Beginner Spanish Lesson Plan

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Story Listening Spanish Lesson

C.U. Student: Heather Herring School Site: Rockstar Middle School

Cooperating Teacher: N/A Concordia Supervisor: Guthrie
Subject/Endorsement: Spanish Unit Topic: Present tense verbs
Grade Level: 6-8 (First year Spanish) Lesson Topic: Ve versus va


Lesson Goal
Introduce students to the concept of story listening
Increase student vocabulary and familiarity with frequently used words in Spanish, with a
particular focus on ve versus va

Learning Objectives (include domain and level)

Students will be able to listen to, read, and translate a short story in Spanish.
Students will be able to negotiate meaning during a story listening exercise in Spanish.

Instructional Strategies
Story listening (incorporates visual and auditory engagement, requires student
involvement, go through very slowly one time and quicker the next)
Whole class collaboration (students give feedback throughout story to know whether to
clarify or slow down)
Structured reading (provide easy, intermediate, and difficult versions of the story)


Motivator: 5-10 minutes

Explained in-depth here
Go over agenda for the day using ordinal numbers (first, second, third)
Calendar - discuss the date, what yesterday was, and what tomorrow is
Count the students in the class all together (number practice)
Sing Sr. Wooly song, La Bufanda (follow along with the video)
Each time finish an activity, ask the class, What did we do? and then review the most
recent activity with past tense or using phrases such as We just.
Procedures: 20-30 minutes
Story listening -
Gather class around whiteboard
Explain the expectations in English
Let me know if I confuse you using timeout hand signal - Its my job to
make sure you understand the story
Relax and enjoy the story
Do not disrupt the flow (with irrelevant or disrespectful
Tell the story of Jorge y el ratn in Spanish - only use English when introducing a
new word or to clarify something if the pictures and hand signals dont suffice
Pay attention to the class body language and engagement - this can be
slowed down or sped up - all students should be engaged. For the
advanced students, repetition will only benefit them. If everyone is doing
comprehending, can add richer vocabulary to the story.
Use a lot of gestures, repetition, and enthusiasm
Jorge es un mono.
Draw monkey
Act like a monkey
Jorge es curioso.
Gesture curious
Ask a few students if they are curious - Eres curioso/a?
Ve un ratn.
Draw a simple rat in a cage.
Emphasize ve making a sign language v with your
pointer and middle finger, motioning to eyes, then outward
to show that he sees.
Give a few different examples and reactions to seeing
things: Ve un elefante. Ooh! Ve un insecto. Ee!
Toca el ratn.
Motion taking the rat out of the cage and holding it so that
it is implied that happened and the students are not
overwhelmed by new vocabulary
Emphasize toca with a hand signal (pointer and middle
finger touching thumb, almost like a pinching action)
Touch a few things like the floor and the wall, repeating
El ratn escape.
Motion wondering where the rat went, surprised expression
No ve el ratn. Es un problema.
Draw the rat with a circle around it and an x through it
Use the ve hand signal again.
What is ve? Make sure whole class knows - sees
Va a ________. No ve el ratn. Es un problema.
Emphasize va using the ASL for go (both hands pointing
Emphasize the difference between ve and va using the
Draw a quick picture of George and an arrow that says va
a on it pointing to the first location
Add simple pictures of the next locations
Pick proper nouns for George to visit so as not to introduce
extra vocabulary and noise to the class
Repeat this 2-3 times
If the class is tracking well, allow them to pick the
locations (donde va?)
Ve el ratn en _________.
Use the ve hand signal.
Use happy expression
No es un problema. Es perfecto.
El fin.
Go through the story again more quickly, still using the hand signals and
expressiveness, but not stopping for clarification as often.
Ask students to give you a rating of how well they understood the story on a 1-4
scale (1 - didnt get it at all, 2 - picked up some of the words but didnt track with
the whole story, 3 - didnt understand every word, but got the flow of the story, 4
- understood every word). They can do this just holding up the number of fingers
and can shield it with their other hand so only the instructor can see if they are
uncomfortable sharing.
Read and translate in pairs
Pass out copy of story with visuals
Have students write the story in English
Sentence sort in pairs
Pass out written copy of story, cut into strips
Have pairs put the sentences in the order the story was in

Individual option - Give copy of story to students and have them highlight what they
Closure: 5-10 minutes
Exit ticket: collect the translations they wrote
Pass out the more difficult translation of the story to any students interested.
End with the Goodbye Song. (Adios amigos, adios amigos, adios amigos, es la hora
para decir adios).


