Tailoring An International Investment Portfolio Using Closed End Country Funds

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thinly traded markets.

It takes special
MUTUAL FUNDS skills, lots of experience and depend-
able contacts to gather and analyze
information on the more obscure
emerging markets companies. Theres
plenty of opportunity for the most savvy
global managers to outperform the rest.
Closed-end funds are more complicated than their open- Investor overreaction is another way
astute global investors can profit. As
end siblings, but they also offer special attractions, such as sentiment shifts, small, thinly traded
the ability to purchase them at double-digit discounts. markets experience far wider price
swings than the worlds largest, most
liquid bourses. In addition, country
Tailoring an International funds sometimes bounce around a great
deal themselves, alternating between

Investment Portfolio Using double-digit discounts and premiums.

Low Correlations Reduce Risk

Closed-End Country Funds Although the volatility of an individual
single-country or regional fund itself is
By Albert J. Fredman high, an internationally diversified port-
folio may have a bit more stability than
one with a total U.S. allocation because
Most closed-end foreign stock funds dont face redemptions, closed-end different stock markets do not always
focus on a single nation or region. I use managers can be more long-term ori- move in lockstep.
the term country fund in this column ented and can invest more of their as- Table 1 shows the correlations be-
to include both categories. In contrast sets in less-liquid companies. tween the S&P 500 and the Interna-
to broad-based global and international There are other reasons for consider- tional Finance Corporation global in-
funds, these portfolios allow sophisti- ing closed-end country funds. You can dexes for a wide variety of emerging
cated investors to tailor their interna- benefit from greater growth potential markets. In theory, the correlation co-
tional exposure, emphasizing parts of in many emerging economies and pric- efficient can range between +1.0 and
the world they favor. ing inefficiencies can be found in differ- 1.0. Stock returns in different coun-
The closed-end structure is well- ent markets as well as among the funds tries generally are positively correlated,
suited for investing in illiquid markets themselves. In addition, including but the coefficients typically are far
because large redemptions could prove weakly correlated markets in a portfo- below the maximum of +1.0, which in-
disastrous. If the target market plunges lio provides a free lunch because vola- dicates a perfect positive association
and an open-end manager is forced to tility can be reduced without sacrificing in other words, the markets move in
sell stocks to meet redemptions, the long-run return. lockstep. The lower a positive reading,
most liquid companies typically are the weaker the relationshipone mar-
sold first, causing the portfolio to be- Profiting From Inefficiencies ket may move up, for instance, while
come even more risky and volatile. With the other is flatand the greater the
fewer holdings, the fund would be more Although bargains are the exception diversification benefits. Slightly nega-
sensitive to firm-specific problems. rather than the rule on Wall Street, for- tive correlations sometimes are ob-
Conversely, if the market surges, an eign stock exchanges often are less ef- served, as in the cases of India and
open-end manager may be inundated ficient. In an efficient market, new infor- Morocco, and can offer even more ben-
with cash. A closed-end skipper, by mation is freely available and acted eficial diversification. Developing mar-
contrast, has the luxury of working with upon so rapidly that its difficult to find kets typically exhibit the lowest corre-
a stable pool of capital, which may lead a mispriced stock. However, informa- lations, but Japan also has had a weak
to better performance. Because they tion is often difficult to obtain in smaller, link with the S&P 500. Of course, stock-
market correlations are subject to
Albert J. Fredman is a professor of finance at California State University, Fullerton (714/278- Keep in mind that correlations be-
3963). Prof. Fredman is co-author (with Russ Wiles) of How Mutual Funds Work, second edition, tween different stock markets can in-
1998, New York Institute of Finance/Prentice Hall, available for $18.95 in bookstores or by calling crease dramatically within brief peri-
800/947-7700. ods of a few days or a week, particularly

