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A 90 Day Game Plan: One Burst of Energy to Advance

Disclaimer: PF60 was put together and designed to develop our Kyani Business but not a Kyani requirement.

This energy is dedicated to creating sustained momentum to launch your Kyani business to the next level.
One huge burst and then you taper back to develop and sustain your organization. During this time we are
dedicated to creating leaders in the process. We will learn and grow together. T.E.A.M (Together Everyone
Achieves More).

This burst of energy comes from massive action. This is non-stop exposures and sharing the Kyani products
and opportunity with everyone who will listen. We will follow up with everyone exposed because generally
people dont make a decision the first time but rather the second and third time exposures and follow up.

Courtesy of Network Marketing Pro Eric Worre has come up with a proven way to create success for
someone whos willing to put in the work to change their life. The 90 Day Game plan I am implementing is
the 90 Day Project FREE 60 Campaign. This is three months of recruiting 20 new business partners, training
them to develop and recruit their personally sponsored 20. This is the process of duplication.

*Project FREE 60 Campaign is a 90 Day Challenge to help 60 people find financial relief, quality to
drive a free Audi and find better health using natural alternatives (The Kyani Health Triangle).

Ask yourself:

What are you willing to do for your business to grow and for you to change your life? After details of Project
FREE 60 Campaign you will see why massive action for a short time frame will always win.

Myth 1: Slow and steady wins the race

Slow and steady will never produce. For example, take a plane taxing down the runway it needs to be at
100% for a short time to get off the ground before the runway ends. Running the plane at 20% will never
get it off the ground

Your business: if you take it slow and steady it may or may not ever get off the ground. But if you have a
burst of energy and work it really hard for a short amount of time it could change your life!

Myth 2: Just Dont Quit eventually youll make all kinds of money!

By not quitting or going to all the conferences and events will never be enough to make the money or have
the financial freedom you desire! At some point, youll need to learn and implement what youve been

Understand that there is a higher purpose through Kyani. We are obligated to share this blessing with
everyone. We never want to predetermine someone else determination. Everyone is looking for something
and its our responsibility to share and allow the others to decide whether or not this opportunity is a good
fit. Some will support and some wont - who cares!! Be the driving force behind your success. There is a
bigger picture so let no one deter you from your goals!
Ask yourself what would it be worth to recruit 20 new people in 30 days into your business right
now?? Work the numbers:
Upfront commission? $499 Builder Pack ($100.00/ sponsor bonus) x 20 people = $2000.00
$999 Builder Pack ($200.00/ sponsor bonus) x 20 people = $4000.00

Other bonuses? 400 QV per new recruit ($499 BP) x 20 people = 8000 QV
2000 QV (JADE) x help those 20 reach JADE = 40,000 QV+ (YOU)

Rank Advancement? Emerald Executive +/- (one rank away from Diamond)

Think about what this could do for you and your family, your reputation and example youd set for your
entire team. In the end, the efforts of working really hard for a short time frame would be worth it!

Success Loves Speed

Compare: Recruit 20 in 30 days VS. 20 recruits in 30 months

According to Eric Worre, the stat for bringing 20 new people on board in 30 days youre projected to

12 actually do something immediately (get customers and maybe recruit 8 will disappear).

8 in 90 days are going to look like leaders and continue to work learn and grow.

4 in 12 months out of 20 will continue to show up and grow (these will be the 80% you work with).

2 in 5 years will be left will produce and become top earners.

Six figure earners are the ones who do the 30 day burst and 90 day game plan Eric Worre.

20 recruits in 20 months
20 Brought on board in 20 months

8 Will do something in the very beginning.

4 90 days of dedication.

1 12 months of dedication.

0 left in 5 years.

Decide whether this is something you feel is worth your time and efforts. What is your story? Youll need to
determine your why and how this 90 day project is going to change your life?

