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Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Module Handbook

Master of Science
Degree Programme in

Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology


status November 2012
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Overview of Modules
Nr. Module Name Lectures and Labs CPs Term Exam Pg
11 Sensors1 Physical Chemistry 3 1 PL
Fundamentals of Physical Sensors 3 SL
12 Sensor Electronics Analog Electronics Lab 3 PL
Digital Electronics Lab 3 SL
13 Software Engineering C++Programming 3 PL
Matlab & Simulink 3 SL
14 Sensor Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Technology 3 PL
Technology of Sensors 3 SL
15 Dynamic Systems Control Control Theory 3 PL
Modeling, Simulation, Validation 3 SL
21 Sensors 2 Advanced Physical Sensors 3 2 PL
Environmental Process Technology 3 SL
22 Embedded Systems Microcontroller 3 PL
Digital Signal Processing 3 SL
23 Digital Control Digital Control Systems 3 PL
Control Lab 3 SL
24 Automation Automation Systems 3 PL
Automation Lab 3 SL
25 Management Business & Management 3 PL
Project Management 3 SL
31 Sensor Networks Bus Systems 3 3 PL
Automotive Sensors, Safety & Reliability 3 SL
32 Systems Engineering Modern Intelligent Controller Technology 3 PL
System Identification 3 SL
33 Simulation Numerical Simulation 3 PL
Application of FEM Technology 3 SL
34 Communication Communication & Visualization 3 PL
Guidance of Scientific Work 3 SL
35 Focal Subjects Industry Project 6 PL
41 Thesis 27 4 PL
42 Final Examination 3 PL

Red signed literature is available in the collection of handbooks of the MSST course
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Sensors 1

Module Number 11
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Physical Chemistry
2. Fundamentals of Physical Sensors
Semester 1st Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Hoinkis, Jan
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Hoinkis, Jan
2. Prof. Dr. Langen, Christian
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 1. 2 ECTS Basic Chemistry at university level
4 ECTS Basic Physics at university level
2. None
Recommended Requirements: none
Objectives 1. The students know and understand the interaction between
classical chemistry and physics. They get knowledge about
simple sensors for chemical parameters and develop a sense
for energy and dynamic effects in chemical reactions. They
know about the main characteristics of electrochemistry.
2. The student knows the most important sensor principles
for physical parameters and can critically evaluate applica-
tions in different environments. They know the special re-
quirements of signal processing, understand the theoretical
models and are able to combine sensors to evaluate not di-
rectly measurable parameters.
Summary/Outline 1. Chemical bonds and intermolecular forces, property of
gases, molecular spectroscopy, Beer's law, thermodynamics,
chemical equilibria, Nernst's law, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs
free energy, Law of Mass Action, simple galvanic cells, elec-
trode - electrolyte interface, fluid electrolytes, dissociation of
salt, solubility product, ion product, pH-value, ionic conduc-
tivity, ionic mobility, ion-selective electrodes, phase dia-
2. Characteristic of modern sensors, technologies for sensors,
resistive sensors, thermoelectric sensors, capacitive sensors,
piezoelectric sensors, operational amplifiers primary.
Examination 1. Written examination (90 min) with marks
2. Oral or written examination (90 min) passed or failed
Media Whiteboard, power-point slides
Literature 1. /1/ Hamann, Carl H. / Hamnett, Andrew / Vielstich, Wolf
- Electrochemistry - Weinheim: Wiley 1998
/2/ Atkins, P.W., De Paula, J., Physical Chemistry, Oxford
University Press, 2010
/3/ Atkins, P.W., Jones, L., Chemical Principles, Palgrave
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
Macmillan, 2010
/4/ Harris, D., Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Freemann,
New York, 2003
2. /1/ Doebelin, E. O.: Measurement Systems - Application
and Design, McGraw Hill 4th ed. 1990.
/2/ Figliola, R.S., Beasley, D.E.: Theory and Design for Me-
chanical Measurements, J. Wiley & Sons 2nd ed. 1995.
/3/ Fraden, J.: Handbook of Modern Sensors, AIP Press 2nd
ed. 1997.
/4/ Gpel, W.; Hesse, J. Zemel, J.N. (eds): Sensors. A Com-
prehensive Survey, Verlag Chemie 1994.
/5/ Long, G.: Real Applications of Electronic Sensors, Mac-
Millan Education, 1989.
/6/ Ohba, R. (ed): Intelligent Sensor Technology, J. Wiley &
Sons, 1992.
/7/ Pallas-Areny, R.; Webster, J.G.: Sensors and Signal Con-
ditioning, J. Wiley & Sons 2nd ed., 2001.
/8/ Petriu, E.M.: Instrumentation and Measurement, Tech-
nology and Applications, IEEE Technology Update Series,
/9/ Ristic, L.: Sensor Technologies and Devices, Artech
House, Inc., 1994.
/10/ Soloman, S.: Sensors Handbook, McGraw Hill, 1998
/11/ Taylor, H. R.; Taylor, J. R.: Data Acquisition for Sensor
Systems, Chapman & Hall, 1997.
/12/ Tzou, H.S.; Fukuda, T. (eds.): Precision Sensors, Actua-
tors and Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.
/13/ University of Wisconsin: The Measurement , Instrumen-
tation and Sensors Handbook, University of Wisconsin,
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Sensor Electronics