20 AAII Journal
during times of intense event-driven national diversification works. The stock market will not be established for
selling. The longer you hold your in- strategy is doubly appealing at times some time, this fund may change its
vestments, the more effectively inter- when U.S. stocks are pricey. objective or liquidate.
While speculators use country funds
Single-Country Funds as short-term trading vehicles, they also
Table 1. are appropriate as long-term holdings
Correlations of Country Index Table 2 identifies the universe of because they offer an individual a high
Price Returns to the S&P 500 more than 50 single-country closed- degree of control in building a custom-
(in U.S. dollars; December end funds. Thirty nations have at least made global portfolio. For example, an
1991December 1996) one U.S.-based closed-end fund spe- investors Latin American holdings could
cializing in their markets. Virtually all be structured to overweight Argentina,
Latin America: trade on the New York Stock Exchange. Brazil and Chile, while Mexico is
Argentina 0.37 (WEBS, an alternative single-country underweighted.
Brazil 0.06 vehicle, are discussed in the accom-
Chile 0.15 panying box at the end of this article.) Focusing on a Region
Colombia 0.11 Not every foreign market is targeted
Mexico 0.18 by these funds but more may be cre- Table 3 lists the regional equity funds.
Peru* 0.08 ated, even though closed-end IPOs As evident, closed-end funds exist that
Venezuela 0.02 (initial public offerings) fell substan- target Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia,
tially in 1994 and have practically Latin America, Africa, the Middle East,
East Asia: dried up since then. A major bear and even the Caribbean and the Iberian
China* 0.06 market in emerging markets began in Peninsula.
Korea 0.04 1994 and traumas such as the Mexi- A regional fund may represent coun-
Philippines 0.12 can peso crisiswhich began late that tries in its portfolio for which no single-
Taiwan, China 0.09 yearturned off investors even more. country closed-end funds exist in the
Are any additional country funds U.S. Latin American examples include
South Asia: likely to go public during the next Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. Check
India 0.20 several years? At least a dozen possi- the countries in their portfolios and the
Indonesia 0.42 bilities exist, according to William Din- respective weightings because funds
Malaysia 0.21 ning, a country fund analyst at Merrill that focus on the same region can differ
Pakistan 0.02 Lynch. These include Colombia, Peru, markedly. For instance, some Asian
Sri Lanka* 0.07 Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Greece, funds, such as Morgan Stanley Asia-Pa-
Thailand 0.20 Hungary, Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, cific, include Japan in their mix whereas
Poland, and Zimbabwe. others, such as Asia Tigers, do not. The
Europe/Mideast/Africa: A few funds specialize in smaller former recently had about 40% of its
Czech Republic* 0.00 companies. Emerging Germany and assets allocated to Japan.
Egypt* 0.06 New Germany invest in small- and Morgan Stanley Russia & New Europe,
Greece 0.10 medium-sized German companies. Ja- the most recent country fund offering,
Hungary* 0.30 pan OTC Equity targets that countrys began trading in September 1996. The
Jordan 0.06 volatile, over-the-counter market. As fund recently had about 60% invested in
Morocco* 0.22 a consequence, it fluctuates more in Russia, 13% in Poland, 13% in Hungary,
Nigeria 0.00 tandem with Japans Jasdaq index of and 6% in the Czech Republic. In an
Poland* 0.24 more than 800 OTC firms than with unusual move, Morgan Stanley absorbed
Portugal 0.21 the Nikkei 225, which includes the all offering costs to make the new issue
Russia* 0.09 more familiar large caps. more appealing by helping to protect
South Africa* 0.13 A unique portfolio, Templeton Viet- IPO buyers from incurring losses, as
Turkey 0.08 nam Opportunities went public in closed-end funds often slip to a dis-
Zimbabwe 0.13 1994, even though a stock market did count several months after the IPO date.
not exist in that nation. Their goal was Because they target primarily devel-
A correlation of 1.0 means the markets move in to have at least 65% of assets invested oped markets, Central European Equity,
lockstep; correlations close to 0 indicate weak
in Vietnam by October 1997. In the Europe Fund, and Scudder New Europe
meantime, manager Mark Mobius has may experience less volatility than their
*Correlations based on less than 60 months of
invested in companies in other coun- regional relatives focusing on Asia and
tries expected to benefit from eco- Latin America. However, European War-
Source: International Finance Corporation
nomic development in Vietnam. Be- rant Fund can provide fast action similar
cause it appears that a Vietnamese to an emerging markets regional fund.

