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Binary Flash Distillation

Concept of phase equilibrium

Equilibrium relationships
Flash distillation
Design issues
Binary flash distillation design
Problem to test your understanding

Compulsory reading: Chapter 2 (sections 2.1 to 2.3, 2.4, 2.4.1, and 2.5) from the text book

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-1
Flash Distillation simplest separation process in chemical industry

V, yA, yB, TV Feed is a liquid mixture

Methanol (A) water (B)
Vapor pressure of A: pA Propane (A) butane (B)
Water (A) salt (B)
Vapor pressure of B: pB pA>pB
Heat prevents (A is lighter component)
Pdrum liquid yA>zA
Tdrum droplet (lighter component enriched in V)
Feed xB>zB
Expand in vapor
(heavier component enriched in L)
Degree of separation high if pA>pB
Mole Mole
fraction fraction Very suitable for desalination
ofA ofB
Feed,F zA zB

Vapor,V yA yB

Liquid,L xA xB
Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-2
What can we say from the equilibrium design method?

V and L are in equilibrium

TL = TV = Tdrum
Liquid and vapor stream pressures = Pdrum
y= f(x)
yi / xi= Ki (distribution coefficient) = f(P, T and all xi)
xA + xB = 1 = yA + yB
Models relating y to x at equilibrium were covered in CN2121
Simple equations for ideal systems
Complex equations for non-deal systems

Design of the flash process depends on good equilibrium data

Experimental data Estimated K values

Simple thermodynamic model for

DePriester chart for hydrocarbons ideal systems

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-3
Experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data (including non-ideal systems)

Tabular (complete with temperature and pressure) T-x-y plot

XEt Xw YEt Yw T, C P, atm
0 1.0 0 1.0 100
0.019 0.981 0.17 0.83 95.5
0.0966 0.9034 0.4375 0.5625 86.7
0.1661 0.8339 0.5089 0.4911 84.1
0.2608 0.7382 0.5580 0.4420 82.3 1
0.3965 0.6035 0.6122 0.3878 80.7
0.5198 0.4802 0.6599 0.3401 79.7
0.6763 0.3237 0.7385 0.2615 78.74
0.7472 0.2528 0.7815 0.2185 78.41
1.0 0 1.0 0 78.3

x-y diagram

x-y diagram is widely used in binary vapor-liquid


x-y diagram usually scales from 0-1 on both axes

The diagonal joins (0, 0) and (1,1) points and is an

important reference line

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-4
DePriester chart: K values for light hydrocarbons
This is Figure 2-12 from the text book. For lower temperature see Figure 2-11

Read K values methane, ethylene, iso-propane and

n-octane at 200 kPa and 50 oC
Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-5
Vapor-liquid equilibrium for an ideal system
In general: K i ,whereK i f P, T , allxi
For ideal systems : i K i ,whereK i f P, T How to generate x-y-T data from Ki values
xi Illustration for a binary system
The following identities apply for both ideal and non-
ideal systems i. Set system pressure (say, P=1 atm)
n n n n y ii. x = 0.1 (depends on how many data points)
yi 1; xi 1; K i xi 1; i 1 iii. xA = 0.1
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1K i iv. xB = 1-xA
v. Guess T
vi. Calculate KA and KB from Eqs (1) and (2) or
Raoults Law: pi pio xi from DePriester Chart
p vii. Check if K A x A K B xB 1
Dalton's Law: yi i
P viii. If no, go back to (iv). If yes, continue
y A K A x A ; y B K B xB
For an ideal system : Ki (1) x. Store xA, yA and T
P xi. Check if xA = 1
xii. If yes, stop. If no, xA = xA + x and go to (iv)
Antoine equation: ln pio Ai (2) Repeat from (iii) for another pressure
T Ci
Ai, Bi, Ci are constants for pure components. These
are tabulated in various data sources. Tables of pure
component vapor pressures are also available.
Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-6
Approximate equilibrium equation for a binary system

K A p oA
Relative volatility, AB foridealsystem
K B pBo Short-cut to vapor-liquid
AB means no separation equilibrium data
>1 or <1 necessary for vapor-liquid separation Obtain KA and KB from Eq (1) and (2)
or from DePriester Chart at the desired
P and a representative T
K A f T ; K B f T ; KA
Use AB in Eq (3) to generate
Agoodassumptionformany systems is AB f T KB
yA vs xA data
Useful for preliminary design
yA yA Cannot give the operating T
KA xA xA
K B yB 1 y A
xB 1 x A Multicomponent systems
2D plots cannot be used
Uponrearrangement : Polynomial equations fitted to
DePriester chart are used
AB x A See eq (2-30) and Table 2-3 in text
yA (3)

1 AB 1 x A book

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-7
Degrees of freedom in a binary two-phase system

Gibbs phase rule: F = C P + 2 T, P, xA and yA are the 4 independent variables

For a binary vapor-liquid system:
F=2 You can choose to fix only 2 variables
F: degrees of freedom
C: number of components
P: number of phase

Test your understanding

You are asked to determine the system pressure that is required to bring a 50:50 liquid mixture of A:B to come
to equilibrium with a 70:30 vapor mixture of A:B at 70oC. Is this possible?

