MA3000 Installation Manual

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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAGNUM ALERT 3000 SERIES CONTROL PANEL/COMMUNICATOR UL Listed P3000LCD & CF30001.CD KEYPAD INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED. ‘SEE PAGE 6 FOR A SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS EDITION. {Also refer to Keypad Programming Workbook WI641,) NOTE: THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ARE INTENDED AND WRITTEN FOR THE PROFESSIONAL INSTALLER HAVING SUITABLE EXPERIENCE AND INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT. © Napco 1993 TARIE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.INTRODUCTION . . GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES ‘SPECIFICATIONS ‘ORDERING INFORMATION ULLISTINGS (COMPATIBLE UL LISTED DEVICES INSTALLATION... . MOUNTING. WIRING TYPICAL FIRE INSTALLATION ‘COMMERCIAL FIRE REQUIREMENTS TYPICAL PARTITIONED INSTALLATION UL COMMERCIAL-BURGLARY INSTALLATIONS GHADE-A LUGAL MEKUANIILE INSTALLATIONS TESTING THE SYSTEM 9 3. GETTING UP AND RUNNING ......... 10 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 10 POWER UP/PANEL CONFIGURATION 10 CONFIGURING THE KEYPADS: " USER KEYPAD PROGRAMMING 2 GLOSSARY... . APPENDIX... . Section Page ARMING & DISARMING THE SYSTEM BYPASSING ZONES DISABLING FIRE ZONES ALARM INDICATION RP3ODOLCD FUNCTION MODE PRINTER PORT : RP2000LCD KEYPAD MESSAGES PROGRAMMING ae DOWNLOADING FROM A COMPUTER, KEYPAD PROGRAMMING GENERAL PROGRAMMING STEPS WIRING LEGEND . . ‘SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM WIRING DIAGRAM : RP3000LCO KEYPAD FUNCTION & PROGRAM MODES FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM, KEYPAD CONFIGURA- TION MODES: KEYPAD OPERATION, PROGRAM MODES INDEX STARTS ON PAGE 44 Amityville, New York 11704 For Sales and Repairs, call toll free: (800) 645-9445 For direct line to Technical Service, call toll ree: (800) 645-8440 13 15 18 18 15 19 10 24 a a 22 29 37 37 38 39 40 4a 42 1, INTRODUCTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION ‘The Magnum Alert 2000 Serioe ara the-art rmicrocomputer-based commercial ire and burglary alarm ccontrot panels of modular design. integrally 8-2one panels, they will support up to 96 zones with the use of optional zone exparision modules (EZM3000 serivy) auni/ur RP3OO0LCD Keypads. Each system includes an integral digital communicator and a S0VA power transformer. Tha contra panel fastiras neagrammable area partition. ing. That Is, the system may be dWvided into up to eight discrete muitiple-zone areas, each allowing access by only those users programmed for their respective area. ‘Opening Suppression and Closing Suppression, avall- able through Napco Quickloader software, suppress reporting within programmed “windows”. Conversely, Ex- ‘ception Reportina can report “fal to close” when the panel is not armed within programmed intervals and/or “all to ‘open’ i the panel is not disarmed within programmed intervals. Furthermore, the panel can be programmed to uteratially arm or dlearmn amy oroa. at any Srna A log Containing up to 800 events (accessible through Quick- loader" software or from the Keypad) monitors control panel activity referenced to a precision realtime clock. A ‘detailed event nistory may be cispiayed at tne computer, with an abbreviated display avaliable at the Keypad. A printout ofthe detaled report may be obtained I printer Iscannacted ta tha PAINTER AUIT nati at tha panel Keypads feature a liquid-crystal display for English-an- ‘screen. (b) Panel Type in the soreen. (c} Preliminary or finished program. 2, install the panel into the chosen housing (H1214. H1518 or CF1518). 3 Using the 6-conductor telephone wire supplied with the C3000, connect the panel to the PCI2000. Connect one {ei to "Js Leal TU PANEL UNLT” On Ihe PUIZWWW. COMMeCT the other end to “J3" on the MA3000. 4. Using the screen. (b) Panel Type in the screen. 7. After the connection has boon ostablished, Download and verty: Program, Zone Descriptions and Schedules 8. Terminate Connection. 9. The panel is now configured and programmed. ‘Gontigunng tne Panel as a Non-Commercial Fire Panel using the RP3000LCD 1 Referring the wiring diagram, connect zone and keypad wiring, %, Lonnect ac power ana panery. wore: ine panei cannot be powered up from the battery alone. 3. Install one keypad on the system 44 Tho Loypad will display *evereM TROUBLE / NO BANEL PROGRAM” and the keypad sounder wil pulse. 5, Press [RESET]. The sounder wil silence, the Keypad will display “CHECK TROUBLE” and the “sYS TeL” reminder will be on. 6 Enter Master Secutity Code (on micro shield) and press [Function]. 7. Press [FUNCTION] repeatedly until “ACTWATE PROGRAM” splays 8. Press [ON/OFF]. You are now in Program Mode 1 9. Press [ReSeT]. You are now in Program Mode 2. 10, Wait until “ADDR =0000DATA= » +” appears. 