Start by saying, Ive not done all that I can do to get the results Im looking for. I
want and deserve more. I am now dedicated and ready to do what it takes to
change my life using Kyani as the vehicle to achieve my dreams!
Project FREE 60 Campaign:
(3 consecutive months of recruiting 20 new people to join our Kyani Journey = 60 people total)

*Project FREE 60 Campaign is a 90 Day Challenge to help 60 people find financial relief, quality to
drive a free Audi and find better health using natural alternatives (The Kyani Health Triangle).
Month 1 = 20 help new people (20 Total)
Month 2 = 20 more new people (40 Total)
Month 3 = 20 more new people (60 Total)

Pre-Launch prep: Nov 1- Nov 31 BUILDING PERIOD

November 1 November 31st, 2014

Training, preparing and get focused

Negotiating with family (spouse, kids, etc.)
Eliminate distractions (clear schedules of unnecessary activities, delegate, etc.)
Building a fresh list of contacts memory jogger (300+ Contacts)
Sharping skills
o Inviting techniques
o Practice 1-9 / roll playing
o Learn as we grow

Project Launch Period: Dec 1 Mar 1, 2015 RECRUIT 20 in 30 Days x 3 Months

Framework for 30 Day Cycle Have Urgency:

Month 1 - December 1 December 31st, 2014 (must have a massive contact list composed)
1. 1st 10 Days = as much contacting, Inviting and presenting as possible.
a. 100% effort
b. Full time (16 hours per day)
c. Part time (8 hours per day) weekend/off days (16 hours)
d. 6 days of activity (take one day off to refocus)
e. Drive time, work and lunch breaks making phone calls/inviting to event
f. Evenings/weekends all out massive action
g. Become best friends with your cell phone
h. Utilize tools to get the job done (scripts, 1-9 overview sheets, brochures, samples, etc.)
i. 1:1/2:1/ webinars/Skype calls/conference calls/blitz days/live events/power hours
2. 2nd 10 Days = some presenting mostly follow up period.
a. Follow ups/3 way calls/2nd & 3rd exposures/questions answered
3. 3 10 Days = some presenting/follow ups/mostly closing prospects into customers/ business partners.

*Training and support will be provided but need to be 1000% coachable to participate.
Month 2 - Jan 1 Jan 31st, 2015 (will need to continue to add new contacts to existing contact list)

1. 1st 10 Days = as much contacting, Inviting and presenting as possible.

a. 100% effort
b. Full time (16 hours per day)
c. Part time (8 hours per day) weekend/off days (16 hours)
d. 6 days of activity (take one day off to refocus)
e. Drive time, work and lunch breaks making phone calls/inviting to event
f. Evenings/weekends all out massive action
g. Become best friends with your cell phone
h. Utilize tools to get the job done (scripts, 1-9 overview sheets, brochures, samples, etc.)
i. 1:1/2:1/ webinars/Skype calls/conference calls/blitz days/live events/power hours
2. 2nd 10 Days = some presenting mostly follow up period.
a. Follow ups/3 way calls/2nd & 3rd exposures/questions answered
3. 3 10 Days = some presenting/follow ups/mostly closing prospects into customers/ business partners.

*Training and support will be provided but need to be 1000% coachable to participate.

Month 3 - Feb 1 Feb 28th, 2015 (will need to continue to add new contacts to existing contact list)

1. 1st 10 Days = as much contacting, Inviting and presenting as possible.

a. 100% effort
b. Full time (16 hours per day)
c. Part time (8 hours per day) weekend/off days (16 hours)
d. 6 days of activity (take one day off to refocus)
e. Drive time, work and lunch breaks making phone calls/inviting to event
f. Evenings/weekends all out massive action
g. Become best friends with your cell phone
h. Utilize tools to get the job done (scripts, 1-9 overview sheets, brochures, samples, etc.)
i. 1:1/2:1/ webinars/Skype calls/conference calls/blitz days/live events/power hours
2. 2nd 10 Days = some presenting mostly follow up period.
a. Follow ups/3 way calls/2nd & 3rd exposures/questions answered
3. 3 10 Days = some presenting/follow ups/mostly closing prospects into customers/ business partners.

*Training and support will be provided but need to be 1000% coachable to participate.

A full calendar of events and checklist will be provided to help keep everyone on target.

March 2015 Ranked up for Anaheim International Leadership Convention

Our goal is to help each individual rank advance during this 3 month push. This will take hard work,
commitment and dedication. Individuals must be coachable and have desire and an incredible work ethic
to participate. (See Back Office for International Convention Details)

For more Information on group participation

Project FREE 60 Campaign: Kanishia Wallace - Sapphire Executive (916) 477- 9484

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