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Umme Sauda Bente Morad

ID: 0920284

An Internship Report Presented In Partial Fulfillment

Of The Requirements of the Degree

Bachelor of Business Administration


May 2013




Umme Sauda Bente Morad

ID: 0920284

has been approved

May 2013

Mr. Saquib Shahriar


School of Business

Independent University, Bangladesh

13th May 2013


Mr. Saquib Shahriar


School of business

Independent University, Bangladesh.

Dear Sir,

Submitting the internship report titled The impact of internet banking on customer retention
of Mutual Trust Bank LTD. to you, is a great pleasure.

The internship program provides the scope and gives the opportunity of learn different trends
and aspects of a reputed organization. I have already acquired knowledge regarding
corporative culture and I have tried to explain the knowledge by working in Mutual Trust
Bank LTD.

I have also picked up valuable experience in the last three months; I would like to thank you
for assisting me a throughout and Independent University, Bangladesh for giving the
opportunity to do my internship. I believe that you will have a positive view point on me as
my analysis is genuine and honest. I shall be thankful if you kindly approve my effort.

Sincerely yours,

Umme Sauda Bente Morad

ID: 0920284

School of Business

Independent University, Bangladesh

At the very beginning I would like to express my deepest gratitude to almighty ALLAH for
giving me the strength and the composure to finish this task within the scheduled time.
In conducting this report, I have received generous help from many persons, which I like to
put on record here with deep gratitude and great pleasure.
First and foremost, I am highly indebted to my internship supervisor Mr. Saquib Shahriar
Lecturer, School of business, Independent University, Bangladesh. He allowed me her
precious time freely right from the very beginning of this internship work till the completion.
His experienced guidance, affectionate encouragement and critical suggestions provided me
necessary help for the report and make the way for the meaningful ending of this report work
in a short duration. I have no hesitation to say that, without his constant supervision and
valuable advices and suggestions from time-to-time, I would be failed to complete the whole
I am also grateful to the employees of Mutual Trust Bank LTD. Bashundhara branch for
spending their valuable time and share enough information with me. Specially, more
delightfully I would like to thank Mr. D.A.N.M. Mustafizur Rahman, Vice President &
Manager and Mrs. Badrunnessa Chowdhury, FAVP & Deputy Manager. I would also like to
thanks Ms. Sharmeen Rahman (Assistant Officer), Mr. Khandakar Abdul Mukim (Assistant
Officer), Mrs. Rumana Hossain(Assistant Officer) and Mr. Jamiul Islam (JAVP). Moreover I
would also like to thanks all those who contributed through their comments and suggestions
to prepare this paper in a comprehensive manner.

The key purpose of the study is to find out the impact of internet banking to retain customers
in the context of Mutual Trust Bank LTD, Bashundhara branch, Dhaka. There are some key
factors that have an important impact on customer retention in the internet banking. The main
findings of the study will indicate that the factors, which are Service Quality,
Responsiveness, Security and Privacy, Assurance, and Reliability, have impacts on customer
retention in terms of Internet Banking of MTBL, Bashundhara branch.
In the report, the factors are being treated as the Independent variables and Customer
Retention as the Dependent variable. It will be a causal study aimed to measure that, the
existence of or a change in Independent variables causes or leads to a change in the
Dependent variable.
This study is based on the primary data to understand the level of Service Quality,
Responsiveness, Security & Privacy, Assurance, and Reliability and their impact on the
retention of customers in the context of internet banking of MTBL. The informations of the
research have gathered by a questionnaire survey among the customers of MTBL,
Bashundhara branch. I have distributed 30 questionnaires among 30 respondents, who are the
clients of MTBL, Bashundhara branch and use their internet banking service. A random
sampling technique was adopted to do the survey. I have collect data from the survey and
then analyzed it.
After analysis, I got significant results of both the dependent and independent variables. From
this, now we can get a clear idea that how internet banking impacts on customer retention.

List of Diagram viii
List of Figure ix
List of Table x

1.1 Introduction of the study 2
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Purpose of the Study 2
1.4 Objective of the study 2
1.5 Methodology of the study 3
1.6 Limitations of the study 3

2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Historical Background of MTBL 5
2.3 Legal Form 5
2.4 Mission and Vision of MTBL 6
2.5 Products and Services 6
2.6 MTBL Packages 7
2.7 MTBL Branches 8
2.8 MTB Board of Directors 8
2.9 Company Organogram 9
2.10 Management Hierarchy 9
2.11 Branch Employee Hierarchy (Bashundhara Branch) 10
2.12 Internet Banking of MTBL 10
2.13 My Work At MTBL 12
3.1 Literature Review 13
3.2 Conceptual Frame Work 16
3.3 Research Questions 17

3.4 Hypothesis 17
4.1 Research Design 18
4.2 Research Type 18
4.3 Sampling Method 18
4.4 Instrument 18
4.5 Data Collection 19
4.6 Data Collection Method 19
4.7 Data Analysis 19
4.8 Findings 28
4.9 Discussion 29


5.1 Conclusion 30
5.2 Recommendation 30

A.1 Questionnaire 32



2.1 Functional Organ gram 9

2.2 Management Hierarchy 9
2.3 Branch Employee Hierarchy 10
3.1 Conceptual Frame Work 16



2.1 MTBL Branches 8


Table Page

2.1 Packages of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 7

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This report has prepared as a partial requirement of the internship course of the BBA program
in Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB).The topic covering The Impact of Internet
Banking in Customer Retention in the Context of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd attempts to
evaluate the overall internet banking condition and its impact on the customers of Mutual
Trust Bank LTD. It focuses on the necessity, variables and gaps of the Internet Banking
process of MTBL in the internal context of its Bashundhara branch. The report is aiming the
influence of internet banking on the customers and their different opinions toward it. Mainly
it is focusing the impact of internet banking on the customers of MTBL, Bashundhara branch.
It will also show the analytical sense developed by analyzing the output processed on the
surveys in that branch.