11, Using the [1] and [2] buttons to move the cursor, and the {3] and 6] buttons to alter the address, change the Street 10 ALUA—=SU/ZDATA= # 6 Fress [UNUM] 12, Press [RESET] to exit Program Mode 2. The panel is ‘now programmed with the burglary default program and the aystem fevibla, “NO PANE! PRNARAM shawl ha claaradt CONFIGURING THE KEYPADS RPSOOOLCD and CF3O00LCD keypads require diferent configuration procedures, ae deecribed in the following sections. Configuring the RP3000LCD EachRP3000LCD keypad must be configured with regard to « keypad tactile beep (on/ot) «entry sounder (on/ot) 's keypad address ‘© compatiblity number © EZM address + zone response ‘To enter the Keypad Configuration Mode, move Jumper JS (located to the eft of the micro can) from Pins 1-2 (top two) to Pins 2-3 (bottom two). After about 15 seconds, the display will read "xx OUT OF SYSTEM", Press [1], [1], [1], (21, [3], [FUNCTION] and proceed as follows. (Repeat the follow: Ing procedure for all keypads.) Keypad Tactile Deep. Upon entering the Keypad Com figuration Mode, “keyped Beep ON" will be displayed, indicat- ing that the tactile beep, which sounds when any button Is pressed, is on. To turn off the tactile beep, press the [oWOFF} Button (the [owore Button will toggle the tactile ‘beep on and off). Press the [FUNCTION] Button to continue for press [RESET] to ext Entry Sounder. To turn off tho koypad oounder during centy time, press the [ON/OFF] Button (the [ONOFF Button will toggle the entry sounder on and off). Press the [FUNC- THON] Button to continue or press [ESET] to ext Keypad Address. Up to 15 keypads may be connected to the panel. if more than one keypad is installed, ‘* each must be assigned its own unique keypad address (that is, no two keypads may be numbered ale); « keypads must be numbered consecutively (that i, miss. ing numbers are not permitted); ant ‘» only Keypad No, 1 may be used for programming. To assign the keypad number, proceed as follows 4. Press the [FUNCTION] Button Unt “KE Ares 30 Is eae 2 Enter the assigned keypad number 01-15, then press the [owor*] Button to save. valid number wil beackrow ledaed bv a short been: an invalid number wil be relected by along beep. Note: In multiple keypad/mutiple-area configuration, each keypad must be designated to an area. See Keypad Siew As tne teas Pengentngy eanoock ‘3. Press the [FUNCTION] Button to continue or press [Reser] to ox. Compatibility Number. The compattilty number i a 4+digh securty code that, f programmed Into both the control panel and each keypad. dedicates the keypad to only that panel. That is, (a) similar keypads not having the Correct competi number wal not Operate the syatom and (b) a keypad may not be removed for use on a system: with a different compatibility number. Note: If assigning Sgzngattty number, ecard and or thom ino Wile the compatibity number may be changed, the old number must be known in order to program the new ruumbor Hote: I maine tho contal pal forthe Hoypod is gen a compatibity number, both defaut to “0000” (thereby maintaining compatibility) To program the compatbity numb, press the [Fuc ‘i Bul unl Sor Compal payed Er to {digit compatibility number that s programmed Into the panel, Note: If the keypad had been previously pro- Gramined fora compatioty nambor othr than "0000" the Sisplay would read!“O Compas xox" Enter the existing ‘number before attempting to change it. EZM Address. The keypad's intemal EZM (Expansion Zone Module) may be ullized to provide four agdtonal tired zones Whether used alone\or in conjunction wth optional EZM3000-series modules or other keypad EZMs, i opuat he acca tii artrece (ow fern minor ‘see Keypad Programming Workbook) similar to tis keypad address. f no other EZMs are to be used, designate the ypad as Group “01” at the “EZM Address 00” display. In cipe-tzM systems, ere a assigned group number ‘01" through "22". (Each EZM must have a unique assigned Senn ‘starting with "01" and proceeding corisecu- ie. Zone Response. The normaliogp response time ofeach keypad expansion zone fs 7S0MS. However, the response time of any zone can be reduced to Soms as folows. 1. Of thy follwing, cic the munis) i parereses associated wth the Zone(s) 1 be changed: Zone 1~ (1) Zone 2= (2); Zone 3 = (4); Zone 4=(8). 2 Add up the circled numbers 8 atthe keypad, enterthe sumasatwo-digt number“01” through "15" onthe display, then press the [ON/OFF] Button. Example. Change Zones 2, 3 and 4 to 50mS response. 1. Gitele the numbers tor Zones 2, 3 and 4: (2), (4) and ©. 2. Add up the circled numbers: 2 + 4 + 8 = 14, 2. Cnter "14" a the heypeds thon pros the [OMOF] Bitton Press [RESET] to ext the Keypad Configuration Mode u (Gisplay wil read “o: Our oF sysTEM’). Then replace Jumper U5 across Pins 1-2 (top two pins). Configuring the CF3000LCD Each CF2000LCD keypad must be configured with regard to © keypad avoress © compatiblity number « system configuration To ontor the Keypad Configuration Made, move Jurnper 45 (located to the left ofthe micro can) from Pins 1-2 (top two) to Pins 2-3 (bottom two). After about 15 seconds, the display will read “Our oF sysreM". Press [1]. [1], [1], 2]. {3}, INFO] and proceed as follows. (Repeat the following procedure for all keypads.) Keypad Address. Up to 15 keypads may be connected to the panel. if more then one keypad is installed, ‘+ each must be assigned its own unique keypad address (that is, no two keypads may be numbered alike); «+ keypads must ha numhared ennsocithvely (hat ie, mies Ing numbers are not permitted}; and «only Keypad No, 1 may be used for programming, To assign the keypad number, proceed as follows: 1.Pressthe [INFO] Button until "KP Adcres xx" ls displayed. 