October 1997 21
Table 2.
Single-Country Closed-Funds
Net Net
Inception Assets Inception Assets
Fund (Exchange: Ticker) Date (mil $)* Fund (Exchange: Ticker) Date (mil $)*
Argentina (N: AF) 10/91 150.6 Jardine Fleming China (N: JFC) 7/92 167.0
Austria (N: OST) 9/89 143.6 Jardine Fleming India (N: JFI) 3/94 116.7
Brazil (N: BZF) 3/88 580.5 Korea Equity (N: KEF) 11/93 52.2
Brazilian Equity (N: BZL) 4/92 134.0 Korea Fund (N: KF) 8/84 512.2
Chile (N: CH) 9/89 418.3 Korean Investment (N: KIF) 2/92 68.3
China (N: CHN) 7/92 234.5 Malaysia (N: MF) 5/87 158.7
Czech Republic (N: CRF) 9/94 88.9 Mexico Equity & Income (N: MXE) 8/90 177.5
Emerging Germany (N: FRG) 3/90 171.5 Mexico Fund (N: MXF) 6/81 1,172.6
Emerging Mexico (N: MEF) 10/90 145.9 Morgan Stanley India (N: IIF) 2/94 404.8
Fidelity Advisor Korea (N: FAK) 10/94 54.7 New Germany (N: GF) 1/90 661.9
First Australia (A: IAF) 12/85 188.1 Pakistan Investment (N: PKF) 12/93 66.3
First Israel (N: ISL) 10/92 84.3 Portugal (N: PGF) 11/89 112.7
First Philippine (N: FPF) 11/89 186.5 ROC Taiwan (N: ROC) 5/89 493.0
France Growth (N: FRF) 5/90 219.1 Singapore (N: SGF) 7/90 112.3
Germany Fund (N: GER) 7/86 262.3 Spain (N: SNF) 6/88 179.5
Greater China (N: GCH) 7/92 328.1 Swiss Helvetia (N: SWZ) 8/87 385.6
Growth Fund of Spain (N: GSP) 2/90 311.5 Taiwan Equity (N: TYW) 7/94 81.8
India Fund (N: IFN) 2/94 328.8 Taiwan Fund (N: TWN) 12/86 527.0
India Growth (N: IGF) 8/88 123.1 Templeton China World (N: TCH) 9/93 346.0
Indonesia (N: IF) 3/90 56.8 Templeton Dragon (N: TDF) 9/94 1,074.3
Irish Investment (N: IRL) 3/90 92.7 Templeton Russia (N: TRF) 6/95 185.8
Italy (N: ITA) 2/86 108.4 Templeton Vietnam (N: TVF) 9/94 114.9
Jakarta Growth (N: JGF) 4/90 55.8 Thai Capital (N: TC) 5/90 41.6
Japan Equity (N: JEQ) 7/92 101.4 Thai Fund (N: TTF) 2/88 143.2
Japan OTC Equity (N: JOF) 3/90 83.9 Turkish Investment (N: TKF) 12/89 48.6
United Kingdom (N: UKM) 8/87 62.5

*As of 6/30/97 Exchange Key: N=NewYork Stock Exchange

A=American Stock Exchange
Source: Lipper Analytical Services, Inc.

Thats because it normally has at least South Africa. Foreign & Colonial Emerg- ity with a single-nation fund. Even re-
65% of its assets in several different ing Middle East invests in countries gional portfolios can exhibit significantly
warrants on stocks traded in markets throughout that region, including Mo- higher volatility than their broader in-
such as Germany and Switzerland. rocco, Israel, Turkey, and Egypt. ternational counterparts. Country funds
Regional funds offer a compromise Scudder Spain & Portugal fund has a can soar or plunge on the basis of three
between narrowly focused single-coun- narrower focus than most regionals. factors:
try portfolios and much broader multi- About 62% of its assets were recently The performance of the economy and
region funds. By investing in the right invested in Spain and the remainder stock market: Economic dangers in-
European, Asian, and Latin American was in Portugal. The tiny, $10.6-million clude unstable governments, econo-
funds, you can pretty much cover all Nasdaq-traded Herzfeld Caribbean Ba- mies based on only a few commodi-
major non-U.S. stock marketswith sin Fund expects to invest in Cuba when ties or industries, and runaway infla-
each region weighted as you see fit. that becomes possible. In the mean- tion. Many small bourses are illiquid
Small positions in Africa and the time, it has positions in the U.S. and and volatile.
Middle East can spice up a portfolio, if Latin America. This fund is illiquid and Currency fluctuations: Changes in the
the price is right. A pan-African fund, has a 3.3% expense ratio. dollar value of a foreign currency may
Morgan Stanley Africa spreads its as- result in substantial gains or losses.
sets among a variety of countries on Caveat Emptor The turbulence in Southeast Asias
that continent including Zimbabwe and currencies triggered by the Thai baht
Egypt as well as holding a large stake in You are exposed to plenty of volatil- devaluation in July led to falling Asian