There are five chapter of the report. First chapter is consisting of the Introduction of the
whole report.
Second chapter of the report is consisting of the company profile.
In the third chapter there is the review of literature and the conceptual frame work of the
study which indicate the research question and hypothesis.
The forth chapter of the report is consist of the research methodology.
The fifth chapter is consisting of conclusion and recommendation about the study.
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1.1 Introduction of the study:

In general sense we mean Bank as a financial institution that deals with money. Now-a
days banking sector is modernizing and expanding its hand in different financial events
every day. At the same time the banking process is becoming faster, easier and is becoming
wider. In order to survive in the competitive field of the banking sector all organizations are
looking for better service opportunities to provide their fellow clients.
For last few years, internet banking is a very common service that is provided by most of the
commercial banks in Bangladesh. Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. is one of them. Now internet
banking is a very popular form of transaction among peoples. Because by this they can do
their various banking activities without going to the bank and in a very short time.
In this research study the researcher conducted a research on A causal study on the influence
of Internet Banking in Customer retention in the context of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. The
main objective of this research is to identify the key factors that influence the internet
banking and Helps to retain customers of the Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. By this research we will
able to know that which factors and how they influence internet banking of Mutual Trust
Bank to retain customer.

1.2 Statement of the Problem:

By this study, researchers will investigate the impact of Internet Banking on customer
retention. Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. is a well-established Bank over the last few years, but due
to rise in customer complaints and customers preferring- banking services of other banks, it
has come to the light that their Internet banking service quality is not one of the best
compared to their other banking services. Thats why MTBL is threatened to lose their
customer. This has enticed them to conduct a survey to find alternative solutions to improve
service quality of their Internet Banking. I was assigned to find the factors (that they need to
look at or do further research) of Internet Banking that can help them to improve service
quality and retain customers.

1.3 Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of this study is to find out the factors of internet banking that can impact to
retaining customer in the context of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. It will help the researchers to
look into the overall condition of internet banking service of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.

1.4 Objective of the study:

Broad objective: Prepare the report on The impact of internet banking on customer
retention in the context of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. to complete my internship
program of undergraduate.
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Specific Objectives:
To understand the internet banking system of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
To identify the problems of internet banking system of Mutual Trust Bank
To find out the problem of client and employees to changes in internet
banking of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
To identify the problem in operation of internet banking in the banks website.
To know the terms, rules and condition of internet banking given by Mutual
Trust Bank Ltd. to their clients.
To provide suggestions for the improvement of the internet banking system of
the Bank.

1.5 Methodology of the study:

I have got all the relevant information from my working experience in MTBL, their Annual
report, various brochures, MTBL web site and such. Some information is taken from some of
my friends. There are two sources from which I have collected data, Primary source and
Secondary source.
Primary Data:
1. The information, which is gathered from MTBL while I worked with them.
2. Personal observation.
3. Face to face conversation with the officers.
4. Face to face conversation with the clients.
5. Working at different desks of the bank.
Secondary data:
The secondary data of this report are collected from MTBL Annual report, and some
reports from which I got idea about the way of writing a report.
Secondary Sources: Secondary data are collected in the following ways:
Data gathered within the organization itself.
Data gathered from Texts
Internet sources.
General reports.
Annual reports.
Official documents

1.6 Limitations of the study:

There were some limitations of doing the study:
We have completed our internship within 3 months only. This is not enough time to
complete a fruitful research study.
The Bashundhara branch of MTBL is not so large. For this, the sample size
(population) is limited in terms of its size and composition.
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Due to the time constraint, the data has only been collected from the clients of Mutual
Trust Bank Ltd. Bashundhara Branch only, which may fail to represent the factual
scenario of the relationship between measurable variables.
I had to face some limitations to collect some informations about internet banking of
MTBL as these were not so available for the general peoples.
Respondents were too busy to read the questions properly and tick the answer just for
the sake of completing the survey quickly. So there is no guarantee that the data
collected is 100% correct and hence while analyzing the researcher has considered
level of significance.
Unavailability to required published documents.
Lack of my experience and efficiency to prepare the standard report.
Time constraint was also one of the factors that curtailed the scope of the study.
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2.1 Introduction:
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. is a third generation private bank in Bangladesh. This is one of the
leading commercial banks which has ingenuous objective of bringing about qualitative
changes. It has achieved immense success in all areas of ultimate objective in improving the
socio-economic development of the country. MTBL started its operation in October 1999 in
Bangladesh. The company operates various financial activities through its head office and 77
branches situated in Bangladesh. MTBL provides various consumer banking products and a
wide range of commercial banking services also.

