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Spring 1997

Vol. 8, No. 2





Small Community Wastewater Issues Explained to the Public

Lagoon Systems Can Provide Low-Cost Wastewater Treatment

t is no wonder that one of the for homes on large lots in areas where other treatment more efficient, so that less land

I most popular methods for

wastewater treatment around the
world is also one of the simplest
onsite systems or sewers are too costly or
otherwise impractical. Lagoons also work
well for many seasonal rental properties and
area is necessary, and aerators can be used to
upgrade some existing systems to treat more
and least expensive. Lagoon systems use recreational areas, because they are able to Every lagoon system must be individually
natural and energy-efficient processes to handle intermittent periods of both light and designed to fit its specific site and use.
provide low-cost wastewater treatment. heavy use. Designs are based on such factors as the
They are one of the most cost-effective type of soil, the amount of land area
wastewater treatment options for many What are lagoon systems? available, the climate, and the amount of
homes and communities. There are several different types and sunlight and wind in an area.
In the U.S., most wastewater treatment names for lagoons and many possible Other important design considerations for
lagoons are found in small and rural system designs. Lagoon systems include lagoon systems include the amount and type
communities. Lagoons are especially well- one or more pond-like bodies of water or of wastewater to be treated and the level of
suited to small communities because they basins designed to receive, hold, and treat treatment required by state and local
can cost less to construct, operate, and wastewater for a predetermined period of regulations. Depending on local standards
maintain than other systems. They time. Lagoons are constructed and lined and the final method of disposal chosen,
also require more land than other with material, such as clay or an wastewater leaving lagoon systems often
wastewater treatment methods, and artificial liner, that will prevent leaks requires additional treatment, or polishing,
land is more likely to be available and to the groundwater below. to remove disease-causing organisms or
inexpensive in rural areas. While in the lagoon, wastewa- nutrients from the wastewater before it can
Lagoons can also be designed to ter receives treatment through a be returned to the environment.
serve individual households. They combination of physical, This issue of Pipeline includes a brief
sometimes are a good option biological, and chemical pro- overview of some of the different types of
cesses. Much of the treatment wastewater treatment lagoons, how they
occurs naturally, but some work, their operation and maintenance, and
systems are designed to also use some of their advantages and disadvantages.
aeration devices that increase the Only a few of the many possible classifica-
amount of oxygen in the tions and designs for lagoon systems are
wastewater. Aeration makes mentioned here.
Readers are encouraged to reprint Pipeline
articles in local newspapers or include them
in flyers, newsletters, and presentations.
Please include the name and phone number
of the National Small Flows Clearinghouse
(NSFC) on the reprinted information and
send us a copy for our files.
If you have questions about reprinting
articles or about any of the topics discussed
in this issue, contact the NSFC at (800) 624-
8301 or (304) 293-4191.

PIPELINE - Spring 1997; Vol. 8, No. 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse 1-800-624-8301

There Are Many Designs, Names for Lagoons

agoons are not all the same. Aerobic Lagoons treat wastewater naturally, using both aerobic

