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Present simple:

: Facts: The earth goes around the sun.

: Action that is repeated or usual

: usually, always, seldom, rarely, occasionally

He usually goes to school by bus

Past simple:
with exact time: yesterday, 3 years ago, in 1990,
the other day, last year, for 3 years

Present continuous
1. Happening now: She is writing at this moment.

(now, at this moment, look, listen, right now)

: He is studying hard to become a doctor.

2. Near future with pre-decision: I am going to France tonight.

Past continuous:
1. Something happened at the exact in the past

He was eating his breakfast at 6.30 yesterday morning.

2. Something was going on and something else occurred

He was driving when the car crashed.

Present perfect:
no specific time: just, already, since, ever, never,
yet, lately, recently, up to now, until now, so far,
many times

- emphasize on result of the action: I have made 15 calls this morning

Present perfect continuous

- action from the past until now: for, since and continues to
do so

- emphasize on action: She has been having a hard time.

Past perfect:
Complete action before something in the past

He had left the house when we arrived yesterday.

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