Chapter 5 Utilization of Assessment Tools

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Chapter 5 Utilization of Assessment Tools

Quantile is a score distribution where the scores are divided into different equal parts.

Kinds of Quantiles
1. Quartile is a score distribution that divides the scores in the distribution into four (4) equal parts.
2. Decile is a score distribution that divides the scores in the distribution into ten (10) equal parts.
3. Percentile is a score distribution that divides the scores in the distribution into hundred (100) equal parts.

Quantiles for Ungrouped Data

a. Quartiles for Ungrouped Data

k k nth score
Q = [ n + (1 ) ]
4 4

Qk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases

Using the given data 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 22, 26, 30. Find Q1 .

22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

1 1 nth score
Q1 = [ (9) + (1 ) ]
4 4
9 3 nth score
Q1 = [ + ( )]
4 4
12 nth score
Q1 = [ ]
4 The value of Q1 is 24 which is the 3rd score in the
Q1 = 3rd score distribution. Therefore, 25% of the scores are below 24.

b. Decile for Ungrouped Data

k k nth score
D = [ n + (1 )]
10 10

Dk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases
Using the given data 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 22, 26, 30. Find D6 .

22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

6 6 nth score
D6 = [ (9) + (1 )]
10 10
54 4 nth score
D6 = [ + ( )]
10 10
58 nth score
D6 = [ ]
10 The value of D6 lies within the sum of the 5th score and
D6 = 5.8th score 80% of the difference between the 6th and 5th scores.

D6 = 5th score + 0.80 (6th score 5th score)

D6 = 26 + 0.80 (27 26)
D6 = 26 + 0.80 (1)
D6 = 26 + 1.80 Therefore, the 60% of the scores in the distribution are
less than 27.80.
D6 = 27.80

c. Percentile for Ungrouped Data

k k nth score
Q = [ n + (1 )]
100 100

Pk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases

Using the given data 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 22, 26, 30. Find D6 .

22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

6 6 nth score
D6 = [ (9) + (1 )]
10 10
54 4 nth score
D6 = [ + ( )]
10 10
58 nth score
D6 = [ ]
10 The value of D6 lies within the sum of the 5th score and
D6 = 5.8th score 80% of the difference between the 6th and 5th scores.

D6 = 5th score + 0.80 (6th score 5th score)

D6 = 26 + 0.80 (27 26)
D6 = 26 + 0.80 (1)
D6 = 26 + 1.80 Therefore, the 60% of the scores in the distribution are
less than 27.80.
D6 = 27.80
Quantiles for Grouped Data

a. Quartiles for Grouped Data

Q = L + ( 4 ) c. i.
Qk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases
LB = lower boundary of the quartile class
cfp = cumulative frequency before the quartile class when scores are arranged from lowest to highest
fq = frequency of the quartile class
c.i. = size of the class interval

b. Deciles for Grouped Data

D = L + ( 4 ) c. i.
Dk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases
LB = lower boundary of the quartile class
cfp = cumulative frequency before the quartile class when scores are arranged from lowest to highest
fq = frequency of the quartile class
c.i. = size of the class interval

c. Percentiles for Grouped Data

P = L + ( 4 ) c. i.
Pk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases
LB = lower boundary of the quartile class
cfp = cumulative frequency before the quartile class when scores are arranged from lowest to highest
fq = frequency of the quartile class
c.i. = size of the class interval

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