2.2 Historical Background of MTBL:

The Company was incorporated on September 29, 1999 under the Companies Act 1994 as a
public company limited by shares for carrying out all kinds of banking activities with
Authorized Capital of Tk. 38,00,000,000 divided into 38,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk.100
The Company was also issued Certificate for Commencement of Business on the same day
and was granted license on October 05, 1999 by Bangladesh Bank under the Banking
Companies Act 1991 and started its banking operation on October 24, 1999. The bank
conducts all types of commercial banking activities including foreign exchange business and
other financial services. During the first two years of operations, the bank's main focus was
on the delivery of personalized customer services and expansion of its clientele base.

As envisaged in the Memorandum of Association and as licensed by Bangladesh Bank under

the provisions of the Banking Companies Act 1991, the Company started its banking
operation and entitled to carry out the following types of banking business:

1. All types of commercial banking activities including Money

Market operations.
2. Investment in Merchant Banking activities.
3. Investment in Company activities.
4. Financiers, Promoters, Capitalists etc.
5. Financial Intermediary Services.
6. Any related Financial Services.

2.3 Legal Form:

The Company was incorporated on September 29, 1999 under the Companies Act 1994 as a
public company limited by shares for carrying out all kinds of banking activities with
Authorized Capital of BDT 200 million divided into 2,000,000 ordinary shares of BDT 100
each. At present, Authorized Capital of the company is BDT 10,000,000,000 (BDT 10
Billion) divided into 1,000,000,000 (One billion) ordinary shares of BDT 10 each.
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Company Registration No:

C38707 (665)/99 on September 29, 1999
Bangladesh Bank Permission No:
BRPD (P) 744(78)/99-3081 on October 5, 1999
Registered Office:
MTBL Centre
26 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan 1
Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.
Corporate Website:

2.4 Mission and Vision of MTBL:

Mission: The mission of MTBL known as We aspire to be one of the most admired
banks in the nation and be recognized as an innovative and client-focused company,
enabled by cutting-edge technology, a dynamic workforce and a wide array of
financial products and services.--- MTBL Group.
Vision: Mutual Trust Bank's vision is based on a philosophy known as MTB3V. The
organization envisions MTB to be:
1. One of the Best Performing Banks in Bangladesh.
2. The Bank of Choice.
3. A Truly World-class Bank.

2.5 Products and Services:

The MTBL concentrates the following categories of banking services:
Retail Banking: Corporate Banking: Treasury:
Deposit Product Term Finance Money Market
Loan Product Working Capital Finance DIBOR
MTB Cards Trade Finance Foreign Exchange
NRB: Offshore Banking Primary Dealers Business
NRB Savings A/c Syndication & Structured
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2.6 MTBL Packages:

Retail Wholesale SME NRB Savings Treasury

Financing Account

Deposit Products: Term Finance MTB Krishi NRB saving Money

Working MTB A/C Market
Regular Savings Capital Mousui NRB DPS A/C DIBOR
Account Finance MTB NRB FDR Foreign
Current Account Trade Finance Revolvig Exchange
Brick by Brick Syndication & Loan Primary
MTB Double Saver Structured MTB Dealers
Plan Finance Digoon Business
MTB Education Plan Off-Shore MTB Small
Fixed Deposit Banking Business
MTB Millionaire Loan
Plan MTB Green
Monthly Benefit Plan Energy Loan
MTB Senior
MTB Inspire
MTB Junior
MTB Ruby
MTB Graduate
MTB Shanchay
MTB Kotipati

Loan Products:

MTB Personal Loan

MTB Auto Loan
MTB Home Loan
MTB Home Equity

MTB Card Products:

Credit cards
Debit cards
Table 2.1: Packages of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
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2.7 MTBL Branches:

Figure 2.1: MTBL Branches.

2.8 MTBL Board of Directors:

The following are members of the MTBL Board of Directors
Dr. Arif Dowla, Chairman
Mr. Rashed Ahmed Chowdhury,Vice chairman
Mr. Sayeed Manzur Elahi
Mr. Md. Hedayetullah
Mr. Mohammed Abdur Rouf
Mr. Md. Abdul Malek
Mr. Md. Wakiluddin
Mrs. Khwaja Nargis Hossain
Mr. Anjan Chowdury
Mr. Q.A.F.M Serajul Islam
Mr. Anis A. Khan,Managing Director & CEO.
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2.9 Company Organogram:

Diagram 2.1: Functional Organ gram.

2.10 Management Hierarchy:

Diagram 2.2: Management Hierarchy.

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2.11 Branch Employee Hierarchy (Bashundhara Branch):

Branch Manager & Vice President

First Ass.Vice President & Deputy


Junior Ass.Vice President


GB Department Cash Department

Officer Assistant Officer Officer Assistant Officer

Diagram 2.3: Branch Employee Hierarchy.