Module Number 12
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Analog Electronics Lab
2. Digital Electronics Lab
Semester 1st Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Herwig, Ralf
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Herwig, Ralf
2. Prof. Dr. Herwig, Ralf
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture and Laboratory/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture and Laboratory/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 4 ECTS Electrical Engineering at university level
Recommended Requirements: none
Objectives 1. The student is able to understand electronic circuits
and to work with operational amplifiers.
2. The students can convert numbers and can use logic
gates. They know the principles of A/D and D/A
conversion and understand the basic elements and
functions of a microcomputer.
Summary/Outline 1. Experiments with resistors, capacitors, inductors, net-
works, bridge circuits, operational amplifiers (OP), OP prin-
cipal circuits, diode and transistor, rectifier circuits, transis-
tor principal circuits.
2. Digital numbers, logic gates, Boolean expressions,
combinatory logic, sequential logic, analog /
digital and digital / analog converters,
programming of microcomputers.
Examination 1. Written examination (90 min) with marks
2. Laboratory passed or failed
Media Evaluation boards and computer measurement interfaces.
Booklet with description of the experiments and theory.
Computer based tests of the preparation for the
Literature /1/ Experiments with Operational Amplifiers - Online
/2/ Kleitz, William - Digital and microprocessor
fundamentals - London: Prentice Hall
Basic Experiments in Digital technology - Online E-book
/3/ Boylestad, R. L., Essentials of Circuit Analysis, Pearson
Education International, 2004
/4/ Hambley, A. R., Electrical Engineering, Principles and
Application, Pearson Education International, 2002
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Software Engineering

Module Number 13
Lectures and Laboratories 1. C++Programming
2. Matlab & Simulink
Semester 1st Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Dorschner, Hans-Werner
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Dorschner, Hans-Werner
2. Prof. Dr. Dorschner, Hans-Werner
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites none
Recommended Requirements: Basic programming knowledge
Objectives Learn structuring of technical and mathematical problems
and develop algorithms for these problems, Learn the basics
in MATALB, learn the basics in C++-programming included
OOP (classes, inheritance etc.)
Summary/Outline C++, MATLAB, algebraic systems, software engineering
Examination 1. Written examination (90 min) with marks
2. Oral or written examination (90 min) passed or failed
Media Lecture notes, eBooks delivered by the lecturer
Literature /1/ Diverse references included in lecture notes, MathWorks
documentation on MATLAB, Web tutorial C++
/2/ Hahn, B. D., Valentine, D. T., Essential Matlab for Engi-
neers and Scientists, Elsevier Ltd., 2010
/3/ Yevick, D., A First Course in Computional Physics and
Object-Oriented Programming with C++, Cambridge Uni-
versity, 2006
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Sensor Manufacturing