22 AAII Journal
individual funds can do very well or
Table 3. very poorly over extended periods,
Regional Closed-End Funds underscoring the need for careful se-
lection and diversification.
Inception Assets
Fund (Exchange: Ticker) Date (mil $)* Know Your Rights
Asia Pacific (N: APB) 4/87 278.2
Asia Tigers (N: GRR) 11/93 289.0 With an open-end fund, sizzling per-
Central European Equity (N: CEE) 2/90 342.6 formance leads to a large influx of cash,
Europe (N: EF) 4/90 203.5 which increases the portfolios asset
European Warrant (N: EWF) 7/90 184.3 base and the total management fees.
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia (N: FAE) 3/94 131.7 The financial reward for the funds spon-
Foreign & Colonial Middle East (N: EME) 10/94 55.9 sor can be dramatic. Not so with a
G.T. Global Eastern Europe (N: GTF) 3/90 141.3 closed-end fund.
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin (M: CUBA) 9/93 10.6 How can a successful closed-end
Latin America Equity (N: LAQ) 10/91 179.2 manager make new, promising invest-
Latin America Growth (N: LLF) 10/94 56.4 ment without having to liquidate any
Latin America Investment (N: LAM) 7/90 181.6 existing positions? A rights offering and
Latin American Discovery (N: LDF) 6/92 248.7 a secondary public offering are two al-
Morgan Stanley Africa (N: AFF) 2/94 327.4 ternative routes. The former, which is
Morgan Stanley Asia-Pacific (N: APF) 7/94 938.9 far more common, targets existing
Morgan Stanley Russia & New Europe (N: RNE) 9/96 155.2 shareholders.
New South Africa (N: NSA) 3/94 87.0 More than 50 country-fund rights of-
Schroder Asian Growth (N: SHF) 12/93 281.0 ferings have occurred since Mexico
Scudder New Asia (N: SAF) 6/87 151.2 Fund made the first in 1983, according
Scudder New Europe (N: NEF) 2/90 317.0 to Lipper. Most have taken place dur-
Scudder Spain & Portugal (N: IBF) 4/88 108.6 ing the last several years and several
Southern Africa (N: SOA) 2/94 129.3 have been well in excess of $100 mil-
*As of 6/30/97 Exchange Key: N=NewYork Stock Exchange How do these offerings work? Basi-
M=Nasdaq National Market
Source: Lipper Analytical Services, Inc. cally, subscription rights are issued to
shareholders of record, giving them the
option to buy up to a given number of
fund prices. respectively, on September 5. A pos- new shares at a specified price, which
Discount-premium fluctuations: Coun- sible explanation is that investors are is usually at a discount from the current
try funds may alternate between siz- using the fund as an easy vehicle to bet price. Participating shareholders main-
able discounts and premiums, reflect- on that markets recovery. Another pos- tain their proportional ownership in-
ing extreme shifts in sentiment. sibility is that the funds net asset value terest. Several rights are needed to
Table 4 shows premium-discount falls more quickly than its share price. acquire each new share. For instance,
ranges of selected funds during both a The reasoning is that closed-end funds you may need three rights for each
recent 12-month period and a longer tend to be owned primarily by indi- share you purchase. Shareholders have
time span since the preGulf War panic viduals who respond more slowly than a few weeks to exercise their options.
in international funds. As expected, portfolio managers to changing condi- Offerings are either transferable or non-
greater volatility is seen over lengthier tions. transferable. Transferable rights can be
periods. Note that premium-discount Short- and longer-term returns differ sold separately during the ex-rights
fluctuations also are evident in the re- strikingly among country funds as illus- period if you choose not to exercise
gional portfolios, particularly over the trated in Table 5, which shows the top them; non-transferable rights cannot.
longer period. five and bottom five funds ranked by Never let a rights offering catch you
It may seem paradoxical, but when a their five-year total returns. One- and off guard. Read the offering prospectus
market in which a country fund invests three-year performances also are dis- carefully. If you decide not to add to
quickly plunges, the funds shares may played. Only those funds that were in your investment, do one of the follow-
go to a premium, or its discount may existence for the entire five-year pe- ing to avoid diluting your position:
narrow. This has been evident in Ko- riod and did not experience a signifi- If the rights are transferable, sell them
rea, Japan, Mexico, and Thailand. For cant management change are included. on the open market as soon as pos-
instance, Thai Capital and Thai Fund My point is not to identify past winners sible, because the stock typically
traded at premiums of 66.7% and 63.4%, and losers but rather to illustrate that declines during the offering period.