2.12 Internet Banking of MTBL:

The Internet banking service of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. was launched six years ago. Now
almost all the customer use internet banking. There are some terms and conditions of using
internet banking given by MTBL to their customer. They are:
Eligibility & Access Privileges:
Customer must be 18 years of age or older to subscribe to Internet Banking
If customer wishes to access their MTB accounts for view-only and do not wish
transactions to be allowed using Internet Banking, he/ she must explicitly request
VIEW-ONLY access when requesting activation.
Joint Accounts:
For joint accounts where the mode of operation is indicated as either or survivor
or either to operate, username can be activated with FULL or VIEW-ONLY
access for only one joint account holder as per request received from the
accountholder. MTB shall act on the instruction received first. The other joint
account holders shall expressly agree with the arrangement and give their consent
in writing on the application form for use of Internet Banking.
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MTB will take reasonable care to maintain the confidentiality of information
related to the Customer.
MTB may not disclose customers personal information to any external
organization unless required by law or without informing customer and thus
request to activate a self-chosen username.
MTB may be required from time to time to disclose customers personal
information to government or judicial bodies or agencies or regulators, but will
do so only under proper authority of law.
MTB shall strive at all times to ensure that customers personal data is protected
against unauthorized or accidental access, processing or erasure. MTB shall
maintain this commitment to data security by designing, implementing and
exercising appropriate processes where physical, electronic and managerial
measures are addressed to safeguard and secure customers personal data.
MTB Internet Banking is equipped with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol as
well as industry standard encryption techniques to protect data.
MTBs web servers are protected behind firewalls and systems are reasonably
monitored to prevent unauthorized access.
Customer Responsibilities:
To enable customer to use the Service, MTB shall allow customer to choose a
username and password as well as register mobile number along with other
required information for the purpose of Internet Banking. The username and
password along with m-PIN sent to customers mobile number will be used to
identify customer whenever he/ she accesses the Service.
Customer acknowledges that username, password and m-PIN will verify
customers authenticity and therefore customer will be responsible for all
transactions and instructions initiated through Internet Banking by the use of the
correct username, password and m-PIN.
Customer must take care not to choose a password that is likely to be guessed by
anyone trying to access the Service pretending to be the Customer.
Customer should take care not record password in a way that could make it
accessible or recognizable by someone else.
Customer must ensure at all times that the mobile number registered with Internet
Banking is accessible and operable only by him/ herself and none other.
Customer must ensure at all times that the e-mail address registered for the
purpose of Internet Banking is also accessible and operable only by him/ herself
and none other.
Customer is liable for all losses and expenses due to unauthorized use if
Customer has acted fraudulently or, with gross negligence, with intentional
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misconduct or if Customer is in willful default of any of the security obligations

stated in this agreement.
Anti-Money Laundering:
Customer agrees and confirms that he/ she will not use MTB Internet Banking for
money laundering or violate any law of the land related to money laundering.
MTB reserves the right to ask for clarification and or information from the
customer on any transaction and customer shall be required to respond in writing
to such queries within 7 working days.
MTBS Rights & Responsibilities:
MTB shall take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the banks systems in
connection with Internet Banking Services are installed with adequate security
designs and to control and manage the risks in operating the systems, taking into
account any law, rules, regulations, guidelines, circulars, codes of conduct and
prevailing market practices which may be applicable to MTB from time to time.
MTB shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, liability or claim arising,
directly or indirectly from any error, delay or failure in performance of any of its
obligations hereunder which is caused by fire or natural disaster, strike, civil
unrest, any inoperability of communication facilities or any other circumstances
beyond the control of MTB.

2.13 My Work At MTBL:

In my internship program I have worked in the general banking side of the bank. My job
responsibilities as an intern are given below.
Helping customers to open various new accounts. Such as- Savings account, DPS,
Taking Cheque book Requisition.
Receiving Cheque.
Inward outward clearing registers writing.
Maintain cheque book Register.
Update Account opening Form.
Solving various customer quarries.
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3.1 Literature Review:

Internet Banking: The rise of Internet Banking is also due to its number of benefits for both
the provider and the customer as well. From the banks perspective these are mainly related
to cost savings (Sathye, 1999; Robinson, 2000) and Internet Banking remains one of the
cheapest and more efficient delivery channels (see Pikkarainen et al., 2004). Other rationales
for the adoption of such services are also related to competition as Internet Banking strategy
has been an interesting way to retain existing customers and attract new ones (Robinson,
2000). Among the numerous advantages to banks feature mass customization, more effective
marketing and communication at lower costs amongst others (Tuchila, 2000). Benefits for
the end users are numerous as well and include mainly convenience of the service (time
saved and globally accessible service); lower cost of transaction and more frequent
monitoring of accounts among others (see Pikkarainen et al., 2004). It is noteworthy that
there is also a number of push factors encouraging the adoption of internet banking that have
been evoked in the literate In spite of all these numerous advantages of Internet Banking,
many people still prefer to conduct their banking transactions at the bank, something which
they had been doing for years. Thus, apart from security aspects, there are numerous factors
and barriers that making people still prefer the traditional way for their banking transactions.
Internet banking is advantageous to both the banks and customers.