L Some employ different

biological, chemical, and
physical processes to treat the
Dissolved oxygen is present throughout
much of the depth of aerobic lagoons. They
tend to be much shallower than other lagoons,
and anaerobic processes. Because they are
used so often by small communities,
facultative lagoons are described in detail
wastewater, while others may play a so sunlight and oxygen from air and wind beginning with the article on page 4.
different role in overall treatment. Some can better penetrate the wastewater. In
lagoon designs provide adequate treatment general, they are better suited for warm, *Exact detention times for wastewater in
for certain methods of discharge, while sunny climates, where they are less likely to lagoons are based on factors such as the
others should be used in combination with freeze. Wastewater usually must remain in particular design, the amount of wastewater to
other lagoons or with additional treatment. aerobic lagoons from 3 to 50 days to receive be treated, and the level of treatment desired.
Complicating matters further, there can be adequate treatment.*
several different names for the same type of Wastewater treatment takes place naturally
lagoon. For example, the terms lagoon and in aerobic lagoons with the aid of aerobic Discharge Design
pond are often used interchangeably, and bacteria and algae. Because they are so shal-
names, such as polishing, stabilization, and low, their bottoms need to be either paved or A design feature that can
maturation, can refer to a lagoons particular lined with materials that will prevent weeds distinguish lagoons is how they
role in treatment. This can be very confusing from growing in them.
for community leaders and homeowners discharge wastewater.
Sometimes, the wastewater in aerobic
trying to evaluate lagoon systems. lagoons needs to be mixed to allow sunlight Continuous Discharge Lagoons. These
The following is a brief overview of some to reach all of the algae and to keep it from lagoons release wastewater continuously,
of the more common types of lagoons and forming a layer that blocks out the air and so the rate of output roughly equals the
some of the terms used for them. sun completely. rate of input. The hydraulic flow pattern
in the lagoon is designed so the waste-
Anaerobic Lagoons Aerated Lagoons water remains in the lagoon long enough
The word anaerobic means without Aerated lagoons are very common in small to receive treatment before it reaches the
oxygen, which describes the conditions communities. These systems use aerators to outlet.
inside this type of lagoon. Anaerobic mix the contents of the pond and add oxygen
lagoons are most often used to treat animal to the wastewater. They are sometimes re- Controlled Discharge Lagoons. In these
wastes from dairies and pig farms, ferred to as partial-mix or complete-mix lagoons, wastewater is discharged in
commercial or industrial wastes, or as the lagoons depending on the extent of aeration. controlled amounts, usually once or twice
first treatment step in systems using two or Partial-mix aerated lagoons are sometimes per year. This method is common in cold
more lagoons in a series. facultative lagoons that have been adapted climates where discharges typically occur
Typically, anaerobic lagoons are designed and upgraded to receive more wastewater. after spring thaw and again in fall.
to hold and treat wastewater from 20 to 50 With the exception of wind-driven designs,
days.* They are relatively deep (usually 8 most aerators require energy to operate. Hydrograph Controlled Release
to 15 feet) and work much like septic tanks. However, energy costs are almost always Lagoons. This design can be used for
Inside an anaerobic lagoon, solids in the considerably less than those for other mechan- lagoons that discharge directly to surface
wastewater separate and settle into layers. ical community treatment systems. Aeration water. It includes devices that measure
The top layer consists of grease, scum, and makes treatment more efficient, which the level and quality of the wastewater
other floating materials. This layer keeps offsets energy costs in some cases. Aerated and receiving water and the velocity of
oxygen out, allowing bacteria and other lagoons require less land area and shorter the receiving water to determine when
organisms that thrive in anaerobic condi- detention times for wastewater than other conditions are most favorable for
tions to work to treat the wastewater. lagoons. More information about partial-mix discharge. This method can sometimes
As with septic tanks and most other aerated lagoons is included in the articles on eliminate the need for further treatment.
lagoon designs, the layer of sludge that pages 5 and 6.
settles at the bottom of an anaerobic lagoon
Complete Retention Lagoons. These
eventually accumulates and must be Facultative Lagoons lagoons are only practical in very dry
removed periodically. Also similar to a septic Both aerobic and anaerobic conditions climates where evaporation rates exceed
tank, the wastewater that leaves an anaerobic exist in facultative lagoons, which also are rainfall amounts. Wastewater is never
lagoon always requires further treatment. called stabilization ponds, oxidation ponds, released from this type of lagoon. Instead
Odor can be a problem with anaerobic photosynthetic ponds, and aerobic-anaerobic it is allowed to evaporate and, when soil
lagoons. However, in many cases odor can ponds. They are the most common type of conditions are favorable, to slowly
be managed through a variety of methods, wastewater treatment lagoon used by small percolate through the soil at the bottom
such as adding sodium nitrate, communities and individual households. of the lagoon.
recirculating pond effluent, and Facultative lagoons can be adapted for use
22 through regular maintenance. in most climates, require no machinery, and

PIPELINE - Spring 1997; Vol. 8, No. 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse 1-800-624-8301

