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Complex numbers Why itis important to understand: Complex numbers Complex numbers are used in many scientific feds, including engineering, electromagnetism, quantum physics, and applied mathematics suchas chaos theory. Any physical motion which is periodic, such asan oscillating beam, sting, wire, pendulum, electronic signal, or electromagnetic wave can be represented by a complex number function, This can make calculations with the various components simpler than with real numbers and sines and cosines. In control theory, systems are often transformed from the time domain to the frequency domain using the Laplace transform. In uid dynamics, complex functions are ted to describe potential flow in two dimensions. In electrical engineering, the Fourier transform is tused to analyse varying vollages and currents. Complex numbers are used in signal analysis and other fields fora convenient description for periodically varying signals. This use is also extended into digital signal processing and digital image processing, which utilise digital versions of Fourier analysis (and ‘wavelet analysis) fo transmit, compress, restore and otherwise process digital audio signals, sill mages, and video signals. Knowledge of complex numbers is clearly absolutely essential for farther studies in so ‘many engineering disciplines. Tr Tagavan Nie ween Ma Moy ahr se Aber Se) 252 _ Higher Engineering Mathematics EE ‘here are several applications of complex numbers tn science and engincering, in particular in electrical alternating curent theory and in mechanical veetor analysis, There are two main forms of complex number ~ Cartesian form (oamed after Descartes") and polar form and both are explained inthis chapter If we can add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers in both forms and represent the numbers on an Argand diagram then a theory and vector analysis become considerably easier. () WE the quadratic equation x¢+2r+5=0 Is solved using the quadati formula then, fo crou koe iad = VIF- OSI a 2a) VER -24 Vide) ~ 2 2 =22vTBV=1 _-2 rr a = -bb2voT 1t is not possible to evaluate J=T in real terms. However, if an operator jis defined as j==T then the solution may be expressed as xa" pe (i) —14 72 and ~1~ j2 are known as com- plex iumbers. Both Solutions are ofthe form ‘a4-jb, ‘a’ being termed the real part and jb the imaginary part. A complex number of the form a+ jb is called Cartesian complex umber (Gi) In pure mathematics the symbol 7 is used to Indicate /=T (being te fst eter of the word Imaginary). However 1 i the symbol of eleetic curentin engineering, and to avoid possible con fusion the next letter in the alphabet, jis used to represent /=T » Who was Deseares? René Descartes (31 Match 1596-11 February 1850) was a French pilosopher, mathematician, and rier He wrote many fetal text IneludingMdtatons on ‘ist Philosophy: Descartes i best known forthe pilsophicl Stalement “Cogito ego sun’ (think therfore Iam), find in atl IV of Diseourseon the Method For image of Descates, se age 142, To find out mare goto i routlsige com ow bist Problem 1 Solve the quadratic equation 44=0 Since x? 44=0 then x? =—4 and x=J=A DOI= VED v4 = jee) = £2, (since j= V=1) (Note that + /2 may also be written £2) Problem 2 Solve the quadratic equation BE 4S +5=0 Using the quadratic formula, 32 IFO * 2 Jat _ 34 VET i nr 34 jvST va Hence x: oe + FF or 0.7504 1.392, 3 a correct to 3 decimal places. (Note, a graph of y= 2x" +3x-+5 does not cross the waxis and hence 2x? 