2. Enter the assigned keypad number 01-16, then press. the [SLENCE] Button to save. A valid number will be ac- kriowledged by a short Deep; an invalia number wit be rejected by a long beep. Note: In muitiple-keypad/multiple-area configurations, each keypad must be designated to an area. See Keypad ‘aa Asslrmont inthe Keypad Programming Workbook a 9, Press tho WFO] Button to continue or poss [reset] 10 ext Compatibitity Number. The compatiblity number is a 4-digh security code that, # programmed into both the control panel and each keypad, dedicates the heyper! 1 only that panel. That is, (a) similar keypads not having the correct compatibility number wil not operate in the system and (b) a kevpad may not be removed for use on a system with a diferent compatibility number. Note: If assigning compatibiity numbers, record and store them in a safe Place. While the compatibity number may Le Ulan, the ud umber must be known in order to program the new ‘number. Note: If neither the control panel nor the keypad 's glven a compatiblity number, both default to "0000" (thereby maintaining compatiblity) To program the compatiblity number, press the [INFO] Button until “New Compath 0000" is displayed. Enter the suit ompatiilyy nunibea thet is programma tite the panel. Note: If the keypad had been previously pro- ‘grammed fora compatiblity number other than "0000", the display would read “old Comeat.# xo”. Enter the existing ‘number before attempting to change I System Configuration. To program the system con- figuration mode, press the [!NFO] Button until “reKP Conta" Ib ulsplayed, Progra be two Uighs as follows: “00" ~ Code entry required for all functions, "02" Annunciator keypad only. (Keypad can only silence bo uve suune) 12 USER KEYPAD PROGRAMMING After the panel and kevoads have been confiaured as previously described, the keypad may be used for programming. Note, however, that ‘© only the main keypad (Keypad #1) may be used for programming, + the Program Mode cannot be accessed while the com- ‘municator is transmitting except during the first three ‘minutes after Dower-uo: «fa CFS000LCD is designated as Keypad #1, it must fist bbe programmed as a “CF Keypad” using the PCD3000, Quickoader software; and. « ifprogianmmed asa Commercial Fie patel, le prograrn may be viewed but not altered at the keypad. Inthe Program 1 Mode, the user can customize exitfentry times, codes and zone descriptions in the following sa- try Entry Time 2 « User Code 1-96 with assoctated Option(s), Authority Level Codes and Access Byte. + Access Oode « Ambush Code «» Zone Description 1-96 4. Entor the Program Made ac follows: Entor a Lovel-3 User Code with Program option enabled (Burglary default code 1,2,3; see User Codes, Authority Levels and Access ‘Bytes), then press the [FUNCTION] Button to enter the Func- lion Mode. Press the [sveAss] Button twice CACIIALE PROGRAM", then press the [ON/OFF] Button to access the Program 1 Mode. (Also see Program Code.) The LCD will briefly read “PROGRAM! 47000K" (where "X00" denotes the panel and keypad software versions), and then “EXIT TIME (080)". 2. The keypad buttons now take on new functions: Keys, [1] and [2] move the curour leftard iyi vespectively within the display; Keys [3] and [6] scroll up and down, respec- tively, through numbers 0-9, the alphabet. etc. (depending ‘on what is beina programmed). as shown on the dispav. 3. The following buttons also take on new meanings inthe Program 1 Mode: « [INTERIOR] (Nex) scrols the display forward to the next ling (nota down for rast rorwad). « [nsTaNr] (PR10R) scrolls the display backward to the previous tine (hold down for fast reverse). + [0] (Cir) clears the numba at the cursor « [OWorF] (Ave) memorizes the programmed code, description, etc. Note: In Commercial Fire systems, any changes wil revert to the original programmed values. 4. Pressing [RESET] terminates the Program 1 Mode. ExitEntry Times. Exit delay and entry delay establish the amount of time that is available on the Exlt/Entry Zone after arming ard before disarming, respectively, before the ays- tem will go into alarm. Two separate entry delays are available. Entering the Prooram Mode will display “ExT TIME (6a. Use all three digits to enter the exit time, in seconds, even if leading zeros are necessary. Thus, to program 30 seconds, enter "030"; fo program 2 minutes, enter "120", {. (MexTU prUyta a nabAE We fS 200 SCOTS.) Press the NExT Button ({INTERIOA)) and repeat the above procedure to program ENTRY TIME, Press the Nexr Button ‘once again and similarly rogram ENTRY TME2 fused, User Codes, Authority Levels and Access Bytes. Upto 96 personal user codes, each with associated Options), Authority Level and Access Byte may be programmed at the teypad. The fist code entered “UO1 123 «-E3-» »” should replace the default (Level-3) code (1,2,2), which may not be selected as a user code. Enter up to six digits (a ‘minimum ot tour digits Is recommended) with a related Option Code and Authority Level. if Remote Access is selected for any user code, also program the Access Byte for applicable keypads 1 through a. Rafar to the Keypad Programming Workbook (supplied) for guidance in select- ing options, authority levels and access byte. Note: (1) Do ‘ot atfempt to enter any blank spaces in the code. When the code has been entered, press the save Button ((oworF]) to memorize it, (2) If an Access Byte is programmed for any code, that code willno longer function Arm/Disarm Code. See Remote Access Code. ‘To advance to the next user code (or to any other user Code, for that matter), position the cursor over the dis: Played User Number, ie., “01” using Keys [1] and [2] and chango tho Ueor Numbor using Keyo {9} and [6]. Repeat the User-Code programming procedure for the new user code, Advance to the next user code, as above, and repeat Uni all user codes have been programmed. Note: An attempt to program a code tor User 87-89 oF 00 will result, in the message "EAROA.”. Each user should be assigned his own dissimilar code and shonid be cautioned against divulging his code to ‘anyone else. Thus should it become necessary to remove ‘user from the system, that one code may be cancelled without affecting other codes, and that user would then be Prevented from witty. Nule: Napcu's PCD3000 Quick: loader Software provides enabling and disabling User ‘Codes at programmed times using the scheduling menus. Changing or Cancelling a Code. Ta changa any cncto, merely program over the existing code as previously described, then press the Save Button ([owoFF}). Similarly, to.cancel a code, blank out each number of the code using the CLean Dutton [0], thet peas lke save Button (fom) ‘Arm-Only Code. An Arm-Only Code, selected in con- Junction with Authority Level, may only be used to arm the system; it never has any disatm capabiltv. This mav be programmed as a one- or two-digit code for the purposes ‘of quick arming. Service Code. The Service Code is an Arm/Disarm Code that ie cacly activated when needed, and dormant at other times. Intended for the occasional ortemporary user (maid, ‘repairman, etc.) who would otherwise be denied access to the premises, tis programmed in conjunction with the ‘Authorty Level when programming User Codes. Refer to the Keypad Programming Workbook. The Service Codes activated by arming with it; an *s* will ‘appear in the dieplay aftor tho axl dolay oountdown, in cating that the Service Code has been activated. It may then be used to arm and disarm just as any other User Code. However it will automatically be deactivated the next ‘Umeany otner User Loge is enteredto arm tne system, and it wil remain deactivated untl itis once again used to arm. Thus, the Service Code can always arm the system, but can programmed as any other User Code (see USER KEYPAD PROGRAMMING) but without an accom- panying Priority Level. Caution: Do not use the same code ‘90 any ArrDigarm Code. Note: These systems have not been investigated by UL for compliance with UL294 (Ac- ‘¢ess Control Systems). Remote Access Code (RP3000LCD only). Any of the 96 User Codes may be converted to a Remote Access Code bby programming the code's Access Byte (the lasttwo digits ‘of the code). Program the Access Byte for the applicable keypads 1 through 8, as indicated in the aupplied Program- ming Workbook. Note that if the Access Byte is pro- ‘grammed, that User Code wil function only as a Remote Access Code (not as an Arm/Disarm Code). Entering the ‘code will cause a 5-second output on the PGM line with a pulsing sounder at the Keypad and "ENTER NOWs” di played, Note: (1) RP3000LCD Keypads may be pro- forammed for ancacs only. eliminating their armidizarm function (keypad wiltthen normally display “sENTER CODE*" (@) Remote access may be logged into the event log by keypad. ‘Ambush Code. The AMOUSN Ode 18a One- OF TWo-Aigt ‘code entered by the user just prior to disarming, typically to cause a silent report to be sent to the central station. ‘Thuis. sho the tinar he fread ta disaem hy an aseailar he can silently signal an emergency while appearing to be merely disarming the panel. (Check the glossary for programming requited to enable this feature.) Program the Ambush Code as any User Code (see USER KEYPAD PROGRAMMING). Zone Descriptions. Zone descriptions follow the Pro- ‘gram Code in the normal programming sequence (‘01—" will appear in the display). Refer to USER KEYPAD PROGRAMMING. Program the description, up totwolines, letter by letter. Keys [1] and [2] control the position ofthe cursor. Advancing the cursor beyond the era uf the scien vill cause the second line to display for programming. Key {0] will clear the entry at the cursor. When programming Zone descriptions, Keys [3] and [6] will scroll not only through numbers 0-8, but through the alphabet and a series of punctuation marks and symbols as well. (Roughly note the order in which the letters, numbers and symbols