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Discussion Questions: Part 2

1. Compare and contrast LJI and Fenway.

- LJI was very strict in terms of roles and policies. Even the way they dressed
showed this. They were very formal, professional, and had high standards.
This was seen in the way they interviewed Catherine, to how they distributed
roles and even how they interacted with one another. Fenway, on the other
hand, was less esteemed compared to LJI. In the way Catherine compared
the interior and furniture inside the two companies, we can see how
impressed she was with that of LJIs. In terms of clothing, Fenway was more
casual and didnt have a strict dress code. They were also a bit relaxed when
it came to the distribution of roles and work, since Catherine found herself
doing work that wasnt assigned to her, but this could also be due to the huge
difference in employee number.

2. What was Catherines reaction after joining Fenway Waste Management, and
why was her level of social identification different from that of LJI?
- She found herself having to adjust to her new work, position and surroundings.
It was even stated that at one point, she was half-worried.
- Her level of social identification was different from that of LJIs because she
greatly valued her affiliation with this company, thus keeping her social
identity strongly tied to it even after her departure. She was impressed and
attracted to LJIs standards and professionalism, which she clearly did not
see with Fenway.

3. Is there evidence that Catherine experienced the categorization-homogenization-

differentiation process? What details support your conclusion?
- Yes, Catherine experienced the categorization-homogenization-differentiation
process by engaging in it herself. We can see this in the way she liked being
an accountant, because her father was one. She also used categorization
during her stay in LJI, starting with her interview. She liked the way the
company and its employees looked, so she did not only want to work with
them so much, but she also assigned a lot of good qualities and traits to them.
The categorization-homogenization-differentiation process was still present
even when she left LJI. As she entered Fenway, she looked for all the good
qualities she found in LJI. She was rather unimpressed and worried with
Fenway because everything she got used to doing and seeing in LJI, she
didnt see with them.
Rebueno, Jessielyn Emmanuelle M.
TMBA216 Hum Bhv

Discussion Questions: Part 1

1. Discuss the social identity issues present in this case.

- We can see that Catherine was happy with being an accountant because her
father was one. Also, she was offered two jobs but she chose LJI, because
she grouped herself with themshe saw their high standards and
professionalism which attracted her to being with the said group.

2. What indicated Catherines positive evaluation of the groups described in Part 1?

How did her evaluations foster her social identity?
- How Catherine described LJI showed her positive evaluation of the group.
She was impressed with the details she had seen the moment she walked in
the company, even describing the lobby as elegant. She said she
appreciated the quiet and focused work atmosphere, and that she liked how
everyone dressed. She even thought, I like the way this place feels and I
would love to come work here every day! Catherine had a very good opinion
of the company for having high ethical standards and quality of work.

3. What theory helps us understand how Catherine learned about appropriate

behaviors at LJI?
- The theory that helps us understand how Catherine learned about appropriate
behaviors at LJI is the Social Identity Theory. Aside from reading the
handbook given by the company, Catherine learned what was appropriate for
work by observing her colleagues mannerisms, actions, and even how they
dressed. She showed her respect for what she saw, and eventually learned to
look, dress, and work like them.

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