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1. Is it allowed to have a faculty/research institute as a member of consortium/partner in the proposal,

having in mind that these are public institutions?

A faculty/research institute that is a public institution may not be one of the members of the
consortium/partner in the proposal. These intuitions may be involved in the broader program (i.e.
taking part in various program activities, serving as consultants, holding joint events, etc.); however,
they cannot be members of the consortium.

2. There is no official template for concept notes, so we can use our own memo, respecting the
required length?

A: There is not an official template and you may use your memo observing the concept paper length
and content requirements.

3. Where we can find and download templates for required documents?

There is not an official template for Concept Paper and Capability Statement but there are
requirements regarding the content of those two documents as stated under APS, Section VI, Page
10-12. The template for Preliminary Budget summary is attached to the APS and can be downloaded
from (Full Announcement, Illustrative Budget).

4. Is it allowed that an organization may apply to APS as lead applicant in one proposal and as
partner in some other proposal?

A.: Yes. It is allowed.

5. Could you clarify the deadline for concept notes submission on APS-169-14-000001 SERBIA CIVIL

A: This is an open call for applications that lasts for one year. We anticipate reviewing any received
applications on a quarterly basis (end of July, end of October, end of January, and end of March). If
one wants to apply in time for the first review period, it is advisable to submit a concept paper by
July 15, 2014. Please keep in mind that funds are limited, and therefore, if a large amount of
applications are selected for funding early in the process, all the funds may be expended prior to the
APSs end date in April 2015.

Additionally, during the Post Solicitation Conference held in Belgrade, on April 23, 2014 there were a
couple of questions related to the deadlines for which USAID provided clarifications. (Please refer to
video-taped conference at and at

U.S. Agency for International Development

U.S. Embassy Tel: (381-11) 706-4035
Bulevar Kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevica 92 Fax: (381-11) 361-8267
11000 Belgrade, SERBIA
6. We need some additional clarifications concerning the eligibility criteria regarding the Annual
Program Statement (APS): SERBIA CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERS, Number: APS-169-14-000001.
Please advise us whether the following can be formal parts of the consortium applying for funding, in
which NALED would be the lead organization

- For-profit organizations established in Serbia

- For-profit organizations established in other countries e.g. Cardno Emerging Markets

- Non-profit organizations established in other countries (e.g. ZELS- Association of the units of
local-self-government of the Republic of Macedonia)

- International non-profit organizations and international partners such as GIZ Open Regional
Funds and USAID Business Enabling Project

- Serbian government authorities e.g. the Public Policy Secretariat.

If any of these organizations are not eligible as part of the consortium applying for funding, please
advise on whether they can be included in the project as partners.

A.: Please refer to APS, Section III Eligibility, page 4 as well as post solicitation conference video at and at

7. Could trade-unions be the members/partners in the consortium?

Any organization that is registered under the Serbian Law on Associations as an association of
citizens may apply.

8. Could members of the consortium be changed after the approval of concept paper, but prior to
submission of full application?

USAID would discourage this practice. The capability statement is an important part in the
evaluation of the concept paper, and much of capability is determined by the team that is being
proposed to implement the project. If however, the applicant has a compelling reason to change the
structure of the team that was proposed in the concept paper in its submission of the full
application; a justification for this must be provided in the application itself.

U.S. Agency for International Development

U.S. Embassy Tel: (381-11) 706-4035
Bulevar Kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevica 92 Fax: (381-11) 361-8267
11000 Belgrade, SERBIA

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