Service Quality: Service quality has become an issue that businesses have focused up on
with e-services that enable electronic communication; information gathering, transaction
processing and data interchange between online vendors and customers across time and space
(Featherman and Pavlou, 2002). In online environments, service quality is defined as the
extent to which a website facilitates efficient and effective shopping, purchasing, and delivery
of product and services (Zeithaml et al., 2002). Santos (2003) described e-service quality in
terms of overall customer evaluations and judgments regarding the excellence and the quality
of e-service delivery in the virtual marketplace. A study by Parasuraman et al. (2005) on the
Internet service quality of online shopping websites resulted in the development of a service
quality scale, the e-SQ scale, consisting of seven dimensions: efficiency, system availability,
fulfillment, privacy, responsiveness, compensation and contact. It is slightly different from
the e-SQ scale developed by Zeithaml et al. (2001) which has 11 dimensions: reliability,
responsibility, access, flexibility, and ease of navigation, efficiency, assurance, security, price
knowledge, site aesthetics and customization / personalization. Furthermore, a study by
Ribbink et al. (2004) in an e-commerce context (online book and CD stores) the service
quality dimensions consisted of: ease of use, escape, responsiveness and customization.
Cristobal et al. (2007) further developed a service quality scale which consists of
multidimensional constructs of web design, customer service, assurance and order
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Responsiveness: Responsiveness is the willingness to help customers and provide Prompt

service (Zeithaml et al, 2006). This dimension is concerned with dealing with the customers
requests, questions and complaints promptly and attentively. Handling of problems and
returns through the site. A Bank is known to be responsive when it communicates to its
customers how long it would take to get answers or have their problems dealt with. To be
successful, companies need to look at responsiveness from the view point of the customer
rather than the companys perspective (Zeithaml et al., 2006). Responsiveness also captures
the notion of flexibility and ability to customize the service to customers need. Standard for
speed and promptness thats refects the companies view of process requirement may be very
different from the customer requirement. Responsiveness concerns the willingness or
eagerness of employees for service provision. It involves turnaround time of service actions
like timely dispatch of a receipt or quickly calling back the customer (Zethaml et al., 2002).

Privacy and Security: Trust has been identified as an important factor for those financial
related internet services; moreover, empirical study supports that consumers make many
online decisions almost solely on the basis of trust (Avinandan & Prithwiraj, 2003; Urban,
Sultan and Qualls, 2000). For Internet banking, trust plays an extremely important role for the
acceptance and use, which has been supported by both research and empirical studies,
especially in developing countries (Benamati and Serva, 2007). Trust building is very
important for internet banking adoption. Privacy and security concern are the two crucial
factors for trust building, which has been pointed out as the top two factors influencing user
adoption. Privacy and security have been discussed broadly both in academia and practice.
Privacy is defined as the ability to control and manage information about oneself (Belanger,
Hiller and Smith, 2002). Security is defined as the ability to protect against potential threats.
From consumers standpoint, security is the ability to protect consumers information from
information fraud and theft in the online banking business. Customers have doubts about the
trust ability of the e-bank's privacy policies (Gerrard and Cunningham, 2003). Trust has
striking influence on user's willingness to engage in online exchanges of money and personal
sensitive information (Friedman et al, 2000; Wang et al, 2003). Privacy is an important
dimension that may affect users' intention to adopt e-based transaction systems. Encryption
technology is the most common feature at all bank sites to secure information privacy,
supplemented by a combination of different unique identifiers, for instance, a password,
mother's maiden name, a memorable date, or a few minutes of inactivity automatically logs
users off the account. Besides, the Secure Socket Layer, a widely-used protocol use for online
credit card payment, is designed to provide a private and reliable channel between two
communicating entities; the use of Java Applet that runs within the user's browser; the use of
a Personal Identification Number, as well as an integrated digital signature and digital
certificate associated with a smart card system (Hutchinson and Warren, 2003). Thus, a
combination of smart card and biometric recognition using fingerprints offers a more secure
and easier access control for computers than the password method. Zeithaml et al (2000)
developed e-SERVQUAL for measuring e-service quality, identifying 11 dimensions: access;
ease of navigation; efficiency; flexibility; reliability; personalization; security/privacy;
responsiveness; assurance/trust; site aesthetics; and price knowledge. Hence, it is
hypothesized that privacy has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
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Assurance: Assurance refers to the ability the internet banking convey trust and confidence
to their consumers. Madu and Madu argued that the online banking must ensure that their
employees are knowledgeable about their operation, and courteous in their responses to the
customers. Schneider and Perry suggested some web features that help promote the assurance
to consumers. For instances, providing detailed banks information (e.g. background, mission
statement, announcement, banks handling private data, a direct relationship might be
established among the three concepts. Assurance is defined as the employees knowledge
and courtesy and the service providers ability to inspire trust and confidence (Zeithaml et
al., 2006). According to Andaleeb and Conway (2006), assurance may not be so important
relative to other industries where the risk is higher and the outcome of using the service is
uncertain. The trust and confidence may be represented in the personnel who link the
customer to the organization (Zeithaml et al., 2006. Assurance is a set of courtesy and
knowledge of employees along their ability to instill confidence. The assurance dimension is
taken from an integrated Assurance is a set of courtesy and knowledge of employees along
their ability to instill confidence. The assurance dimension is taken from an integrated.

Reliability: Reliability means the quality of being dependable or reliable on something (Lin
and Chin 2007). Reliability is defined as the ability to perform the promised service
dependably and accurately or delivering on its promises (Zeithaml et al, 2006, p. 117)
.Regarding to service quality dimension of reliability the internet has big affect on it.
Madu2002. Santos 2002 defines reliability as the ability to perform the promise service
accurately and frequently updating the website. Since most of the online customers are really
concerned about the reliability of virtual service providers. (Yant and fand 2004).( Gilly
2002) sate reliability as the product that came was represent accurately by the website, you
get what you ordered from the site the product was delivered in time promise by the bank.
Based on the theoretical review in this study it is found that reliability is one of the most
highly frequently mention dimension in e service quality. (Parasyraman 1985, Johnston
1988). Reliability is found as important in banking perspective however its different from
customer perspective. For internet banking reliability is mostly based on physical bank. It is
important for the bank to conduct business both online and offline. It is also suggest that
technical function and accurate record provided by internet should be focused on by banking
service provider in on line services. Madu2002. Reliability involves dependability and
uniformity in performance. It means the firm honors the commitments it makes. Specifically,
billing accuracy, proper record maintenance and delivering the service within acceptable time
limit describes the reliability of online services (Saha and Zhao, 2005).