Module Number 14
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Advanced Manufacturing Technology
2. Technology of Sensors
Semester 1st Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Langen, Christian
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Giesecke, Peter
2. Dr. Fribourg-Blanc, Eric
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites Basic background of mechanics: Statics (calculation of forc-
es and moments), stress and strain calculation for rods and
bending beams, kinematics (distance, velocity and accelera-
tion, dynamics (Newton's Law, vibrations, natural frequen-
Basis background of electrics and electronics: Kirchhoff's
Laws, resistors, capacities and inductivities, operation ampli-
fier, A/D converters.
Recommended Requirements: General knowledge in physics (mainly mechanics, electron-
ics and optics) and chemistry. All useful physical principles
are reintroduced in the course.
Objectives 1. The course is based on mechatronic philosophy, regarding
mechanic, electronic and informatics as a whole. After tak-
ing part of the course the student should be able to analyse
measurement problems regarding smart sensor applications,
modeling of the corresponding block diagram, design the
required open and closed loop systems, select the best suited
smart sensors for a specified problem, regarding range, accu-
racy, dynamic behavior, environment requirements etc. and
to perform all necessary calculations regarding the sensor
and actuator implementation and the analog and digital sig-
nal processing required
2 . Acquire context knowledge: general overview of the field
of sensors, its growing importance and the constraints faced
when developing new sensors.
Acquire understanding and basic concepts on technologies
related to microsensor fabrication and general technological
progress they bring forward in the field of sensors.
Summary/Outline 1. Basics: Definitions, measuring chain, sensitivity, resolu-
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
tion etc.
Outlook to possible smart sensor applications: automatic cor-
rection of environmental impacts, automatic corrections of
changes of sensitivity, control of processes only with the
smart sensor, prediction of failure etc. and description of the
problem by a block diagram.
Layout calculations for: Active sensors (piezosensor,
electrodynamic sensors, fotodiods and thermocouples. Pas-
sive sensors: resistors (Poti, PTC, NTC, Pt 100, LDR, strain
gauges), capacity sensors, inductivity sensors
Analog data processing: Operation amplifier, amplifying,
adding, multiplying, division, integration and derivation.
Digital data processing: Data acquisition board (PCMCIA-
card), MUX with SE and DE inputs, PGA, Antialias filter,
S&H, AD-converter and DA-converter. Programming (deriv-
ing of smart sensor formulas, visual programming with
DasyLab and Labview.
Outlook for the possibility after the study found a university
supported engineering office for the development, manufac-
turing and distribution of smart sensor systems, with special
emphasis to the direct application of strain gauge sensors.
2. Application areas of sensors, main types of sensors,
microfabricated sensors, fundamental processes of fabrica-
tion and examples of microsensors, packaging and integra-
tion in the real world, economics of microsensors.
Examination 1. Written examination (90 min) with marks
2. Written or oral Examination (90 min) passed or failed
Media Whiteboard, power-point slides
Literature /1/ Soloman, S., Sensors and Control Systems in Manufac-
turing, Mc Graw Hill Company , 2009
/2/ Fraden, J., Handbook of Modern Sensors, Springer , 2010
/3/ Wilson, J., Sensors Technology Handbook, 2005
/4/ Webster, J., Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors
Handbook, IEEE Press, 1999
/5/ Soloman, S., Sensors Handbook, Mc Graw Hill Company
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Dynamic Systems Control

Module Number 15
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Control Theory
2. Modeling, Simulation, Validation
Semester 1st Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Scherf, Helmut
Lecturer 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tu Diep Cong Thanh
2. Prof. Scherf, Helmut
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture with demonstration experiments and Matlab &
Simulink simulation/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 6 ECTS Basic Mathematics at university level,
4 ECTS Electrical Engineering at university level.
Recommended Requirements: Knowledge in numerical simulation techniques
Objectives 1. The student can use integral transformations for the anal-
ysis of dynamic systems, can analyze standard control loops,
understands the goals in control engineering and how to
tune control parameters.
2. The student should know the basic techniques of modeling
of dynamic systems how to determine the system parameters
and how to simulate a dynamic system with Matlab & Si-
Summary/Outline 1. Modeling, linearization, Laplace-transformation, evalua-
tion of the transfer function and the frequency characteristic,
stability and stability criteria, control loop evaluation, design
of control loops, analog controller, root locus analysis and
frequency response.
2. Introduction to modeling of dynamic systems, solving dif-
ferential equations with Matlab & Simulink.
Modeling of an electromechanical system (DC motor), a flu-
id system (water tank), a thermodynamic system (heater) and
an electric system (relay, eddy-current brake)...
Examination Written examination (90 min) with mark
Oral or written examination (90 min) passed or failed
Literature /1/ Ogata, Katsuhiko Modern Control Engineering - Pren-
tice Hall International 5th Revised edition 2009
/2/ Nise, Norman S. - Control systems engineering - New
York: Wiley 3rd Ed. 2000
/3/ Frederik, Dean / Chow, Joe H. - Feedback control prob-
lems using Matlab - Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole 2000
/4/ Ogata, Katsuhiko, System Dynamics, Pearson Education
International, 2004
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Sensors 2