October 1997 23
Closed End Country Fund Report
(monthly, $190) is published by Wash-
Table 4.
ington, D.C.-based Washington Inter-
Premium-Discount Ranges for Selected Closed-End Country Funds
national Advisors (202-783-7051). This
thorough publication tracks the universe
52-Week Period Extended Period
7/5/96 to 6/27/97 8/10/90 to 6/27/97 of closed-end country funds.
Single-Country Funds: High (%) Low (%) High (%) Low (%) Morningstars Principia for Closed-End
Brazil Fund 10.4 20.4 35.1 20.4 Funds is a comprehensive software
India Growth Fund 14.7 1.0 54.9 31.2 package covering that universe on a
Indonesia Fund 17.1 12.9 42.4 21.0 computer diskette. It includes editori-
Japan OTC Equity 9.1 9.1 41.8 26.2 als, analyses of portfolios, and the abil-
Korea Fund 22.5 0.4 51.8 7.1 ity to screen, rank, and graph.
Singapore Fund 0.8 12.8 32.1 27.6 Closed-end funds are included in the
Taiwan Fund 10.0 22.6 62.7 22.6 quarterly mutual fund surveys con-
Turkish Investment Fund 4.2 11.1 100.3 36.1 tained in both Barrons and the Wall
Street Journal. Last, but not least, you
Regional Funds: can phone the fund for copies of its
Asia Pacific Fund 10.6 19.1 33.0 27.9 recent shareholder reports. Unlike mu-
Europe Fund 8.4 20.1 19.6 22.8 tual funds, closed-end funds do not
Latin America Investment 12.5 19.8 22.6 29.3 generally provide a prospectus unless
they are in the process of having a rights
Source: Lipper Analytical Services, Inc. offering.

Country Fund Checklist

By doing this you will lock in the Among the brokerages providing on-
value of your rights and avoid dilut- going coverage of closed-end country Dont make big bets: International di-
ing your investment. funds are Merrill Lynch, PaineWebber, versification works best when you allo-
If the rights are non-transferable, ex- Prudential Securities and Smith Barney. cate your assets prudently. That said,
ercise them and simultaneously sell Standard & Poors Stock Reports pro- theres nothing wrong with over-
those shares at the higher market files virtually all closed-end funds in weighting particular regions or coun-
price. For example, an investor might customary S&P format. Morningstar Mu- tries that you feel offer especially good
exercise his rights to buy 1,000 shares tual Funds covers about 50 country value.
at a $9.60 subscription price and then funds, and the Value Line Investment Know the premium/discount history: Try
sell them at the funds $10 market Survey tracks close to 20. Liberas to buy at a wider than normal discount.
price, capturing a $400 profit before
taxes and transaction costs.
Table 5.
Top and Bottom Five-Year Performance of Country Funds
Getting Started
Annualized Total Returns (%)*
Keep up with major international Top Five Performers: 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
trends and developments if youre plan- European Warrant Fund 83.6 38.4 30.8
ning to include country funds in your Brazil Fund 42.6 27.2 28.5
asset mix. Both Barrons and the Wall Brazilian Equity Fund 39.4 25.2 28.2
Street Journal provide useful articles Latin American Discovery 59.5 17.2 22.0
and data, particularly in their interna- Swiss Helvetia Fund 26.1 21.7 21.1
tional investing sections. For further
information, consult publications such Bottom Five Performers:
as the Financial Times and the Econo- India Growth Fund 7.6 13.8 2.1
mist. Internet users can obtain daily Japan OTC Equity 18.9 15.2 1.5
price index values for developed and Thai Capital Fund 54.7 21.4 0.7
emerging stock markets on Bloombergs Korean Investment Fund 21.6 11.9 0.6
Web site (http://www.bloomberg.com). Thai Fund 55.1 21.5 0.0
The coverage is quite comprehensive.
For instance, seven separate indexes *Net asset value total returns for periods ending 6/30/97.
are available for Japan and eight for Source: Lipper Analytical Services, Inc.

