Sacred Hoop Magazine Issue 17

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ISSUE 17 SUMMER 1997 2.95

on his night of fear
in the Mojave Desert

powerful healing
ceremony of the Plains

An account of his H Make a Star Blanket H Ceremonial
recent visit

What occurs around you and
one of us always get it

N right, always treat others

well ... .We each dance
within the web of life as best we
within you reflects your own
mind and shows you the dream
you are weaving.....
Right now, the holding of circles,
the re-building of heart-ful
can and our thoughts and community - even the hope of it
actions ripple out to effect all Action to benefit
- goes into the dreaming. It
that is. the land and the people counts.
There is a simple but unto seven generations shapes I often hear from FTF
profound traditional teaching the consciousness of the members, that they feel isolated,
that, just as we are at the Planetary Caretaker . . . a lone voice in a deaf culture
present moment the sum of the when trying to practice a lifestyle
ever mindful of lifes
dreaming of all our ancestors, of that honours the earth, creation
their hopes, fears, mistakes, unfolding
and beauty. Just holding in
successes - so we stand as awareness the importance these
ancestors to the future and new-old ways is very hard work;
dream future generations into It is also deeply empowering. it is dreaming a turning of the
being. tide away from blind progress.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE Dhyani Ywahoo, the Tsalagi
SEVEN GENERATIONS Each one of has no choice but to make (Cherokee) teacher and author of the
Traditional peoples such as the Tsalagi a difference, to leave our mark, our beautiful book Voices of Our Ancestors
(Cherokee) are raised with a deep sense threads of being in the web. We are life. shares her peoples practice and
of responsibility towards the next seven We inevitably shape the future by who suggests that each morning we pray,
generations. They are asked to consider we are, what we do and the manner in sing a song, dance a dance of gratitude
every thought and action in this context. which we do it. to All That Is.
To reflect not only on what effect a Regard for seven generations means There is no special language or style
negative act may have, but also one that that not only do we have caution about - use those that have personal meaning.
is seemingly positive. For hindsight the consequences of the new, we have This re-affirms connection of mind,
teaches that the original intent can often care for what we regard as obsolete, - heart, body and spirit with the vitality of
be reversed over time. which of the gifts inherited from our the web. It is no quaint ethnic ritual, but
This perspective means a slower ancestors we choose to discard - and a deeply practical way to strengthen and
pace of change; often sacrificing a more the future effect of losing skills or bring personal energy and balance for
attractive path or short-term benefit for knowledge. the day ahead - as vital as food and
longer-term stability. It is not an instant Elders generally play a large part in drink, to give sustainance for dreaming
bucks mentality and the changes and holding a space for this kind of the future with heart.
contributions that we individually make in reflecting. After all, they have by May we all dream wisely Ho.
that stream of being is a profound experienced witnessed long-term effects Jan Wood FTF Co-ordinator
responsibility. of their own and others actions.
It is daunting.

- back by popular demand -

Flight of the Kestrel
is a growing network of those
Sat 9th August to Sun 17th August practising and learning about earth-
relax and experience life as part of a tribal community based spirituality and shamanism.
It has a book loan service and
Workshops H Ceremony H Sweat Lodge H Drumming H W supports the creation and
Crafts H Storytelling H Survival Skills - and much more. maintainance of circles of healing and
held for a second year on the same beautiful site in the Malvern Hills celebration at a local level
Its members follow a simple Code of
for further information write with an SAE to: Ethics based on respect for all life
Flight of the Kestrel, c/o 61 Millbrook St, Gloucester, GL14BP, Further details of membership and
phone (01453) 763459 / fax 01452 549512 / mobile 0973 760891 Code of Ethics send SAE (first class

all profits go to Flight of the Kestrel Sustainable Community Project (an FTF member group) stamp) to Carolyn Finlay, 226 London
Rd, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52 6HW



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remember a time a few years ago when I was lucky enough to have dinner with
MAGAZINE Wallace Black Elk and a few friends in London. Wallace, a twinkle in his eye told
us, What you people need in England is ceremony, Ill come back, well get a
ISSN 1364 - 2219 room, just like this one and well make it all dark, and youll hear the spirits, youll
EDITOR feel the wind!
Nicholas Wood Well, the day came when Grandfather Wallace did come back and run that
ASSISTANT EDITOR ceremony; and just a few days ago I was informed about plans for a full traditional
Jan Wood sundance to be held in Wales next year. It seems like maybe we do need ceremony,
PRODUCTION TEAM and maybe we are getting it.
Nicholas Wood
Jan Wood
Rebecca Sargent And yet! I have a friend who has a sage bush in his garden, not your common or
Celia Wearing garden sage this one, it is sage brush (Artemisia - not a sage at all) from a
Lillian Kemp Sundance site in Dakota. Sage is the medicine herb, a very sacred gift of
Arthur Kemp
Grandmother Earth. It grows well in the arid conditions of the Great Plains, and
David Stemp, Jan Wood grew well in the soil of England.
But this medicine grew differently, it grew a different shape; different shaped
SACRED HOOP networks those leaves, and if I remember right even had a different smell. If the Sundance happens,
interested in the teachings of or if we have more Yuwipi ceremonies held here, how will they be different?
indigenous shamanic peoples Most of us reading this issue of Hoop are not Native Americans, Britain does not
as a living path of knowledge. have Buffalo, or any connection to them, nor do we do not have cotton-wood trees,
Our contents cover the integration
of old and new knowledge, or gophers. We do not have a living sacred tradition either (the editor now settles
and insights that contribute back to await the rush of hate mail that will no doubt flood into the office), but we do
to a balanced and sustainable have a need for such a tradition.
lifestyle in today's world.
We honour all paths and peoples Many people have said to me over the
and do not include material years, I want to work with some real
from, or give support to, any Native Americans. Well thats fine,
individual or group which seeks some Native teachers are far ahead of
to oppress or discriminate
on grounds of race, lineage, anyone in this country, others will take
age, sex, class or belief. you for a ride (every train has its
SACRED HOOP passengers as a Bulgarian brother once
does not knowingly publish told me). But do not forget there is a
any material that is growing body of people in the UK who
inaccurate or libellous.
know their stuff (and unfortunately
The views expressed are some who dont, but tell you they do!).
not necessarily those of
the Editorial Team. They were not brought up as children
For All Our Relations
with a tribal tradition of these sort of
ceremonies, but they have learned and
Printed on paper they are building a tradition here. They
from a sustainable source run Vision Quests, they run Sweat
by Perfect Image, Worcestershire.
Tel (01386) 40435 lodges, many are Sacred Pipe carriers
Old Sundancer. Photo of Black Ree Cheyenne council Chief Ca 1908

and run traditional pipe ceremonies with

FRONT COVER DETAILS dignity and respect.
The Star road: by Nicholas Wood
It seems to me, that unless we
DISCLAIMER honour the people in our own land, and
Whilst making every effort to be
accurate, the Editorial Team will stop looking so hard to America, we will
not be deemed responsible for any never get a tradition, and we wont
errors, omissions or inaccuracies
appearing in Sacred Hoop. respect what is happening here, it will
only ever be second best.
SACRED HOOP MAGAZINE How will our sage grow and become
28 COWL STREET, the shape it needs to be here, how will
EVESHAM, WORCS. we tend to its growing?
TELEPHONE & FAX (01386) 49680
For all my relations
1997 Sacred Hoop Magazine
and/or individual contributors. No Nicholas Wood.
part of this magazine, either
written text or visual art may be
reproduced in any way
whatsoever without the w r i t t e n
permission of the editors.


O N T H E HILL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 1 3
A night of fear while fasting on a Vision Quest
high in the mountains of the Mojave Desert under
the direction of an old Shoshone healer
By Steven Foster

THE STAFF AND THE SONG. . . . . . . . . . 1 4 - 1 6

In the Norse sagas, the wise women sing songs and
spells of power. Here one of the leading authorities
on the Shamanic journey tells us about her
experience of using this powerful tradition.
By Annette Hst

MEETING IN A SACRED MANNER. . . . . . . 1 7 - 1 9 With a Staff and a Song, Norse

A personal account of working with Grandfather wise women were the seers and
Wallace Black Elk on his recent visit to Wales, and healers of their culture
a chance to ask some questions about ceremony. Pages 14 -16
By Martin Shaw


Outlawed for many years, the ancient Sundance
ceremony for the healing and renewal of the people
is once again central to Native American life.
By Richard Erdoes

SUNDANCE IN BRITAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
What is on offer that is similar to this powerful
ceremony, and news of the plans to run a traditional
Sundance in Wales in the summer of 1998.