Advantages and Disadvantages

of Lagoon Systems

Lagoon systems can be cost-effective to Lagoon systems require more land than
Pipeline Is Now
design and construct in areas where land
is inexpensive.
other treatment methods.
They are less efficient in cold climates Pipelines publisher, the National Small
They use less energy than most waste- and may require additional land or Flows Clearinghouse (NSFC), went online
water treatment methods. longer detention times in these areas. last fall with its World Wide Web site. The
site is updated regularly, and now includes
They are simple to operate and maintain Odor can become a nuisance during the latest issues of Pipeline and several of
and generally require only part-time staff. algae blooms, spring thaw in cold NSFCs other publications.
climates, or with anaerobic lagoons and The site is accessible via the address http://
They can handle intermittent use and lagoons that are inadequately maintained. www.nsfc.wvu.edu. Also included are the
shock loadings better than many systems, latest issues of the newsletter Small Flows,
making them a good option for camp- Unless they are properly maintained, The Small Flows Journal, and NSFCs
grounds, resorts, and other seasonal lagoons can provide a breeding area for Guide to Products and Services.
properties. mosquitoes and other insects. In addition, the NSFCs Web site offers
public education information under the section
They are very effective at removing They are not very effective at removing Wastewater Trivia, and includes more than
disease-causing organisms (pathogens) heavy metals from wastewater. a dozen links to other wastewater-related sites.
from wastewater. All visitors to NSFCs Web site are
Effluent from some types of lagoons encouraged to leave messages or suggestions
The effluent from lagoon systems can be contains algae and often requires addi- to the Web master under the Contact Us
suitable for irrigation (where appropri- tional treatment or polishing to meet section. We look forward to seeing your
ate), because of its high-nutrient and low- local discharge standards. comments about the Web site and about
pathogen content. future Pipeline issues.

Two, Three, or Four Lagoons Are Better Than One

Many community systems are designed
to use more than one lagoon in a series, in
parallel, or both. This is because two or
more small lagoons can provide better quality
treatment than one large lagoon, in most
cases. Multiple lagoons are less common in
systems designed for individual households.
In systems that employ more than one
lagoon, each lagoon cell has a different Series
function to perform, and a different kind of
lagoon design may even be used for each Parallel
cell. (See the article on page 2 for informa-
tion on the different types of lagoon designs.) Some lagoon systems are designed to use This system design is particularly useful
more cells during the summer months when in cold climates or where lagoons are likely
In Series algae growth is highest. to be covered with ice for part of the year.
When lagoons operate in series, more of
Because biological processes are involved,
the solid material in the wastewater, such as In Parallel wastewater treatment slows down in cold
algae, has an opportunity to settle out before
In parallel means that a system has more temperatures, making treatment less efficient.
the wastewater is discharged. Sometimes
than one cell that is receiving wastewater at Parallel cells are often used during winter
serial treatment is necessary so the effluent
the same stage of treatment. months to handle extra loads.
from lagoon systems can meet local
discharge standards.
PIPELINE - Spring 1997; Vol. 8, No. 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse 1-800-624-8301

