it becomes clear that, in order to regu-
ever, if the temperature gradients alternate late a river naturally, and satisfactorily, it is
too suddenly or abruptly. essential to take the temperature gradients
13: The Dynamics of Flow 159

and their alternating sequence into consider- facilities either release cold bed-water from
ation. In order to reduce the danger of flood- the bottom-sluices or warm surface water
ing to a minimum it is therefore clear that the over the top of the dam wall by means of the
longer the duration of a positive temperature spillway. This is done without considering
gradient can be preserved, the less likely a the temperature of the water released or its
river is to flood, since only minor sediment possible effect on the downstream flow
deposition will occur. regime and on many occasions has disastrous
The duration of the positive temperature consequences. The discharge of warm water,
gradient can be extended or it can be recre- for example, into a stretch of river where the
ated where necessary in four principal ways: temperature gradient is only slightly posi-
1. By shading the river through the replant- tive, will effectively remove it altogether,
ing of trees. resulting in the automatic and almost simul-
2. By the construction of appropriately de- taneous deposition of silt and sediment. The
signed dams in which the temperature of result will be flooding.
the discharge can be suited to the pre- The discharge of cold bed-water only, on
vailing air temperatures and the water the other hand, may over-cool the lower
temperatures of the downstream flow reaches, causing excessive scouring and the
regime. transport of very heavy sediment loads,
3. By installing flow-deflecting guides which which the lower flow regime is unable to
direct the flow of water at the bends handle due to a number of factors. These
towards the centre of the river and simulta-
neously cause the creation of cooling longi-
tudinal vortices.
4. By the implanting of 'energy-bodies' in the
river bed, which re-energise the water by
inducing the formation of longitudinal vor-
On point no. 1: This is particularly important
at the riverbends, where the friction and there-
fore the warming tendencies are greatest. Here
species of timber which have a high evapora-
tion rate should be planted. In the process of
evaporation the sap in the tree is cooled and,
because the roots develop underneath the
river bed this cooling effect is also extended to
the riverbed and thus to the water as well. The
tree therefore acts like a refrigerator.
The key factors here in terms of land and
water resources management are, firstly,
never remove forest from the banks of a river.
Indeed a belt of trees of at least 500 to 1000
metres wide should be maintained along all
rivers banks for the health of the river. Rivers
flowing through cleared, barren countryside
should be reafforested (as shown in fig. 13.2)
in order to re-establish healthy flow condi-
tions, restore the nutrient supply and
recharge the ground water table in its vicinity.
On point no. 2: As presently constructed,
the majority of dams and most water storage
160 Living Energies

may involve the slope of the bed-gradient towards the water in the reservoir. As it moves
and thereby the speed of flow, the width of through the wall it dissolves and dislodges
the channel - wide, shallow channels drop- particles of the structure. In the process, cavi-
ping sediment more quickly, the temperature ties in the material are formed, thereby weak-
gradients operative lower down, etc. Each ening the wall. When rain falls on the outer
type of discharge eventually produces the surface of the wall, it too is drawn in by the
same results - silting up followed by positive temperature gradient. As juvenile
flooding. water it attacks the substances of the wall,
The control of the downstream flow for the enlarging the cavities as it transports further
purposes of extending the period of a posi- material towards the reservoir. Now fissured,
tive temperature gradient can be achieved the dam wall is open to frost attack in winter
through the construction of appropriately and, little by little, the wall is rendered
designed dams. Fig. 13.3 depicts a patented increasingly unstable.
design for a dam by Viktor Schauberger, With this design, however, measures can
which shows various outlet-sluices at differ- be taken to remove this danger completely.
ent heights on the dam-wall. The aim of this By over-trickling the exterior of the wall with
arrangement is to remove large and therefore small quantities of cold, +4C bed-water,
disruptive temperature differences and to thereby cooling it and protecting it from the
bring the external air temperature and the effects of external temperature (e.g. the Sun),
temperature of the riverwater into a closer a positive temperature gradient can be estab-
approximation. Controlled by a floating cais- lished from the reservoir in the direction of
son, which in turn is operated by the ambient the outer surface of the wall. Under its influ-
external temperature, these sluice-gates take ence the suspended matter in the reservoir
water from different levels of the dam, each water is drawn into the wall through all the
level having a different water temperature. small fissures and capillaries in the wall-
The higher the external temperature, the structure. It should be borne in mind that by
higher the relative temperature of the water excluding light, heat and air the deposition of
released, although this is always cooler than salts and other elements increases as the tem-
any water overflowing via the spillway. perature decreases towards +4C. In this way
To ensure the best possible mixing of the the cavities are gradually filled until the dam
variously tempered waters, a vortex is cre- wall is totally sealed. Ultimately the wall will
ated at the foot of the wall by the upwardly even resist the penetration of water, becomes
curving element shown at K3. In this way the impervious and as a structure is thoroughly
temperature of the discharge can be attuned consolidated.
as far as possible to that of the downstream Viktor Schauberger built fourteen of these
flow regime, thereby reducing large and dams. Their efficacy was confirmed in a
harmful fluctuations in the temperature of paper given by Professor Forchheimer on
the water itself and avoiding any premature April 15th, 1930, in which he stated:
inversions of the positive temperature Finally it may be said that Herr Schauberger has
gradients. already built a number of dams which have proved
A further advantage to this novel approach successful. Some of his structures I myself have
is that the stability of the dam wall itself can inspected, and I can affirm that these new con-
also be greatly enhanced if the above design is cepts of Schauberger's have completely fulfilled
used. In the period immediately after the con- the purpose for which they were designed.2
struction of a new dam has been completed,
relatively high temperatures are frequently On point no. 3: Being aware of the harmful
generated inside the wall by the curing heat of effects of heat and the dissipation of a river's
the concrete. A positive temperature gradient inherent energies through faulty regulation,
is created between the warmer structure and on the 31st of January 1927 Viktor Schau-
the cooler reservoir water, under the influence berger applied for a patent for a flow-deflect-
of which the water present in the wall moves ing guide-vane with which to re-establish a
13: The Dynamics of Flow 161
162 Living Energies

river's natural longitudinal vortices. Viewed create conditions conducive to the propaga-
along the direction of flow, these induce anti- tion of bacteria and micro-organisms benefi-
clockwise rotating vortices at left hand bends cial to the environment through which the
and clockwise vortices at right hand bends. water passes. All this will be discussed in
The flow-guide shown in fig. 13.4 does not greater detail in the section on water supply.
correspond precisely to the one depicted as On point no. 4: Where use of the above
figs. 1 and 4 on the patent diagram (fig. 13.5 - flow-guides is inappropriate - in the
Austrian Patent No.113487) which, as in straighter stretches of a channel for instance -
other instances, seems almost deliberately to and where the removal of sediment is desir-
have misrepresented Viktor's ideas. In this able, so-called 'energy-bodies' can be installed
particular case the actual text is at variance which have a similar effect on the flow of
with the diagram. Having been shown other water. Though these have not been describee
diagrams drawn by Viktor personally, the in detail in the documents in the author's pos-
one shown here in fig. 13.4 is in my view session, from various hints it would appear
more representative of what is actually that they consist of egg-shaped elements with
entailed. neutral buoyancy, which are anchored to the
The actual shape of the flow-guide is more river bed or its banks. In order to maintain
or less triangular in plan, the apex pointing their neutral buoyancy these flow-energisers
downstream as shown. It consists of a curved or vortex-generators are provided with small
precast concrete flow-form, the curved sur- holes fore and aft so that their inner density
face of which is fluted with grooves running always equals that of the outer water. As in
parallel to the direction of flow in order to the case of the stationary trout, the effect of
prevent any lateral slip. The wider, upstream these egg-bodies is to create longitudinal vor-
end of the triangle is horizontal and flush tices as the water swirls around them
with the riverbed, so as to scoop up the (fig. 13.6). The actual shape itself is naturally
onflowing water and curl it over centripetally open to experiment and more grain-like
into a vortex in the centre of the channel. At forms may perform better.
the same time the suspended and dissolved Another method of introducing vortices is
carbones, which generally congregate along the emplacement of large stones or boulders
the banks and the bed, are lifted towards the in the centre of the channel. If these stones
dissolved oxygen which in all healthy are metalliferous, then their effect is evern
streams normally resides in the central flow greater, since they contain metals and miner-
axis. als with different atomic valencies (+ and -
These fructigenic carbones react to cen- charges). In chapter 11 the chemical composi-
tripetence. In other words they become very tion of such stones was elaborated and found
active if moved centripetally and in this con- generally to be compounds of silicon (Si),
dition are able to bind the fertilising oxygen, molecular oxygen (O2) (SiO2 = silica) and
which becomes passive with the cooling cen- metal oxides (silicates). The base element
tripetence of the central vortical flow, but here, silicon, is classed as a semiconductor. In
highly active with warming centrifugence. wide use today in electronics, silicon releases
Whatever the condition of the channel, there- or retains electrons according to temperature
fore, and whatever the state of activity of here being relative to absolute zero
these two elements, with the use of this (-273.15C) where no electron emission
device not only are the vital longitudinal vor- occurs at all. The higher the temperture
tices recreated, but the most productive inter- therefore, the greater the number of electrons
action between the two opposing substances released, i.e. in varying measure an electric
is also assured. Here they interact not only to current is caused to flow. At a state of zero
increase the energies in the water, but also to electron emission at absolute zero, silicon
augment its carbonic acid content which, as might also be classified as a dielectric, a sub-
discussed previously, is one of the principal stance that resists the transfer of an electric
constituents of good water. Moreover they charge (see chapter 6, 6.1). From a dialectric
13: The Dynamics of Flow 163

viewpoint, which takes both sides of a given produce a similar effect to the one investi-
phenomenon into account, its semi- gated by Professor Forchheimer on the excur-
conductor function at higher temperatures sion with Viktor Schauberger discussed in
could be equally interpreted as semi-dielec- the previous chapter. On one occasion Viktor
tric. Through combination with other sub- Schauberger admits to making use of
stances, silicon would thus give rise to the 'energy-bodies', when he secretly installed
creation of materials with diverse dielectric them in a sediment-choked stream during the
properties and if two such substances with night. By morning it had all been carried
different degrees of permittivity are brought away, the channel bed deepened consider-
into contact, then a current flows from the ably and the natural flow of water restored.
lower to the higher. In view of pure water's All of this to the amazement of the engineers
high dissolving power and high dielectric in charge of the stream's regulation, whose
value of 81, a current flow inaugurated by gross mismanagement coupled with the
the presence of water could thus be of signifi- equally serious misdemeanours of the
cant magnitude. forestry department had brought about the
Here then are two possibilities for the gen- constriction of the channel in the first place.
eration and increase of energy in water. But Before addressing the depletive and degener-
as has been mentioned earlier with regard to ative effects of modern river-engineering prac-
falling rain droplets (chapter 6, 6.3), when- tices and hydro-electric power generation,
ever an electric charge or field is caused to however, we shall first examine the natural
rotate, which would be inevitable in flowing movement of water. As will have become
water, then a magnetic or biomagnetic field is apparent from all previous chapters, such
also generated reciprocally. The effect of movement is sinuous, convoluting and vortical.
these vitalising interactions with other ele-
ments, further increases the life-evolving pro-
duction of fructigens, dynagens and 13.2 The Formation of Vortices
qualigens and thereby the greater health of
the water. In other cases these elements may A part from the general function of tempera-
also act as catalysts for other functions. In ture gradients described above, in order
addition emplacement of such stones would to explain the various aspects of temperature-
164 Living Energies
13: The Dynamics of Flow 165

related flow as clearly as possible, each one fig. 13.8. These mix the water, but at the same
will be dealt with individually, although by time cool it, because the water temperatures
and large in any river or stream all of them within the centre of these vortices are identi-
are interactive in diverse combinations. As fiably cooler than those without, the upper-
already stated in the previous chapter, every most vortex train manifesting itself as the
particle of water is directly connected to a familiar backward-breaking ripples seen on
particular velocity relative to its specific rivers at the surface. This type of vortex also
weight and temperature, a phenomenon distributes the lighter weight sediment and
described in great detail by Viktor Schau- the nutrient material carried by the river
berger in his 1930-31 treatise "Temperature from the centre towards the sides (fig. 13.9).
and the Movement of Water"3. The movement of water can also be further
To give some idea of what is here involved, categorised into laminar and turbulent flows,
a series of superimposed water-strata with the simplest form of laminar flow being the
their respective temperatures are shown one shown in fig. 13.7. Turbulence, however,
schematically in fig. 13.7, the coldest layer can take the form of longitudinal or
flowing over the stream bed. Here the veloc- transverse vortices. As far as the latter are
ity curve shows the different distances trav- concerned there are two principal types; the
elled by the respective water-strata in the first operates horizontally at right-angles to
same period of time, as denoted by the length the direction of flow as shown in figs. 13.8 &
of the arrows. Relative to the upper layer, the 13.9; the second, potentially the more harm-
lowest can be seen to flow far more rapidly ful, also acts at right-angles to the current,
due to its greater density and coolness. but on a vertical plane and, if too powerful,
At the interface between these various lay- will gouge deep pot-holes or trenches in the
ers, even though the temperature differences river bed, seriously dislocating the natural
may be minimal, there is nevertheless a dif- flow (fig. 13.10).
ference in their relative, temperature-related Longitudinal vortices, as the name sug-
velocities, the lower layer sliding forwards gests, are aligned parallel to the flow-axis of
slightly faster than its immediate upper the channel. While these may constitute tur-
neighbour. This slip creates a sort of vacuity bulence according to the meaning of the
at the 'end', as it were, of the higher-lying word, longitudinal vortices have an
layer, into which the lower layer rises. In the extremely beneficial function, as will be
process vortices are formed at right-angles to shown later, and represent the structuring of
the current, which rotate on a horizontal those energies required to dislodge and
plane from the bottom upwards as shown in transport sediment, and without which all

Fig. 13.11 The Longitudinal Vortex

A longitudinal vortex showing laminar flow about the central axis. The coldest water-filaments are always closest to
the central axis of flow. Thermal stratification occurs even with minimal differences in water temperature. The central
core water is subjected to the least turbulence and acclerates ahead, drawing the rest of the water-body in its wake.
166 Living Energies

flow down the very centre. It was this

phenomenon which was responsible for the
transport of the 'sinkers' mentioned in
chapter 12.
Apart from cooling the river water, the
other principal function of both transverse
and longitudinal vortices in naturally flow-
ing rivers and streams is to apply the auto-
matic brake to the descending water. Without
this naturally applied brake, the heavy
masses of water would over-accelerate, rup-
ture the river banks and cause immense
havoc. It is this aspect that forms the nub
of Viktor Schauberger's initial treatise, "Tur-
bulence"4, deposited under seal by Professor
Exner at the Austrian Academy of Science in

13.3 The Formation of Bends

A the reflection of a primary energy path,

the serpentine, meandering pattern of
bends in a river is a manifestation of the
physical secondary effect. Apart from large,
immovable obstacles such as mountains and
cliff faces for example, the course of a river or
channels will eventually silt up. At the same stream always follows the path in which the
time they are those vessels which create and energies in a given situation like to move. In
enhance the counterflow of levitational some instances it is difficult to say whether
energy, the immaterial psyche of a waterway. the topographical features of a landscape
Although there are not many left, a natu- produced the form of the river or whether
rally flowing river, undisturbed by modern the river gave rise to the landscape through
river engineering, only rarely if ever over- which it flows (viz. the Grand Canyon of
flows its banks. In their cool, faster flow Colorado), so intimately connected are the
down the flow-axis, longitudinal vortices two. Since rivers are the mirrors of an unseen
clear the channel bed of sediment as well as flow of energy, however, we need to examine
deepen it, varying this capacity to suit the how these bends are formed.
volume of the discharge. These vortices are
also thermally stratified in a laminar fashion.
As an example, in fig. 13.11 the central core-
water of such a vortex has a temperature of
+5.01C, very dense and cold, and it moves
faster than the more outlying water layers,
which become progressively less dense as
they warm towards the outside.
According to the Archimedean principle of
the denser carrying the lighter, here the dens-
est core-water carries the specifically lighter
water, because in this inwinding, centripetal,
vortical movement the densest water has to
13: The Dynamics of Flow 167

Fig. 13.14 The "Energy Cannon" of Viktor Schauberger

168 Living Energies

The processes in the flow of water leading velocity tends to decelerate here, fords are
to the formation of bends is shown in also the major deposition zones for the
fig. 13.12 in plan and section. Assuming that river's suspended nutrients and minerals and
the river is initially shaded on both banks, where the river can transfer these to the envi-
the profile of the channel at section l-l1 is ronment. The bends on the other hand are
symmetrical, as shown in the corresponding where the rocks and stones are ground up
profile l-l1. The curved line at the top of the and their pulverised substances transported
diagram reflects the velocity of flow at each in the vortical flow for later deposition. These
vertical and shows that the velocity of flow pebbles, boulders and sediment, however,
increases from the banks, reaching a maxi- are not to be considered merely as inert mat-
mum at the centre of the channel. ter, for in Viktor Schauberger's view they
Proceeding now to section 2-71 and profile constitute the river's bread, its source of
2-2 1, where the flow of water on the right nourishment on its journey to the sea. If the
bank has been exposed to the Sun's heat, the temperature gradient at the ford is positively
water so exposed heats up, becomes more tur- related to the ground temperatures these
bulent and begins to flow more slowly relative vital nutrients will be further absorbed into
to the main body of water. The cooler, faster the ground and the groundwater table
moving water flowing along the left-hand recharged and enriched. This is another of
bank then overtakes the slower moving water the many ways in which a river constantly
and cur ls tow ards the r igh t around it regenerates its energies and vitality, while at
(fig. 13.13), due to the increasing turbulence the same time imparting them to the environ-
and deceleration of the warmer water, eventu- ment.
ally creating a bend. Some of the heavier sedi- The ford is also the focus or target of what
ment transported by the faster flow is thrown Viktor Schauberger called the 'energy-can-
towards the left due to centrifugal force, while non' (fig. 13.14). It is where the upbuilding
to the right the removal of sediment occurs as immaterial energies or ethericities of the river
a result of the impacting colder water. At the are released into the environment which, as a
same time the cross-sectional profile of the form of energy are akin to the life-endowing,
river at this point becomes asymmetrical, due animalistic 'orgone' energies of Wilhelm
to the unequal flows and temperatures, the Reich. They are freed at this location, because
deeper section of the channel being where the all the energies accumulated in the previous
coldest water flows. inwinding, anti-clockwise, longitudinal vor-
In section 3-3 1 and profile 3-3 1 , due to tex have to be released before the movement
the momentum of the cold water-masses, turns clockwise. In other words, the point has
the cold water swaps sides of the channel been reached where the energy concentration
and a bend is eventually formed in the of the vortex culminates in a process akin to
opposite direction. If this natural, rhythmical breathing. One cannot continually breathe in
alternation from right to left and left to and therefore the moment is reached where
right is in any way disrupted, it has dire inhalation has to give way to exhalation, each
consequences not only for the immediate sur- of which is coupled with a different energy
roundings, which become starved of nutri- form and both of which are necessary for life
ents, but also for all the life dependent on the to continue.
river downstream. Indeed when regulating As these stones are ground together, which
the course of a river naturally it is very can only occur if the water is sufficiently cold,
important to ensure that a left hand bend, for dense and dynamic, small particles of the min-
example, does not occur where a right hand erals they contain are released into the water
bend would complete this natural alterna- and partially or wholly dissolved, replacing
tion. those previously lost through transfer to the
The location of this current cross-over is surroundings. Not only are these trace el-
where the river is shallowest and where it ments and minerals released, but pure ionis-
can most easily be forded. Since the flow- ing energy as well through the generation of
13: The Dynamics of Flow 169

The effect of flowing in the same direction as the Earth's The effect of flowing counter to the direction of the
rotation accelerates the water's relative movement and Earth's rotation not only slows the water's movement,
reduces the period of exposure to the heat of the Sun. but also causes the water to be exposed to the heat of
The water remains cooler, increasing its carrying power the Sun for a longer period, heating it up. This reduces
and its capacity to transport nutrients. Both riverbanks its carrying power and its capacity to transport nutrients.
normally remain fertile. Both riverbanks can eventually become barren.

the triboluminescence mentioned in chapter 8. green muddy brew, its life-force having been
When two crystalline stones of similar compo- extinguished by modern mechanistic methods
sition are rubbed hard together or struck of river engineering.
against one another, a golden flash of light is The vitalising energies generated in natural
produced inside them. According to Viktor flows are principally the result of cooling coa-
Schauberger the same effect occurs when two lescing vortical movement along the longitudi-
pieces of high-grade timbers of similar chemi- nal axis of flow, which brings the dispersed
cal composition are rubbed together, suspensions of finely ground material into inti-
In my experiments with this phenomenon, mate contact in the densely packed cold core-
the generation of the sparks does not appear water, a liquid intermixture Viktor referred to
to cause an electrical disturbance, since a as an 'emulsion'. Both the extreme densation
radio placed immediately adjacent to the and the rapid rate of rotation at the vortex core
sparking stones does not crackle in time induce higher states of ionisation, which in
with the production of the spark. In fact it turn enable new combinations and recombina-
does not crackle at all. There appears to be no tions of the various elements, thereby enhanc-
interference whatsoever. We are therefore ing the generation of electromagnetic energies
here concerned with some form of oxidation, (viz. function of metalliferous rocks and tribo-
a combustion process. That this sparking luminescence). Since longitudinal vortices are
can also occur under water has never been associated with natural self-cooling flows, the
imagined or investigated scientifically. It does energies they release are cold-sourced through
take place under water, however, and is there- processes Viktor called 'cold fermentation' and
fore a process of cold oxidation, an oxidation their effect is therefore beneficial. This is
not necessarily associated with the generation because the immaterial emanations of these
of heat. emulsions containing oxygen - also a compo-
A further point of interest in this regard is nent of silicates, which becomes passive with
the origin of the fabled 'Gold of the centripetal cooling and easily bound by the
Nibelungs', the 'Rhinegold' that supposedly carbones, are essentially formative in function.
lay on the bottom of the Rhine in days of These environmentally vitalising energies are
yore and which gleamed during the hours discharged on a plane perpendicular to the
of darkness. This legend is also to be ascribed axis of the vortex as shown in fig. 13.14 and
to the phenomenon of triboluminescence. can be likened in character to the bio-magnetic
About 200-250 years ago, the water of the discharge above the water-jet described in
Rhine was doubtless pure, clear and trans- chapter 6, ftn. 7 and fig. 6.11.
lucent enough for people to observe what With transverse vortices, however, and ver-
appeared to be the flashing of gold on the tically aligned transverse vortices in particu-
river-bed. Today, however, along with many lar (fig. 13.10) which form because the water
other rivers, the Rhine is a thick, turbid, grey- has become over-warmed by over-exposure
170 Living Energies

13.4 The Geostrophic Effect on


A further important factor associated with

the movement and vitality of rivers is
known as the 'geostrophic effect', which is
related to the Earth's rotation and its influ-
ence on the movement of the water. It goes
without saying that the temperature gradient
The effect of the Earth's rotation on North-South and
is also influenced.
South-North flowing rivers induces an asymmetrical Fig. 13.15 shows a section through the Earth
channel profile due to the inertial resistance of the water. and its curvature. The Sun, seen from the
Being specifically heaviest, the colder bottom water has southern hemisphere, is shown rising on the
the greatest inertial resistance and is forced to the
western side of the current. The colder water with right and moving across the sky towards the
greater carrying power and sweeping force therefore left. At the same time the Earth is rotating
flows along the western bank, deepening the bed on this towards the Sun to the right. In a river with a
side and carrying the greater proportion of nutrients,
whereas the warmer, specifically lighter water, reduced
west->east flow direction, the water therefore
in carrying power and sweeping force and thus deficient flows towards the Sun. Any individual
in nutrients, flows along the eastern bank. As a result the 'packet' of water, as it were, in such a river
western bank is generally more fertile than the is exposed to the Sun for a shorter period
eastern bank.
than if the flow was in the opposite direc-
to the Sun or through unnatural regulation,
the energies emitted are heat-sourced and
debilitating. This is largely the result of the
heat induced aggresiveness of the oxygen
and the lower quality emulsions this pro-
duces. Here we are concerned with warm
fermentation, which gives rise to the propa-
gation of pathogenic bacteria. Moreover,
because the axis of this vortex is vertical,
lethal horizontally propagated radiation is
broadcast, harmful to the surroundings. This
functions in a manner similar to Wilhelm
Reich's "deadly orgone radiation" (DOR),
whose insidious effect is to upset the metabo-
lism of all organic life. In character it is akin
to the red discharge described in the water-jet
experiment above. These injurious emissions
chaoticise or create 'holes' as it were, in the
procreative matrix of female fructigenic
ethericities which also propagate horizontally
(chapter 5, fig. 5.2), severely inhibiting their
germinating function.
While the differences in water temperature
responsible for either of the above phenom-
ena are minimal, it is also important to
remember that life and death are merely a
question temperature variations that our
modern scientific world considers wholly
13: The Dynamics of Flow 171

Fig. 13.19 Channel regulation on the Rhine upstream of Mannheim (19th Century)
tion. Since it is moving towards the Sun, this also higher, because the overall temperature
water-packet is therefore exposed to less of the water is cooler, the sediment transport
heat. and the associated distribution of nutrients
At the same time; the flow of water is also With an east->west flow (fig. 13.16), how-
faster than the Earth's rotation, due to the ever, a similar water-packet is exposed to the
gradient down which it flows, so that the Sun for much longer not only because it is
absolute velocity of flow relative to a station- moving in the same direction as the Sun, but
ary observer looking down from the South also as a result of the water's own inertia,
Pole is more rapid than if the movement which causes its forward movement to be
were in the opposite direction. Such rivers slightly retarded by the Earth's rotation. The
tend to build up their banks evenly on both upshot of this is that the water becomes far
sides and the fertility of the adjacent areas is

Fig. 13.21 A canalised river

172 Living Energies

warmer and less able to transport sediment side, because, being shallower, the water on
and nutrients. In the lower reaches of such that side is hotter and the deposition of sedi-
rivers the banks tend to become barren for ment therefore takes place sooner. When a
lack of them and the river has a greater positive temperature gradient is operative its
tendency to flood and to form deltas at its effect tends to be more marked on the west-
confluence with the sea. ern bank than on the eastern and conse-
The flow conditions in north->south and quently the nutrient flow is greater towards
south->north flowing rivers is again different the west than towards the east with a com-
to the above. Their flow-patterns are gov- mensurate difference in relative fertility, or, as
erned more by their lateral inertia relative to was shown in fig. 9.8, the river acts to extract
the Earth's rotation than by the passage of nutrients from the warmer bank and deposit
the Sun across the heavens. In fig. 13.17 the them on the cooler one.
section drawn through such a river exhibits If these rivers are at fairly high latitudes,
an asymmetrical profile. Owing to the water's however, and flow into cold or arctic seas,
fluid inertia, the main body of water then as they move polewards the angle of
has a tendency to bank up against the incidence of the Sun's rays decreases, the
riverbank on the western side, i.e. the side water cools and such rivers carry their sedi-
opposite to the direction of the Earth's ment far out into the seas, creating tongues
rotation. and peninsulas in what is known as 'haff'
Being the densest and heaviest, the coldest formation. In the opposite case, such as the
water is the most affected and therefore the Nile, whose confluence with the sea is at
main flow occurs along the western bank, much lower latitudes, in lieu of haff develop-
where the channel is also generally deeper. ment, deltas form as the flow has become
Such rivers tend to be barren on the eastern overheated and the water correspondingly

Fig. 13.22 The rationale of trapezoid channels

Relative to the base unit volume, the volume of water carried by the channel increases exponentially as the water-
level rises
13: The Dynamics of Flow 173
174 Living Energies

more sluggish and unable to keep its sedi- length. In other words, a constant was intro-
ment in suspension. duced into what is naturally a continually
varying system, restricting the flow to a par-
ticular dimension and, of course, the river,
13.5 The Effects of Conventional this now almost moribund body of water,
River Engineering was unable to transport its sediment. As a
result the bed needed constant dredging in

O f particular concern to Viktor Schau-

berger was the way in which rivers were
being regulated and water handled in total
order to maintain a safe flood depth.
The way the Rhine has been truncated with
the construction of this trapezoid canal
ignorance of Nature's laws. Forcing water to illustrates the awful deformation such
move in concrete trapezoid canals, in regulations cause. All the wonderful serpen-
cylindrical steel pipes, etc., had the same tine bends have gone. There is nothing nat-
effect as enshrouding a human being in a ural in the river bends shown here. Shown in
straitjacket, which makes it aggressive (effect dark outline (fig. 13.19), this 'hard-edged'
of over-warming on the oxygen content), trapezoid channel was laid out by river engi-
takes away its character, its freedom and robs neers in the misplaced belief that the flow of
it of all its energy. Under such conditions water would be improved and drainage
water can no longer remain benign and dis- accelerated.
ease-free, but becomes violent and disease- The stark contrast between the configura-
promoting. tion of naturally organic and artificially
In fig. 13.18 taken from a textbook on mechanical watercourses becomes even more
hydraulics5, it can be seen that even in a apparent in figs. 13.20a and 13.20b7. In the
straight channel, in this terrible 'straight'- first the variation in channel width, the radii
jacket in which the water is confined, it and curvature of the river bends and the
still strives to dance, to waltz and, instead of splitting of the channel can clearly be seen.
flowing straight through this rigid canal, in These are entirely the result of the natural
which the flow should be straight and laminar flow of water in this situation. It has carefully
according to hydraulic theory, the water still formed the bed in which it desires to move
attempts to adopt its natural energetic flow- and can move with the least loss of energy. In
pattern in order to regain its former vitality. the second, however, there is no variation in
To give the reader an idea of what modern width at all. All the straight sections are very
river regulation entails, let us examine a sec- straight and all the bends have the same
tion of that famous river, the Rhine fig. 13.196, radius. The whole arrangement has a very
which, as documented in chapter 1, Viktor sterile, unnatural and lifeless appearance and
Schauberger fought very strenuously, but in most certainly will deliver no vital, healthy
vain, to save. As with all naturally flowing water to the point of use. The design of this
watercourses, the meandering pattern of flow tree-less and shade-less irrigation canal also
shown here is the way in which the Rhine shows quite unequivocally that its designers
wanted to move. It was the way in which it were totally oblivious of the fact that water is
was able to optimise its energy and carrying a living substance and concerned themselves
capacity, although by the time this regulation solely with the transport of a supposedly
was carried out, no doubt a great deal of the inert liquid.
surrounding countryside had been defor- The drainage channel in fig. 13.21 shows
ested, with the inevitable consequences what a trapezoid profile actually is. The
already discussed. choice of a trapezoid shape for these canals
This natural pattern was not acceptable to is founded on the rationale that the amount
the authorities, perhaps because it occupied of water they can carry rises exponentially
too much space and very probably flooded as the volume of flow increases. In fig. 13.22
fairly often. It was decided to build a trape- at the bottom of the 'V the figure 1 denotes
zoid canal of uniform cross-section for its full the cross-sectional area and height of the
13: The Dynamics of Flow 175

Centrifugally Killed Water Centripetally Vitalised Water

The strongly crystalline structure of heavily oxygenated Magnetically charged water is characterised by an
water can be detected with a microscope. If warmed it amorphous structure, its content of free oxygen is for
becomes an incubator of dangerous bacteria. the most part bound.
Fig. 13.23 Viktor Schauberger's evidence from the microscope

base unit of flow. When the height is until its inner sense of equilibrium has once
doubled, the volume of flow is quadrupled, more been restored. Here the callous treat-
i.e. it is four times as much as the base unit. ment meted out to the Rhine by the authori-
If the height of water is trebled, then ties could be likened to a surgeon who
the amount of water conducted is nine-fold, amputates his patient's legs the better to
and so on, the increase in the quantity of enable him or her to walk!
water for each level being indicated by But what actually happens to the water
the larger size number at the right hand side under these circumstances? By being pre-
of the 'V. Whatever the apparent logic vented from flowing in its naturally ordained
behind the design, such canals in no way manner, both flow and water temperature
conform to water's natural flow-pattern, tend to become uniform. No longitudinal
since the design is based on the small scale vortices can form and therefore no cooling
channelling of lifeless water in hydraulic and energising processes can take place. On
laboratories, with no consideration given to the contrary, vertically inclined transverse
temperature. swirls of water form producing the perni-
As a result of this the Rhine was robbed of cious horizontal emanations mentioned ear-
all its internal energies, of all its dynamism. lier. A negative temperature gradient also
A living thing robbed of its energy is also prevails almost constantly.
robbed to a large extent of its character. The sediment is left lying on the river bed
Character, however, is a very subtle and and, with no longitudinal vortical activity;
immaterial form of energy. We cannot define the pebbles and stones are no longer ground
it on a material scale, but it is nevertheless a up and the river is starved of its life-giving
form of energetic expression. Water possesses provisions, as is the landscape through which
character just as much as you or I. it passes, all the more so if the riverbank is
When it is prevented from moving, or 'hard-edged'. The water becomes warmer,
when it is no longer given the freedom to insipid, its flow sluggish and evaporation
move in the way it desires, it acts in the same increases. Instead of the sparkling crystal
way as an imprisoned human being. It clarity characteristic of vitally healthy
becomes violent, tries vigorously to remove streams, the water becomes opaque and
its shackles and, once free, wreaks havoc murky. With all of its energies forcefully
176 Living Energies

removed, all that is left is a stale and lifeless

Becoming warmer as a result of all this
gross mismanagement, its content of ds-
solved oxygen becomes increasingly aggres-
sive. Lower forms of pathogenic bacteria
freely evolve and propagate profusely in all
areas in which the water can infiltrate. The
river becomes an epicentre of all manner of
diseases including cancer, imparting this con-
dition to all forms of life forced to drink it or
with which it comes in contact. Not only that
but, in time of flood, the water itself becomes
even more aggressive and malicious as it
casts about, vainly seeking to regain its lost
soul. With no automatic brake to restrain its
forward movement, when the opportunity
arises the water smashes into all in its path as
it tries with its sheer weight and momentum
to destroy the very structures that have
robbed it of its psyche and to free itself of its
In the process, since it can no longer obtan
its reproductive, uplifting energies in the
lower reaches, which are derived from the
carbones normally present in the river bank
and made available through the corrosion of
sediment, it attempts to compensate for this
by drawing down the remnants of its levita-
tional energies from the upper reaches
thereby exhausting these higher stretches of
their live-giving function. Instead of being a
carrier, mediator, accumulator and trans-
former of life-energies, the river has become a
corpse. All of which is the appalling conse-
quence of a mechanistically-minded science
combined with a total ignorance of the true
nature of water.

13.6 Hydro-Electric Power

This condition is further aggravated by
present methods of hydro-electric power
generation. Apart from the inappropriate
design of dams used to store the water, dis-
cussed earlier in this chapter, the water itself
is thrust down cylindrical pipes under enor-
mous pressure. Upon leaving these it is then
hurled against steel turbine blades where it
is smashed to smithereens. The physical
13: The Dynamics of Flow 177

structure of the water is literally demolished order to do so it seeks out renewed supplies
and all the dissolved oxygen, and even some of oxygen and other high quality substances
of the oxygen in the water molecule itself, is wherever it can find them, including living
centrifuged out of the water. things. The first to fall victim to this
Viktor Schauberger obtained evidence of onslaught are high quality aquatic organisms
this effect and the photographs taken in which these high-grade substances are
through a microscope in fig. 13.23 show found. Fish are especially prone to attack due
the marked difference in the structure of to the particularly intimate contact with this
water that has been subjected to centrifu- 'ravenous' water, as it is drawn in through
gence on the one hand and centripetence on their very delicate gill systems. Rather than
the other. The fragmented appearance of the the 'bends' as such, here we are more proba-
centrifugally moved water is unmistakable. bly concerned with the 'galloping consump-
Due to the high friction and warming caused tion' mentioned in chapter 10, in which the
by the slicing action of the blades, the oxygen body's tissues are attacked by oxygen-
becomes extremely aggressive and highly hungry carbones. But fish-life is not the only
active. Drawn to the rear side of the blades victim, the soil bordering on the river is also
by the partial vacuum (known as cavitation) leached of its nutrients as the water searches
created there due to their high rotational to recover them for itself. The result: a large
velocity, the naked oxygen savagely attacks drop in soil fertility and productivity.
the bare metal, severely pitting the surface. This extraordinarily destructive power-
This damage is greatly aggravated if the per- generating process, however, is totally unnec-
centage of dissolved oxygen is fairly high, essary, because there is another way of
with the result that the blades become per- generating hydro-electric power which does
forated, making them virtually useless. not harm the water. Not only that, but this
What emerges as the end-product of this method, devised by Viktor Schauberger in
physical and energetic disintegration, while the early 1920s and eventually patented in
certainly a liquid, is merely the skeleton of 19309, can produce 90% more electricity with
what was once healthy water. When this a given volume of water, i.e. his invention
fragmented and largely oxygen-deficient uses 10% of the volume of water presently
water is finally ejected into the river, it has a used to generate the same amount of power.
disastrous effect on the fish and other aquatic Using water from a nearby stream Viktor
life. It has long been known that certain installed this device to light his forest war-
species of fish disappear once these power den's house, which was too remote to be con-
stations are commissioned, and other forms nected to any other source of supply. The
of life have great difficulty in surviving design shown in fig. 13.24 is very simple,
below them. reflecting his statement that what is natural is
In Australia, for example, it was recently silent, simple and cheap.
reported that the fish in a Tasmanian river It consists of a brass or bronze nozzle,
appeared to have been poisoned when water which is internally rifled in order to create a
was discharged from the Riess Dam by the vortical flow, thereby reducing both pressure
hydro-electric authority8. There was no evi- and friction as the water is centripetally
dence of chemical poisoning, but the water drawn away from the sides. The water is
produced reactions in the fish, which killed therefore cooled, densified and energised as
them. These were akin to the 'bends' suffered it passes through before encountering a
by divers as a result of the formation of nitro- double-spiral, or multiple-spiral, shell-like
gen bubbles in the blood. Generally speaking, impeller attached to the shaft of a generator
it is only the more inferior species of fish that (not shown). Though not apparent on the
do manage to exist. diagram, the windings of these two or more
Now thoroughly impoverished, the water entwined spirals are formed as semi-circular
has to build itself up again completely before channels facing upwards towards the nozzle.
it can be of any benefit to the environment. In They widen towards the base, and at the
178 Living Energies

same time gradually twist outwards and providing the initial impulse for the creation
backwards in the opposite direction to the of a vortex.
direction of rotation. As the whirling water At the time no generator had been installed
emerges from the nozzle it is entrapped by and I was told it was being specially manufac-
these grooves and the impeller is made to tured. At first I assumed that it would be a
spin at high speed. The purpose of the small conventional turbine but, knowing their
upwardly curving tails at the ends of the keen interest in all things Schauberger, the
spirals is to exploit the very last ounce of the impeller that was being built was probably the
water's momentum. one described above. Unfortunately I have had
I happened to see an example of a possible no further contact with this group and there-
installation using this device while staying fore I cannot relate what was the outcome.
with Walter Schauberger in Austria. In Successful or not, what this does show is
1986 we were invited to visit a group of that small groups of people working together
enthusiasts living around the township of cooperatively can provide their own sources
Schladming who were interested in the of cheap power and can do much to re-
practical application of Viktor Schauberger's establish their independence from centralised
ideas and Walter Schauberger's mathe- power and control over their lives. The prob-
matics, intending to produce their own elec- lem that confronts us all, alas, is that it is the
tricity. On the property of one of their centralised electricity authorities who write
members living on the Birnberg, they had the rules which ensure as far as possible that
carefully constructed the combination of egg no-one can escape the net. The greater the
and hyperbolic cone shown in fig. 13.25, number of people who are willing to
which was sourced from a nearby brook. challenge this central control over their inde-
Water from the stream was fed into the pendence, the more difficult it will become for
upper part of the egg tangentially, thereby those to continue holding such power over us.


1. From Viktor Schauberger's treatise, "Temperature 4. Parts of which are also to be found in ibid.
and the Movement of Water" ("Temperatur und Was- 5. Figs. 5/2.14a & 5/2.14b from Principles of
serbewegung"): Die Wassenvirtschaft, No.20,1930. River
2. Trees and the New Earth, p.117, published 1953. Engineering by P.Ph.Jansen and others: Longman
3. Much of this material is to be found translated into Harlow, England. ISBN 0-273-01139-1.
English in the Ecotechnology series Viktor 6. ibid. fig.5/2.17.
Schauberger's own writings in four volumes: The 7. Photographs by Peter Essick, c/o Aurora &
Water Wizard, Nature as Teacher, The Fertile Earth, and Quanta
The Energy Evolution, collected, translated and edit- Productions, Main Street, Box 266, Lovell, ME
ed by Callum Coats, Newleaf, Dublin 1997-2000. 04051,
8. ABC News item 27 November 1990.
9. Austrian Patent No.117749.

