Fertilizers (Quiz)

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Fertilizers (Short Quiz) Fertilizers (Short Quiz)

Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Score: ________ Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Score: ________
Identification Identification
_______________________ 1. These fertilizers are waste products from _______________________ 1. These fertilizers contain several primary
animal husbandry, plant decomposition nutrients and sometimes micronutrients as
products or products from waste well.
treatment. _______________________ 2. These are usually small rounded/
spherical/cylindrical solids which are less
_______________________ 2. The method of granulation which involves likely to cake than powdered materials
press agglomeration with smooth rolls, and are less dusty and corrosive.
then are next reduced to the desired grain _______________________ 3. The most common potash mineral which
size (in a crusher or mill) and screened. has relatively the highest
_______________________ 3. The main industrial source of phosphorus. K % (52.44) content and % K2O (63.17)
_______________________ 4. It is one of the earths most abundant and
_______________________ 4. It is one of the earths most abundant and
the only mobile primary nutrient.
the only mobile primary nutrient.
_______________________ 5. The most common potash mineral which
_______________________ 5. The process of the removal of clay,
has relatively the highest
carbonate, and silica from phosphate rock
K % (52.44) content and % K2O (63.17)
by sieving and flotation.
True or False.
True or False.
_______________________ 6. In the acidulation reactor (manufacture of
_______________________ 6. One advantage of granules over powdered
complex fertilizers), nitric acid and
products is that they require less storage
phosphoric acid is added for the
because of their lesser bulk density.
decomposition of the grounded
_______________________ 7. Nonmineral nutrients are required in trace
phosphate rock.
_______________________ 7. The Muriate of potash is also known as
_______________________ 8. For a N-P-K fertilizer, it has a
potassium sulfate.
corresponding fertilizer grade of 5-10-15.
_______________________ 8. For a N-P-K fertilizer, it has a
The first number represents the total
corresponding fertilizer grade of 5-10-15.
nitrogen content, the second number
The first number represents the total
represents the available potash content
nitrogen content, the second number
and the third number represents the
represents the available phosphoric acid
soluble phosphoric acid content.
content and the third number represents
_______________________ 9. The Muriate of potash is also known as
the soluble potash content.
potassium chloride.
_______________________ 9. Nonmineral nutrients are required in trace
_______________________ 10. In the acidulation reactor (manufacture of
complex fertilizers), nitric acid and
_______________________ 10. One advantage of granules over powdered
phosphoric acid is added for the
products is that they require less storage
ammoniation of the grounded phosphate
because of their greater bulk density.
_______________________ (BONUS) The process/es in producing
_______________________ (BONUS) The process/es in producing
synthetic ammonia (one of the source of
synthetic ammonia (one of the source of
raw materials for nitrogen fertilizers.
raw materials for nitrogen fertilizers.

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