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Preschool Capstone

Professional Development Plan

What excites me most about my job is that children are hilarious and honest. This is why I love
being a teacher. Childcare is my passion, just by being part of their education and growth is
exciting. I love to teach them activities that enhance their skills while being enjoyable also.

The challenges I currently face at work is creating a lesson plan for a multi-age classroom. I have
to make sure I include materials and activities appropriate to both 3 and 4- year- olds, and that
the curriculum includes many opportunities for partner and small group learning. Also managing
a room full of young children can be delightful, but it can also be hard and can drain a lot of your
energy. The day to day challenges I face range from dealing with difficult behaviors to crying
and cranky children. Throughout the day I balance all of their unique needs to keep my
classroom functioning smoothly. Every child is different which makes my job challenging, but I
wouldnt change it for the world.

I would change the way training and time spent on curriculum is done. Teachers need time to
plan for daily activities. Especially with multi age levels of the children.
Three job related areas I would like more information on:
1. Working with children in schools.
2. Mentoring, training courses, academic study, conferences and webinars.
3. Wisconsin Early Childhood Association.

My area of strength

I have 12 plus years of early childhood experience.

Child-Care Giver Relationships- I offer children love, acceptance, appreciation,
encouragement, and guidance. I provide the most intimate context for the
nurturing and protection of children as they develop their personalities and
identities and also as they mature physically, cognitively, emotionally, and
Learning Environment- My teaching environment fosters creativity, self-
expression, a positive self-image and constructive interactions with peers and
What makes me unique in my work with children is that I have the drive to unlock
a childs door to learning.
Guiding Children-I Provide children with expectations that are clear, age-
appropriate and applied in a consistent way.
Parent Relationships- I have great communication with parents and keep them
informed of their childs work progress, behavioral issues or any concerns and
document our discussions.
Health and Safety- I have knowledge of developmental aspects and issues to help
promote and prevent risk for children. I establish and maintain a healthy
environment for children by using health promotion, safety protection, and
nutrition education.

My areas of needing growth:

Observation and planning- Increase my observations on children.

Early childhood education.
Parent relationship-communication with parents.

My Goals:

Observation and planning- increase my observations with children more and work on portfolios
with the children with the help from my co- teacher during lesson planning time. This will ensure
Im meeting observational needs.

Early childhood education-I will pursue my dreams of getting my associates degree in early
childhood education after I complete my preschool credential capstone that Im currently
completing now. I feel there is never an ending to learning about children.

Parent relationship-My goals for myself are continuing to learn and grow from my students,
colleagues and parents by building an effective communication between us by getting to know
each other and demonstrating respect for their values and opinions, by showing genuine interest in
their beliefs and understanding. I want my families to feel comfortable communicating with me.
Whether it be face to face meeting or telephone. By working together as a team, we can get the
children where they need to be.

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