The Wooden Water Main could afford its use, it was actually the
leaden tankards and goblets from which they
ver active in the sphere of water, Viktor drank copiously which brought about their
Schauberger also turned his attention to ultimate demise. The acid in the wine reacted
the problems of water supply and ways with the lead, dissolving some of it in the
of overcoming them through his profound process, the cumulative effect of which
knowledge of this essence of life. From arche- caused insanity.
ological excavations it has become evident Originally, before the advent of the
that in earlier times, in the time of the Industrial Revolution and the enormous
Romans and Greeks, the ancient Egyptians expansion of cities and towns, the water in
and Babylonians, for example, water and its many cities in Europe and even in New York
nature were far better understood than today, had long been supplied in wooden water
We, however, in our love affair with mechan- mains, there being an ample supply of suit-
ics, have largely lost contact with the organ- able timber, coopering expertise and no other
ics of Nature. technical alternative. As advances were made
In their systems of water reticulation, as in technology, our civilisation then decided to
far as possible water mains were constructed use the economically more viable cast-iron
of natural stone or high-grade timber. In water mains - subsequently to be replaced
time, however, the sources of high-quality with steel - in ignorance of the fact that the
timber for these pipes was exhausted and if longer water is transported in such mains,
no suitable stone was easily available, then the worse its quality.
other materials such as metals had to be Nothing natural and alive can ever main-
sought. To find the right type of metal, coins tain its quality in sealed vessels, because all
of various alloys, which had been thrown natural systems are open and must be able to
into fountains for ritualistic purposes, were interact with the environment. They all need
studied. Some dissolved altogether, while to be able to breathe, and water is no excep-
others became totally encrusted. The coins tion. But because of our rather jaundiced,
that remained clean, though perhaps slightly superficial view of life, we do not readily
tarnished, were chosen as most suitable and credit any process of Nature with any auton-
it was noted that pure iron did not rust. omy, any consciousness, self-organisational
However, even here great errors were ability or intelligence. As a result we inaugu-
made. The Romans unfortunately stumbled rate processes that eventually bring about
upon lead, which eventually led to their our own undoing.
undoing. While its use in the production of Viktor Schauberger's research showed that
water conduits no doubt contributed to the in Vienna, when the existing wooden water
increasing lead-induced madness amongst mains were extended with cast-iron or steel
the rich upper classes like Caligula's who pipes, internally coated with bituminous

180 Living Energies

material in order to supply new suburbs, the solved oxygen content is gradually con-
incidence of cancer also rose commensurately sumed as the material of the pipe gradually
as shown by the following statistics assem- oxidises into rust. While rust itself is not poi-
bled by him: sonous, in association with the warmer
water, its precipitation as sludge on the bot-
In 1920, 2400 people died of cancer in Vienna;
tom of a steel pipe makes it an admirable
in 1926, 3700 fatal cases of cancer were recorded;
medium for the breeding and propagation of
in 1931, 4900 human lives fell victim to this
pathogenic bacteria.
terrible illness. In the figures quoted above the
But rust also has other disadvantages. Since
progressive spread of this disease is clearly
the volume it takes up is about ten times that
of the base, unrusted material, its deposition
The flow in a cylindrical pipe is generally decreases the effective diameter of the pipe,
chaotic, so that the whole structure of water further constricting the flow, thereby
is gradually broken up in the process. In its unfavourably affecting the carrying and trans-
passage down the pipe, the water is exposed portive capacity of the water. Instead of
to processes similar to electrolysis, generated healthy, wholesome water, what emerges at the
through the friction of the water against the point of use is an unholy brew, a water-corpse,
pipe-walls which gradually decompose the made even worse by all the chemical additives,
dissolved trace and other substances, heating such as the chlorine required to disinfect it. By
up the water at the same time. It should drinking such chlorinated water, people
be remembered here that very slight differ- become vulnerable to disease. It is no wonder
ences in temperature can produce effects therefore, and as Viktor Schauberger often
apparently out of all proportion to the mag- said, that a bottle of good water will one day
nitude of the original causes. The water's dis- become far more expensive than a bottle of

Fig. 14.1 & 2 Illustrations from a patent application for a wooden drinking water pipe
14: Water Supply 181

wine and it will be all the more highly prized attached to the pipe-walls at certain specific
because of its rarity. locations.
In an attempt to remedy the situation and The vanes themselves are made of silver-
to reduce the incidence of cancer, in 1930 plated copper, partly because of the energies
Viktor applied for patents for a pipe2 made of derived from the galvanic currents and other
wooden staves, like a barrel, which was more subtle energies generated between the
designed to enhance the energy and purity of two metals of opposite gender in this
water flowing through it. This was followed copper(female)-silver(male) biometal compo-
about 15 months later by a further patent sition, and partly because silver has
application 3 in 1931. As designed, the flow bactericidal properties. In order to reduce
dynamic of this wooden pipe and the pipe any lateral movement of the water across
itself, which breathes, are ideally suited to their surfaces, the guide-vanes are fluted,
the containment of an alive body, i.e. water, directing the water towards the centre. These
and to the transport of drinking water, so that are placed at intervals along a helical path
when the water arrives at the point of use, it inside the pipe, as shown on fig. 14.2, and are
has already been totally purified without the angled and aligned to the spiral flow of
use of any artificial additives or more impor- water, directing it from one guide-vane to the
tantly, contaminants. Both pipes, shown in next. The relation of their curvature to the
figs. 14.1 & 14.2, will be examined jointly axis of the pipe is always constant. The pur-
since they perform the same function. pose of the guide-vanes is not only to create
The two designs involve the creation the necessary vortices, but also to deflect the
of longitudinal vortices within the pipe. flow away from the sides, thereby reducing
These are not simple vortices, however, but the heating effects of friction to a minimum.
are double-spiral ones. That is to say, the In order to understand this complex double-
coldest central core-water describes a single spiral dynamic figs. 14.3 & 14.4, which respec-
spiral motion, while the peripheral flow tively show the pipe in longitudinal section
describes a double-spiral motion, i.e. it and cross-section should be studied simulta-
rotates about itself, while at the same time neously.
spiralling around the central core. This As the water is deflected from a straight
double-spiral motion is induced by three path by the guide-vanes, a certain amount
parallel systems of guide-vanes, which acts in a manner akin to ball-bearings and is
have the same effect as rifling, and are in contact with both the outer face of the

Fig. 14.3 The double-spiral longitudinal vortex

A longitudinal vortex showing the development of toroidal counter-vortices. These occur due to the interaction with
the pipe-walls and have an effect similar to ball-bearings, enhancing the forward movement. Their interior rotation
follows the direction of rotation and forward motion of the central vortex, whereas the direction of their exterior
rotation and translatory motion are reversed. These toroidal vortices act to transfer oxygen, bacteria and other
impurities to the periphery of the pipe, where, due to the accumulation of excessive oxygen, the inferior, pathogenic
bacteria are destroyed and the water rendered bacteria-free.
Callum Coats, July 1992
182 Living Energies

inner core-water and the inner face of the firmed by Professor Forchheimer in his
pipe. It is a peculiar movement and difficult expert opinion 3 on Viktor Schauberger's
to describe, having components of motion in novel dam design discussed previously,
different directions. In a certain sense this wherein he states with regard to a proposed
outer, peripheral movement could be overflow pipe that:
described as toroidal, i.e. a doughnut-shaped
vortical rotation like a smoke ring. 'Helically ...when a substantial influx of water occurs, some
toroidal' might be a more appropriate of it is to be discharged directly into the Eger
description, however, since this outer water through a fairly large diameter pipe, which
also has a translatory motion in a spiral branches off on the left-hand side of the reservoir
around and with the core-water. at a high level. This pipe will be rifled, since it has
Viewed along the longitudinal section been shown that this produces a sharp increase in
(fig. 14.3) the inner portion of the toroid in the flow-velocity.
contact with the inner core-water moves to
the right in the direction of flow, whereas the With differing water temperatures, once
direction of movement of the outer portion, again the colder water is drawn down the
which is in contact with the pipe, has a middle and the coldest, heaviest core-water
motion component in the opposite direction. accelerates, sucking the other specifically
This is only a figure of speech, however, in an lighter waters after it. Here centripetal and
attempt to explain the process, because upon centrifugal forces are again active, and in the
coming in contact with the wall-surfaces, initial phases of flow the dissolved oxygen is
each water particle does not actually move squeezed out of the central core and impelled
backwards up the pipe, but pauses briefly centrifugally towards the periphery, assisted
before being caught up again in the forward by the toroidal flow. In the same way that the
flow. oxygen is removed from the centre, so too is
Looking at the cross-section in fig. 14.4 the any fine suspended matter which is then
situation is similar, the small-scale rotation pressed against the pipe walls. The larger
being in the opposite sense to that of the cen- suspended solids, owing to their greater den-
tral spiral flow. The overall direction of rota- sity and mass, continue to be transported
tion of the whole of this peripheral water as a down the central axis.
body, however, is in the same direction as the At the periphery, friction is at a maximim
central core as indicated by the larger trian- and due to the resultant warming, the
gular-headed arrows. That the movement of oxygen, already stimulated by centrifugence,
all the water in this type of pipe is faster than becomes even more aggressive and through
in conventional cylindrical pipes was con- processes of oxidation the fine suspended
matter combines with the material of the
walls, thereby sealing them. Because no oxy-
gen is present in the core-water, all bacteria,
noxious and beneficial alike, migrate to the
periphery of the pipe, where the inferior, less
complex, pathogenic bacteria are over-
whelmed by a surplus of aggressive oxygen
and eliminated. The higher quality micro-
organisms, which can support and require
higher levels of oxygen to exist are however,
largely unscathed. In this way the water
becomes increasingly pure, disease- and
There being no iron or steel to interact,
with, and the pathogens having now been
removed, the remaining free dissolved oxy-
14: Water Supply 183

gen in the pipe does not get totally con- at his own expense, Viktor Schauberger
sumed. With the cessation of oxidative activ- approached the Stuttgart Technical Univer-
ity coupled with the resultant cooling, the sity to have the matter settled once and for
residual oxygen is returned by the toroidal all. Here his theories on water were to be
vortices to the interface with the central core- tested on a strictly scientific basis under the
water. Here it interacts energetically with the direction of Professor Franz Popel, director of
now oxygen-hungry carbones in the core the Institute of Hygiene. When first
flow under cold processes of oxidation. This approached Popel refused, saying that it
principally centripetal 'original' or 'life-origi- would be a waste of his time and in any case
nating' form of motion not only produces would produce no worthwhile results.
dynagens - the immaterial energy generators But, yet again, higher powers came to
- but also increases the carbonic acid content, Viktor's aid in the unlikely form of the then
which together raise the overall vitality, life- Bonn Government, who had been so
energy and wholesomeness of the water. incensed at Viktor's vigorous attacks on their
In order to function properly it is impor- management of the Rhine that they were only
tant that certain precautions are taken. To be too delighted to pay half the costs of the
laid properly, these wooden water mains investigation, believing that it would thor-
should be embedded in sand and insulated oughly discredit him. Under these changed
from both light and heat. In other words, a circumstances Professor Popel agreed to
cool controlled environment is necessary, undertake the investigation using the pipes
which, if maintained, will make the wooden of various configurations that Viktor sup-
pipe outlast a steel one, since is is not sub- plied (fig. 14.5). These were never returned to
jected to decay. Because it is a breathing sys- him upon completion of the project, despite
tem, a certain minimal amount (like sweat) of the fact that these rifled and helical pipes
the water reaches the outside of the pipe, were extremely difficult and expensive to
where some evaporation occurs. This acts to fabricate, because their unusual shape made
cool the exterior of the pipe, which in turn any of the normal casting processes almost
further cools the contents. Coupled with the impossible. An accurate description of these
internal vortical flow which, as discussed various shapes and their respective flows is
before is a process involving cooling and the rather difficult. They could be construed as
enhancement of the water's intrinsic life- 'double-rifled', 'double torsional flow' or
energy, then the whole body of water gradu- 'spiral helical' pipes.
ally becomes cooler as it flows. The experimental arrangement, the basis of
Due to the various oxidation processes tak- the investigation shown in fig. 14.6, is
ing place en route, certain reduction such that the water enters the pipe from a
processes also occur which improve the qual- levelling vessel, which supplies a constant
ity of the water and any other matter trans- head of water. The water then passes through
ported in it, such as ore, etc., which are whichever pipe is under test and into the out-
carried down the middle of the pipe without let chamber, subsequently flowing to waste.
touching the sides. Owing to the external Adjacent to the outlet, three small, calibrated
pressure-relieving action of the longitudinal vertical glass tubes are arranged. The left-
vortices, the actual size and thickness of the hand tube measures the available head of
pipe-wall can be fairly minimal. water and is directly connected to the level-
ling vessel. The middle tube is connected into
the system immediately at the end of the test
14.2 The Stuttgart Investigation pipe and the right-hand tube at a point just
below the outlet at the top of the expanding
aving long been ridiculed by the cone. The middle and right-hand tubes mea-
scientific establishment and wanting sure the drop or rise in pressure. The higher
to obtain irrefutable proof of the validity the indicated water-levels, the less the loss of
of his ideas on water movement, in 1952, head and friction. By lowering the whole of
184 Living Energies

Fig. 14.5 Pipes of various configurations that Schauberger supplied to Prof. Popel

Fig. 14.6 Prof. Popel's experiment with the spherical-helical copper pipe
14: Water Supply 185
186 Living Energies

the right-hand side of the arrangement, the the bottom of the graph. Instead of interpret-
flow can be increased due to the steepening ing the downward curves on the graph as a
of the gradient and the effect of gravity. decrease in friction or pressure, they could be
The actual final presentation of the report5 viewed as those sections where suction is
was rather biased. The most significant and increasing. What is happening here is that
revolutionary data were largely glossed over, due to the involuting flow movement caused
because it would have caused an unwanted by the configuration of the pipe-walls, the
upheaval in the scientific world by over- water is directed away from the walls, thus
turning the hitherto scientifically sacred reducing the friction.
'Second Law of Thermodynamics'. Accord- In his report, Popel does not refer to this
ing to this law, without further or continuous phenomenon, other than to state that on two
input of energy, all (closed) systems must occasions friction appeared to diminish to
degenerate into a condition of total chaos or zero. What he does not mention, which must
entropy. These experiments proved the con- have been apparent at the time, was that the
trary to be true. measured frictional values also dipped below
The most interesting pipe (no. 2) portrayed the line of zero friction; a condition that could
in larger scale just below the levelling vessel be termed 'Negative Friction', a paradox of
in fig. 14.6 has the cross-section shown in physics. This expression is not of my making,
fig. 14.7 and is similar to that taken through but one which Walter Schauberger averred
an antelope or Kudu horn, supporting Vik- was coined by Popel himself. Due to the far-
tor's maxim "Comprehend and Copy Nature!" reaching implications of this startling discov-
This was the object of two successful patents6, ery for accepted hydraulic theory, Popel may
which were applied for and granted in many well have been disinclined to record it in writ-
countries, the one shown in fig. 14.7 being the ing for fear of suffering an 'ideological repres-
more comprehensive illustration of it 7 . sion' akin to that of Jacques Benveniste,
Strangely enough, while I was able to obtain discussed earlier.
copies of the fuller patent from Brazil, While moving at this particular velocity
Portugal and France through friends, I was relative to the form of the pipe, the flow of
unable to trace any in Great Britain, Germany water was in harmony with the configuration
and Austria. No approach was made to the of the pipe. When something is in harmony
United States. with something else, then there is no friction.
In the diagram showing the increase and This unexpected phenomenon invalidates the
decrease in friction of the pipes under test Second Law of Thermodynamics and is no
(fig. 14.8), the upward portions of the curve doubt why Popel never aired it publicly,
indicate that friction is being generated or because it would mean that a system can
pressure is increasing and the downward sec- actually generate energy spontaneously; that
tions where these are reducing. The glass pipe once started, a further input of energy is
(No. 4) was actually found to be the least suit- unnecessary; that energy is not a constant
able for water transfer, having a higher fric- quantity, but that it can also be increased,
tional coefficient than a similar copper pipe, in since once again we are here concerned with
which friction begins to take effect only at the presence of immaterial dynagens created
higher flow volumes. Both straight glass and through 'original' motion.
straight copper (No. 3) pipes exhibit a certain In further confirmation of the periodically
fluctuation in values but, in the main, friction lower and nonexistent levels of friction in the
is constantly on the increase. spiral-helical pipe, the table in fig. 14.9 lists
Fluctuation in frictional values becomes the relative frictional losses of the various
more evident in the straight rifled pipes, but pipes under test. In the case of the spiral-
it can be seen that the spiral-helical pipe helical pipe it can be seen that these losses
(No. 2) produces a markedly different profile are reduced to zero on three occasions and
to those of the other test-pipes. On two occa- reach a periodic minimum at flow-rates of
sions, it dips below the line of zero friction at 0.191it/sec and 0.441it/sec. With only one or
14: Water Supply 187
two exceptions, the frictional losses of this and although the heart does produce spurts
pipe are always far less than those of the of blood during its contraction, it was not
other pipes. actually a pump.
His explanation for the Stuttgart pheno-
menon was that the flow of water was in res-
14.3 The Circulation of Blood onance with the double-helical form of the
pipe, stating that this also applied to blood

C ontinuing our examination of enclosed

flows we will now examine another form
of flow, namely the circulation of the blood.
vessels too, which were the elements respon-
sible for the blood's circulation. While the
arteries and capillaries themselves have a
Viktor Schauberger stated on many occasions peristaltic, pulsatory action, there are also
that the heart was not a pump, for it does not other factors involved, which will be exam-
pump as much as 'being pumped'! In a simi- ined later. This pulsation was observed by
lar vein, he also said that a bird does not fly, Professor Kurt Bergel of Berlin (ca.l925-30)
but is 'flown' and a fish 'is swum'. In view of when, after a few days of incubation to allow
the results of the Stuttgart investigation for small blood vessels to form around the
described above, this statement seems in part yolk-sac, he carefully opened up a bird's egg.
confirmed. Its function, in his view, was far Upon doing so he noticed that the blood ves-
more that of a regulator of the blood flow, sels surrounding the yolk-sac pulsated before
14: Water Supply 189

they cooled off, although no heart had as yet in the lungs by the negatively-charged, car-
been formed. bone-rich venal blood. Since these two types
Professor Bergel also held the same view as of blood carry opposite charges, the muscular
Viktor Schauberger, rejecting the idea that the contraction and closing action of the heart is
heart a sort of pump whose task was to therefore triggered through the periodic
impel blood to every part of the body. Bergel equalisation of positive and negative charges,
maintained that this was carried out by "the which reach a maximum in the venal and
millions of highly active capillaries permeating arterial chambers of the heart itself, due to
the body," and that "health and disease are pri- the large charge-carrying volume of both.
marily dependent on the faultless or disturbed The hallmark of all life-processes is pulsa-
activity of the capillaries."8 tion and, rather than acting as a pump, the
The actual movement of the blood, there- vital function of the heart is therefore to pro-
fore, would appear to arise initially due to mote a pulsation in the flow. Following from
the processes of pulsation. In the light of the the above it can also be stated with a large
Stuttgart Investigation, however, it could be degree of certainty that we breathe not
argued that the flow is enhanced by the con- because the heart 'pumps', but that the heart
figuration of the blood vessels themselves, 'pumps' because we breathe (intake of posi-
whose shape and structure, recalling the dis- tively charged oxygen and expulsion of
cussion on new energies in chapter 3, repre- negatively charged CO2 and water).
sent the secondary effect of the immaterial In the case of a growing foetus, however,
energy flow that created them in the first which does not breathe as we do (its blood
place. In addition, the viscosity of the blood being oxygenated via the placenta), the heart
is known to decrease usefully or intentionally may actually behave like a pump, reinforcing
in inverse proportion to the diameter of the the action of the pulsating blood vessels until
blood vessels, which also adds to its friction- the moment of birth. Since the movement of
free movement in the smallest vessels - the blood is conditioned in part by differences in
capillaries. internal and external temperature, prior to
Two further contributing factors are also this event the normal temperature-induced
present. The first is the positive temperature component of blood flow would be rendered
gradient between the innermost parts of the virtually inoperative, due to the minimal
body and the extremities which, as shown temperature variations within the insulating
previously induces a movement from warm amniotic fluid of the womb. Therefore during
to cold areas. In this regard the vitalising pregnancy a 'pump' might well be a neces-
effect of a cold shower on the blood circula- sary auxiliary. Once birth has occurred, the
tion is well known (stimulation and enhance- first vital breath taken and the infant's body
ment of warm-to-cold flow), whereas a long exposed to larger variations in temperature,
hot bath tends to produce physical lassitude then the heart assumes its proper function of
(reduction of differences between internal pulsator and flow regulator. But if the heart
and external temperatures). The second is the actually is a pump, as presently claimed in
result of the difference in the physico-chemi- medical circles, then what force must it apply
cal composition and therefore the energetic to carry out this vital task?
characteristics of arterial and venal blood. A while ago I happened upon an article by
This qualitative difference is partly due to Dr. Ernst O. Attinger entitled "Hydrodynamics
the developing physical vacuity (and there- of Blood Flow"9 in which was described the
fore suction) created by the progressive blood circulation of a 13kg dog. The upper dia-
absorption of positively-charged oxygen car- gram in fig. 14.10 depicts the general organisa-
ried by the arterial blood, which increases tion of the cardiovascular system, where the
towards the extremities (skin and hair venal beds are shown in black, whereas the
replacement, wound repair, etc.), where the lower stepped diagram provides data concern-
absorption is greatest, and partly due to the ing the various vascular beds (the different
rising desire for the reabsorption of oxygen types of blood vessel) of a 13kg dog, listing the
190 Living Energies

values of the viscous resistance, length of size. It therefore seems almost inconceivable
branches, volume of flow, diameter, etc, of the that the relatively small heart of this 13kg
different categories of blood vessel. When I cal- dog would have sufficient power to force the
culated the total length of all the branches in blood through 1,440km of blood vessels,
each segment of the 13kg dog's vascular tree, I which in the light of the above does seem to
found that the total overall length of all the be a Herculean task. The power of the heart,
blood vessels in the system amounted to therefore, would appear phenomenal for its
144,017,280 centimetres or 1,440.173km! On a size and, according to Walter Schaubergcr's
pro rata basis, this would mean that the human research in this area, it has been determined
body, averagely 5.5 times the size of the dog by that the work of the human heart would be
weight, i.e. 71.5kg, would contain at least enough to raise a weight of about 40 tonnes
7,920km of blood vessels! Data from other per year to a height of lm. I have also carnied
sources on the other hand places this at 60,000 out my own calculations, and the figure I
miles or 96,500km10. arrived at was 4,296.78 tonnes11.
In recent correspondence with Dr. Attinger Apart from the reduction in blood viscosity
about his paper, the average value of the vis- with the decrease in the size of the blood ves-
cous resistance to be overcome by the dog's sels, if as has been suggested earlier, energy
heart in order to move the blood, amounts to creates the vessel most conducive to its
5,332 dyne sec/cm-5, which is equal to a force of desired form of movement in a given situa-
0.005437kg or about 5 1/2 grams (1 dyne=1.01972 tion, then the pulsating, almost frictionless
x 10-6 kg), the average flow velocity in the capil- flow of blood over these enormous distances
laries being considerably less than lcm/sec. becomes more understandable. The factor
According to Walter Schauberger the omitted in all scientific calculation in hydro-
output of the human heart amounts to 0.003 dynamics, however, or any other energetic
horsepower but, wanting further con- process for that matter, is the natural desing
firmation, I made enquiries at the University for energy to move frictionlessly in healthy
of Queensland and was told that it functions animate, organic systems.
at about 1.5 watts. With this small amount of In the light of this research, of the description
energy, equivalent to the average torch of double-spiral pipes, the Stuttgart investiga-
battery, 1/10th of a litre of blood is delivered tion and the circulation of blood, it can be seen
to the arterial network about 75 times a that Viktor Schauberger's theories have been
minute or 100,000 times a day. Over an aver- thoroughly vindicated. Perhaps, therefore, their
age lifetime at roughly 8,000 litres per day, description here will provide the basis for more
175 million litres of blood pass through the productive investigative research and practical
heart. application, which is most urgently needed if
Presumably this dog's heart functioned we are to emerge from our present ecological
with somewhat less energy due to its smaller and environmental crisis.
14: Water Supply 191
Organisation and Physical Properties of the Cardiovascular System

A. Functional Anatomy
The general organization of the cardiovascular system is schematically represented in Fig. 1. It can be divided roughly
into four parts:
1. Two pumps, the left and right hearts.
2. A distributing system, the arteries, leading from each ventricle into the periphery.
3. An exchange system, the capillaries, where metabolites diffuse across a membrane both from and into the tissue.
4. A collecting system, the veins, which transport the blood back to the pump.

Fig.1 Schema of the circulation. The numbers indicate the approximate percentage of the cardiac output fed into
each of the six (arbitrarily selected) parallel beds. Note that there are two capillary systems in the kidney and three in
the splanchnic circulation. LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

Fig. 3 Geometry of the peripheral vascular tree of a 13-kg dog. The diagram illustrates the marked changes in total
cross section along the peripheral vascular bed. Blocks are numbered as follows: 1, capillaries; 2a, arterioles; 2b,
venules; 3a, terminal arterial branches; 3b, terminal veins; 4a, main arterial branches; 4b, main venous branches; 5a,
large arteries; 5b, large veins; 6a, aorta; 6b, venae cavae. Resistance values pertain to the total effect of one segment.

Fig. 14.10 Hydrodynamics of blood flow (E. O. Attinger)

Research Institute of the Presbyterian University of Pennsiyvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
192 Living Energies

1. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.II, p.14. 7. French Patent No. 1.057.576, applied May 30th,
2. Austrian Patent No. 136214, applied for April 23, 1952, granted October 28th, 1953. Brazilian Patent
1930, granted January 10,1934. No. 43,431, granted in 1953. Portuguese Patent
3. Austrian Patent No. 134543, applied for August No. 29,729, granted in 1953.
12,1931, granted August 25th, 1933. 8. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.II, p.34.
4. Expert opinion dated 15 Apr. 1930, by 9. "Hydrodynamics of Blood Flow", by Dr. Ernst
Prof. Dr. Philipp Forchheimer, life-member of the O.Attinger, Div. Biomedical Engineering,
Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna. Univ. Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville,
5. "Report Concerning The Preliminary Investigation VA 22901, USA. (I unfortunately failed to take
Of Helical Pipes With Various Shapes of Pipe- note of the title and publisher. This was a paper
Wall" ("Bericht iiber die Voruntersuchungen mit written during Dr. Attinger's tenure of a
Wendelrohren mit verschiedener Wandform"), special
carried out at the Inst.of Hygiene, Stuttgart fellowship from the National Institute of Health
Univ. of Technology, Germany, by Prof. Dr. (5-F3-GM-14037) and details research carried out
Ing. habil Franz Popel. February to March 1952. at the Research Inst, Presbyterian Univ. Pennsyl-
6. Austrian Patent No. 196680, applied May 30, 1951, vania Medical Center, Univ. of Pennsylvania,
granted March 25, 1958, exactly 6 months before Philadelphia, USA.
Viktor Schauberger died on 25 September that year. 10. British United Patients Assoc. (BUPA) advert.,
Evening Standard, London, 31st January 1994.


The quantity of blood moved per beat =0.1 litres
=100 cc
Since blood consists of about 90% water and 1 cc of water weighs 1 gram(g), assuming that the
remaining blood constituents have a total weight of about 0.19 grams, then the weight of blood
moved by the heart per beat = 1.09g x l00cc
= 109g
= 0.109 kg
At averagely 75 beats per minute the weight of blood moved per minute = 75 x 0.109kg
= 8.175kg
- the weight of blood moved in 1 hour = 8.175kg x 60 minutes
= 490.5kg
= 0.4905 tonnes (t)
- the weight of blood moved in 24 hrs = 0.4905t x 24 hrs
= 11.772t
- the weight of blood moved in 1 year = 11.772t x 365 days
= 4,296.78t.
The magnitude of a force is normally calculated in newtons. 1 newton (N) represents a force of
0.101972kg acting through a distance of 1 metre. 1 newton is also equal to an expenditure of energy of 1
joule or 1 watt per second. Therefore calculated in terms of newtons, it could be inferred that the heart
expends sufficient energy annually to raise the above weight of 4,296.78 tonnes to a height of 1 metre.
As far as the energy of the heart is concerned, using the above figures, at 0.109kg per heartbeat
energy required per heartbeat = 0.109kg/N (N = 0.101972 kg)
= 1.06892088N
= 1.06892088 joules
= 1.06892088 watt-seconds
The heart would therefore appear to function at 1.07 watt-seconds.

15.1 The Consequences of fact that water - as life-carrier - is itself alive

Chlorination and Fluoridation and needs to be kept in this condition if it is to
fulfill its naturally ordained function for, as
Water is the issue most crucial to all Viktor Schauberger has stated:
life on Earth. Water is the life-blood
Science views the blood-building and character-
of our planet, the life-giving fluid
influencing UR-ORGANISM - 'WATER' merely
in all organisms, plants, animals and human
as a chemical compound and provides millions
being alike, flowing as sap, lymph or blood;
of people with a liquid prepared from this -point
our very existence is therefore intimately con-
of view, which is everything but healthy water.1
nected with the quality of water available to
us. It is vital for our own lives and those of But what does modern, denaturised civilisa-
our children that we should become seriously tion care, as long as it receives a suitably
concerned not only for the health, vitality hygienised, clear liquid with which to
and quality of the water we drink, but also shower, wash its dishes, clothes and cars?
for its original source and the treatment it Once down the plug-hole, in company with
receives. Apart from our own consumption all manner of toxic chemicals and detergents,
of it, this same water is also used to grow all is comfortingly out of sight and out of
everything we eat. If we want to live in mind. As proof of the efficacy of current
health and happiness, then the living entity - disinfective practices and to justify their
water - should be highly revered and the continuance, officialdom usually points out
most sensitive care taken of it. that such water-borne diseases as cholera and
In the previous chapter we briefly men- typhoid are virtually unknown in all coun-
tioned the harmful effects of chlorination, but tries where the water is chlorinated.
we need to examine the process and its rami- Thus reassured, the broad mass of the pop-
fications more fully. Today the drinking ulation blithely continues to bask in the lux-
water supplied to almost all the inhabitants ury of apparently disease-free water in
of so-called civilised countries is chlorinated complete ignorance of the perils arising from
and sometimes even fluoridated. The pur- its constant consumption, for what is never
pose of this treatment is to sterilise the water, stated in official explanations is the cumula-
to free it of all noxious micro-organisms and tive effect this treatment of water has on the
pathogenic bacteria. organisms forced to drink it. What people do
Present methods of water treatment and not know is that, although the chlorination of
reticulation kill water, however, and bad drinking and household water-supplies
water or wrongly treated water debilitates, ostensibly disinfects it and removes the
degrades, degenerates and ultimately destroys threat of water-borne diseases, it does so to
those organisms constantly forced to drink it. the detriment of the consumer.
Science, however, completely overlooks the In its function as water steriliser or disin-

194 Living Energies

fectant, chlorine eradicates all types of bacte- What happens to the life-force essential for
ria, beneficial and harmful alike, so that what healthy growth?
arrives at the tap or faucet, while indeed free And what are the effects of chlorination?
of every possible organism, is water that has Chlorine is not added to drinking water in
been sterilised to death; in other words, a vast quantities. Averagely it is administered
water-corpse. More importantly and more at about 10 parts per million (ppm), (see fig.
alarmingly, however, it also disinfects the 5.1) providing always that the dispensing
blood (up to 90% water) or sap (ditto) and in and metering equipment is properly main-
doing so kills off or seriously weakens many tained and monitored. Malfunction, however,
of the immunity-enhancing micro-organisms can never be ruled out, with the result that
living in the body of those organisms that over-chlorination may occur more frequently
continuously consume it. than we are led to believe. [In the 1995
This eventually impairs their immune sys- drought, thousands of residents of Cornwall
tems to such a degree that they are no longer in south-west England got ill, when the vol-
able to eject viruses, germs and cancer cells, ume of water in the supplies was insufficient
to which the respective host-bodies ulti- to 'water down' these chemicals 'safely'.]
mately fall victim. We therefore actually ster- According to Nobel-prizewinner Prof. Otto
ilise our blood when we drink chlorinated Warburg, later confirmed by Nobel-prize-
water, thereby readying ourselves for the winner Prof.Gerhard Domagk, cancer cells
onset of disease. were formed as a result of a deficiency of oxy-
Of late there has been an alarming gen, which produces a reversal in the metabo-
increase, not only in hitherto unknown dis- lism whereby the nutritive substances are
eases, but in all forms of sickness, cancer in fermented by the cells into lactic acid. This pro-
particular. Even the appearance of other vides the cell with additional energy to grow
lethal afflictions such as AIDS would have more rapidly and to divide faster than other
come as no surprise to Viktor Schauberger, cells, eventually developing into a cancer cell
for apart from the other inevitable distur- proper, oxygen shortage and over-acidity being
bances to the ecology and the environment the characteristic hallmarks of cancer cells.4
occasioned by humanity's unthinking activi- There is a further noxious characteristic of
ties, as early as 1933 he foresaw all these chlorine worthy of note. Because even a small
unwholesome developments as the legiti- ray of light suffices to make it explode, chlo-
mate and inevitable consequence of the mis- rine gas has to be mixed with water in dark-
treatment and artificial pollution of water ness. It could therefore be reasonably assumed
with chemical additives. that even on the minutest scale, explosion
Just imagine what effect the constant will occur when the capillaries immediately
drinking of dead or diseased water has on under the skin are exposed to sunlight, cau-
the blood and all the vital organs of the body. ing their partial rupture. Chlorine-dioxide
15: Drinking Water Supply 195
To give reader an idea of what 10ppm entails, the majority of organic compounds. In the process it
cube below measures 100cm x 100cm x 100cm. The replaces hydrogen, one of the key elements of the
content of this cube is therefore 1,000,000cm . The water molecule and present in all carbohydrates and
minute cube at the upper left hand corner of the cube fats, both of which are essential to the metabolism in all
at (A) is equal to 1 ppm and could be likened to a cube organic life. One effect of this hydrogen replacement
of sugar in a metre-cube box. Relative to the total may well be the removal of the hydrogen atoms in the
volume of drinking water the amount of chlorine added fatty substances surrounding and enclosing the cells,
to it amounts to 10 such minute cubes as shown at the cell-walls, which act as a dielectric membrane and
(B). This seems hardly worth worrying about except conserve and separate the bioelectric charges
that, as we learnt in chapter 9 in connection with responsible for the cells' correct function.
Prof. Jacques Benveniste's research into the efficacy On the other hand, it may also create certain
of homeopathic medicines, the smaller the physical quantities of hydrochloric acid in the blood itself, which
quantity. the greater the resultant effect. as a digestive juice normally resides safely confined
Just to complete the description of the diagram, the within the walls of the stomach, and as a result adds to
3 1/2 rows of cubes at (C) represent the amount of the overall acidity of the blood, thereby reducing the
carbon-dioxide presently in the atmosphere, which as blood-pH to levels below the normal level of 7.
a result of its rise from 290ppm early this century to its As a powerful oxidant it also accelerates the metabolic
current 355ppm level, is producing unwelcome effects processes of oxidation, on the one hand creating
in re global climate, all of which further underscores additional heat and on the other consuming oxygen
how minimal causes produce large effects. destined for other purposes, and if these occur above
Used in chemical warfare chlorine is poisonous gas. the naturally prescribed levels, in most organisms it
It has a greenish-yellow colour and reacts with the leads to premature aging.

100cm x 100cm x 100 cm = 1 cubic metre (nr),

A volume measuring: or = 1,000,000 cm
In relation to such a volume, therefore,
(A) 1cc (1 ppm) = 1,000,000th of a m .
(B) 10 ppm is the amount of chlorine and/or chlorine dioxide generally used for the so-called "purification" of
drinking water.
(C) 355 ppm is the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) presently in the atmosphere, which, with water vapour, is a
co-contributor to the "greenhouse effect". In the late 19th century, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was
circa 290 ppm, considered to be the normal, natural level.
196 Living Energies

(C1O2) is also used for water purification and, increased brittleness of their bones. In a
while it is soluble in cold water, it begins to recent New Jersey Department of Health
decompose as the water warms up and at study fluoridation has been linked to a rare
roughly +90C it forms chloric(VII) acid form of bone cancer known as osteosarcoma7.
which similarly explodes and oxidises strongly. This study showed that, in contrast to non-
In biochemistry and biology it is employed fluoridated municipalities, the incidence of
for the decomposition of organic matter for osteosarcoma was 50% higher in males under
analytical purposes. 20, an almost seven-fold increase in young
What more needs to be said, apart from males between the ages of 10 and 19 occur-
the fact that all these abnormal oxidising ring in the three most affected communities.
processes cause the dislocation of the natural But this is not where it all ends. Ultimately
energy-flows in the body, which in turn all these malpractices not only have the direst
raise its general temperature, thus placing consequences for the body, but also for its
it in a disease-prone condition. Disease after more immaterial attributes and here we shall
all is the way that Nature removes all organ- quote Viktor Schauberger once more:
isms that are no longer healthy or viable in
A particular inner temperature produces a certain
her scheme of things and which stand in the
physical form which in turn generates the special
path of evolutionary progress. In confirma-
kind of immaterial energy we encounter in a more
tion of chlorine's disease-causing function, a
or less highly developed form as character. Hence
recent study found that in water purification
the old saying 'Mens sana in corpore sano' (a
it "produces by-products that cause 18% of rectal
healthy mind in a healthy body). If the composi-
cancers and 9% of bladder cancers."5.
tion of the basic substances of the body should in
Artificial fluoridation of the water supplies
any way be altered, then the metabolic basis for
is another pernicious process with equally
the further growth of the body must not only
alarming consequences for the drinker. There
change, but its spiritual and intellectual growth
are two different forms of fluoride, one of
and further development as well.8
which, calcium fluoride, is naturally occur-
ring. Where present in the groundwater or Viktor saw the proper physical formation of
wells it has been observed that the teeth of the brain as being crucial to what it was able
those who drink such water are much to produce in the way of concepts, ideas and
stronger and less prone to caries. The other, behaviour, ethical and otherwise; the lower
sodium fluoride is not found naturally and is the quality of the physical structure, the more
a poisonous by-product of aluminium smelt- inferior the morals and ethics. In the same
ing and used in insecticides. way that the narrowly spaced annual rings of
But what to do with this growing pile of trees produced high-quality, resonant timber,
poison without incurring huge storage costs? the production of good thoughts in harmony
It could not merely be flushed into rivers or with Nature, and in consequence good char-
used in agriculture, because it kills livestock, acter traits, was only possible with a well and
wildlife, fish and crops. Indeed the offspring healthily-grown and developed brain with
of the 3rd generation of rats given lppm of close-knit windings.
sodium fluoride in their drinking water were Unwholesome food, poor water and the
crippled at birth6. How and why sodium flu- resultant slight overheating, in his view, gave
oride ever found its way into toothpaste is a rise to the formation of coarse convolutions in
mystery. Perhaps some mistaken bureaucrat the brain's overall structure, creating a brain
thought it had the same beneficial effect as that was incapable of either functioning intu-
calcium fluoride and required its addition to itively or of comprehending the subtleties of
drinking water. Nature's processes. It degenerated into an
Many children, however, have become organ able only to think logically, but never bio-
innocent victims of this disastrous confusion, logically, never with a living logic aware of
their bright smiles having been disfigured natural energetic interrelations and interdepen-
with seriously discoloured teeth, as well as dencies. In a sense, such a brain could be
15: Drinking Water Supply 197

likened to a poorly designed musical instru- generation and forestry. However, he felt
ment constructed of inferior materials and thus so strongly about the dangers associated
unable to create truly harmonious sounds with contemporary systems of water treat-
affecting the world harmoniously. There is ment and the suffering they caused, that
plenty of evidence in support of this, for daily he designed a device which both purified
we are made aware of the rise in mental afflic- water, and also raised it to mountain-spring
tions, depression, dyslexia, irrational and brutal quality. In 1934 he applied for patents9 for this
behaviour, and hyperactivity to name a few, apparatus, which produced pure, high-grade,
which are affecting more and more people at an spring-quality drinking water (fig. 15.2 see also
increasingly younger age. box on page following). This was his first
The water we drink and food we eat are by prototype for the artificial production of
no means the sole cause, but in the light of all high quality drinking water. This crude
this precautionary evidence we should at the arrangement was his first attempt to combine
very least ensure that what we eat and drink is the necessary elements, so its construction was
of th highest possible quality. Moreover, we cumbersome compared to the elegance of later
should call the responsible authorities to designs.
account for their misdemeanours, even though In Viktor Schauberger's understanding of
these may have been unintentional, for it is we, the deep subterranean cycle of water (see
particularly the poor, and not they, who finally chapter 9, fig. 9.1, "The Full Hydrological
have to pay the price in suffering and misery Cycle" and figure 9.1, p. 119), he considered
for their inaction. We should refuse to continue the Earth's rapidly depleting deposits of coal
to be forced to drink water as presently pre- and oil, which today we stupidly plunder
pared, for in drinking chlorinated and fluori- and squander by combusting them as fuel, to
dated water not only do we harm ourselves be the vital sources of carbone upon which
physically and mentally, but we also pass on a the whole natural production of carbonic
terrible genetic legacy to our children. acid depends and without which there is
A thorough investigation and highly publi- no good water and therefore no healthy
cised public inquiry into present methods of growth.
water purification should be put in hand Although Walter Schauberger achieved a
immediately by an independent body of stable solution of water and carbon-dioxide
competent, unintimidatable individuals. using a partial vacuum in conjunction with a
These should be selected from all branches of hyperbolic vortex, because of the way in
science and medicine, including so-called which carbon-dioxide is infused into water
alternative practitioners, whose awareness in under high pressure in contemporary chemi-
some areas far exceeds those of orthodox dis- cal and industrial processes, such a combina-
ciplines. Should its publicised findings rec- tion cannot be stabilised and is only
ommend the immediate cessation of current theoretically possible. Under such techni-
practices in water purification, then neither cally contrived conditions the carbon-diox-
the government nor the respective authorities ide can only be constrained in a dissolved
will be able to continue to brainwash the state under constant pressure, which is why
population and will be forced by the ballot there is an immediate evolution of bubbles
box to take action and put the necessary and and gases when bottles of soft drinks or aer-
urgent remedial measures in hand forthwith. ated mineral water are opened. Incidentally,
by inhaling these vapours the reader will get
an idea of what 'chokedamp' is, and its
15.2 The Springwater Producing effect. Just because we cannot produce a sta-
Device ble solution of carbon-dioxide, however,
does not mean that Nature cannot achieve it.
uring the the early 1930s Viktor In her acts of creation, Nature operates dif-
Schauberger was active in writing and ferently, without pressure and heat, but in
publication, in river engineering, power cool implosive ways. She employs attracting
198 Living Energies