Easy version: (visual of Spanish story with pictures also attached)

Jorgeesunmono. Georgeisamonkey.
Jorgeescurioso. Georgeiscurious.
Veunratn. Heseesarat.
Tocaelratn. Hetouchestherat.
Elratnescape. Theratescapes.
Noveelratn.Esunproblema. Hedoesnotseetherat.Itisaproblem.
Vaa________. Hegoesto_______.
Noveelratn. Hedoesnotseetherat.
Esunproblema. Itisaproblem.
Veelratnen_________. Heseestheratin________.
Noesunproblema.Esperfecto. Itisnotaproblem.Itisperfect.
Elfin. Theend.

Intermediate version:
To be added
Difficult version:
Jorge el curioso y el conejito Curious George and the Bunny

ste es Jorge. Jorge es un monito bueno y This is George. George is a good little
muy curioso. monkey and very curious.

Un da Jorge encuentra una casita. Dentro One day George finds a little house. Inside is
estn Mam Conejo y todos sus conejitos. Mama Rabbit and all her bunnies. George is
Jorge est curioso. Se pregunta qu senta al curious. He wonders what it would feel like to
cargar uno. Qu divertido es cargar un carry one. How fun it is to carry a bunny!

Jorge quiere jugar a los escondidos. Pone al George wants to play hide and seek. He puts
conejito abajo pero el conejito sale the bunny down ... but the bunny goes off!

Adnde se va el conejito? Jorge lo busca por Where does the bunny go? George looks
todas partes pero el conejito se ha ido. Y se everywhere but the bunny is gone. And the
acaba la diversin. fun is over.

Jorge est triste. Ahora no puede llevarlo de George is sad. Now he can not take him back
vuelta a casa con Mma Conejo. home with Mama Rabbit.

A Jorge se le ocurre una idea. Mam Conejo George has an idea. Mama Rabbit can help
puede ayudarlo! Corre a casa de los conejos y him! He runs to the rabbits' house and puts a
le pone una cuerda a Mma Conejo. Ella ya string on Mama Rabbit. She already knows
sabe lo que tiene que hacer! what she has to do!

Jorge segue a Mam Conejo. Muy pronto ella George follows Mama Rabbit. Very soon she
ve algo. Jorge tambin lo ve. sees something. George sees it too.

El conejito est escondido en un hueco! The bunny is hidden in a hole! George helps
Jorge lo ayuda a salir. him out.

Luego todos ellos regresan corriendo a casa Then they all come running home to the
do los conejos. Jorge le quita la cuerda a rabbits. George takes the rope from Mama
Mam Conejo y los dos conejitos saltan Rabbit and the two bunnies jump inside.

Jorge est contento de ver que Mam Conejo George is happy to see that Mama Rabbit and
y todos sus conejitos estn a salvo y se ha all her bunnies are safe and have settled down
acomodado para dormir. to sleep.
Buenas noches, conejitos! Good night, bunnies!

For sentence sort: cut apart, mix up, paperclip together, distribute to pairs
Jorgeesunmono. Jorgeesunmono.
Jorgeescurioso. Jorgeescurioso.
Veunratn. Veunratn.
Tocaelratn. Tocaelratn.
Elratnescape. Elratnescape.
Noveelratn.Esunproblema. Noveelratn.Esunproblema.
Vaa________.Noveelratn. Vaa________.Noveelratn.
Esunproblema. Esunproblema.
Veelratnen_________. Veelratnen_________.
Noesunproblema.Esperfecto. Noesunproblema.Esperfecto.
Elfin. Elfin.

Jorgeesunmono. Jorgeesunmono.
Jorgeescurioso. Jorgeescurioso.
Veunratn. Veunratn.
Tocaelratn. Tocaelratn.
Elratnescape. Elratnescape.
Noveelratn.Esunproblema. Noveelratn.Esunproblema.
Vaa________.Noveelratn. Vaa________.Noveelratn.
Esunproblema. Esunproblema.
Veelratnen_________. Veelratnen_________.
Noesunproblema.Esperfecto. Noesunproblema.Esperfecto.
Elfin. Elfin.

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