Customer Retention: Customer retention means the activity that a selling organization
undertakes in order to reduce customer defections. Successful customer retention starts with
the first contact an organization has with a customer and continues throughout the entire
lifetime of a relationship. Previous studies have identified the benefits that customer retention
delivers to an organization. In fact, the longer a customer stays with an organization or
company the more utility than seeking new customers. (Edvardsson et al, 2000). Many
factors consisting of higher initial costs of finding and attracting new customers, increases in
both the value and number of purchases, positive word of mouth promotion and the customer
P a g e | 16

better understanding of the organization affects the loyalty of customers and the time that
customers stay with the organization. Apart from the benefits that the longevity of customers
brings, research findings also suggest that the costs of customer retention activities are less
comparing the costs of acquiring new customers. For example, (Rust and Zagorsk) declared
that the cost of attracting new customers may be five times of keeping existing customers.
However, maintaining high levels of satisfaction will not, by itself causes customer loyalty.
Today, retaining customers becomes a priority. In spite of importance of customer retaining,
some research shows that longevity does not alone leads to profitability (Andreassen, 1999).
In other research, (Beckett et al, 2000) found interesting conclusions as to why consumers
appear to remain loyal to the same financial provider such as banks, in spite of in many
factors they hold less favorable views toward these service providers. For example, many
consumers appear to perceive little differentiation between banks, because according to their
opinion, the change of banks essentially is useless. Secondly, consumers appear motivated by
convenience. Finally, consumers associate changing banks with high switching costs in terms
of the potential sacrifice and effort involved. Furthermore, it is necessary for bank
management to be carefully considering the factors that might increase customer loyalty and
retention rates. There are little empirical researches that investigate the reasons result in
customer loyalty and retention. Previous surveys focused on identifying factors which
causing customer retention. Others researches have focused on developing measures of
customer satisfaction, customer value and customer loyalty without specifically looking into
other potential meaningful factors. Examples of mentioned factors are competitive advantage.

3.2 Conceptual Frame Work:

Service Quality


Privacy and Security

Dependent variable


Independent variable
Diagram 3.1: Conceptual Frame Work.
P a g e | 17

3.3 Research Questions:

1. Does Service Quality affect Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust Bank?
2. Does Responsiveness affect Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust Bank?
3. Does security and Privacy affect Customer retention in context of mutual Trust Bank?
4. Does Assurance affect Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust Bank?
5. Does Reliability affect Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust Bank?

3.4 Hypothesis:
1. Service Quality affects Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust Bank.
2. Responsiveness affects Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust Bank.
3. Privacy and Security affects Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust Bank.
4. Assurance affects Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust bank.
5. Reliability affects Customer retention in context of Mutual Trust bank.
P a g e | 18


4.1 Research Design:

As shown in the diagram of the conceptual framework of the research there are five
independent variables and one dependent variable. The conceptual framework also shows that
there is a direct relationship between the Independent variables and the dependent variable. It
is very important to explore the type & intensity of this relationship so that the earlier
mentioned purpose of the study can be met. The study will enable the bank to understand the
factors of internet banking which actually helps to improve the Customer retention. Thus they
can plan for their future plan of action or strategies and try to provide a good internet banking
service to retain more customers.

4.2 Research Type:

This research is Descriptive in nature. Under descriptive research it will be a causal study.
Because the type of study that will be carried out to test the hypothesis and to answer the
research questions will be a causal study. This type of study will show a cause and effect
relationship of the independent and dependent variables.

4.3 Sampling Method:

The sampling methods that have been adopted for the research is as follows:
Sampling Frame: The population of the research is formed by the customers of
Mutual Trust Bank LTD, Bashundhara Branch. The sampling frame for the research
will be the official list of customers in the Banks database in Bashundhara branch. So
it will be the probability sampling. Which is a subset of a statistical population in
which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen.(Levin &
Sampling Technique: A systematic random sampling method has been used where
every 3rd customer arriving in the branch will be contacted. Among those whoever
fall under the criteria of holding an account and use internet banking for more than a
year & visiting the branch at least once every two weeks will be interviewed.
Sample Size: 30 clients were interviewed who are using internet banking of Mutual
Trust Bank. So the sample size is 30.

4.4 Instrument:
A structured questionnaire was selected for this study. The questionnaire is consisting of 18
questions regarding Service Quality, Responsiveness, Privacy & Security, Assurance and
Reliability. Each item is of 5 point Liker scale, that ranges from 1(strongly disagree) to 5
(strongly agree).
P a g e | 19

4.5 Data Collection:

For collecting the data both primary and secondary sources are used.
Primary Sources:
Conversations with the bank employees and customers.
Discussions with the employees who handle the internet banking system.
Questionnaires used in interview.
Secondary Sources:
Mutual Trust Banks global and regional websites.
Various Publications and manuals on their internet banking.