In the apparatus on the next page surface water, recombination of the various minerals and
i.e. the most available form of water, is salts. From the top of the tulip-column, the
introduced into a container A, where it is water then flows into a silver-lined10 cooling
irradiated by a mercury-vapour lamp, which kills vessel F, containing a large auger, i.e. an
off many of the harmful bacteria, and where the archimedean screw, which slowly rotates in the
necessary cooling process also begins. The opposite direction to its slope, thus
water then flows down to the outlet m below a encouraging the water to remain there to be
mixing vessel C, where, under a pressure of half cooled by the cooling coils mounted on the
an atmosphere, this largely mineral-deficient exterior of this well-insulated chamber.
water is mixed drop by drop with the salts and Moving upwards from this vessel, the water
other minerals necessary to build up a high then enters a large, insulated sleeve-pipe u,
quality water. From here it proceeds to a vessel through which the pipe containing the
D, where it is sprayed through perforations in a descending saline and mineral solution passes,
spiral pipe n from the outside inwards, at the pre-cooling it on its way to the spray chamber
same time that carbonated water is sprayed D. From here the prepared water passes into
from a similar perforated tube k, but from the the final chamber /, which is divided into two
inside outwards. A mixing between the two compartments. The first G (left-hand side)
types of water occurs, gradually blending them, allows certain residual reactions to take place,
and they fall through what appears to be a mesh such as the interaction between the content of
screen (not described in the patent document), carbon-dioxide and oxygen, before finally over-
from where, now as a combined liquid, they flowing into the second compartment H, when
move up through a series of tulip-shaped glass it is in a condition suitable for drinking. From
vessels E. here it passes to the outlet z, ready for
As this liquid rises, the carbon-dioxide consumption.
(also known as CO2 or carbonic acid gas) In this process carbon-dioxide is bound with
in the water accumulates at the top of each the water in stable form as occurs in Nature,
tulip, as shown in the larger detail inset, the i.e. by processes of cooling and densation
amount progressively diminishing, the higher through which the carbon-dioxide is convertec
the tulip on the column. The greater part of the into carbonic acid. In its simplest
water, however, first moves upwards around representation carbonic acid is a compound of
the outer bowl of the tulip q and then the three elements of carbone (Ce), oxygen (O)
downwards around the inner bowl. Upon and hydrogen (H) in the form of water (H2O)
reaching the central core, it then moves plus carbon-dioxide (C O2), and is produced
upwards again. As the water pressure naturally in the coolness and darkness of the
gradually builds, the carbon-dioxide trapped in Earth. According to the legitimate interpretation
the upper part, is forced upwards through the of chemical formulae, the combination of these
small tube above the tulip and back into the elements should produce the following
main body of water. result:
By the time the water reaches the top of the
tulip column, there is no free carbon-dioxide H2O + CeO2 + DARK + COLD------- >H2CeO3
left. All of it has been absorbed into the water (= carbonic acid
in the form of carbonic acid (H2CO3). Whether which is the very foundation and the most
we are concerned with H2CO3 or (H2O + CO2) important ingredient of high-quality, mountain-
as discrete entities is largely dependent on spring water, the other form of energy that
temperature and pressure. Somewhere in this makes all life on this planet possible.
series of tulips, laminates of silver and gold are Conversely
attached, (their actual position is not
described), which create a small electrostatic H2CeO3 + LIGHT + HEAT -------> H2O + CeO2 ^
charge that ionises the various particles in the (= water + carbon-dioxide
water, enhancing the combination and [the upward arrow denotes the release of a gas]

The springwater producing device

15: Drinking Water Supply 199

forces of suction in lieu of life-destroying belongs to this chapter on drinking water,

forces of pressure. because the principles on which it functions
Despite its gross construction, with this are similar to those of his other apparatuses,
apparatus Viktor Schauberger was able to its discussion will be reserved to chapter 21
produce a very high-grade spring water on Implosion. With it, however, he helped
from any reasonably good quality, i.e. many people stricken with cancer. By
unpolluted, surface water. Pressing on with providing them with very high-quality water
his research, in the late 1930s and early 1940s he was able to achieve remission in quite
he worked on the design for another device, a large measure. However, as is frequently
far more compact than the previous one. the case, he came up against the established
This one was egg-shaped and, while it really authorities, who accused him of charla-
200 Living Energies

tanism and lack of qualifications to treat can- temperature possible. The materials most
cer, since he was merely a forester with no suited to this are natural stone, timber
medical training or background. Ultimately (wooden barrels) and terracotta. Perhaps
they forced him to quit, confiscated his more than any other material, terracotta has
machine and destroyed it. This was yet been used for this purpose for millennia.
another of the many setbacks that Viktor had Terracotta exhibits a porosity particularly
already suffered at the hands of the well-suited to water storage, because it
Establishment. enables a very small percentage of the con-
The proper storage of drinking water, tained water to evaporate through the vessel
however, is another aspect that needs to walls.
be carefully taken into consideration and Evaporation is always associated w i t h
will now be addressed in the following sec- cooling (vaporisation, however, with heat)
tion. and, according to Walter Schauberger, if the
porosity is correct, then for every 600th part
of the contents evaporated, the contents will
15.3 The Storage of Water be cooled by 1C (1.8F). Therefore, if such a
vessel is positioned where there is a reason-
W hether our water is produced through
the process described or whether we
obtain it from natural sources, we must care
able movement of air, the water will cool and
approach its anomaly point, its state of high-
est health and 'indifference' at a temperature
for the very limited supplies that are still of +4C (39.2).
available. This means we must treat it in the Another important storage factor is the
way demonstrated to us by Nature. First and actual shape of the container itself. Most of
foremost, water should be protected from the storage containers commonly in use
sunlight and kept in the dark, far removed today are cubic or rectangular volumes of
from all sources of heat, light and atmos- one form or another, or cylinders. While
pheric influences. (How much of your drink- these shapes are most easily and economi-
ing water comes from reservoirs open to the cally produced by today's technology, they
Sun?) Ideally it should be placed in opaque, do impede natural water circulation and pro-
porous containers, which both cut out all mote water suffocation.
direct light and heat, and allow the water to Due to their rectangular shape and/or
breathe (which, in common with all other liv- right-angled corners, stagnant zones are one-
ing things, it must do in order to stay alive ated which can provide a suitable environ-
and healthy). ment for the propagation of pathogenic
The present system of bottling water in bacteria. Moreover, since the materials used
clear, transparent bottles degrades the water, are generally galvanised iron, fibre glass,
because it is exposed to light and heat. When concrete, steel, etc., i.e. all impervious materi-
a glass of good water is left out in the Sun, lit- als, the contained water is unable to breathe
tle bubbles form on the glass as the carbonic and suffocates as a result. In this debilitated
acid, the principle ingredient of good water, state or as a water-cadaver, it quickly
is converted into CO2 through increased tem- becomes diseased and will require further
perature and light. Like wine, water needs to disinfection.
be kept in the dark in an opaque bottle sealed Taking Viktor Schauberger's maxim
with a breathing cork. It is not without rea- Comprehend and Copy Nature! as our
son that good wine is matured in wooden guide, we should therefore use the shapes
casks. that Nature herself selects to contain, guard
In terms of what we can achieve per- and maintain life, i.e. eggs and their
sonally, we should at all times ensure derivations. The cubes and cylinders men-
that our storage vessels, bottles, tanks, etc., tioned above have no place in Nature's
are thoroughly insulated so that the con- scheme of things. To store her vital fluids and
tained water is maintained at the coolest other materials wise Nature chose eggs and
15: Drinking Water Supply 201

elongated egg-shapes such as grains and

seeds, because these produce the optimal

It is evident that the ancient Egyptians and

Greeks, renowned for their logic and con-
structional ability, were well aware of this,
because they stored their grains and liquids
(oils, wines, etc.) in terracotta amphorae,
sealed with beeswax. This despite the fact
that the shape was wholly unsuited to com-
pact and efficient storage in terms of space
and ease of handling.
It is obvious that the selection of this
form over any other was intentional and
the result of certain knowledge of the
long-term storage properties of such shapes.
In many amphorae that have surfaced in
archeological excavations over the last
100 years or so, grains of wheat have been
found that were still viable and, even after
storage over 2,000 years, germinated when
Compared with cubes and cylinders, as
shown in fig. 15.3 these shapes have no stag-
nant zones, no right-angled corners that
inhibit flowing movement. By placing these
terracotta vessels in shaded areas, exposed to
air movement, the evaporative cooling effect
will be significantly enhanced. Since all nat-
ural movement of liquids and gases is trig-
gered by differences in temperature, so too
inside the egg-shaped storage vessel, cyclical,
spiral, vitalising movement of the water will
be induced.
As we have seen, movement is an expres-
sion of energy and energy is synonymous
with life. The external evaporation causes
cooling of the outer walls and the water in
their immediate vicinity. Being cooler and
therefore denser, this water becomes
specifically heavier and sinks down along the
walls towards the bottom, at the same time iron, fibre-glass or concrete, should be insu-
forcing the water there to rise up the centre lated on all external surfaces by applying
and move towards the outside walls. sprayed foam or an equivalent thermal
Continual repetition of this process results in barrier, to a minimum thickness of 75mm.
the constant circulation and cooling of the If not already white or of a light, heat-
contents. reflecting colour, then they should be so
With all existing installations for water painted. For tanks set into the ground, only
storage, the main problem is that of exposure the top surface need be insulated and painted
to light and heat. Where possible, all above- white.
ground water tanks, whether of galvanised
202 Living Energies

For many people, dams or rivers provide water reaches the well from the lowest level
the main source of water and certain simple of the river or dam, it will be obtained at the
measures can be taken to improve the quality coolest possible temperature, and less likely
of the water obtained from them. Providing to harbour aggressively harmful, pathogenic
the surrounding soil is porous, a hole of bacteria, which tend to populate the upper,
about 1,000-2,000 litres in volume should be warmer and more highly-oxygenated strata
dug, about 5-10 metres from the bank of the of the main water body.
dam or river. If possible the depth should be In the early 1970s I built such a well on my
equal to the depth of the latter. The tops of own property at Montville in Queensland
such wells should be above the highest water which produced an extremely clear, clean,
level of the dam or river to prevent flood con- odourless and good tasting water. The people
tamination. who have since bought the property report
If the soil is sufficiently permeable, water that the quality and quantity of water has not
will percolate through the intervening soil changed. It is advisable to have such water
and into the newly excavated well. tested for quality, purity and any possible
Depending on the stability and load-bearing contaminants, pesticides, etc., by the compe-
capacity of the soil (a structural engineer tent authorities.
should be consulted it there is any doubt), a River water is generally far richer than
small concrete, perimeter footing should be tank water (rainwater) in terms of its mineral,
placed at a safe distance from the rim of the salt and trace-element content. In most cases
well. When the concrete has cured and set it will be necessary to supplement the min-
firmly, then a minimum of one course of eral content of rainwater, if this is the only
blocks should be laid to prevent the entry of source of drinking water, to prevent the
any surface water. extraction of minerals and salts from the
The well should then be totally enclosed drinker's body. Here the suspension of an
and sealed with a well-insulated timber and artificial-fibre sack (rot-proof) containing the
sheet-metal roof, or a concrete slab, and pro- dust of crushed basalt or other igneous rock
vided with an access hatch to service the used for road building (commonly known as
pump and/or suction pipe and foot-valve. 'crusher dust' - see chapter 19) would do
The pump should preferably be located out- much to enhance the quality of the tank
side the well-space to avoid any possible oil water, because it will absorb those elements it
pollution. requires to become mature.
The reason for the 1,000-2,000 litre However, before adding any crusher dust
storage capacity is that it may only be possi- to the water, it would be again advisable to
ble to pump water intermittently, because the test the resulting change in the quality by
rate of replenishment from the main water analysing the difference between two sam-
source will depend on the permeability of the ples of tank water, one with crusher-dust
soil. added and one without, as a control. Both
If the soil surrounding a dam or a river samples should then be placed in a cool, dark
is impervious, then it would be necessary place and left for at least a week before an
to excavate a channel about 600mm wide, to analysis of the mineral content and bacterial
the full depth of the well, between the well purity is carried out. This should be done by
and where the water percolates freely, or the a suitably qualified specialist.
main water body. The lower part of this and These ideas about water will be regarded
the bottom of the shaft itself should be filled by many as controversial, but let us hope
with clean, quartz sand to a depth of about they have given you much food for thought
600mm and the upper part back-filled with and action. Water should never be viewed or
the excavated material and compacted. As treated as an inert and lifeless liquid for, in so
the water percolates through either the exist- doing we debase ourselves, and the rest of
ing soil or the sand, most suspended matter life on this planet, ignorance of such magni-
will be filtered out. Furthermore, because the tude will demand of us an awesome penalty.
15: Drinking Water Supply 203

Our life, however, is not merely supported by extends to all living things. It too has been
water, but also largely by the forest. In the equally badly mistreated through our ignor-
following chapter we shall examine the all- ance of its vital functions and its necessity for
encompassing service the tree so unselfishly a healthy, fruitful life.


1. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.II, p.6. 4. "The Mechanical Generation of Life-Force"

2. Frorn Water - The Mirror of Science by K.S. Davis ("Maschinelle Erzeugung der Lebenskraft") by
& J.A. Day: Heinemann Educ.Books, London, Viktor Schauberger in Implosion No.57.
1964. Biology by C.A. Villee, E.P. Solomon & 5. Amer. Jour, of Health as reported in The
P.W. Davis: W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, U.S.A.: Australian newspaper of 2 July 1992.
ISBN 4-8337-0277-0. 6. Letter from J.E. Allen to the The Gympie Times, 9
3. pH is the measure of hydrogen-ion concen- March 1990.
tration in a given substance and indicates the 7. Acres USA magazine, March 1993.
degree of acidity or alkalinity. Like human blood, 8. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.II, p.17.
with a pH of 7 pure water is neutral. Above 9. Austrian Patent No. 142032, granted 11th June
pH 7 alkalinity increases; below it, acidity 1935.
increases. 10. Silver also has a natural anti-bacterial function.

16.2 The Entity 'Tree' two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom,
their mutual attraction and interaction gives
birth to the marvel of water.

ne of the problems seriously affecting
real progress today is the emphasis on Because of this attraction another entity is
over-specialisation, particularly in the created, something greater than its compo-
sphere of the Earth Sciences for which an nent parts. In the absence of attraction noth-
overview is absolutely essential. All the ing would have happened; if the hydrogen
research work carried out presently and atoms were competitively oriented towards
historically is almost totally irrelevant, if the oxygen atoms there would be no synthe-
the subtle interdependencies cannot be per- sis - and no life. While there are many other
ceived and the knowledge applied and examples of symbiosis, Robert Auguros and
combined with research in other spheres. George Stanciu in their recent book The New
Preoccupation with analysis inhibits percep- Biology1, which elaborates the findings of
tion of the whole and prevents us from draw- their research into the cooperation between
ing conclusions we might otherwise draw species, found that there was a far higher
were we at the same time more general in our level of cooperation in Nature than we have
approach. hitherto been led to believe.
While the next three chapters describe the One of their graphic examples is the tree in
interaction between trees and light, the part fig. 16.1, which is inhabited simultaneously
that water plays in the growth of vegetation by several different species of bird, whose
remains a dominant feature of our discus- areas of activity really do not clash or over-
sion. Nature, after all, knows no boundaries, lap, but are all harmoniously integrated into
and any discussion of natural processes the overall form of the tree. Here, at least,
inevitably involves a number of interdepen- even if on a very small scale, it is evident
dent aspects which should always jointly be that, instead of competition and survival of
taken into account. the fittest, wise Nature has developed an evo-
In contrast to currently held doctrines, lutive system of increasing diversity in which
Nature is founded far more on cooperation there is a place for everything. It would seem
than on competition, because it is only quite illogical and unintelligent to create so
through harmonious interplay that physical many different life-forms and have no room
formation can occur, that things can come for them to exist.
together and structures can be built up. The prevailing emphasis in biological edu-
Without attraction between two or more cation is that Nature is competitive, which
atoms there would be no water, no plants, no blinds us to her other realities. In human
chemical compounds, no living substances at beings the necessity to compete has often led
all. In essence attraction is a form of love, so to deep-seated feelings of inadequacy and
that in the polygamous relationship between inferiority, which frequently seek compensa-

206 Living Energies

tion in material acquisition. We are taught amounts. Without giving, there is no taking.
that we live in a hard, cold, competitive If evolution is to continue its forward unfold-
world, a world that has largely become ment, the giving must be greater both in mea-
so because we have made it so, although sure and quality than the taking, to ensure a
this does not necessarily represent natural surplus of creative potential energy, without
reality. which no manifestations can occur. There is a
For our own survival, the whole concept contradiction here for, generally speaking,
of the primacy of competition needs to be re- when the amount or quantity of a substance
examined. It should be restricted to one's or energy is increased, one does not necessar-
own performance in relation to the outer ily expect its quality to grow in the same
world; by developing one's talents, and by measure, since quantity x quality = unity.
exercising them for the benefit of others. If However, as we have seen, the supply of
we are going to prevent our own extinction, essentially creative energy, emanating as it
we must abandon this divisive, competitive does from other dimensions, is not
ideology and return to a more centripetally necessarily limited by the Conservation of
(integrative) organic rather than a centrifu- Energy Law, and thus in this instance there is
gally (disintegrative) mechanistic way of liv- no reason why quantity should not increase
ing, limiting quantity in favour of increasing in step with quality.
quality, and in particular the quality of giv- In this instance, however, measure is related
ing. to an intangible magnitude, a concentrated
What is an exchange? As a completed outpouring of love or giving (or in-form-
transaction, an exchange can only then ation). One learns (intake or uptake of inform-
take place when 'giving' and 'taking' come mation) in order to disseminate what has
together in the proper and appropriate been learned that is considered desirable or

Derived from a classic study by ecologist Robert MacArthur, this diagram illustrates how five species of isara
similar in size and shape, feed on bud worms in the same spruce trees. They avoid competition by occupyinc s<
different niches. The shaded areas indicate where each species spends more than half its time. The birds a*
different methods of hunting. This pattern of noncompetition is typical of naturally coexisting species.
16: Trees and Light 207

Clearly the processes of suction and pressure need to be examined. No beneficial, natural
exchange can take place solely under conditions of pressure. The effects of pressure (centrifugal
thinking) and suction (centripetal thinking) can be explained with two simple diagrams.

as a higher synthesis. As is the case with the and represents more, qualitatively speaking,
development of juvenile into mature water, than friction does as a force. A sucking sys-
without this 'taking' one would not be in a tem is first and foremost an open system. It
position to 'give'. The countless forms of opens itself in order to receive. It attracts a
manifestation in Nature and evolution could second system to itself, a system that wants
therefore be construed as the material prod- to be drawn in.
act of open, energetic, spiritual syntheses of With suction there is no friction or resis-
'giving and taking'. tance. On the contrary, there is only the desire
As co-aspect of competition, the effects of of two attracting forces to combine, which
pressure should be considered in the doubles the attracting energies and acceler-
mechanics of an exchange. Pressure is the ates their coming together. It is in this way
exertion of an unwanted force by one system that Nature works, for all natural organisms
on another unwilling to receive it. As an must be open systems to be able to interact
immediate reaction, resistance, the affected with the rest of life. All life is created out of
system will close off. This means that the sys- eggs and orifices, or enclosures and openings,
tem exposed to pressure will take to itself whose porous substance and structure per-
neither the information, nor the nature, nor mits the diffusion and passage of life energies.
the impulse of the pressurising system. All As we have seen, water is created by the
possible means of access are blocked and coming together of molecular hydrogen and
only under excessive coercion does the sec- oxygen in the regions below the surface of the
ond system submit to the will of the first. Earth. It is the basis for the growth and devel-
Friction is the inevitable consequence. If opment of all life-giving and life-carrying flu-
there are weak points or cracks in the system ids such as blood, lymph, sap and milk. As
placed under pressure then, under certain such the development of tree is therefore
circumstances it can be split apart or disinte- closely connected to the evolution of water.
grated, leading to its total destruction. This is Every living system is a water-column or con-
a completely unnatural, mechanical process tainer of the most unique kind.
which in no way corresponds to natural The life history of a tree is also the life
processes of association and combination. history of water. Trees are the highest
Everywhere today we can observe the effects and noblest plant form, whose giving is
of such inhuman, technological methods. The universal and unconditional. They should
whole phenomenon represents the worst be an example for us to follow, for they are
aspects of a closed system. to the vegetable kingdom as human beings
However, if this process takes place under are to the animal kingdom. Trees, however,
natural conditions, then resistance, viewed as are not wholly like us, but they are
a necessary counterforce to suction, should autonomous; they do not need us to survive,
not be interpreted as an obstacle to progress, but we need them. Through the process of
but rather as a catalyst which moderates and photosynthesis they breathe out the oxygen
alters the direction and quality of movement, we need to exist and in return, as we breathe
building up life in a new way. out, we contribute to the pool of carbon-
Suction, on the other hand, evolves dioxide they require. The table - fig. 16.2 -
through the interaction of the forces of attrac- further exemplifies this interdependent
tion between two complementary polarities, activity.
208 Living Energies


An apparatus of combustion or oxidation An apparatus of reduction or deoxidation

Possesses the faculty of locomotion Is fixed
Burns carbon Reduces carbon
hydrogen hydrogen
ammonium ammonium
Exhales carbonic acid Fixes carbonic acid
or gives off water water
oxide of ammonium nitrogen
nitrogen Produces oxygen
Consumes oxygen neutralised nitrogenous
neutralised nitrogenous matters matters
fatty matters fatty matters
starchy matters, gum and starchy matters, gum and
sugar sugar
Produces heat Absorbs heat
electricity Abstracts electricity
Restores its elements to air and earth Derives its elements from air and earth
Transforms organised into mineral Transforms mineral into organised
matters. matters
From "Design in Nature" by J. Bell Pettigrew, Longman Green & Co, 1908, p. 671

Fig. 16.2 The Respiration of Plants and Animals

16: Trees and Light 209
210 Living Energies

Of the total amount of oxygen they frequency or to the various categories of

produce by photosynthesis, 60% is released colour.
and the remaining 40% is used by the tree or In the visible part of the spectrum there is a
plant itself during the night to produce cool, very high level in the green and, to the right,
structure-creating oxidations which the tree still has fairly high levels in the red, whereas
requires. Similar to many other inter- it drops away quite rapidly in the ultraviolet
dependencies in Nature, this is a symbiotic to the left. A tree is a mirror of the quality or
exchange, a cooperative transaction. Without light in its natural habitat, as will be dis-
photosynthesis we could not survive, so our cussed in more detail later.
continuing existence is wholly dependent on From the graph it can be seen that the
this great gift of oxygen that only trees and highest intensity of solar radiation lies in the
other vegetation can provide. Were there no green to blue-green part of the spectrum.
trees there would be no animal life, human These are precisely the frequencies that the
life or micro-organic life on this planet. tree cannot use for its growth, for these
When trees are cut down indiscriminately, colours induce a sort of torpor or dormant
we not only harm them, but we harm inactivity. Whatever colour or frequency is
ourselves as well for, by doing so we reduce not absorbed, is reflected. A red surface, for
the amount of oxygen and water available to example, absorbs all colours except its partic-
us. ular shade of red. Many metabolic processes
There are also other more subtle symbiotic are triggered by specific frequencies, and if
interactions between trees and human beings the required frequency of light is not avail-
in terms of colour. The graph in fig. 16.3 able or available only in limited quantity,
shows the relative intensities of radiation in then the response, the function or the
the electromagnetic spectrum2, which pro- reaction is impeded or does not occur at all.
ceeds from the ultraviolet on the left through In his book Light and Health3 Dr. John N. Ott
the visual spectrum and into the infra-red furnishes experimental evidence of the
zone on the right. The very solid line depicts detrimental effects of colour or frequency-
the intensity of solar radiation relative to deficient illumination. The graphs shown in

Fig. 16.5 Influence of wavelengths of light on spontaneous tumor development in C3H mice
16: Trees and Light 211
212 Living Energies

fig. 16.4 show the intensities of light and the On another tack, for many of us it is quite
light spectrum of the fluorescent tubes nor- painful to see a dead tree left standing.
mally available and used commercially. Somehow, there is an innate desire in human
When the light output of these is compared beings to remove it, to lay its soul to rest as it
to the full spectrum of light from the Sun, it were. It is as though a cadaver had been left
can be seen how deficient and limited are lying on the ground. One wants to bury it. So
these various forms of artificial lighting. we have certain feelings towards trees akin to
In an experiment carried out with the use those we hold for other human beings. A fur-
of 'pink' and 'daylight' fluorescent lights ther parallel here is that, as we grow older,
(fig. 16.5), the average number of months to we become more fixed in our ways and often
the death of C3H mice, due to spontaneous revert to child-like attitudes or those we held
tumour development, under 'full spectrum' a long time ago.
plastic was 15.6 months; under window Various stages of growth are reflected in
glass, 9.4 months; under daylight fluores- the structure of the tree. It is a record of the
cent, 8.7 months and under pink fluorescent, tree's life-experiences and, in a sense this
7.5 months. All this, simply because they could be equated with the historical
were not receiving light energy in the right move-
proportions. The light had been impaired, ment of sap (as lifeforce, spirit or intellect,
and one must therefore seriously question over the full span of the tree's existence. As
the effect of atmospheric pollution not only the life energy of the tree recedes, the sap
on us, but also on our life-support system - sinks lower and lower, falling back through
the tree. all the various stages of its previous develop-
The two smoother opposing curves I have ment recalling and reliving these events and
added to this diagram are intended sche- attitudes imprinted in bygone days.
matically to represent the different sensi- Moreover, because the tree has developed
tivities to light of human beings and trees. past maturity, like elderly human beings, its
A tree's greatest light sensitivity lies either structure has become very stiff and unbend-
in the ultraviolet or the red to infra-red por- ing and is therefore unable to change and
tion of the spectrum. It is almost totally adjust to new conditions.
insensitive to green light and, if placed We forget, however, that the tree as an
under green light, does not grow and organism is probably the least adapted to
appears to be in a state of suspended anima- rapid change. The average lifetime of a tree is
tion. The light sensitivity of the human eye the next longest after rocks, and therefore
on the other hand is exactly the opposite. It many centuries must pass before any real
is not sensitive to the ultraviolet and infra- adaptation to changed conditions can occur.
red areas, but extremely sensitive to the Changes in the environment, even if appar-
colour green. ently of minor consequence, which may not
Because we cannot appreciate the presence be as detrimental to other faster-living living
of any green in sunlight itself, were it not
for trees and vegetation we would see little
or no green at all. For us, green is a very
soothing, healing colour, having a sedative
effect on the nervous system and psyche, and
if it does not form part of our general life, we
can become irritable and indeed violent. We
only have to look at large modern cities
where few trees exist to appreciate the effect
of the absence of green. Here then is yet
another biological niche, as it were, where the
interaction between human beings and trees
is complementary.
16: Trees and Light 213

things, can cause trees to wither and die and, vated land by as much as 30 metres upwind
in our ignorance of their necessities for life, and 120 metres downwind, and Canadian
we are ringing in their death knell. research has shown that farms with 1/3rd tree
We owe trees an enormous debt of grati- cover in the form of shelter-belts are more
tude for their silent, unceasing service in so productive than farms of equivalent area
many areas. Although extremely vulnerable where there are no trees at all.
to our depredations, they do not apparently These shelter belts also trap carbon-dioxide
protest, nor do they ever go on strike for bet- (CO2), the heaviest naturally occurring atmos-
ter pay and conditions, but continue day by pheric gas, which chiefly resides in
day unstintingly to provide the wherewithal the lowest levels of the atmosphere and
for all forms of life. Amongst their many which is one of the essential ingredients in
functions trees stabilise the climate and, were photosynthesis. More CO2 under the right
forest cover more widespread than it is today, conditions means more healthy photosynthe-
they would be able to distribute water- sis. From this it becomes obvious that the
vapour very evenly through the atmosphere, removal of the clusters of trees and
thereby ensuring an even distribution of heat hedgerows between fields will significantly
or temperature, as was discussed in chapters affect carbon-dioxide availability and thereby
6 & 9. A mature beech tree, for example, has productivity, which will have the most drastic
up to 7,000,000 leaves with an area of 1.47 long-term consequences. Just as we should
evaporative hectares. revere water, so too should we revere trees,
Not only do they draw up moisture and which like water are also the givers of life.
nutrients from deeper levels, but trees also
break the speed of the wind, creating shelter
for other life-forms and lesser species of veg- 16.2 The Bio-Magnetic Tree
etation. The planting of shelter-belts (best in
spiral form) reduces both the speed of the
wind and the dehydration of the soil, creat-
ing microclimates that help the soil through
I n chapter 4 we discussed the connection
between bio-magnetism and levitation. The
tree is an important example of this, and
the provision of additional humus and pro- there seems to be a certain correlation
tection against erosion. Indeed shelter belts between altitude and tree species. The form,
can influence the evaporation rate over culti- inner structure and lifespan of a given tree is
214 Living Energies Fig 16.9 Hyperbolic electromagnetic cone
16: Trees and Light 215

also dependent on the invisible movement of In step with the alternation between night
the energies in its natural habitat and is and day - the living pulsation of the Earth's
moulded by the interaction of gravitation inbreathing and outbreathing - this discharge
and levitation. of immaterial energies is either upwards by
It would appear that there is an increase in day or downwards by night. The energies the
the levitative force with altitude, as depicted tree absorbs into the trunk horizontally are
by the upward, convergent spiral in fig. 16.5. those female, fructigenic energies and ani-
for example, if the tree is growing at low lati- mating currents propagated laterally and in
tudes near the Equator or situated in a low- their greatest intensity immediately above
lying area, where the atmospheric density is and below the ground surface, having been
greater and the dynamic movement corre- stimulated by the fertilising energy of the
spondingly slower, (i.e. more harmonically Sun as discussed in chapter 3. In their inter-
structured energy in relation to dynamic action with the seminal essences of the Sun,
energy), then, if not in a rainforest, the their formerly horizontal disposition is
branches tend to spread out more horizontally changed and produced vertically, in the
than upwardly. These species of timber - physical process we normally describe as
longer living hardwoods, such as beech, oak, 'growth', which is the material result of
elms, etc, whose lifespans lie between 200 and unseen energetic interactions.
300 years in reflection of the denser, less The immaterial energies, however, con-
dynamic energy field and the weaker influence tinue their upward or downward paths in a
of the upward energy spiral (levitative force) more subtle form, having now been purged
active in their lower altitude environment have of the more physical impurities which consti-
a tendency to be more robust. tute physical growth. In their levitational
As we progress towards higher latitudes, ascent these energies sweep up the various
or higher altitudes, or a combination of the higher resonances and essences of the
two, then the trees gradually assume a substances in the tree, producing the qualita-
different, more vertical form, reflecting this tively different evapo-transpiration from the
up-lifting energy path. Since the levitational trees mentioned in the discussion of the full
forces increase as gravity weakens with hydrological cycle in chapter 9.
altitude, the higher the altitude of the habitat,
the less the atmospheric density and the
greater the dynamic component of the ambi- 163 Tree Types
ent energetic field and the faster the dynamic
movement. Where the atmospheric density is
least, the more vertical forms of the trees cor-
respond to the more rapid upward flow of
T rees can be classified generally into seven
major categories (fig. 16.10). They can be
subdivided in terms of latitude, altitude,
the forces of buoyancy, of levitation; the whether they are light-demanding or shade-
wood is softer and the lifetimes of the trees demanding species, the former having a thick,
shorter (pine, fir, larch and spruce with an rough bark and the latter a smooth thin bark,
average span of 120-300 years). and whether they are hardwood or softwood,
Like all other organisms, trees are also broad-leafed, conifer, evergreen and so on.
the product of electromagnetic forces, their Before we examine trees and their growth
various forms reflecting the particular balance in relation to the above categories in more
between the two opposing forces. In this case, detail, it would perhaps be appropriate to
however, we are not concerned with the more have a greater understanding of the specific
common conceptions of electromagnetic contribution that trees make to the general
forces associated with today's technical environment. We shall take the example of a
devices and machines, but rather with bio- 100 year-old tree, whose extraordinary per-
electric and biomagnetic energies, the latter formance was calculated by Walter Schau-
also being described as diamagnetic and berger in the 1970s in relation to the average
harmonically related to levitation. output of European species:
216 Living Energies

Fig. 16.10 Basic Tree Types

During the course of its life, this 100 year-old The combustion of 100 litres of petrol consumes
tree: about 230kg of oxygen. That is, after a trip of barely
30,000km (9.6lit/100km), this tree's entire 100 year
a) Has processed and fixed the amount of carbon- production of oxygen has been squandered.
dioxide contained in 18 million cubic metres of Driving an average size car 30,000km = 100
natural air in the form of about 2500kg of pure years of oxygen production.
carbon (C). If a person chooses to breathe for 3 years, to
b)Has photochemically converted 9,100kg of CO2 burn 400lit of petrol or heating oil, or 400kg of
and 3,700lit of H 2 0. coal, then the production through photosynthesis
c) Has stored up circa 23 million kilogram- of 1 tonne of oxygen is required.
calories. (a calorific value equivalent to 3,500kg 1 tonne of O 2 = the O 2 content of 3,620 m 3 of
of hard pit coal) air (+15C at 1 atm)
d)Has made available for the respiration of human The photosynthetic production of 1 tonne of
and beast 6,600kg of molecular oxygen (O2). oxygen necessitates:
e) Against the forces of gravity, has drawn from a) The building up of 0.935 tonnes C 6 H 12 O 6 (car-
its roots right up to its crown and evaporated bohydrate),
into the atmosphere at least 2,500 tonnes of b) which process requires 1.37 tonnes CO 2 (car-
water, bon-dioxide) and 0.56 tonnes H2O (water)
Every tree is therefore a water-column and if such c) The transpiration of 230-930 tonnes H2 O
a column, which continually supplies and d) Light energy equal to 527 x 10 6 quanta (v=
recharges the atmosphere with water, is cut down, 440 x 1O12) which represents 3.52 million kilo-
then this amount of water is lost. calories.
[Walter Schaubeger]
f) Thereby fixing a mechanical equivalent of
Not a small achievement by any stretch of the
heat equal to the calorific value of 2,500kg of coal.
g) Has supplied a member of the consumer society
with oxygen sufficient for 20 years, and its
nature is such, that the larger it grows, the 16.4 Trees - the Mirrors of Light
more oxygen it produces.

In view of such achievements, who in future could

value this tree merely for its timber?
A an expression of energy, the effect of light
on growth has two principal functions
Firstly it in part determines the structure of
16: Trees and Light 217

the timber and, secondly, it influences the are only sensitive to the light frequencies
form and character of the tree itself, depend- lying between red and violet. We have no
ing on whether it is a shade-demanding or a awareness of the light spectrum lying
light-demanding species, all of which are also between violet and the higher octave of red,
related to latitude and altitude as indicated in of which bees, certain other animals and
fig. 16.6. insects seem to be aware.
In terms of the frequencies themselves,
Since whatever we observe in Nature is a there will be a point somewhere above violet,
reflection as well as a product of a certain whose lower octave lies in the infra-red zone.
form energy, then trees are also a mirror of When two systems are in an octave rela-
the quality of light that falls in their natural tionship, two musical strings, for instance,
habitat. Not only do their various colours they are in a direct resonant relation and the
reflect those frequencies of light harmful to energy transfer between them is unimpeded.
them, and thus not absorbed (repelled) but, As their vibratory patterns are virtually iden-
as a rule of thumb, where the incident light tical they therefore give rise to near identical
has a greater proportion of high-frequency, forms and structures (see fig. 3.3 p. 43). So
high-energy, ultraviolet light, in other words somewhere in the frequency spectrum an
hard light, the wood is soft. Conversely, infra-red frequency may be in a direct octave
where there is a greater preponderance of relationship with an ultraviolet frequency.
low-frequency, low-energy, infra-red, soft Thus, in some forests, at the equator for
light, the wood is hard. example, certain species of timber, such as
We can observe this very clearly in balsa, have the softest wood of all. This sug-
Australia's native timbers, famous for their gests that the wood-quality-determining fre-
hardness. Because of the obliquity of the quency has proceeded past the point where
Earth's axis to the ecliptic (ca. 2327"), the hardwoods are created and has re-entered
eccentricity of its orbit and Australia's posi- the resonant conditions of the softwood-
tion on the Tropic of Capricorn in the south- generating frequencies, although one full
ern hemisphere, at perihelion (when the octave below, because balsawood is a magni-
Earth is closest to the Sun - in January), the tude softer than the softest of normal soft-
intensity of infra-red light is greatest as woods.
Australia experiences its high summer. This Similarly, the colour of the new growth of
intensity is further augmented by the many species of Australian timber has a
additional infra-red radiation resulting from peculiar hue, being comprised of a mixture of
Australia's semi-desert condition. Australia, red, violet and blue, reflecting the necessity
along with other countries in the southern to resist the potentially harmful penetration
hemisphere, is therefore exposed to more of these various light frequencies. In Europe,
intense infra-red light than their counterparts on the other hand, where light conditions are
in the north, which experience more moder- completely different, with some exceptions
ate conditions. (such as copper-beech), most new growth is
There appears here to be a seemingly light-green in colour.
anomalous effect, however. In our awareness For the trees themselves and their relation
of light, we generally limit our consideration to the various light zones, the location of
to the seven principal colours of the visible the blue-to-ultraviolet zone of high-energy,
spectrum, which does not comprise a full high-frequency 'hard' radiation is related to
octave in terms of frequency, proceeding both altitude and latitude; the lower the
upwards as it does from wavelengths of latitude, the higher the altitude and vice
740-390 nanometres (nm=l/l,000,000,000 versa. That is to say that softwood species,
metre) or frequencies of 4.3-7.5 x 1014 cycles such as pine, in the main are to be found at
per second (cps) or hertz (Hz) [8.6 x 1014cps low altitudes in high latitudes, and at high
would represent the full octave]. We cannot altitudes in low latitudes. Conversely
perceive the full spectrum of the octave in hardwood trees, with some exceptions, are
which light is manifested, because our eyes
218 Living Energies
16: Trees and Light 219

generally to be found at low altitudes in low Nature works through pulsation, through
latitudes (Amazon basin and rainforests) and inbreathing and outbreathing. When the Sun
at low to median altitudes at low to median rises, then the sap, charged with trace-
latitudes. elements and gases, is drawn up due to the
Ultraviolet, shortwave 'hard' light has a energetic stimulation or information of the
higher energetic content, a faster dynamic Sun's waxing influence in order to further the
motion and the spiralling movement of the processes of photosynthesis through the sup-
light itself has a smaller radius, shorter ply of minerals, etc. Photosynthesis, however,
period. This suggests that, as a result of this is intimately connected with the amount and
greater dynamic, the life-processes in such a the quality of the incident and available light.
zone should take place at a faster pace; When the level of light falls or the presence
indeed high-altitude trees, such as spruce, do of the full light spectrum is absent due to
have relatively short lifetimes compared to atmospheric pollution, then growth, photo-
some of the deciduous species, beeches and synthesis or the creation of chlorophyll
oaks, for example. These high-altitude trees diminishes and less oxygen is transformed
are often evergreen and the wood soft. In the and released into the atmosphere.
opposite light zone, at sea level or low lati- In photosynthesis a certain portion of the
tudes, where long wave-length, low-energy, upwardly streaming water or sap is trans-
low-frequency, 'soft' light predominates, the formed into carbohydrates, the remaining
wood is hard and the trees generally longer water being employed for evaporation and
lived. the cooling of the tree. Cooling is the process
of energetic concentration or densification
(= tensioning), which has nothing to do with
16.5 Photosynthesis technical, thermodynamic vaporisation. In its
simplest form the photosynthetic reaction,
The sap responds in its ebb and flow, like where molecular oxygen is released for the
tides, to the attraction of the Sun and respiration of man and beast alike, takes
the Moon. Sometimes the powers of place as follows:-

these luminaries are in unison, at other With the powerful coherence of the water-
times in opposition. This fluctuation molecule in the earlier discussion of electrol-
from above to below and back again corre- ysis in chapter 8, it seems most likely here
spond to concepts of yin inward movement that it is the carbon-dioxide molecule that
and yang outward movement and their releases its molecular oxygen, but not the
boundary conditions of exhaustion. That is to water molecule its single oxygen atom.
say, when the combined downard pull of Through this process the otherwise excessive
both Sun and Moon reaches the extreme quantities of CO2 and O2 are fixed both in the
limits of its effect, like the physical limit of an short and long term, so that the correct pro-
inward breath, its influence weakens. It then portions between the atmospheric gases com-
gives way to the opposite function of their prising CO2 (0.3%), oxygen (20.95%), nitrogen
combined upward pull whose strength (78.08%) and the noble gases (0.93%) are main-
increases until its power culminates (limit of tained. All living systems can thus be viewed
outward breath). as Nature's energy-refuse heaps and purifica-
220 Living Energies

tion plants, through which no element can vegetation, it is one of the essential bases for
remain in harmful excess or overdose. life on this planet. Human blood, equally a
Photosynthesis, as a process, is closely life-giving fluid, has a similar central
associated with the production of chloro- molecular structure, but at the centre of its
phyll. If we study the molecular structure of nitrogen ring in figs. 16.125 there is an atom of
chlorophyll in fig. 16.11 4 , which is the iron (Fe) (also shown circled) in lieu of magne-
molecule principally responsible for the sium. Known as haemoglobin, it is the active
green colour of the vegetation, we can see part of animal blood and performs the same
that it is comprised of 137 atoms and at the function in animals as chlorophyll does in
centre of the nitrogen ring there is one atom plants. Indeed in an experiment carried
of magnesium (Mg). In photosynthesis the out with rats, their blood was replaced with
positively charged magnesium atom, the liquid chlorophyll and they showed no signs
very core of the chlorophyll molecule, is of either distress or disease, but continued to
brought into contact with water (H2O) and go on living as though nothing had happened.
carbon-dioxide (CO2) through which the If we now expand on the photosynthetic
chlorophyll molecule as such can first come reaction above by including the key magne-
into being. Surrounded by a chain of 4 sium atom, discounting for the moment the
nitrogen (N) atoms, the magnesium atom is other elements in the chlorophyll molecule
king of the chlorophyll molecule, which in then in essence the following happens:

In the last two chemical reactions (4) and (5) the magnesium can be replaced with calcium (Ca),
which produces calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in lieu of magnesium carbonate, but with the same
release of molecular hydrogen.
These two almost identical, but still different combinations of magnesium, CO2 and H2O are the
prerequisites for the two principal carriers of life, namely water and photosynthesis (creation of
chlorophyll and carbohydrates). One of these takes place in the zone of daylight (the visible world)
and the other in the zone of darkness (the invisible world). In the day zone, O2 is released and the
overall quantity of oxygen increased, whereas in the night-zone, the release of hydrogen takes
place leading to the rebirth of water through its combination with oxygen.