Facultative Lagoons Treat Wastewater Naturally

Facultative lagoons can be fascinating layer in varying degrees. Depending on the the growth of green algae on the water
places. Like other small bodies of water, specific conditions in any given part of this surface. Because algae are plants, they
they are constantly full of life and activity. zone, different types of bacteria and other require sunlight for photosynthesis. Oxygen
Wastewater is treated through natural pro- organisms are present that contribute to is a byproduct of photosynthesis, and the
cesses with the help of bacteria, algae, and wastewater treatment. presence of green algae contributes
other organisms living in the lagoon. significantly to the amount of oxygen in the
How Treatment Occurs aerobic zone. The more warmth and light
How They Work Throughout facultative lagoons, physical, the sun provides, the more green algae and
Like most natural environments, condi- biological, and chemical processes take oxygen there is likely to be in the lagoon.
tions inside facultative lagoons are always place that result in wastewater treatment. The oxygen in the aerobic zone makes
changing. Lagoons experience cycles due to Many of these processes are interdependent. conditions favorable for aerobic bacteria.
variations in the weather, the composition For example, on the surface, wind and Both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are very
of the wastewater, and other factors. sunlight play important roles. Surface important to the wastewater treatment
However, in process and to
general, the each other.
wastewater inside Bacteria treat
facultative lagoons wastewater by
naturally settles converting it into
into three fairly other substances.
distinct layers or Aerobic bacteria
zones. Different converts wastes
conditions exist in 1 into carbon
each zone, and 2 dioxide, ammo-
wastewater nia, and phos-
treatment takes 3 phates, which, in
place in all three. turn, are used by
The top layer in a The top layer 1 in a facultative lagoon is called the aerobic zone, the second layer 2 is called the the algae as food.
facultative lagoon facultative zone, and the third layer 3 is the anaerobic zone. Anaerobic bacteria
is called the aerobic convert substances
zone, because the in wastewater to
majority of oxygen is present there. How agitation of any kind adds oxygen to the gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia,
deep the aerobic zone is depends on climate, waste-water. For this reason, facultative and methane. Many of these byproducts are
the amount of sunlight and wind, and how lagoons are designed to make the best use of then used as food by both the aerobic
much algae is in the water. The wastewater wind in the area. bacteria and algae in the layers above.
in this part of the lagoon receives oxygen The amount of wind the lagoon receives In addition, the sludge layer at the bottom
from air, from algae, and from the agitation is not only important for the oxygen it of the lagoon is full of anaerobic bacteria,
of the water surface (from wind and rain, contributes, but also because it affects the sludge worms, and other organisms, which
for example). overall hydraulic flow pattern of the waste- provide treatment through digestion and
Aerobic bacteria and other organisms live water inside the lagoon, which is another prevent the sludge from quickly accumulat-
in the aerobic zone and contribute to waste- physical factor that contributes to treatment. ing to the point where it needs to be removed.
water treatment. This zone also serves as a Time is another important factor in How often sludge must be removed from
barrier for the odors from gases produced treatment. Facultative lagoons are designed facultative lagoons varies depending on the
by the treatment processes occurring in the to hold the wastewater long enough for much climate, the individual lagoon design, and
lower layers. of the solids in the wastewater to settle and how well it is maintained. Sludge in all
The anaerobic zone is the layer at the very for many disease-causing bacteria, parasites, lagoons accumulates more quickly in cold
bottom of the lagoon where no oxygen is and viruses to either die off or settle out. than in warm temperatures. However, many
present. This area includes a layer of Time also allows treatment to reduce the facultative lagoons are designed to function
sludge, which forms from all the solids that overall organic strength of the wastewater, well without sludge removal for 5 to 10
settle out from the wastewater. In the or its biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). years or more.
anaerobic zone, wastewater is treated by (For an explanation of BOD, refer to the In every lagoon, there are likely to be
anaerobic bacteria; microscopic organisms, section Testing on page 6.) In addition, other plants and organisms that contribute
such as certain protozoa; and sludge worms, some of the wastewater eventually evapo- to, and benefit from, the wastewater treat-
all of which thrive in anaerobic conditions. rates and percolates very slowly through the ment processes taking place. These types of
Names for the middle layer include the soil below when site conditions are interdependent relationships are what make
facultative, intermediate, or aerobic- favorable. the treatment process in lagoons work.
anaerobic zone. Both aerobic and Sunlight is also extremely important to
4 anaerobic conditions exist in this facultative lagoons because it contributes to

PIPELINE - Spring 1997; Vol. 8, No. 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse 1-800-624-8301

