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Costing Error : CST_MATCH_DATE_PERIOD and The transaction date is not within the

accounting period specified.

Run this Below query

For each and every organization seperate acc_period_id will generate.

Update apps.mtl_material_transactions
set acct_period_id = '16946' -------we get "acc_period_id" from this script
(select * from APPS.mtl_material_transactions where costed_flag in ('E')
organization_id in (select organization_id from apps.mtl_parameters where
wms_enabled_flag <>'Y');)
, costed_flag = 'N'
, transaction_group_id = NULL
, transaction_set_id = NULL
, error_code = NULL
, error_explanation = NULL
where costed_flag = 'E'
and acct_period_id = '16852' ------ We get "acc_period_id(this is current month
acc_period_id))" from this script ( select * from apps.org_acct_periods where
organization_id = 'xxxxx')
and error_code = 'CST_MATCH_DATE_PERIOD'
and organization_id = '129'

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