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Stout 1

Brandon Stout

Professor Miss

UWRT 1102 001

12 July 2017

Global Warming [Is It Too Late]

Global-Warming! Is it real and happening? What is Global-Warming? The

science is clear. Global-Warming has been occurring for many years now. There is

not an exact time on how long its been happening, but for 50 years now it has made

such a noticeable impact on climate change, researchers and scientist had to notice

(Global Warming Science). Global warming refers to another cause-and-effect

situation. But, what are the causes? What are the affects?

The scientific cause of global warming is due to carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon

dioxide absorbs heat reflected from earths surface, releasing the heat, then causing

earth to warm up (Global Warming Science). What causes CO2 and other

greenhouse gasses to release into earths atmosphere is the more important

question for cause. There are many causes for this to occur, that all human activity is

responsible for. So, how does this happen? How does this affect earth?

Effects from earth becoming warmer are infamous. It is determinable based

on how accelerated the increasing temperature becomes. Some examples of noticed

activity are, sea levels rising, severe weather produced, and higher death rates.

Severe weather is referring to storms, heat waves, floods and droughts. When earth

becomes hotter it collects, retains, and drops more water. This impacts the weather

pattern is such a way that wet regions become wetter and dry regions become
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dryer. As if the weather changing is not enough, death rates increase as well. When

the temperature rises, it causes people to become more prone to health problems

(Are the Effects,15 Mar.2016). These are only a few examples happening today.

But, what is being done about it? Or what can be done about it?

There is much that can be done about Global-Warming. Unfortunately, there

is not anything that can stop it from happening. That is why in this extended inquiry

I will be proposing how all citizens of earth can help stop the acceleration from

earth heating. All human activity takes part in the acceleration of global warming.

Driving vehicles, air conditioned homes, powering homes/businesses, and so on.

Each activity people are involved in to live today does one thing, burn fossil fuel that

releases carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses into earth. If everything that people

does is hurting earth, why is it allowed? If each individual participates, is it still too

late for earth?

These are the main questions in this inquiry. Why are activities being

allowed to hurt earth? And is it too late to try? Regardless, everyone needs to work

together as citizens of mother earth, protecting and securing her from harm. In

understanding everyone only has one earth, and only one life to share it with. Which

all should take part and support the globe. All of us are apart of the largest discourse

community with in humanity, all has a say and a purpose. But is it worth the effort

for the chances of change? Regardless if it is too late, as humanity should never give

up hope.

In all, this extended inquiry will break down and analyze many situations,

causes, effects, and data to be able to determine is it really too late for earth? While
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producing answers and solutions that humans can do to make do, and ensure

earths existence for more generations to come, for humanity.

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Works Cited

Denchak, Melissa. "Are the Effects of Global Warming Really that Bad." NDRC,
National Resources Defense Council, 15 Mar. 2016. Web.

Global Warming Science. UCSUSA, Union of Concerned Scientists. Web.

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