The Yuwipi ceremony of the Lakota Sioux is perhaps
the most challenging one for western minds.
Sundance, for
We introduce the ceremony, and tell about some
the renewal of all life
of the strange things that can happen during one.
Pages 20 - 23
By Nicholas Wood

STAR BLANKET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 - 3 0
The morning Star is a powerful symbol. Find out how
native tradition adopted the technique of European
patchwork and how you can use this to
create your own wall hanging.
By Jan Wood


E A R T H TALK: FTF N E W S.................. ..4

The beautiful Star Quilt.
EDITORIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Learn the traditional
R E V I E W S................................ 3 1 patch work technique

DON'T MISS - the PEOPLE ON THE PATH pages 34- 36

Unique 'shamanic events' guide to what's happening in the UK
he wind came around midnight.
Up to then, Id been doing pretty
HIGH IN THE MOUNTAINS well. I hadnt nodded off. I hadnt
OF THE MOJAVE DESERT, been consumed with self-pity. I hadnt
breathed with my mouth open. There
GUIDED BY JOHN hadnt been much to see, but Id paid
BULLET HAWK - AN OLD attention. I did see the rat that stole my
piece of gum. It scuttled across my field
SHOSHONE HEALER of vision, a silver-black shadow with
Time had passed more quickly than
AND WORLD RENOWNED the night before. The nausea had
subsided, but hadnt altogether
VISION QUEST LEADER disappeared. It seemed the emptier I
became, the less concerned with the
STEVEN FOSTER passage of time or the condition of my
stomach. The moonlit world around me
FACED A NIGHT OF FEAR poised silently and still, an inverted
reflection of the inner chaos of
Why had I been put on this earth?
Were there answers to be salvaged from
the past? Were there hints in the sunday
school boy who testified to the bums on
skid row that Jesus saved? Were there
clues in the young man who walked alone
in the desert and masturbated in the den
of rattlesnakes? Were there signs in the
basketball player who wanted to be a pro?
Against the dark screen of the past,
fragmented, unresolved answers took
the form of faces, presences, spirits, of
others in my life. It was as though the
time had come to die. It was their last
chance, and mine, to say whatever
needed to be said. Thus I would resolve
the puzzle of my life, bringin everythin
clear by making it good with everyone,
as my old teacher had put it.
Id spent the greater part of six hours
entertaining the memory of those who
came to be counted: my mother and
father, whod done the best they could
with me, and I wasnt complaining; my
brothers and sisters, who loved me
without judgment; my children and step
children; my old high school buddies;
Janine, my first love; James, with whom
Id first dropped acid; Roseann, my first
wife; John, the old man praying for me
at the bottom of the hill.
In everyone, in every memory, lay the
hidden inkling, the buried attribute, the
sunken treasure which, when
uncovered, revealed me, the man. I
turned every remembrance over in my
hands, polishing, appreciating, setting
aside, letting go. Like songs on a tape,
every memory receded into forgetfulness,
into the nothingness of the past. Yet each
image left a residue. Perhaps that final
day Id remember Id said goodbye, and
the going on would be easier. When the I cringed in the bag, turned my aching In that case, youve found it.
remembering got too painful, I felt the back against the wind, pulled my cap You mean, here, where Im sitting?
sickness rise in me, as it had in the down over my ears, and held on to the Yes. Where you sit inside the circle
sweatlodge. edge of the void. After a while, I left my of your bones. Where you sit inside the
wide-open, gritty eyes, and went circle of the universe.
When the wind came up I realised the somewhere. There was no wind there, no At the moment Im not terribly happy
object was to stay alive through the night, no day, no colour, no sound, no being here.
passage. The creosote bushes began to passion, no doubt, no joy, no time. There Youre doing better than the last
stir and moan and writhe their snaky arms was only the place where I was. Still, my time. Youre still in one piece. That
around like a drowning swimmer. From eyes saw, my nose breathed, my body circle of yours - you take great pains to
the west, invisible hands began to push was pummelled by wind fists. I watched insure that pains and troubles get in
and shove. At first, the wind gusted, rising the skies darken, tasted the misery, the there.
and falling, booming faintly in the canyons, hope, of waiting. The wind howled like a mountain torn
blowing softly on the great organ whistle A couple hours before sunrise, in the apart, boulders flying through the air.
of the mountains. But it would not be continuing fury of the wind, I heard a What shall I do? I prayed to her.
satisfied with occasional displays of power. voice whispering against the ear at the Protect your water. Conserve what
It was determined to manifest itself in all nape of my neck. It was the voice of a you have. When you surrender to the
its glory. wind you control the wind.
Saucer-shaped clouds, I wanted to keep talking but
brightened by the moonlight, my eyes couldnt resist being
swept across the cold, shut against the stinging dust.
transparent stars. There came a My body wanted to let go of the
thundering roar, a flowing, edge and be sucked down into
tumbling, shrieking in the air, a the black hole. I struggled
painful lament, as of a million against the current, trying to
victims being flayed with the cling to her voice. But I couldnt.
Devils tail. And with the sound
came the feeling, the violence, I awoke to the greyness of
the fingers tipped with icicles, false dawn. The wind was
digging, jabbing, scraping away gone. The sky, horizon to
the layers to get to the horizon, was choked with
unshielded core. No use in silver-grey clouds. Everything
trying to duck and hide, no was unnaturally still, my
escape, unless Wind said so. cramped body riddled with pins
Nothing else to do but curl up and needles. The very marrow
into as small a target as of my bones seemed frozen.
possible, to pray and kiss the Yet the air was warm, almost
arse of the Wind. balmy, with a scent of moisture
on the breeze. A sour,
The wind lifted the dirt and congealed taste in my mouth
hurled it into my eyes, tore at reminded me. The morning of
the screeching creosote, tossed the third day of my quest. My
me and my sleeping bag around teacher John Bullet Hawk
like the last leaf on a twig. Fear would be here soon.
flashed in the darkness, a Easing out of my bag, I
gleaming blade I couldnt dodge. waited for the feeling to return
This was no game. Shit was to my limbs, then stood
coming down and I, by choice, awkwardly, trying to balance. It
was in the middle of it. I jammed felt good to stand. I decided to
my daypack under the creosote do a few stretching exercises -
and got into the bag. The upper nothing heavy - knee bends,
air was roaring like a great hip swings, thigh stretches,
engine. Clouds thronged across back arches. The sensations
the rainbow corona of the moon, were exquisite. How could this
mottling the landscape with be? I actually had energy to
sinister tones. The sparse foliage crawled woman. I couldnt identify her, but was move around. The nausea was gone.
and bowed in a macabre dance. The willing to talk. She might have been Why not walk around the circle a few
great valley was filled with fog-like someone from the past, for her words times, while waiting for John? I must
blowing dust, a witchs brew. felt familiar, as if Id already sensed them have done a score of circuits before I
Everything that was alive, or dead, deep inside. saw the old guy coming up the ridge with
was coming apart, pulling free of its What are you doing here? his cowboy hat and cane.
moorings. Looking for my place on the earth. Hello, John, I greeted him, sitting
down again as he came up. Whats reached into the pocket of my daypack the acrid juice as the sun rose palely
up? He wheezed, leaned on his cane, for a sage incense bundle. behind its curtain of clouds. Minus the
and gazed into my eyes with a crooked You use the rattle? unbearable glare, the colours of the
grin, looking like some cartoon No, desert glowed with subdued vigour. The
character. Youre walkin around the You know how to use a rattle? He surrounding area, the ridge on which I
circle in the wrong direction, Bud. fished in his pocket for a match to light sat, the slope and poise of mountains,
Which direction am I supposed to the sage bundle. the velvet clefts of canyons, the miracles
go? I didnt feel chastened. John Ive never used a rattle. What do I of greenery, the bits and pieces torn by
seemed happy to see me. do? Shake it up and down? the nights wind from dead or dying
Clockwise - sunwise, like going into You talk to the spirit that comes. things, tugged at me with a fresh
the sweat lodge. Still breathing heavily, That spirits a hell of a lot more powerful attraction.
he lowered himself with his stick, pulled than you can ever know. It brings you I began to inspect every square
out his pouch, extracted a pinch and good medicine. inch of the circle into which Bullet
sprinkled it on the ground at my feet. I marvelled at his simple faith in the Hawk had put me, the stiffly
Then he rolled up a smoke, offered it to spirits. To him, the world thronged with spreading burroweed, the clustered
me. entities living and dead who were eager hopsage, the silver-purple desert
I dont think I can take it. I said. to help or harm. You do this, the spirit holly, the grey-green luxuriance of
Yes you can. Go ahead, he replied. comes. No ifs, or buts. rubber rabbitbrush, and the creature
We smoke together for a blessing. He The old man glanced at the sky, lit under whom Id been sleeping for two
made me take it. the bundle with a wooden match. A fitful days - the dark skinned, twisted
We lit up together. The powerful brightness on the eastern horizon creosote.
smoke jolted my head with vertigo. Still, promised the appearance of the sun. Closer to the ground, wild flowers
the taste of it cut through the revolting Well, I got to go. Ill keep sendin my bloomed. In among the dried leaves and
crud in my mouth. John tilted his face to helper up here. He shook the flame out. spider holes at the base of the creosote
the sky. Looks like a change in the The smoke billowed in the silent air. grew white, five-pointed blossoms, no
weather. You aint doin so bad, Professor. bigger than the tip of a mouses nose. Id
Like what? Youre half way there. Keep prayin to already crushed several of them with my
Mebbe rain, mebbe snow in the your Grandmother. Pray to the four sleeping bag.
higher mountains. Mebbe nothin. directions too. Pray for your people. On closer inspection, the entire area
Maybe cooler, eh? That was all I He unzipped the front of his new blue beneath the creosote was a world unto
could take of the cigarette. I snuffed it, jacket and then, holding his fountain of itself, an ordered kind of chaos,
feeling giddy, disoriented. smoke, limped clockwise around the composed of dead leaf mulch, dried
Mebbe. John laughed. circle, ending with me. Without so much seeds, a tiny spider tunnel, ants
What can I do if it rains? as a word of farewell, he started down carrying what looked like shreds of fly
I guess you can get wet. the hill, trailing behind him a rooster- wing, a length of dead root, crooked
Is it OK to stick my tongue out and plume of bitter-sweet scent dissolving and curved like a snake, the black,
drink the rain. ever so quietly in the morning air. shiny casings of several stink beetles,
You can do anythin you want. Loneliness aching in my throat, I the casing of a small, iridescent green
You can take your clothes off and watched him go. On my own again, beetle, just large enough to be a jewel
dance around like a Red Indian, grovelling like a worm in the dirt, another set on a golden ring, scores of rabbit
hollerin your head off. You can roll day without water. At least it would be turds in varying stages and colours of
around in the mud like a bug. He cooler. To console myself I bit off decomposition, a tattered feather
changed the subject. You been another piece of mugwort no longer than half a
