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Quiz 1

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For the essay portion of the quiz, I would write your response in a word document in order to get
the correct length of your response (e.g., typed essay with a maximum of three single-spaced
pages), then cut and paste the text into the essay field in Brainhoney.
1. Scientific management proved to be so economical and successful that it was widely
implemented in American industry, creating the foundation for the new field of industrial

2. Contact between the Sioux and Europeans produced what consequence for the Sioux of the Great

changes in the roles of men and women

reliance upon the buffalo for subsistence
acquisition of the horse
dependence upon European trade goods
revival of the Sun Dance
3. Which of the following was not a key element of Americas industrial base in the 1870s?

steam energy
coal mining
electric power
steel production
4. Which of the following best describes the relationship of Eugene V. Debs to the Socialist Party of
Debs defected from Socialist Party of America after becoming disillusioned with its
inability to secure the votes of American-born voters.
Debs launched the Socialist Labor Party in 1877 but defected to the rival Socialist Party
of America after his experiences in the Pullman boycott.
Debs campaigned effectively and tirelessly for the Socialist Party of America in the
twentieth century after becoming disillusioned with the American system because of the
governments repression of workers and unions in the Pullman boycott.
A one-time believer in the essential goodness of American society, Debs joined the
Socialist Party of America after the Pullman Strike and became its candidate for
President in 1896.
5. Which was not a characteristic of the range cattle industry in the nineteenth century?

investors from Europe

overgrazing of rangelands
the long drive
immense profits
staggering losses
class conflict
All of the above were characteristics of the range cattle industry.
6. Which of the following was not a characteristic of American cities between the 1870s and the 1910s?

industry concentrated downtown and along transportation lines

a clear spatial division between city and countryside
filthy streets
massive public works projects
innovative mass transit systems
a central business district
7 In a typed essay of a maximum of three single-spaced pages, respond to the question below. Your
. essay should include an opening paragraph with a thesis statement and a concluding paragraph in
which you summarize/recap the major arguments of your essay. You should draw upon your textbook
and discussion material for supporting evidence in your essay. If you quote from the textbook or
discussion material, simply place the page number for the quotation in parentheses following the

To what degree, and for whom, was the American city a locus of opportunity in the years 18701913?
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8. Which of the following accurately describes the new immigrants?

most came from rural Europe and only a minority could read
most were unskilled laborers who could not read
compared to earlier immigrants illiteracy was high comparatively but most could read
Jews and Catholics from urban areas predominated
the majority were impoverished, illiterate, and non-English speakers
9. Which of the following does not represent a change in middle class views between 1870 and 1910?

athleticism for men and women was increasingly valued

birth control lost much of its stigma
sex within marriage was accepted as a source of pleasure for both partners
bachelorhood lost some of its social stigma
womens fitness for education was increasingly recognized
all of the above represent changes in middle class views
10. Euro-Americans initially viewed the Great Plains as an arid wasteland unsuitable for farming. Which
of the following was primarily responsible for altering this view?

state and territorial governments on the plains

land speculators and real estate dealers
railroad companies
the federal government
Texas ranchers
11. Which was not true of the Dawes Act of 1887?

It promoted tribal sovereignty by permitting tribes to form tribal councils and courts.
It was promoted by white reformers as the key to Indians economic salvation.
It prevented sales of Indian lands by holding them in trust for twenty-five years.
It permitted the sale of all surplus or un-allotted Indian lands to non-Indians.
It authorized the subdivision of tribal lands into individual farms of one hundred and
sixty acres.
12. Unlike trade unions, the Knights of Labor __________.
fielded political candidates and endorsed a broad array of reforms but consistently
excluded blacks and women from joining
developed a brotherhood of workers and an exclusive focus upon wages and hours
rather than grand, utopian schemes
consistently opposed strikes from the 1860s throughout the struggle for the eight-hour
organized workers regardless of skill level fielded political candidates, and sought to
improve life for all Americans
13. Which best accounts for the economic woes of western farmers in the 1870s and 1880s?
exceptionally high interest rates charged by lenders
rising railroad freight rates
high property taxes
price swings of international markets for farm products
rising prices for manufactured goods
14. In urban America, religion flourished among impoverished European immigrants, but it held relatively
little appeal for the American-born.

15. What did Andrew Carnegie argue in his Gospel of Wealth?

American industrialists had a moral obligation to create educational and cultural

opportunities for the masses rather than increasing their employees wages.
American industrialists had risen to the top of the economic pyramid through a process
of rigorous natural selection, and it would therefore be unnatural for the government to
tax their wealth.
American industrialists should first ensure that their workers earned a just wage and
then devote any surplus wealth to philanthropic efforts.
American industrialists should donate liberally to charities that fed and clothed the
poor, and if they refused to do so, the government should tax their estates heavily when
they died.
16. Urban planners spearheaded a City Beautiful movement that made American cities among the
most beautiful and inspiring in the western world by 1900.

17. Which description most accurately characterizes Buffalo Bill?
Buffalo Bills heroic image was entirely the product of his skill as a showman and
Buffalo Bill was an authentic army scout whose exploits were exaggerated and
dramatically embellished in novels, plays, and shows.
Buffalo Bill was an authentic army scout in real life whose showmanship accurately
portrayed his heroic feats without exaggeration.
18. Which most accurately describes the impact of the Homestead Act of 1862?

The Homestead Act primarily benefited American farm families, but one-third of the
lands were acquired by speculators.
Women filed nearly one-fourth of all land claims under the Homestead Act.
The Homestead Act rarely benefited immigrants and blacks.
The Homestead Act primarily benefited speculators, but also provided farms for
thousands of American families.
19. Which of the following was not a consequence for workers of mechanization in the industrial

lost autonomy
less strenuous work
the stint
20. Which of the following interpretive metaphors best fits Virginia Yans-McLaughlins findings for Sicilian
immigrants in New York?


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