4.6 Data Collection Method:

The questionnaire is distributed among the 30 respondents. The questionnaires were surveyed
personally at the branch of Mutual Trust Bank Bashundhara branch. This was possible
because of a prior notice from the branch officers of an arrival of a client. There was an
economy in data collection due to the focus provided by standardized Questions. Only
questions of interest to the researcher are asked, recorded, codified, and Analyzed. Because
they are standardized, they are relatively free from several types of errors. They are relatively
easy to administer.

4.7 Data Analysis:

For data analysis purpose, SPSS software have used as it provides in-depth investigation in
data analysis and visualization. Reliability analysis, regression analysis and co-relation
analysis have used to analysis of the data. Stepwise regression analysis can be carried out to
test hypotheses to find which independent variable(s) individually and collectively provide a
meaningful contribution towards the explanation of the dependent variable noted that if an
investigator wishes to determine whether some conceptually newer measures add anything to
the depending variable. MS Excel has also used to carry out calculations in some cases. The
researchers have investigated Internet banking Factors impact in Customer retention of
Mutual Trust Bank Bashundhara branch.
Frequency Table:
The sample size of the research consists of 20 male and 10 female respondents. 66.7%
of male and 33.3% of female customers participates in this survey which is shown at
Among the responding 10 customers age was between 15-25 years, 11 customers age
was between 26-35 years, 6 customers age was between 36-45 years and 3 customers
age was between 46 and above which is shown below.
There are three occupation ranges in the survey. There were 19 respondents, who are
service holders which is 63.3%, 4 are businessman which is 13.3% and 7 who are
student with 23.3%.
P a g e | 20


Age Gender Occupation

N Valid 30 30 30

Missing 0 0 0
P a g e | 21

Reliability Analysis:

Service Quality and Customer Retention:

Interpretation: Here the alpha value is 0.896, which is more then 0.5. So, the
question is clear to the audience.
Responsiveness and Customer Retention:

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.883 2

Interpretation: Here the alpha value is 0.883, which is more then 0.5. So, the
question is clear to the audience.
Security & Privacy and Customer Retention:

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.839 2

Interpretation: Here the alpha value is 0.839, which is more then 0.5. So, the
question is clear to the audience.
P a g e | 22

Assurance and Customer Retention:

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.825 2

Interpretation: Here the alpha value is 0.825, which is more then 0.5. So, the
question is clear to the audience.
Reliability and Customer Retention:

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.825 2

Interpretation: Here the alpha value is 0.825, which is more then 0.5. So, the
question is clear to the audience.

Regression Analysis:
Service Quality and Customer Retention:
P a g e | 23

Interpretation: Here the value of 2 is .682 means 68.2%. Thats mean the effect
of service quality on customer retention is 68.2%.
Responsiveness and Customer Retention:

Interpretation: Here the effect of responsiveness on customer retention is 67.5%.

P a g e | 24

Security & Privacy and Customer Retention:

Interpretation: Here the value of 2 is .560. Thats mean the effect of privacy
and security on customer retention is 56%.

Assurance and Customer Retention:

P a g e | 25

Interpretation: Here the value of 2 is .500. Thats mean the effect of assurance
on customer retention is 50%.
Reliability and Customer Retention:
P a g e | 26

Interpretation: The effect of reliability on customer retention is 58.1%.

Correlation analysis:
Correlation analysis was conducted on all variables to explore the relationship
between variables. The bivariate correlation procedure was subject to a two tailed of
statistical significance at two different levels highly significant (p<.01) and significant

Hypothesis testing:
Ho: null hypothesis = no relationship
Ha: alternative hypothesis = relationship
Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Retention:


Retention Service Quality
Customer Retention Pearson Correlation 1 .826

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30
Service Quality Pearson Correlation .826 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: At 5% level of significance we cannot accept the null hypothesis

as T value dont falls in (-2.021 to +2.021) and accept alternative hypothesis. So,
P a g e | 27

according to the Pearson correlation test there is a relationship between service

quality and customer retention, which is moderately significant.
Relationship between Responsiveness and Customer Retention:


Retention Responsiveness
Customer Retention Pearson Correlation 1 .821

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30
Responsiveness Pearson Correlation .821 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: There is a moderately significant relationship between

responsiveness and customer retention.
Relationship between Security & Privacy with Customer Retention:


Customer Privacy and

Retention Security
Customer Retention Pearson Correlation 1 .749

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30
Privacy and Security Pearson Correlation .749 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: According to the Pearson correlation test there is a relationship

between security & privacy with customer retention, which is moderately
P a g e | 28

Relationship between Assurance and Customer Retention:


Retention Assurance
Customer Retention Pearson Correlation 1 .707

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30
Assurance Pearson Correlation .707 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: At 5% level of significance we cannot accept the null hypothesis

as T value dont falls in (-2.021 to +2.021) and accept alternative hypothesis. So,
there is a relationship between assurance and customer retention.
Relationship between Reliability and Customer Retention:


Retention Reliability
Customer Retention Pearson Correlation 1 .762

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30
Reliability Pearson Correlation .762 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: According to the test there is a moderately significant relationship

between reliability and customer retention as the T value dont falls in (-2.021 to
+2.021) and accept alternative hypothesis.