prayin to Grandmother Earth like I told and chewed it, little finger,
you? swallowing one tiny
Ive been trying.
Good. He stubbed out
his smoke and
leg bone, possibly a mouses, bleached bring the sun back! Oh Grandmother, My rational mind advised the panicky
white as the driven snow, and many please bring the sun back! little boy that he was perfectly safe, that
other bits of flotsam and jetsam the storm might look scary but that it
spawned by desert time and tide. Helplessly, I watched the would pass quickly, that rain might fall,
thunderbirds swoop down on extended but what was a little rain; that
Time passed unaware. Absorbed in wings. What else could I do? The prey statistically, my chances of being struck
my discoveries, I didnt stop to think couldnt dodge and run. I was in an by lightning were almost nil. All I had to
about the change that had come over advanced state of weakness brought on do was curl up under the creosote bush,
me, my newly acquired attention to the by lack of water and food, cringing cover myself with my sleeping bag, and
world in which I fasted. Nor did I cast a shamelessly and trying to escape from wait it out.
glance over my shoulder to see if the the uninvited guest at my empty banquet The wind picked up. It smelled fresh
sky was blackening. Happily, I picked table. There was no place to hide. and cold; it crackled like static in my dry
through the detritus on the floor of the Whatever Grandmother Earth chose to nostrils. Maybe I ought to welcome the
ancient desert sea, the compost from give, I would receive. rain, dance naked like a savage, like the
which things grew. I explored the Again, I sank into the quicksand of old man suggested. Hadnt he been
mansions of the minute, I smelled the fear. The desert became sinister, ugly, praying for water? Well, here it was,
musty, earthen odour of things and infinitely indifferent. The mansions coming to save his bacon. Let it come!
castaway, dead, sucked of their juice so of the dirt, in which Id been so Advancing eastward, the vortex of
the living could have another hour, year, absorbed, fled in a wisp of dust. Now the storm was halfway across the valley,
century. Thirst was forgotten. I was an there would be flashes of death light, growling, grinding, flashing its jagged
archaeologist, a gold miner sifting the cataclysms of thunder, devouring clouds. teeth, a purple-grey rain curtain hanging
mud in the bottom of the pan. My only cover was the creosote, the from its ears. I forgot my resolve to
Looking down, I didnt see the lurid jacket, the sleeping bag, the wool cap. dance naked in the rain. Adrenaline
flash of light in the southwest. But the Id be open to whatever came down. thumping my gut strings, I dug into the
thunder shook the ground, wrenching Panic, the harlequin, came riding in dirt and covered myself with the sleeping
me away from the universe of dirt. on the forked snake tongues of bag, trying to blot out the places where
Lightning! I looked up at the sky. No lightning. I couldnt quiet my fear. the air became unseamed and the light
more shades of grey and white. It was all Youre a lightning rod! Youre the of death shone through. Even in the
the same colour - black. The biggest target on this hill! At least youll shielded dark the lightning hunter
Inconsolable Range had been swallowed go quick and clean and you wont know speared my brain, the hounds of thunder
up by the glowering monsters advancing what hit you. Think of all the evil at his heels. The quarry cowered and
on me. things youve done to earn it. Dont waited for the end.
My stomach knotted into a fear more move. It likes a moving target. Dont Only once before had I felt so keenly
intense than the wind-fear of the night sit still. Itll get you for sure! the lack of companionship, the need to
before. A storm was coming and it was I couldnt erase that parched spot at share my terror, to be comforted by
going to tear away whatever puny the back of my throat by swallowing. I being known and accepted. No one
defenses I had, exposing me for what I cast about for something to divert my within miles. How like my loners life, my
was - pink, naked worm flesh. I didnt attention from the delicate tongues maverick existence, spent in doubt of
nobly offer thanks to Grandmother for licking the Inconsolable Mountains, others because I doubted myself,
shading the dangerous, desiccating sun, advancing my way with footfalls of because I couldnt trust the love of
or for calming the sucking wind. I didnt thunder. No diversion, no escape from others for someone as depraved as me!
bravely rejoice in the glory and power of what was surely coming. Ka-Blam! The thunder droned from
the oncoming spectacle. I prayed. I the echoing mountains behind
prayed, Oh shit! I prayed. Please me. Ka-
I prayed to her.
Please Grandmother,
help me ! Ill do anything for you.
Anything. Just save me!
Ka-Blam! The old woman peered at me
Blam! banded
with slitted eyes, her face
Ka Blam! Lightning was striking feathers. Ka-Blam! The expressionless. Help me Grand-
every few seconds. The sky above rattlesnakes were copulating. I mother! I prayed, the plea changing to a
was black as night. An eerie light was was standing in front of my modern chant, a litany, a mindless mouthing that
crawling over the rocks and bushes and poetry class; a student named Ray was kept me, somehow, from falling into
ridges to the west, a rosy telling the class that Baudelaire was the complete idiocy. Help me Grand-
phosphorescence animating things. I greatest modern poet. I was with a girl mother! Help me Grandmother! Ka-
curled deeper into the creosote, tucking named Cheryl, sunbathing nude among Blam!
the bag around me like a sacred shield. the boulders along the Clarks Fork river.
Ka-Blam! A ton of dynamite exploded on Ka-Blam! Paul was making love to my In time, the storm passed. I was,
the adjoining ridge. I couldnt help but girlfriend. Ka-Blam! Ka-Blam! Hold my perhaps, in no real danger, though the
look. I didnt want to look. I could feel mind still? KA-BLAM! I was rocked by panic was real enough. Having lapsed
the hair rising on the nape of my neck, the concussion of a near-miss on my into a coma of prayer, I was hardly
smell the rank odour of ozone. creosote bush. aware of the moment when the lightning
Grandmother, help me! I Help me Grandmother! Help me was no longer a threat.
screamed. Help me! Save me! I would Grandmother! Help me Grandmother! I Grandmother Twycross appeared
have been perfect in a melodramatic dont want to die ! I was just a worm, a again. She was quoting the same line
comedy, yelling fervent prayers, tick, a pimple on the skin of the earth. from King Lear over and over again:
smothering myself with a blue sleeping Couldnt I just be overlooked? KA-BLAM Allow not nature more than nature
bag. I know Im not worth it, but ! My body was a mass of copper wiring needs, - mans life is as cheap as a
please, Grandmother, Im all Ive got! I with a thick antenna shooting up above beasts. She was the one who finally
know I havent learned how to love, but the creosote. I was a gonner. Ka-Blam! quieted my mind, fastening it to a
if you save me I promise Ill learn how Ka-Blam! My brother and I were sitting mountain of truth. Mans life is as
to love! I promise! in a pew at the North Hollywood Baptist cheap as a beasts. The sound of
Ka-Blam! The concussion rattled my Church. The collection plate, overflowing thunder dwindled to a soft roar. When I
teeth. It was true. Over the years I with dollar bills, had just been passed to finally removed the shielding of the
hadnt retained more than a couple me. I was thinking, what if .... Ka-Blam! sleeping bag, I looked up at the heavens
friends. Did I really think I could get KA-BLAM! Shit! Its right on top of me! and saw, here and there, patches of
along without people or their acceptance Hold your mind still! the voice hollered blue sky, realising, almost with regret,
of me? Flash! Ka-Blam! The light and again. that there had been but a token rain.
the sound were almost simultaneous. I I couldnt hold still. I was crawling Not a drop had fallen down my thirsty
howled in fear. Please save me, every which way at once, trying not to throat. The wind still gusted; the air was
Grandmother! I curled into a tight ball be where death was. The only way I decidedly cooler, but the storm was
and squeezed my penis, a trapped animal could stay in one place was to cry over gone.
casting about wildly for some avenue of and over again, Help me Grandmother, Methodically, I extracted my cramped
escape. please help me ! as the lightning bones from under the creosote and
Hold your mind still! shrilled a voice danced and rolled, tapping its random listened to the sounds of retreating
above the thundering din. Who was rhythm of cannon fire. Scattered drops thunder. Jesus, Id been in a state!
that? The old man? Ka-Blam! Ka- of rain thumped against the sleeping Sheepishly, I remembered my frightened
Blam! Hold my mind still? The face of bag. Help me Grandmother, please praying, thankful that nobody had been
my old teacher hung against my inner help me! An image of my grandmother, there to see me fall apart. Nevertheless,
eye. His nose had turned into a hooked Ethel Twycross, came to mind, a wrinkled I was certain my praying had made a
beak. His frail arms had sprouted crone, a sparrow hawk perched on her
and my gratitude
to Grandmother knew
no bounds. With dry lips
and swollen tongue, I
thanked her for not allowing
me to be quick-fried. Then I the
collapsed in the sleeping bag and sack and bein alive,
immediately fell asleep. the old mans voice came
through, loud and clear. Stand
When I awoke, the sun was sinking. up and stretch. Stay awake through the
The sky had cleared, the wind had died, night. Use your rattle. Talk to the spirits.
and I was chilled. Long shadows Bring me a song. Its gonna be a good
stretched toward an eastern horizon night. You can see how the lightnin and
dominated by the Derelict Mountains, thunder and wind cleaned out the air.
gnarled and twisted with sunset gold. Its a damn good night to talk to the
Groggily, I watched from the warmth of spirits.
my sleeping bag as the night shadows I jammed my cap down over my ears,
crept upward to envelop the unnamed pulled on sweater and jacket, unzipped
peaks that topped the range. How the bag, crouched down on all fours, then
would I make it through the night? on three, weakly pushing myself up to
Sensations of thirst had become balance on two - standing finally on my
pronounced. The acidic taste in my own two feet.
mouth, associated with saliva, had Steven Foster is co author of The Book of the
faded, replaced by a cottony Vision Quest. Prentice Hall Press: New York:
tastelessness. No longer could I roll spit 1980: ISBN: 0 13 080110 0). He has trained
around in my mouth. From experience I with numerous respected Native American
teachers, and was a close friend of Sun Bear for
knew that the hard-to-swallow feeling many years. He is currently writing a book on the
would only become more intense. There psychopathology of the medicine shield teachings
was really nothing I would be able to do taught by Hyemeyohsts Storm. He runs Vision
Quests in America, and can be contacted at:
to alleviate my discomfort - except the The School of Lost Borders,
forbidden act of hiking down to the car Box 55, Big Pine, CA 93413 USA.
to get a drink from one of those bottles For details of Vision Quests held in this country,
of spring water Id stashed in the back. contact David Wendl-Berry. David has extensively
A spluttering in the air next to my right trained with Steven Foster.
Vision Quest.
ear startled me fully awake. I couldnt Souchez,
see it but I knew the old mans sparrow London Road, Stroud,
hawk was there, standing still in the Glos GL5 3BA.
(01453) 886842.
emptiness like a poised bullet. It had
been with me through the storm. Sacred Hoop wishes to thank Phebe Gladstone for
her help in arranging this article.
Perhaps it had protected me from a
direct hit. Id been so damned hysterical Illustrations Jan Wood 1997.
about somehow escaping the storm that
I hadnt acknowledged its presence.
Thank you, Bullet Hawk, I said
thick-mouthed. Thank you for gettin
me through the storm.
You can thank me by gettin out of
aybe you, like I, have felt a