Lagoons Use Simple Design

Lagoons are relatively simple systems to also must be considered. Sometimes trees The bottoms of lagoons should be as flat
design and construct. However, they always and tree stumps need to be removed. Weed and level as possible (except around the
should be designed by qualified profession- growth around lagoons should be controlled inlet) to facilitate the continuous flow of the
als who have had experience with them. for the same reasons. wastewater. Keeping the corners of lagoons
Permit requirements and regulations In addition, water from surface drainage or rounded also helps to maintain the overall
concerning aspects of lagoon design vary storm runoff should be kept out of lagoons. hydraulic pattern in the lagoons and prevents
from state to state, but there are some Sometimes it is necessary to install diversion dead spots in the flow, called short-circuiting,
design issues common to all lagoons. The terraces or drains at the site. which can affect treatment.
following is a description of some of the Facultative lagoons are designed to hold
design details for facultative lagoons and Size and Shape wastewater anywhere from 20 to 150 days,
partial-mix aerated lagoons, two common The exact dimensions of lagoons vary depending on the discharge method and the
lagoon designs used by small communities. depending on the type of processes they use exact size and depth of the lagoon. Aerated
for treatment, the amount of wastewater that lagoons tend to require shorter detention times
Site Conditions needs to be treated, the climate, and whether to treat the same amount of wastewater. In
Certain site-related factors, such as the other lagoons or other types of treatment are cold weather, however, biological treatment
location of the water table and the compo- also being used. The size and shape of processes in all lagoons slow down, making
sition of the soil, always must be consid- lagoons is designed to maximize the amount longer detention times necessary.
ered when designing lagoon systems. of time the wastewater stays in the lagoon. Facultative lagoons are usually 3 to 8 feet
Ideally, lagoons should be constructed in Detention time is usually the most important deep, so they have enough surface area to
areas with clay or other soils that wont factor in treatment. support the algae growth needed, but are also
allow the wastewater to quickly percolate In general, facultative lagoons require deep enough to maintain anaerobic condi-
down through the lagoon bottom to the about one acre for every 50 homes or every tions at the bottom. Water depth in lagoons
groundwater. Otherwise, lagoons must be 200 people they serve. Aerated lagoons treat will vary, but a minimum level should
artificially lined with clay, bentonite, plastic, wastewater more efficiently, so they tend to always be maintained to prevent the bottom
rubber, concrete, or other materials to pre- require anywhere from one-third to one-tenth from drying out and to avoid odors.
vent groundwater pollution. Special linings less land than facultative lagoons. Many Partial-mix aerated lagoons are often
usually increase system costs. partial-mix aerated lagoons are simply former designed to be deeper than facultative lagoons
In addition, most areas in the U.S. have facultative lagoons that have been adapted to to allow room for sludge to settle on the bot-
laws concerning the siting of lagoons, receive more wastewater. tom and rest undisturbed by the turbulent
including their distance from groundwater Lagoons can be round, square, or rectangu- conditions created by the aeration process.
below, and their distance from homes and lar with rounded corners. Their length should
businesses. Lagoons also should be located not exceed three times their width, and their Hardware
downgrade and downwind from the homes banks should have outside slopes of about Wastewater enters and leaves the lagoon
they serve, when possible, to avoid the extra three units horizontal to one unit vertical. through inlet and outlet pipes. Modern de-
cost of pumping the wastewater uphill and This moderate slope makes the banks easier signs place the inlet as far as possible from
to prevent odors from becoming a nuisance. to mow and maintain. In systems that have the outlet, on opposite ends of the lagoons,
The amount and predominant direction of dikes separating lagoon cells, dikes also to increase detention times and to prevent
wind at the site is another important factor, should be easy to maintain. Interior bank short-circuiting. Some lagoons have more
and helps to determine the lagoons exact and dike slopes are determined by the size than one inlet.
position. Any obstructions to wind or sun- and depth of the lagoon, potential wave Outlets are designed depending on the
light, such as trees or surrounding hillsides action, and other factors. method of discharge. (Refer to the section
Discharge Design in the article on page
Safety Is Important With Lagoon Systems 2.) They often include structures that allow
the water level to be raised and lowered.
Lagoons can attract children, pets, and Although lagoons are usually not very
Aerators, which are used instead of algae
unsuspecting adults, who may think they deep, there have been drownings in them. as the main source of oxygen in aerated
look like good places to play and even swim. Lagoon bottoms can be both very slick and lagoons, work by releasing air into the
For this reason, laws in most areas require sticky in places from linings, slime, clay, and lagoon or by agitating the water so that air
lagoons to be surrounded by high fences sludge, which make it difficult for anyone from the surface is mixed in. Aeration always
with locking gates and have warning signs who has entered a lagoon to get out. There causes turbulence and mixing in the lagoon.
clearly posted. are certain precautions that workers and
Operators also need to be careful around communities can take to prevent accidents.
Different aerator designs produce either
lagoon systems. In addition to special Safety training should be made available fine or coarse bubbles, and work either on
personal hygiene practices, such as never for homeowners, operators, and anyone the water surface or submerged. Subsurface
eating or smoking while at work, there are else working with these systems. Refer to aerators are preferable in climates where the
certain occupational safety practices and the list of contacts on page 7 for some lagoon is likely to be covered by ice for part
standards that should be observed by potential resources. of the year.
anyone working near a body of water.
PIPELINE - Spring 1997; Vol. 8, No. 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse 1-800-624-8301