are displayed sn that yau will be able to dotormino the proper direction to scrol, up or down, for fastest access. ‘Asfamiliarty improves, s0 will programiming speed.) When the description has been entered and is satisfactory as displayed (e.g. “GARAGE”, press the SAVE Button ([OWOr+)) to save iin memory. To advance to the next zone (or to any other zone, for that matter), pction the euirenr quer the dieplayed Zone Number, ie, "01" using Keys [1] and [2] and change the Zone Number using Keys {3} and {6}. Repeat the zone- ‘description programming procedure for the new zone. ‘Advance ty te ext come aha repeat url all zones (up 1 196) have been programmed. ARMING AND DISARMING THE SYSTEM (For IPS000LCD Keypads only; ot applicave 10 CFSUWLCO. Keypads.) Note: Inthe normal isarmed state, only the green status 1% LED willbe on and the display will read “SYSTEM READY”. To silence an alarm, enter anv User Code. then oress the [oworF] Button. ‘Any ofthe User Codes or the Service Code (active) may bbe used to arm or disarm; an Arm-Only Code may only be {dood to arm. ‘Arming. To arm, enter the User Code, then press the [owOFF] Button. (ff a wrong code is entered, the keypad Will display "IWVALIO ENTRY TRY AGAIN”) The green STATUS LED vil go off, thered ARMEDLED willgo on, and the display will read “ExtT TIME Xx (“XK representing the programmed exitdelay time, in seconds). The exit delay ‘wil Immediately start counting down toward "000", in 1 second decrements, indicating the available time remain- ing to ext through an exitlentry door. Note: 1. If Start Ext Delay Alter Ringback Is programmed, exit delay wil not start untl the central station acknowledges receipt by a ringhack tone at the keypad. The display will eau “rcease watt” while te control panel communicates, to the central station. Ifthe ringback tone does not sound within about 30 seconds, the START EXIT TIME function (RESET MENU) may be used to manually start exit delay 2. IfExitDelay Restarts enabled, after the panel is armod ‘and the exit door is opened and then closed, exit delay will restart at 60 seconds. If re-entry occurs within this 60- ‘yevund interval, he alarm Gevice wil sound a 2-se¢ond warning “chirp”, f programmed, as an entry reminder to the user to return to the keypad and disarm. 8 Ans" in the display (e.g. “ExT TME 00¢ 5") wil appear {a8 a reminder that the system is being armed with the Service Code active, (To turn off the Service Code, disarm, then rearm using a regular Arm/Disarm Code.) 4, I “CHECK TROUBLE" 1s displayed, check the DISPLAY ‘SYS TB function (DISPLAY MENU) and correct the system ‘rouble. After the trouble is checked, it wll be possible to atm within 5 minutes i rapairs cannot he mada immed. ately Disarming. When the exit ime has elapsed, the display will read “sySreM anveD". Ths indicates that upon entering ‘he premises through an exitentry door, there will be an entry delay to allow time to disarm the panel. The P3OQOLCD display will read “ENTRY TIME X90" (7X0 rep- resanting the nengrammart antry-lalay time, in cera) The sounder will come on and the entry delay wil immodi- ately start counting down toward "000" in intorvals of 10 seconds, indicating the available time remaining to disarm the panel. To disatm the panel, enter a valid User Code, ‘then press the [ONOFF] Button, Arming with No Delay. To cancel the entry delay on the Exit/Entry Zone. prass the [INSTANT] Bunton prior tor ator arming, The display will read "SYSTEM ARMED I” and the red LED wil ficker. This feature may be used to provide instant protection while on the premises. It willbe cancelled auto- Mativally ype uisanain. Priority Arming. A2-second tone and "PRORITY TROUBLE” displayed when attempting to arm indicates a priority con- ition: that is. a problem avisis an at lanst ane zane that has been designated a Priority Zone, or a system trouble ists. The trouble(s) must be corrected before the pane! can be armed. To check which zone is introuble, check the DISPLAY STATUS tuncuON. Ine splay Wit fead ZONES “4 FAULTED", then scroll through all the unsecured zones. fa ‘svstam trouble is indicated. disnlav the svstam trouble (check DISPLAY MENU). ‘Area. Arming (For RP3O0OLCD Keypads only; not ap- plicable to CF3000.CD Keypads ) In partitioned system, any or ll secured areas may be armed (or disarmed) simuttaneously from either the Over- View Mode or the Manager's Mode (Wf enabled). To arm or disarm any one area, see Keypad Area Ohange, which follows. ‘Overview Mode. The Overview Mode Is a high security ‘mode of operation requiring a Level'3 User Code with ‘Overview Option, wherein the status of all areas is dis- Played at the keypad. (To enable or disable Overview, see ‘SUPERVISORY MENU: OVERVIEW). When arming all areas, the “homo® ara romaine disarmed. To arm any one arca, ‘see Keypad Area Change, which follows, Inthe Overview Mode, “ovi—-" wil be displayed, where ‘gach dash ("represents an area, n programmed areas, the dash wal be replaced by one ofthe folowing: “A’ = Area Armed “B" = Burglary Zone in Alarm “5* = Check Trouble “"D* = Area in Function-Display Mode °F" = Fire Zone in