e the staff and the song

longing to let your shamanic
practice take root in your
own land and its traditions.

For many years I have been enchanted
by old stories about the Nordic form of

t he Staff
shamanism called Seidr (pronounced

e This tradition was practiced mostly

by women called volvas, who used
ecstatic song as means for their soul to

e and t he Song journey. As I have explored the Seidr,

and included it in my own shamanic
practice and teaching, I have found that
it has very much to reveal that is useful.

e Part one of a two part look at the use of the

old Nordic Seidr in modern shamanism
by Annette Hst
Here I will look at Seidr from the
perspective of a shamanic practitioner,
and focus on what the tradition has to

e offer and teach us here and now. The

greatest gift of which is the treasure of
ecstatic song and magic chanting that the

tradition contains.


The old written sources about Seidr are

e found in the Edda and the sagas, and

often it is not at all clear if they describe
myth or this reality or both. Some key

e points in Seidr practice are never

mentioned, and the descriptions are
often heavily biased. Here I will briefly
introduce the bare bones of Seidr, to

e give a basic understanding.1

In its heyday, a thousand years and
more ago, the Northern shamanic

e tradition of Seidr were practiced mostly

by women, called Volvas, Seidr-wives,
Sp-wives, or Wise women. A Volva was
often described as being past her fertile
e years.
The Seidr had its roots in the fertility
cult surrounding the goddess Freya,

e and the ceremonial form of a Seidr

seance is quite unique. The Volva does
her shamanic work sitting with her staff

on a high seat, or platform, a Seidrhiallr.
The staff is important, but it is never
stated exactly why. The volva is
surrounded by a circle of people, who

e sing the spirit-calling Seidr songs.

These were magic chants, but
unfortunately none were written down.

e It is this ecstatic song which

changes the Volvas state of
consciousness, carrying her into a
trance and on a shamanic journey.

e the staff and the song When the song ends, the Volva is still
suspended between the worlds,
receiving spirit realm. Thus she is in a magical use of song. Seidr first and
state to prophesy, divine, and to foremost taught me that song has an
answer questions about the future and ability to open doors and carry power
fate. that is beyond my wildest expectations.

Seidr was used mainly for divination, THE SONG.

but in some accounts the Volva's close
"The cold The Seidr song as portrayed in the
link to Freya and the powers of fertility offered me ancient literature is unmistakably
shine clearly through. In the story of shamanic and it has taught me a lot
Thorbirg Lillvolva, the Volva is called lays out there. about magic singing in general. Song
because of the famine and the and chanting has always been an
barrenness of the land. In
The rain sent important part of shamanic practice
Landnmabk another Volva gets me often songs, everywhere, and song shows up all by
named Filler of the Sound because itself for anyone who starts on a path of
she made the herring return to a fjord other ballads the shamanism.
they had disappeared from. It is said that the Seidr song was
The Seidr is thus used to bring
wind brought me. ecstatic song. To me ecstasy means a
plenty, to restore balance between The waves carried state where you have let go so much of
people and nature. In still other cases it ego, control, and convention that the
is used to gather and send power. 2 them to the shore, power of the universe flushes through
you unhindered. That is the first trait of
birds shaped. shamanic singing: singing from a
THE OLD FOUNDATION Words into tones, source that is bigger than yourself, and
We can learn only so much from books. letting power flow through you as song.
Stories, side remarks, and hints form talking, sounded In other words, the song is sung in a
only a sketchy picture of Seidr trance or altered state of awareness.
tradition, a puzzle with many pieces still
from the crowns When we sing like that, we can
missing. But, I have been determined
to pick up my heritage and learn from
of trees." experience a marvellous shift in our
voice, our breathing, endurance, and
the Volva, and so have tried to reach power: the song sings us.
From The Kalevala
over the vast gap of time, and of stories
twisted and knowledge forgotten, There is a second trait of ecstatic
hidden and lost. song that makes it shamanic: the song
It is possible. With a basis in our has a definite purpose. We sing open
own shamanic experience, we can pick the doors to the otherworld. We sing to
up the ancient track and see our spirit helpers, so they may
where the path takes us. We know we are calling them. We
can try out parts of the Volva's sing to a tree to honour its
traditions which transcend the beautiful power. We sing the
difference in time and life invisible threads between us
conditions. and our spirit helpers stronger.
Most important, we can go We sing a mound open, so we
to the same sources that guided can talk with our ancestors. We
and empowered our ancestors: sing pains and spirits of illness
the spirit teachers, and the away. We sing thanks to the
power and knowledge stored in plants we harvest.
the land. This gets us to the third
trait. Shamanic songs or
I have worked with and chants are not composed or
taught the craft of Seidr in an constructed. They are found,
experiential way over quite a heard, gotten, when we are in-
few years now. Broken pieces spired. They arrive, arise,
of the puzzle have been fitted unfold. And then they burst
together: the missing pieces in from us when we are full, and
the Seidr slowly being found cannot contain them any
and emerging from my own and longer.
others experiences.3 The songs visit us.
Here I want to focus on the Sometimes they stay with us for
a long time, sometimes they leave Listen to the wild haunting wails of a growling of fierce four-leggeds, all
again fast. Sometimes they have Gale, and to the enchanting trills of a coming from the throats of people who
words, sometimes just sounds.4 NightinGale. Then you know the power can't sing.
One of the first verses in Finlands of the Galdr, and you know where to Some people who are sensitive to
great magic song cycle The Kalevala find the true teachers of the art. power sometimes fear being swept
expresses beautifully where the magic totally off their feet when magic song
songs live, where the source of power WHEN WE SING NOW starts to grow. But even the powerful
is. No Seidr songs or Galdr tunes 5 are trance inducing chanting is only
handed down to us from back then, but dangerous if it is done without a clear
THE ART OF GALDR enough is recorded in the ancient intent. As soon as an attitude of intent
The song is central to Seidr, but literature for us to know what to listen and focus in the work is added, any
magical song also had its own for. New Seidr songs work in basically the disorientation evaporates, and the song
independent tradition called Galdr. In same way as the old ones; the volva sits empowers and grounds. I soar on the
some sources the Seidr song is even as in a dome of song, which carries her to song, but it is the scent of earth, that
called Gelda. A Galdr is a sung spell or other worlds. pours from my mouth.
incantation, used in highly skillful and I have found however, the purpose
differentiated ways. A Galdr is directed and effect of a good Seidr song is not 1. See also Brian Bates' more detailed
at something or somebody, and can just to transport the Volva, it is also to description of a saga Seidr seance in Sacred
have all the purposes and traits that transform the singers. For many of us, Hoop, Issue 15.
shamanic songs in general have. 2. Scholarly literature on seidr and its background:
H.R. Ellis Davidsson: Myths and Symbols in
Sometimes a new song is born out
of the need and the moment, or I have heard the Pagan Europe and Gods and Myths of Northern
Europe, and M. Eliade: Shamanism, - Archaic
sometimes it has been passed on for Techniques of Ecstasy. The source book on
most heavenly music, Seidr: Sejd by Dag Strmbck, from 1935 is in
Swedish and Norse.
In the prose Edda it is told how the piercing bird calls, 3. I know of two other groups who have worked
god Thor once got hit by a whetstone, with Seidr for years, from a slightly different angle
which embedded itself firmly in his the cackling of old hags, than mine: People in the shamanic network
Yggdrasil in Sweden, to whom I owe my first
forehead. Thor went to the giant Volva
Groa for help, and she sung her spells the growling introduction to seidr and the group Hrafnar with
Diana L. Paxson in California. Both have
(gol sine galdre) over him. When Thor published articles about their work.
of fierce four-leggeds, 4: See also Sacred Plant Song by Stephen H.
felt the whetstone loosening, he
Buhner in Sacred Hoop Issue 15.
wanted to reward her for the healing, all coming from the 5: However quite a few texts of Galdrs and spells
and told her that her husband, long are written down, attesting to the very popular
lost, would soon come home again. throats of people use of the power of the word, which has survived
in North European magic tradition long after the
This made Groa so happy, that she
couldn't Galdre any more, and the who can't sing. song tradition degenerated.
Annette Hst has practiced and studied
whetstone didnt come further loose.
shamanism for more than ten years with a special
This is a fine account of Galdr being focus on Nordic shamanic tradition and the power
used as a healing song but the story who as children were told that we could of Natures cycles. She and her partner Jonathan
Horwitz run Scandinavian Centre for Shamanic
also illustrates how it is only possible to not sing, and wouldn't we please shut Studies in Copenhagen. They teach workshops in
galdre effectively in a certain state of up; magic singing offers healing and shamanism and frequently visit UK. On October
awareness. new voice. The secret here is to strip 3-5th 1997 Annette will teach a course in
London on shamanic singing. For details of this
In Oddruns Lament Galdr is used in away and un-do all that we were taught and other workshops contact Taraneh Yamini, 1
midwifing. Not until Oddrun sang about the right way to sing, and then A Marchwood Crescent, Ealing, London W5
powerful, sharp, biting Galdrs at let the power flow through us. I have 2DZ. Tel: 0181 998 2952.
Borgny's bed was the child delivered. heard the most heavenly music, piercing The illustrations are by the work of unknown
You can still hear the galdr sung. bird calls, the cackling of old hags, the Norwegian artists.