Lagoons Need Proper Operation, Maintenance Common Lagoon Problems

weeds and long grassBanks need to be
One of the advantages of lagoons is they with the natural cycles and particular mowed and weeded regularly. Duckweed, water-
usually require fewer staff hours to operate requirements of a system, as well as what meal, and hyacinth that grow on the water surface
and maintain than other systems. However, factors tend to influence its performance. should be physically removed, often from a boat
this doesnt mean they can be neglected. with a tool, like a rake or skimmer.
Routine inspections, testing, record keeping, Testing blue-green algaeUnlike green algae, this algae
and maintenance are required by local and Tests required for lagoons include those is stringy and can clump, block sunlight, and cause
state agencies, and are all necessary to that measure the wastewaters temperature, short-circuiting. It can dominate lagoons when
ensure that lagoons continue to provide pH, and the amount of dissolved oxygen, conditions are poor, when pH is low, or when
good treatment. solids, nitrogen, and disease-causing protozoa eat all of the green algae. Blue-green
algae can be physically removed like duckweed.
organisms in the effluent.
Routine Inspections Regulatory agencies use water quality algal bloomsAfter periods of cloudy weather or
How often lagoons should be inspected measures as indicators of treatment system abrupt temperature changes, algae can multiply
depends on the type of lagoon, how well it performance. Among the most important quickly and then die-off. Matted algae on the
surface can block sunlight and cause foul odors and
functions, and local and state requirements. indicators are biochemical oxygen demand
should be broken up (with a boat or rake) and
Some lagoons need more frequent checking (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS).
in the spring and summer, when grass and BOD is important because it measures
weeds grow quickly and when seasonal how much oxygen organisms in the waste- odorsLagoons may have odors occasionally
from algal blooms, anaerobic conditions, scum, and
rental properties are occupied. water would consume when discharged to
turnover of the lagoon contents after thawing.
Systems with more than one lagoon oper- receiving waters. TSS measures the amount
Proper operation and maintenance can help
ated in parallel or series may need operators of solid materials in the wastewater. If BOD prevent odors.
to check and adjust flow levels or divert or TSS levels in the effluent are too high,
flows to and from certain lagoon cells to they can degrade the quality of receiving short-circuitingDead spots in the flow
optimize performance. With aerated systems, waters. pattern, due to obstructions in the lagoon or to
mechanical components need to be checked Together, the results of all these tests can wind on the surface, can cause wastewater to leave
the lagoon too quickly, resulting in inadequate
and serviced as needed and according to provide a picture of the conditions inside the
manufacturer recommendations. lagoon and show how well it was perform-
Most inspection visits include brief checks ing at the time the tests were taken. But erosionControlling burrowing animals around
of the banks, dikes, grounds around the because lagoon conditions change con- the lagoon can help prevent erosion of banks and
dikes. Installing a stone or rock surface (called riprap)
lagoon, inlet and outlet pipes, and the appea- stantly, most tests must be performed
along banks and dikes can help in some cases.
rance, level, and odor (if any) of the water. several times, and sometimes at specific
Records should be kept of every visit and all intervals or times of the day, to get an burrowing animalsMuskrats and other
observations, including information about accurate overall view of the lagoons health. burrowing animals can be discouraged by weeding
and mowing lagoon banks. Alternately raising and
the weather or other factors that may be influ- Operators can be trained to take samples
lowering water levels can drive out muskrats who
encing lagoon conditions. More extended and perform some or all of the tests
like their tunnels partially submerged. Otherwise,
inspections and formal sampling and testing themselves. It is usually more practical for animals can be trapped and relocated.
are periodically necessary. part-time operators of small systems to send
With regular inspections, testing, and samples out to a lab to be tested. sludge accumulationSludge in the bottom of
lagoons should be measured at least once per year
record keeping, operators become familiar
and removed as needed.
Mowing grass and controlling weed
Facultative Lagoon Color Is Important growth in and around the lagoon is one of
the easiest and most important tasks in Scum that collects on the water surface
Bright rich green colorindicates good lagoon maintenance. Long grass and weeds should be removed for the same reasons as
conditions; plenty of green algae is present. block wind and provide breeding areas for duckweed, but also to control odors and
Dull green or yellowish colorcould mean flies, mosquitoes, and other insects. Weeds insects and to prevent inlet and outlet clog-
that an undesirable type of algae (blue-green, also can trap trash, grease, and scum, which ging. Trash, leaves, and branches that blow
filamentous algae) is becoming dominant in the cause odors and attract insects. Weeds are around the lagoon should be picked up
lagoon, indicating poor conditions. used as food by burrowing animals, who can because they can also clog inlet and outlet
Gray or black colorcan indicate anaerobic cause damage to banks and dikes. In pipes.
conditions. addition, dead weeds may contribute to Finally, the depth of the sludge layer in
increased BOD levels. lagoons should be checked at least once per
Tan, brown, or red colorcan indicate either
It is also important to control weeds that year, usually from a boat using a long stick
soil in the water from bank erosion or the presence
of algae with different pigmentation. grow on the water surface, like duckweed or hollow tube. In most lagoon systems,
and watermeal. These weeds take up sludge eventually accumulates to a point it
valuable space that should be occupied by must be removed, although this may take
algae, and they can stop sunlight and wind years. Performance will suffer if too much
6 from penetrating the wastewater. sludge is allowed to accumulate.