4 3x45 =0 has no real roots.) Problem 8 Evaluate OP os OF @ @) P= fx jax Ja—Z, since f* fa Px FSCDxCDaL (Pa fx fH jx (P= p(y Complex numbers 253, [Now try the following Practice Exercise Practice Exercise 96 Introduction to Cartesian complex numbers (Answers on page #43) InProblems 1109, solve the quadratic equations 1 425-0 2 tant 3 tary: 4, x6x+10=0 5, 2x#—2x41=0 6. tar} 8=0 25x? —10x+2—0 aatyary4=0 4@—sty7=0 144 10, Bvaluate(@) #4 0 45 OF O-F5 Orn Ermira A complex number may be represented pictorially on rectangular or Cartesian axes. The horizontal (or x) axis isused orepresenttherealaxis andthe vertical (or y)axis, Imaginary Is used to represent the imaginary axis. Such a diagram iscalled an Argand diagram’. InFig.22.1, the point A represutsthe complexnumber (3 + j2) andis obtained byplottingthe co-ordinates (3, 2) a8 ingraphical work. Fig. 22.Lalso shows the Argandpoints B, Cand Drepre- ‘senting the complex numbers (=2+ 4), (—3— 5) and (A= J8) respectively. Pee rune eat ‘Two complex numbers ate added/sublracted by adding/ subtracting separately the two real parts and the two Imaginary parts For example, if Zi =a+ jb and = jd, then Z1+Z,=(atjO4(c~ jd =a+o+ b+, and Z,-Z=(a+jo)—(c+ fa) =@-9+ jb-d “Thus, for example Gh 1+G-M=24 f43- HA asa + who yas Angand? Jeam-Robert Argand (8 fly 1768-13, August 1822) was a highly infvntal mathematician. Hep “ately published landmark stay onthe representation of imag Inary quantities wbich became known asthe Argaad diagram To find out mare fo to wor soutede come bird are) Se) 254 Higher Engineering Mathematics and (2+ j3)-(3- j)=2+4 j3-3+ jh ats ‘The addition and subtraction of complex numbers may be achieved graphically as shown inthe Argand diagram of Fig. 22.2. (2-+ 3) is represented by vector OP and (B— /4) by vector 09 In Fig. 2.2(2) by vectoradaition (Le. the diagonal ofthe parallelogram) OP + 0Q= OR. Ris the point (5, —/1) Hence (2+ /8)+@— j4) jl Imaginary O69 @ Imaginary oa » Figure 22.2 In Fig. 22.2(b), vector OQis reversed (shown as 09) since it is being subtracted. (Note OQ=3~ j4 and 0g =~ ja) =—-3 + j4) OP— 09= OP + 0G = OS's found to be the Argand point (-1, 7) Hence (2+ /3)-(G— jf) =—1+ j7 Problem 4 Given Z1=2+ jand Z=3— J determine (2) Z; + Z2, 0) Z1— Ze, (©) ZZ) and show the resulls on an Argand diagram. @ 2+ = 2+ M+B-/) +3)4jA-N=5+ /8 © %-H=2+ M)-B-/) =@-3)4 (A-ED)=-1F 5 - e+) =G-2)+J(-1-N=1- fs Each result is shown in the Argand diagram of Fig. 22.3 © 4 Imagery Figure 22.3 Peer) rote ord () Multiplication of complex numbers is achieved by assuming all quantities involved are real and then using j*=—1 to simplify, Hence (a+ jb\(e% je) act a(jd)+ Der Dd) act jad joes bd (ac bd) + flad+ bo) since 7 ‘Thus (+ j2)(4— 75) 12-54 j8— 210 2—(-10))+ j(-15+8) =2-j7 (Gi) The complex conjugate of a complex num- ber is obtained by changing the sign of the imaginary part. Hence the complex conjugate of a+ jbis a— jb. The product of a complex ‘number and its complex conjugate is always a real number, For example, G+ MG—j)=9—jl2+ jie— j*16 =9+16=25 (a+ jb)(@— jb) may be evaluated ‘on sight’ as ae (ii) Division of complex numbers is achieved by rmulliplying both numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate ofthe denominator. For example, 8 8 jf) “A oo _ ba j8~ /5 + 20 Fie 14-2 Be or —0.56— 0.92 robles 5. If Zj=1— 3, Z2=~2+ /Sand Zy~~3— JA determine in a-+ fo form @27% we () 212, 2 Complex numbers 255 @ ZZ == j3(-2+ 18) S24 j8-4 JO jA5 = (2415) 4+ j6-+6),since j? =13+ st w % 3-4 7S 3+ fA =34 jh jo jhe 13 jas— ji fae Fae 9-379 or. 8—j7.4 @ ZiZZ5=(13 + /U(-3~ JA), since Zi%y =13-+ 11, from past (a) 39 se j33— jd 394.44) — (62433) — 785 Problem 6 Evaluate om wi(S) @) A+ fas PAs N=lt jr i+ F alt je j-la pe G4 pt lds ph = (a= 4-4 Hence a aa are) Se) 256. Higher Engineering Mathematics 14s ore 48 LR rR 14 s2+ +f _ -34+ 58 oe Now try the following Practice Exercise Practice Exercise 97 Operationsinvelving Cartesian complex num! page 843) 1 Evaluate (@) 3+ 7246-9 and ©) (24 j6)-(— j2) and show the results on an Argand diagram. 