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This Information Sheet is intended to describe on the requirement to communicate ideas

and information clearly, organizational practices and the importance of culture in
communication. The person who is competent in this CA shall be able to communicate
effectively using appropriate language and formats as well as understand organizational
practices and intercultural communication.

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1. Types of Working Language

1.1 In all kinds of work, language skills are needed in the communication with clients
and partners near and far. Good language skills clearly enhance the chances of career
development. The more demanding the tasks, the more widespread language skills
are required of the employee. At the same time, the language skill requirements in
worker vocations increase continually.

1.2 Working language can be define as the language that is used in a company, state,
society or organization as means of communication. This language is necessary
especially in organizations that consist of members from different language
backgrounds in order to ensure that no errors in communication.

1.3 The main reason for establishing working languages is economical as the cost of
translating all speeches, papers, decisions and memos into every language. However,
the choice of which language is accepted is often with the native speakers of the
languages. English, French, Spanish and German are the most common working
languages for many international bodies. However, the working language depends on
the area and type of organization. If they are not familiar with native languages, then
interpretation is provided.

1.4 In daily work, all workers are to work together to solve the tasks on company. It is
important that they understand each other. If this is not the case, misunderstandings in
connection with the performance of the work may lead to accidents. The same is true
of a number of scenarios of great importance to safety, then it is important that
everyone understands each other. To ensure that all those worker understand related
instructions and working responsibility in connection with their work, the company
should create working guideline in a working language. Language of employment is
need to identified for communication from ground to top level employees an
organization so that all department activities can running smoothly.

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1.5 Practice in an organization who possess foreign workers such as in Malaysia,

Bahasa Malaysia become the main workplace working language because it is an
official language in relations with the government as well as a basic speech taught to
lower workers. While English become a second language as a working reference
materials, description of good abroad and language ties with foreign organization.

2. Language At Work

2.1 Use standard language and follow established rules of grammar. At the workplace
you should always use standard language in your speech and writing. If you are
from an area where nonstandard English is common and you use non-standard
English yourself, make a conscious effort to speak standard, grammatical English.
Pay attention to the way other professionals speak and write at work, and you will
begin to notice ways that you can improve your own speech and writing.

2.2 Use a level of formality. When conversing in less formal situations or when writing
less formal correspondence, you can use less formal English, but still remain respectful
and professional at all times.

2.3 Do not use profanity. Swearing is never acceptable in the workplace.

2.4 Avoid biased or derogatory comments. Do not use bad language or language that is
biased against any racial, ethnic, religious, age, or other group. Avoid comments,
generalizations, examples, or jokes that affirm or perpetuate negative stereotypes.

2.5 Avoid slang. You should generally avoid slang in the workplace, even words or
expressions that are commonly accepted in other settings. Be judicious in your use of
idiomatic expressions, and particularly regionalisms, as well.

2.6 Be cautious when using jargon. Jargon should be used sparingly, and only when
speaking or writing that will be familiar with the terms used. If you feel it is appropriate
to use jargon for a more general audience, make sure you define the terms used.

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2.7 Be polite. You will be able to accomplish more and will undoubtedly have better
relationships with co-workers and colleagues if you treat them respectfully and show
sincere appreciation by using courtesy words.

2.8 Take a class. To learn even more about using appropriate language and about
writing and speaking well in the workplace, you can take a class or attend a workshop
or seminar on communicating effectively in the business world.

3. Types Of Working Reference Materials

3.1 Working reference materials is a description of the specific tasks and activities
in an organization. This materials is a written document or statement that
explaining about scope of duty. This will helped workers more focused into
works based on scope, environment and condition of job.

3.2 Basically, there are four (4) working reference materials that normally used in
i) Job responsibility guideline.
ii) Job procedure.
iii) Working procedure.
iv) Working instruction

i) Job responsibility guideline

The main purpose of job description is to set out clearly and concisely what is
duties and responsibilities of the post holder that are involved in a particular job.
Before describe a job description, it is useful to go through a process known
as Job Analysis. Job analysis is the process of obtaining information about jobs
by determining what the duties, tasks, or activities of jobs are and about the
qualification of the job-holders. This information is then used for developing Job
description and job specification. By doing job analysis, we will gather the
following information such as detail tasks of job, the duties of job, the place and
the methods of performing jobs.