A r r iving at Newport at 9.00am on a
cold and rainy Monday morning
wasnt the ideal way
to start the week,
but Grandfather
Wallace Black Elk
was here, and so was I.
Having never attended
a workshop before,
but having read
the book
Black Elk:
The Sacred Ways of a Lakota,
this seemed too good
an opportunity to miss.
arrived in plenty of time and was met by one tangible.
of the organisers who steered me in the After the ceremony I was lucky enough to spend
direction of a much needed cup of coffee. some time talking personally to him.
About thirty of us had gathered and there was Grandfather how can we use your teachings in
a general air of expectancy. After about half an hour regards to our relationship with the land.?
Grandfather Wallace entered the room, sat down You should use the fire, the rock, the water, the
and began to speak. A big man in stature and green, in a good way because it was given to us
presence, he spoke for several hours on a variety of free of charge, it was a gift to us. We were warned
subjects, from his initiation into the spirit world, by the Creator Tunkashila, I give you this, but
reverence for our elders, to the current state of the dont take the fire in your own hands or else you
earth. Softly spoken and often humourous he gently might get burned. So man took up the fire and they
relaxed the audience with his stories while always make the Atomic bomb. That isnt why we were
returning to his central theme of reverence of the given the fire. So right from the start we abuse the
creator, the planet and all living things. He seemed fire, the rock, the green.
very relaxed, smiling and sipping a soft drink, but it These are the base of all knowledge. Wisdom
would have been foolish to underestimate the encompasses the knowledge and knowledge is a
importance of his message. woman. Knowledge is a temple of God, She gave
birth to all living things. Christian people
say God created Heaven and Earth, but I
think they werent interpreted right. They
are the same people who say the fire, the
rock, the water, the green were all placed
here for mans disposal. Everything
becomes disposable and that is not right.
Back in 1945 I was given the honour
of giving water to the stone people. My
grandfather was still alive at that time.
When it was dark something knocked on
the door of the Stone People Lodge, so
my grandfather said Youve got some
visitors! They want to know how well you
are trained to handle the power.
Tunkashila, with his holy eye can see
things we cant see. You see something
thats not going to do us any good. We
use the earth and its helpers that we may
After a shared lunch, the afternoon consisted of understand.
making prayer ties for the Stone Peoples Lodge So now the song begins. A big water-fall, like an
(Sweat lodge) 2. It was interesting to see this ritual ocean, hit the lodge and went right through. We felt
in process and realise the importance of ceremony it go through us, we were inside and the fire was
in Lakota custom. Indeed, the lodge itself had been sitting there red hot. Something came in, cold and
constructed in a specific manner, in the custom of slippy and hit my forehead, my chest, my leg, my
his people. back. There was this slapping sound, and Grandpa
said something came through here, what was it ?
Leading up to the stone people lodge there was I said l forgot to ask. I could here gurgling,
to be a Chanunpa (pipe) ceremony, and we warbling; water rushing through, and a voice said We
gathered round to observe. The bowl of the pipe are fish people, we came from the bottom of the
represents the world and the stem represents the ocean to see you and to tell you that the two-leggeds
tree of life. The bowl also represents the feminine are secretly dumping their nuclear waste in the rivers
and the stem the masculine, and it is only when and oceans. Its going to effect us fish people and our
these are joined together that you have the food source and the radioactive waste will surface and
Chanunpa 3. contaminate the Earth. It is going to effect the winged
The threat of a downpour subsided and by people, the four legged, the creeper crawlers, the fish
the time Wallace had filled the chanunpa we had people and you two legged people.
clear skies. He raised the pipe to the four At that time nobody believed or understood what
directions and started to pray in Lakota. I was talking about. Years later when the public
Although a good speaker and storyteller, seeing found out about nuclear waste dumping in the
Wallace work in ceremony took the day to ocean we could see the effect, trees were dying,
another level and the change in energy was animals and humans had deformities. It gets in the
blood, and causes cancer, leukemia, heart disease, going to get, and he certainly had a point. More
diabetes, all kinds of sickness right down to Aids. hot rocks were added and the prayers continued
These are incurable; the scientists dont know what till all intellectual understanding of the lodge
the cause is and they dont know how to cure it. But ceased, leaving the heat, the dark, and the
we know it was prophesied here 19 generations presence of our Creator. It grounded us to the
ago. This monster was created by men; pollution Earth but opened us to Spirit.
began in the mind, and it goes round in the universe After a time, the lodge drew to a close. We
of minds and as it does, is casts a shadow, a fear. thanked the stone people and Grandfather, crawled
out of the entrance and were greeted by a cool
I wanted to know more about some other spring evening and a full moon.
traditional Lakota ceremonies, and so asked
Grandfather Wallace about some of them. What had come across time and time again
Can you tell me about the traditional Lakota during the day, is that Wallaces message is a
yuwipi ceremony? universal one not confined to one nation or colour.
The Yuwipi Ceremony began with my The whole experience brought home the fact that
forefathers. In this ceremony power is gonna come. we are not just observing nature, we are a vital part
They tie a man, fill the chanunpa, build a scaffold of it. Our actions effect everything around us.
and put the man on top. Then a lightning bolt hits Experiencing so deeply a connection to the land
the scaffold and unties him. isnt something that should be reserved for
workshops or a spare weekend. Although raised
The vision quest is something we are beginning and trained in Lakota traditions, Grandfather
to hear more about in Britain, could you tell me Wallaces teachings are truly global and there for
something of its origins? anyone who will listen. He teaches that we have to
The chanunpa carries several rituals, the vision work with the fire, the rock, the water, the green, if
quest is one of them. Everything begins from here. were truly to be Earth people. All the teachings in
You pray to the west, the north, the east and the the world mean nothing if we cant understand
south; you pray to the four directions. The winged, creation on that level.
four-legged, creepers and crawlers, and fish people Saying All my relations acknowledges our
are all assigned to the four directions. connection to the four-legged, creeper-crawlers,
The ceremony should last four days and nights fish-people, two-legged, and winged-people, all
straight. You go there without water or food. The beings should be close to us. We have to wake up
medicine people are there, all the creatures are to these sacred teachings and act accordingly,
there and they have the power to resurrect a man bringing them into practice in our own lives. Only by
from death. They have the power to reform, to living with this at our centre can we start to
recreate a human mind body and spirit. That is remember, and bring spirit back to the land.
where the ceremonies begin. That is where you get
Wallace Black Elk, has been trained since the age of five in the
instructed to carry a chanunpa. If you carry your traditional and sacred knowledge of the Lakota Sioux. One of
gourds and an Eagle bone whistle, then the two the first spiritual advisors to the American Indian Movement, he
legged spirit will always be alert and aware of was present at the occupation of Wounded Knee1 and was vitally
involved in the passage of the American Indian Religious
everything that is around him. Freedom Act. It is hoped that he will be able to return to the UK
next in the near future.Sacred Hoop will keep you informed of
After talking with Wallace it was time for the future plans.
stone people lodge. The rocks were white hot and Martin Shaw is a musician and writer, currently living near
everything was ready to begin. As we lined up Stroud, Gloucestershire.
outside, there was apprehension, as many of us, Photo of Wallace Black Elk : Martin Shaw.
Photo of Welsh rocks, sweat lodge and all computer graphics:
including myself, had never entered a lodge before. Nicholas Wood.
The question that kept raising its head was how
hot does it get in there? 1 : In December 1890, U.S. troops took a band of captive
We entered the lodge on our hands and knees, Sioux to a camp along Wounded Knee Creek in Dakota. There
in a sacred manner. Once inside it was cramped the troops opened fire, and within a short time had killed about
200 Sioux men, women, and children. The event is deeply
and extremely hot. Scrunched up side by side in the ingrained in Sioux tribal history, and the site was occupied in
dark, the lodge felt like a womb. 1973 for 71 days by a group of armed Native American
As the door flap was closed and water given to activists, who again were surrounded and fired on by federal
the stone people, heat sliced through the 2 : For further information on the making of prayer ties see
darkness cleansing everyone gathered. To begin Sacred Hoop Issue 15.
with, Wallace sang and prayed, while Joseph, his 3 : For further information on the traditions of the sacred pipe,
grandson accompanied him singing and playing a see Sacred Hoop Issue 4.
drum. Wallace had said This is as close to In the next issue of Sacred Hoop, we will explore the traditional
Celtic sweat lodge tradition : The Teach An Alais.
Grandfather and Grandmother as you are ever
I blew on my eaglebone whistle in rhythm to my
dancing. The sound drowned out my pain.
It made me see things with my mind.
I saw an eagle circling over me.
At first I thought it was a dream,
but then I opened my eyes
and saw it was real.
The eagle had
heard my whistle.
I became part
of that eagle.
Merle Left Hand Bull,
1971 at Rosebud
Grass Mountain
Sun Dance.

