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Pam Buda Median Sold Price by Month BAREIS MLS®

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The median sold price is up 1%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
335,000 339,500 4,500 +1%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Median Sold Price by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The median sold price is up 1%

Time Period Median Price # Units Average DOM

Jul-10 339,500 418 88
Jun-10 335,500 536 94
May-10 348,250 472 100
Apr-10 325,500 450 91
Mar-10 322,500 435 94
Feb-10 328,475 360 104
Jan-10 339,000 309 113
Dec-09 341,000 457 91
Nov-09 332,000 439 99
Oct-09 345,000 475 96
Sep-09 325,000 479 92
Aug-09 325,000 458 101
Jul-09 335,000 519 100

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Median For Sale vs. Median Sold BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The median price of for sale properties is down 1% and the median price of sold properties is up 1%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10 Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change % Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
439,000 435,000 -4,000 -1% 335,000 339,500 4,500 +1%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Median For Sale vs. Median Sold BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The median price of for sale properties is down 1% and the median price of sold properties is up 1%

For Sale # Properties Sold # Properties Price

Time Period Median For Sale Median Sold Difference
Jul-10 435,000 2,831 339,500 418 -95,500
Jun-10 424,900 2,839 335,500 536 -89,400
May-10 405,450 2,708 348,250 472 -57,200
Apr-10 389,900 2,809 325,500 450 -64,400
Mar-10 380,000 2,654 322,500 435 -57,500
Feb-10 370,000 2,336 328,475 360 -41,525
Jan-10 375,000 2,294 339,000 309 -36,000
Dec-09 379,950 2,324 341,000 457 -38,950
Nov-09 414,250 2,454 332,000 439 -82,250
Oct-09 429,000 2,664 345,000 475 -84,000
Sep-09 445,000 2,695 325,000 479 -120,000
Aug-09 439,725 2,786 325,000 458 -114,725
Jul-09 439,000 2,809 335,000 519 -104,000

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Sold Properties by Month (Non-Bank) BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of Sold non-bank properties is down 13%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
275 238 -37 -13%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

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Pam Buda Sold Properties by Month (Non-Bank) BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of Sold non-bank properties is down 13%

Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties

Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price
Jul-10 418 339,500 88 180 43.1 276,350 238 56.9 400,000
Jun-10 536 335,500 94 233 43.5 275,000 303 56.5 390,000
May-10 472 348,250 100 233 49.4 300,000 239 50.6 385,000
Apr-10 450 325,500 91 224 49.8 272,975 226 50.2 397,500
Mar-10 435 322,500 94 236 54.2 286,100 199 45.8 375,000
Feb-10 360 328,475 104 197 54.7 266,000 163 45.3 419,000
Jan-10 309 339,000 113 170 55.0 280,500 139 45.0 420,000
Dec-09 457 341,000 91 244 53.4 275,000 213 46.6 419,900
Nov-09 439 332,000 99 215 49.0 275,000 224 51.0 399,000
Oct-09 475 345,000 96 217 45.7 280,375 258 54.3 412,495
Sep-09 479 325,000 92 228 47.6 250,000 251 52.4 385,000
Aug-09 458 325,000 101 236 51.5 260,000 222 48.5 408,500
Jul-09 519 335,000 100 244 47.0 258,500 275 53.0 415,000

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Under Contract Properties by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of Under Contract properties is up 24%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
493 613 120 +24%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Under Contract Properties by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of Under Contract properties is up 24%

Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties

Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price
Jul-10 613 340,000 73 310 50.6 296,500 303 49.4 415,000
Jun-10 540 325,000 86 298 55.2 279,900 242 44.8 419,700
May-10 476 329,000 78 231 48.5 260,000 245 51.5 415,000
Apr-10 607 322,000 88 310 51.1 275,675 297 48.9 374,500
Mar-10 496 330,000 86 250 50.4 284,900 246 49.6 374,995
Feb-10 384 327,000 90 208 54.2 279,000 176 45.8 399,000
Jan-10 375 339,900 100 190 50.7 264,250 185 49.3 419,000
Dec-09 365 324,900 105 218 59.7 258,960 147 40.3 415,000
Nov-09 375 334,900 96 195 52.0 275,000 180 48.0 419,900
Oct-09 464 344,975 93 203 43.8 259,950 261 56.2 416,432
Sep-09 453 335,000 99 216 47.7 280,000 237 52.3 425,000
Aug-09 501 329,900 92 239 47.7 250,000 262 52.3 399,000
Jul-09 493 325,000 99 265 53.8 249,900 228 46.2 414,995

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda New Properties by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of New properties is up 6%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
720 760 40 +6%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda New Properties by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of New properties is up 6%

Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties

Time Period # Properties Median Price # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price
Jul-10 760 389,000 310 40.8 290,000 450 59.2 499,000
Jun-10 785 380,000 315 40.1 279,000 470 59.9 507,000
May-10 676 399,000 253 37.4 279,900 423 62.6 500,000
Apr-10 844 363,750 329 39.0 279,000 515 61.0 440,000
Mar-10 840 365,000 367 43.7 289,000 473 56.3 469,500
Feb-10 623 349,900 285 45.8 299,000 338 54.2 415,000
Jan-10 578 349,000 291 50.4 279,000 287 49.6 465,000
Dec-09 458 299,250 304 66.4 269,450 154 33.6 377,000
Nov-09 493 339,000 248 50.3 282,500 245 49.7 399,990
Oct-09 631 339,950 299 47.4 255,000 332 52.6 425,000
Sep-09 629 349,900 299 47.5 275,000 330 52.5 479,000
Aug-09 673 354,900 314 46.7 275,000 359 53.3 460,000
Jul-09 720 362,450 333 46.2 255,000 387 53.8 512,000