2, Write down the complex conjugates of G34 jb) 2 j 3. Ml z-2+f and w=3—j evaluate @ z+ @) w-z ( 32-20 (@ 524 2w(@) fQw—32) (f)2jw— jz In Problems 4 to 8 evaluate in a4 jb form given A=1+ j2, A=M—j8, %=—2+ js and Z)—-5— j AW Ath-AW A-Atm 5 MAW AA 8 oA warden 1 1 8. Bralate @) 50 5 25 (14 ye _2 10. Show wat (F =574 24 PRR ee Pec If two complex numbers are equal, then thelr real parts are equal and their imaginary parts are equal, Hence if a+ fb=c+ Jd, then a=cand b=d Problem 7 Solve the complex equations: () 2x4 j=6- 8 a+ -2- at fb (0) 2x4 Jy)=8~ JShence 2e+ jy=6— 8 Equating the rel parts gives: 2x6, ie xed Equating the imaginary parts gives ry=-3 eyed 0) 4 2-2 j8)=a4 jb =2— j8— jA— j'6=a4 jb Hence 4— j7=a4 jb Equatng real and imaginary terms gies: and b= =7 Problem 8 Solve the equations: @) @- j9)=JGFIH ©) GRE AN=2-B @) @-/9)=VaFD Hence 2 pF=a4 jb, je @-j8)@- j8)=a4 jo Hence 4—j6— j64 j9=a4 jb and -5- flat jb This as —5 and b= —12 ©) GH payer jaya24 js Hence (x-+ y)-+ j(-27—3x)=24+ 8 Equating teal and imaginary parts gives: xeys2 o and —3x—2y=3 ® {.. two simultaneous equations to solve, ‘Multiplying equation (1) by 2 gives: aye2y—A 6 Adding equations (2) and (3) gives: -x=7, ie.xe-7 From equation (1), {in equation (2), which may be checked [Now try the following Practice Exercise Practice Exercise 98 Complex equa (Answers on page 45) In Problems 1 to solve the complex equations, 1 G+ pe + pb 2) 2 Fa sot i 38 @-=VEFD 4 ORY J =2+ J 5. If Z=R+jol+1/joC, express Z in (a+ jb) form when R=10, L=5, C=0.04 and o=4 PU Ooi ore () Leta complex mumber z be x4 jas shown in the Argand diagram of Fig. 224. Let distance Ozbe F andthe angle OZmakes withthe postive real axis be 0 From trigonometry, x =1c0s9 and yorsing Hence 4 Jy =re0s0 + jrsin =r(cos0 + jsind) -r(cos0-+ jsind) is usually abbreviated to 7=120 which is known as the polar form of ‘complex number. (i) ris called the modulus (or magnitude) of Zand is written as mod Z or [Z| 1s determined using Pythagoras’ theorem on lwiangle OAZ in Fig 22.4, Complex numbers 257 Imaginary z b iy ofA Real acia Figure 22.4 ie, VTP (i) is called the argument (or amplitude) of Z and is written as arg Z By trigonometry on triangle O47, ay arg Z: (iv) Whenever changing from Cartesian form to polar form. or vice-versa, a sketch is invaluable for determining the quadrant in which the c number occurs nplex Probleos © Determine the modulus and argument ofthe complex number Z-=2-+ /3, and express Z in pola form Z=2+ J8 lies in the frst quad Fig. 22.5, as shown in Imaginary Figure 225 Modulus, Z|=1= EFI) = /Thor 8.606, conect to 8 decimal places Argument, arg Z=0 =n! } = 56.31 0 5619 In polar form, 2 | / 1s writen as 3.60656.31° are) Se) 258. Higher Engineering Mathematics Problem 10. Express the following complex ‘numbers in polar form: 3+ A W344 (3-4 3-4 (a) 3+ jis shown in Fig, 22.6 and lies in the frst quadrant. Imaginary 344) ery et 2 3 Real ans 3-34) Figure 22.6 Modulus, r= V@SH)=5 and argument oats Hence 3+ ja (&) —3~ /4 is shown in Fig. 22.6 and lies in the second quadrant. Modulus, r=5 