he Sun Dance is the most who thought that it was an initiation was at the centre of a tribes

T solemn and important ritual of

the Plains Indians, the Grand-
daddy of them all, as Pete
Catches puts it. The dance is common
to many Plains tribes such as the
into the tribe, or a way to prove ones
courage. As Lakota Holy man Lame
Deer explained: During a vision quest
(Lakota: han blecheya ), a man sits
alone by himself on a hilltop, having his
existence, the opportunity for the
expression of emotion in rhythm. Mari
Sandoz, who grew up close to the
Sioux, had her own, poetic
interpretation for the custom of
Lakota, Arapaho, Cheyennes, private communion with Wakan Tanka. piercing:
Assiniboins, Crows, Kiowas, Poncas, The Sun Dance is all the people To the old buffalo hunters
Shoshonis, and Utes. communicating with all the spirit uninfluenced by Christian symbolism. .
Closely related to it is the Mandans powers. It is the han blecheya of the . the ceremonial was based on the idea
Okipa ritual, painted by Bodmer and whole Sioux Nation. It is not a macho that all things come forth in travail. It
Catlin in the 1830s. For some of the dance to show how much you can was so with the buffalo cow producing
tribes, the Mandans and Sioux for endure. It is a prayer and a sacrifice. the yellow calf, the earth breaking as
instance, the dance involves piercing, One takes part in it in obedience to a the grass bursts forth, the clouds
a form of self-torture. This aspect has vow. splitting for the rain. Even the tree bled
been often misunderstood by whites, It has been said that the Sun Dance as the bow was cut and the stone as
the arrowhead was shaped from its heart.
A person would make a vow to dance in order
to take away sickness from a friend or relative, or
to bring a warrior back alive from a battle. A man
might want to suffer so that the tribe would live.
Viewed by government agents and missionaries,
the Sun Dance was a savage, bloodthirsty rite
which had to be suppressed. And so, in the face
of the Constitutions guarantee of religious freedom
for all, the Sun Dance and all other Native American
rituals were outlawed in 1881. Even taking a sweat
bath became a punishable offense. In his 1882
report, McGillicudy, the agent at Pine Ridge wrote:
The heathenish annual ceremony termed the Sun
Dance will, I trust, soon be a thing of the past. He
was wrong.
The Sun Dance simply went underground. It
was finally permitted again during the
administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, without
self-torture, at the insistence of the missionaries.
Mari Sandoz, in her little gem of a book, These
Were the Sioux, recalled a touching, evocative

Several of us interested in the Sioux were

there to watch the head dancer, seventy-eight
(years old), lean and gaunt as any of the buffalo-
hunting followers of Crazy Horse out on the
Powder River. Dusty in his paint and flapping
breechcloth, the old dancer made his slow little
jumping, slipping steps, always turned to face the
broiling sun as the drummers pounded the green
calfskin, the voices of the singers rising and
gone, to rise again .... On the final afternoon he
was beginning to move in a curious trance-like
flow, almost without steps. Suddenly he stopped,
cried out in a thin high falsetto, gesturing to his
bare breast, crying to the sky and the Sun Dance
Pole and all around. He wants the thongs, a
uniformed Indian policeman told us, as voices
from the headmen replied to the dancer, patient
at first, then angrily and with a denying tone, firm.
It could not be allowed. Not allowed! An old
woman near us exclaimed, the words plainly
unfamiliar upon her tongue but their meaning
sudden and dark.
For a moment the lean old dancer hung as
from a string that did not exist. Then he crumpled
into the dust. A murmur of horror swept the
crowd, the eagle-wing fans still. After a while,
word spread that the old dancer was alive,
sleeping, his four-day ordeal cut short, finished.
But there would be bronco busting at the rodeo
corrals, beginning immediately. The riding was
good, and it seemed that almost no one
remembered, or even knew, that at the Sun
Dance Pole an old mans moment of hope and
belief had come and gone.1
When I witnessed my first Sun Dance, in
1967, men were piercing again, but somewhat
timidly, through a piece of skin over the left
breast. Pete Catches was dancing, a dozen eagle
feathers imbedded in his flesh which, he said,
hurt more than the actual intercessor, Kuwa kiyapi. Four young
piercing. Today, men are O n e men, known for their integrity, are sent
again hanging from the thing that is out as scouts to find the perfect Chan
Sun Dance Pole as no longer Wakan (Sacred Tree), the cottonwood
shown in the old seen is the tree to be used as the centre pole.
Bodmer and Catlin old-time The young men went out on
paintings. Dancers dance lodge, horseback, says Lame Deer, armed
are again dragging up to 60 to 100 and dressed as for war, because the
twelve buffalo skulls hundred feet in tree was an enemy to be captured.
fastened to d i a m e t e r , When the scouts had found the right
skewers in their resembling a wooden one they raced back to camp and
backs. tipi made of upright reported it to the dance leaders. The
One time Leonard Crow and slanting poles. next morning all the people rode out,
Dog was pierced in four Instead, there is now the men and women in their best beaded
places, front and back, the open Sun Dance shade and quilled outfits, some warriors with
rawhide ropes attached to where the spectators can black face paint singing brave heart
four horses which were driven sit, protected from the sun songs, because, as I said, the tree was
off toward the four directions of by a circle of pine boughs. As an enemy to be conquered. The young
the universe. with all Lakota rituals, the Sun men counted coup upon it as in war.
In 1977 I watched a young Dance has its own symbols: the Four specially chosen women cut
man, obviously one whom the camp circle represents the the tree down. They were maidens
Sioux call a winkte universe, the altar the essence who had never been with a man. If one
(homosexual), pierced in four of life, the buffalo skull the of them had lied about this, then the
places, the thongs attached to peoples close relationship to this boy who had slept with her would have
four poles enclosing him. This was the holy animal. The small figures of a man made this known at once, to her
hardest way, because he could not and a bison, made of buffalo hide and shame. But this never happened. As
tear himself loose with a sudden pull or hanging from the pole, and formerly the tree falls, it is caught by the
backwards leap. endowed with exaggerated male parts, bearers who will carry it to the dance
With languid movements and a stand for fertility, the increase of both circle. It is not allowed to touch the
dreamlike expression on his face, the humans and animals. The crotch of the ground. In the centre of the dancing
young man, swaying gently back and cottonwood tree is the symbolic nest of place, a hole is dug and buffalo fat is
forth, took a long time working himself the Thunderbirds, while the pole itself put in it. The tree is planted in this hole
free. One curious aspect of the is the Tree of Life. Reaching into the while the pole-raising song is intoned.
modern Sun Dance is that Native clouds, the pole connects Earth with Speaking in the name of the pole, the
Americans come to participate from Sky, and the people with the people sing:
many tribes which had never practiced Grandfather Spirit above. I am standing at the Earths centre.
this ritual in previous centuries. I have The ceremony is always held in In a sacred manner I see the tribe
watched Ojibways, Iroquois, mid-summer when, as Henry Crow gathered around me. Behold me.
Menominees, a lone Apache, even a Dog said, the grass is high, the land
Mexican Huichol being pierced. In green, the choke cherries ripe, the Offerings of tobacco bundles and
some cases these were big-city minds of young men and women turn coloured cloth are tied to the pole. The
Indians from tribes whose languages to love, when both humans and the drummers use their sticks. They begin
and ceremonies had become virtually four-legged are happy. to sing: Wakan Tanka, Tunkashila,
extinct. It was as if, by Sun-dancing The Wiwanyank wachipi , literally onshimalaye Great Spirit,
with the Sioux, they were trying to looking at the Sun Dance, is directed Grandfather, pity me.
reclaim something they had lost. by the dance chief, Itanchan, and the The dance begins. The dancers
wear long kilts, mostly red, though Pipes. 1: Mari Sandoz, These were the Sioux p.103-
some are blue or white. They are 115. New York : Hastings House 1961.
naked from the waist up, barefooted, Attached to the tree, the men PHOTOS:
their long hair hanging loose. Not a dance forwards and backwards, at Page 20: Main picture Sundance Lodge. Photo
of Richard Erdoes by Erich Erdoes.
few have their faces painted. All wear times so far back that the skin
medicine bundles on their chests, and on their breasts is Page 21 :Blackfoot Sun Dancer
Chief Elk blowing an
wreaths of sage on their heads and stretched to the
eaglebone whistle while
around their wrists. Clenched between breaking point. holding an eagle feather
their teeth are plumed and quilled Friends and fan.
eaglebone whistles. Dancing, looking r e l a t i v e s This page : Left: Rawhide
at the Sun, the men blow rhythmically encourage the male figure,
on their whistles, making the sound of a dancers. If one such figures are tied to
hundred birds. They dance from sunup of them drags the Sundance tree.
to sunset. At certain intervals they sit buffalo skulls Right: Eagle bone
down and rest for a short while, but are around the Below: Blackfoot
not allowed to eat or drink. If, however, circle, his Sundance ground.
one of the dancers should grow faint friends walk Next page: Buffalo skull altar..
with thirst, a relative is allowed to dip a beside him
Extracted from Crying for a Dream,
bundle of sage into water and use it to and, if the by Richard Erdoes. Published by Bear & Co.
moisten his lips. skulls do not ISBN 0 939680 57 2. We thank Bear & Co for
break through, permission to reprint this item.
The dance lasts four days. On the they grab him
afternoon of the last day, the piercing under the arms
takes place. I have watched Lame and hurry him
Deer, Eagle Feathers, Crow Dog, along. They
Fools Crow, and Catches doing the may even
piercing. These days, most dances are have little
pierced in two places on their chests. children ride
Women are also now being on the skulls to
pierced, mostly on their wrists, and make them
sometimes at their collar bones. heavier, so that
Lame Deer always used an ordinary they are sure to
pocket knife so deftly and quickly come loose. Likewise, if a
that many dances preferred to be man hangs for too long from
pierced by him. Others commented the tree, and his weight will not do
with a wry smile that Eagle Feathers the job, his friends may seize his legs
took his time sawing back and forth: and pull him off. The high point
If you ever have a mind to be of the dance is reached when
pierced, pick anybody but Bill.A all the Sun Dancers tear
sharpened wooden skewer, or more themselves free. All the
seldom an eagle claw, is passed women make the high,
through the wound and attached to trembling, triumphant, brave,
the rawhide thongs dangling from the heart cry that reverberates
pole. The dancer later gives these from the hills.
skewers to his friends for tamping
down the tobacco in their Sacred NOTES:
he Sundance is a very important traditional By a series of dreams and meetings, a possible full