PIPELINE - Spring 1997; Vol. 8, No. 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse 1-800-624-8301

Two Montana Towns Use Lagoons

Polson disinfection. The city will continue to
Before 1962, when Polson built its first upgrade its collection system. Wastewater
lagoon system, the city used a series of septic Our goal for the future is to construct the Contacts
tanks and chlorination to treat its wastewater. most effective, long-lasting system we can
The disinfected septic tank effluent was afford by 1999.
discharged directly into Polson Bay and the
Flathead River, says John Campbell, water Conrad
and sewer superintendent for the city of Officials in the city of Conrad in north
Polson. Lagoons were an improvement central Montana also are deciding about the
then, and they still work well today. future of their lagoon system. Parts of In addition to local health departments and
Located on Flathead Lake in northwest Conrads system have been in use since the state regulatory agencies, below are just a
Montana, the city was incorporated in 1910 1950s, but its performance has deteriorated few of the other organizations that can
and has experienced slow, steady growth recently, and now the town faces some provide assistance to small system operators
over the years. Recently, the growth rate has costly problems. and small communities evaluating wastewater
increased to about five percent per year, treatment options.
In the 1950s, Conrad constructed its first
bringing the current population to about lagoon system consisting of two facultative
The National Small Flows Clearinghouse (NSFC)
4,300. lagoons. In 1972, the system was upgraded
The NSFC offers a variety of assistance and
The system built in 1962 consisted of two and an aerated lagoon was added as the free and low-cost information and materials for
facultative lagoons. Flows were simply primary cell. The town, which currently has communities planning wastewater treatment
diverted from one lagoon to the other every about 3,000 residents, relies on this same projects. Contact the NSFC at (800) 624-8301
six months. To accommodate growth, the three-cell lagoon system today. or (304) 293-4191 for assistance or for more
city built a new system in 1981 with three According to Steve Ruhd, Conrads public information about any of the contacts listed
below. See page 8 for a list of some of NSFC
aerated lagoons and one polishing lagoon. works director, the system seemed to work
Polson also began to operate its own lab to well until 1993, when monitoring showed the
monitor the system. quality of the effluent was getting close to Extension Service Offices
We decided on the aerated system based being out of compliance. Many universities have U.S. Department of
on recommendations from our engineers, We did a sludge judge test in 1994 that Agriculture Extension Service offices on
public hearings, and the low operation and showed the aerated cell about 50 percent campus and in other localities that provide a
maintenance costs, says Campbell. Were full of sludge, the second cell about 33 variety of services and assistance to small
still using the same system today, with some percent full, and the third cell about 25 communities. For the office in your area,
contact the NSFC or call the U.S Department
improvements. Weve added a wind-powered percent full! This totals to about 97,540
of Agriculture at (202) 720-3377.
aerator and mixer that works quite well, and yards of sludge. As far as Ruhd knows,
three floating aerators. The only weak points sludge has never been removed from the Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP)
in the system are the original fine bubble system. This network of nonprofit organizations can
aerators, which lie on the bottom and are Now Conrad is trying to find cost- provide assistance to rural and low-income
very prone to clogging. effective ways to fix the problem. The city communities with almost every aspect of
According to Campbell, residents seem retained an engineering firm to evaluate planning wastewater treatment projects. Call
happy with the lack of odor from the system their options, but proposals for removing their national office at (703) 771-8636, or call
the NSFC for the number of your regional
and its low cost. Sewer rates are around and disposing of all the sludge at once office.
$6.50 a month per household, but of that, ranged from $1.4 to $3.2 million. This
actual treatment costs are only $8.25 a approach would have doubled or tripled National Rural Water Association (NRWA)
person per year. In addition, the system won current rates of $7 to $8 per household per NRWA is a nonprofit association organized to
the 1989 U.S. Environmental Protection month. represent small water and wastewater utilities
Agency Region 8 award for operation and There is also $400,000 worth of work in each state and to meet their needs with
maintenance. Since January 1995, effluent that needs to be done to the collection operation, maintenance, management, fund-
ing, and political concerns. It offers a variety of
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) levels system, adds Ruhd.
assistance and services. Contact the NSFC for
have averaged 16 mg/L, and total suspended Having decided that the above solution the number of your state RWA office.
solids (TSS) levels have averaged 38mg/L. would be too expensive, Conrad is currently
Currently, Polson is considering ways to trying to find ways to remove the sludge
upgrade its facilities again, because the gradually over a period of years. They hope
system is getting very close to meeting its to form inter-local agreements with other
design flows. Some of the options being communities in the area to purchase
considered are replacing the current system equipment and hire staff to perform regular
with a fully mechanized plant, or expanding maintenance and annual sludge removal.
the system and adding land application and