Module Number 21
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Advanced Physical Sensors
2. Environmental Process Technology
Semester 2nd Semester
Period Every year, summer term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Langen, Christian
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Langen, Christian
2. Prof. Dr. Hoinkis, Jan
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 1. Module11.2
2. 2 ECTS Basic chemistry at university level
4 ECTS Basic physical chemistry at university level
Recommended Requirements: Module 11
Objectives 1. The students know the most important sensor principles
for physical parameters and can critically evaluate applica-
tion in different environments; they know the special re-
quirements of signal processing, understand the theoretical
models and are able to combine sensors to evaluate not di-
rectly measurable parameters.
2. The students know and understand basic environmental
engineering in the field of water and waste air treatment.
They get basic knowledge about pollution sources and im-
portant chemical parameters as well as knowledge of sensor
controlled treatment processes. They develop a sense for
sensor application in environmental engineering.
Summary/Outline 1. Pyroelectric sensors, galvanomagnetic sensors, inductive
sensors, eddy-current sensors, magnetization sensors,
super conducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs)
2. Basics of toxicology, pollution sources, parameters for
water and air quality, municipal and industrial wastewater
treatment processes, membrane technology, sensors in water
treatment, exhaust gas treatment processes, sensors in ex-
haust gas treatment.
Examination 1. Written Examination (90 min) with marks
2. Written or oral Examination (90 min) passed or failed
Media Power Point Slides, Blackboard, Training Exercises
Literature See Module 11.1 and literature list given by the lecturers
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Embedded Systems

Module Number 22
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Microcontroller
2. Digital Signal Processing
Semester 2nd Semester
Period Every year, summer term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Herwig, Ralf
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Herwig, Ralf
2. Prof. Dr. Kern, Ansgar
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture with Laboratory/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 12.2
Recommended Requirements: 1. none
2. Knowlege of Laplace- Fourier-transformation, C-
language, basic analogue filter circuits
Objectives The students know the substantial methods of digital signal
processing. They know how to realize such algorithms to-
gether with sequential controls based on multitasking in a
microcomputer and know the essential structures and possi-
bilities of a microcomputer. They can judge if a micro-
computer is applicable for a given problem and are able to
use behavioural description programming.
They are knowledgeable about discrete transformation algo-
rithms and are able to implement them on microprocessor
based platforms. They can assess the limitations and applica-
bility of DFT based algorithms with regards to real world
Summary/Outline 1. The nature of processes and signals in the real world. Im-
plications for the structure of a microcomputer. Von Neu-
mann and Harvard architecture. RISC and CISC instruction
sets. Processing of real-time signals. Architecture of Digital
Signal Processors. Design of programs at register level.
Structured programming. The finite state machine. Task ori-
ented programming. Software security.
2. Conversion of analogue signals, transition form the dis-
crete time domain into the discrete frequency domain, distor-
tion of frequency spectra, convolution and correlation of sig-
nals, containment of DFT leakage, window functions, FIR
and IIR filter design, implementation of DFT and IDFT algo-
Examination 1. Written Examination (90 min) with marks
2. Written or oral Examination (90 min) passed or failed
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
Media Distributed learning environment with online information
and tutorials together with primary data. Integrated micro-
computer application laboratory
Literature 1. none
2. /1/ Richard G. Lyons, Understanding Digital Signal Pro-
cessing, Pearson Education Inc. 2004
/2/ Proakis, J.G.; Manolakis, D. G., Digital Signal Pro-
cessing, Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Pearson
International Edition, 2007
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Digital Control