4.8 Findings:
After analyzing the data we have find that there is reliability between the independent
variables and dependent variables. Thats mean the questions are clear to the audience. After
the regression analysis we can see that the 2 value of the independent variables have a
positive effect on the dependent variable. In the correlation analysis there are moderately
significant relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable.
P a g e | 29

4.9 Discussion:
It is important for a bank to retain its customers, because it is the retention of loyal customers
who in turn would bring new customers for the bank in future. It is much cheaper for the
bank to retain its customers than to attract new customers which would require further
promotional expense. Through this research, researchers have mentioned some factors which
are helpful for retaining customers. They are as follows;
1) Service Quality.
2) Responsiveness.
3) Privacy and Security.
4) Assurance.
5) Reliability.
P a g e | 30


5.1 Conclusion:
Working as an intern in MTBL I have truly enjoyed my internship program from the learning
and experience viewpoint. I am confident that this three months experience will definitely
help me to build up my career in future.
The research clearly indicates that internet banking features of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. helps
to retain customers. If the bank plans to expand the customer base of internet banking they
should focus more on service quality, responsiveness, privacy & security, assurance and
reliability factors of internet banking. Proper web-hosting is required for this. Customers
should also be made aware of unethical practices like sniffing, spoofing, phishing and other
malicious software which can be used by hackers. Attention should also be given in the
encryption of the information which is exchanged between the users and the bank. More ever
the bank should be more aware to make their internet banking service more quality full for
their customers. I think this research will be helpful for Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. to make their
internet banking much better in future. This research will be also beneficiary for other
researcher who wants to do research on this topic in future.

5.2 Recommendation:
It is suggested that a better research on the impact of Internet banking in customer
retention can be carried out so that more people can be habituated with the internet in
At the current situation, the condition of information technology is improving slowly
in Bangladesh. The connectivity of the internet of Bangladesh is expected to improve.
A more useful and effective research can be carried out in the near future if
connectivity and network improvements are witnessed by customers.
A study on a large population sample is likely to give more accurate results. If Mutual
Trust Bank Ltd. increases its customer base and do a survey on a larger sample size, it
will give more accurate information and result.
Proper steps should be taken to make the Internet Banking service more efficient and
client friendly.
A research should be made by considering the users of internet banking across all the
major banks that are operating in the country.
P a g e | 31


[1] Guangying Hua, (April 2009), Internet Banking and Commerce, Journal of internet
banking, vol. 14, no.1
[2] Asli Yuksel Mermod, (April 2011), Internet Banking and Commerce, Journal of
internet banking, vol. 16, no.1
[3] Chun Wang and Zheng Wang, (2006:07), The Impact of Internet on Service Quality in
the Banking Sector
[4] Pandachi K, Seetanah B and Appadu A, A STUDY ON THE USE OF INTERNET
[5] Anesh Maniraj Singh, (2004), Trends in South African Internet Banking, Aslib
Proceedings, Vol.56, Iss: 3 pp.187-196.
[6] Blanca Hernndez-Ortega, (December 2007), Internet Banking and Commerce, Journal
of internet banking, vol. 12, no.3
[8] Annual Report 2012 of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
[9] Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. website
P a g e | 32


A.1 Questionnaire:

Good Morning / Good Afternoon, I am Umme Sauda Bente Morad doing my

Internship in Mutual Trust Bank Ltd, Bashundhara branch Dhaka. I have to submit a
report on the impact of internet banking on customer retention as a part of my
Internship program. For that I am conducting a survey on Mutual Trust bank
customers. I would be glad and grateful if you help me in the process through
answering the survey questions.

Personal Information

1. Male 2. Female

3. Age: 15-25 26-35 36-45 45 above


1= strongly disagree; 2= Disagree; 3= Moderate; 4=Agree;

5=Strongly agree;

1) You are satisfied in the Banks service

quality. 1 2 3 4 5
2) The bank is well known and has a good
reputation. 1 2 3 4 5
3) The bank provides sufficient
information when customer needs it in 1 2 3 4 5
case of any problem.
4) The bank helps its customer willingly
and provides best service. 1 2 3 4 5
5) The bank resolves any problem very
quickly which encounters with the 1 2 3 4 5
P a g e | 33

online transaction.
6) The function of the online transaction
is easy to operate and you rely on it. 1 2 3 4 5
7) When the bank promises you to do
something within a certain time, it does 1 2 3 4 5
8) The site of the bank gives sufficient
promises to its customers about their 1 2 3 4 5
9) The bank provides sufficient and
accurate informations to its customers. 1 2 3 4 5

10) The information context and texts are

easy to understand. 1 2 3 4 5

11) You are able to get in the site quickly. 1 2 3 4 5

12) It is easy to complete a transaction

quickly through the banks website. 1 2 3 4 5
13) You have enough privacy and security
on your informations that you have 1 2 3 4 5
given to the bank.
14) You fill safe in the transaction with the
bank. 1 2 3 4 5
15) The banks site is secure for credit card
1 2 3 4 5
16) The bank will not misuse your
informations. 1 2 3 4 5
17) The bank is responsible enough
towards its customers. 1 2 3 4 5
18) The bank does not do any compromise
with the service quality and customer 1 2 3 4 5

Thank You

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