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Feifei Zhang

English 1050
Essay Two
Diversity Issues Reflection

Gender Roles

Throughout the course, we explored a number of diversity issues involving a variety of

arts, races, classes and gender. I think about the diversity of issues that affect me, the more

important is gender. Gender roles are the product of interaction between individuals and the

environment. Gender and sex are different concepts, gender is a social term, sex is a biological

concept. In the traditional female gender role will be full-time care for the family is not working

outside. On the other hand, men always appear as leaders in traditional culture. People's

perception of gender is changing with the times.

Montoya states:" a social understanding has always been that a woman is not to witness,

demonstrate, or indulge in acts of violence (211)." In the past, women are always weak in

people's minds, they do not actively involved in sports, such as boxing is a professional male

sport in the concept , but now the social role of women has changed a lot. Although still fail to be

seen as enough to lead a country or receive thousands of people. Such as Montoya said:" the

boxers in this book represent a new generation of woman who grew up with such role models as

Women, the powerful girls, working mother.(212)" Women's roles are gradually being

recognized by society. But there are still many places that do not improve women's social status.

This is not only because of social impact, but also by cultural factors. Such as Satrapi

states:" we found ourselves veiled and separated...(363)" Because before the revolution the girls

are allow to go to the same school with male, but after the revolution, they do not allow it. Girl's
right were taken away. This culture not only did not make women's social status to improve, but

exacerbated the contradiction.

There is also an important cultural influence that is religious. France became the first

country in Europe to ban wearing burqas in public, subjecting women to substantial fines and

educations programs for breaking the new law (544). The ladies who have this faith they

believe that they should have to wear burqas. As a woman this is their freedom of choice and

should not be enforced in the form of a ban.

In the article "Worked Over and Overworked"(page 404). It describes a forcefully taking

reduction for workers and a forced acceptance of the job after training. But in this project,

women do the same work with men in the same time, but the salary is much less than the male.

According to " The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap" , women's reward is always lower

than the men, when men and women are not treated equally.

Gender inequalities persist, despite a large number of national and international measures

in the area of gender equality. The degree and cause of gender inequality varies from one place to

another. In order to further promote gender equality, there is a need to strengthen the education

of women, improve public health and the equal rights of women in the cultural, social, economic

and political fields of public life.

Course Objectives

I would like to discuss the impact of diversity culture on individuals and groups. In the

reading " Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change" (page 55). This article shows the

change between each generation while cultural change is gradual. This report describes the
behavioral tendencies, opinions and values that exist in adolescents aged 20 years at the

beginning of the millennium. This generation seems to be more racial and racial diversity.

Also I would like to talk about the gender position in the present productivity. In the era

of labor as the main productive force, men are stronger than women, so men have more rights

and strong gender than women. But now is the era of science and technology as the first

productive forces. There is no obvious disadvantage when compared with male and female.

Followed by the improvement of women's society is also the inevitable result.

In conclusion, We live in a diverse world, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, class, are

important components. Through this course of study, I have a more profound understanding of

diversity. The United States has adopted and overcame many of the diversity issues, on the issue

of different gender, I believe it will be gradually improved in the future.

Work Cited

Montoya Delilah- Women Boxers: The New Warriors (page 211-page 214)

Satrapi, Marjane. The Veil Page 365

"Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change" Reading Culture

George, Diana and John Trimbur. New York: page 55-page 67 print
The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap

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