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Figure 3.1 : Component of Job Analysis

ii) Job procedure

Job procedures are defined as a written procedure identifying the job to be

performed in step by step order with detailed description of how the work is to
be performed from start to finish in performing a task properly. They play an
integral role in performing jobs safely, providing standardized training and being
assistive with investigations. It is a sample procedure document that shows the
process, tools and framework for analysis the duties of job and tasks. A well
designed job procedure can help to understand the job properly.
Job procedure need to go through the process of job analysis. Job procedure
needs to understand clearly the job requirements and job specification. Job
analysis includes the study of the job itself as well as the analysis of job
requirements. A job description specifies tasks, duties and working condition of
a job itself, which details what the job holder is expected to do. A job
specification stipulates what skills, abilities and other competences a job holder
requires in order to perform the job effectively.

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iii. Working procedure

Work procedures play an integral role in performing jobs safely, providing

standardized training and being assistive with investigations. A standard work
procedure is the established way of performing a particular task. It is the
sequence of steps to doing the job. Its not that we want to turn every worker
into a robot, but we want everyone to follow recognized best practices.

a. Importance of Standard Working Procedure.

Standard work procedure is the best way to ensure performance

consistency. It works as a road map. If we dont have the road map,
how do we know how to get where we are going?
Standardized work procedures make continuous improvement
possible. It can conveys the expectation that everyone works the same
Standard is a better way to perform a job. It do not have to be
permanent. If someone discovers a better way, that can then become
the new standard.
Standards allow us to measure performance fairly. When people work
the same way, performance expectations can be established. We can
establish a fair output rate and judge everyone by that rate. Without
standard work procedures, we could not establish legitimate
and managing the workforce would be difficult.
Standardized work increases the likelihood that all activities will be
carried out in a safe manner. Effective standards focus on safety and
unsafe practices are formally eliminated from the process.
Standardized work procedures are essential when training new
employees. It is challenging enough for a new employee to learn a job.
The process is made even more difficult if the new employee is shown
different techniques by different employees.

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iv. Working Instruction.

Working instruction is a guideline that need to be followed in completing a

particular task or how to perform a task. Work instructions are developed to
guide workers in four key quality areas: training, reference, problem solving
and continuous improvement. Each of these areas can be directly related to
a cycle that identifies fundamental quality planning as "Plan-Do-Check-Act."
It is important to establish (plan) the instructions that your people must
execute. The references must then be effectively implemented (do) so they
are accessible to personnel.
Documentation must be verified (check) so the instructions assist your
problem-solving methodology. Finally, it is important to use (act) what has
been defined in order to continuously improve.

Training (Plan).
Training is the essential first step to ensuring that people are competent
in their duties. It is important to define the type of training that each
function is to receive. It is equally necessary to ensure that the trainers
are executing the plan, including improvements made to the instructions.
New employees should start their training with the process expert so they
can observe how the process should be performed. It is here that detailed
training discussions and hands-on activities take place between the expert
and the trainee. The trainer uses the work instructions so new employees
understand the basis for the tasks they are performing. The process is an
opportunity for additional review of the work instruction content. The
veteran can reaffirm the defined steps, and the new employee can confirm
the validity of the process.

Reference (Do).
This quality activity should focus on both access and format of the
instructions. The documentation must be implemented so workers are
not wary of having to locate the information relative to their areas of
responsibility. Once employees have been trained and have demonstrated
that they can be effective performers, you must ensure that the work
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instructions are available in case of questions. The instructions must be
presented in an easy-to-understand format so that access and review will
not take up valuable time. Write out how the instruction is to be performed
specific to each core task. Avoid defining why the activity is performed.
There should be no need for an expert organization to reaffirm why core
tasks are needed. If the "why" information must be defined, keep that
separate from the work instructions and make the additional information
available as reference only training documents.

Problem Solving (Check).

Problem solving is a quality activity that focuses on ensuring that the
supporting processes are properly defined to achieve product quality.
Work instructions are key documents to reference when internal or
external non-conformances are identified. Make the review of the work
instructions part of the corrective action process. Ask if the supporting
instruction properly defines the process, then audit the instruction to
confirm proper definition.
The operator/employee cannot be held fully accountable if the records of
training are written to an inadequately defined work instruction. If the task
is properly defined, the manner by which training is conducted might need
to be revisited.

Continuous Improvement (Act).

Work instructions should not be stagnant documents accessed only when
auditors ask for them. Reviewing work instructions when improvement
opportunities are identified demonstrates that they are "living documents."
Instructions can be improved upon through document reviews, audits, a
disciplined problem-solving process and, most importantly, the input from
the experts who are performing the tasks. The current documentation
should be the starting point for all improvements. Always improve upon
existing documentation before creating a new document. Volume does
not equate to continuous improvement.

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1. What is the importance of workplace working language in the organization?

2. What is workplace working materials?

3. Name types of working materials that normally used in workplace?

4. What is working procedure used for?

5. What is difference between working procedure and working instruction?


1. language





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