Cultural Considerations of Waste MGMT

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Cultural Considerations of

Waste Management
How do we, in the Portland metro area, generally deal with our trash?
On a piece of scratch paper or on your ipad, list/draw/mindmap/brain dump
your understanding of the life of garbage (anything that no longer serves you)
from your possession to its final resting place.
Sharing Time!
Probing Questions!
What are some of the similarities of the ideas presented?

Is the way waste is managed different elsewhere? Have you been places
where it is different?

What do you think are some determining factors for how waste is dealt with
within communities?

Why do we have a system for waste management?

Cheesy, but informative, video clip!
Nicaragua Review!
Poorest country in this hemisphere after Haiti

Unstable politics since independence in 1838

Recent civil war - 1978

Slow to rebuild after natural disasters: earthquake of 1972 and Hurricane

Mitch of 1998

Marxist Sandinista guerillas still hold much power despite democratic


29% of children complete primary schooling

La Chureca
Think ABout It!
How does our process of waste management compare to Nicaraguas?

What are some similarities?

Some differences?
Turn & Talk
What factors might contribute to the vast differences between how we deal
with garbage and how Nicaraguans deal with garbage?
Exit Ticket!
What is one thing (small or big) you can do today to be a part of the solution?

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