addition contains an assortment of carbon 16.6 Why Growth Occurs at the

(C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms,
making a total of no less than 137 atoms.
It is interesting to note that 137 is a
prime number, i.e. a number divisible only by
itself or by 1. Chlorophyll is thus a very stable
T o clarify this process, let us briefly re-
examine the movement of rainwater.
When rain falls, each droplet represents
molecule, securely rooted as it is in the an accumulation and agglomeration of
indivisibility of a prime number, and rightly like6 molecules of H2O. Having both
so since, as a fundamental building block of positive and negative charges and having
16: Trees and Light 221

become collectively more massive, i.e. more changeable with magnesium in reactions (4)
material in the matter-energy balance, in and (5) above.
their descent as dipole molecules, which Due to the coolness of the ambient temper-
simultaneously orbit along their spiral paths, atures, the oxygen is in its most passive state
rotate about their own axes and circulate and thus is easily bound by the hydrogen.
their energies internally, these raindrops are New water molecules - H2O - are formed as
no longer able to float in the particular a result, i.e. water is born and created. From
energy field where aggregation occurred and which it follows that the amount of available
fall earthwards. water is not constant!
On their downward spin they not only Once again, this is pure water unpolluted
absorb increasing quantities of atmospheric by any other substances or ingredients. Born
oxygen, nitrogen and other trace-gases, but under temperature conditions of about +4C
at the same time generate increasingly (level of highest energy density and the so-
intense bioelectric and biomagnetic fields. called anomaly point), this juvenile imma-
They are thus endowed with a certain ture water, which has all the attributes of
tension (life potential), which is ultimately insatiable youth, begins to rise up through
'given' to the plants upon which they fall. the various energy-horizons (the most finely
When the oxygen and other gases thus differentiated temperature strata), accu-
collected and concentrated reach the ground mulating more and more information in the
or fall upon leaf structures, they are form of other energetic systems and
absorbed and, together with the accumu- resonances.
lated immaterial energies, provoke height- As it slowly ascends, it gradually begins
ened activity in all processes of to warm, dissolving more and more minerals,
transformation and growth. This is why salts and trace-elements on its way. These
plant growth responds with much greater become ionised in the process and brought
vitality and activity after a fall of rain than it into a condition in which they can be taken
does with conventional systems of irrigation, up by the plants and their micro-organisms.
in which the fall-distance is considerably Salt, for example, is dissociated into its two
shorter in relation to that of the raindrop, components of chlorine (Cl) and sodium
and, consequently, also such water has no (Na), which develop negative and positive
possibility of beneficial exposure to the charges respectively. From a so-called 'inor-
higher immaterial energies of the Sun pre- ganic' substance, two living polarities are cre-
sent at an altitude of 4,000 metres. ated. Without these charges, these now
When rainwater reaches the ground under separated elements could not combine with
a positive temperature gradient, it penetrates other positively or negatively charged sub-
into the soil. The overabundance of oxygen is stances. The necessary attraction would be
gradually absorbed and dispersed into the missing.
surrounding soil, initially to activate humus The water is now able to give to life instead
functions and micro-organism activity in of taking from it, creating life-imparting
the upper layers of the soil. This activity macro water molecules. These various macro-
diminishes as the rainwater sinks deeper into molecular nutrients are then further activated
the substrata and progressively releases the by the increasingly available oxygen. Growth
excess oxygen, as it gradually cools towards activity rises as these molecules themselves
the +4C anomaly point. Having been almost are drawn up through the capillaries of the
totally expelled from the water at this tem- plants or trees, becoming more and more
perature, the residual free oxygen meets with refined as energy and nutrients are progres-
the free hydrogen, which has been released in sively imparted to the various structures and
the combining of either magnesium (Mg) or chemical processes on the way up. The more
calcium (Ca) with carbon-dioxide (CO2) and these macro-molecules of mature water
water (H2O), forming either magnesium- or become refined, the more their potency
calcium-carbonate; calcium being inter- increases until, at the forefront or workface of
222 Living Energies

growth itself, when their material quantity is elements, etc.) from sources external to the
at a minimum and of such size as to be able plant ceases.
to pass through the extremely minute fora- Here the threshold of the unseen world of
men and stomata, their potency, energetic the root-zone is reached and the visible, ener-
quality and action reachs a maximum at the getic world, endowed with a higher dynamic
material level. Thus the greatest growth, and suffused with radiant, fertilising energy
development and unfoldment occurs at this from the Sun, is entered. Perhaps it is here,
point, namely at the furthest extremities of precisely at the surface of the ground, that
the tree, plant or blade of grass. the actual 'heart' of the tree is to be found.
It is therefore along this upward develop- This is the point where the two aspects of the
mental path from the deeper strata towards tree, the two systems of distribution, the seen
the surface that water is transformed from a and the unseen, meet and are united.
seeking, 'taking' system into a ripe, informa- In the human body, the veins and arteries
tion-rich condition, when it is at any moment enlarge in the direction of the heart and nar-
ready to distribute this new quantity of trans- row towards the capillaries, all of which is
formed, qualitatively improved in-form-ation ordered by subtle differences in temperature
to the living systems of its environment. An or by differences in charge, energy density
immature, 'taking' system has been trans- and energetic activity. The human body pos-
muted into a radiating, 'giving' system, pos- sesses two principal, pulsating circulation
sessed of and offering the widest variety of systems; to the lungs and to the rest of the
ionised elements in homeopathic doses. body via the heart. The former seeks renewal
Precisely at the point now reached by this of oxygen and discharge of CO 2 and water,
alive, mineral- and trace-element-rich water, whereas the latter delivers oxygen as well as
full of promise for the future, the next, nutrients to all parts of the body and on its
young, 'taking', information-seeking systems return journey collects and transports CO 2
are to be found, namely, the fine hair-roots of and waste matter.
the plant systems and their micro-organisms, The tree, however, has no pulsating heart
or 'micro-transmuters'. Here the water is as such. The 'pulsators' responsible for
first taken up as a fluid by the micro- the movement of its sap are the Sun and the
organisms which, as catalysts, transform the Moon. As the world rotates, the direction
raw materials, elements, CO2, oxygen, nitro- of the Sun's and the Moon's attraction
gen, etc. into larger molecules and fluid fluctuates from above to below, through
compounds. which a discontinuous pulsation between the
These do not only serve the rapid exten- boundary conditions of inhaling and exhal-
sion of the hair-roots themselves (the ing arises.
receivers of mineral nutrients and more sub- From the ground up, the various sap-
tle energies), but also as the principal sub- ducts and capillaries begin to narrow in
stances for the inner growth of the plant as a hyperbolic measure and according to their
whole as they rise through the enlarging cap- physical size and consistency, the coarser
illaries, ducts, arteries and canals in the roots. elements, which are unable to be raised
These coarse macro-molecules are sucked further, are built into the tree's structure at
towards the centre and deposited in order to the point where their upward movement
build up the central structure of the plant or ceases. The higher and the deeper the sap
tree. The hair roots act like the small tribu- flows, the smaller the diameter of the sap
taries of a river, contributing formative fluids vessels and the faster the sap streams both
to the main channels of the major roots. This upwards and downwards. The greater the
increasing, but slower-flowing quantity of homeopathic potential, the smaller the mater-
formative material is built into the tree struc- ial quantities, so that ultimately only the
ture up to the level of the ground-surface, most minute particles, which are hardly to be
where suddenly the supply of quasi-solid counted as matter, stream up toward the
physical matter (minerals, salts, trace- crown or down to the roots with increa-
16: Trees and Light 223

ing spiral gyration, dynamic and energetic active, highest overtone resonances of the
effect. trace elements previously taken up in the
Right at the very extremities of crown root zone. Having become refined to the
and root zones, the growth activity is at point of being almost pure energy and an
a maximum, because all that here is almost pure water molecule again, albeit
active are the most highly potentiated with ultra-high potency, homeopathic, ethe-
homeopathic quantities and resonances, real, trace element overtone resonances, it
which can still be described as structured then ascends from the leaves through the
matter. However, this upward or downward minute stomata, drawn ever upward
stream of energy does not stop here. The towards the higher level of energy at an alti-
very pinnacle of the growth process, tude of 3000-4000 metres, once more to reach
where physical extension ceases, could its energy anomaly point, or that energy
perhaps be described as the jumping off field-density commensurate with its own
point, namely the point where the physical, internal energy density or quality. Here it is
harmonically structured visible aspect of the once more in a 'taking' mode in order to
plant terminates and where the purely equip itself with yet finer and more spiritual
energetic, form-controlling aspect, the spirit energies obtained from the Sun and from the
of the plant reunites with its wholly invisible very cosmos itself.
path, now released from the constraints of This further accumulation of information in
matter. There is a complementarity here addition to that already borne aloft,
between the unseen extremities of the root represents a large increase in both the
zone, where the energetic polarity seems to power and quality of the information that dri-
be that of life seeking life, and, at the other ves evolution. Here too it floats until attracted
extremity, at the crown of the tree, life giving once more into association with its peers,
life. eventually to fall again to the Earth as rain,
Being the finest of the fine, all that enriched with new energy and new vitality,
eventually exits from these extremities is the bringing with it all the new information and
water molecule, but in the case of the crown formative energy it has accumulated, thus
zone, a water molecule which carries within providing a fresh impulse for further evolu-
it all the no longer material, but highly tionary processes and development.


1. New Science Library, Shambhala, 1987, ISBN: part, bio-magnetism, those systems that attract each
0-87773-364-3. other are imbued with the same desires, the same
2. Health and Light by Dr. John N.Ott: Devin-Adair, interests and the same goals. This is an attraction that
Greenwich CT, USA, 1973, ISBN: 0-671-47433-2. extends beyond their purely physical differences.
3. ibid. This is what happens with raindrops. It is a
4. "Chlorophyll Structure" in The Molecular Biology of more immaterial attraction and it could thus be
the Cell by B. Alberts, D. Bray, J. Lewis, M. Raff, construed that the agglomeration of water-mole-
K. Roberts & J.D. Watson, p.517, fig. 9-46: Garland, cules into raindrops is ordered from a much
New York, USA, 1983. ISBN 0-8240-7282-0. higher source through bio-magnetic, upbuilding
5. ibid, p.495: Fig: 9-19, "Heme structure". and uplifting forces operating at a completely dif-
6. Here we are confronted with an apparent paradox, ferent level. Evolution can therefore be seen to
where in the physical world of polarities, systems evolve in a positive sense only when the lesser
with like charges and like potential or the same sex physical opposites are over-ridden or guided and
repel each other. Only those systems with comple- united by a higher purpose. If this order is
mentary polarities are drawn together and a new reversed and the attraction between like systems
synthesis for creation and regeneration is made pos- occurs at a level below the level of the attraction of
sible. In this type of more animal magnetism, indi- opposites, then evolution is doomed to become
vidualities merge to produce a new third system or unproductive. Here like attracting like is geneti-
entity. On the other hand, at a more spiritual level cally unfruitful and devolutionary (viz.homosexu-
under the influence of the higher dialectic counter- ality and lesbianism).

The forest should only be cared for by people who ground remains cool and moist and in a con-
love it. Those who view the forest merely as an dition to absorb and retain up to 85% of
object of speculation, do it and all other living whatever rain falls, thereby ensuring the
creatures great harm, for the forest is the cradle of recharge of the groundwater table and the
water. If the forest dies, then the springs will dry full cycle of water.
up, the meadows will become barren and many Those trees and other species of vegetation
countries will inevitably be seized by unrest of very sensitive to light and heat are shielded
such a kind that it will bode ill for every one of from these degenerative influences by vari-
us.1 eties of tree whose structure is designed to
Viktor Schauberger resist them and which, as guardians of the for-
est, range themselves around the edges of it.
Under this protection and that of the mother
17.1 Contemporary Forestry trees the young saplings grow up healthily in
the diffuse light and coolness of the CO2-rich

B efore the advent of the science of

forestry, which had its earliest begin-
nings in Switzerland about 160 years
ago, the health and regeneration of the forest
atmosphere below the crown cover, which
shields the young growth, not only from the
harmful effects of direct sunlight and heat, but
also from the buffeting of strong winds and
was largely left to Nature. Under normal cir- the impact of heavy rain. Only when the
cumstances in the high forest a vast mixture mother tree finally dies is space and light
of species of overstorey and understorey made available to the rising generation, who
flourish in harmonious interaction, each con- by this time, in their adolescence, as it were,
tributing in its own special way to the well- are ready and fully equipped to assume the
being of the whole. role of their parent trees.
Those species with deep root-systems Under these conditions the life of succeed-
bring up valuable nutrients from below, ing generations takes place in its fullness,
which are beyond the reach of the more shal- each able to reach full maturity and live out
low-rooted, and through the casting of their its allotted span in the ceaseless cycle of life
leaves in autumn, enrich the biomass and and death. The seeds of these mature trees,
enhance the development of the layer of from which the up-and-coming new growth
humus on the forest floor. Here, with the are to evolve, are therefore of the highest
cooperative activity of the myriads of micro- quality, thus ensuring the continuing fertility
organisms inhabiting the humus, the nutri- and healthy reproduction of their offspring.
ents are transformed into a state in which In this highest state of order founded on
they can readily be taken up by the vegeta- wide bio-diversity, Nature is in a changeable
tion. Due to the presence of the protective lively, wholesome and productive state of
canopy of dense foliage overhead, the equilibrium.

17: Forestry - A Noble or Ignoble Art? 225

All this vibrant tranquility rapidly Saw logs should be cut under the rising sign of
began to vanish, however, as humanity Pisces. They should be leached out in water under
made further and further inroads into the the sinking signs of Pisces or Cancer.
resources of the forest. Larger and larger sur- So that it does not shrink, timber should be
faces were laid bare for agriculture but, as felled when the Moon is three days old, on a
long as this was on a relatively small scale, Friday and under the sign of Cancer.
the damage to the environment was slight. The straight and true wood required by
Sometimes this clearing was for other pur- cartwrights, coopers and the like, should be felled
poses. When Henry VIII ordered the massive under a new Moon and the signs of Scorpio or
expansion of the Royal Navy in the early Cancer. The wood will then remain firm and solid.
16th century, for example, two thousand To ensure that timber does not swell up, it
mature oak trees were required to build each should be felled in November on the first and
vessel, virtually denuding England of the second days before the new Moon.
vast oak forests, whose size and density was
recorded by the Romans at the time of their Over the centuries, however, the rape of the
invasion in 54BC. The forest thus was seen as forest grew apace, deserts were created
an unlimited repository of useful materials, where legendary fertility and productivity
and no thought was given to the conditions once held sway. Forests always precede civili-
vital for its continued existence or to the sation, and deserts are the evidence of its
effect of its removal. This was despite the passing. Whole nations were uprooted and
fact that in many ways there was a greater had to move elsewhere in their search for
affinity for Nature in earlier times and a subsistence. Fortunately in those days there
greater knowledge of timber, as the follow- was somewhere else to go, because the
ing quotation taken from the records of an world's population was still relatively small.
Austrian master cartwright written in 1843 But such is not the case today when we are so
shows2. many and yet, despite all the historic proof of
the effects of deforestation on a large scale,
There are only three days suited to kiln-drying in we still continue to remove it at an alarming
the year: April 3rd, July 30th and St Catherine's rate as though, like lemmings, we wish to
day. The latter is also good for casting ball and hasten our own extinction.
shot. When someone dies the bell tolls. When the forest
To make sure that timber is solid and firm it dies and with it a whole people, then no-one lifts a
should be felled during the first 8 days after the finger.3
new moon, if this is in a 'soft sign' ( any of Viktor Schauberger
the zodiacal signs of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or
Libra). Forestry, the husbanding and conserving of
To make sure that timber does not rot after the vital national and international assets of
felling, there are only three days in the year when the forest should be regarded as foremost
it can be felled. The first day after the Conversion amongst professions. Apart from water
of St. Paul (26th January) and the 10th and 13th resources management, it is forestry, above
of February. all other disciplines, that is responsible for
To obtain incombustible timber, it should be maintaining the stability of the global climate
felled the first day in March, when the Moon still and Earth's land surfaces.
has 48 hours to wane. The science of forestry was born in the
The best day for felling timber so that it does early 19th century as the Swiss inaugurated
not shrink is the third day in autumn when day- a large-scale reafforestation program to
light is reducing and the Moon waxes above the rectify the enormous depredations caused
first quarter. by the massive removal of great trees
In order that there should be good regrowth, during Napoleon's passage through the
firewood should be cut in October during the first Alps. With a greater sense of place and
quarter of the rising Moon. belonging than exists today, they formulated
226 Living Energies

strict laws forbidding the planting of species and before it can be fruitful. As an act of vio-
where they did not grow naturally. Spruce lence it is equivalent to slaying a human
and other high altitude trees could not be being with a life expectancy of 70 years
planted in the valley and the planting of when it is just over 2 years old. As a result
beeches, oaks and other deciduous trees at there is no longer any mature seed and grad-
high levels was equally restricted by law. ually the genetic base of the seed deterio-
This legislation still applies in Switzerland rates to the point of infertility. The
and has also been adopted by Austria, consequences of this madness are far-reach-
although as in other countries, forestry there ing, for as the biological diversity is depleted
too has largely devolved into the commercial of its highest quality organisms, so too are
production of timber chiefly for the manu- the qualities, energetic and otherwise, that
facture of cheap furniture, wood chipping support higher forms of life. The destruction
and firewood. of the forest goes hand in hand with the
In the process of mass production, all con- destruction of water, and as we have seen in
nection and understanding of the natural earlier chapters, the consequences of this
processes which provide high-quality timber insanity are appalling.
have been lost. Vast areas of land are cleared
of trees completely, exposing the soil to the The death of the forests is only the tip of the ice-
direct heat and light of the Sun, thereby berg and is a reflection of the deeper deterioration
destroying the delicate soil-capillaries - the in humankind itself.
vital furnishers of nutrients and soil-moisture Ernst Krebs
- as well as raising the ground temperatures
and drastically lowering the groundwater
table. Any kind of tree is planted anywhere 17.2 Monoculture
regardless of its origins and the conditions of
its natural habitat, and the home and suste-
nance of myriads of creatures, whose very
existence depends on natural mixed forests,
I n a natural mixed forest, all the available
elements and influences required for
growth and development are distributed
are irrevocably lost. evenly and apportioned to each organism
While the highest quality hardwoods are according to its needs. Here differentiation
cleared wholesale for the production of the and diversification are at a maximum;
highest quality paper and furniture, rela- nothing is wasted, and nothing is in
tively few are replanted because they take a excess. In Nature order is so complex that it
longer time to grow to maturity; in other appears chaotic/but because it is order and
words the natural period of rotation is too tranquility it satisfies the eye and uplifts the
long for commercial exploitation. Any reaf- spirit - the eye requiring the most complex
forestation that does occur is generally done 'mirror' for its own balance and equilib-
with softwoods such as pine, for forestry, in rium).
its ignorance and as an instrument of One of the reasons why young, same-age
government, worships short term financial plantations of pine trees disturb the eye is
gain, caring nothing for the long-term because their level of order in no way
consequences. matches the much more complex order to be
Rotation is reduced to an absolute mini- found in natural forest. All their branches are
mum and biologically speaking represents a at the same height, producing a disturbing,
denial of the future, because no tree is buzzing horizontality wholly absent in
allowed to reach full maturity. It is a process mixed forests. The self-evident, thriving sus-
akin to the killing of a child. While the age of tainability of old-growth forests which
a mature redwood is about 2,000 years, existed on this planet before the advent of
today it is felled after 60 years of growth. humankind, this natural complexity, which
This means that it has been cut down when represents the very highest state of order, has
only 3% of its full potential has been realised been completely disregarded. The life-
17: Forestry - A Noble or Ignoble Art? 227

contributing undergrowth in managed an inner creative force. Were it not creative,

forests is cleared on the assumption that then such a system would deteriorate. Thus
more water and more nutrients will be made if energy, in this case the light and energy
available to the commercial crop of trees. from the Sun, cannot dispose itself creatively,
instead of the natural synergetic cooperation then it inevitably becomes destructive. Here
Between different species, divisive competi- the destructive effects result in the over-
tion is introduced, pitting one plant form heating of these monoculturally planted
against the other. trees.
In a monoculture situation, all the trees Once the internal metabolic processes have
strive for the same nutrients and frequencies been distorted through unnatural tempera-
of light to survive. Here, truly, we are con- tures either received externally, or induced
fronted by the survival of the fittest, because internally through excessive oxidation, then
the amount and quality of the nutrients spe- the plant's naturally ordained metabolism
cific to a particular species are limited. There can no longer operate in a healthy fashion. In
is only a certain amount of each element and other words, if the natural standing-wave
chemical compound available and all the pattern of frequencies, which supports a par-
trees whose lives are wholly dependent on ticular manifestation changes as a result of an
them must fight to get it. The energies increase in internal temperature (see fig. 7.1),
change, the pulsation and harmonious inter- then, in the case of the tree, or human being
action are disrupted, disease, discord and for that matter, the new picture no longer
dissension prevail, extending their insidious represents that of 'healthy tree', but 'sick tree
and pernicious effects to all other creatures. + parasites'.
Embedded in systems of order of much lower As human beings we are generally consid-
complexity, more highly ordered systems lose ered healthy and do not have a 'temperature'
their stability and even become extinct. when our body temperature is +37C.
Humankind please take note! However, as soon as our temperature rises to
Because the trees or plants in a monocul- say +37.5C, then we start feeling ill, perhaps
ture only absorb certain frequencies from a a little dizzy, but at all events slightly fever-
fairly narrow bandwidth of frequencies in the ish. Suddenly we are in a disease-prone con-
available spectrum, only the percentage spe- dition. What has happened? A very minute
cific to them is used by the particular species change in temperature has occurred and we
and transformed into creative growth, the are sick; we are malfunctioning. Because we
remainder being reflected in many cases as are sick, our internal temperature has altered
additional ambient heat. When, through to a temperature conducive to the develop-
changes in vibratory patterns the physical ment of a life-form that is otherwise alien to
form changes, this means quite simply that us.
the previous form has been destroyed or has At all times we are the carriers of most
metamorphosed, sometimes forcibly. In other known diseases, it is just that they are
words the later forms are different to the dormant and remain so, because our healthy
earlier ones. body temperature is unsuited to their
Energy as movement is indestructible and existence and propagation. When we get a
thus eternal, there being no such thing as temperature for some reason or other, or we
'neutral' energy in the sense of static energy. get a chill, then the body temperature
Therefore if any energy-path is in any way reaches a level where bacteria can unfold
abrogated or truncated, or in any other way and develop. The virus emerges from its
diverted from its naturally-ordained path or crystalline state and becomes active and
form, then such energy is perverted and organic. But here Nature is very clever and,
cannot fulfill its creative functions. in order to dispose of these unwanted alien
Any function which in any manner main- systems, the body raises the temperature
tains a given system in a state of stable even further to a level lethal to the bacteria
health and balance, is the outer expression of or the germs, whose normal temperature
228 Living Energies

range may lie between say +38.2C and 1. Shade-demanding species generally
+38.6C. This is why, once a climactic tem- have thin smooth bark for, being normally
perature has been reached, the affected per- resident in the inner areas of the forest, they
son often recovers very quickly. do not need to insulate themselves from the
From this it becomes clearly apparent that, heating effect of direct sunlight. Light-
like us, the tree does not sicken because of demanding timbers on the other hand have
parasitic and fungal attack, but because its thick, coarse, thermally insulating bark,
state of indifference has been disturbed and which is Nature's way of protecting them
its condition of highest health and vitality from the same potentially harmful influ-
disrupted. The tree thus attracts those para- ences.
sites because the changed energetic vibra- 2. Shade-demanding trees grow additional
tions, resulting in abnormally high internal branches on the trunk when exposed to
temperatures, are conducive to their procre- light and heat, whereas light-demanders do
ation and propagation. Parasites are therefore not.
what Viktor Schauberger called "Nature's As an example of this, fig. 17.1 shows two
Health Police", whose job it is to remove all trees on the author's property in Australia,
genetically degenerate organisms in order to one is a shade-demander (a) and the other a
safeguard the future. In the case of the tree, light-demander (b). The whole area shown in
however, the principal cause of this genetic the photograph was covered over with dense
degradation is a total misunderstanding of lantana (which as an introduced exotic
the tree's responses to light and heat, which species goes berserk in hot climates) up to a
will now be addressed below. height of about 4 metres. The trunks of both
trees were therefore protected from the light
of the Sun for the first 4 or so metres
27.3 Light- and Shade-Demanding above
Trees the ground.
Since this area was only recently cleared
T he table [fig. 16.10] on p. 216 shows that
there are two categories of tree labelled
shade-demanding and light-demanding.
for the first time after many years, the
youngish shade-demanding tree had lived
all its life with its trunk protected from the
Modern forestry practice does not recognise heat and light of the Sun. Six weeks after
this, with dire consequences for the overall clearing operations, the shade-demanding
health of the forest. In its quantitative tree (a) (see also fig. 17.2) started to grow
approach, contemporary forestry considers some extra branches on the lower part of the
that if a tree grows rapidly, puts on a profu- trunk on the sunny side. It had to do this in
sion of branches and gains quickly in girth, order to protect itself from the new and
then it is getting value for money. What unwanted heat, which disturbs the orderly
forestry is actually getting is quantity, but not flow of sap.
quality for its money. In most cases, therefore, when tree or
Through lack of understanding of the light shrubs are pruned and continually regrow
factor and its associated effects of increased branches quickly in those areas where they
temperature, forestry has completely over- were cut off, you know that you are dealing
looked the reason for the increased incidence with a shade-demanding species. The reason
of disease, not only in logged natural forests, they put the lower branches on is not because
but more particularly in plantation forests, they want the sunlight, but because they do
where shade-demanding species are exposed not want it on the trunk. When sunlight
to the damaging effects of direct sunlight and bathes the trunk, all the metabolic processes
heat almost from birth. But how can we within the tree are disrupted. The tree
determine whether a tree is a light-demander becomes overheated, the sap no longer flows
or a shade-demander? There are two princi- as it should and the general structure of the
pal ways: tree becomes very coarse, leading to malfor-
mations, cancerous growths in the
17: Forestry - A Noble or Ignoble Art? 229
230 Living Energies
17: Forestry - A Noble or Ignoble Art ? 231

and so on. Conversely, during the same the tree would quickly overheat and the flow
period, the light-demanding tree (b) (see also of sap would slow considerably and no
Fir. 17.3) was not affected by the additional longer reach the highest branches.
exposure, and put on no extra lower As a shade-demander the pine or fir in
branches at all. fig. 17.5 would normally grow in dense forest
As with all other organisms, what is vital with no other branches of any significance
to every tree, indeed all vegetation, is the except those of the crown. Because it is much
maintenance of an even inner climate, of its taller than its neighbours, it must once have
healthy state of 'indifference' or 'tempera- been surrounded by trees of similar height
turelessness'. If this is in any way disturbed, but, because it had not yet grown sufficiently
then the tree becomes disease prone. As far to be of any commercial use, it was left
as they can manage it all shade-demanding standing when the area around it was
trees, and under certain circumstances light- replanted.
demanders too, will do everything they can What has happened to this poor tree is
to maintain or reinstate this temperatureless quite evident. At a fairly late stage in its
condition. growth, its protective surroundings have
This is particularly evident after a forest been removed, leaving it exposed to exces-
fire and explains why trees that survive such sive light and heat. As a result it has had to
a conflagration quickly cover themselves divert the energies employed in upward
with a profusion of small shoots as shown in growth in order to erect extra branches all the
fig. 17.4. The fire has blackened their bark, so way down the trunk in self-defence. This
that, instead of reflecting the heat, it absorbs malformed growth produces a very knotty
it and other radiation. Without the rapid timber, because an abnormal number of
restoration of protective cover the interior of branches have to be grown in areas of the

Fig. 17.8 Beeches growing at the edge of the forest

232 Living Energies
17: Forestry - A Noble or Ignoble Art? 233

Fig. 17.7 This beech stoops its crown to Fig. 17.9 A small beech (arrowed) protects
protect itself from sun itself at the forest edge

trunk normally branch-free, severely disturb- shown in fig. 17.7. Here the lower branches
ing the whole process of growth. Under nor- have been cut off and the higher ones have
mal conditions all the growth of such a tree subsequently folded themselves down
would be concentrated in the crown, the towards the ground in order to shield the
trunk would virtually be free of branches and trunk. As far as the tree is concerned, this
take on a cylindrical shape. extra, unwanted growth sucks the energy
Fig.17.6 shows an evergreen conifer, where from the tree and diverts it from its normal
the branch development is very one-sided. path. This downward curving protective
Observing this with our conventional eyes, we movement shown in fig. 17.8 is also charac-
would normally attribute the lack of branch- teristic of shade demanders growing on the
development on the left hand side to the fact outer fringes of a forest.
that this area is shaded by other trees, i.e. Fig.17.9 on the other hand shows a very
because there is no sunlight the tree has pro- small beech tree (indicated by arrow), also a
duced no branches to catch it. This is not cor- shade-demanding species, growing right at
rect, however. The tree does not develop any the edge of the forest. The profusion of small
branches because there is no sunlight from lateral branches all the way up the trunk is
which to protect itself. On the outside, however, symptomatic of its fight to protect itself from
where there is sunlight, there is also a bur- the Sun and, although it may look very
geoning development of branches and foliage. pretty, the tree is actually severely deformed.
The extent to which shade-demanders, as As a result the overall growth, and the qual-
organic and therefore intelligent entities, ity of growth in particular, suffers to a greater
are prepared to go to protect themselves is or lesser extent.
234 Living Energies

Here a further parallel can be drawn be- greater difficulty in growing and where
tween human beings and trees on a more smaller the growth was healthy.
psychological, behavioural level. The shade-de- This crucial factor, neglected in all contem-
manding tree could be viewed as an introvert. porary forestry, is best explained by demon-
Introverts are reserved and extremely sensitive strating the difference between natural and
to external influences. Their mode of expres- light-induced growth in shade-demanding
sion tends towards introspection, mental activ- timbers. The photograph from Viktor Schau-
ity (predominant development of the tree's berger's book, Our Senseless Toil (fig. 17.10),
crown) and they are inwardly preoccupied and compares the girths of a plantation tree and
absorbed. They need a certain shielding and two naturally grown trees. As can be seen,
protection, peace and quiet to develop to matu- the separation between the annual rings in
rity and their full potential. the light-induced growth is far larger than in
The extroverts on the other hand are repre- the naturally grown timbers, in which these
sented by the light-demanders, the trees that are barely perceptible. All three trees are
can happily stand on their own, reflecting the roughly the same age, but substantially dif-
extrovert's need for light and space around ferent in quality.
them. Their mode of expression tends towards Because the initial growth of the naturally
the physically active, outward radiance grown trees took place in very diffuse light
(branch development) and they are less sensi- under the protection of the mother-tree and
tive to their external environment. They need in the proper soil conditions, the annual rings
this outer interaction and exchange to grow. In are very close together, the sap-ducts are vir-
other words, they are independent, outgoing tually straight and the timber has what might
individuals, who tend to be more capable of be termed a 'resonant' quality. Incidentally
standing on their own feet without support. this extremely fine-grained timber is the sort
of timber that Stradivari used to make his
famous violins. The actual timber that he
17.4 Light-induced Growth used was mulberry wood that had fallen into
streams in the southern Italian Alps.

D endrology the branch of science related

to the study of trees, is concerned with
the analysis of the annual rings in trees in
This wood had been transported in cold
naturally flowing water and had lain in it for
quite a considerable period. Its high quality
order to determine the climatic conditions confirms Viktor Schauberger's assertior that
under which they grew. Some trees, such as when materials are transported in natural
the Sequoia gigantica of northern California, streams or double-spiral pipes their quality
which grow to heights in excess of 300 feet (91 can be significantly improved. Just lying in
metres) and live for 2,000 years or so, provide this energised water the quality of the timber
dendrologists with an accurate record of cli- was enhanced, which is why the Stradivari
matic changes and the trees' response to them. violins achieved their exceptional tone-colour
The period where the annual rings are more
widely spaced are considered 'good years',
because of the quantitative approach to analy-
sis. If they are more closely set they represent
the 'bad years', when life for the tree in ques-
tion was supposedly more of a struggle.
While such analyses may accurately record
variations in ambient temperatures over a
period of time, the assumption that a tree had
to struggle for survival or not is generally
incorrect. The true interpretation of the spac-
ing of the annual rings is quite the opposite -
where the spacing is larger the tree had
17: Forestry - A Noble or Ignoble Art? 235

The effect of excess light and heat on the throughout the world's communication sys-
growth of a shade-demander is schematically tems. If a tree as a communication system is
depicted in fig. 17.11. The annual rings on the forcibly overloaded with stronger signals,
sunny side of the trunk are very widely which were not present 20-30 years ago, for
spaced, whereas on the shaded side they are example, then its whole internal communica-
very close. Because the metabolic processes tion and organisational system becomes
taking place in the shaded area have not been incoherent. This dissonant artificial electro-
disturbed, the wood has not been forced to magnetic stimulus affects the proper function
expand with heat. On the left-hand, shadow of the bioelectrical and biomagnetic circuits
side, the diurnal temperature fluctuation is in the tree's cells, resulting in wrongly pro-
relatively small and on the right-hand, sunlit grammed growth and, if the tree is exposed
side, is much larger due to the exposure to to ultra short-wave frequencies and transmis-
light and heat. These large extremes of tem- sions long-term, it is destroyed.
perature are not conducive to the uniform and The chief culprit in this additional scourge
regular growth found on the left-hand side. of the forest and the one responsible for the
An example of the depletive effects of defor- alarming death of the forest in Germany, (or
estation is shown in the box overleaf. 'Waldsterben' as it is called) is radar.
Dr. Volkrodt's survey of 'Waldsterben' deter-
mined that it was most widespread around
17.5 Other Man-made military and civilian airfields and in frontier
Depredations regions, where the use of radar was greatest.-
The impulse strength of civilian and military
part from the well-documented effects of radar installations amounts to about
acid rain, which will not be addressed 20,000,000 watts, the radiation limits in the
here, there are other man-made factors which West being about 10,000 times stronger than
affect tree growth. Here the use of the term in Russia. Each sweep of the radar beam the
'man-made' is quite specific and refers to one tree experiences as a periodic whiplash from
particular gender on this planet as will which it cannot escape. In Canada, for exam-
become apparent in the final chapter. ple, large tracts of forest have been destroyed
According to research by a German electri- by the DEW-line (Defence Early Warning)
cal engineer, Dr. Wolfgang Volkrodt, a tree is radar installations.
a communication system that functions at Microwave directional communication
much lower energy levels than high- transmitters are equally destructive, having a
frequency, short-wave emissions in use signal density of 100 watts/cm2 near to the
236 Living Energies

Some mention should be made of the climatic transpiration loss at 375 litres/tree = 56,250
effects of deforestation. The transpiration rate litres/ha or 5,625mm/m2, totalling
of an average rainforest tree, for example, is 2,054.6mm/m /year. Over the full 61,420ha
about 600 litres of water per day. Assuming cleared annually at a rate of say 168.25 ha/day
200 trees per hectare of rainforest, this (61,420ha/365 days), the cumulative loss over
represents a water loss to the atmosphere of 365 days would amount to about 632,150
120,000 litres per hectare (ha) per day, or a loss million litres or 632.15 million tonnes of water
in potential rainfall of 12mm/m2 per day. In per year. If this felling rate has been constant
other words, if all the water transpired from a over the last 22 years, then discounting any
single tree were precipitated to the ground replanting, the total loss of potential rainfall
within the ambit of its drip-line, then 12mm due to deforestation would total about
would be delivered daily per square metre of 13,907,345.2 million litres or 13,907.3 million
ground surface. tonnes of water, or an area 13.9km wide,
Not all forest is rainforest and in Algeria, 1,000km long and 1 m deep. Not an
with a climate similar to much of Australia, a insignificant amount of water by any standards
14 metre high eucalypt delivers 375 litres of for a dry continent. When the trees are
water a day to the atmosphere through removed and people wonder why they are
transpiration [data from Sahara Challenge by stricken by drought then, in view of this, it
Richard St. Barbe Baker]. According to the easily becomes understandable.
1977 Australian Forestry Report, the quantity Replanting of trees and global
of hardwood removed annually since 1973 reafforestation on a massive scale is therefore
amounts to 13,819,000m3. Assuming an imperative at this late hour if humanity is to be
average yield of 1.5m3 of useful timber per tree saved from disaster. As for the necessary
this = 9,212,667 trees. At say 150 mature work-force, there are millions of people
trees/ha, the area of tree cover cleared available for such work. In actual fact there are
annually = about 61,420 ha or 614.2km2. On not enough unemployed at present to do all
the basis of 150 trees/ha, the daily that needs to be done.

transmission tower. In order to check the effi- effects such as electro-smog. Microwave
ciency and proper function of a microwave have energetically chaoticising and dis-
transmitter, or a high-tension power-line for ruptive effect, triggering changes in crystal
that matter, a neon tube is held up parallel to structure such that the elements dissolve and
the direction of transmission. If it lights up, are reduced to a lower state of complexity.
the system is in order. Aware of all these per- Domestic microwave ovens operate on simi-
nicious effects as a result of his studies, lar wavelengths to radar and produce similar
Dr. Volkrodt made it his business to keep decomposive, disintegrative effects due to
track of all proposed new microwave trans- the vibrational heat they generate in the mol-
mission towers. He discovered that after a ecules of the irradiated substance.
new microwave sender had been commis- The natural wavelength of hydrogen, how-
sioned, the trees on the slopes exposed to and ever, is 21cm and well within the bandwidth
lying directly in the path of the signal suf- of current microwave transmissions. As
fered severe damage within a few weeks of hydrogen is one of the constituent atoms of
the transmitter's operation. On the reverse or the water molecule it is therefore quite possi-
shadow slopes, the trees tended to be ble that it is greatly disturbed or even
unharmed. destroyed due to the excessive excitation aris-
One of the apparent reasons for this deteri- ing from internal microwave-induced head-
oration is that microwave transmitters oper- ing. In the case of the tree this leads to the
ate with wavelengths between 2cm and breakdown of the structure of the sap, which
50cm, exposure to which has dangerous like our blood, is about 80% water, while at
biological consequences, i.e. thermal or other the same time increasing the quantity of
17: Forestry - A Noble or Ignoble Art? 237

available oxygen within the tree, leading to warming is becoming more widespread and
wholly unnatural metabolic acceleration. accelerating could be inferred from an on-
Unfortunately for such a tree, it is rooted to going study of the space between the annual
the spot and cannot escape the radiation rings of Huon pines carried out by the
emitted by microwave towers and high- Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial
tension transmission grids. Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia,
As a case in point, the tree I photographed which showed that in the last 25 years the
in November 1987 near Munich in fig. 17.12 increase in tree ring width has risen more
has evidently been exposed in its later life to rapidly than in any other period since
constant irradiation by nearby civilian and 900AD. What happened then is not known,
military radar as well as to microwave trans- but it may have been a period of large vol-
missions, which have now become the norm canic eruptions or there may have been a
for almost all telephonic communication, massive increase in cosmic radiation for some
television, etc. As we can see its growth is reason.
chaotic and it is grossly deformed. Although The article in question "Global warming
human beings are more mobile, if they too rings true" 4 attributes this expansion to
are constantly exposed to such radiation, increases in ambient atmospheric tempera-
then they too become increasingly prone to ture which may well play a role, but fails to
blood disorders. In several recent scientific take into account the amount of radio, televi-
studies it has been shown that people living sion, microwave, radar and other forms of
in close proximity to high-tension cables electromagnetic transmissions that, over the
have a higher than normal incidence of last 25 years, have reached almost saturation
disease. proportions. Nowhere on this planet today is
That this internal microwave-induced any organism free of permeation and pene-
tration by the disturbing vibratory influences
of these insidious radiations. To this can also
be added the less publicised radioactive leak-
ages from nuclear power stations and waste
dumps, to say nothing of the baleful rotting
corpses of Russian nuclear submarines. It
would therefore seem far more likely, in the
light of Dr. Volkrodt's research, that the
increase in tree ring width in these Huon
pines is due to electromagnetic rather than
thermal effects.
The hope for the future of forestry, how-
ever, lies in the involvement of concerned
individuals and ecologically-oriented citizen
groups, rather than government organisa-
tions which rely on so-called 'expert' advice.
As we have seen, in relation to Viktor Schau-
berger's battle for the Rhine and the subse-
quent construction of unnatural hydraulic
structures, these 'scientists' have a vested
interest in supporting those in power. If
Viktor Schauberger's knowledge and the
theories and practices of these various citizen
organisations were combined and imple-
mented on a global basis, then much would
be done towards turning the presently
ebbing tide of life on this planet.
238 Living Energies

In Australia and in many other countries ural habitats, agriculture, silviculture, animal
around the world, for example, Permacul- husbandry and whatever water is available are
ture5, an environmental movement founded combined into a harmonious and sustainable
by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in whole. Species are chosen according to which
Australia in 1974, has been growing enor- grows best in association with another. Shelter
mously. The theories and practices espoused belts and groves are placed in order to provide
by Permaculture encompass the creation of the optimum conditions for growing vegetables
an integrated environment at both large and along with other plants and pastures for
small scales and, in their practice have domestic animals in the prevaling climatic and
proved very successful. It is a particularly soil conditions. Each family or group is thus
'hands on' approach, designed for individu- provided with the means to become more and
als and families from all walks of life and is more self-sufficient.
therefore, well within the means and capaci- Reafforestation is now required on a mas-
ties of those interested in enhancing their sive scale globally. Charles Peaty6, of Western
own immediate environment. Australia, has developed a system for the suc-
Apart from improving the quality of life in cessful mass planting of trees in arid condi-
so-called civilised countries, the application tions. In view of the vast areas of existing
of Permaculture methods in countries deserts and their rapid expansion and incipi-
stricken with enormous poverty has made it ence in previously productive regions due to
possible for many people who would other- the near total removal of tree cover, Charles
wise have perished in the most miserable Peaty's methods most certainly provide a
conditions to survive with increasing abun- viable solution. These systems actually work,
dance and quality of food. In Permaculture and there is now no valid reason why any
all use of artificial fertilisers is forsworn and government threatened by desert and
natural methods of composting and fertilisa- drought should not immediately implement
tion only are employed. If the implementa- them, if it is truly concerned for its economy
tion of this well thought-out system was and the well-being of its people. With this sys-
more widespread it would begin to have a tern Charles Peaty guarantees a survival rate
significant effect first on local and then on of 92% and, over recent years, has planted
more general conditions. 60,000 million trees in Kuwait, Pakistan and
Permaculture seeks to replicate as far as pos- Western Australia. If any climatically and
sible the biodiversity of plant types found in agriculturally restorative measure is worthy
Nature, rather than the orderly gardens of of United Nations and World Bank support
modern fashion. In these artificially created nat- this one qualifies par excellence!