Module Number 23
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Digital Control Systems
2. Control Lab
Semester 2nd Semester
Period Every year, summer term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Keller, Frieder
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Keller, Frieder
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tu Diep Cong Thanh
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Laboratory work/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 15.1
Recommended Requirements: Basic knowledge mathematics, in physics, mechanical and
electrical engineering, in control theory and in microcontrol-
ler applications
Objectives 1. The students know the substantial algorithms of digital
signal processing and are able to design a digital control.
They know how to realize such algorithms together with se-
quential controls based on multitasking in a microcomputer
and know the essential structures and possibilities of a mi-
2. After having successfully completed the course, the stu-
dents should be able
- to measure dynamic system parameters, to simulate dy-
namic systems with the measured parameters with MAT-
LAB/Simulink, to design a PID-controller, a state space con-
troller and an observer, to start up the control loop and to op-
timise the controller parameters.
Summary/Outline 1. Introduction to discrete-time controls systems, analog con-
trol in contrast to digital control, z-transform theory, PID-
control algorithms, stability of discrete-time control systems,
deadbeat control, modeling in state-space, design of state
2. DC-motor: measurement of the system parameters
- Measurement of the step response and frequency response-
- Simulation and measurement of the dynamic behaviour
- Controller design (pole compensation)
- Simulation of the closed control loop with Simulink
- Installation of the speed control
- Design and simulation of a position control
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
- Experimental Controller design
- Installation of the position controller
- Water tank: measuring of the step response, controller de-
sign, start-up of the control loop on universal programmable
compact controller (Jumo)
- Heater associated with pulse width modulation, parametric
system identification with fminsearch-function, controller
design, start-up of the control loop
Simulation of a high order dynamic system in state space
description, observer design, state space controller design
(pole placement), simulation of closed loop with MAT-
Examination 1. Written Examination (90 min) with marks
2. Laboratory work passed or failed
Media Practical exercises in the laboratory
Literature 1. Ogata, Katsuhiko Discrete-Time Control Systems -
Prentice Hall International 1995
2. Nise, Norman S. - Control systems engineering - New
York: Wiley 3rd Ed. 2000
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Automation

Module Number 24
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Automation Systems
2. Automation Lab
Semester 2nd Semester
Period Every year, summer term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Dorschner, Hans-Werner
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Dorschner, Hans-Werner
2. Prof. Dr. Dorschner, Hans-Werner
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 6 ECTS Basic Mathematics at university level,
4 ECTS Electrical Engineering at university level.
Recommended Requirements: 13.1, 15.2 - Knowledge in numerical simulation techniques
and programming (C++)
Objectives The student
-can understand automation problems, analyze complex sys-
tem and derive necessary control requirements,
- can deduct from Boolean equations the minimum control
- is able to configure DCS systems (based on Siemens
SIMATIC S7-300 systems),
- has learned 4 control languages for DCS (STL, FBD, SCL,
- is able to implement control projects on DCS and debug the
- understands bus based systems,
- knows Profibus, Profinet, CAN-bus systems,
- can derive from a given process a control program,
- can debug the control program and implement it on a DCS
Summary/Outline DCS control systems, SIMATIC S7-300 Systems, control
languages, bus systems, bus standards, Boolean logic and
Examination Written examination (90 min) with marks,
Lab exercises with oral tests passed or failed
Media Lecture notes, lab description and tasks
Literature /1/ Script from lecturer,
/2/ SIMATIC system documentation,
/3/ K. Ogata, Discrete Control Systems, Pearson Education
ISBN 978-81-203-2760-3,
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
/4/ Ogata, Katsuhiko Modern Control Engineering - Pren-
tice Hall International 5th Revised edition 2009,
/5/ Nise, Norman S. - Control systems engineering - New
York: Wiley 3rd Ed. 2000
/6/ Frederik, Dean / Chow, Joe H. - Feedback control prob-
lems using Matlab - Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole 2000;
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Management