Which of the following is/are possible?


1. A binary vapor-liquid system is at 50oC and 1 atm pressure. Find the composition of the two phases.
2. From a given liquid mixture, obtain a specific vapor mixture at specified temperature and pressure.
3. Condense a vapor mixture to obtain a desired liquid mixture.

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-8
What do we mean by designing a flash system?
Remember: x and y are in equilibrium
Loop 1

Loop 2 Typically F, z, T1 and P1 will be known

Given Calculate How?

Tdrum, Pdrum V L
x, y, ,
F F Overall and component mass
V L Tdrum, Pdrum balances around Loop 1
x, y, or
TF and PF TF from energy balance
F, z Pumping TF, around Loop 1
T1, P1
& Heating
PF, hF PF is chosen to prevent
QH boiling at TF
V, y, HV
F, z IDEAL QH QH from energy balance
TF, PF, hF STAGE around Loop 2
L, x, hL
Drum height Empirical method depends
Adiabatic process. and diameter only on densities and mass
flow rates of L and V
Pressure reduction from PF to Pdrum across the
valve causes part of the feed to flash from the
liquid to the vapor state. Internal enthalpy
supply causes Tdrum < TF
Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-9
Binary Flash Distillation Simultaneous solution of (6a) and (7)
Loop 1 Numerical
V, y, HV General method including multi-component
TF, PF, hF Equation for equilibrium data, e.g., eq (4)
L, x, hL
Graphical simple and insightful
Overall mass balance L 1 f
Slope of eq (6a)
v f
F V L (5) Eq (6a) intersects diagonal at x y z
Component balance (more volatile species)
Fz Vy Lx 0.6
0.5 Diagonal

(x = y)
or, z y x fy (1 f )x (6)
F F 0.2 Z = 0.5
where f and therefore 1 f 0
F F F 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Benzene-toluene equilibrium
Rearranging eq (6a):
1 f z
y x (Operating line) (6a)
f f Test your understanding

Equilibrium relationship: y f x,T,P

Effect of vapor rate on ybenzene?
Range over which ybenzene can be varied?
Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-10
Feed Temperature, TF Condition to prevent boiling at TF
Loop 1 yi Ki TF,PF xi <1
V, y, HV i i
F, z IDEAL Pump size to pressurize from P1 to PF
P P1 b a g b Vb2 a v a2
L, x, hL Wp F hf
gc 2gc
Energy balance around Loop: 1 Loop 2
a b
FhF Qflash VHv LhL (8) F, z Pumping TF,
T1, P1 & Heating
PF, hF
Qflash 0 (adiabatic) (9a) Heat Load, QH

Energy balance around Loop: 2

hL xiCLi (Tdrum Tref ) (9b)
QH Fh1 FhF
hF ziCLi (TF Tref ) (9c)
or, QH F hF h1 (10)
Hv yi i Cvi (Tdrum Tref ) (9d) After determining TF, hF is calculated
from eq (9c)
In (a) (d) CL is liquid heat capacity
is latent heat of vaporization h1 ziCLi (T1 Tref ) (11)
Cv is vapour heat capacity i

When F,zi,xi,yi,Tdrum and Pdrum are known, When F,zi,TF and PF are known, QH is
after substituting (a) (d) and the physical obtained after substituting eqs (9c) and
properties in eq (8), the only unknown is TF (11), and the physical properties in eq (10)

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-11
Test your understanding: Problem 1
A flash distillation chamber operating at 1 atm (101.3 kPa) is separating ethanol-water mixture containing 60 mole % ethanol. (a) Is
it possible to get a vapor product containing 80 mole% ethanol from this unit? (b) If the drum temperature is 85 oC, find x, y, , .
(c) What should be the drum temperature if we want 50% of the feed to evaporate in the flash drum? Find the corresponding
changes in x and y.
(b) (c)


Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-12

(a) Draw the operating quadrant of a flash unit (see page 2-10, if in doubt)
Now locate the vapor product leaving the unit. Remember, Vapor and liquid products leaving a flash unit are
assumed to be in equilibrium. Hence, vapor/liquid product composition is a point on the vapor-liquid equilibrium
line. Knowing any one composition is sufficient to locate the point.

(b) You can read x and y directly from the T vs. x or y plot. This (x, y) is a point on the vapor-liquid equilibrium line.
You know the feed composition and therefore you have another point on the diagonal. The line joining these
two points is the operating line. From the slope of this line you should be able to find and .
(c) In part (b), you went from T vs. x or y plot to x vs. y plot. Now you do the reverse. Since the feed composition is
known, the point you had identified on the diagonal remains unchanged. You now find the slope of the
operating line corresponding to =0.5. This line will give you the composition of the vapor and liquid products.
Use this information in the T vs. x or y plot to find required flash drum temperature.