1. "The Dying Forest" ("Der sterbende Wald"), by 5. Permaculture Inst, P.O.Box 1, Pyalgum
Viktor Schauberger, Pt.I: Tau mag, Vol.151, 2480, NSW,
Nov.1936, p.30. Australia. Permaculture Intern'l Ltd.,
2. Implosion mag, No.78, p.29. P.O. Box
3. From the Schauberger archives. 6039, South Lismore 2480, NSW, Australia.
4. "Global warming rings true", New Scientist, 6. Charles Peaty,B.Sc.(Forst'y), Afforestation
Sept.1991. Ptyl
5 Luth Avenue, Daglish 6008, W.Australia.

All the processes that take place in water are branch development (fig. 18.1), because there
reflected once again in the individual forms of is no need to protect the trunk against light.
vegetation.1 The air temperature at the level of the crown
Viktor Schauberger is usually significantly higher than the tem-
perature at ground level. Because there is no
horizontally incident light, the trunk is also
18.1 The Movement of Sap never exposed to massive and abrupt fluctua-
tions in temperature; as a result the annual
rings are very closely set, sometimes so

I t is appropriate now to examine the actual

movement of the sap under both the con-
ditions of natural growth and of unnatural
light-induced growth. As with everything
closely as to be indistinguishable with the
naked eye.
The temperature gradient of the trunk is
else in Nature, this is also determined by the positive from the outside inwards, the cooler
temperature gradient, in this case within the interior temperatures ensuring that any
tree itself, as well as in its relation to external deposition of growth material is evenly dis-
factors such as light, heat and cold. tributed, of high quality and relatively small
We saw in chapter 9 that the solution, amount. The direction of growth and devel-
transport and deposition of nutrients are all opment is therefore upwards with little lat-
functions of the temperature gradient. When eral extension, reflecting the proper, natural
light and air are excluded the precipitation of movement of sap and the levitational ener-
salts and minerals occurs with cooling, gies that are part of it. According to Viktor
whereas with exposure to light and air, pre- Schauberger these can be so strong in a
cipitation takes place with heating. It should healthy, mature and naturally grown tree that
also be recalled that, under a positive temper- it is almost impossible for a storm to uproot
ature gradient, the highest quality nutrients it. It is these energies that return the tree to its
are precipitated last as the sap cools towards normal vertical stance once the gusting fury
+4C or is maintained at this temperature. of the wind has passed. This also explains the
Under a strong negative temperature gradi- extraordinary slenderness of the trunks of
ent and with light and heat, the opposite hap- some young saplings in natural old-growth
pens and the lowest quality nutrients only forests, which seem to defy the forces of
are expelled, the highest quality not being gravity in their long reach for the sky.
transported at all. In mature, natural, old-growth forests the
In the last chapter we described how the light available for the growth of saplings
natural course of growth and development of and young trees comes from the diffuse
a shade-demanding species takes place source above. However, because a typical
largely in the crown. The overall shape of the plantation tree, usually a shade-demander, is
trunk is cylindrical, with very minimal lower planted out in the open (fig. 18.2), to survive it

240 Living Energies
18: The Metabolism of the Tree TAX

has immediately to cope with unnatural lev- way down the exposed part of the trunk, pre-
els of illumination and heat, covering itself as dominantly on the sunny side, producing a
quickly as possible with branches right down second profusion of knots, shakes and
to the ground at the expense of its upward twisted, spongy grain. Note in fig. 18.4 the
growth. Its form is cone-shaped, sometimes large variations in the space between the
excessively so; as fig. 18.3 shows, there is annual rings and the inner and outer coarse-
massive development of branches on the ness in the grain on the trunk cross-section,
lower part of the trunk. On closer inspection the healthiest growth in this instance having
it can be seen that the distribution of taken place roughly during the middle third
branches is unbalanced, that there is a greater of the tree's life, when the annual rings were
density of branches on the sunny, left hand closest together. In the early stages of devel-
side of the trunk and, although this shape opment this 33-year old tree was obviously
may be appropriate for a Christmas tree, it is exposed to unnatural levels of light and heat.
actually grossly misshapen. As its trunk gradually became protected from
In a plantation setting, as a tree grows it these excesses by its companion trees, the
eventually receives a certain degree of protec- annual rings drew together, only to expand
tion from its neighbouring trees, the need for again abruptly and hugely when this protec-
lateral branch development diminishes and tion had been removed.
the predominant direction of growth is once Any resonant timber would only be obtain-
again upwards. However, in the conventional able from the area of closely spaced rings, but
management of plantation forests, after the a board cut from the full width of the trunk
prescribed period of rotation, the trees are would suffer non-uniform shrinkage. In
selectively thinned, those considered suitable terms of their suitability for constructional
as constructional timber going to the sawmill purposes, the naturally grown, narrow-
and the remainder to the pulp-mill. ringed timber is far superior, more consistent,
The effect of this thinning out on the firm and regular in its structure, and far less
remaining trees is disastrous! Once again, prone to warping or irregular shrinkage.
and very suddenly, they are exposed to Plantation timber or shade-demanders sud-
excess heat and light. In order to survive, all denly exposed to light in natural forests, on
the growth energy is directed laterally the other hand, exhibit not only irregular
towards the development of branches all the spacing of the annual rings, but the heart of
the tree is frequently off-centre and prone to
the development of heart-rot and ring-
shakes, the latter being cleavages along the
lines of and between the annual rings.
Moreover, not only does the spongy consis-
tency of the inter-annular spaces result in
excessive and unequal shrinkage, making
such timber virtually useless and totally
unsound as strong structural material, but
the associated abnormally high internal tem-
peratures also provide an ideal breeding
ground for bacteria and parasites, to which
the tree will eventually fall victim. All these
necrotic phenomena are what Viktor
Schauberger referred to as 'tree cancer' and is
evidently what afflicted the tree in the two
photographs in fig. 18.5, which has suffered a
lethal infestation of heart-rot as shown by the
fungal growths (arrowed) half way up the
trunk, causing its fracture.
242 Living Energies
18: The Metabolism of the Tree 243

According to Viktor Schauberger the actual bles fill the capillaries like corks and, as they
movement of the sap is not through osmosis rise, push the intervening packets of water,
as is presently supposed: sap, etc, ahead of them.
On many occasions I have already stated that the
In this way the sap can be raised up the
rising of sap in trees cannot be explained by the
towering 91m (300ft) height of for example, a
physical factors hitherto put forward alone, such as
Tasmanian Mountain Ash, the tallest hard-
the effect of the external air pressure, etc., but that
wood in the world. The upward movement
its explanation is to be found in the on-going meta-
of sap can neither be due to osmosis, whose
bolic processes in constant pulsation in every cell of
absorbent raising action is limited, nor to
the tree and is therefore a result of the vital activity
mechanical suction alone, however, since it
of the capillary tree-cell. Professor Kurt Bergel of
has long been established that a column of
Berlin came to similar conclusions in relation to the
water cannot be drawn up higher than 9.81m
activity of the heart and the blood in animal life.2
The ascent of sap is a daytime process. The
Apart from the animating pulsation, the tree breathes out oxygen during the day
healthy movement of sap is also encouraged through the process of photosynthesis, but at
by the extreme fineness of the capillaries to night the direction of movement reverses and
be found in a completely naturally grown it breathes in oxygen (like we do) in order to
tree (fig. 18.6). The diameter of these capillar- provide for the development of the root-
ies is tiny. With slight warming the carbonic system and the lignification of the trunk.
acid contained in the water and sap is con- When the Sun sets the temperature drops
verted into carbon-dioxide and forms bub- and the level of dynamic energy diminishes.
bles, which completely close off the full bore This initiates the retreat of the sap, which
of the capillary, and actually pump the water now becomes specifically denser through
with the nutrients and the sap right up to the cooling and is drawn down in the direction
furthest extremities of the crown. These bub- of the sinking Sun and the root-zone. The sap
ducts and capillaries in the crown are evacu-
ated and a biological partial vacuum is cre-
ated as the CO2 gas-bubbles condense and
begin to sink. Together with the sugars and
starches formed during daytime photosyn-
thesis, this suction draws down oxygen,
nitrogen, sugars, starches, CO2 and other
trace-gases through the minute stomata and
pores in the leaves and all the way down to
the hair-roots. Here they nourish the life-
functions of the tree during the night and
provide the material for its structure-building
activities, the formation of the annual rings
and the lignification of the inner fabric of the
tree as a whole. When the crown-zone and
the trunk cool down, the root-zone warms up
and vice versa. In this way the soil is kept
warm during the night and in winter, and
cooler during the day and in summer. As a
result, excessive fluctuations in the ground
temperature, which are detrimental to the
microorganisms in the life-giving layer of
humus, do not occur.
The same process applies to light-demand-
ing timbers as long as the light is not
244 Living Energies

excessive, because they have a protective This upward flow can be as fast as 3m per
mechanism in the form of very thick bark or, hour, or 50mm per minute, as recorded by
in some cases, a light-coloured bark with a Viktor Schauberger. The lower quality,
high reflective factor. coarser nutrients present in the outermost
Figs.18.7A and B show these activities in layers of the cambium ring, which are
greater detail. The so-called 'cambium layer' required for the structural formation of the
could be viewed as a 'proto-annual-ring' and tree, can only be carried upward as far as
at the same time as a dielectric, as will be their degree of coarseness permits, the
addressed later. This active zone is where the coarser being deposited earlier in the forma-
growth of the tree takes place through the tion of the trunk, the finer later in the
interaction of two variously constituted and branches. Both the graduation of quality and
electrically charged fluids, i.e the negatively the height to which these elements are raised
charged phloem containing oxygen, carbon- are dependent on temperature and the extent
dioxide, nitrogen, etc, flows down the inner to which the negative temperature gradient,
side of the dielectric, whereas the positively in its function as depositor or precipitator, is
charged xylem, containing ionised minerals, active from the outside inwards.
salts, trace-elements, carbonic acid or CO2, As the morning progresses the overall tem-
etc, flows up the outside. Between these two perature of the atmosphere rises, causing the
streams and through their interaction, the point of intersection between positive and
proto-annual-ring is transformed into a negative temperature gradients within the tree
proper annual ring. These annual rings carry to shift to deeper levels. The sap-flow begins
within them the imprint of the life-experience to slow down and, according to their quality
and history of the tree. the various positively charged nutritive ele-
This whole process takes place in darkness ments are held in near stationary suspension
under the protective cover of the bark so that, at various heights to await the arrival of the
as far as possible, disturbances to this deli- negatively charged elements from above. This
cately balanced metabolism, through the may be why, for instance, the oxygen produc-
excessive irradiation and increased tempera- tion in the Amazonian forest ceases towanrds
ture of direct sunlight, are avoided. midday. Due to the rapid development of high
external temperatures during the morning, the
positive nutrient-transporting temperature
18.2 Temperature Gradients in the gradient soon gives way to a negative one.
Tree The uplift of elements for photosynthesis
therefore ceases and with no photosynthesis,

H ere too temperature plays a major role.

The active areas of growth in the outer
peripheral zones of the trunk and branches
the evolution of oxygen no longer occurs.
As night falls, and with external cooling,
the temperature gradient reverses and a posi-
require a certain warmth and level of energy tive temperature gradient arises from the
to maintain the various formative elements in inside outwards (left to right as shown in
a productive, ionised and fluid state. All fig. 18.7, C), i.e. the outer layers become
healthy processes of combination and re-com- cooler than the inner. The sap begins to sink,
bination taking place there, are wholly depen- the sap in the higher portions of the tree
dent on the orderly configuration and relative more quickly than in the lower because cool-
proportions of the temperature gradients. ing in the crown takes place more rapidly. In
With a positive temperature gradient from the case of the Amazon above, the greater
the outside inwards during the day as shown evaporation associated with the higher tem-
in fig. 18.7, C, the cooler more internal sap peratures results in the accelerated cooling
rises faster and carries the finest nutrients up and densification of the sap, which then sinks
to the top of the tree. This is for the highest after midday and does not reverse direction
quality growth, in the foliage, small green until the following day. In both instances the
shoots, flowers and reproductive elements. effect of this is to draw the oxygen and other
18: The Metabolism of the Tree 245
246 Living Energies

gases and substances contained in the carried to the top of the tree or to the extremi-
negatively-charged phloem down towards ties of the branches and die-back sets in. The
the root-zone. Oxygen, as the forcing agent in places where foliage still sprouts indicates
all growth and decay, is thus made available the extent to which the sap can still rise.
for the lower metabolism of the tree. The chief effect of this feebler movement of
In its gradual descent the phloem encoun- sap is the premature deposition of nutrients
ters the suspended positively-charged mater- due to the unnaturally high internal tempera-
ial with which it interacts, an interaction tures. These are also responsible for the for-
which is enhanced as the positively charged mation of inferior chemical compounds and
xylem is drawn towards the exterior under are the cause of accretions that gradually
the influence of the prevailing positive tem- block up the sap-ducts as shown in fig. 18.8.
perature gradient (fig. 18.7, A and B). This An analogous human condition is arterio-
gives rise to various metabolic processes sclerosis or varicose veins in the legs and feet,
including the lignification of the trunk which, which happens for the same reason, namely
coupled with the densifying and consolidat- faulty blood constitution and flow.
ing effect of winter cold, by the end of the In the process of deposition these coarse
year leads to the hardening of the proto- materials increase the girth of the tree, the
annual-ring into annual ring proper. It is at most inferior being deposited near the base
night therefore that the girth of the tree of the trunk for, due to the higher tempera-
increases and the root system develops. tures, they cannot be carried any further up.
The movement of the sap in a shade- The overall effect of this is the formation of a
demanding plantation tree, however, is cone shaped trunk, which not only affects the
markedly different. With the whole structure quality of the wood but, recalling image 111 in
of the tree deformed by the necessity to grow
more branches, the sap that would normally
rise directly to the top is not only diverted
into the unwanted branches, but its normally
unimpeded flow is dislocated as it is forced
to curl and twist around the extra knots in
the trunk. This hindrance is further com-
pounded by the fact that, expanded by excess
heat, the sap ducts themselves are much
larger in diameter and too large for the car-
bon-dioxide bubbles to fill them completely,
as the size of the bubbles does not increase
Instead of spiralling upwards virtually in a
straight line within the duct, as in cylindrical
trunks, the sap describes a larger helical path
around the periphery of the enlarged duct
and the CO2 bubbles are only able to raise a
fraction of the fluids required for healthy
growth (fig. 18.8). They are no longer able to
raise sufficient quantities to the crown of the
tree and, because the nutrients themselves
are of lower quality, having evolved through
sub-normal or abnormal metabolic processes,
naturally no high-quality wood can be pro-
duced and the life of the tree itself cannot be
sustained for the usual span. This is what
occurs with die-back. The sap is no longer
18: The Metabolism of the Tree 247

Viktor Schauberger's diagram in fig. 16.8, ing the top of the tree, they are extremely
also distorts the pathways of the immaterial close together and the potential extremely
energies essential to the health of the tree and high. Moreover the capillaries transporting
the atmosphere as a whole. Instead of the sap are almost infinitesimally small in
strengthening the tree's vertical stance and diameter, so that the only substances that can
spiraling up to great heights where they are pass through and along them are the very
further endowed with ethericities in the form highest qualities of nutritive material and
of dynagens and qualigens, they are scattered energies. This is because coarser matter,
unproductively to the four winds. With its which goes towards building up the lower
levitational energies thus weakened, such a part of the tree, cannot pass through them.
tree more easily falls victim to storms. Therefore, around the periphery of the tree,
not only are the very finest sap vessels to be
found, but also the very highest quality of
18.3 The Tree as a Bio-condenser energy.
This harkens back to the previous discus-
A full discussion of trees cannot merely sion of homeopathic dosages where, with
entertain what is seen externally, but virtually non-existent material, a tremendous
must incorporate the unseen energetic output or reaction can be effected. It is also
aspects which, as has been said before, are the area of the tree which receives the highly
primary; the externally manifested form energised drops of falling rainwater, which
being the secondary effect. Having previ- represent a direct and immediate transfer of
ously discussed the tree's biomagnetic force pure energy and charge or life-force, which
field, here we shall look at the way in which after all is all that energy really is. Thus it
the tree's bio-electric energies are increas- becomes clear why the most intense growth
ingly potentiated towards the tips of both activity takes place at the extremities of the
branches and roots. tree, both in the crown and in the root sys-
In the discussion of bio-condensers on p.89 tem, the former being an outward movement
(sec.6.2), it was shown that the charge density and the latter an inward one.
on one side of a dielectric membrane could be However, if these extremely sensitive,
amplified by reducing the size of the charge- finely structured layers of densation and bio-
surface, while the potential could be condensers are pierced or disturbed by
increased simultaneously and exponentially dissonances, excessive warming and other
by reducing the separation between opposite harmful factors, then the bio-condenser col-
charges. It was also seen that, with concentric, lapses, heart-rot and other diseases set in and
spherical charge-surfaces, the charge-density the tree dies. In other words, the minute dif-
and potential increased automatically. In the ferences crucial to the life and continuing
case of the tree, however, we are not con- existence of the tree, through which life was
cerned with concentric, spherical charge- able to emerge in the first place, have all been
surfaces, but with concentric, cylindrical reduced to zero. There has been another
ones, in which the same automatic increase in biological short circuit.
charge-density and potential applies. Pro- This life-charge has actually been mea-
ceeding from the outside inwards, both these sured in experiments carried out by Walter
magnitudes increase correspondingly (See Schauberger using a multiplex galvanometer
figs. 6.8, 18.9 & 18.10). and two insulated metal (zinc and copper)
While some growth occurs in the more cen- probes. One of the probes was inserted into
tral body, it is always at the ends of the new the heartwood of the trunk, while the other
shoots of both root and branch alike that the was placed at the outer surface of the cam-
most energetic growth occurs. As the tree bium layer. By the careful adjustment of the
grows higher, its overall diameter naturally positions of their respective points, relatively
decreases, which automatically reduces the high voltages were detected. Indeed Walter
distance between the annual rings. On reach- was able to obtain voltages sufficient to light
248 Living Energies
18: The Metabolism of the Tree 249
250 Living Energies

a small torch or flashlight bulb. The brighter a going within, a movement into the unseen.
the light, the healthier and more naturally In this development, contrary to the age-old
had the tree grown. maxim 'As above, so below', we shall see that
Fig. 18.11 shows that, if the potential (which 'As above' is actually not 'So below'.
increases in an inward direction) is measured Here as everywhere it is the invisible that
across the annual rings from the outside carries the visible. In the realm of mathe-
inwards, at first it is relatively low, due to the matics, the intangible, indefinable, infinite
wide spacing. But, as the rings gradually draw series of irrational square-root numbers,
closer together, the potential and the energy which cannot be divided into 'rations', are
increase. Creative energy is always a structur- those numbers, the so-called 'real' numbers,
ing process and the narrower the rings are that can only be raised to rational whole
together, the the more resonant they become; numbers if they are potentiated, i.e. if they
the higher the quality of the structure and the are multiplied by 'themselves'. With the tree
quality of the characteristics of the timber. the same mathematical game is played (fig.
Once the more widely spaced, central rings 18.12), because the invisible foundation must
are reached, the potential suddenly drops first be developed to enable the later visible
away almost to zero. The charge-density, on manifestation to take place. Without the
the other hand, continually increases towards invisible, inner root-zone there would be no
the interior, although not uniformly, due to the
irregular structure of the trunk.

18.4 Root Systems

E very tree, plant or blade of grass is an

energy pathway which exchanges, medi-
ates and transforms the negatively-charged
energies of the Earth (the Earth is essentially
a receptive, female system) and the positively
charged energies of the atmosphere and the
Sun (a radiating, male system) as each pene-
trates the crown and root systems, from
which the energies flowing upwards and
downwards are approximately the same
order of magnitude, but with opposite polari-
ties. The zone of the crown is the energetic
potentiation of the substance of the root-
zone, and vice versa.
Potentiation means; ascent into higher fre-
quencies, energetic functions and activity; the
realisation of the invisible idea of the thing
itself and the creation of the form of an indi-
viduality, an individual system, in this case a
tree. Were this not so, then there would be nei-
ther growth towards the heavens, nor towards
the centre of the Earth. In trees and other veg-
etation this growth first takes place down-
wards towards the roots and corresponds to
the first independent action, the first inhaled
breath as it were which, after the birth of a
human being is also the first vital act, namely
1 8: The Metabolism of the Tree 251
252 Living Energies

basis for the visible external aspect of the These pioneer plants, however, not only trap
tree. the nutritive dust particles carried by the
As we hardly ever see them, what do we wind, but also have a cooling effect on the
really know about roots apart from the fact ground, thereby enabling the first beginnings
that they hold plants up? In fact there is the of useful soil moisture to accumulate.
widest possible variety of root forms and sys- As they spread further over the ground,
tems, and their proper distribution is of vital shading it from the Sun, the deeper ground
importance to the whole process of tree strata where the higher grade elements
growth, because each species of tree has a reside, also begin to cool off. As a result, even
different pattern of root development accord- though infinitesimally, the water table rises
ing to the function it performs and the ener- under this thin plant cover, lifting the whole
gies associated with it. body of minerals and trace-elements lying
In the case of trees, these can be roughly above the ground water table and pushing
categorised as flat-rooted, heart-rooted, tap- slightly better quality salts and minerals
rooted and deep-rooted trees, the last evapo- towards the surface. With a richer mineral
rating more water than heart-rooted trees and base to draw on, it is then possible for a
flat-rooted trees evaporating least of all. Each higher form of plant to begin to grow such as
plant species, therefore, has its own particular that shown at (b).
root structure, which penetrates and with- As this higher plant form requires better
draws the elements it needs from particular sustenance, its root system descends further
horizons in the soil. Although not those of in search of it. In the process it draws its
trees, the root systems of various plants shown nourishment from a different horizon, so
in figs.18.16 (a)-(i) give some idea of this there is no competition between it and the
enormous complexity. These have been taken pioneer plant at (a). Ultimately, through the
from the plethora of diagrams contained in progressive improvement of the soil and the
two magnificent root atlases, exhaustively coming into being of the more evolved plant
researched and painstakingly prepared in Ger- systems depicted in (c) through to (0, which
many by L. Kutschera and E. Lichtenegger3. hold the soil together and provide the neces-
When life first began on this planet, both sary protection for the slow build-up of
soil and climatic conditions were probably humus, even higher species of vegetation can
very harsh. No high quality vegetation or life take root. Now provided with a more even
was possible, partly due to the strength of the climate within the growing humus layer,
winds blowing over virtually barren surfaces; micro-organisms gradually proliferate and
and partly because the poor composition of begin the task of breaking down the coarse
the available soil, drenched and washed out minerals into finer and finer particles,
by deluging rains, was unable to sustain thereby increasing the richness and fertility
them, for without humus there is very little of the soil which, in the process becomes too
micro-organic activity. Only the hardiest rich for the pioneer plants, and they die off.
plants feeding on the salts and the coarse, As some of this newer vegetation is very
unmodified minerals of almost bare rock deep-rooted, yet higher quality elements are
were able to evolve and, little by little, they brought up from the depths and made avail-
began to change the soil environment, able, further increasing the nutritive base for
thereby creating the preconditions for higher the later evolution of higher-grade plants
forms of plant to develop. Hardy bushes and small light-demanging
In this process, the most primitive plants, trees then take root and begin to tame the
such as mosses or grasses, first take root at winds, creating areas of shelter for larger and
the surface of the ground at (a) in fig. 18.16. more varied species of timber until finally the
They can only extend their roots for a certain, high primeval forest with its myriad root-
relatively shallow distance below the surface, systems is established in all its glory. Each
making use of the low-grade salts and nutri- root-system is inextricably connected with
ents available at this level for their growth. the others in a vast complexity that surpasses
254 Living Energies

even the legendary Gordian Knot. Each sys- As we know, life can only be created through
tem, however, has is special part to play in differences in form and potential. Therefore
this majestic orchestration of Nature and to restore all that once was to its former bur-
draws its vital substances from the soil hori- geoning glory, it will be necessary to start
zons peculiar to its species, sometimes again laboriously, step by step, almost from
enhancing or providing for the growth of the very beginning to recreate all that we
another variety of plant, but increasing all the have so foolishly destroyed.
while the overall amount of water and water- This is not something that can happen
retentive humus in the soil. overnight, but will require the cooperative
Monoculture, however, does not exist in effort of many generations to come and the
Nature. It is not a form of plant organisation to universal use of all new and existing ecologi-
which Nature subscribes and it will always cally-harmonious methods of increasing soil
bring disaster in its wake. In monocultures, all fertility. Moreover the wholesale redefining
this marvellous, harmonious interdependence of all current forestry and agricultural prac-
comes to a screeching halt, because all the trees tices and laws directed towards short term
have the same root system and obtain all their gain, indeed of the whole of so-called eco-
nutrients from the same horizon in the soil. If nomics, will have to be instituted immedi-
one variety of tree or one species of plant is ately. There is now very little time left before
removed from a natural forest, then suddenly, the seesaw up which we are struggling and
within the midst of all this interdependency, a which we mistake for the long-waited eco-
hole is created in the matrix of roots. nomic recovery, will suddenly tip over and
Suddenly a vital link has fallen out of the hurl us on an unstoppable downward path to
interconnecting chain between the depths and oblivion, for the point of no return will then
the surface, leading to a reduction in the capac- have been reached.
ity of some plants to raise water and minerals In our arrogance and pursuit of material
for the benefit of others. The store of available growth we fail to see that, apart from the gift of
nutrients in a given soil horizon, which can water, green photosynthesis and the produc-
now no longer be replaced, begins to diminish tion of chlorophyll are the very foundation of
as the plants compete for them. Once this nutri- our existence, without which there is no econ-
tive material has been exhausted, then those omy and no future at all, neither short, nor
plants dependent on them die out. Further long term. If present methods and priorities
holes are created in the underground water continue unabated then what we face is extinc-
reticulation system and, as a result even more tion. Unfortunately those responsible for this
species of plant succumb. horrific state of affairs, comfortably off,
An appalling acceleration in the devasta- removed from the rigours of life and secure in
tion of the former high forest ensues, which their tenures and pensions, will mostly die in
eventually drags everything, plants, birds, their beds, while those whose lives and futures
animals and ultimately humans in its wake. they have ruined are left behind to suffer the
The former rich biodiversity of the forest has most terrible privation. It is time therefore that
been destroyed and sterile uniformity pre- we call them to account, that we get up and
vails. No differentiation, no variation exists throw them out as Jesus did the money lenders
and life is reduced to its lowest possible level. in the Temple, if we wish to survive.


1. "The Forest and its Significance" ("Der Wald und 3. Diagrams from Wurzelatlas; mitteleuropaische
seine Bedeutung"), by Viktor Schauberger: Tau Grunlandpflanzen, Vol.1, "Monocotyledoneae" 1982
mag, Vol.146, p.l, 1936. and Vol.2, "Pteridophyta und Dicotyledonea", 1992
2. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.II, p.34. by L.Kutschera & E.Lichtenegger: G.Fischer,
Stuttgart, Germany.

Our primeval Mother Earth is an organism that designed to increase soil fertility. But before
no science in the world can rationalise. going further, as with temperature, here we
Everything on her that crawls and flies is depen- have to differentiate between two types of
dent upon her and all must hopelessly perish if electromagnetism.
that Earth dies that feeds us.1
Type A: Comprises bio-magnetism and bio-
Viktor Schauberger
electricity, the former more commonly
referred to as diamagnetism. It is the form of
electro-magnetism that energises and ani-
19.1 The Golden Plough mates all living organisms. Diamagnetic ele-
ments are copper, bismuth and hydrogen.

W hile in Bulgaria to construct a log-

flume in the 1930s, Viktor Schau-
berger was also asked by King
Boris to investigate why soil productivity
Type B: Comprises ferro-magnetism, usually
just called magnetism, and electricity, which
here we shall refer to as ferro-electricity to give
both terms a common root. This type of electro-
and soil moisture, particularly in the north-
magnetism is the one commonly in use in our
ern parts of the country, had begun to decline
technical world in electric motors and dyna-
since the introduction of modern mechanised
mos for the generation of electricity. Ferro-
farming methods. Touring the country to
magnetic elements are iron, cobalt and nickel.
examine the problem in more detail, he
found that in the north the fields were In Viktor's view the use of steel ploughs had
ploughed with tractor-drawn steel ploughs, many detrimental effects on the soil. As the
whereas in the poorer south, populated steel ploughshares are drawn rapidly through
largely by communities of Turkish origin, the the soil, minute ferro-electric and ferro-mag-
fields were still tilled with wooden ploughs netic currents are generated in the interaction
pulled in the main by teams of women. Here, of hard steel against soil which decompose
however, in stark contrast with the north, the the nutrient-laden water molecules in the
fields were still extremely fertile and pro- ground in a manner analogous to electrolysis,
duced abundantly healthy crops. From his thereby discharging the soil's potential and
study of water as a carrier of nutrients and reducing the surface-tension of the water mol-
aware of the generally detrimental effect of ecule. This not only destroys the soil's subtler
steel or iron on the quality of water, Viktor energies, but converts the nutritive elements
attributed the northern drop in soil fertility to or removes them from the mature water mol-
the use of faster moving steel ploughs. ecule. This was demonstrated in the discus-
Using this as the starting point, Viktor sion of the true facts of electrolysis in chapter
began his postwar agricultural research in 8, in which the end product of the process is
collaboration with Franz Rosenberger, an pure juvenile water, which, as we have seen,
engineer, and began a series of experiments is of little benefit to any organism.

256 Living Energies

In addition, small particles of steel are beneficial bio-electromagnetic ones which

abraded from the shear-surfaces of the through processes of bio-electromagnetic
ploughshare, covering the ground with a thin ionisation enhanced growth and soil fertility.
film of rust. As we saw mentioned in the This boost to soil fertility was decisively
chapter on water supply with steel pipes, this confirmed in field trials carried out in the
provides an ideal breeding ground for the vicinity of Salzburg in 1948 and 1949. Here
propagation of pathogenic bacteria, harmful fields were ploughed in strips, using steel and
to both soil and crops. This extra deposition copper-plated ploughs alternately. The differ-
of iron also increases the overall iron content ence between the two types of plough and
of the ground and it is a known fact that soils their effect became quite apparent. Where the
high in iron are less water-retentive than soils copper-plated plough had been used, i.e.
where iron is not present, whereas soils high where there were no rust residues and where
in copper have the capacity to retain greater the water content and other energies of the
quantities of water. soil had been increased, the corn stood about
Furthermore, as they move, the plough- 6-8 inches higher with a much fuller head.
shares produce considerable warming friction Some yields in the strips ploughed with cop-
and soil-crushing pressure-waves in the per-plated implements increased by up to
ground, due to the relatively steep angle of the 40% in comparison with the control strips
share. This destroys the delicate soil capillaries where conventional steel ploughs were used.
responsible for the delivery of nutrients and This remarkable increase could only be attrib-
water to the surface as well as some of the uted to the use of copper in lieu of steel,
micro-organisms that process them, thereby because all other factors of soil chemistry,
cutting off the normal supply from below and, orientation, furrow width, etc., were identical.
in consequence, soil fertility drops markedly. In one experiment, extraordinarily large
The application of fertiliser, natural and artifi- ears of rye were grown carrying up to 104
cial, and other factors for the moment apart, grains each; a truly stupendous production,
the overall action of iron or steel ploughs is as is shown in fig. 19.3. In another parallel
therefore extremely destructive of the natural experiment at Kitzbuhel in the Tyrol high
balance of energies and potencies, to say noth- quality, well-formed potatoes were produced
ing of soil moisture, and is yet another serious weighing up to 430 grams, nearly half a kilo,
aberration in humanity's treatment of Nature, containing as many as 20 'eyes', those
for as Viktor laments: portions of the potato that can be cut off and
planted separately from which to grow the
Wherever we look, the dreadful disintegration of
next crop (fig. 19.4). With such potatoes more
the bridges of life, the capillaries and the bodies
food would be made available, not only on
they have created, is evident, which has been
account of their larger size, but also because
caused by the mechanical and mindless work of
of the greater number of 'eyes', and fewer
Man, who has torn away the soul from the Earth's
potatoes would be required for replanting.
blood - water. 2
Further research work was carried out
To counter this insidious effect, which was which, in 1948, resulted in the development of
having disastrous consequences for produc- the 'Bio-Plough' shown in figs.19.5 & 19.6; the
tion of high quality food as well as produc- model in fig. 19.5 was produced by a Ham-
tivity in general, Viktor started to experiment burg engineer, Jurgen Sauck. The form and
with copper, initially making use of a stan- function of this plough is completely different
dard steel ploughshare overlaid with a sheet to that in fig. 19.1. To reduce the damage to the
of thick copper as shown in figs.19.1 & 19.2 soil capillaries to a minimum, instead of the
for which patents were later applied and pressure-wave forming and shearing crush-
which came to be known as the 'Golden cut of the conventional ploughshare, here the
Plough' because of the remarkable results it blade is designed so as to create a long slicing
achieved. The use of copper replaced the cut before the soil is involuted through the
destructive ferro-electromagnetic effects with centripetal action of the curving swan-like
19: Agriculture and Soil Fertility 257

wings of the ploughshare itself, emulating field trials, Viktor Schauberger once again
the burrowing action of the mole. came up against the corruption of politicians
Furthermore, instead of presenting a and the concerted opposition of entrenched
steeply inclined barrier to the soil, this interests. During the period immediately
plough presented sharp cutting edges only, after the war copper was was a scarce
the soil gliding through between the curved commodity in Austria and, having been
foils and gently rotated left and right, or right unsuccessful in obtaining further supplies
and left as the case may be, in the figure-of- through normal channels, Viktor approached
eight movement indicated by the arrowed, the Ministry of Agriculture. There he was
broken lines in fig. 19.6. The ploughshare told by the Minister that more copper sheet
itself is made of phosphor-bronze which is would only be made available to him if he
nearly as hard as steel and therefore almost compensated the Minister financially for the
as durable. In any event, the vastly increasing losses he would suffer if he supported Viktor,
productivity arising from its use would well because at that time the Minister was receiv-
outweigh the costs of its eventual replace- ing large bribes from various manufacturers
ment. As a result of these experiments it was of artificial fertiliser to promote the use of
clearly established that the soil should never their products. True to his upright nature,
under any circumstances, be worked with Viktor categorically refused, saying that he
naked iron or steel, but only with implements did not traffic with criminals. As a result all
made of wood, copper or copper alloys. copper, particularly in sheet form, was
Despite the obvious and proven benefits denied to him and this whole area of research
to the nation that would accrue from the and development, potentially so beneficial to
use of this plough, it never went into produc- agriculture everywhere, came to an abrupt
tion for, owing to the success of his Salzburg end.
258 Living Energies

Fig. 19.3 15cm long ears of rye with up to 104 Fig. 19.4 Potatoes grown on alpine farm at
grains/ear Kitzbuhel, Tyrol.

Before moving on, another form of plough communities were not, the people either being
also needs to be examined. In an article by too poor to afford them or the women too
Kurt Lorek in Implosion3 he discusses the weak to drag a harrow over the rough tillage.
plough shown in fig. 19.7, which was What he noted in particular, however, was
designed, built and experimented with in the that after ploughing had been completed,
vicinity of Munich at about the same time as there were no straight, even furrows but, due
Viktor's trials in Salzburg. It is not known, to the single wooden tine, which was all the
however, whether Viktor Schauberger collab- women had strength enough to pull through
orated with its designer but, as it used simi- the ground, the furrows were not only rough
lar copper alloys in its construction it seems and irregular, but also composed of very large
likely he did, since Munich and Salzburg are clods that flopped over in different directions.
just over 100km apart. Everything was higgledy-piggledy, yet out of
According to Kurt Lorek, this plough this disorder the most marvellous, healthy
produced equally astounding increases in crops were produced. Apart from the use of
productivity. The rotation of its 4 or 5 copper wood instead of steel, here was another
or copper-alloyed spiral blades was directly factor that contributed to the evident ferti-
geared to the forward movement of the trac- lity.
tor, thereby slicing rather than ripping the The irregularity of the furrows and the over-
sod as well as giving a slight impetus to size clods gave rise to an even distribution of
forward motion. As can be seen from the sunlight as the sun passed across the heavers.
diagram, the ground was also sprayed with Very little of the soil, therefore, was constantly
water or liquid manure. This was to moisten exposed to the drying and heating effect of
the soil during ploughing operations in order
to offset the additional evaporative losses
caused by conventional ploughing, as well as
providing for simultaneous fertilisation. All
trace of this plough has since been lost but, in
view of its apparent efficacy, its design is
certainly worthy of resurrection.

