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Instruction Manual

Horse Master is available to play online at:

Horse Master is an interactive fiction video game made up by Tom McHenry in July 2013.
Welcome, Player, to the Game of Horse Mastery

When you start your copy of Horse Master, youll see the title screen and
two options:

New Game - This will generate a new character and start a new game of
Horse Master: The Game of Horse Mastery.

Credits - This a list of acknowledgements by the creator of the game and a

few resources for making your own games using Twine, the system used to
create Horse Master: The Game of Horse Mastery.

The Game

When you begin the game, youll have 20 days remaining before the Horse Master Cham-
pionship Gala. Raising a horse requires daily care and upkeep. Each day before the compe-
tition, youll be shown a list of actions to choose from. You receive three actions per day,
and each action is an opportunity to mold your growing horse. Choose wisely!

Starting Actions
Inject Horse with Nutrients - Eating is no longer the most nutritionally efficient way
to maximize a horses growth. Regular nutrient injections can help paste over your
horses dietary gaps.
Feed Horse - Many horses are raised to a professional caliber without ever eating
solid foods in their entire lives. Youre a little more old-fashioned, so youll want to
feed your horse the highest quality food you can afford in order to help it grow big and
Electrostim - These electro pads can help exercise a horses muscles at maximum ef-
ficienciency even in confined or sedentary environments.
Groom Horse - A clean horse is a proud horse. Lack of grooming can lead to every-
thing from a matted mane to assorted sores and infections. There are a variety of
shampoos available to the discerning consumer.
Watch Television - Check in on the news and entertainment of your world. When your
horse is old enough, it may want to watch, too.
Hang dexobrimadine drip and try to sleep - This action will end your day, no matter
how many other actions remain, so use it carefully!
Common Horse Breeds
Furioso-Hellfist - This breed is an oaky amber in coloration with limited markings
and is known for an arrogant gait. They regularly stand as tall as 18 hands and can
expect a long life.

Europa Trotter - Most Horse Masters regard this breed as having poor hoof formation
due to impure bloodlines), but a well-built Europa is peerless. They can range in color
from #f9f9f9 to as dark as #646270, and their musculature, temperment and sheen
can vary just as wildly, depending on how well-mastered they are.

Carolina Coffinbreath - Consistently the choice of all the top international Horse
Masters, their coloration is always a deep black such as devours all light striking it.
They normally stand no taller than 16 hands, but grow elaborate flared carapaces that
intimidate all other breeds.

Common Horse Statistics

Glamour - A rating of a horses glamour.

Uncanny - A numerical rating of a horses uncanniness.

Pep - A numerical rating that attempts to quantify the abstract quantity of a horses
overall pep.

Realness - A numerical rating that attempts to quantify the abstract quantity of a

horses overall realness.

Discrection - A numerical rating that attempts to quantify the abstract quantity of a

horses overall discretion.
The Competition
Once youve raised your horse for 20 days and constructed your glamorous handmade
competition gown, youll be ready to enter your horse in The 86th Annual Southwestern
Region Horse Master Championship. Only a single tenured Horse Master will be selected
from all the years competitors. To win will require excellence across all disciplines of
horse mastery.

Every major house from ancient Aethelwulf, to the decadent Chablis and Sumptualisk will
attend the championship, as its the pinnacle of the seasons social calendar. To impress
these elites is your first introduction to their high society where you may someday live
among them as peers.

First, theres a preliminary round to weed out any competitors with horses who fail to
meet even the minimum standard for horse, then the fashion-focused gala, and finally
three rounds of competition where you and your horse will have to perform to the absolute
best of your abilities:

Promenade- The first event demonstrates a horses basic mastery of the three basic
speeds: walk, trot, and canter. A candidate is only allowed to make basic noises, so
proper operant conditioning is a must.

Dressage- The second event demonstrates the candidates ability to train a hose to
total subservience, even denying its most primal instincts.

Cotillion- The final event uses a complicated test of aesthetics and biology to prove
beyond a doubt that the horse has been raised to perfection of its form by the candi-
date. Many a promising horse has surprised everyone by revealing some hidden imbal-
ance which dooms its master to failure.
Schedule II controlled substance. A nightly dosage is an unspoken job requirement
for the mastery of horses in order to react with an almost unconscious speed to
their powerful movements and keep a candidate alive for continued mastering of

Though the FDA recommends no more than 6 mL administered nightly, the gener-
ally accepted wisdom in the professional Horse Master community is the so-called
Perfect Ten (10 mL intravenous over an six-hour period). This level is strongy
discouraged by the medical community and side effects of such heavy dosage can
include: headache, jaundice, pulmonary edema, dry mouth, dizziness, anemia,
bradychardia, hypotension, facial flushing, constipation, memory loss, insomnia,
blackouts, seizure, decreased sex drive, visual and auditory hallucinations, chrono-
logical disorientation, suicidal ideation, dysmenorrhea, birth defects, palpitations,
weight loss, nausea, excessive bleeding, bladder seepage, hair loss, osteoporo-
sis, cardiac hypertrophy, partial blindness, psychosis, loss of bone density, acute
kidney failure, increased risk of systemic cancers and autoimmune disorders, and

Warning: Never Ride a Horse

Horses are dangerous animals that should only be handled by
properly trained experts. Never anthropomorphize a horse; they are
powerful, murderous creatures capable of faster than human mov-
ment. Horses: You wont live to make a second mistake.

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