Alarm “Nt — Normal Fire Area “RY = Area Ready “7” = Fire Zone in Trouble "2" = Zona Fautt In the Overview Mode, all ready areas (*R") except the “home' area may be armed simultaneously by pressing [9] [+], and then entering a Level-3 User Code with Overview vplion enabled, (Note: The User Code must be valid in all areas, otherwise only those areas recognizing the code wil arm) Simiary, all armed areas ("A") may be disarmed by entering [0], I, and a Level3 User Code (with Overview. any zone is not secured, the system will not arm and the keypad will display “CANT ARM SYSTEM / AREA # INTROUBLE”, where “#” represents the area number, Manager's Mode. The Mariayes's Mile, i wunliaat tu the Overview Mode, isa low-security mode of operation. Unlike the Overview Mode, when arming all areas, (press GL. enter codel) the “home' area will also arm. As in view, if any zone Is not secured, the system will not arm and the keypad will display "CAN'T ARM SYSTEM / AREA # WL TROUBLE”, where "#” represents the area number. To disarm all aroas, press [0}, [+], then enter a valid code, To arm any one area, see Keypad Area Change. Keypad Area Change. To arm or disarm any one area: 1. Enter the number representing the area to be selected. 2, Press the [+] Button, then the [ON/OFF] Button. The keypad wil display “syste Reaoy x", where “X" denotes the area selected. Note: Fire areas can neither be viewed or changed. 3. Arm or disarm the area using your code (the code must be valid in that area). 4. To return the keypad to its “home” area. prass the (+) Button, then the [ON/OFF] Button. Note: the “home” keypad has been changed to another area and unused for more than 5 minutes, it will revert to ‘me nome area. BYPASSING ZONES (For RPSOO0LCD Keypads only; not applicable to CF3000L.0D Keypads. Also see DISABLING FIRE ZONES, which follows.) Security Bypass ‘Those zones programmed for Selective Bypass may be removed trom the system prior to arming by users having & Code will Autiwity Level-t or higher and Bypaoo tenabled. Either ofthe following two methods may be used. Note: When the panel is subsequently disarmed, all bypassed zones revert to unbypassed zones (unless Int tlor-1 Zones are programmed normally bypassed) A From the “DISPLAY STATUS" Screen, 1. Enter code, then press the [FUNCTION] Button. “DISPLAY sstaTUS" will appear. 2. Press [ON/OFF] to display status. The number of faulted zones will display briefly, folowed by the first faulted zone. 2. Proes the [cvPAss] Button to bypass the zone 4, Press the NEXT ({INTERIOR}) Button to display the next {auited zone and press the [BYPASS] Button to bypass that zone. ' Repeat Step 4 or each zone to be bypassed. 10 cancet any bypassed zone, at the zone display, merely press the [eveass] Button once again. ‘ter al fauited zones aro bypacced, pross the [Beser] Button; "sySTeM READY” wil display, indicating that it isrow safe to arm, B. From the “DIRECTORY” Screen. 4. Enter code, then press the [FUNCTION] Button until “piRecTOR” appears. 2, Press [ONOF"] to display the directory. The number of zones wil display briefly, fuluwed by Zone 01 3, Use the [INTEROR] (NEXT) and [INSTANT] (POR) Buttons to select the zone to be bypassed. 1 When the zone is displayed, pressthe [Aveass] Buston. Repeat for each zone to be bypassed. To cancel any bypassed zone, at the zone display, merely press the [veass] Button once again. Easy Bypass (Do not enable in UL applications.) Wf Enable Easy Bypass is programmed, Selective Bypass Zones may be bypassed quickly and easily as follows {@lote: This fo not a high ooourty foaturo) 1. At the “SYSTEM READY” or “ZONE FAULT" display, enter the zone number as a two-digit number (e.g. "01", "15", etc.) Usina Easy Bypass, zones cannot be bypassed while the panel is armed. 2. Press the [SYPASS] Button, Note: (1) if Easy Bypass is not enabled, the foregoing provedute wil cause a 4-chirp rejection signal at the keypad, with the display “INVALID ENTRY / TRY AGAIN’. (2) ‘When the panel is subsequently disarmed, all bypassed zones revert to unbypassed zones (unless interior Zones: are programmed normally bypassed). Interior Zones. This feature is used to provide perimeter protection while keeping active interior zones disarmed. ‘Two groups of Interior Zonco may be programmod for cach area, Whenthe [INTER Button is pressed priorto arming, 11" will display with programmed zone descriptions, in gieaing intro. zane group pressing the [Ter] But ton again will toggle to 12", Inteior-2 zone group. Pressing the [INTERIOR] Button once again will toggle to "It +12", both interior zone groups. All zones designated for the ‘selected interior group(s) will be bypassed simuttaneously ‘when the system is armed. IGARI ING FIRE 7ONES Fire zones may be disabled (prevented from going into alarm) ifthe zone is programmed for Selective Bypass. Fire Zones should not be programmed for Selective Bypass if ‘einer Cisaole Code Entry for fife Miuxke wn Disable Corte Entryfor Function Mode Level 1 is programmed. Only users with codes programmed with the Bypass option may dis- able a zone, ‘CF3000LCD Keypad. To disable a Fire Zone using