The American Musical Miscellany-Part 5

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MUSTCAL MISCELLANY. ye bring, Joy fhall quickly find us, Drink and dance, Ql es BIE and laugh and-fing, Andicaftdull care behind uss Friendfhip, with thy pow’r divine, . Brighten all our features-; ‘What but friendfhip, love, and wine,. Can make us happy creatures-? Bring the flakk, &c. Love, thy Godhead:we adore,* Source of generous paffion +: Nor will we ever bow before Thofe idols, wealth and fathion.. Bring the flafk, &c. Why fhould we be dull or fad, Since on earth we moulder ? ' The grave, the gay, the good, the bad, They every day grow older. Bring the flakk, &c, Then fince time will fteal away, * Spite of all our forrow ; Heighten every joy-to day, And never mind to morrow. ~ Bring the flatk, &c. Dea ae THE AMERICAN SONG XIII. BATCHELORS. HALL. To Batchelors hall we good fellows invite, on - ——- A F 1d wemount with a grace ; Did you fee us you's MUSICAL’ MISCELLANY. 48° Ga=EEt had dubb’d fome new gode of the chace, That , S215 Se = Di-a-na had dubb’d fome new gods of the chace. GES caets Hark a- way, hark away, All nature-looks gay, GS SLaE And Aurora with == ufh-ers inthe bright day. ° Dick Thickfet came mounted upon a fine black, A better fleet gelding ne’er hunter did back : Tom Trig rode a bay, full of mettle and bone, And gayly Bob Buxon rode proud on a roan; But the horfe of all horfes. that rivall’d the day, Was the Squire’s Neck- or-nothing, and that was a grey, Hark away, hark away, While our fpirits are gay, Let us drink to the joys of the next coming day. 44 THE AMERICAN Then for hounds there was Nimble, fo well that climbs rocks, And Cocknofe, a at fcenting a Fox, Little Plunge, like a mole, who with ferret and fearch, And beetle-brow’d Hawks-eye, fo dead at a lurch: Young Sly-looks, that {cents the ftrong breeze from, the South, And mufical Echo-well, with his deep mouth.. Hark. away, &c. Our horfes, thus all of the very: beft blood; ’Fis not likely you'll eafily find fuch a ftud ;: And for hounds our opinions with.thoufands we'll back, ~ (pack : That all England throughout can’t produce fucha Thus having defcribea you dogs, horfes, and crew, Away we fet off, for the Fox is in.view. Hark away, &c. Sly Reynard’s brought home, whilethe horns found a call, And now you’re all welcome to Batchelor’s hall The favory fir-loin grateful {mokes on the board, And Bacchus pours wine from his favorite hoard; Come on then, do honour'to this jovial place. And enjoy the {weet pleafures that {pring from the Hark away, &c. (chacer MUSICAL MISCELLANY OOLF’s ADIEU: sees eee: EE Bee sees ae — : “SEES sees pope aig aise TE | (Seer lipssegia2 ene ne hee 46 THE AMERYFCAN elgrpeiell bofom gently fwellings with Jove’s {oft tumults beat. eC ele ‘Two palfions ftrongty pleadingy-my-doleful: heart divide, Lo ! there’s. my country bleeding, and here’s my weeping bride, But know. thy: faithful loyer,.can trae'to either prove,- War fires my veins all-over, whilft every pulfe-beats love: T go where glory leads me, or points the dangerous way, Tho? coward love upbraids me, yet honour bids obey, Bat honours boatting:Mories, too oft thy fwain reprave, And whifper fame with glory, ah! whatiis that to loves ‘Then-think.where e’er I wander, through parts by fea or land} No diffant-heart can funder, what‘ mutnal love has join'dy Kind heav’n the brave requiting, hall fafe thy fwain reftore, And rapturés crown the miceting, as love ne’er felt before. SONG XV. MARLBOROUGH’S GHOST. apf Se iE BSE SS “MUSICAL MISCELLANY. Sleepy charms I come to br a z ea =e ie CEASE TESE Lee = =e aie aie aE fe af IE Sa ing RE 2 eer err “f =e Sit He = rete ease # pass oe apes EEE hich records thy . 46 THE AMERICAN Two paffions ftrongty pleading, my-doleful heart divide, Lo ! there’s my country bleeding, and here’s my weeping bride, But know. thy faithful loyer,.can true to either prove, War fires my veins all over, whiltt every pulfe-beats love. Igo where glory leads me, or points the dangerous way, Tho’ coward love upbraids me, yet honour bids obey, But honours boafting:flories, too oft thy fwain regreve, And whifper fame with glory, sh! what-is that to loves ‘Then think. where e’er I wander, through parts by fea or landj No diffant heart can funder, what‘mutual love has join'd, Kind heav’n the brave requiting, fhall fafe thy fwain reftore, And rapturés crown the miceting, as love ne’er felt before. SONG XV. MARLBOROUGH’S GHOST. =pSE= =Ep= Marlb’ro’ rife ! Hero, ere =PER= a2 =PE MUSICAL MISCELLANY. 49 Ponder in thy godlike mind, All the wonders thou haft wrought, Tyrants from their pride declin’d, Be the fubje& of thy thought. Reft thee here, while life may lait, Th’ utmoft blifs to. man allow’d Is to trace his aétions paft, And to find them great and good. But ’tis gone ! oh mortal born, Swift the fading {cene remove, Let them pafs with noble fcorn, Thine are worlds which roll above. Poets, prophets, heroes, kings, Pleas’d thy ripe approach forefee, Men who a€ted wond’rous things, Though they yield in fame to thee. Foremoft in the patriot band, Shining with diftinguith’d day, See thy friend Godolphin ftand, See he beckons thee away, Yonder feats and fields of light, Let thy ravifh’d thoughts explore, Wifhing, panting for thy fight, Half an angel, man no more, 50 THE AMERICAN SONG XVI, HE STOLE MY TENDER HEART AWAY. bey pe prScSpyiee Ares The fields were green, the hills were gay, And — =} fe IO met me in the grove, And told me tender Saas s kind, fo faithful and fo free? In fpite of ues all my friends could fay, Young Colin ftole m}

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