24 AAII Journal
Avoid premiums. Its certainly better to unfavorable price impacts of trading out if the fund trades in low volume.
pay 80 cents for a dollars worth of as- are much higher in thin markets. Buy- Use limit orders: These are orders
sets than it is to fork over $1.20. Con- ing a stock quickly increases its price placed with a broker to buy or sell at
sider open-end funds or WEBS when whereas selling drives prices down. a specific price or better. Because
closed-end funds trade at premiums. Check the cash position: Its preferable closed-end funds bob up and down
Or, wait for the discounts. to stick with funds that remain fully in price, you may often do better by
Comparison shop: Do you get greater invested, avoiding those that retreat placing a limit order to, perhaps, buy
value with the regional fund or by pur- heavily into cash. In the latter case, the at the bid or sell at the asked price.
chasing several single-country funds market may take off, leaving the fund Patience is needed, especially on less
and building your own regional portfo- sitting in the dust with a hoard of cash. liquid funds, but its often worth wait-
lio? Stick with funds that minimize cur- ing.
Check performance: Performances rency hedging: Hedging increases trans-
among funds investing in the same action costs and could be done at the Conclusion
country or region can differ strikingly. wrong time. In any event, unhedged
Buy good performance at a discount if portfolios allow you to derive the maxi- International diversification is particu-
you can. mum benefit from international diver- larly advisable now because long-term
Buy and hold: Nail down good values sification because you are diversifying returns on large-cap domestic stocks
and hang in for the long-term, unless across currencies as well as stock mar- are likely to be more modest over the
the fund surges to an outsized pre- kets. Over the long-run, currency fluc- next 15 years than they averaged in the
mium. tuations are often a wash for investors. bull markets of the 1980s and 1990s.
Check expenses: Expense ratios of 2% Be liquidity conscious: Closed-end Single-country and regional closed-
or more are not uncommon among funds with higher average daily vol- end funds are especially attractive when
country funds. Compare a funds ex- umes are more liquid than less active they are at double-digit discounts, as
pense ratio with those of its peers. A closed-end funds. Liquidity also is a many were at this writing. But closed-
deeper than normal discount and good function of the size of your order. It end funds are more complicated than
performance may compensate for makes a difference whether you plan to their open-end siblings and investors
above normal expenses. buy or sell several hundred shares or should understand the special consid-
Favor lower turnover: Single-country 10,000 shares. Because larger orders erations including discount-premium
funds targeting illiquid markets fare can move the price unfavorably, it fluctuations, trading liquidity, and the
better with low turnover ratiossay, may make sense to break an order placing of orders as well as rights offer-
less than 30% on averagebecause the into smaller ones and spread them ings.

Country Funds Vs. WEBS

Introduced in March 1996, WEBS (World Equity Bench- CountryBaskets, a competing product that traded on the
mark Shares) provide a single-country alternative to New York Stock Exchange, liquidated in February due to
closed-end funds. They are traded on the American insufficient investor interest. WEBS have been successful
Stock Exchange and cover 17 markets in Europe, Asia and it appears that new country-specific WEBS will be
and North America. About $471 million was invested in forthcoming for Argentina, Brazil, Greece, Indonesia, Ko-
all WEBS as of August 29. rea, the Philippines, Portugal, South Africa, Taiwan, Thai-
WEBS differ from closed-end country funds in two land, and Turkey. In addition, Asian, European, and Latin
primary ways: American regional emerging markets WEBS are expected.
They are index funds. WEBS remain fully invested. Expense ratios on the individual WEBS average about
They seek to replicate the performance of the Morgan 1.4%. This contrasts with a 2% average expense ratio on
Stanley Capital International indexes for their respective single-country closed-end funds, according to Lipper.
countries with a representative sample of stocks, using For a prospectus and further information, call 1-800-
portfolio optimization. Finally, WEBS also are highly tax 810-WEBS or view http://www.websontheweb.com on
efficient since they do little trading. the Internet. My Mutual Funds column in the October 1996
They trade close to net asset value. Professional AAII Journal (A New Route Overseas: Country Indexing
investors can make large in-kind investments and re- With WEBS and CountryBaskets) explains how WEBS
demptions, which should prevent market prices from are issued and redeemed and compares this product to
deviating by more than, say, 2% from net asset value. traditional closed-end funds.
Albert Fredman

October 1997 25

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