19.2 Sun Ploughing

Always paying attention to the apparently
insignificant, in his investigation of the
drop in soil fertility in Bulgaria, Viktor Schau-
berger also noticed that, whereas the fields in
the north were harrowed, those of the Turkish
19: Agriculture and Soil Fertility 259

direct sunlight, the clods and the convoluted even exposure to direct light, each portion of
furrows providing changing patterns of shade. the plant enjoying both light and shade as the
In consequence far less soil became desiccated day progresses. As a result, soil moisture is
and the young sprouts thrived in the addi- enhanced and the flow of sap is disturbed as
tional soil moisture and were protected for a little as possible.
great part of the day from overheating.
With harrowing, however, the clods are
reduced to relatively small particles, which 29.3 Of Cows and Scythes
understandably not only dry out much more
quickly, but the depth to which soil moisture
is reduced is much greater. All this makes the
germination of seed far more difficult as well
T here is another aspect related to cows and
the maintenance of fertility worthy of note
here. In Austria and other mountainous coun-
as facilitating erosion, because the smaller tries, where cattle are driven to the uplands to
particles can be washed away more easily. graze during the summer months, until the
The solution to this problem lies not only in introduction of artificial fertiliser and mecha-
the method of ploughing, but in the overall nised reaping the carrying capacity of these
orientation of the furrows. alpine pastures was virtually unlimited, due
Instead of ploughing in straight lines in to the way they were cut with a scythe and
any direction, the furrows should be sinuous, how cattle actually graze. When a cow grazes
curving first one way and then the other, and it crops the tufts of grass in a special way.
oriented as far as possible in a north-south Viktor Schauberger carefully observed the
direction. Fig. 19.8 shows that no surface is movements of the cow's tongue and noticed
thus exposed to uninterrupted solar radiation that it gathered the grass-haulms together
because of the ridging of the furrows and with a spiral enclosing sweep, finally separat-
their curvilinear configuration. Similarly, the ing them from the tuft in a clean break with a
young shoots of the new crop receive a more jerk of its head precisely at the point where
260 Living Energies
19: Agriculture and Soil Fertility 261

growth, the grass-haulm first has to heal the 19.4 The Pernicious Effects of
wound which in this case may take several Artificial Fertilisers
days. The scythe, on the other hand, delivers
a long, slicing cut, thereby keeping the Contemporary agriculture treats Mother-Earth
wound-area to a minimum. Due to the ener- like a whore and rapes her. All year round it
gies inhering in the blade and implanted scrapes away her skin and poisons it with artifi-
there by hammer-sharpening, the imparted cial fertiliser, for which a science is to be thanked
ionisation quickly draws the elements in the that has lost all connection with Nature.4
material surrounding the wound together Viktor Schauberger
and rapidly seals it.
I n the latter part of the 19th century, apart
from his other achievements, Baron Justus
von Liebig (1803-1873), a German chemist, car-
r ie d o u t a g r e a t d e a l o f r e s e a r c h i n to
the elements and chemicals required by plants
for growth, no doubt in the sincere desire to
rectify soil deficiencies and increase fertility. As
in so many areas of science, however, analysis
rather than synthesis is uppermost, the aim
always to find the one factor responsible for
a given phenomenon, whereas in reality all
physical manifestation is the result of many
synergetic influences. In the event, Liebig deter-
mined that the principal ingredients for soil fer-
tility besides calcium (Ca) in the form of lime,
were nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potas-
It is clear that the centuries-long mainte- sium (K), frequently referred to today as NPK.
nance of fertility and productivity on these Nitrogen is supplied in the form of urea
high alpine pastures was due to the combined (CO[NH2]2); ammonium sulphate ([NH4]2SO4)
effects of the correct use of the proper imple- - a by-product of coal-gas production; nitrates,
ment at the right time of day and the natural which are salts or esters of nitric acid (HNO3);
cropping of the grass by the cattle. This alone calcium cyanamide (CaCN2), which is con-
should give us cause to reassess presents verted into ammonia by water and produced
methods of harvesting green fodder and the by heating calcium carbide (CaC2) at a temper-
times of day when it should be cut. It may ature of l,000C in nitrogen gas. CaC2 on the
well be that a suitable mechanical reaper blade other hand is produced by heating calcium
should take the form of the spiral blades of the oxide (CaO - quicklime) which in turn is
plough shown in fig. 19.7, but the cutting spi- made by heating calcium carbonate (CaCO3), a
ral edges should be more closely spaced and substance occurring naturally in the form of
mounted at right-angles to the direction of limestone, chalk, calcite and marble.
movement. The spiral blades themselves Potassium (K) comes inter alia in the form
could likewise be made of phosphor-bronze, of potassium chloride (KCl), potassium sul-
rotating forwards from the ground upwards phate (K2SO4) and disodium hydrogen ortho-
so as to slice the grass as cleanly as possible. phosphate (Na2HPO).
Today, however, no account is taken of all Phosphorus is obtained by heating calcium
these subtle effects and, despite massive phosphate with coke and silica in an electric
artificial-fertiliser-induced overproduction in furnace and is introduced into the soil in
some countries, soil fertility and productivity other compounds such as phosphate (H3PO4),
are actually on a steep downward path, calcium phosphate as calcium hydrogen
although at the moment we are not aware orthophosphate, better known as superphos-
just how steep it is. phate (Ca[H2PO4]2H2O).
262 Living Energies

All of these products are soluble and the All the vital capillaries, which supply natu-
majority of them, sometimes in the form of rally derived nutrients, mature water and
slag, are manufactured from and as by- conduct rising immaterial energies, are being
products of what Viktor Schauberger called blocked up by these fine powders. The stulti-
'fire-spitting technology'. In other words, fying effects of the latter substances de-
they are produced with structure-disintegrat- energise the soil and, at the same time, rob
ing and energy-depleting heat. In their final both the lower ground-strata and the young
preparation they are either made into solu- plants of moisture, for in their deliquescent
tions for sprayed application to the soil or state these chemicals use this moisture to
thoroughly ground into fine deliquescent become liquid. With insufficient moisture,
powders, their deliquescent properties enabl- transpiration is reduced and the plants' inter-
ing them to attract moisture from the air or nal temperatures rise with the same unwel-
the soil in order to liquify. come results as we saw in shade-demanding
As another means of turning waste mater- timbers exposed to sunlight.
ial to profit, these compounds were quickly The capillaries now choked, it becomes more
seized upon by various chemical and other difficult for rain to infiltrate. This in turn gives
manufacturers. Despite Liebig's later recogni- rise to more rapid runoff, quickly followed by
tion and admission that the elements faster re-evaporation, both of which make irri-
required for healthy growth were far more gation a necessity. Such irrigation, however, is
complex than simple NPK and that further carried out with virtually worthless water as
detailed analysis was vital lest irredeemable mentioned in earlier chapters, and the produce
damage be done to the soil, his words went grown under such conditions, while large and
unheeded and the production of artificial fer- apparently healthy, is almost tasteless, their
tilisers proceeded apace. With their use, the colour often as artificial as rouge.
height of cereals and health of crops gener- Moreover, if excess nitrogen is introduced in
ally quickly diminished, each succeeding any of the above compounds, it makes less
application further depleting the fundamen- ionised material available for root develop-
tal fertility of the soil as its organic base was ment, leading to further water starvation of the
gradually eroded. Applied as part of a highly affected plant, because the negatively charged
mechanised farming system using steel ions, the onions-, in the nitrates in artificial fer-
implements, large tracts of mid-western tilisers take cations+, the positively charged ions
America were reduced to dustbowls as a of other elements, downwards away from the
result, forcing the impoverished farmers to root zone, thereby robbing the trees and plants
leave their land. of positive cations+ such as magnesium and cal-
Today the use of artificial fertilisers contin- cium ions. It is important to remember that the
ues unabated, but slowly and surely and just magnesium atom is the core atom in the chloro-
as inevitably they will finally reduce the soil phyll molecule.
to a lifeless mass. Naturally, the manufactur- Nature quickly despatches the 'Health
ers of artificial fertiliser will point to the enor- Police' in the form of parasites and other
mous production that has been achieved with blights to remove the organisms which have
its use, but this has been a production of now become diseased, necessitating the use
quantity at the expense of continually and overuse of pesticides and fungicides.
decreasing quality, of profit at the expense of Once the crop thus treated has been harvested,
life. Artificial fertilisers act like stimulants and apart from passing on the pesticides to the
prop up production like narcotics to which consumer, it then becomes necessary to fumi-
the soil has unwillingly become addicted. gate the ground in order to eradicate these
Like drug addicts, who can neither function supposedly pernicious pests, which are none
nor survive without frequent injections and other than sure indicators of the ill health of
who, as their physical condition worsens, both plants and soil. Areas of ground are
require more and more shots to extend their sheeted with plastic and probes inserted into
lives a little further, the soil too is dying. the ground to infuse it with poisonous gases.
19: Agriculture and Soil Fertility 263

Everything dies - earthworms, micro- lished an important book, Bread from Stone,
organisms and beneficial bacteria alike. Life elaborating the beneficial effects of fertilising
with all its differences is completely elimi- with stone-meal, better known as 'crusher dusf
nated as total uniformity supervenes. or 'rockdust'. However, by this time the pro-
While it is often stated in defence of artifi- duction of artificial fertiliser was well under
cial fertilisers that the world population way and as his book posed a significant threat
could not be fed if their use was discontin- to this new industry, just about every copy was
ued, this is yet another smokescreen to sought out, bought up and destroyed, to the
ensure large profits, for there are other ways great detriment of both life and soil.
far more effective, far cheaper as well as In essence, soil remineralisation is an inor-
environmentally sustainable, which not only ganic approach to increasing soil fertility.
increase quantity, but quality too, and to While it may sound very much like artificial
which we shall now turn. fertilising, it is, however, a fundamentally
different process and involves the use of very
finely ground, but otherwise untreated,
19.5 Biological Agriculture mainly igneous rocks with a broad mineral
spectrum, such as diabase, basalt, etc. Once
n sustainable agriculture the key factor is ground in a cold process which retains its
not so much the make-up of the underlying inherent energies, it is then spread over the
ground-strata, but rather the composition of cultivated land and, because of its wide vari-
the uppermost stratum referred to as the top- ety of salts, minerals and trace-elements, it
soil, which can vary in depth from a few cen- gives rise to the emergence of an equally
timetres to several metres. The long term large variety of different micro-organisms.
fertility of the soil is wholly dependent, firstly Although this system of fertilisation has
on the depth of this stratum, and secondly on been in use in Switzerland for nearly 150
its content of organically processed material. years on a limited scale and, no doubt, con-
Under natural conditions this friable zone is tributed to the compiling of Julius Hensel's
populated with an abundance of earthworms book, its more recent use has been pioneered
and other creatures, and culminates in a profu- with amazing effect by the American engi-
sion of microbial activity in the surface layer of neer, John Hamaker. In his book The Survival
humus, which generally consists of decompos- of Civilisation5 written in collaboration with
ing leaves and other organic matter. Without Don Weaver, he explains in detail the climatic
all this mineral and chemical processing, fertil- importance of remineralisation, as it is the
ity decreases rapidly and it is therefore in our magnitude and mixture of the available min-
vital interest to ensure that a suitable soil envi- eral and trace-element base that is the deter-
ronment is not only maintained, but also mining factor in the growth and quality of
increased wherever possible. vegetation, the latter being the vital modera-
This can be done in several ways which tor of climatic extremes. The book also
will only be elaborated briefly here, since describes the marked increase in fertility and
there is ample information readily available depth of top soil that John Hamaker achieved
in most bookstores. Viktor Schauberger's on his Michigan property, which increased
contributions, however, will be addressed in from about 10cm (4in) to about 1.2m (4ft)
more detail and while we are here concerned over a period of 10 years.
more specifically with food production and More recent experiments with this material
soil fertility, all the others factors and influ- by the 'Men of the Trees' under the direction
ences discussed in previous chapters should of Barry Oldfield in Western Australia
still be taken into account. showed a remarkable increase in the growth
and health of seedlings planted with it as
SOIL REMINERALISATION: against those without. Rockdust has already
In 1894 Julius Hensel, an agricultural chemist been produced inadvertently for most of this
and contemporary of Justus von Liebig, pub- century in all quarries where gravel or blue
264 Living Energies

road-metal is crushed for road making or expectancy of between 130 and 140 years can
aggregate produced for building. The plant only properly be attributed to the supreme
and machinery for its larger scale production quality of the food and water available to them.
is, therefore, already at hand and, with a little A further pointer to the wholesome influ-
extra investment in fine crushing mills where ence of rockdust, which has very interesting
necessary, almost unlimited quantities can and positive ramifications for the improve-
rapidly be made available relatively cheaply. ment of drinking water, was demonstrated by
Indeed, at the 1993 annual convention of the the behaviour of the pet dogs of some friends
National Aggregate Association and the of mine in Queensland. As rockdust enthusi-
National Ready-mix Concrete Association in asts they had been fertilising their fruit trees
San Antonio, Texas, where Don Weaver gave with it, using a bucket for transportation.
an address, he was informed that the com- While the dogs normally drank copiously
bined production of both organisations from bowls on the veranda filled with rain-
amounted to 2 billion tons of aggregate of water from the tank, over a period of days it
which 200 million tons were rockdust 'fines', was noticed that the bowls were always full.
whose disposal was a recurring headache. Wondering where the dogs were getting
Though an initial application is preferable water, they were followed and seen to
in extreme fineness, because it makes the drink out of the bucket used for carrying the
greatest surface area immediately available to rockdust. Left beside the heap, this still con-
micro-organisms, a mixture of large and small tained a small amount of rockdust and had
particles also ensures a slow release of miner- filled with rainwater in the interim. As ani-
als over a long period. Another beneficial mals are far closer to Nature than most
effect of rockdust is that it has been shown to human beings and because they act on
be a buffer against nitrate, sulphur dioxide instinct, there can be little doubt that these
and nitroxide, and it absorbs and fixes anions- dogs knew what was best for them, as was
while leaving cations+ free for the the use of also the case of the cows whose behaviour is
the plants. Under normal conditions rockdust described below in the section on biodynamic
need only be applied every five years or so, farming. We would therefore be well advised
the quantity being determined through care- to take a leaf from their book of knowledge.
ful analysis of soil deficiencies, although
whatever the soil condition, the effect has ORGANIC FARMING:
been shown to be beneficial6. Although, prior to the introduction of artificial
That people and not only plants can benefit fertilisers, organic farming, with the use of
from rockdust is amply demonstrated by the cow manure, farmyard liquor and composted
state of health and well-being of the Hunzas of vegetable matter was the norm, over this cen-
Northern Pakistan. Living in the high, clean air tury these practices largely lapsed due to the
of the Himalayas, their fields are watered by less labour-intensive use of chemicals and the
cold glacier melt-water, rich in trace-elements apparent resultant rise in productivity and
ground from the rocks over which the glacier therefore profitability, with the result that
passes. Their fields were therefore constantly most farmers switched to artificial fertiliser
fertilised with a broad spectrum of minerals, completely. Others, however, steeped in the
which not only maintained a high level of pro- organic traditions of their forebears, were not
ductivity, but ensured that the produce itself swayed by the blandishments of artificial
was vibrantly healthy and disease-free. At the fertiliser manufacturers and held to their well-
time of the British Raj, an army doctor was tried and trusted methods, thereby safeguard-
once stationed in Hunzacut for a period of ten ing the older knowledge, which, since the end
years as resident medical officer. During his of the Second World War, has experienced a
sojourn, apart from treating the occasional renaissance, organic produce now increasingly
wound and fracture, he had nothing to do, being seen to be of far higher nutritive worth.
such was the high state of health of these The underlying philosophy of organic
mountain people, whose average life- farming is to return to the soil for reprocess-
19: Agriculture and Soil Fertility 265

ing what was previously removed from it layer of sun-dried or otherwise desiccated
and, in this way, the fertility of the soil was leaf-matter and vegetable residues are laid. It
successfully sustained for many centuries. is important that this material is thoroughly
Moreover, as the material is organic rather dried before being added to the heap, for
than so-called inorganic, it requires less of excess water will trigger unwanted heat dur-
Nature's energy to reconstitute it into a form ing fermentation. The whole is then covered
readily assimilable by plants, as the energies with an equally thick mixture of earth, fine
required to convert it from an inorganic to an sand and river gravel. Use of the latter ele-
organic state are spared. ments not only harks back to the system of
With composting as generally understood remineralisation above, but also to the
today, however, instead of previously dried improved quality of material carried by natu-
material, green sap-laden vegetable matter rally flowing streams. To this mixture is
interleaved with layers of earth is used, added a small quantity of copper and zinc fil-
which generates considerable heat in the ings, whose function will be explained later.
compost heap itself. Indeed this warming is Before this is done, however, the trunk is first
generally taken as a sign that the composting wrapped loosely with several layers of newspa-
process is progressing properly. per or other suitable decomposable material,
While the product of such a heap is even- which not only protects the tree but, once
tually broken down and well-fermented at decomposed, then provides a duct surrounding
completion and while it does maintain the the trunk for the entry of air. The heap is then
current level of fertility, according to Viktor temporarily covered with clay or an imperme-
Schauberger it does not increase it markedly, able material to prevent the entry of rain and its
except in cases where no compost has been content of raw oxygen. Since this is a cool
used previously. One of the reasons for this is process, earthworms, insects and other aerobic
that the relatively high internal temperatures micro-organisms are at once attracted into the
prevent the entry and activity of the earth- heap and begin their reprocessing activity
worms, always sensitive to heat, until the lat- aided by the diffused oxygen, nitrogen and
ter stages, when the heap has cooled other trace gases entering through the newspa-
sufficiently for them to be attracted into the per or sacking round the trunk and the overly-
decomposing material. ing mixture of earth and sand.
Furthermore, there is no consideration given Gradually, as more vegetable refuse
to the effect of rainfall which, as mentioned becomes available, the heap is built up into
earlier, is juvenile, element-hungry water and the stable form of the egg shown in fig. 19.9.
avidly seizes upon whatever material it can Once finished, and to ensure the wholesome
find in order to become mature. By construct- completion of this cold decomposition, the
ing a compost heap differently and by protect- entire heap is then faced and smoothed over
ing it from rain, the end-product will be of far with clay to prevent the entry of rain which,
higher quality, not only as a result of cold due to the near vertical external surfaces, is
rather than hot processes of fermentation, but more inclined to drain down the side than
also due to its higher content of protein and infiltrate through the clay. The final act of
other immaterial, fructigenic energies. maturation then begins.
Although shown here on a small scale, the Having by now infiltrated the whole of the
same principle can be applied to larger com- compost heap and thoroughly aerated it, the
post heaps. In Viktor Schauberger's view, a microbial life and, in particular, the earth-
compost heap should be egg-shaped, reflect- worms which by this time have populated
ing the life-giving properties of the egg, and the compost heap in their thousands, begin
should ideally be built up under a large fruit- to die off, their decomposing bodies giving
tree with a broad canopy as shown in an additional nutritive boost to the end-
fig. 19.10. Protected by the foliage above, a product with the provision of large quanti-
cavity is scooped out of the ground around ties of animal protein. In late autumn the
the base of the tree into which a 20cm thick strength of the Sun's light and heat dimin-
266 Living Energies

Fig. 19.10 The egg-shaped compost heap Fig. 19.11

ishes, the ground begins to cool more an abundance of healthy, blight-free and tasty
markedly and a strongly positive tempera- fruit. By constructing such compost heaps
ture-gradient is established between atmos- under different trees each year, eventually all
phere and ground. This is when the compost the fruit trees are well fertilised. Where no
heap is demolished to ground level, the suitable trees are available, however, compost
residual matter being left in the cavity heaps can be built up in similar fashion, but
around the trunk and roots of the tree. in the form of dome-like humps or barrel-
Towards evening, the material is spread shaped clamps, which should not only be
evenly over adjacent fields, for under the suitably protected against the entry of rain-
positive temperature-gradient - most power- water, but insulated from the heating effect of
ful at this time - the nutrients are carried the Sun.
below with the infiltrating rain or dew.
In this way the land is provided with BIODYNAMIC FARMING:
far richer and higher-quality, natural fer- Biodynamic farming is a system of agricul-
tiliser, which not merely maintains but ture devised by Dr. Rudolf Steiner
increases fertility. At the same time, the host (1861-1925), a teacher and philosopher born
tree also benefits enormously and produces in Austria, and founder of the Anthro-
19: Agriculture and Soil Fertility 267

posophical Movement. Anthroposophy sees and returned to their own paddock. It was
the human being as the highest exponent of noticed that they did not eat for two or three
the Divine on Earth, embodying all the days, so high was the quality of the grass they
instruments and agencies of creative power had eaten on the biodynamic farm.
and patterns of physical manifestation; it The fertiliser '500' itself is produced with a
studies the world through the inner and pulsating movement similar to the homeo-
outer nature of humanity. Its approach to pathic process of succession, in which the state
farming basically assumes energy to be the of energy or order is progressively increased
primary cause, and growth the secondary through the successive creation and recreation
effect. To what extent Rudolf Steiner and of order and chaos. A small quantity of the
Viktor Schauberger mutually influenced each transformed cow dung is added to water and
other's thinking is not recorded, although it mixed in such a way as to create vortices rotat-
is known that they did have fairly lengthy ing about the vertical axis of the mixing vessel.
discussions. Here the liquid is stirred in, in one direction
Biodynamic farming's attitude to fertilisa- until the vortex has been formed. The direc-
tion is to exalt the energies in decomposed tion of mixing then reverses until another
and organically transformed organic matter vortex is created. This process of repeated
by filling empty cow horns with a base mate- reversal of direction not only imbues the liq-
rial of cow manure. These are then buried en uid with the opposite charges arising from
masse about 60cm underground in autumn, opposite directions of rotation, but also draws
when the Earth's geospheric energies sink in inseminating O2 while gradually building
into the ground as the repose of winter up and structuring the liquids internal ener-
approaches. Due to the vortex-like and gies in a process best explained by the art of
vortex-enhancing shape of the cow horns, the sword making.
transformative, horizontally propagated Apart from the various alloys used in the
fructigenic emanations in the ground are Japanese art of swordmaking, the base material
focused on the contents of raw dung and, in is first made red hot and then beaten out or
the coolness of the ground over winter, are 'structured' with a hammer as it cools. It is then
transmuted under cold processes of fermen- further heated to incandescence, folded over on
tation. In early spring, when the fields itself, fused together and beaten out again.
require fertilisation, the cow horns are dug Here the reheating represents the chaoticising
up, their contents having been transformed aspect, whereas the beating is the structuring
into a sweet-smelling, highly active sub- aspect. Little by little, with continued repetition
stance as a result of their sojourn in this zone, of the two processes involving order and chaos-
permeated by geospheric energies. creation, the structure of the blade increases
This transformed material is then used in the and the level of chaos diminishes, ultimately
production of the natural fertiliser known as producing a razor-sharp blade whose structure
'500 mix'. Due to the sustained efforts of Alex is both laminar and flexible. In similar fashion
de Podolinsky in Victoria7 and others such as with the fertiliser, as the vortices are alternately
Terry Forman in New South Wales, it has been formed and destroyed, the level of energy rises
increasing widely used as fertiliser, at least and the degree of chaos decreases until, after
since 1947. To date over a 1 1/4 million acres are about an hour, the product is ready for use.
fertilised in Australia using this system and, This is applied to the fields in spray form
seen from the air, those properties where it has towards evening within two to three hours
been applied stand out clearly from neigh- after preparation and before the accumulated
bouring farms, due to the greater abundance of energies have dispersed.
green pasture. Indeed on Alex de Podolinsky's In many mixing devices, when not mixed by
farm the grass was so lush and wholesome hand, the vortices are created by motor-driven
that several of his neighbour's cows broke paddles rotating first in one direction and then
through the fence to eat it. Discovered some the other. Many of the mixing vessels are cylin-
four hours or so later, they were rounded up drical but it would obviously be preferable if
268 Living Energies

these vessels were of egg shape (as discussed As Viktor watched him stir the contents to
earlier). Moreover, in lieu of the paddles to gen- the left with a large wooden paddle, he sang in
erate vortices, a simple single-bladed impeller rising tones, only to change to descending
like the head of a golf club mounted through tones when stirring to the right, but all the
the bottom of an egg-shaped vessel (as shown while crumbling pieces of aluminum-bearing
in fig. 19.118) would achieve the same results clay into the water. After about an hour of these
with greater economy of motive force. not wholly musical sounds, the peasant
The apparatus shown here is of a type declared that he was finished and that the
Walter Schauberger used to infuse carbon- mixture was now ready for spreading over
dioxide permanently into water under a par- the meadow the following morning. This was
tial vacuum. Instead of steel or galvanised done by dipping a bunch of small, leaf-covered
iron, the vessel should be made of fired clay, branches into the barrel and then flicking the
wood or copper, and mixing should be car- energised clay-water emulsion over the ground
ried out in the open on the ground (not on in a manner similar to the sprinkling of Holy
reinforced concrete slabs) so as to permit the Water with palmfronds on Palm Sunday.
insuction of both cosmic and geospheric In essence, the energies generated in this
ethericities. way are the result of the combination of two
If stirred by hand the quality of the ener- phenomena already discussed. The energies
gies generated can be further enhanced by derived through the bio-dynamic procedure
classical or Indian music or by what was of forming and re-forming vortices are essen-
known and practised by some of the older tially the same as those created by the longi-
Central European peasant farmers in a ritual tudinal left-hand/right-hand alternating
called Tonsingen'. The German word 'Ton' vortices in naturally flowing rivers (dis-
has a two-fold meaning, as either clay or tone cussed in chapter 13 with regard to Viktor's
as in music. Here Viktor relates an event 'Energy Cannon' (fig. 13.14)). With 'tonsin-
where one evening he came upon a farmer gen', however, we are more concerned with
bent over a wooden barrel stirring the con- the encapsulation of the harmonies of the
tents. This peasant's farming methods were chanting (as formative energy) in the walter's
very unusual, but he nevertheless achieved 'memory' (see discussion on homeopathy,
extraordinary results with them, far surpass- chapter 9), which must be transferred to the
ing those of his neighbours, which was why waiting plants before the resonances abate
Viktor went to see him. and the water 'forgets'.

1. Tau mag, Vol.146, p.ll, 1936 - Don Weaver, P.O.Box 1961, Burlingame, CA.
2. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.I, p.13. 94010, USA.
3. "The Spiral Plough" ("Der Spiralpflug") by Kurt - Joanna Campe, ed. of Remineralise the Earth.,
Lorek, Implosion No.8, published in Germany by 152
Aloys Kokaly (dee'd). Publication of Implosion now South St, Northampton, MD 01060, USA.
continues with Kurt Lorek, Windschlagerstr. 58, - Barry Oldfield, Pres."Men of the Trees", 3 Over
77652 Offenburg, Germany (tel: +49 781 73541). Ave., Lesmurdie 6076, W. Australia.
4. From the Schauberger archives. - Das Buch von Steinmehl by Helmut Snoek:
5. The Survival of Civilisation, self-published by John Orac-
Hamaker and Don Weaver. Pietsch, Germany.
6. Further detailed information on rockdust can be 7. Alex de Podolinsky's work is fully elaborated in
obtained from: The
Secrets of the Soil, by Christopher Bird: Harper, New
8. Austrian Patent No.265991.

V iktor Schauberger also had concepts ber of vegetarians has doubled since 1990,
similar to Rudolf Steiner's biodynam- representing 7% of the population or 3.1
ics for the production of natural fer- million people3. This is an enormous acceler-
tiliser. His ideas and their practice, however, ation in changed awareness which, if mani-
do not necessitate the use of the thousands of fested on a world-wide basis, would
cow horns presently employed by de inaugurate equally far-reaching changes in
Podolinsky. Those millions of horns are only the present balance between pastoral and
available through the increasingly wide- arable agriculture.
spread consumption of beef and other meats, Purely from the point of view of acreage
which from about 2 million tonnes in 1950-52 economics, which must be taken into
rose to 11 million tonnes in 19841. This expan- account in view of the rising world
sion, however, has taken and is continuing to population, whereas a meat-eater requires
take a serious toll on the ecology and envi- the produce from about 1.6 acres to survive
ronment of the producing countries. A recent annually, a vegetarian needs only 0.66 acres,
scientific study in Costa Rica, for example, or about 41% of the first figure. Any system
showed that for every beef carcass exported, therefore, which enhances fertility both
2 1/2 tonnes of top soil were irretrievably lost quantitatively and qualitatively without the
through erosion. Quite obviously, such wide- need of large animal-based inputs is
spread damage is totally unsustainable. certainly preferable.
Moreover, in view of the increasing move- In our examination of biological farming
ment away from a predominantly meat- methods, we have moved from the inorganic
eating diet in many Western countries, a to increasingly higher organic and energetic
gradually accelerating decline in meat con- processes. In addition to those already dis-
sumption can be envisaged, which will even- cussed, there are further ways to enhance
tually put a stop to the supply of cow-horns. and strengthen growth and fertility. These
This movement is now growing very fast due involve the amplification of the Earth's
to the increase in heart disease and cancer fructigenic, qualigenic and dynagenic
associated with the overconsumption of ani- ethericities, which were described in chap-
mal protein and the moral implications of ters 4 and 5 as aspects of the Sun's fertilising
intensively cruel industrialised methods of role, and which are the spiritual driving
meat production, so graphically depicted in force of life.
all their horror by C. David Coats in his book Because of their close intercommunion
Old MacDonald's Factory Farm2. Amongst with the higher dimensions of being or exis-
other countries in the so-called 'civilised' tence (viz. levels c4 to c6, chapter 4 - 4.6),
world, in Great Britain for instance the num- these energies operate at extremely high

270 Living Energies

frequencies. This means that their forma- The seeding of the soil with immaterial
tive influences are correspondingly more energies was also long known to the Tibetans
powerful and their effect on the pattern of who buried their so-called 'Treasure Vases'
physical manifestation greater, for they are in the ground in certain propitious places.
the messengers of the Will-to-create and the These, filled with precious stones and metals,
power source of the idea of what is to be were believed to emit wholesome energies
created. If these ethericities can therefore be which enhanced and protected the environ-
multiplied artificially, but according to the ment. The Tibetans also considered that gold
laws of Nature and the nature of the etherici- and other precious metals were best left
ties themselves, then it should be possible undisturbed in the ground, similar to the
greatly to promote healthy growth and way the Australian aboriginals and the Hopis
fertility. feel about uranium as an emitter of energy.
Viktor Schauberger's vision for promoting
Thus, apart from a purely sexual process of pro-
a greater abundance of creative animating
creation, we are here confronted by a process of
energy, of fertility and rising quality,
higher genesis with the ability to endow quantity
involved the creation of what he referred to
with quality.4
as 'amniotic fluid'. This required the liquid
Viktor Schauberger
intermixture of the above elements of silver,
To recapitulate on these ethericities briefly, zinc and silicon (male) and gold, copper and
fructigens are those essences that produce limestone (female) together with other
greater fertility, whereas qualigens create vegetable or animal residues in a suitable
greater quality and dynagens generate higher galvanic container. The respective negative
intrinsic energy. To some elements at a lower and positive polarities of these substances
more immediately physical level Viktor gave rise to certain anodic and cathodic func-
Schauberger ascribed certain male and tions enhancing the dissociation, association
female attributes or temperaments, silver, and higher reconstitution of the contained
zinc and silicon being paternally oriented elements into a liquid brimming with
and gold, copper and limestone maternally germinating potency.
As we saw on p. 84 (fig. 5.2), the natural
movement of the female essences expands
outwardly from the centre of the Earth, prop-
agating horizontally at the Earth's surface. At
all levels, however, they interact or inter-
breed with the seminal substances of the Sun,
whose natural direction of movement is
along a plane perpendicular to that of the
female, the energetic residues thus produced
being expelled as physical growth.
Here the form of growth itself is dependent
on the relative proportions of the differently
oriented energies. If the plants to be fertilised
have a predominant tendency to vertical
growth, such as wheat, sugar cane and
maize, then more paternally oriented ele-
ments should be added to the mixture as
these are associated with vertical (i.e. phallic)
movement. If the natural form of the plant is
more horizontally inclined, then the
emphasis should be towards the maternally
oriented elements.
20: The Generation of Fructigenic Energies 271

Once again this requires the use of egg- repaid by a corresponding increase in health,
shapes and, in particular, the arrange- fertility and productivity.
ment shown in fig. 20.1. This egg-shaped Towards late afternoon or at night, a small
cavity or fermentation chamber is electric motor is switched on which drives a
scooped out of the ground, about 2 metres vortex-inducer made of a biometal (silver-
deep, and faced with aluminium-bearing plated copper). The vortex-inducer itself is
clay. As a more permanent installation it mounted on a hard copper or phosphor-
may also be lined with natural materials bronze shaft and is located in the bottom
such as wood or stone. Burnt material such a third of the fermentation chamber, its rota-
brick, having been exposed to fire, is less tion causing the cyclical vortical circulation
desirable. If timber is used and the chamber of the contents. In other words, the liquid is
is constructed with wooden staves like a bar- moved in the 'original' or planetary way,
rel, the whole should be held together at which, according to Viktor Schauberger, has
intervals with copper or copper-alloy bands the following effect:
and bedded in sand in the same way as the
....'planetary motion' is characterised by forces
wooden water mains described in chapter
that strive to reach the central point and reduce
the outward pressure on the peripheral wall-
Once completed and ready for use, then all
surfaces. They generate reactive forms of cold and
varieties of waste matter such as stable-
lead to specific densation. Planetary motion
manure, kitchen refuse and even human
involves the natural, animating, centripetalising
excreta are added, in as fresh a state as
acceleration of mass, which initiates higher-grade
possible and broken down into the finest
fermentation processes of an invigorating nature
particles. These should then be mixed with
in the bipolar mixture of basic elements. The end-
liquid manure, when available. After filling
product is biomagnetism, a reproductive, regener-
the lower third of the chamber in this way,
ative and upwardly evoluting form of energy.6
the remaining space should be filled with
well-oxygenated, juvenile rainwater or sur- Not only is biomagnetism generated, but the
face water, well exposed to the Sun. The overall energetic potential of both paternally
whole arrangement should be thoroughly and maternally oriented substances is
insulated against light and heat, so that the increased through the alternation between cen-
developing concentration of energies arising trifugal (outbreathing) and centripetal
through the interaction of cosmic and (inbreathing) pulsations, during which process
geospheric ethericities can neither escape nor the contents are vortically cooled towards the
be dissipated. all-important +4C anomaly point. As the
chamber is egg-shaped, no particles are left
Having been created out of the most thoroughly
unmoved and, ultimately, all the waste is
rotted elements of former life, these emanations
atomised into the smallest possible particles,
are the most natural fertilisers, which have meta-
thereby producing a very high homeopathic
morphosed their erstwhile spaciality (spacial
rarefaction, Viktor stating in this regard that:
volume) to such a degree, that they can only man-
ifest themselves as highly dosed (concentrated) In terms of homeopathic principles and attempts
energetic matter.5 to produce super-dilutions in order to still the
Viktor Schauberger "specific' hunger of the plants, the more dilute the
fertilising agent, the more it approximates the
As with the egg-shaped compost heap character of the above ethericities, thus facilitating
described in chapter 19, powder or filings of further interactions that in turn result in
copper and zinc, with small quantities of sili- increased growth.7
con and limestone, should also be added to
stimulate the immaterial energies of different By mixing the elements of Earth and Heaven
potential. Particles of gold and silver can also in this way, what Goethe called the 'connect-
be beneficially introduced, the very much ing link' is created, which in turn gives rise to
higher financial outlay probably being well the generation and accumulation of a high
272 Living Energies

geospheric charge which cannot escape, due in Viktor Schauberger's charming sketch in
to the external insulation. In the form of a fig. 20.2, he describes the process as follows:
highly active negative or fructigenic potency,
a condition that Viktor described as "a hun- No plant is actually nourished by dissolved
gry voluptuousness akin to nymphomania",7 matter, but rather with 'ascended', nutritive enti-
it combines with the water, which becomes ties of geospheric provenance in a fourth dimen-
crystal clear. Like de Podolinsky's '500 mix', sional state. These diffuse ethericities can only
it is also free of unattractive odours and enter the sap-stream via the root-protoplasms,
indeed is sweet-smelling. where they are fertilised by diffuse oxygenic
Viktor compares this process to wine- ethericities. The higher outbirth of this emulsion
making, where sweet and turbid grape-juice (ur-procreation) is an ethericity that belongs to
matures into clear, relatively dry wine in a 5th dimension. These concentrations of matter-
cool cellar. The maturation of good wine, energy emit negative, hyper-charged emanations
however, may take a year or more, whereas in all directions and bind the positively-charged
this extraordinarily procreative liquid takes ethericities entering through the skin or the bark.
only two to three nights to prepare, weather Some of this emulsion solidifies and whatever is
conditions permitting. When broadcast over subsequently manifested, is what we call
the fields in the evening, it attracts the pre- 'growth'. 8
dominantly paternally-oriented atmospheric
energies in preparation for fertilisation by the Another version of this egg-shaped in-
Sun's energies the following day. ground fermentation chamber is shown in
Here again we are concerned with the inter- fig. 20.3. This one, however, is not power-
action of almost non-spacial energies through driven and fermentation takes up to six
which the ur-genesis or out-fall of physical weeks, once again depending on external
matter takes place through the partial solidifi- climatic factors, hotter periods having a
cation of the discharged precipitates (energetic retarding effect on the necessary cool or cold
waste products of the higher, 5th dimensional maturation processes. This chamber is not
energies, due to the expulsive effects of heat sealed and insulated in quite the same fashion
and light, which Viktor Schauberger called
"4th dimensional mediatory substances".)
However, because these precipitated energies
are non-spacial, the extent to which the cham-
ber can be charged with them is virtually
In this fourth-dimensional state these
ethericities, whose natural direction of propa-
gation is horizontal, enter the plant itself
through the root-protoplasms, the little sacs
or vesicles of proto-water or amniotic fluid
attached to the root-tip. Like dew, another
form of proto-water formed on the tips of
blades of grass during the night and early
morning, these vesicles, too, collapse if
exposed to light and heat. This is why the
greatest care must be taken when replanting
small seedlings or saplings, which should
only be done at night in order to keep injury
to a minimum.
These delicate fragile root-protoplasms act
as mediators and transform the nutritive
energies that the plant will absorb. Depicted
20: The Generation of Fructigenic Energies 273

as that in fig. 20.1, but is exposed to atmos- fertile substances imbued with the will to
pheric and therefore male fertilising influences germinate.
through the diffusing fabric of jute sacking or One other soil-restoring method of Viktor
something similar, secured over the opening. Schauberger's which should also be men-
Virtually the same paternally- or mater- tioned briefly, is for restoring the health of
nally-oriented elements are introduced, but the soil in so-called 'sour' pastures, thereby
internal vortical circulation is slower, driven increasing their fertility and attraction for
by variations in external temperature. Owing grazing animals. In a process akin to the in-
to the currents generated between the sub- ground cisterns above, a largish wooden bar-
stances of opposite charge and potential, and rel held together by ropes or cord, but not
due to the lack of insulation, lateral pulsa- with metal straps or fittings, is buried in the
tions of energies are produced which are ground near the ailing field. The depth to
fructigenic either paternally- or maternally- which it is buried must be such that rainwa-
oriented, pulsation being inherent in all life ter can be channelled into it along shallow
processes. trenches dug for the purpose. To prevent the
Their direction of movement is either away entry of unwanted soil, the barrel it then cov-
from the chamber or towards it, according to ered with a lid to which dependent copper
the time of day or night. In the process, these and zinc rods are attached in the ratio of 2
emanations fill the germinating zone with the copper to 1 zinc. A hole about 5cm in diame-
fructigenic stimuli vital for growth. The ter is cut in the lid and covered or otherwise
extent of the surrounding environment that is closed with a good quality, diffusive material
affected by each chamber and its life-giving such as linen or jute sacking. After a while, a
formative potential will depend on the layer of green algae-like growths cover the
amount and the relative proportions of these surface of the water, which indicates that the
male and female elements. According to contents of the barrel are ready for use. The
Viktor Schauberger, one or two such fermen- sour field is then watered with this liquid
tation chambers are sufficient to permeate the and gradually the pasture grasses become
soil over several square kilometres with 'sweet'.
274 Living Energies

With these and the other natural methods comprehending the intricacies of Nature's
of fertilisation discussed in the preceding workings, can only be produced by high
chapter, there is therefore much that we can quality brains. If we are earnest in our desire
do to promote healthy and sustainable to recreate the future and enter into a cooper-
growth in agriculture. With this technology ative rather than a competitive association
we have the ability to restore the soil, our with Nature, then it is our duty to under-
only source of wholesome food, to its former stand her ways thoroughly and hearken to
state of high productivity and fertility, and the words of the English philosopher and
even to increase it. student of Nature, Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
These means are not only far cheaper than who stated some 400 years ago, We cannot
the use of harmful artificial fertilisers and command Nature except by obeying her.
noxious pesticides, but they increase both the We cannot obey her laws, however, nor
quantity and quality of food. At the same can we apply them towards the alleviation of
time, this will usher in the possibility of all the present misery unless we can under-
growing the same amount of food on a stand them. The first priority must be to
smaller area, thereby permitting the urgent implement these new methods on a world-
reafforestation of those areas presently wide basis for, in doing, so we shall be able
employed for meat production. Moreover, to remove the scourge of hunger and destitu-
since the products of this new agriculture are tion for all time. This will demand a com-
of extremely high quality and vitality, it plete reorientation in the present approach to
would be possible to satisfy the world agriculture, forestry and water resources
demand for food with a smaller amount and management. Only then can truly economi-
still maintain healthy life. The systems of cally, sustainable development and open
agriculture and food production that have peaceful human interrelations on a global
been described here would well be able to basis be achieved.
support a world population even higher than
the present, if that were deemed desirable. A free people can only grow out of a free Earth.
The far greater abundance of food would Any people that violates Mother-Earth has no
greatly reduce people's fears for the future, right to a homeland, because in soils destroyed by
modifying the defensiveness in our actions speculation, high-quality races can find no abode,
and behaviour towards others; for they are i.e. they are physical masses divorced of all
founded on the the desire for self-preservation, connection with the Earth. Masses without roots
still a strong instinct in humankind. By eating perish. They have to travel the terrible road of
such vastly improved produce and drinking decay until, like unsuitable fertilisers, they lose
healthy and properly constituted water, we their stubborn wills and only when they have
shall, at the same time, increase our own per- reached this condition, and starting again from
sonal qualities and potential as individuals. the very beginning, will they be allowed to re-
As we pointed out earlier, the finer intu- enter the mighty course of evolution.9
itive and perceptive thoughts, capable of Viktor Schauberger


1. Our Common Future, p.119: Oxford Univ. Press, 6. Implosion No.45, p.3.
Oxford, New York. ISBN 0-19-282080-X. 7. Excerpt from a letter from Viktor Schauberger to
2. Old MacDonald's Factory Farm by C.David Coats Dagmar Sarkar in the mid-1950s; the diagram has
(quite incidentally my brother): Continuum, New been redrawn and annotated by the author for
York. ISBN 0-8264-0439-1. greater clarity.
3. The Independent, London, 21 Aug.1993. 8. ibid.
4. Implosion No.37, pp.2-3. 9. Implosion No.37, p.8.
5. ibid, p.3.

efore we begin our examination of the gradients, etc., which have already been dis-
processes of implosion and its associ- cussed, must also be borne in mind when con-
ated apparatuses, it is necessary to sidering the functioning of Viktor's machines
state at the outset that the specific descrip- because, in his philosophy nothing is to be
tion of Viktor's devices is rather problematic. seen in isolation or to be divorced from
This is because none of the diagrams, where anything else. Central to Viktor's theories
there are any, precisely conforms to the and the functioning of his machines is the cre-
descriptive material in the various texts. These ation of what he called the "Biological
tend to overlap, producing many blurred Vacuum" and we shall therefore begin by
areas. addressing it first.
Moreover, on occasion, what appears to be
the same apparatus has been referred to by a
different name and the whole chronology of the 21.1 The Biological Vacuum
development of each of these machines is very
hard to unravel, some texts referring to what
appears to have been a 1940s development,
while the middle 1930s are mentioned in
I n its simplest form, its mechanical effect is
akin to the suction we experience when
we place one of our hands over the plug-
others containing similar information. It has hole in a full bath after removing the
therefore been extremely difficult to determine plug. By uncovering and covering the hole
precisely which description refers to which with the palm of the hand, we can get some
device, or indeed how many devices there are. idea of the enormous power of suction, or
These have variously been called the "Repulsa- the forces of implosion which, according
tor", the "Repulsine", the "Klimator", the "Im- to research by Prof. Felix Ehrenhaft, who
plosion Motor", The "Suction Motor,", the helped Viktor Schauberger periodically, are
"Trout Motor" and the "Biotechnical Sub- 127 times more powerful than explosive
marine". forces.
What all these machines have in common, In the case of the bath plug, we are con-
however, is very silent and cheap operation as cerned with suction produced by gravity.
they all make use of similar principles. For lack Gravity, however, as we learned in chapter 4
of space here to address the full range of is octavely related to centrifugence, the coun-
information1, we shall examine them on a terpart of which is centripetence. In a manner
more general basis, using the name that akin to the interaction between suction and
seems most Mkely to apply. What is here very pressure on a common axis, the essential
important, however, is that all the various dimension of the jet engine, Viktor's appara-
aspects and factors such as male and female tuses make similar use of centrifugence and
ethericities, the function of vortices in rivers, centripetence to produce a biological vac-
bio-electricism and biomagnetism, temperature uum.