Module Number 25
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Business & Management
2. Project Management
Semester 1. 2nd Semester, 2. 3rd Semester
Period Every year, 1. summer term, 2. winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Bleiweis, Stefan
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Bleiweis, Stefan
2. Prof. Dr. Duebon, Karl
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 1. None
2. Basics in numerical linear algebra systems of linear
Recommended Requirements: none
Objectives 1. Introduce students to the basics of economic thinking by
acquainting them with fundamental issues, models and
methods of economics, business administration and man-
agement. Relation to problems of enterprises. Grasp of
management problems.
2. After successful participation, students
- know the foundation principles of project manage-
ment according to the Project Management Institute
- can write PMI-project rules/reports
- are able to issue a work breakdown and a realistic
scheduling using MS Project 2010
- know algorithms for scheduling and evaluation of
single and multiple project management:
o critical path method (CPM)
o critical chain project management (CCPM)
o GANTT-Chart
o Program Evaluation and Review Technique
- are able to balance & control a project
- can understand project management as a critical lead-
ership skill
Summary/Outline 1. Basics of Economics and Business; Sales, Marketing,
CRM; Logistics, Procurement; Accounting (internal and
external); Finance and Investment; Human Resources;
Organization and Management.
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
2. Projects are quite different to ongoing operations of a
firm. Managing projects provides a huge set of challeng-
es. The module part project management covers the
basic issues of foundation, planning, implementation and
project review. According to the international standard of
project management (PMI) students learn the aspects of
single and multiple projects, utilizing local and distributed
resources. Students will have extensive exercises in writ-
ing project rules/reports, task planning, tracking and
budgeting of projects using MS Project 2010.
Examination 1. Written examination (90 min) with marks
2. Oral or written examination (90 min) passed or failed
Media 1. Whiteboard
2. Project Management:
Computer Lab + Projector + black/white board in
stallation MS PROJECT 2010
Literature Project Management:
/1/ Verzuh, E.: The Fast Forward MBA in Project Manage-
ment, Wiley USA 2008
/2/ PMI 2010: Multilingual Project Management Terminolo-
/3/ Thomsett M.C.: The Little Black Book of Project Man-
agement, American Management Association (AMA), NY
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Sensor Networks

Module Number 31
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Bus Systems
2. Automotive Sensors, Safety & Reliability
Semester 3rd Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Leize, Thorsten
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Leize, Thorsten
2. Prof. Dr. Keller, Frieder
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites Module 12, Lecture 15.1
Recommended Requirements: 1. Programming knowledge in C/C++, as of Computer Sci-
ence module
2. For Automotive Sensors: Basic knowledge in the field of
Combustion Engines, Powertrain and Electronically
Controlled Braking Systems.
For Safety & Reliability: Basic knowledge of Theory of
Objectives 1. The students understand the organization of messages
on a bus system, know the most important bus systems and
their pro and contras and can estimate the expenditure of the
bus system. They are able to configure a network and know
the different classes and topologies of networks.
2. The students know the special requirements for electronic
technology in modern vehicles and the sensors and actuators
applicable under mobile conditions. They understand the
interaction of the components in the system, are able to ana-
lyze weak points in the systems safety and know concepts
how to avoid them.
Summary/Outline 1. Examples of Networked Systems, Transmission
Media, Access Control Strategies, Error Handling, Bus
Systems in Automation and Automotive Applications. Basic
communication problems in sensor actor networks, seven
layer model, intelligent network nodes.
2. Electronics in Automobiles - An Overview
Sensors in Drive train Control Safety Systems, Comfort Sys-
tems, Communication Systems, Bus Systems for Automotive
Reliability Analysis, Architecture of Fault-Tolerant Systems
Safety, Reliability and Availability, Failure Modes and Ef-
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
fects Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis
Examination 1. Oral or written Examination (90 min) with marks
2. Written Examination (90 min) passed or failed
Media Whiteboard, electronic slides, Ilias
Literature 1. see Ilias system
2. /1/ Westbrook, Michael H.; Turner, J. D. (1994). Automo-
tive Sensors, Institute of Physics Publishing
/2/ Robert Bosch GmbH (2011). Automotive Handbook,
/3/ Birolini, Alessandro (2010). Reliability Engineering,
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Systems Engineering

