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Objective: Icebreaker

Material: None


1. Ask ocs to make a circle and sit

2. Ensure there is enough space for people to move around the circle

3. Start by selecting one person in the group to start telling what they like
ex: I like traveling those who like traveling are supposed to stand and
change place

4. The one person who stuck in the middle at last shall start the game
again by telling what they like I like dancing

5. And the game goes around

6. Conclude by explaining the objective

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

Objective: Icebreaker

Material: None


1. Ask ocs to make a circle and sit

2. Start by selecting one person in the group to start telling their own
name ex: Binju the person who is siting next to Binju on the left and
right shall continue telling their own names

3. Technically, the right will be Team A and left will be Team B

4. Which team finishes first will be the winner

5. Till the last name ends with Binju again.

6. Conclude by explaining the objective

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

Objective: Be the winner

Material: Sweets


1. Ask ocs to sit in random

2. Sweets shall be placed around the venue earlier

3. Instruct them to get as many sweets they can

4. But they must do duck walk to go and get the sweets

5. The oc who collect the most number of sweets will be the winner

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

Objective: To guess the word without any verbal message

Material: None


1. Select a representative from the group

2. The representative will then be given the English Proverb ex: The pen is

mightier than the sword

3. And the others are supposed to guess the proverb

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

Objective: To trust other group members

Material: Chair


1. Separate Ocs according to gender

2. All group members are supposed to be in the right position

3. Choose one person out of the group to fall from the chair

4. Members are supposed to support the person who falls

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

Objective: Icebreaker & Energizer

Material: Ball


1. Arrange Ocs in a circle, not too close, not too far from one another

2. Explain that you are going to throw a ball to someone - pick someone out &
ask their name, then say

3. On the second round, most people will be challenged to remember who to

throw it to, and the two names! Take it slow, help the group out, so that
each person has a successful second round.

4. Keep it going, then more balls are introduced and it starts gets crazy.

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

Objective: Ice breaker



1. Separate Ocs according to gender

2. Ask Occ to form a circle, shoulder-to-shoulder. Encouraging/urging Ocs

to all stand closer can be a subtle way of helping to prepare them for
what is about to come.

3. Ask Occ to each place a hand in the middle of the circle and to grasp
another hand.

4. Explain to participants that what you'd like them to do is untangle

themselves, without letting go of hands, into a circle.

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

Objective: To communicate with group members

Material: Tissue Roll


1. Have the Ocs sit in a circle and tell them that you are going to pass around
a roll of toilet paper.

2. Invite Ocs to take as much as they will need to get the job done.

3. After every one has had a good laugh over the amount of paper they took,
tell them that for every piece of toilet paper they ripped off, they must tell
the group one thing about themselves.

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

Objective: Get to know a bit more about each other.

Material: None


1. Get the group to stand in the middle of a hall area. The leader of the game
will stand at the front of the hall, facing towards the group of people.

2. The game leader will call out a choice to the group, pointing to opposite
sides of the room for each option. For example, the first choice could be
"inside vs outside". When the game leader says "inside" they would point
to the left side of the room, when they say "outside" they would point to
the right side of the room

3. Each of the players then run or walk to the side of the room which they
prefer. For example, if I like "outside" more than "inside" then I would go to
the right.

4. It's good to do a whole variety of choices and some will provide laughter
and some might be more serious. I find it helpful to stop (maybe after a
more interesting choice) and get the players to turn to someone next to
them and ask them why they chose what they chose.

Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (436821-T)

Selvantheran Segaran Multimedia University, Melaka Campus,
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Melaka

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