the (CFAO0OLCD keypad, enter code and press [INFO]. Press [so] until“usr ofECTORY?" displays. Press [YES]. Selectthe ested zone using the [NO} button, Press [O1SABLE]. The “DISABLE reminder should appear (pressing [O1SABLE] tog: les the zone between disabled and normal, as displayed bythe reminder). Press [RESET]. The "DISABLE" reminder wil ’be on, the “FRE/TBL" reminder will flash and the keypad wall, display "NoT NORMAL’, indicating that a Fire Zone is dis- abled. The panel wil report a trouble to the central station Fitts programmed to report tauble onthe zane Ta anahi ‘a disabied zone, repeat the above procedure. RP3000LCD Keypad. To disable a Fire Zone using the RP3O00LCD keypad, enter, code and, press [FUNCTION]. Press [FUNCTION until "omECTORY” displays. Press [oNOFF]. Select the desired zone using the [INSTANT] but- {on. Press (BYPASS). The “BYPASS” reminder should appear {(preoding [byrAce] toggles the zone botweon disabled and normal, as displayed by the reminder). Press [Reser]. The “ayPAss” reminder willbe on, the “FiResTEL" reminder will, {lash indicating that a Fite Zone is disabled. The panel wall report a trouble to the central station i is programmed to report trouble on the zone, To enable a disabled zone, repeat the above procedure, ‘ALARM INDICATION ‘Note: To silence an alarm, enter a valid User Code, then press the [ON/OFF] Button, ‘Sliwuid a burglary alarm occur, the red Anwico LED wa flash, and the display wil alternately tead “ALARM”, then the zones violated. Disarm the panel; the display wil read "ALARM MEMORY” and will continue to indicate the violated ‘zones until the [RESET] Button is pressed oF the panel is farmed once again. The alarm conditions willthen be stored in the Alarm History Log and the Total Event Log (see HISTORY LOG). RP3000LCD FUNCTION MODE (For AP900OLCD Keypads only; not applicable to CF9000LCD Keypads.) ‘The APGOOOLCD Keypad provides sovoral utility functions as summarized in the Functional Diagram (see Appendix) ‘To enter the Function Mode, enter either a Level-s User ‘Code or the Dealer Securty Code and press the [FUNCTION] Button: Whie in the Function Mode, Sorol trougn tunc- tions using [FUNCTION] and [ByPASs] Buttons; select the function using the [ON/OFF] Button. Note: (1) A4-star menu display (0.9 #eXONN«") ica signal twat? seconds, for a submenu of related functions (as indicated by =) 10 appear. To bypass the submenu, continue pressing the [FUNCTION] or [6yPASS] Button without waiting. (2) In Com- Mercial Fite systems, those Reset Furalur that ave ac- ‘companied by a pulsing sounder as described herein must bbe reset by first entering a valid code, then pressing [RESET * DISPLAY STATUS. Select to identity all unsecured Janae (within the Loypadt'e aroa) shila dlearmod. Broce the [TERIOR] Button to scroll through the zones. Manually bypassed zones will beindicated when display: ing status. DISPLAY BYPASSED, Select 0 aisplay zones that have been deactivated. Press the [INTERIOR] Button to scroll through the zones. (Zones may be bypassed in this mode by entering tha zane number. then pracsing the {8yPass] Button.) DIRECTORY. Displays a list of all programmed zone minutes. 1. Entry Delay 1's in units of seconds, thus delay time is 2. Divide by 16: 90/16 = 5 (quotient) + 10 (remainder). Enter the quouent mn tne 1st BOX and the remainder in the NOTES: (1) The outout used for Burglary must beat leas minus in Residental UL instalation, 19 minutes n Commercial U insalatons. {2)fbotnocaione ere eft bank this eatce wil oman active unt the {stern cleared. When bot ocatons are programmed ¥* mas ‘um ime wi bos hous, ts nnuos Soe inseny )feotocats Se ot bark tha Yosure wil nt stare meost =O) () in UL instataione: Maximum Ext olay = 60 sec; Masimurs Envy Delay ‘59ec. (6 Do netprogram mare than 120 seconde. using watertow intating dvces having mechanical ela, UL equies tat hese tos. ‘ons beet Danko prover progremmng acon ay ive) Browning esavons are et Bank, Sey wil deat © 10 see (7) ‘ime inunte of Gsarmed days (accumulated between ated periods) ‘Any timeout upto those showninthe foregoing able may bbe programmed. Note that eacn of the above Times 16 programmed in two locations. The fitst location has an assigned time factor of 16, the second a time factor of 1 TaBOX | and BOK 26. ut Tmo Jo] Ta eny [*[rj2/s]*[sle[7le[sloielclolelr “Blank Note: f buth programing locations are loft blank, reter tothe notes inthe Time Selection table for feature timeout To select a time up to 15 seconds, 15 minutes, 15 hours, ‘or 1Sriaye, program tho respective ont into the coord box only: do not program the fist box. To select a time greater than 15 seconds, 15 minutes, 15 hours or 15 days, Program both boxes as follows: 1. For tne feature selected, choose an appropriate time inunts shown (all seconds, minutes, hours, or days — not minutes and seconds, etc.). 