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda For Sale Properties by Month (Bank) BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of For Sale bank properties is down 16%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
1,146 963 -183 -16%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda For Sale Properties by Month (Bank) BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of For Sale bank properties is down 16%

Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties

Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price
Jul-10 2,831 435,000 108 963 34.0 290,000 1,868 66.0 572,475
Jun-10 2,839 424,900 131 1,048 36.9 286,900 1,791 63.1 574,950
May-10 2,708 405,450 148 1,051 38.8 282,000 1,657 61.2 550,000
Apr-10 2,809 389,900 158 1,198 42.6 285,300 1,611 57.4 529,000
Mar-10 2,654 380,000 173 1,213 45.7 288,000 1,441 54.3 528,000
Feb-10 2,336 370,000 192 1,123 48.1 285,000 1,213 51.9 525,000
Jan-10 2,294 375,000 207 1,116 48.6 279,000 1,178 51.4 579,000
Dec-09 2,324 379,950 215 1,108 47.7 275,000 1,216 52.3 599,250
Nov-09 2,454 414,250 216 1,064 43.4 279,000 1,390 56.6 620,000
Oct-09 2,664 429,000 212 1,088 40.8 275,000 1,576 59.2 618,950
Sep-09 2,695 445,000 214 1,082 40.1 280,000 1,613 59.9 625,000
Aug-09 2,786 439,725 210 1,108 39.8 275,000 1,678 60.2 615,000
Jul-09 2,809 439,000 212 1,146 40.8 270,000 1,663 59.2 620,000

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Expired Properties by Month (Non-Bank) BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of Expired non-bank properties is down 9%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
116 106 -10 -9%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Expired Properties by Month (Non-Bank) BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of Expired non-bank properties is down 9%

Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties

Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price
Jul-10 212 390,000 133 106 50.0 267,500 106 50.0 639,450
Jun-10 228 424,000 155 97 42.5 279,000 131 57.5 625,000
May-10 178 374,975 133 87 48.9 289,000 91 51.1 539,000
Apr-10 170 426,000 177 90 52.9 344,500 80 47.1 699,000
Mar-10 193 393,232 153 94 48.7 290,000 99 51.3 559,000
Feb-10 138 385,000 160 69 50.0 299,000 69 50.0 539,900
Jan-10 206 449,000 199 88 42.7 249,950 118 57.3 769,593
Dec-09 243 550,000 162 65 26.8 269,900 178 73.2 674,500
Nov-09 213 599,000 169 65 30.5 350,000 148 69.5 797,000
Oct-09 239 538,000 169 69 28.9 271,000 170 71.1 684,500
Sep-09 209 469,950 142 77 36.8 289,900 132 63.2 629,475
Aug-09 219 495,000 146 86 39.3 277,450 133 60.7 650,000
Jul-09 203 476,000 162 87 42.9 270,000 116 57.1 744,000

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Supply & Demand by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of for sale properties is up 1% and the number of sold properties is down 19%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10 Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change % Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
2,809 2,831 22 +1% 519 418 -101 -19%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Supply & Demand by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The number of for sale properties is up 1% and the number of sold properties is down 19%

# Properties Average DOM # Properties Average DOM

Time Period For Sale For Sale Sold Sold
Jul-10 2,831 108 418 88
Jun-10 2,839 131 536 94
May-10 2,708 148 472 100
Apr-10 2,809 158 450 91
Mar-10 2,654 173 435 94
Feb-10 2,336 192 360 104
Jan-10 2,294 207 309 113
Dec-09 2,324 215 457 91
Nov-09 2,454 216 439 99
Oct-09 2,664 212 475 96
Sep-09 2,695 214 479 92
Aug-09 2,786 210 458 101
Jul-09 2,809 212 519 100

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda The Average Days on Market by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The average days on market is down 26%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
99 73 -26 -26%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda The Average Days on Market by Month BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The average days on market is down 26%

Time Period Average DOM # UC Units

Jul-10 73 613
Jun-10 86 540
May-10 78 476
Apr-10 88 607
Mar-10 86 496
Feb-10 90 384
Jan-10 100 375
Dec-09 105 365
Nov-09 96 375
Oct-09 93 464
Sep-09 99 453
Aug-09 92 501
Jul-09 99 493

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Months Supply of Inventory BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The average months supply of inventory is down 24%

Jul-09 vs. Jul-10

Jul-09 Jul-10 Change %
4.3 3.3 -1.0 -24%

MLS: BAREIS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family, Condo/Coop, Farms/Ranches) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Sonoma

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Pam Buda Months Supply of Inventory BAREIS MLS®
Jul-09 vs. Jul-10: The average months supply of inventory is down 24%

# Units For Sale # UC Units UC Average

Time Period Last Day of Month During Month MSI DOM
Jul-10 2,006 613 3 73
Jun-10 2,071 540 4 86
May-10 2,054 476 4 78
Apr-10 2,032 607 3 88
Mar-10 1,965 496 4 86
Feb-10 1,814 384 5 90
Jan-10 1,713 375 5 100
Dec-09 1,716 365 5 105
Nov-09 1,866 375 5 96
Oct-09 1,961 464 4 93
Sep-09 2,033 453 4 99
Aug-09 2,066 501 4 92
Jul-09 2,113 493 4 99

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Market Dynamics

Pam Buda

Clarus MarketMetrics® 08/08/2010

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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