Module Number 32
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Modern Intelligent Controller Technology
2. System Identification
Semester 3rd Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Herwig
Lecturer 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tu Diep Cong Thanh
2. Dr. Nguyen Chi Ngon
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 13.2
Recommended Requirements: Matlab & Simulink programming skills
Objectives The course will involve:
(i) gaining an understanding of the functional opera-
tion of a variety of intelligent controllers
(ii) the study of control theoretic foundations of intel-
ligent control systems,
(iii) use of the computer for simulation and evaluation
of modern intelligent control technologies
The objective will be to gain a knowledge of several of the
main intelligent techniques
Summary/Outline 1. Introduction to Intelligent Control technologies.
Overview of Neural Network, Computation, Training and
Neural Network Controller, Building Neural Network Con-
troller with Matlab, Experimental results of some neural
network controllers
Overview of Fuzzy Logic, Foundations, Fuzzy Inference
System, Building systems with Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
Matlab, Experimental results of some fuzzy logic controllers
2. Overview, aim and relations of system identification,
dynamics system modeling, least squares rules, model repre-
sentations: Non-parametric & parametric approaches, sto-
chastic setup, prediction error method, model selection and
validation, recursive identification, advanced subspace mod-
el identification, nonlinear identification, Matlab system
identification toolbox, case studies.
Examination 1. Written Examination (90 min) with marks
2. Written or oral Examination (90 min) passed or failed
Media Whiteboard, demonstration experiments
Literature 1. /1/ Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark Beale:
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
Neural Network Design, PWS Publishing, 1996.
/2/ Mark H. Beale, Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth:
Neural Network Toolbox Users Guide, Mathworks Inc,
/3/ Kevin M. Passino, Stephen Yurkovich: Fuzzy Control,
Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc, 1998
/4/ Fuzzy Logic Toolbox For Use with MATLAB, Users
Guide, Ver. 2, Mathworks Inc
2. /1/. Ljung, Lennart. System Identification: A Theory for
the User. 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1999.
ISBN: 0-13-656695-2
/2/ 6.435 System Identification, MIT OpenCourseWare
/3/ Course: System Identification, Uppsala University,
/4/ R. Johansson, System Modeling and Identification,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, 1993.
/5/ D. L. Smith, Introduction to Dynamic Systems Model-
ing for Design, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1994.
/6/ Data, scripts: provided by lecturer/instructor
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Simulation

Module Number 33
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Numerical Simulation
2. Application of FEM Technology
Semester 3rd Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Westermann, Thomas
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Westermann, Thomas
2. Prof. Dr. Halter, Eberhard
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture/2 SWS/30
2. Lecture/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites Basic knowledge in technical mechanics and material sci-
Recommended Requirements: none
Objectives 1. The students know the basic methods of numerical simula-
tion: Finite difference and finite element methods. They are
aware of the systematic errors of the methods. They are able
to work with the ANSYS FEM program in different areas
(electrostatic, thermal: static and transient, mechanical) in
order to simulate a broad range of sensor applications.
2. After having successfully completed the course, the stu-
dents should be able to solve linear problems of
Summary/Outline 1. Modelling of 2D electrostatic problems: Laplace-
Equation. Finite difference method: The method in 1D and
2D, order/accuracy of schemes, linear interpolation in 2D;
extensions of the method to 3D, extensions to other partial
differential equations.
Iterative methods for solving large systems of linear equa-
tions. Modelling of complex geometries with appropriate
Finite element method 1D and 2D: Differential equation and
energy equation, minimizing the energy equation for triangu-
lar-shaped functions, system of linear equations.
Introduction of ANSYS: Simulation of 2D electrostatic prob-
lems, simulation of static and transient thermal problems,
simulation of 2D/3D mechanical problems.
2. - Introduction into FEM and ANSYS
- Generation of geometry
- Meshing methods
- Boundary conditions
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
- Results interpretation
Examination 1. Written examination (90 min) with marks
2. Oral or written examination (90 min) passed or failed
Media Whiteboard, Computer Program ANSYS
Literature /1/Lecture Notes:
/2/ ANSYS: A.Ali, R.Afshar, Teaching Yourself ANSYS in
7 Days, Dr.-Mller-Verlag 2010.
/3/ T. Westermann, Modellbildung und Simulation,
Springer- Verlag 2010.
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Communication