and angle «=83.13°, from pat) Argument= 180" —53.18°=126 87" (he. the argument must be measured from the positive real ai) Hence -3+ = 5126.87" (©) —3— jis shown in Fig. 22.6 and lies in the third quadrant Modulus, r—5 and « ~53.13°, as above, 33.13%, Hence the argument =180°-+53.13 which is the same as 126.87" Hence (—3— ft) =52288.18° or 52-126.87° (By convention the principal value is normally used, ie. the numerically least value, such that =n This er tno vse TT lis tps ts Lis sometimes needed to find the locus of a point Which moves in the Argand diagram according to some stated condition, Loci (he plural of locus) are illustrated. by the following worked problems. Problem 19. Determine the locus defined by lal =4, given that 2= 4+ jy, If z= 2x4 jy. then on an Argand diagram as shown in Figure 23.3, the modulus 2 va Iraginary Real Figure 233 Inthis case, FF = from which, 24 y* =a? From Chapter 28, x8 +y?= 42 ts a circle, with centre al the origin and with radius 4 ‘The locus (or path) of | = 4s shown in Fig, 23.4. ‘Problem 14 Determine the locus defined by arg 2= 5, piventhat = x4 Jy wt (2) where 6 is called the argument and is written as InFig.28.3.above, @= reo 8 ya locus l= lore yma Figure 22.4 Hence, in this example, Figure 23.5, Hence, the locus (or path) of arg 3 isa straight line y= x with > 0) as shown in Fig 28.5, Problem 48) 167254 jy determine th locas dete by ag =) = © fag 1) £m a r= j= te . alr) + Iyl=& tng 253 os (seaport?) Hence, in this example, ei DeMoive's theorem 271 Thus, if 1 then y= x1 V8 ‘Hence, the locus of arg (z—1) ie vo 3 Plan 10 etemine he locas defined by [po2la8,giventhat jy Weoozaxt yy, then [x2] 1x4 jy—21 (x—-2)+ Jy On the Argand diagram shown in Figure 23.3, lel=v¥oye Hence, in this case, |2—2|= V@—2)"F FF = 3 from which, (2)? +? = 38 From Chapter 28, (x a)*+ (y— b)* =r? i a cirele with cente (a 6) and radi Hence, (x—2)8+ yf = 3isacicle, with ceatre(2, 0) and radius 3 ‘The locus of | z—2| = 3 is shown in Figure 23.6. Figure 23.6 TS To ity zolextjy-1s-D iy stlaxtjytlautDtiy 1 Hence, nd squaring both sides gives: Gy wpe from which, -1i + =91r4 DEY AI oar tds Pa 9b Heeb 14) Podesta a9 + 18+ 949% 08x 420048 +8)" Bx? 42014848)? =0 and dividing by 4 gives: 2x? 45x42-+2)? = 0 which is the equation of the locus. Rearranging gives: 7} 3x y?@ =—1 Completing the square gives: (03) Bare we (nif se (r43) =) mica Sisacirdeof Hence the locus defined by 5 ; 6) strate cnt (- Rp a ssn ae(222) 2 () (be) z mI een + ile) OF DG-D) x6 (re Dy Jay way ban jaye jy jaye eye are) Se) 272 Higher Engineering Mathematics Baan jyty ae _ Gert —sy rc Ufa iy ye Foe OT Hence nyoP erty? Hence, the locus defined by arg (224) = 3 ix atertyt Pad Completing the square gives: (i (0) 1 wanes eden (3,2) ade Problem 19 Determine the locus defined by [z= j= |2— 31 given that z= 2+ jy Since |z— j= 12-31 then [x4 JO -DI=10-3) + 91 and FP EO=1= VO=HsF Squaring bth sides gives LH DE O34 yt texte Peay taatoortos yt fiomwhich, — =2y41 = 5449 te or-sa2y or yours Hence, the locus defined by | j|=|2— 3] is a straight line: y= 3x—4 Now try the following Practice Exercise Practice Exercise 104 Locus problems (Answers on page 848) For each of the following, fz = x-+ jy, a) deter mine the equation of the locus, (B) sketch the locus 1 ial 2 l= 2 ae2)=£ 4 ange +0) 5. z-21=4 6 [z431= 1. [zt sl=le+ 12 [z-4]=|2—-2y] 13, z-11=lal For fully worked solutions to cach of the problems in Practice Exercises 101 to 104 in this chapter, ‘goto the website:

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