When Arabia Was "Eastern Ethiopia" Part I - by Dana Marniche

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ETHIOPIA Part I By Dana Marniche


By Dana Marniche

The Indigenous Populations of Arabia

The following quotes are from 19th and early 20th century Western historians, whom unlike
todays historians, understood the strong connection of the original Arabians with the Ethiopic
peoples of Africa.

1869 The Cushites. the first inhabitants of Arabia, arc known in the national traditions by the
name of Adites, from their progenitor, who is called Ad, the grandson of Ham. The New
Larned history for Ready Reference Reading and Research, 1922citing F. Lenormant, Manual of
Ancient History, bk. 7, ch. 2. published 1869.

1869 To the Cushite race belongs the oldest and purest Arabian blood, and also that great and
very ancient civilization whose ruins abound in almost every district of the country. ..The south
Arabs represent a residue of hamitic populations which at one time occupied the whole of
Arabia. John Baldwin from Pre-historic nations or inquiries Concerning Some of the Great
peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity. Harpers 1869

1881 A third body of the Cushites went to the north of the Egypt and founded, on the east of the
Delta, the kingdom of the so-called Hyksos, whom tradition designated sometimes as
Phoenicians sometimes as Arabians, and in both cases rightlyLepsius has proved by excellent
reasons the Cushite origins of the Hyksos statues from San (Tanis) now in the museum of Boulaq
and has made more than merely probable the immigration of the Cushites into the region of the
Delta p. 402 Heinrich Karl Brugsh in A History of Egypt Under the Pharaohs Derived
Entirely from the Monuments, published by John Murray 1881, Vol 2, 2nd edition.

1872 Mr. Baldwin draws a marked distinction between the modern Mahomedan Semitic
population of Arabia and their great Cushite, Hamite, or Ethiopian predecessors. The former, he
says, are comparatively modern in Arabia, they have appropriated the reputation of the old
race, and have unduly occupied the chief attention of modern scholars. Traditions Superstitions
and Folklore, Charles Hardwick , Manchester A. Ireland and Company, 1872

1891 the Cushite Arabians and the Chaldeans, the founders of the first historic civilization in
Babylonia being certainly Hamitic, though early mixed with Semitic tribes, long before Assyrian
rule. Charles William Hutson , The Beginnings of Civilization, The Columbian Publishing Co.,
New York. 1891.
1902 Modern Arabians are described thusly Among these Negroid features which may be
counted normal in Arabs are the full, rather averted lips, shortness and width of nose, certain
blanks in the bearded areas of the face between the lower lip and chin and on the cheeks; large,
luscious, gazelle-like eyes, a dark brown complexion, and a tendency for the hair to grow in
ringlets. Often the features of the more Negroid Arabs are derivatives of Dravidian India rather
than inheritances of Hamitic Africa. Although the Arab of today is sharply differentiated from the
Negro of Africa, yet there must have been a time when both were represented by a single
ancestral stock; in no other way can the prevalence of certain Negroid features be accounted for
in the natives of Arabia. by Henry Field Anthropology, Memoirs Field Museum Press
Anthropology, Memoirs Arabs of Central Iraq; Their History, Ethnology and Physical C
haracters, Anthropology Memoirs Volume 4,

1923 There is a considerable mass of evidence to show that there was a very close resemblance
between the proto-Egyptians and the Arabs before either became intermingled with Armenoid
racial elements. Elliot Smith p. 54 The Ancient Egyptians and the Origins of Civilization, p.61
2007, earliest publication 1923.

1948 In Arabia the first inhabitants were probably a dark-skinned, shortish population
intermediate, between the African Hamites and the Dravidians of India and forming a single
African Asiatic belt with these. From the Handbook of the Territories which form the Theatre of
Operations of the Iraq Petroleum Company Limited and its Associated Companies, First Edition,
Compiled in the Companies Head office at 214 Oxford Street London 1948.

By the middle of the 20th century, whether due to corresponding the withdrawal of European
colonialists from many lands or the establishment foundations of modern Europeans in the
Levant and consequent flourishing of Biblical archeology, it appears that many historians
became less acquainted or familiar with the early documented history and genealogical traditions
of the Arabian peoples. The notion of a race of black Caucasoids had already been established
in the late 19th century and the idea that developed in the 1st centuries after Christ in
Neareastern Muslim and Judaeo-Christian tradition of different colored children of Noah had
come to permeate the interpretation of Afro-Asiatic or Arabian genealogy.

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