Industrial Training Feedback Form

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Name :

Designation :

Duration :

University :

Supervisor Name:

1) Summary of your job scope and other professional experience :


Please choose one response for question 1 - 6 and tick () the appropriate answer.
Please give a short answer for question 7 10.
Please return the completed questionnaire before your end date.
1 Unsatisfactory 2 Satisfactory 3 Good 4 Very Good 5 Excellent

How do rate on the following statement. 1 2 3 4 5

1. How do you find this company benefits you in your Industrial


2. How do you rate your supervisor support during Industrial


1 Unsatisfactory 2 Satisfactory 3 Good 4 Very Good 5 Excellent

How do rate on the following statement. 1 2 3 4 5

3. Did your internship turn out to be as you expected?

4. Did you receive enough training to do your job effectively?

5. Did you receive sufficient feedback on your performance?

6. Would you consider working again for this company in the future?

7. What was most satisfying about your job and/or internship experience?

8. What was least satisfying about your job and/or internship experience?

9. What suggestions do you have to help improve the overall program?

10. Would you recommend this company and the program to your colleagues? Why?

Signature :

Date :


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