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This house believes that Federalism is beneficial

to the Philippine Economy

I. Argument (CLAIM)

Establishing federalism in the Philippines can empower states to make their own

II. Evidence (EXAMPLE)

According to the Duterte Administration, President Duterte stated that only a

federal form of government could bring lasting peace to the entire country and the
strife-torn Mindanao. Since regions have their own unique problems, situations,
geographic, cultural, social and economic contexts, federalism allows them to create
solutions to their own problems instead of distant Metro Manila deciding for them.
This makes sense in an archipelago of over 7,000 islands and 28 dominant ethnic
groups. For decades, the national government has been struggling to address the
concerns of 79 (now 81) provinces despite challenges posed by geography and
cultural differences.
III. Analysis (WARRANT)

We presently have a unitary form of government. Most administrative powers and

resources are with the national government based in Metro Manila. It is Malacaang
that decides how much to give local government units. Establishing federalism in the
Philippines will not only empower states to make their own decisions but will also
lessen the dependence on Metro Manila. In federalism, the states will have the power
to make these decisions with little or no interference from the national government.

The primary goals of a constitutional amendment is to increase decentralization,

greater local power and access to resources most especially among regions outside
Metro Manila which has long been dubbed as rather imperial. Beginning in late 2014,
Davao City mayor Rodrigo Duterte, now President of the Philippines, launched a
nationwide campaign promoting a charter change for federalism. During his visit to
Cebu City in October of the same year, Duterte stated that federalism will facilitate
better delivery of services to the people. He also saw the current system as
antiquated where distribution of public funds is disproportionately biased towards
Manila. Aside from the economic aspect, federalism is also seen as the best means to
address problems in Mindanao which suffers the most from ethnoreligious conflicts.

This is important to note in the Philippine context because of the vast geographical
and cultural differences between regions - differences that the central government
may not always be able to cater to.
IV. Sources (APA Format)
Federalism in the Philippines. (2017, July 18). Retrieved July 17, 2017, from https://
Villarete, P. R. (2016, January 31). Will federalism address PH woes? Pros and cons
of making the shift. Retrieved July 17, 2017, from

Cruz, H. D. (2016, November 17). Federalism in the Philippines, explained. Retrieved

July 17, 2017, from

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