T Native American ceremony, and one which the

elders of the tribes have been reluctant to allow
outside of north America. There have been a few
traditional Sundance is being planned for the
summer of next year. This is being organised in the
UK by Richard and Diana Rhodes.
very unofficial dances held in Europe in the last few At the end of October last year, The Rev Geraint
years, but these have not been sanctioned by the ap Iorwert flew from Manchester to Oklahoma as he
holders of the tradition, and at times perhaps not run had been invited to deliver a presentation on Celtic
in a very proper way. There are however a few Spirituality there. A few days prior to his departure, a
Sundance type ceremonies which are part of the friend, rang him from her home in Birmingham to
activities of organised teaching lodges are which are share an unusual dream she had had. In a dream
run with high standard. she was visited by a native elder who told her to tell
Geraint that he was going to meet a Native
THE SWEET MEDICINE DREAMERS SUNDANCE American while in the States, and that the meeting
This Sundance is organised by the Deer Tribe, a would be important.
lodge of medicine teachings held by Harley Two days into the conference Geraint felt so at
SwiftDeer. This lodge has an active role within the home he shared his friends dream. One of those he
UK and Europe, and its teachings are easily shared with was Robert Johns, a part blood
available. In 1997 the American lodge are dancing Cherokee with Welsh grandparents. Robert at that
their fifteenth dance, and the European lodge are time was being instructed into traditional ways by
dancing their fifth. Charles Chipps, a respected Lakota ceremonialist.
The lodge dances in the traditional Dreamers Charles taught Robert sweatlodge, and also asked
way within a ceremonially created dance arbor. him to attend a Sundance on the Summer Solstice
Each year, they dance for the healing of in South Dakota. When Geraint lead a Celtic
Grandmother Earths children, for the use of meditation Robert received a vision of the Celtic
appropriate energy, for the end to all things that cross on the Sundance grounds, and the reuniting
keep us out of balance and harmony, for the of the Native American and Celtic peoples. Godfrey
balance of female and male energy, for the bringing Chipps, a highly respected descendent of Horn
together of all spiritual paths and ways, for Chipps, the spiritual advisor to Crazy Horse, and
individual, autonomous freedom, for Sacred another teacher of Robert also saw a Sundance in
Knowledge to be available to all, for the re- Wales, and gave the vision his blessing.
establishment of Rites of Passage and for our own Upon his return to Wales, Geraint shared the
personal and sacred dreams. story of the dream, and his subsequent meeting
They do not run piercing dances, they are with a Welsh Cherokee, with his wife and close
stalking a way of gaining enlightenment by learning friends. The vision had by now become a big part of
through pleasure and knowledge rather than his life. A Foundation to help finance and organise
through pain. For those of us in our society who the Sundance has been set up, and any person or
have not lived in a tribal way during this lifetime, groups wishing to help may contact the address
three days dancing without food and, if you choose, given below.
water, presents a major challenge in itself, without This is a very large scale event, it is hoped to
the added challenge of being pierced. bring over around fifty Native Americans including
Each dancers personal space on the drummers and singers and the whole team needed
circumference of the dane arbor represents their to run a traditional pierced Lakota Sundance. The
box of limitations. During the dance the dancers dance will be run on very strict lines and is not to be
find their relationship to this box when the entered into lightly. As in sundances in the USA,
resistance to getting up to dance surfaces. The piercing will be for those who vow to be pierced, it
potential is for us to transform our box into a will not be compulsory for all dancers.
Dreaming Space where we can realise our Sacred Sacred Hoop Magazine will keep you informed
Dream. about the progress of the dance in future issues.
SWE The power of a hundred or more dancers taking Those wishing to help should contact Richard and Diana
Rhodes, The Garth, Machynlleth, Powys, Wales. Tel & fax
E T their hearts (and all other parts) to the Tree of Life
(01654) 702l94.
for three days is remarkable; for each individual and
as a beam of light into the collective for Healing All
Our Relations.
For more information contact Carol (White Owl) Youngson:
an eighth year Sundancer; on (0114) 2747522.
erhaps unlike any other Native
American tradition, the Yuwipi has
fired the imagination of writers for
many years. On his recent visit here,
Wallace Black Elk performed a version
of it; this was as far as we know, the
first time ever it has been performed
on this land. Yuwipi is a Lakota
ceremony which uses the power of the
sacred rocks, the power of lightning,
the buffalo, and the eagle.
It is an old tradition. No one really
knows the history of it, but it is
believed to be amongst the oldest one
the Lakota people hold.

The rock medicine connection to

the ceremony is very important. The
rock (Lakota : Tunka) is considered
the foundation of the Earth, the rock
will never die. The word is part of
Tunkashila (Grandfather - Great
It is said that through the power of
rocks, the Yuwipi man can heal, or find
a missing person. Powerful medicine
people are said to be able to send a
rock to look for buffalo. The rock
would return and tell the people where
to find game.
Yuwipi is used for healing, or to find
a missing person or object, or to find
the reason for some problem such as
the cause of a sickness.
A Yuwipi ceremony takes place
when somebody asks for one. They
must ask in the right way, with the
pipe. The Yuwipi man, ( Yuwipi
Wichasha ), does not accept any
payment for his help, but the one who
asks has to provide the food for all who
want to participate.
Like other ceremonies, this one
begins with a sweat lodge. While this is
happening, women prepare food for a
sacred meal. Inside the Yuwipi mans
house a room is made ready. All the
furniture is taken out, and the windows
are covered with blankets so that not