276 Living Energies

This involves a vortical cooling process, create anything we wish for ourselves out of
sometimes in a sealed vessel, in which the 'nothing'. The agent is water, the blood of the Earth
contents are cooled to such an extent that, and the most universal organism?
because of their extraordinary densation, a
This process of 'higher inward fall' Viktor
very powerful vacuum is created. If water is
was able to induce in varying degree in most
the medium used, for example, then for
of his devices, but principally in the so-called
every 1C of cooling the volume of its con-
'flying saucer' and 'biotechnical submarine'
tained gases reduces by 1/273 rd. On the
described later. Through the interaction
between centrifugal and centripetal forces
hand if normal air, which contains a certain
functioning on a common axis, he was able
quantity of water vapour, is used as the
implosively to return or re-transmute the
medium, the compaction of air to water
physical form (water or air) into its primary
involves a volumetric reduction of 816 to 1.
energetic matrix - a non-spacial, 4th, or 5th
At +4C 1 litre of water weighs lkg, whereas
dimensional state, which has nothing to do
1 litre of normal air weighs 0.001226kg.
with the three dimensions of physical exis-
An example of this implosive reduction is
tence. It was therefore possible in this way to
what happened to the American airship, the
remove matter or physical quantity from the
Akron, in the early years of airships. Filled with
physical world (creation of physical vacuity)
the inert gas helium instead of hydrogen, the
and, owing to the non-spacial, other-realm
latter having caused the explosion of the
quality of such a vacuum, to pack it as
Hindenburg through self-ignition, the Akron
almost unlimited amounts of pure, formative
mysteriously imploded on a cool and misty
energy into an energetic matrix akin to
morning as its helium reverted to water. The
memory, or the progenitive idea of the thing
reversion in this case means an almost instanta-
itself. In the manner of a holograph, this
neous 1800-fold decrease in volume. This
conformed in every respect to the physical
reduction in volume which is caused by a series
configuration of the reverse-transmuted sub-
of chain-reactions, is the biological vacuum and
stance. All that was required to release this
an ideal, environmentally harmless source of
huge potential, to unleash an enormous
motive power. As a biological vacuum forms
power and expansion back into physical
under conditions of continuous cooling, aeri-
existence, was the appropriate trigger, such
form gases are transformed into water and the
as heat or light.
gases contained in the water itself are further
In terms of what is here involved and at
transformed into volume-less substances.
what levels it operates, a recent paper on cold
In Viktor's machines, however, we are not
fusion that came my way in the middle of
only concerned with the spacial reduction of
writing this book, provides new and interest-
physical matter, but also with the concentration
ing insights. This paper on low-temperature
of its content of immaterial energies for, in its
nuclear fusion, published by the Russian
extreme form, the biological vacuum causes
Journal of Chemistry3, refers to the 'layered
these elements to lose their physicalness and
spaces', in which all truly fundamental nat-
revert to their higher ethericitical nature (transi-
ural phenomena and energetic interactions
tion from the third to the fourth or fifth dimen-
take place. Affirming the earlier discussion in
sions). This higher realm of being is what
chapters 3 & 4 on the causality of higher non-
Theosophical teaching refers to as the 'laya
spacial dimensions of energy that give rise to
point', the point of extreme potency, the eye of
physical genesis, this paper further states:
the needle as it were, through and from which
all manifesting energies are propagated. Viktor In our 'laboratory' space we observe only the result
called this process a 'higher inward fall', noting of a process, but it takes place in another layer of the
in his diary on August 14th, 1936: enveloping layered space. The authors then go on to
state that ...a physical vacuum is not a 'curved void',
I stand face to face with the apparent 'void', the as generally assumed, but a real material substance
compression of dematerialisation that we are wont consisting of elementary vacuum particles resulting
to call a 'vacuum'. I can now see that we are able to
21: Implosion 277

from annihilation conversion of, for example, a pro- ing longitudinal vortices at the bends of natu-
ton and an antiproton or an electron and a positron. rally flowing rivers. This takes place in a man-
In other words, proton-antiproton and electron- ner similar to the biodynamic production of
positron vacuums are a physical reality. However, '500 mix' described in chapter 19.
elementary vacuum particles exist not in our lab- The whole idea is to make the water
oratory space, but in another layer of envelop- breathe and inhale various trace-elements
ing space, and for us, making observation in and carbon-dioxide in a particular order to
laboratory space, they are virtual particles. Such, become mature. This is done by a simple one-
according to FFT4, is the real nature, and not the for- bladed impeller at the bottom, the pointed
mal nature, of virtual states: particles that really end of the egg, which automatically reverses
exist, not in our space, however, but in a space com- direction of rotation after a certain interval,
vlementary (in the mathematical sense) to it. during which an internal vortex has been
Elementary vacuum particles (EVP) and other created. Under the influence of a positive
virtual particles are states of the microworld temperature gradient and starting at a
that manifest themselves indirectly in labora- temperature of about +20C, in the initial
tory space through the results of processes tak- stages of this process (the starting tempera-
ing place in other spaces. ture should not exceed +27C), the energetic
[My emphasis - CC] and other potential of the base water is first
eliminated, before the water is regenerated to
I am almost tempted to say 'Q.E.D.', because
a much higher quality as the transformation,
this gives a very clear notion of what Viktor
or biosynthesis, proceeds.
Schauberger conceived as the essential nature
The egg-shaped vessel itself, which contains
of the biological vacuum, although he
about 10-11 litres, is made of copper or copper
produced it inter alia by rapidly cooling the
alloys, silver-plated where required, (i.e. bio-
medium of either air or water through the com-
metals, which have catalytic and diamagnetic
bined pulsating application of vortical centrifu-
or biomagnetic properties). The outer surface
gal and centripetal forces on a common axis. In
of the casing should be well-insulated and
addition the "layered spaces" referred to in the
encircled by cooling pipes, although a quan-
above quotation also give a more concrete con-
tity of ice can be used as a substitute or the
ception of those realms of reality Viktor
device placed in a refrigerator. This external
referred to as the 4th and 5th dimensions, anal-
insulation is also necessary to prevent any
ogous to the higher vibratory energetic states of
leakage of the bio-electrical and biomagnetic
c4, c5, proposed in chapter 4. As primary forma-
energies that the operation produces.
tive instruments, they could be likened to the
Before filling the egg, the base water, if not
unseen inner shells of an onion, which furnish
distilled water, should first be boiled to
the energies creating the outer form.
remove any bacteria. Boiling also eliminates
any other residual immaterial 'memories',
21.2 The Repulsator which may be directly harmful. The starting
product is then analysed for any deficiencies

T he device shown in fig. 21.1 is a later

development of Viktor's 1943 egg-shaped
spring water-producing machine, which was
in its chemical composition so that whatever
is added is in the right proportion, the yard-
stick for this being the chemical and gaseous
constructed in Sweden by the Biotechnical composition of high-grade mountain spring
Research Group headed by Olof Alexanders- water. Under no circumstances should the
son (the author of Living Water). The purpose base water contain any chlorine which would
of this apparatus is to regenerate old, stale produce complications in its final reconstitu-
water or create new mature water from dis- tion as high-grade spring water.
tilled water by in-rolling and out-rolling it Once this has been done, the egg is filled to
through the creation of alternating right and the brim with water in order to exclude all
left hand vortices, emulating the sequential atmospheric oxygen and air. The inlet valve is
alternation of negatively and positively charg- then closed and about 4 litres of water drained
278 Living Energies

off as carbon-dioxide is simultaneously intro- process. This should not be allowed to form
duced. When the drive motor is switched on too rapidly as it disadvantageously affects the
(about 300rpm), through vortical action and end product. The development of the vacuum
constant cooling the carbon-dioxide is can be monitored with a suitable meter,
absorbed into the water and is transformed absolute atmospheres of between 0.8 and 0.96
into carbonic acid, creating a vacuum in the being sufficient. As a structural form, the egg
is well able to resist this without collapse, the
main problem here being an air-tight seal,
which must be maintained at all times.
Apart from the liquefaction of the carbon-
dioxide, the effect of this vacuum is to cause the
intimate assimilation of the other ingredients
minerals and metallic trace-elements. Once the
water has reached the anomaly point of +4oC
the process of cold oxidation begins. Through
the centripetal formation of the vortices, the
carbones and hydrogen become highly active
and hungry for the now passive oxygen and
other elements, which become thoroughly
bound and produce a stable emulsion.
The whole operation takes about 3/4 of an
hour and is preferably carried out before
9.00am, after which it should be left to stand
in an external temperature of +3C - +4C for
24 hours, away from all light and heat, in
A schematic diagram of the apparatus for biosynthesis. order to become completely mature. If a
The ingredients for biosynthesis are added together
within the airtight egg shaped vessel made of synthetic
thunderstorm is imminent, then production
material. The contents are then set into a hyperbolic should be postponed until it has passed for
centripetal spiral motion by the specially-shaped agita- due to the associated rise in the number of
tor. A cooling coil provides the appropriate temperature positive ions in the atmosphere, the process,
control. The vessel is enclosed within an insulating shell
of hydrocarbon material to restrict the loss of 'implosion which involves the generation of negative
energy' created, instead concentrating it within the ves- ions, will not be a success.
sel so that biosynthesis can take place. The vacuum Initially the amount of carbon-dioxide used
meter monitors the 'biological vacuum' formed if biosyn-
thesis succeeds. can only be determined by experiment, i.e. by
tasting the finished product. If carbon-dioxide
is noticeable, then too much has been added,
whereas if the water is too hard, its calcium
content is excessive. If the water is both
refreshing and invigorating then the propor-
tions of carbon-dioxide and magnesium are
correct. Here the problem confronting all of us
is to know what refreshing and invigorating
water actually tastes like, because in the main
we are used to adulterated water, which while
wet does neither. However, if the water lacks a
refreshing taste or is indifferently invigorating,
both of which are qualitative factors, then in
the first case more magnesium should be
Apparatus for biological synthesis of spring water, con- added and in the second more carbon-dioxide.
structed by Swedish biotechnicians.
When drunk fresh from the egg, the effect of
Fig. 21.1 this water is to break down all the body's
21: Implosion 279

excess acidity, which allows any over-acidified processes. At the same time, it will raise water to
cells to breathe and take up oxygen, promot- any desired height, for which almost no power of
ing a rapid return to health. When drunk the any kind is needed.
temperature of the water should not exceed My machine is a body which consists of
+7C and should be drunk in small amounts internal and peripheral nozzles, which replace the
only. Above +9C the quality of the water valves of present machines or supplement them...
begins to deteriorate and precautions must be My machines only require the impulse and
taken to ensure it does not reach this tempera- manifest the reaction as an expulse, which not
ture. However, there is a time limit on its merely presses, but simultaneously sucks. This
drinking, because 24 hours after maturation then results in the creation of resistance-less
its diamagnetic energies disappear, which motion, due to the reciprocity which today's resis-
affects it healing qualities. According to Viktor tance makes use of as a "means of propulsion"'.
Schauberger this water can barely be differen- [Here Viktor's use of the word 'resistance' may
tiated from high-grade mountain spring-water also allude to the unbending attitude of estab-
and, if sipped slowly by an impotent man, he lished science - CC]
will regain his potency. The body is merely an antenna, whereas the
For the proportions of trace-elements transmitter is responsible for the phenomenon we
and other compounds in the mixture, the call "motion". Motion is a function of tempera-
following is a guide for about 10 litres of ments, which within and about themselves are
water: possessed of plus and minus in diverse shapes and


Potassium (K) = 0.0034 mg/kg Chlorine (Cl) = 0.0257 mg/kg

Sodium (Na) = 0.0776 mg/kg Sulphate = 0.1301 mg/kg
Calcium (Ca) = 0.0215 mg/kg Bicarbonate = 0.0638 mg/kg
Magnesium (Mg) = 0.00039 mg/kg Nitrite = 0.0001 mg/kg
Iron (Fe) = 0.00042 mg/kg Fluorine (F) = 0.0028 mg/kg
Manganese (Mn) = 0.0001 mg/kg Thiosulphate = 0.00055 mg/kg
Lithium (Li) = 0.00022 mg/kg Malic acid = 0.0754 mg/kg
Strontium (Sr) = 0.00047 mg/kg Metaboric acid = 0.00497 mg/kg
Aluminium (Al) = 0.0002 mg/kg Free CO2 = 0.0054 mg/kg

In spite of having previously described the sizes. Hence by altering the inner-atomic struc-
pernicious effects of chlorine in its pure form, ture, we can displace the centre of gravity and
in this context, however, chlorine is a neces- thereby achieve that which we regard as pure,
sary ingredient. Through the natural bio-elec- resistance-free motion; a motion, however, we
tromagnetic ionising processes occurring have for so long not understood, because we our-
during the maturation of the water it bonds selves are the resistance, which under the most
with other elements, producing hydrochloric difficult conditions, has to move itself in order to
acid, for example, which acts as a catalyst evolve.
and provides the optimum pH for pepsin, the
major enzyme in the digestive juices. The way this device functions is virtually the
same as the Repulsator but, instead of being
a sealed vessel in which the quantity of water
21.3 The Repulsine is fixed, the operation of this apparatus is
more or less continuous. The diagram, how-
I n a letter to Werner Zimmerman of 21st
May 19366, Viktor describes the Repulsine
(fig. 21.1) as follows:
ever, instead of the single-bladed impeller,
shows two nested, half egg-shaped, wavi-
form bowls made of silver-plated copper,
This machine (30cm wide, 50cm high) vaporises, mounted one above the other on the drive-
purifies and distills water by means of cold shaft, which otherwise do not touch one
280 Living Energies

another. In the outer bowl, inlets are incorpo- vacuum as the infused carbon dioxide is con-
rated at the base to permit the entry into the verted into carbonic acid, the increasingly
serpentine cavity between the bowls of the hungry carbones begin to bind the dissolved
raw water and ingredients entering at the top oxygen as the water cycles cycloidally
and flowing down the outside of the outer around the inside of the inner bowl. In this
bowl. In this waviform cavity the distance process the water becomes increasingly
between the two bowls gradually reduces dense and at the same time, imbued with
towards the top. levitational energies arising through cen-
In the process of flowing through, the tripetence and the negatively charged car-
water is subjected first to centrifugal force as bones' unsatisfied demand for positively
charged oxygen.
Since the area of greatest density is at the
centre of the downward vortex immediately
adjacent to the central riser pipe, whatever
water reaches a temperature of +4C impacts
on the smaller rotating dish of the gas separa-
tor and passes up the pipe. On the other
hand any as yet undissolved gases and other
elements, whose specific density is less and
volume greater than the +4C water, are
centrifugally impelled towards the exterior
by the gas separator to rejoin the internal
cycle until they too have been thoroughly
cooled and absorbed.
Once the water has entered the riser
pipe, which is of a design similar to the
double-spiral pipe shown in figs.14.2 & 14.4,
it then has the same composition and levita-
tional energies as mountain spring water
and will rise to any desired height. As such,
this device is not a pump, as there is no
pumping action, and it can therefore be
driven with a fairly modest electric motor,
it is impelled from the central axis upwards which is merely required to rotate the
and outwards, and then to a pulsating nested, waviform bowls and gas separator
centripetal force which imprints it with cer- alternately one way and then other as in the
tain vibrational energies as it cycloidally spi- device discussed earlier.
rals its way up through the narrowing
waviform cavity towards the open upper
chamber. As we have seen, water cools when 21.4 The Implosion Motor
moved centripetally in vortices so, by the
time this water reaches the upper, domed
chamber it has already cooled considerably.
In this cooler state and having been moved
I n this machine the water receives more or
less the same treatment as previously
described, namely the vessel is first filled to
centripetally, the water's existing content of exclude air and then drained to a certain level
carbones becomes increasingly stimulated. with the compensating infusion of carbon-
With the introduction of carbon-dioxide the dioxide. This device, while at the same
overall carbone content is increased improving the quality of its drive-water,
markedly. In combination with the down- is principally aimed at the generaton of
ward cooling vortical flow around the cen- power in the form of electricity, although
tral rising pipe which creates a partial mechanical power can also be ducted off it by
21: Implosion 281

attaching a pulley to the central shaft. The bio-magnetic (diamagnetic) for instance, or
design shown in fig. 21.3 is the result of what positive charges into negative charges and
I have managed to piece together from the vice versa. In this process resistance-produc-
various data in my possession and is ing elements are converted into motion-
intended to show the principle rather than an enhancing ones through which dynagens in
actual working machine. the form of levitational and diamagnetic
The development of this machine provided energies are generated.
Viktor with many headaches, because the A number of these whorl-pipes are then
whorl-pipes, the major components of the attached to a central hub, whose lower por-
device, were both extremely difficult to tion is formed as a hollow cone, the bottom
design proportionally and equally difficult to of which is well below water level. As this
fabricate. Viktor Schauberger based his initial inverted propeller or centripulser is caused to
design for these whorl-pipes on the shape of rotate by the electric motor on the shaft to
a Kudu antelope horn, the proportions of which the hub is attached, the water is sub-
whose spiral shape and reducing diameter jected to centrifugal force as it is centrifuged
approximate the Golden Section (Phi). Its down the whorl-pipes towards the exterior
configuration is also that of the cycloid-spiral while simultaneously experiencing a double-
space-curve, which is the radial->axial path spiral centripetal contraction as it passes
followed by the 'original' motion, or form- through. This causes extreme compaction
creating movement. and, when it eventually exits from the lmm
As a further refinement, whereas the diameter jet-nozzles at the tip of the whorl-
overall cross-sectional profile of the whorl- pipe, it does so with tremendous force due to
pipe is egg-shaped (as shown at the top right its high velocity and density.
hand corner of the diagram), in its finished At 1200 revolutions per minute and
form a 1/4 egg-shaped indentation is incorpo- depending on the actual radius of the cen-
rated, which runs for the full length of the tripulser as a whole, the original texts record
whorl-pipe and which, viewed as a cross-sec- the actual exit velocity at about 1,290 metres
tion along the length of the pipe, either per second, developing a thrust of 17.9 horse-
rotates in the same direction as the spiral power per jet, of which there are four per
twist of the pipe (left hand pipe on the whorl-pipe. l,290m/s is about four times the
diagram), or in the opposite direction (right- speed of sound and depending on the aper-
hand pipe on the diagram). Remembering ture of the jet-nozzles, this jet of water or air
the free-flowing function of the spiral-helical can be as solid and as hard as steel wire. The
pipe (No. 2) in the Stuttgart investigation following eye-witness report by a certain
(chapter 14), the shape of the whorl-pipe Gretl Schneider who accompanied Arnold
directs the water away from the pipe walls, Hohl, a Swiss during one of his frequent vis-
thereby reducing the friction and the its to Viktor Schauberger in 1936-37, gives a
associated resistance to a minimum or even a graphic description of this phenomenon7:
negative value. The effect of this centrifugal-
centripetal dynamic is twofold: firstly, it Mr. Viktor Schauberger has demonstrated the
imparts a double spiral motion to the water machine to me. The previous huge construction is
as it passes through, thereby cooling and con- no more. It has been reduced to half its former size
densing, it to its minimal volume; secondly, and in operation develops enormous power. I
in association with certain catalysts (Viktor poured a pot of water into the bottom of it. The
never revealed their true identity, but they machine produced an almost inaudible sound and
may be gold and silver laminates, viz. then a 'pfft' in the same instant and the water
patented spring-water device, chapter 15, or pierced right through a 4cm thick concrete slab and
silicates, see below), it apparently triggers the a 4mm thick super-hardened steel plate with such
inversion of the polarities of the contained force that the water-particles, invisible to the eye
substances. This may be the conversion from due to their high velocity, penetrated right through
magnetic into bio-electric and electric into all clothing and were experienced as lightning
282 Living Energies
21: Implosion 283

needle-pricks on the skin. Water-glass was also (electromagnetic vibrations) produced aston-
passed through and solidified in 5cm long hairs on ishing results. From its initial 15cm3 volume,
the outside of the casing, like bristles. the crystal increased in size by 800% and then,
in company with the experimental apparatus
While Gretl Schneider may well have thought weighing 25kg to which it was attached, levi-
that all she had poured into the machine was tated to a height of about 2 metres9.
common water, it was more probably water With no names mentioned in the above eye-
highly charged with silicates (compounds of witness report, here again we are confronted
silica and oxides - see chapters 11 & 13), since with the problem of precisely which machine
what was emitted was water-glass (Na2SiO3), a was involved, but it seems most likely to be the
white substance formed of a solution of sodium one described above. Returning to our consid-
silicate and water. With properties, some cat- eration of the whorl-pipes themselves, the tips
alytic, that Viktor considered vital to healthy of the whorl-pipes on which the nozzle-units
full-bodied water by way of emanations and are mounted are angled in the same direction
particulate matter, it was through the constant as the centripulser's rotation, here shown clock-
corrasion of quartz and silicia-bearing rocks wise on plan. The original whorl-pipes them-
that water was enriched with fresh elements selves, which on the diagram radiate rather like
and charged with pure energy (effect of tribolu- spokes, may have been more curved and
minescence - see chapters 8 & 13). Moreover, wrapped around the central hub in the direc-
the natural oscillating concentrative vortical tion of rotation as in fig. 1.3b.
flow of healthy water in streams also produced The design of the nozzle arrangement
his 'emulsions' from the fine dispersions of depicted here was suggested by Viktor's own
minerals and trace-elements, no doubt also sketch, which shows a cup-shaped cavity like
comprising silicates, which in the manner a scoop immediately behind the jets. The
described below endowed the water with those intent of this is to catch the full retro-pulsive
upstream-moving levitational energies that or recoil blast of the near-solid exiting water
enabled trout or salmon to surmount high as it ricochets off the vertically fluted or scal-
waterfalls. In their passage through this loped band of metal running around the
machine, the natural movement of such emul- inner periphery of the housing. Once suffi-
sions and the processes associated with them cient revolutions have been attained, the
were therefore faithfully copied. This intermix- effect of this recoil is to make the centripulser
ing, cohering function of vortical motion is also self-rotate, thereby relieving the driving
applicable to the creation of emulsions out of motor of some if not all of its load. While as
the gases and trace-gases of the atmosphere. shown here that the four jets are aligned per-
Using this machine in his research Viktor pendicular to the plane of rotation and
experimented with a number of different sili- impact simultaneously at one point on the
cate suspensions as 'fuels' to drive it. Due to scalloped peripheral ring, a more continuous
the rapid oscillation to which they were sub- retro-pulsive thrust would be achieved if
jected in their whirling passage through the they were placed one behind the other hori-
centripulser, both water and fine silica parti- zontally. In this way each jet would then
cles were homogenised through cooling vorti- recoil off the scalloped ring at a marginally
cal densation into a silicia gel or colloidal different time and angle.
solution, i.e. emulsions. In operation the outer As the electricity generator is mounted on
casing of the device also noticeably cooled. the same shaft, some of the electricity it pro-
Other references allude to the fact that duces is returned to supplement the drive
vibrated quartz particles in a dispersed con- motor if necessary, the remainder being free
sistency or colloidal suspension apparently energy for whatever purpose, which could be
exhibit levitational properties8, which are fur- used, for instance, to drive either of the devices
ther affirmed by experiments carried out in discussed previously. If this machine functions
the mid-1920s. Here the exposure of a quartz as Viktor maintains, then the generator ought
crystal to certain powerful radio frequencies to produce ten times more power than the
284 Living Energies

motor needs, in other words, there should be a the floor of the outer housing during opera-
nine-fold surplus of electric current. tion. This is attached to a threaded shaft and
In order to prevent the expressed water is screwed up to close off the lower intake
from continuing to circulate at high speed opening on the centripulser hub. Another
around the periphery of the containing important aspect, not to be forgotten, is that
vessel, vertical curved baffle-plates are fixed the whole machine should be very firmly
to the bottom and sides of the housing, which anchored to the floor to prevent it rising into
also direct the water back towards the central the air as a result of the powerful levitational
intake opening at the bottom of the centri- forces generated in the process.
pulser hub, where it is immediately sucked
upwards again with tremendous force to the
waiting mouths of the whorl-pipes. 21.4 The Trout Motor and the
According to Viktor Schauberger, a starter Biotechnical Submarine
motor is not strictly necessary and the initial
impulse can be given by hand-cranking or
with foot-pedals. Indeed the problem as with
most of his machines is not how to start it,
A further or parallel development of the
Implosion Motor is the Trout Motor. It
forms the nose cone at the bow of the Bio-
but how to stop it without damage, due to its technical Submarine, shown respectively in
high velocity rotation and the extraordinary figs. 21.4 & 21.5, which combines both cen-
repulsive force developed at the end of each tripulser and the waviform configuration of the
nozzle. For this, it has been suggested that nested bowls in the Repulsine (fig. 21.2). This
the best way is to cut off the water supply, centripulser, however, does not incorporate
which in fig. 21.3 is done by raising the whorl-pipes as such, but the vortical process is
coolie-hat shaped cone normally resident on apparently induced through the attachment of
21: Implosion 285

butterfly-wing shaped, curved foils to the inter- erful concentrative effect of centripetence,
nal surfaces of the two converging waviform which creates a strongly negatively ionised
diaphragms at certain intervals (not shown on atmosphere, that the oxygen they have already
the diagram), the effect of which causes the dri- absorbed, which becomes passive with cool-
ving medium, either air or water, to flow ing, is thoroughly bound and becomes equally
through as a series of vortices. The action and reduced to spacelessness. In other words both
function of these rilled diaphragms is similar to carbones and oxygen, together with any other
those of the gills of a stationary trout, whence elements or gases, are converted into a state of
this motor gets its name. high-frequency, inter-dimensional, potential
Two factors are active here. Firstly, in chap- energy, which only requires slight heating to
ter 4 it was stated that according to Viktor, the provide a massive expansion.
extreme limits of any pair of dialectic magni- Going back to the two different forms of
tudes (fig. 4.6) could only reach a boundary cold mentioned above, in fig. 21.4 we shall
condition of 96% in the physical world. examine how their sequential alternation is
Secondly, in chapter 7 two different systems of achieved. As the waviform centripulser
temperature, Types A and B, were both identi- rotates, the water (or air if that medium was
fied as rising and expanding, and falling and chosen) which is present between the two con-
concentrating forms of heat and cold. verging rilled diaphragms, is propelled
Using the media of air or water, with his towards the exterior through the action of cen-
machines Viktor was able, through the rapid trifugal force. As it vacates this space, it is
alternation of centripetal densation and diffu- replaced by more water entering through the
sion, to interrupt the normal reversion of falling vortical suction intake, which creates a partial,
and concentrating cold to heat, by converting and sometimes intense, vacuum in front of the
the cold to a rising and expanding form. When submarine into which it is drawn. The inten-
this reached its extreme limit of 96% it was then sity of this vacuum is dependent on the
reconverted to the falling and concentrating rotational velocity of the centripulser unit.
form. This produces an extremely rapid cooling As can be seen on the diagrams, the wavi-
with which Viktor was able to cool water from form surfaces of the two diaphragms are not
+20C to +4C within seconds. wholly parallel; that is to say, the respective
In this process the absorptive capacity of the crests and troughs of the two diaphragms are
carbones becomes so extreme under the pow- offset in their vertical relation, those of the
286 Living Energies

lower diaphragm being closer to the central instantaneous cooling (the precipitation of salts
axis than those of the upper. The effect of this and minerals occurs with cooling under the
is to create alternating widening and con- absence of light and air - chapter 9, section 9.3).
stricting spaces. The intervals between the This rapid physical expansion, however,
peaks of these rilled diaphragms, as well as occurs between the body of water lying astern
the space between them, decreases in the pro- and the submarine itself. In pressing outwards
portion of the Golden Section. against both of these resistances, it encounters
As the water enters the first constriction at the submarine's tapering hull and closes in
the bottom of the suction intake, it is against it, causing the submarine, like the sta-
impelled into further radial > axial, centr- tionary trout, to move forwards like a bar of
ipetal, vortical motion by the curved butter- slippery soap squeezed between the fingers.
fly foils situated just in front of the This forward motion is further intensified
constriction (not shown for reasons of dia- through the vacuum created at the bow by the
grammatic clarity) and cools under the influ- rapid intake of water by the centripulser.
ence of centripetally-induced falling and
concentrating cold. Having slipped friction-
lessly through the constriction, it then enters 21.6 The Klimator
the enlarging space and, with the temporary
transfer to axial > radial vortical movement,
it cools further under the influence of rising
and expanding cold.
T his device, apparently the size of a boy's
hat, is a generator capable of producing
temperatures belonging to Type A artificially
To get some idea of what is here involved, Viktor described it as a miniature copy of the
if you hold the palm of your hand in front of Earth which, through its 'original' form of
your open mouth and gradually purse your motion could produce both rising and expand-
lips as you exhale, the temperature of the ing cold and falling and concentrating heat, the
exhaled air increasingly cools. Through the former being lethal to all pathogenic bacteria.
successive alternation of these two forms of With very high revolutions, the copper-
cold, the water is cooled not only very alloyed centripulser causes ordinary air to
rapidly but, by the time it exits from the move above the speed of sound, which cen-
peripheral ports it is extremely dense, i.e. tripulses the air to the point of molecular col-
spacially reduced, and its content of carbones lapse and gives rise to a hitherto unknown
highly aggressive. In the same way that de- form of atomic energy. This can be intensified
oxygenated water is expelled from the gills of as desired by varying the rate of rotation, with
the stationary trout and passes down its flanks, the result that natural forms of either heat or
here too the super-cooled, carbone-rich water cold can be generated. With this device,
is thrust towards the stern of the submarine. instead of the usual hot head and cold feet
In this form of propulsion, however, we are symptomatic of conventional heating systems,
not principally concerned with mechanical the space is radiantly heated from above
effects of reverse thrust, which may contribute downwards in the same way that the Sun
to a certain extent, but rather with the sequen- heats the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, the
tial effects of physical dematerialisation at the whole space is evenly suffused with heat.
bow, followed by physical expansion at the On the other hand, at a different setting, the
stern. As shown on fig. 21.5 this transformed space is filled with an even dispersion of rising
water flows towards the rear of the elongated, and expanding cold, producing the fresh air
egg-shaped body of the submarine hull where experienced in mountainous regions. This vari-
it reacts with the outside water of different spe- ation in temperature conditions is achieved by
cific density, temperature and physical compo- the incorporation of a small electric heating
sition. This causes it to expand rapidly, not only resistance or element. When a high current is
because of the higher external temperatures, passed through it, the rotational velocity of the
but also because it reabsorbs those elements centripulser is reduced and warm temperature
which were precipitated during the near conditions prevail. On the other hand, when
21: Implosion 287

use either air or water as the driving medium.

There is also reason to believe that with this
device experiments were also made using sil-
ica gel as a propellant.
The first of these devices was manu-
factured at Viktor's own expense by the
Kertl company in Vienna in 1940 and
was subsequently further developed at
Schloss Schonbrunn. The purpose of these
prototypes was two-fold:
1) the further investigation of free energy
production, and
2) the validation of Viktor's theories on levi-
tational flight.
Whereas the first case required the upper
aerodynamic portion to be permanently fixed
to the base, the 2nd case required its attach-
ment to a quick-release coupling to permit its
ascent once auto-rotation and the generation
of levitational force had been achieved. To
initiate the energetic process, a small high-
speed electric motor was used, capable of
producing between 10,000 and 20,000rpm.
Despite its compact size, this machine
generated such a powerful levitational force
that when it was first switched on (without
Viktor Schauberger's permission and in his
absence!), it sheared the six 1/4" diameter high-
tensile steel anchor bolts and shot upwards to
the heat of this is reduced, the rate of rotation is smash against the roof of the hangar. According
correspondingly increased, producing the to Viktor Schauberger's calculations, based on
mountain quality air mentioned above. the data from previous tests, a 20cm diameter
device with a rotational velocity of 20,000rpm
would have generated levitational forces of
21.7 The Flying Saucer such magnitude that it could have lifted a
weight of 228 tonnes. Indeed, reports indicate

A far as can be determined, the so-called

'Hying Saucer' functioned using slight
modifications of the Trout Motor, but like the
that similar devices were built on a larger scale,
as shown by an excerpt from an article about
Viktor Schauberger written by A. Khammas in
Klimator, rotated at much higher velocities, as Implosion magazine, which states:
the driving medium was air. The two proto-
types shown in fig. 21.6 are different models There are many rumours about what
of the same device (prototypes A upper and B Schauberger was actually doing during this
lower). Whereas the Klimator is the size of a period, most of which suggest that he was in
boy's hat, the size of the flying saucer is about charge of developing 'flying discs' under
65cm in diameter. This may also be what has contract to the army. It later become known
been referred to as a 'vacuum machine', that 'the 'flying disc' launched in Prague on
which seems quite possible in the light of the the 19th of February 1945, which rose to an
condensing planetary movement of the media altitude of 15,000 metres in three minutes
in the Trout Motor, since the centripulser can and attained a forward speed of 2,200 kph, was
288 Living Energies

a development of the prototype he built incorporates the gearbox from which two
at Mauthausen concentration camp. Schauberger shafts protrude, one horizontally and the
wrote, 1 only first heard of this event after other downwards. The high-speed electric
the war through one of the technicians who motor was most probably connected to the
had worked with me'. In a letter to a friend, dated latter in order to spin the whole upper por-
the 2nd August 1956, Schauberger commented, tion up to the critical rotational velocities of
'The machine was supposed to have been between 10,000 and 20,000 rpm, above which
destroyed just before the end of the war on autorotation begins. Through reduction gear-
Keitel's orders.10 ing the horizontal shaft seems likely to have
been used for drawing off mechanical power.
Here, and just before going to print, I was As far as the direction of rotation is con-
extraordinarily fortunate in having been pre- cerned, since most electric motors (viewed
sented with more detailed photographs of from the shaftless end) rotate clockwise, then
the flying saucer from America by Richard C. as the motor is mounted below with drive-
Feierabend, a former commander in the shaft uppermost, the centripulser would be
United States Navy". These show the lower imparted an anticlockwise spin when seen
portion of what on the evidence would from above.
appear to be prototype A and will greatly The outer cowling A made of 1.2mm thick
facilitate the explanation of its function. copper sheet and with a central aperture can
Before doing so, however, we should famil- be seen in fig. 21.9, just below which there is
iarise ourselves with its construction by dis- an annular cast iron or aluminium ring about
mantling it layer by layer in conjunction with 5 cm deep and 1.5 cm thick projecting about
the cross-section (fig. 21.7) and the relevant 2cm beyond the cowling itself. This forms
illustrations (figs. 21.8-21.12). part of the base and is for ease of handling
In fig. 21.8 the flying saucer is shown and protection of the whole apparatus when
mounted on a heavy cast metal base that not in use. Through the aperture, part of the

Fig. 21.7 Cross-section through Flying Saucer

21: Implosion 289

immediately underlying concentrically rip-

pled plate or diaphragm, also of copper, can
be seen, which is depicted in toto in fig. 21.10.
On this uppermost rilled plate B a series of
slots s are incised at an angle on the inner
sloping faces of the 2nd and 3rd rings, the
slots on the inner 2nd ring being tapered
towards the base, longer in length, more
closely spaced and spanning from valley to
crest. Through these the indrawn air is part
sucked and part centrifuged into the space
between plate B and plate C, the latter plate
shown in fig. 21.11. When placed together as
a unit, the combination of both plates and
intervening waviform space w is what I refer
to elsewhere as a 'centripulser', since in the
form of multiple whorl-pipes or waviform
cavity both essentially fulfil the same func-
tion. In comparison with the cross-section in
fig. 21.4, where the centripulser element was
composed from written descriptions, here the
annular ripples of both plates B and C in
fig. 21.7 are much more angular and their
crests and valleys aligned vertically.
In comparing plates B & C, while both
have 5 regularly spaced rings of equal size,
the crest of the outermost being more
rounded, plate B terminates with a 6th much
wider peripheral cowl. Plate C, with only 5
rings, is nested inside an outer array of gill-
like curvilinear turbine blades t, which are
integral to plate D (fig. 21.12). While plates B
and C are waviform, plate D is flat and either
made of stainless steel, aluminium or silver-
plated copper, as are the gill-like turbine Cowling A and the outer rim of plate B on the
blades. The slots between the blades curve other hand are fixed to the turbine blade array
first one way and then the other, the blade with 12 countersunk screws, plate C being fas-
itself having a pronounced aerofoil shape. tened to plate D with 6 screws. Here, in view
Attached to the underside of plate D is a fur- of the electromagnetic and atomic reactions
ther component, a dependent copper periph- generated during operation, it seems likely
eral cowl E visible in fig. 21.11, which in that the various components were partially or
association with upper cowling A directs the wholly insulated from one another, the above
centripulser's emissions downwards and spacers perhaps being made of rubber or other
below the device. It also creates a concavity insulating material. The size of the holes in
on the underside of the craft by which it is cowling A would appear to confirm this, since
impelled upwards through the rapid expan- they would allow for the insertion of both fix-
sion of the previously dematerialised or ing screw and insulating sheath.
highly cooled and condensed air. One item, noticeable by its absence, is the
When assembled, plates B, C & D are fixed conical hub shown on both prototypes in fig.
together at the hub with 6 bolts and separated 21.6, which may be the vital component the
with spacers. Cowling E is attached to plate D. Russians took from Viktor's apartment in
290 Living Energies

Vienna (chapter 1). If so, it would have been has magnetic properties, is actually viewed
attached by a bolt screwed into the top of the as a magnetic or biomagnetic magnitude,
central shaft shown in fig. 12.9. It seems more then the whole picture changes and suddenly
likely that the model examined here is indeed many things become clearer. Instead of a dis-
prototype A, because there appear to be no crete subatomic particle, it can then be seen
fixing points on the second ring on plate B as a transpiercing, constantly moving force,
corresponding to those on the hub of proto- the vibrant life-force of the atom, through
type B (fig. 21.6). The fact that the hub of this which the atoms themselves evolve from
device totally covers the 3rd ring further con- hydrogen to uranium. It becomes the key
firms this, because the rapid intake of air energy-form that binds the nuclear particles
would be too constricted. In contrast, the together and which, in whole-numbered pul-
higher hub of prototype A has a number of sations representing the entity - neutron, res-
slots in the sides and top, which would per- onates with the electric fields of both proton
mit the free entry of air to the slots in rings 2 and electron alike to form stable atomic struc-
& 3. What actually happens inside the hub tures.
can only be speculated. Its half-egg shape, In Through the Curtain by Dr Shafica
however, could suggest an inner, but Karagulla12, wherein the magnetic nature of
inverted arrangement of the nested rilled the neutron is affirmed, it is also described as
bowls of the Repulsine described earlier (fig. a 'sounder binder', i.e., a higher form of
21.2), or some other form of centripetence vibratory energy but not a particle. Following
inducing mechanism. So much for the con- from the above, it is this binding ability that
struction. transforms the base material of the hydrogen
Before we address the internal dynamics in atom (1 proton+ and 1 electron-) into higher
more detail, it is first necessary to interpret atoms. Without the formation of the latter
Viktor's above reference to the "compression of and their subsequent combination into mole-
dematerialisation"', for which we must turn to cules, no life, no physical structures of any
basic physics. In particular, the characteristics kind would be possible. Magnetism or bio-
of the three most commonly known nuclear magnetism is therefore synonymous with
particles, the electron, proton and neutron, vitalising, animating neutronic energy and in
which respectively have the following exter- energetic realms the neutron has thus a simi-
nal charges and relative atomic masses: lar function to water in the physical world.
Electron -, 0.000549 kg; Proton +,1.007277 kg; Furthermore, if the neutron's cohering
Neutron zero, 1.008665 kg. Since the neutron activity is braked, such as happens with
carries no external charge, it has hitherto paraffin wax for example, then radioactive
been assumed that any internal positive and decay results, which is analogous to the
negative charges have cancelled each other decline in the health and stability of a human
out, i.e. there is no measurable external elec- if its regular 'pulsations' of good drinking
tric charge. According to current theory, water cease. It is also to be remembered here
because the neutron has zero charge it is able that it is biomagnetism as an expression of
to penetrate the open structure of the atom levitation which is responsible for the
and this way, through bombardment with a 'uprightness and right-side-upness' of all
single neutron, a given element can be trans- organic life. When the uplift of life-force
formed into one with the next higher atomic decreases, the ponderous effect of gravity
number. Moreover, this 'uncharged' neutron increases. Curiously enough, the combined
is able to generate a magnetic field, although masses of both electron and proton amount
the origin of its 'magnetic-ness' apparently to 1.007826 kg, which is 0.000839 kg less than
still remains an enigma. the 1.008665 kg mass of the neutron. This
Here let us take a leaf out of Viktor seem to furnish further confirmation of the
Schauberger's book and turn our thinking necessity for the slight predominance of mag-
through 180, for if the neutron, which has netism over electricism if life is to continue
been observed to pulsate rhythmically and and upwardly evolve as discussed in chapter
21: Implosion 291
vibration of the two enclosing waviform
plates, as happens with loud-speakers, which
further enhances the rapid emulsification of
the aeriform substances.
Exposed to higher and higher velocities
and forces in this centripulsing process, the
air molecules are subjected to express cooling
and more and more extreme densation
through the simultaneous interaction of cen-
trifugal and centripetal force. As we have
seen above, the transformation of air into
water produces an 816-fold reduction in vol-
ume and at lower revolutions the cen-
tripulser may well expel a certain amount of
water as a result. The vacuity created by such
a reduction in volume, however, produces an
increasingly powerful suction into which
more air is drawn. This happens so rapidly
that an area of atmospheric rarefaction or
partial vacuum is created immediately above
the saucer. As the process continues and with
high-speed revolutions in the order of
20,000 rpm, both vacuum and densation
become intense. Indeed the centripulsion and
the intensity of densation become so extreme
and the resultant close-packing of the mole-
cules so tight that the molecular and nuclear
binding energies or valencies are affected in a
way that triggers the antigravity effect. Apart
from molecular compression, a point is
4. Through their 180 reinterpretation and re- reached where a large number of electrons
examination many other factors in physics and protons with opposite charges and direc-
may also corroborate this other view of the tions of spin are forced into collision and
neutron. annihilate one another. As lower rather than
With the above in mind we shall now pos- higher orders of energy and the basic build-
tulate a process that could enable the saucer ing blocks of atoms, they are upwardly
to fly. Leaving aside the unknown role of the extruded as it were out of the physical and
half-eggshaped hub, in principle what may into virtual states.
happen is this: Due to the centripulser's high In other words, they have been com-
rate of rotation, air is drawn into the serpen- pressed back into their 4th dimensional ori-
tine cavity between plates B and C via slotted gins, creating what Viktor referred to as a
rings 2 & 3 on plate B, where it is subjected 'void' in the physical matrix, which in turn
initially to powerful centrifugal forces that increases the inward suction of air to fill it.
cause the air molecules to accelerate This is no inert, empty vacuity, however, but
axially->radially away from the centre. In a living vacuum of huge potential, for all it
addition to being centrifuged, the air is made now contains is pure neutronic energy, which
to oscillate rapidly up and down at the same in the light of the above should be the most
time forming tight radial->axial vortices at primordial of life-cohering essences and
each bend in the waviform cavity, which therefore originate from higher, more sub-
increasingly cools and condenses it. This limely dynamic realms such as the 5th. Freed
oscillating air also induces the sympathetic of its function as the magnetic 'cement' of the
292 Living Energies

problematic, because the key factor of the

direction of rotation, while mooted above to
have been anticlockwise, may actually have
been the opposite. On strictly aerodynamic
principles, the rapid passage of the air-emul-
sion through the aerofoil-shaped turbine
blades (fig. 21.12) and its subsequent expul-
sion ought to create a 'lift' in a clockwise
direction. This direction may indeed be
correct, for in view of the vast magnitude of
the forces in question, the extreme suction,
extreme densation, extreme expansion, and
in a certain sense the intense vacuum created
over-unity supply of aeriform propellant, the
whole apparatus may well disobey estab-
lished laws and autorotate.
On the other hand, the levitative effect may
have been produced by other means. Having
inspected the device personally at Feiera-
bend's home literally two days before this
now dematerialised particles, it interacts and book went to print, the upper 'saucer' section
energises the atomic nuclei of its physical appears to be securely attached to the lower
diamagnetic counterpart, the copper compo- heavy metal casting containing the driveshaft
nents of the flying saucer, endowing them and gearbox. There is no indication of any
with antigravitational properties that con- quick-release mechanism by which the upper
tribute towards the craft's ascent. portion could detach itself from the lower,
The other contributor to levitation is the thus allowing the 'disc' to rise autonomously.
expulsion of the densely compressed emul- From this it would seem that while it was able
sion of molecules and atoms that have not to autorotate, this particular device was des-
been 'virtualised'. Passing through the aero- tined for energy production as mentioned ear-
foil slits of the turbine blades t, which diffuse lier. However, due to the extreme power of the
and separate them prior to their exit between levitation energies generated, it did so by acci-
outer cowl A and inner cowl E, they subse- dent, rather than by design. Recalling Profes-
quently expand with tremendous rapidity in sor Ehrenhaft's findings with regard to the
the zone beneath the saucer, creating a strong light-induced movement of fine particles and
pressure that thrusts it further into the area of the magnetising effect of light on matter in
rarefaction created above. In addition a Chapter 1 where it was established that the
glowing bluish-white discharge akin to ioni- forces involved in the spiral motion of the par-
sation is produced. In this instance, however, ticles were 70 times stronger than gravity, then
since no thermal effects are apparent apart it may possibly be due to this effect that levita-
from extreme cooling, we are here more tion of the device occurred. It has been
probably concerned with triboluminescent reported that this machine emitted a halo of
bio-magnetic phenomena (chapters 8 & 13). bluish-white light around the lower perimeter
Due to the mutual pressures exerted through of the outer cowling A (fig. 21.9) when in
exposure to such high compressive stress, the operation, which has been described earlier as
protons and electrons of the various elements bio-magnetic light rather than ionisation. Dur-
in the dense aeriform emulsion quickly ing the emulsion of the elements of the
return to their former rest-orbits upon their indrawn air, a higher form of tribolumines-
release, and in so doing emit a cold bio- cence may have been produced between the
magnetic glow. The final point concerns two rilled diaphragms due to the mutual
the question of autorotation. This remains 'abrasion' of the particles under extreme cen-
21: Implosion 293

tripetal compaction, which would have in- tionised, rendering the present use of envi-
fused and iridesced the whole of the intersti- ronmentally polluting fuels and the machines
tial space. As blue-white light it would have they drive obsolete. Moreover, water of a
had a far higher frequency and intrinsic supreme quality can be produced very
energy than red for example, and causing the cheaply, which will not only vastly improve
particles of the air to spiral at extremely high the health of humanity as a whole, but also
velocities in the way described in Prof. the fertility and quality of produce grown
Ehrenhaft's research. In the process they could with its use.
well have been endowed with the same pow- As a final note while the production of suf-
erful antigravitational force, which, 70 times ficient energy is one of the major problems
stronger than gravity, would have been of suf- confronting the world today, despite the
ficient power to shear the anchor bolts cast obvious advantages offered by these
into the concrete floor and lift the whole appa- machines, it must still be remembered and
ratus to the ceiling. These important questions, emphasised that the whole basis of life on
however, indeed all the processes described this planet depends on the increase in the
above, the effects and energies they produce amount of vegetation and forest cover. In
and the extent to which they interact can only order to bring about the change for the better
finally be resolved through experiment. that we all so fervently desire, it is therefore
With the use of the various apparatuses necessary to institute both energy and reaf-
described very briefly above, not only can forestation programmes simultaneously, the
virtually free energy be generated, but the latter being given financial priority, for it is
whole system of transport can be revolu- the one in most urgent need of attention.