PIPELINE - Spring 1997; Vol. 8, No. 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse 1-800-624-8301
To order products listed as available from Municipal Wastewater Stabilization Technology Package: Ponds and Lagoons
the National Small Flows Clearinghouse Ponds This package consists of four brochures on
(NSFC), call (800) 624-8301 or (304) This U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lagoon systems from the U.S. Environmen-
293-4191, fax (304) 293-3161, e-mail design manual is an important reference for tal Protection Agency. Topics include nitro-
nsfc_orders@estd.wvu.edu, or write NSFC, everyone involved in the planning, design, gen removal, pathogen removal, hydrograph
West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6064, and operation of pond and lagoon systems controlled release lagoons, and total
Morgantown, WV 26506-6064. Please used to treat municipal wastewater. It includes containment ponds. The price for the
request each item by number and title. A discussions on process theory, performance, package is $1.15. Item #WWBRGN06.
shipping and handling charge will apply. design and design procedures, construction,
cost and energy requirements, and the removal PIPELINE
Lagoons of algae, suspended solids, and nutrients.
Pipeline is published quarterly by the National Small
This computer search of the National Small Performance information for facultative and Flows Clearinghouse at West Virginia University,
Flows Clearinghouses Bibliographic aerated lagoons is also included. The price is P.O. Box 6064, Morgantown, WV 26506-6064.
Database contains approximately 256 $48.85. Item #WWBKDM36. http://www.nsfc.wvu.edu
abstracts of articles and papers on lagoon Pipeline is sponsored by:
systems. Some topics include lagoon system Lagoon System Case Studies U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
design, site selection, sizing, operation, The NSFC offers case studies of lagoon Washington, D.C.
Steve HogyeProject Officer
maintenance, performance, and cost. The systems in small communities: Municipal Support Division
price is $19.85. Item #WWPCCM17. Office of Wastewater Management
Slow Rate Land Treatment (Craigsville,
National Small Flows Clearinghouse
Lagoon Training Materials Available Virginia) describes a system that uses West Virginia University
The National Environmental Training innovative technologies in combination with Morgantown, WV
Center for Small Communities (NETCSC) lagoons before the wastewater is discharged Peter CaseyProgram Coordinator
Diana KnottActing Publications Supervisor
has sponsored the development of training to land for final treatment and disposal. Item Jennifer HauseSpecial Technical Advisor
materials for maintenance staff of facultative #WWBLCS09. The price is $1.90. Cathleen FalveyEditor
and aerated lagoons. The package, titled Daniel GloydGraphic Designer
Facultative Lagoons, was developed by Year-Round Slow Rate Land Treatment Permission to quote from or reproduce articles in
Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, (Hershey Mills, Pennsylvania) describes this publication is granted when due acknowledgement
Oregon, and includes instructors guide, the advantages, concepts, and costs is given. Please send a copy of the publication in which
information was used to the Pipeline editor at
student manual, lesson descriptions, slides associated with an innovative system that the address above.
with written narrative, worksheets, and uses lagoons and spray irrigation. Request
ISSN: 1060-0043
quizzes. To order, contact NETCSC at (800) Item #WWBRCS10. The price is $1.30. PIPELINE is funded by the United States Environmental Protection
624-8301 or (304) 293-4191. The price is Agency. The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the
views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does
$88. Request Item #TRTPEP10. the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.

Printed on recycled paper

For Wastewater Information, Call the NSFC at (800) 624-8301 or (304) 293-4191.
National Small Flows Clearinghouse Nonprofit Organization
West Virginia University U.S. Postage Paid
P.O. Box 6064 Permit No. 34
Morgantown, WV 26506-6064 Morgantown, WV

PIPELINE - Spring 1997; Vol. 8, No. 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse 1-800-624-8301

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