Module Number 34
Lectures and Laboratories 1. Communication & Visualization
2. Guidance of Scientific Work
Semester 3rd Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible Prof. Dr. Herwig, Ralf
Lecturer 1. Prof. Dr. Herwig, Ralf
2. Dr. Kern, Maria-Andrea
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method/SWS/No. of students 1. Lecture and laboratory/2 SWS/30
2. Workshop/2 SWS/30
Workload Contact time 88h, homework 92h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites 1. 2 ECTS Computer Science at university level
4 ECTS Mathematics at university level
2. English, own experience in creating a bachelor thesis
Recommended Requirements: 1. none
2. none
Objectives 1. The students know different possibilities to represent data
and to transfer it in different ways. They can write simple
interface programs and are able to design process control
terminals using visualisation programs.
2. After having successfully completed the course, the stu-
dents should
- to be familiar with the aspects of a scientific paper
- to organize and write effective research/project proposal
- to develop a clear and concise writing style
- to understand the correct way of writing numbers,
units, equations, and symbols
- to understand the proper use of punctuation and use
correct grammar in scientific writing
to give a short presentation with confidence, using the prin-
ciples discussed in class
Summary/Outline 1. Wide area network (WAN), TCPIP Transport, Interface
between process and TCPIP, Data visualization in HTML,
Data visualization and process control by specialized pro-
grams, Wireless communication in networks.
2. The course will have written exercises, group activities,
pair work, writing workshops, and oral presentations.
Examination 1. Written Examination (90 min) with marks
2. Referat (20 min) passed or failed
Media 1. Distributed learning environment with online information
and tutorials together with primary data. Laboratory experi-
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)
ments about interfacing with PC.
2. presentation, practical exercises
Literature 1.
2. Blake G and Bly R W. 1993. The Elements of Technical
Writing. Longman Publishers. New York
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Focal Subjects

Module Number 35
Lectures and Laboratories Industry Project
Semester 3rd Semester
Period Every year, winter term
Responsible The supervising Professor
Lecturer The professor of MSST course
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method Self organized work on an unstructured problem with rela-
tion to the MSST course. Maximum group size 2 students.
Workload 180h
Credit Points (ECTS) 6
Prerequisites Modules 11 to 25
Recommended Requirements: The students are able to structure a problem, to gather infor-
mation, to provide a time schedule for solving the problem
and to work independently on it. They are able to prepare
purchase of material and equipment.
Objectives Special agreement
Summary/Outline Special agreement
Examination 2 Presentations (20 min) and oral discussion
Media Beamer, if necessary experimental setup
Literature According to necessity
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Thesis

Module Number 41
Lectures and Laboratories Thesis Project
Semester 4th Semester
Period Every year, summer term
Responsible The supervising Professor (first supervisor)
Lecturer Supervising Professor, second Professor
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Method Project
Workload 19 weeks
Credit Points (ECTS) 27
Prerequisites All modules of the semester 1 to 3, IELTS 6.0
Recommended Requirements:
Objectives Proof of the cabability for scientific work under guidance
Summary/Outline Work on the final project and documentation by the thesis
Examination Written documentation
Literature According to own investigations
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology
Module Handbook Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology (M. Sc.)

Module Name Final Examination

Module Number 42
Lectures and Laboratories
Semester 4th Semester
Period Special agreement
Responsible The supervising Professor (first supervisor)
Lecturer Supervising Professor, second Professor
Language English
Part of Curriculum Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology ( M. Sc.)
Workload 90h
Credit Points (ECTS) 3
Prerequisites Module 41
Recommended Requirements:
Objectives Proof of the capability for scientific work under guidance
Summary/Outline Preparation of the thesis documentation
Examination Presentation (20 min) and oral discussion (>=40 min)
Media Beamer
Literature Delivered Master Thesis
MSST Mechatronics and Sensor Systems Technology

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