1. For full texts see the Ecotechnology series Viktor 8. p. 78, ibid. Synopsis of a report on the work of
Schauberger's own writings in four volumes: The Kowski and Frost originally published with pic-
Water Wizard, Nature as Teacher, The Fertile Earth, tures in the September 1927 issue of "Science and
and The Energy Evolution, collected, translated Invention".
and edited by Callum Coats, Newleaf, Dublin 9. Mensch und Technik (spec. ed.): Para 7.7.9.
1997-2000. 10. "Implosion" No. 83, p. 19, from an article by A.
2. Mensch und Technik, Year 24, Vol.2,1993, (Spec.ed, Khammas entitled "The Emergence of
para.7.7.8): devoted to recently discovered infor- Biotechnology" ("Aufbruch der Biotechnik").
mation on Viktor Schauberger contained in the 11. These photographs are of an apparatus, purport-
Swiss, Arnold Hohls' notebook. edly Viktor Schauberger's owing to its history
3. "New Approach to Cold Fusion" (Low-Tempera- and shape, although there are no identifying
ture Nuclear Fusion), by I.L. Gerlovin, R.Kh. marks. In October 1994 it was given by Karl
Baranova, and P.S. Baranov, Zhurnal Obshchei
Khimii, Vol.62, No.l, pp.230-232, Jan.1992, pub- Gerchsheimer to Richard C. Feierabend, a former
lished in English by Plenum, Article No. 0022- commander in the United States Navy, who very
1279/92/6201-0193. kindly made the photos available to me in time
4. FFT stands for 'Fundamental Field Theory'. for publication.
5. "The Production of Noble Water" ("Die Her- 12. Through the Curtain by Dr Shafika Karagulla
stellung von Edelwasser") by Aloys Kokaly: (dec'd), in a chapter on p. 194 the neutron is
Implosion No.36, p.32. described as having magnetic properties and the
6. Mensch und Technik (spec.ed.): pp. 42-43. source of what is commonly termed magnetism.
7. "Viktor Schauberger's Repulsator - Excerpts from De Vorss & Co., Marina del Rey, CA, 1983.
an interview" Mensch und Technik vol.2, 1986,
pp. 65-77.

H aving now moved gently through existing at a given time in a given space, a
Viktor Schauberger's broad concep- space that grants each its special identity and
tual spectrum and its practical imple- characteristics and which cannot give birth to
mentation, which has by no means been any other entity because it is already occu-
treated exhaustively, we have perhaps pied by the evolving entity in question.
become aware of the scope that this com- Therefore, a little to the right, a little to the
pletely new environmental and ecological left, a little up or a little down, the prevailing
paradigm offers the future. We have seen conditions are marginally different and, in
how the outpouring of energy in all its consequence give rise to a marginally
various dimensions and provenances is the different form which, while very similar is
primary cause, not only of ourselves, but of nevertheless not exactly identical.
all we see around us, representing as it does Recalling Goethe's poem in chapter 3, as
the agency through which the originating individualities we are all inextricably inter-
idea is manifested by the Will-to-create. woven into the vital matrix of life as the
As an expression of this higher desire, Life physical manifestation of vortical concentra-
is procreated and projected into physical tions, or whirling, vibrating cores of the uni-
manifestation through the synthesis of duali- versal energy that dynamises this whole
ties. The reciprocal interaction between pairs Universe. We therefore cannot separate our-
of opposing energetic magnitudes, the differ- selves from it or from one another and, could
ences and diversity thus arising, produces we but see all these energies with our naked
the eternal pulsation and the ceaseless cycles eyes, we might truly appreciate how inter-
that are life's hallmarks. This unstable state of connected we all are with everything else.
evolutionary equipoise, founded often on While science purports to be the greatest
extremely subtle differences in temperature, exponent of objectivity, it too must eventually
represents a particular level of energy. It can admit that the parameters it defines are
easily be upset if, through lack of under- subjective in their origin.
standing, effect is mistaken for cause, or What, after all, is measurement? Where do
worse, all these vital differences are we start measuring and at what scale? This
expunged in the pursuit or imposition of uni- depends on what is to be measured; whether
formity. it is the distance between stars in light-years
Life is the manifestation of the harmonious or the separation between atoms in
interaction of individualities, each with its angstroms. It is a purely subjective decision
own qualities and particular capacities, which yardstick is applied to which. Due to
which are impossible to compute. No two the fine attenuation of its energies, the
naturally created things can ever be truly extreme radius of action of the electron is
identical because, in their creation they are today still not known with any degree of
the products arising from the influences accuracy, nor where its energetic effect ulti-

22: Last Thoughts 295

mately ceases, some holding the view that it the overriding goal, each scientific discipline
extends even to the furthest extremities of the splitting into further and further branches.
Cosmos. The synthesis and ultimate unity of all
Should this be the case, where do we, as phenomena have therefore been lost under
individuals, end and where do others begin? the plethora of minutiae.
Where is the clear unequivocal division All the various branches of science are
between you and me or between me and any becoming increasingly splintered into smaller
other creature or organism on this planet? and smaller fragments and as each fragment
While at the level of the atom, the separation analyses further, then another split follows
between one thing and another becomes and overall comprehension diminishes com-
problematic, at the level of electrons and the mensurately. More and more resonant sys-
even smaller quarks this defies definition. We tems of atoms are smashed in particle
must, therefore, admit to ourselves that we accelerators to try to perceive, for just one
too are part of every other. Each of us is split second, the essential nature of the forces
Atlas, bearing the world upon his or her and energies that cohere them. What emerges
shoulders. in the patterns of destruction produced in
At any given moment the world is as it is cloud-chambers are spiralling energies whirl-
because we, as individuals are in it. For when ing to left and right, endowed with either
each individual, possessed of his or her own positive or negative charges, which either
personal vibrations and emanations, electro- separate, forming tighter and tighter vortices,
magnetic and otherwise, passes away, the or impact together and vanish completely.
balance of the whole alters very slightly to Ultimately all that has been seen is a particu-
restore a new state of equilibrium. Each of us lar form of movement, but no clue is revealed
has an inescapable responsibility for the well- as to what the quintessential nature of move-
being of the whole, for through the power of ment is and whence it originates.
our thoughts, behaviour and physical actions Denying even the possibility of the exis-
it is we who largely determine the outcomes. tence of a higher direction of affairs, we have
In all honesty, therefore, we can no longer turned our back on the central source of light,
declare that the ubiquitous impersonal 'they' the hub of the cosmic wagonwheel, as it
should do something about it, for the buck were. As we stand on the spokes of this
stops with each one of us. Would we strive wheel, looking out into the darkness, and
for a better future, we must ensure that our move further and further into the looming
activities are harmonious and in accord with obscurity, our shadows lengthen and increas-
Nature's omnipotent laws, for it is through ingly abstract and complicated theories are
their contradiction and arrogant disregard proposed in order to explain this false reality.
that we have brought about our own undo- Moreover, as we move out, the gap between
ing. one spoke and the next widens, communica-
This process of devaluation and devolution tion between them becoming increasingly
we have instigated has been accelerating on difficult as their common root lies so far
its downward path in step with the accelera- away. There is no cohesion. Incoherence mul-
tion of mechanistic materialism. With our tiplies. Our analytical approach to life has
more celestial connections thus conveniently therefore blinded us to the true realities and
buried and competitiveness rising under the underlying interdependencies.
desire for the acquisition of material wealth, Religion has also constricted the minds of
we wished to become creators and masters of humanity, the word religion itself being
the world controlling supply and demand. So derived from the Latin root 'religere', which
we, like the Prodigal Son, began to take this means 'to bind back' or 'to tie down'.
world apart piece by piece to see how it had Personalised concepts of a God or gods
been put together. Analysis of everything above us have dimmed the majesty of the
down to the smallest detail, while valuable as ECI - Eternally Creative Intelligence - and
the dialectic counterpart of synthesis, became have set us apart and outside as separate
296 Living Energies

entities, instead of being contributing divini- genesis. We should, therefore, adopt the
ties within the body of the Divine. Through Tibetan concept of 'Ahimsa', of harmlessness
religion and its dogmas, a high fence has to all sentient beings, for such is the inte-
been erected between us and our rightful grated inter-dependency of all life that when-
spiritual potential but, more importantly, ever we harm the environment or even the
between us and our full intercommunion smallest of creatures, we inevitably harm our-
with the ECI as represented by Nature. This selves, and with their death we too are dimin-
has subjugated us initially to the dictates of ished.
an all-powerful Church, later to be followed While this may smack of rank idealism, we
by an all-powerful science. are nevertheless forced to admit that our pre-
Our station as the Chosen of God and sent ideals and value systems have brought
being made in His or Her image has caused us no Utopia. While there have been tremen-
us to regard the Nature that nurtures us dous improvements in many areas of human
solely as our private preserve and as an endeavour and compassionate understand-
object for exploitation. But what of the rest of ing, despite the constant promises of recov-
Creation? Are not all other creatures also ery, the human world is still in total disarray
made according to the images of the ECI? both economically and socially, and full of
For we certainly are not responsible for conflict. Intolerance is rife with man against
them. Despite all our scientific advances, woman, sect against sect, nation against
even in genetics, we cannot actually create nation, while the rich are comfortably
Life. We still cannot create that unknowable, buffered against increasing poverty and pri-
unnameable spark that animates and quick- vation with full bellies just as bulbous as the
ens, however much we may poke and prod bloated stomachs of the starving.
at what we have created. More and more restrictions are placed on
These other creatures, too, are on the our freedoms of word and deed, ostensibly
upward path of their evolution and since the desirable and for the good of all, while their
procreation of new life-forms and fundamen- reverse side insidiously claps yet another
tally new species is beyond our power, we do shackle on our independence. Falsity is
not have the right to deny them their right to heaped on falsity and one deception after
exist. Indeed the sixth of the Ten Com- another is foisted on us by those who seek to
mandments given to Moses states unequivo- regulate events for their own benefit, while
cally "Thou shalt not kill!". This command is controlling every aspect of our lives by
not qualified in any way and, if we assume immersing us in irredeemable debt. Where is
that it is the true record of what was then there any real humanity in all of this? Is this
stated, it should taken to mean what we truly believe life is all about and is
precisely what it says. Its meaning is further this how we would have it continue?
amplified by verse 29 in Genesis: We are not alone in our travails, however,
for this state of human strife, discord and
And God said, Behold I have given you every herb
spiritual instability is also mirrored in an
bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the
increasingly diseased and sickening Nature
earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree
who, in her present high state of fever shiv-
yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
ers between record heat and record cold.
Through our sheer arrogance and supposedly Mother-Earth is now seeking, with all the
'special' position, however, we have per- forces at her command, to re-establish her
verted these directives to suit our own pur- own equilibrium and health, thrashing about
poses and to absolve us from all responsibility with increasingly violent storms, sweating in
for the death of lesser beings which, in our catastrophic floods, parching with devastat-
blindness, we do not see support our very ing droughts, writhing in all-consuming
existence. These, too, are infused with the conflagrations and shivering in rending
spirit of the ECI and are part of the same earthquakes. Beset from all sides by these
intelligence that has given rise to our own awesome and terrifying events, we have the
22: Last Thoughts 297

effrontery to call them 'natural disasters', subordinate state, and very much in the same
blaming Nature for what we ourselves are suppressed condition that women generally
responsible. For in the light of all that has are today. With Atlantis destroyed, in the
been written previously, there can be little ensuing chaos the subjugated males seized
doubt that we are the true instigators of the opportunity to reverse their intolerable
these cataclysmic episodes. These are not situation, taking initiative and power back
'Acts of God', but misdeeds directly attri- from women.
butable to the senseless activities of With the increasing suppression of women
humankind. in historical times, the centrifugal nature of
We therefore urgently need to propose a maleness and the divisiveness associated
new set of higher ideals and work towards with it gradually became more and more out
their realisation. Of necessity they must be at of balance. Mother-Earth was raped and
variance with those to which we presently shorn of all her treasures. Wars broke out as
subscribe and may cause much discomfort to squabbles over land and wealth multiplied.
those people who would resist or cannot Rivalry between men and other men
accept change. increased as nation rose against nation. With
Before we set about proposing these new few restraints to stem this rising disintegra-
standards of behaviour and conduct, certain tive surge, women were further debased as
factors should perhaps be entertained, which competitive ideology gained ground, which
may perhaps throw light on the origins of the has not only led to acceptance of competition
present status quo. In Viktor's view, the physi- as one of the principle strategies governing
cal conditions of the human world and life and behaviour, but also to the view that
Nature are the direct, legitimate and inevit- the workings of Mother-Nature are equally
able outcome of humanity's spiritual con- competitive. Here it is to be remembered that
cepts and ideological convictions. They these doctrines, both in religion and science,
comprise the vis generatrix, as it were, which were mainly laid down by men.
today has resulted in the over-predominance In the process, we have again arrived at a
of centrifugence, explosion and over-heating, world condition analogous to that which
phenomena that are about to destroy our may have destroyed Atlantis so many thou-
civilisation. Historically such a disaster over- sands of years ago. The difference here being
took humanity before in the cataclysmic that, this time, we are about to destroy the
destruction of Atlantis, which Viktor held to planet as a result of the vast over-dominance
be the result of the artificial over-stimulation of our centrifugal technology and its bed-
of the levitative forces of implosion. Apply- fellow, our competitive ideology. Of late the
ing Viktor's logic to the analogous and now inevitable reaction has again become mani-
looming situation confronting humankind, it fest as women fight for their rightful place as
could be inferred that Atlantean society and equals in a society composed almost evenly
technology were founded on concepts anti- of men and women.
thetical to those to which we presently Unless enormous and sensitive care is
adhere. From fig. 4.6 (p.63) we remember that taken, there is a great danger that everything
levitation and implosion are associated with will go overboard towards the opposite
centripetence, carbones and the cooperative extreme and once again get wildly out of bal-
nurturing aspect of the female. By extension, ance. Both womankind and mankind should
Atlantean society may well have been matri- therefore carefully, objectively and unemo-
archal in which women would have held the tionally review the present situation from a
principal positions of authority - queens, much higher perspective before taking any
high-priestesses and oracles being much in irreversible steps. As we have seen in the dis-
evidence in recorded history. Under such a cussion of the male fertilising function of
societal organisation in which feminine oxygen in its interaction with the fructigenic
aspected energies and aspirations were female carbones, when oxygen, which is
supreme, it is conceivable that men were in a associated with and becomes highly active
298 Living Energies

through centrifugence, gets the upper hand, dinary personal courage and self-sacrifice,
it becomes aggressive and destroys. On the the conservative, self-interested forces and
other hand, with cooling it becomes passive oppressive powers that strive to maintain the
and is bound by the female carbones, status quo.
through which all life and evolution harmo- Change is most certainly in the wind, but
niously unfold. there will be no immediate change for the
Perhaps, therefore, in the light of this better until fundamentally new programs
natural evolutionally productive and repro- based on long term targets are put in
ductive phenomenon, the role of men should hand and a new natural economic philosophy
not be to lead arrogantly on all occasions on is espoused, remembering always that last-
the false assumption that this is a man's world ing economic prosperity of any kind is
which, as we have seen has brought such founded exclusively on an abundance and
disaster upon us, but should be to lend their maintenance of healthy greenery and whole-
greater physical strength, generally more some water.
technical know-how and other comple- If we would rebuild the forest, we cannot
mentary abilities, to a new society in which expect to reap any rewards in good quality
governance should be mainly, but not entirely, timber for 200 to 300 years, for it takes
directed by women. Apart from their many that long for many trees to mature and
other attributes, on this Mother-Earth women produce high-quality seeds. In earlier cen-
are the sustainers of the future, of which turies, people were far more aware of the
strife, discord and division are the greatest continuity of life and the necessity to make
enemies. provision for posterity. They planted avenues
For evolution to proceed harmoniously of oaks, knowing full well that they would
there has to be the right balance between never see them in their full maturity. More
antitheses; that is to say, the activity of all the than ever before, this responsible attitude
various magnitudes in the right hand column towards the environment needs to be
of the table in fig. 4.6 (p.63) have to predomi- resuscitated.
nate slightly. However, it should be equally Our role should, therefore, be that of
remembered that no single aspect can exist guardians of the future, of helpers, restorers
without its counterpart. There can be no exis- and nurturers of all life, all the more so
tence for electricism without magnetism, no at this late hour if we are not to inaugurate
gravity without levity, no Mother-Earth with- our own oblivion. Too many species, each
out Father-Sun, no woman without man. with its special characteristics and activities
Indeed, it may well be, too, that the ECI can- as instruments in Nature's orchestral
not exist unless we also exist as part of It. The masterpiece, largely still a mystery to us,
ECI is the inseminator of the idea and we and have been sacrificed as our innate spiritual-
all other life are the products of Its fecund ity and sensitivity have been debased in
manifestation. the pursuit of economic and material well-
A growing number of individuals, such being. In order to acquit ourselves properly
as Prof. David Bohm (Wholeness and the in the future and to restore to ourselves the
Implicate Order1), the astronomer Sir Fred former dignity, worthy of administrators of
Hoyle (The Intelligent Universe2) and many the ECI's creative plan, we may once have
others, have presented entirely new concepts possessed, it is high time that we took
of the cosmos, its functions and how it serious stock of what we have done and
came into being, thereby contributing why we have done it, for which an all-
towards the growing impetus for the genera- encompassing integrated overview is
tion of a new paradigm. Organisations such absolutely essential.
as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and Encompassing as it does a brief interpreta-
many more are on the increase, composed of tion and synthesis of Viktor Schauberger's
thinking people who see the urgent need for theories, if nothing more, this book may have
change and who oppose, often with extraor- given us a small glimpse of the obverse side
22: Last Thoughts 299

of what we presently perceive as reality. It is about, let me quote Viktor Schauberger once
becoming more and more clearly evident that more:
we need to change our ways and practices
'How else should it be done then?', was always
drastically if we are to survive as a race. If it
the immediate question. The answer is simple:
is to remain at the cutting edge of human
Exactly in the opposite way that it is done
endeavour, science too, as a leading influence
on human thought and activity, will have to
raise its sights and thinking one octave What is needed, therefore, is a volte face, a
higher. In the process it will, perhaps, begin complete about-turn. We need to turn our
to appreciate its lack of omniscience and minds and bodies through 180 and once
approach matters with a far greater humility more face the central light of truth. Then
than it has to date. all shadows vanish instantaneously, all
From all our analytical studies, it must obscurity disappears and in the bright illu-
have become increasingly apparent that mination, we shall be able to perceive with
knowledge is unlimited and, therefore, how- great clarity all the various threads of life,
ever much we may think we have learnt, it is the widespread spokes of the cosmic wag-
still relatively insignificant when measured onwheel, returning and interconnecting with
against the infinite, or the knowledge and one another in the gleaming hub from which
wisdom immanent in realms and dimensions they all spring.
beyond our ken. As a vital first step, the Suddenly all is simple, all complicated the-
development of a new technology, an eco- ories which have attempted to explain the
technology, harmonious and conforming to inscrutable blackness fall away, banished into
Nature's laws, is imperative and will demand the gloom from whence they came. All at
a radical and fundamental change in our way once there is light and, if we raise our eyes,
of thinking and our approach to the interpre- we may even become aware of the sublime
tation of the established doctrines and facts source from which all life, movement and
of physics, chemistry, agriculture, forestry being on this lonesome, but beautiful planet
and water management. As a pointer as to have sprung - that eternal, ethereal brilliance,
how such a new technology should come radiant within the outer light.

1. Wholeness and the Implicate Order, by David Bohm: 2. The Intelligent Universe, by Sir Fred Hoyle: Michael
Ark Publishers. Joseph, London, 1983.
3. Our Senseless Toil, Pt.I, p.10.

While the author sincerely believes in, and has no reason to doubt, the veracity and efficacy of the hydraulic or
implosion theories, processes and apparatuses described in this book, he has not personally carried out any practical
investigation, nor constructed any of the relevant devices and therefore cannot accept responsibility for any
unsatisfactory experimentation.

Abrasion: A process in which one material is interface with the heartwood, the annual ring
caused to rub against another. Where one mate- proper is formed.
rial is harder than the other, the softer will be Carbones: Principally those basic elements and
reduced in size or smoothed by the removal of raw materials of carbonous nature, although the
minute fragments. (See concision) term also includes all the elements of the chemist
Bioelectricism: A higher, more ethereal form of and physicist with the exclusion of oxygen and
electricity involved in electrical interactions in liv- hydrogen. They are what Viktor Schauberger
ing systems and tissues. It is responsible for the called "Mother-Substances", as they form the
healthy decomposition (not putrefaction) of for- matrix from which all life is created.
merly living matter and the subsequent transmu- Centrifugence: The function of so-called cen-
tation of this into development-ripe raw material trifugal force, which acts from the inside out-
in consort with its counterpart - biomagnetism. wards. This is conventionally thought to eject
Biomagnetism: A higher, more ethereal form of any material exposed to it radially from the
magnetism and the counterpart of bioelectri- centre outwards, whereas in actual fact the
cism. It is the form of magnetism responsible material is expelled tangentially.
for uplift (both physical and spiritual), levita- Centripetence: The function of centripetal
tion and the generation of life-enhancing force. This is a force that acts from the outside
energies. inwards. Its most frequently observed manifes-
Biometal: An alloy of two or more different tation takes the form of vortices.
metals with opposite charges and valencies, Centripulser: A device having a number of
such as silver, which has a positive charge, and whorl-pipes attached to a central hollow hub,
copper with a negative charge. According to whereby the medium (water or air) is moved in
Viktor Schauberger the former possesses male such a way that the forces of centrifugence and
attributes and the latter, female. centripetence operate on a common axis. As the
Caisson: A floating metal canister, generally water is centrifuged from the centre of the hub
cylindrical in form. The one described in this outwards through the whorl-pipes, it is also
book is closed at the top and open at the bot- caused to inwind centripetally due to the spiral
tom, and is used to open and close the sluices configuration of the latter.
of the reservoir. Open at both ends, it is more Corrasion: A process of mutual abrasion.
commonly used in bridge-building, to exclude Cycloid-Spiral-Space-Curve Motion: This can
water from the areas of the foundations, be a simple helical or spiral motion about the
enabling their construction. longitudinal axis, which on occasion pulsatingly
Cambium Layer: Generally the outer annular expands from and contracts towards this axis. It
tissues of a tree trunk immediately underneath can also embody a double spiral movement, in
the bark. These are of varying thickness accord- which the moving medium spirals about itself,
ing to species. It is where the major growth while simultaneously following a spiral path. It
processes take place as a result of the flow and is a form of motion analogous to the rotation of
interaction between the fluids contained in the the Earth about the Sun, where the Earth gyrates
xylem and phloem. Each year at its internal about its own axis while moving along its orbital

Glossary 301

path. It is the form of motion Viktor Schauberger other forms of permanent magnets, in which
referred to as the "original" or "form-originat- the magnetic dipole moments of the atoms of
ing" motion responsible for the evolutionary such elements as iron and cobalt become
dynamics of the Earth and Cosmos. aligned and operate in unison, creating a strong
Densation: The process of becoming physically magnetic field.
denser or more condensed. Fibonacci Series: The name given to a mathe-
Dielectric Value: This refers to the capacity of a matical progression of whole numbers discov-
given substance to resist the transfer of an elec- ered by the Italian mathematician Leonardo of
tric charge. The base value for a dielectric is Pisa, otherwise known as Fibonacci (an abbre-
that of a vacuum = 1. Water has one of the viation of filius Bonacci or son of Bonacci) and
highest dielectric values, namely 81, which published in his book Liber Abacci in 1202. This
means that it is 81 times more resistant to the series begins with the numbers 1 (first term)
transfer of a charge than is a vacuum. and 2 (second term), which are then added to
Dynagens: The entities or ethericities belonging produce a third term - 3. The second term (in
to the 4th and 5th dimensions which enhance this case the 2) then becomes the first and is
the creation of dynamic energy on lower planes added to the former third term (now the sec-
of existence. ond) to produce a further third term. The series
results in the number sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,
Dynamic Energy: This is energy that has more to 21, 34, 55, 89, etc. and through the division of
do with the energising of all life-processes, subtle each subsequent first term by the second
and otherwise, than purely physical phenomena produces an increasingly accurate value for the
for which the term kinetic energy, i.e. energy in so-called Golden Section and its reciprocal.
motion, is normally used. (See potential energy)
Ecliptic: The circular path of the Sun across the Foramen: A naturally-occurring orifice, aper-
heavens as viewed from the Earth and the ture or short passage in living tissues, such as
angle it subtends relative to the plane of the leaves, bones, etc.
equator. This varies according to season or the Fructigens: The ethericities (subtle energies)
position of the Earth on its orbit around the responsible for increasing the fecundity or
Sun, reaching a maximum of about 23.4 north capacity for fructification and fertilisation of
of the Equator on the 21 June (northern sum- and by living things.
mer solstice) and 23.4 south of the Equator on Golden Section: One of the so-called 'Divine
the 21 December (northern winter solstice). Proportions' and is derived from the Fibonacci
Electricism: The term Viktor Schauberger coined Series. Also known as Phi,
to describe the general characteristics and func- its components are related in the proportion of
tions of the energies operating within the 1:1.618033988, or the reciprocal ratio
domain of what is commonly called electricity. ofl:0.618033988. This is the only number
wherein the decimal portions of the reciprocals
Emanation: Any form of gaseous, vaporous, and the square of the number itself have the
ethereal, spiritual, or electromagnetic emission same value, i.e (1.618033988)2 = 2.618033988
of radiation, rays or energies. and 1/1.618033988 = 0.618033988.
Etherialisation: The process of raising or exalt-
ing energies or matter to higher, more subtle Half-Hydrological Cycle: A truncated version
of the full hydrological cycle in which no rain-
states of being. water infiltrates the ground, but either drains
Ethericities: This refers to those supra-normal, away over the ground surface or re-evaporates
energetic, bio-electic, bio-magnetic, catalytic, into the atmosphere with unnatural rapidity,
high-frequency, vibratory, super-potent energies leading to excessive agglomerations and the
of quasi-material, quasi-etheric nature belonging uneven distribution of water vapour.
to the 4th and 5th dimensions of being. Harmonically-Structured Energy: The type of
Exosphere: The highest defined stratum of the energy responsible for and comprised in the for-
atmosphere containing rarefied helium and mation and structure of physical matter due to
hydrogen gases, which eventually merges with the harmonic and therefore mutually attractive
interstellar space. Its lower limit lies about resonances and forces that occur between the
645km above the surface of the Earth. various atoms concerned.
Ferro-magnetism: The most commonly under- Hydrological Cycle: The full, balanced and
stood form of magnetism as in horseshoe and regulated natural cycle of water from deep
302 Living Energies

within the Earth to the upper regions of the be increased at will to virtually any order of
atmosphere and back, in which rainwater is magnitude. It is the rational counterpart of the
able to percolate into the ground and the Law of Conservation of Energy.
amount of atmospheric water is more evenly Law of Ceaseless Cycles: The primordial,
distributed and maintained at a more or less immutable law of Nature that governs and is
constant level. (See half-hydrological cycle) responsible for all cyclical phenomena such as
Immature Water: Groundwater that has not yet the changing seasons, the alternation between
accumulated and absorbed minerals, salts and night and day, the ebb and flood of tides, the
trace-elements, which it requires in order to diurnal fluctuations in the flow of sap in trees,
become mature. the alternating pulsations between electric and
Impeller: A mechanism for moving water or magnetic fields, the movement of galaxies, and
other liquid mechanically. soon.
Centrifugal impeller: the intake of water is Law of Communication: The law relating to
along the axis of rotation in front of and per- liquids, which states that if any two or more
pendicular to the radially-ribbed impeller disc bodies of a given liquid, water for instance,
and is expelled tangentially under pressure at communicate directly with one another via
right-angles to the direction of inflow due to some form of opening, then the surfaces of the
the action of centrifugal force. It has a disinte- respective liquids are brought to a common,
grative effect on water. uniform level, provided always that they have
Centripetal impeller: The water is introduced the same specific density or weight.
tangentially and exits axially in a longitudinal Law of Conservation of Energy: The law stating
vortex down the central axis of rotation, which that the amount of energy throughout the
creates suction, cools and coheres the structure Universe is finite; that there can neither be more
of the water. nor less energy, which therefore always remains
Indifference: Generally speaking, an unstable constant and thus can never be lost. Energy
state of equilibrium where the organism or sys- merely changes from one form to another, such
tem in question is possessed of its highest poten- as the transfer from a potential state to a kinetic
tial, vitality, health and energy and is therefore state and vice versa.
able to operate at the optimal temperature Law of Gravity: The law governing the attrac-
and/or energy level appropriate to its proper tion of bodies towards the centre of a heavenly
function. Viktor Schauberger also defined this body or the mutual attraction between two or
condition as "temperatureless". For human more such bodies. (See Law of Levity)
beings this state of indifference obtains at a tem- Law of Levity: The law postulated by Viktor
perature of +37 Celsius, and for water relates to Schauberger that governs and is responsible for
its condition of least volume, highest density all upward movement of energy, uplift, upward
and energy content at a temperature of +4 growth, the upright stature of human beings,
Celsius, its so-called anomaly point. animals and other organisms, and is the counter-
Inertia: The tendency or capacity of a given part to the Law of Gravity. As the force of grav-
object or system to resist movement, accelera- ity decreases the force of levity increases.
tion or any change of status. Law of Thermodynamics, Second: The law
Juvenile Water: Akin to immature water, the term related to temperature derived from the Law of
juvenile generally refers to rainwater, which Conservation of Energy, stating inter alia that
lacks minerals, salts and trace-elements. with no additional input of energy from some
external source, the energy in all closed sys-
Kinetic Energy: Energy in motion or doing tems (the whole universe included) will even-
work. (See potential energy and dynamic energy) tually be transformed into heat and ultimately
Laminar Flow: A condition in which the vari- reduced to a condition of uniform temperature
ous strata of water within a given water-body known as the 'Heat Death'.
flow without turbulence. Laya Point: From the Sanskrit, meaning the
Law of Anti-conservation of Energy: The law point where all differentiation, material or oth-
postulated by Viktor Schauberger, where the erwise, has ceased. It is an immaterial focus or
amount of available energy, potential, dynamic state of spiritual or energetic potential in a neu-
or kinetic is not constant, which, by means of tral condition and whatever emerges from it
the appropriate device or dynamic process, can becomes active life.
Glossary 303

Lignification: The process by which the cells in Seepage Spring: A spring that is formed when
the cambium layer of trees become rigid and percolating groundwater encounters an imper-
are transformed into wood proper through the vious stratum and drains away over the stra-
accretion of lignin in the cell-walls. tum surface under the influence of gravity
Loschmidt Number: First calculated by Joseph towards the point of egress. The temperature of
Loschmidt (1821-1895), the Loschmidt such springs generally conforms to the ambient
Constant or Loschmidt Number (NL) deter- ground temperature.
mines the number of particles per unit volume Stomata: Pores in the surface of leaves that con-
of an ideal gas at standard temperature and trol the emission and absorption of gases, water
pressure and has a value of 2.68719 x 1025 vapour, etc.
particles per cubic metre. Temperament: In Viktor Schauberger's termi-
Nascent Spring Water: Immature water within nology, this refers to the behaviour, character,
the central stratum of the groundwater, having gender and intrinsic properties, sometimes
a temperature of about +4 Celsius. temperature-induced, of various immaterial
Natural Capital: The basic elements and raw and other energies, such as electricism, biomag-
materials, organic and otherwise, from which netism, gravity and levity as well as the media of
Nature creates all life and develops new earth, air and water.
species, the latter representing the interest Temperature Gradients: In terms of Viktor
accruing from the natural capital. Schauberger's concepts, temperature gradients
Naturalesque: Refers to artificially contrived are principally related to the direction of move-
processes or mechanical devices that conform ment of temperature within and between the
to or emulate Nature's laws, or operate in a respective temperatures of the ground, water
naturally correct way. and atmosphere, which can either take a posi-
Obliquity of the Earth's Axis: The angle sub- tive or negative form. A positive temperature
tended between the Earth's axis of rotation and gradient occurs when the direction of tempera-
the ecliptic. ture movement is towards the anomaly point of
Over-Unity: A phenomenon contrary to the water, i.e. towards +4 Celsius. A negative tem-
Conservation of Energy Law and to the Second perature gradient occurs when the direction of
Law of Thermodynamics, in which the amount temperature movement is either upwards or
of energy input is less than the energy output. downwards from +4 Celsius.
An over-unity generator, therefore, is a device Triboluminescence: An internal glow or lumi-
that produces more energy than it requires to nescence produced when two or more crys-
operate. This is otherwise known as 'free talline rocks of similar composition are rubbed
energy'. hard together or struck against one another and
Permittivity: Measured in farads, this relates to is attributed to the energy given off by the elec-
the extent to which a given substance can resist trons contained the rocks as they return from a
or transfer an electric charge. pressure-induced, excited state to their rest
orbits. As a phenomenon it can occur both in
Phloem: The vascular tissues within the air and under water.
cambium layer of plants that conduct sugars,
proteins, absorbed atmospheric gases and Turbidity: A measure of the opaqueness,
predominantly negatively ionised sub- cloudiness or muddiness of water due its con-
stances down the stem of trunk from the tent of suspended matter.
leaves. Whorl-Pipes: Pipes, principally made of cop-
Potential Energy: Stored energy or energy that per or its alloys, having a spiral configuration
as yet is unmanifested as dynamic or kinetic akin to that of a Kudu antelope, through which
the transported medium is caused to move cen-
tripetally and vortically in a double spiral
Qualigens: The ethericities responsible for the motion.
enhancement of quality and increase in quality Xylem: The vascular tissue within the cambium
matter. layer of plants that conducts water and dis-
Ring-Shakes: Circular cleavages between the solved minerals, salts, trace-elements and pre-
annual rings of trees that run parallel to the dominantly positively ionised substances from
grain. the roots towards the leaves.

1. Works of Viktor Schauberger Asimov, Isaac: Guide to Science: 1 The Physical Sciences
"The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, UK.
For Machines": Implosion. Attinger, Dr. Ernst O.: "Hydrodynamics of Blood
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"The Dying Forest" ("Der sterbende Wald"), Pt.I: Tau, Auguros, Robert & Stanciu, George: The New Biology:
1936. New Science Library, Shambala, 1987.
Ecotechnology series Viktor Schauberger's own writ- Bird, C. & Tompkins, P.: The Secret Life of Plants,
ings in four volumes: The Water Wizard, Nature as Harper, New York, 1989.
Teacher, The Fertile Earth, and The Energy Evolution, Bird, C. & Tompkins, P.: Secrets of the Soil, Harper, New
collected, translated and edited by Callum Coats, York, 1989.
Newleaf, Dublin 1997-2000. Blavatsky, H.P.: The Secret Doctrine, Theosophical
"Electrolysis", Der Wiener Tag, 1932. Pub.Ho., Adyar, India.
"The First Biotechnical Practice" ("Die erste biotech- Bohm, David: Wholeness and the Implicate Order:
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"The Forest and its Significance" ("Der Wald und seine Brandstatter, Leopold: "What happens next?" ("Wie
Bedeutung"): Tau, 1936. geht esweiter?"): Implosion.
"Let the Upheaval Begin!" ("Den Umbruch begin- Brandstatter, Leopold: Implosion statt Explosion, Linz,
nen!") Implosion. Austria.
Letter to Dr. Ehrenberger, Min. for Agric. & Forestry, Cater, Joseph H.: The Awesome Life-Force: Cadake
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"The Mechanical Generation of Life-Force" ("Maschi- Campe, Joanna, (ed): Remineralise the Earth: 152
nelle Erzeugung der Lebenskraft"): Implosion. South St, Northampton, MD, U.S.A.
"Natural Farm Husbandry" ("Naturnahe Land- Churchward, James: The Lost Continent of Mu:
wirtschaft") Implosion. Spearman, London, 1959.
"Nature's Secrets Unveiled" ("Entschleierte Naturge- Coats, S. David: Old MacDonald's Factory Farm:
heimnisse"): Implosion. Continuum, New York.
Our Senseless Toil - The Source of the World Crisis Davis, K.S. et al: Water - The Mirror of Science,:
("Unsere Sinnlose Arbeit - die Quelle der Weltkrise"), Heinemann Educ, London, 1964.
1933-1934: Krystall Verlag, Vienna. Diamond, Dr John: Your Body Doesn't Lie, (Behavioural
"The Ox and the Chamois": Tau, 1936. Kinesiology): Harper & Row, New York, 1979.
"Return to Culture" ("Zuruck zur Kultur"). Do-ring: The Urga Manuscript, Transl. Maj. Gregory
"Temperature and the Movement of Water" ("Tempera- Pearson; Colin Smythe, Gerrards Cross, U.K.
tur und Wasserbewegung"): Die Wasserwirtschaft, 1930. Electricity & Magnetism, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1908.
"The Winding Way to Wisdom" ("Der gewundene Etidorpha: Health Research, Box 70, Mokelumme Hill,
Erkenntnisweg"): Implosion. CA 95245, U.S.A.
Fuller, John G.: The Ghost of 29 Megacycles: Signet ed.
2. Works cited, by other authors 1986, New American Lib., New York.
Alberts, B, et al: The Molecular Biology of the Cell: Gerlovin, Baranova & Baranov: "New Approach to
Garland, New York. Cold Fusion" (Low-Temperature Nuclear Fusion),
Alberts, B. et al: "Chlorophyll Structure" in The Molecu- Zumal Obshchei Khimii, Plenum, 1992.
lar Biology of the Cell: Garland, New York, U.S.A., 1983. Hamaker, John & Weaver, Don: The Survival of
Alexandersson, Olof: Living Water - Viktor Schauberger Civilisation, self-published.
& the Secrets of Natural Energy: Gateway, Bath, 1982 Hohls, Arnold (notebooks of, on Viktor Schauberger):
(Nat. Book Network, Lanham, MD, USA). Mensch und Technik, 1993.

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Longman, Harlow. 3. Recommended Further Reading:
Jenny, Hans: Kymatik/Cymatics: Basilims, Basel, Alder, Vera Stanley, The Fifth Dimension: Weiser, York
Switzerland (now defunct). Beach, ME, U.S.A., 1940.
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Implosion. New York, U.S.A., 1979.
Ott, Dr John N.: Health and Eight: Devin-Adair, Constable, Trevor James, The Cosmic Pulse of Life:
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Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1987. Walden, 1947.
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allum Coats was born in London on English, he decided to abandon architecture
19th July 1939, but by the age of thir- and devote himself to their study.
teen he had already seen a great deal Callum spent three years working full-time
of the world. His parents were internation- with Walter at his Pythagoras-Kepler System
ally involved in the Theosophical Society Institute in Lauffen, Austria, and studying
which resulted in long periods in India and Viktor's archives. He helped revise the
other non-European countries. He was at translation of Living Water, the introductory
school at Gordonstoun in Scotland, work of Viktor Schauberger by Olof
renowned for its enlightened educational Alexandersson (Pub. 1981). In the intervening
ideas, with a final year at its sister Salem fifteen years, Callum has devoted all his
School in Germany, and he speaks French resources and time to writing Living Energies
and German fluently. In 1967 received a mas- and to translating, collating and editing
ter's degree in architecture from the Viktor Schauberger's books, articles and
Architectural Association in London, practis- letters into the major archive of his work: the
ing first in London and then in Queensland, 4 vols. Ecotechnology series, subtitled Viktor
Australia where he now lives. Schauberger's own writings on Subtle Energies
Callum first heard about the ideas of in Nature.
Viktor Schauberger at the age of 17, but it Callum Coats has always had an abiding
was not until February 1977 that his mother interest in Nature and natural phenomena.
introduced him to Viktor's physicist and He is an accomplished speaker, and any en-
mathematician son Walter Schauberger. quiries about Schauberger's ideas, and about
Astonished that no material on these ecologi- lectures, should be addressed to him care of
cally important ideas was available in the publishers.

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