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-13
To be solved in class
1. The T-x-y data for toluene-phenol system at 1 atm pressure
is given in Figure 2. It has been decided that a 35:65 mixture
of toluene and phenol will be flash distilled at a feed rate of 160
1000 kmol/hr in a flash drum at 1 atm pressure and 140 oC.

T ( C)

a. Find toluene mole fractions in the vapor and liquid
streams leaving the flash unit. Show your drawings in
Figure 2. 120
b. Calculate the vapor flow rate leaving the flash unit
c. Calculate the diameter of the drum if the permissible Liquid
vapor velocity is 2 m/s. Average molecular weight of 100
the vapor is 92.5. Molar density of the vapor is 0.0295 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
kmol/m3. xT or yT
Figure: 2

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-14
2. Two flash distillation chambers are hooked together as shown in the diagram. Both are at 1 atm pressure. The feed to the
first drum is a binary mixture of methanol and water that is 55 mole % methanol. Feed flowrate is 10,000 kg moles/hr. The
second drum operates with 0.7 and the liquid product composition is 25 mole % methanol. Equilibrium data at 1
F 2
atm are given in Table 1. Table 1
Mole % Methanol
a. What is the fraction vaporized in the first flash drum?
Liquid Vapour Temp C
b. What are y1, y2, x1, Tdrum1 and Tdrum2? 0 0 100
2.0 13.4 96.4
4.0 23.0 93.5
6.0 30.4 91.2
8.0 36.5 89.3
10.0 41.8 87.7
15.0 51.7 84.4
20.0 57.9 81.7
30.0 66.5 78.0
40.0 72.9 75.3
50.0 77.9 73.1
60.0 82.5 71.2
70.0 87.0 69.3
80.0 91.5 67.6
90.0 95.8 66.0
95.0 97.9 65.0
100.0 100.0 64.5

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-15
Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-16
Test your understanding
Separation process design is an integration of knowledge acquired in various CN modules. Identify the roles of
the following modules in the context of a flash system design:

CN1111 Chemical Engineering Principles

CN2121 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

CN2122 Fluid Mechanics

CN 2125 Heat and Mass Transfer

How would you describe integrating role of the present module?

What is the role of CN3121 Process Dynamics and Control in separation process design? Answer this question
after you have developed some idea about the content of CN3121.
Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-17
Homework 1 (CN 3132)
1. The outlet air from the paint formulation chamber of a paint industry shown in the figure is saturated with solvent hexane. The
outlet air stream is at atmospheric pressure and 25 oC. A consultant has been hired to design a flash separator that will
remove at least 90% of hexane from the outlet air before discharging the air steam to atmosphere. Available in the store is a
cooling system that can cool the outlet air stream up to -5 oC. Also available is a compressor that can compress the air
stream up to 600 kPa. The consultant has recommended that the flash separator be operated at 0 oC and 200 kPa. K values
of hexane at 2 different conditions are also included in the figure below.

Hexane saturated Maximum 10% of hexane in

outlet air
Fresh air 10 moles/hr
K values of hexane.
Pressure Temp K
Paint 1 atm 25 oC 0.2
formulation Nearly pure
200 kPa 0 oC 0.035

(i) Find the flow rate of the hexane stream leaving the bottom of the flash unit assuming 90% removal.

(ii) Do you agree with the recommendation of the consultant? Show the calculations in support of your answer.

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-18
2. The process flow diagram for an ethyl benzene manufacturing process is shown in Figure Q1. The separation processes,
consisting of a flash unit (V-302) and two multi-stage distillation units (T-301 and T-302), are shown in Block 1 of the figure.
The temperatures, pressures and compositions of the streams entering and exiting these units are given in Table Q1.

i) What is the composition (in mole fractions) of the stream entering the flash unit (V-302)?
ii) According to Table Q1, the flash unit (V-302) operates at 73.6oC and 110kPa. Calculate the partition coefficients (K values)
of all the components in this unit.

Table Q1: Information on the streams entering and exiting the separation units.

Stream Number
15 16 17 18 19 20

Temperature 73.6 73.6 81.4 145.4 139.0 191.1

Pressure 110.0 110.0 105.0 120.0 110.0 140.0
Flow rate (kmol/hr)
Ethylene 0.54 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ethane 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Propylene 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Benzene 8.38 169.46 169.23 0.17 0.17 0.0
Ethylbenzene 0.71 91.54 0.92 90.63 89.72 0.91
1,4- 0.013 10.35 0.0 10.35 0.0001 10.35

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-19
Block 1

Figure Q1: Process flow diagram for an ethyl benzene manufacturing process.

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-20
3. Natural gas is considered as the cleanest among the fossil fuels. In many natural gas fields, the gas contains N2, CO2,
C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10 in addition to CH4. A representative composition of natural gas found in the Middle East is given in
Table Q3 below. Design a flash unit to recover 99% of C2H6.Clearly state your assumptions and verify them after completing
the design.

Table Q3: Composition of natural gas from a gas field in the Middle East.

Component Mole %
H2 S 5
CO2 10
CH4 75
C2 H6 5
C3 H8 3
C4H10 2

Farooq/CN3132/Flash Distillation-21

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