2. Dido the timo ohoaon by 16. Entr the quotion inthe ‘1st BOX and the remainder in the 2nd BOX. ‘3. Check entries by adding the contents of the 2nd BOX ‘quotient | remainder £0" for 10) 0): (165) + Select TouchTone Dialing Only if the subscriber has ‘TouchTone service. TouchTone dialinais faster than rotary For the communicator to’ use TouchTone on all dial attempts, program TouchTone Dialing Only. Touse Touch- Tone on the first attompt with subsequent Rotary dial, program TouchTone Dialing with Rotary Backup. Touch- Tone Dialing Only will override TouchTone Dialing with Rotary Backup if both are selected. Note that if Backup Reporting is also selected, the communicator will uso ‘olay alto reach Telephone 2. See Backup Report on Telco 2. Tour Station See Guard Tour Trouble ‘Anabnormal zone condition (a break ina normaly-closed loop; a. short on a normally-open loop; or either on an ‘end-ot-line-resistor supervised foop) when disarmed. Trouble on a Burglary Zone is automatically displayed at tho keypad untoce Dioablo Auto Statue lo programmed. la Burglary Zone i in trouble, it will go into alarm about 10 seconds after arming. However, if Auto Bypass is programmed, the keypad will beep upon arming (does not ‘apply 10 selecuve- oF group-oypasse0 zones}. Trouble (open and/or short circult) on a Day Zone Is indicated by a flashing green staTuS LED and a pulsing sounder: display the Nay Zano(e) in trouble on the LCD. Keypad indications are reset by the [RESET] Button unless Reset Day Zone With ArmiDisarm is selocted. Trouble on a Fire Zone wil be indicated by the red LED and the sounder. An open cifcuft (rouble) will cause flashing LED and a pulsing sounder after a 15-second delay. (A short circuit wil cause an alarm condition: steady- fon LED and pulsing senior) The [arcrr) Ruston, wll silence the sounder. Clear the trouble, then press the [Reser] Button once again. The keypad will reset ator a brief dotay. Trouble on Open Trouble on Short Trouble on Night Open (Do not program for UL installa- tions) Trobe on Upenwmigerty an open cru on cop as a trouble. Trouble on Short wil identify a short circuit as a trouble. Trouble on Night Open, which wl identity an open 38 RESET RELAY UNTINEDE “zero” entry represents 10.) "AUXLIARY RELAY AC. | SEC. | 4 MIN, 15 SEC (255 SEC) ‘CESS CONTROL 90 seconds. BURGLARY RELAY | MIN UNTIMEDIDE| a tL 9 PuLse-BuRG RELAY | win._| UNTIMEDIY beled FRE RELAY mi.__| UNTIMED™® ‘ABORT DELAY 80. | 4MIN, 15 SEC (88 SEO) CHIE TIME se0_| 4 wn, 15 SEC (ss SEC) "ACAI REPORT DELAY | 2 MIN | 6 HR, 30 MIN (570 MIN) EXTDEAY | SEG. | AMIN, 15SEC (255 SECO ENTRY DELAY + SEC._| 4 MIN, 15 SEC (55 SEC)O 3. Check entros remember, a0" entry ENTRY DELAY 2 SEO_[ 4MIN, 15 SEC (ss SEC) 10 = 90. ‘GF8800 SPVSRY AELAY | SEC._| 6 MIN, 15SEC 255 SEO) TouchTone Dialing Only C590 RELAY 1 MN. [4 HR, 15 MIN (255 MN) ‘TouchTone Dialing with Rotary Backup ‘GF88s0 RELAY2 MIN | 4 HR, 15 MIN (255 MN) WATERFLOW DELAY | SeC._| 2 MIN (120 SEC f PRESIGNAL DELAY | MIN. _| 4 MIN, 16 SEG (258 SEO) cfaling, but not always as reliable. TELGOUNETESTOLY_| SEC._| 4 MIN, 16SEC (55 SEC)™ GUAROTOURPERIOD | MIN, | €MIN.16.SEC (358 ECD SSENSORWATCH TIME | | 255 DAYS" Auer avs circuit on a normally.closed zone while armed as a trouble pndtion (not an alarm), sitended for yee witha Napco Monitor-Series dual-tectinology sensor. While there wall be no indication at the keypad, any of these trouble conditions ‘can be reported it Report Trouble is programmed as well. ‘See Sansar Watch, ‘Trouble/Trouble Restore Telco 1/Telco 3 See Report Telco 1/Telco 3 Restore Telco & See Backup Report on ‘Two-Digit Format See Data Format ‘Two-Wire Smoke Detectors Soe Smoke Detectors User Codes/Authority Levels/Access Bytes User Closing and Opening Reports by Telephone Num- ers Enable User Code by Area Up to 96 sixdigit User Codes are programmable, each with its dedicated Authority Level and Access Bvte. (The Authority Level comprises an Option Code) Refer to Sec- tion 3: User Codes, Authority Levels and Access Bytes for Instructions for programming trom the keypad: also see the Keypad Programming Workbook WI641 for daceriptione of levels and options. freporting toa central station, program User Closing and pening Reports by Telephone Numbers. in muttiple-area systems, program Enable User Code by Area, Watch Mode (by Area) See Day Zone Waterflow ‘Auto-Reset Waterflow Zones ‘AWaterlow Zone monitors sprinkler-system watertiow; i 's activated by an initiating device approved for that pur- pose. Au alan on a Waterflow Zone will prevent the fire ball from being silenced oF from timing out. The alarm can ‘only be silenced f the [SILENCE] Button is pressed when the alarm condition no lonaer exists. M Auto-Reeset Waterflow Zones is programmed, the Waterflow Zone wil automat- ically reset after the alarm condition is corrected. Also seo Time Selection. Note: A zone programmed as a Waterflow Zone must be programmed as a Fire Zone as wel Zone ANDing, Groups 1-8 (Do not program for UL instal- rations) Enable Local Alarm on First Zone “AND” Trip (Do not program for UL instalations) Un to elcht arouns of atleast two zones each can be “AND"ed, whorein the system wil go into alarm only Hany !wozones ofthe group are tripped within a prescribed time. This feature is designed to afford redundant protection for

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