Orals Ele. Que.

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22.9.16 Pakrasi 5 Battery charging cercuit, and how trickle charging achieved & how to calculate the required charging current . soft
starter , single phasing , ships MSB is connected with 380V and 50hz what effect on motor .

02.09.16 Pakrasi 5 Single phase motor starting , MSB safties,diff between fuse and circuit brakers, what value of current is a fuse and
circuit braker set and designed for ?methodes of starting a 3 phase motor

21.9.16 Pakrasi 5 Types of induction motor, draw soft starter, how thyrister trigger, lots of cross ques ,how will you increase
AMPHR cap. of a battery (by connecting them in parallel),

29.08.16 Mahesh 5 How to syncro two alternator and how will u decide that they are in same phase or not? brushless alternator dig.
and explain ? after starting DG it is not producing voltage why ?(ANS - residual magnetisem lost), how to check
condition of batteries? you will find a transformer in circuit braker what for that ?

NA NA 5 Adv of lead acid over ni cd battery? types of transformers?types of wiring ? (3 phase 3 wire, 3 phase 4 wire)
preferintial trip draw? power factor ? how to increase and decrease Pf?
19.8.16 Kar sir 5 Ratio controller? why 3-15psi ? boiler combustion controller ? draw and explain what is high and low set in
combustion controller? thyrister ? galvanic series ? basics how current flows?
26.09.16 Vikrant 5 Which motor have high torque star or delta connected why?how to connect batteries to increase amp hr rating ?
rai how to measure the resistance of 100 AMP circuit with 10 AMPS rating multimeter ? if synchroscope is not
working how to parallel the generators ?
NA NA 5 Exciter voltage range ? what happen when you reduce the load from pannel from the governor control to
alternator panel ? daily routine check in generator panel starter pannel and electrical instruments onboard like
motor? motor scheduled maintenance (weekly,monthly,anualy when we will overhaul motor ) insulation
requirement onboard like motor and insulation mat , how to test the insulation of a 100 meter long wire ????
04.10.16 Aneja & 5 Soft starter? draw the brushless alternator and explain? what is difference b/w thermister and thyrister draw a
wankhade thyrister dig? characterstic curve of a AC motor draw and explain ? how you change speed of induction motor ?
where u use pole changing motor on board ? what is RMS , AVG , form factor,peak factor ?
4.10.16 Mr. 5 STBY LO pp auto starting circuit in detail? relay types and working ?pressure transmiter working ? motor types
senthil and explain ?
4.10.16 KAR sir 5 Shaft gen. why the synchronous compensator? what it does actually?why AC to DC convert in shaft gen.why not
keep AC without changing in DC , diff between thyrister,transister,diode?
05.10.16 Kar sir 5 Explain shaft generator? how you control frequency and voltage in shaft gen. boiler combustion control system ?
pid controller? thyrister,transister, diode difference? synchronous compensator working ?
5.10.16 Senthil & 5 VFD ?????? pressure switch calibration? many cross questions? temp. switch calibration ? what is
kamat PT100?polarisation ? how to order a cable? prefrential trip?

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