& ROCK DREAMERS S even the tiniest bit of light can enter
from the outside. This is because the
ceremony is performed in total
darkness. Everything that could reflect
light is taken down from the walls or
covered up - mirrors, pictures, photos,
anything made of glass or having a
shiny surface. Participants even take
THE LAKOTA YUWIPI TRADITION off their watches. The empty room is

then made sacred. Blankets are folded thunderbird ( Wakinyan ), or a human There are two helpers standing with
up and put along the walls for the face (Wicite). It is up to the Yuwipi man the Yuwipi man, and first they tie his
people to sit on, and the floor is to pick his own design. This altar hands and fingers together behind his
covered with sage. represents Grandmother Earth (Lakota back. Next the helpers completely cover
: Unci). the Yuwipi man with a star blanket.
Many items are used in the Yuwipi On each side of the altar is placed a They wrap him up like a mummy, tying
ceremony. These include tobacco ties, wagmuha, or gourd rattle. The gourds him with more rawhide thong, starting
eagle feathers, eagle wings, an eagle are made of tanned deer or buffalo with his neck, and then down all around
bone whistle, deer tails, drums, gourd hide, and filled with little ant rocks. his body, using seven knots; a sacred
rattles, and most of all, the sacred These little stones have ant medicine. number, to tie it tight. They strictly
pipe. They are tiny crystals and agates follow tradition, a mistake could
To begin with, a square is laid out picked up from the ant heaps Four endanger the Yuwipi mans life.
inside the room. This is made of hundred and five stones are used, The reason for the tying is explained
tobacco ties ( chanli wapahta ). Four some no bigger than a pinhead. by Leonard Crow Dog.
hundred and five of these ties are tied They make the string tight to unite
onto a long string. These stand for all the man with Tunkashila, the
the different kinds of animals, for all Everywhere Spirit. The one who is
the kinds of plants in the universe, and bundled up senses what the people
also represent the spirits that might Traditionally at the feel. The tying is for concentration.
come in to the room to help. During the fourth song the spirits People have one or two minds, but in
ceremony the Yuwipi man will be on come in to the room. this ceremony everybody is going into
the inside of this square. The sponsor, They speak to the one mind. It pulls together the medicine
the drummers, the singers, and all Yuwipi man wrapped u man, the spirits, and all who have come
others who want to be cured or have in the star quilt, and he to the ceremony.
their problems solved sit on the outside understands what they are
of the space. Next the helpers lay the Yuwipi man
saying. The sponsor and the
face down upon the sage-covered
In many ceremonies, large tin cans
other people in the room floor. As they do so the Yuwipi man
are placed at the four corners of sacred can only understand if they prays to the four winds of the earth.
square. These are filled with earth and still have the sprig of sage Once the Yuwipi man is safely on the
into each is stuck a peeled willow stick. behind their ear. floor, the helpers step outside the
At the top of which are tied strips of square of tobacco ties, leaving him
coloured cloth offerings representing alone in the centre.
the sacred four directions He lies there so that the spirits can
Between the west flag and the come in and use him. While all this has
north flag, is placed the centre staff. Its Sometimes feathers are attached to been going on, the Yuwipi man prays
upper half is painted red, its lower half them. to the sacred four directions. The lights
is black, and in between these is a Often during a Yuwipi ceremony in the room are now turned out, and
narrow yellow stripe. The red these gourds fly through the air all by with no chinks in the coverings of the
represents the day, the black stands themselves and may hit someone to windows, or doors, it is total blackness.
for the night. The thin yellow stripe is cure them of an illness. Sometimes Next the drummers begin to drum and
the dawn or the sunset. people see tiny flashes of lightning at the singing starts. There maybe only
At the top of the staff is tied a the point where the gourd makes a hit. one singer or several.
single eagle feather. Halfway down the The gourds travel around the room so Traditionally at the fourth song the
staff is fastened the tail of a black- fast that they can never be caught. spirits come in to the room. They speak
tailed deer. The deer is considered to Some people put a sprig of sage to the Yuwipi man wrapped up in the
be a fast and powerful spirit. If there is behind their ear, to help them star quilt, and he understands what
any person present who is sick and understand what the spirits moving the they are saying. The sponsor and the
wants to be doctored, the deer spirit will gourds are saying. The spirits talk in other people in the room can only
come in. their own language called hanbloglaka, understand if they still have the sprig of
In front of the centre staff is an only the Yuwipi man can understand sage behind their ear.
earth altar. This is most sacred when them, and acts as the interpreter. Some Yuwipi men report that they
made from earth taken from a gopher spirit journey while they are tied up,
hole. Gophers have great power. The Before the ceremony continues the travelling to all kinds of spirit places.
altar is round. It is made smooth with room is smudged with sweet grass, One of the signs that the spirits
an eagle feather or a sprig of sage. then the Yuwipi man takes off his have come in to the room are the tiny
The medicine man traces a design on shoes and shirt and stands ready to be sparks of light which flicker in the
it; maybe a spider ( Iktomi ), a tied up with a rawhide rope. darkness. These fly all over the ceiling,


and sometimes make a sound like two home, the dog will stay around until the I send a voice
pebbles clicking together. It is said that last bit of food is gone. A dog will stay here and there,
these are the spirits of the thunderbirds. by the side of his dead master and
Sometimes the spirit of an eagle comes starve rather than leave. Every once in I send a voice
into the ceremony, it cant be seen, but a while the dog will bark toward the here and there,
its cry can be heard and people feel the east and the west. When somebody To whom shall
wind from his wings. dies hell be calling to the family,
I send a voice?
Near the end of the ceremony, barking. The dog sees the spirits, the
when all the rest of the prescribed dead souls. The dog knows when Tunkashila,
songs have been sung, the singers someone is about to die, but you dont what do you
sing the wanagi kiglapi olowan, the know it. They choke the dog toward say?
spirits-going-home song. Then the the west. We let a man pull the rope on
lights are turned on once again, and the dog only for the Yuwipi, heyokah,
I send a voice
the Yuwipi man is found sitting up in and memorial ceremony. The dog does here and there
the centre of the square area, untied not suffer. The rope kills him instantly. who will help
and unwrapped. My father always painted a red stripe me?
He then tells those in the room from the dogs nose and down the
what the spirits have told him, where to spine before choking him, because the
find a missing person or how to cure dog is sacred. what do you
someone. Then he may do some Once the meal is over, the people say?
doctoring, leading a sick person to the pack up and go home to sleep.
altar, and smudging them with cedar or
sweet grass or brushing them with an They are
References and further reading.
eagle wing. Then the sacred pipe goes, standing
clockwise, to everybody and they Crow Dog:
Leonard Crow Dog and Richard Erdoes. Harper at home around
smoke it.
When the last person has smoked
Collins Books. ISBN 0 06 016861 7.
(both short extracts are taken from this book)
the clouds.
the pipe, the phrase mitakuye oyasin Gift of power: They are
(for all my relations) is said and the Archie Fire Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes. Bear standing
ceremony is finished. and Co Books. ISBN 0 939680 87 4..
Mother Earth Spirituality:
at home around
It is then that a sacred meal is
eaten. Traditionally this will be a kettle
Ed McGaa Eagle Man. the clouds.
Harper Collins Books. ISBN 0 06 250596 3.
of dog meat soup. The Yuwipi is
Yuwipi: Vision & Experience in Oglala Ritual
considered a dog feast. William K. Powers Thunder People
The dog is sacred. If you leave your Bison Books. ISBN 0 8032 8710 0.
are standing
at home.
They are
at home around
the clouds.
Thunder People
are standing
at home.

They come
Behold! They
They come
I would... perform many ceremonies
wrapped in that quilt.
I am an old man now ... but I still have
that star blanket my grandmother
made for me. I treasure it;
some day I shall be buried in it
John Fire Lame Deer, Lakota

My sun! The owl

My morning star! hooted
Help this child and told of
to become a man. the morning star.
I name him He hooted
Rain-dew again
falling! and told of
I name him the dawn.
Star Mountain! (Hopi)

The Tewa grandmothers readily adopted by tribal

XXXXXXXXXXX song above is part of a
naming ritual performed by
New materials, such as
when white culture met the mother and grand- glass beads and woven
mother who stand on the fabrics meant new scope for
Native American one housetop before dawn. craftwork design.
of the crafts they shared When the baby is named a
live coal and a corn cob are The tradition of re-using
was that of the thrown, signifying life and materials has always been
health. integral to tribal life, indeed

STAR For peoples across the

world, the morning star
symbolises renewal, new life
and hope, for it is the sky
to sustainable lifestyle
Patchwork of all kinds
was practiced extensively by

BLANKET herald of the life-giving sun

each day. The morning star
and the star nation are
woven into the myths and
the white settlers with their
limited resources; the lone
star design in particular was
adopted by the plains tribes.
ceremonies of many tribes. The lone star design echoes
XXXXXXXXXXXX For the Navajo (Din),
Morning Star is the son of
these ancient star traditions
of the morning star, and is
the Sun and Moon; for the open to endless variations of
Lakota, the protective star design. Native made star
blanket is used during the quilts are now sought after
vision quest and powerful by collectors worldwide.
Yuwipi healing ceremony Quilt tops (the upper
(see features this issue); pieced part without the
many believe a person backing), and sometimes
becomes a star at death completed quilts, are now a
Despite the suffering that prized item at traditional tribal
took place when white give-aways and celebrations.
settlers came into contact
with the tribes, some aspects
of non-native handwork were

We are the stars which sing

we sing with our light
We are the birds of fire
We fly across the heaven


uses traditional methods to create a wall
hanging project that can grow . . .


T here are countless

beautiful variations that
can be made on the
simple star pattern shown
out patches to help it hold to
SIZE : it is best to start on a
small-scale design first, to get
each colour for your design
and so calculate how much
fabric will be needed.
( NOTE: If you decide to
Make template for patches by
tracing the template shape
shown here and transferring it
to stiff card or plastic. Cut out
here. the feel of how shapes and purchase a ready-made accurately and check that it
colours work together and to template for future use from a exactly matches the one
COLOUR : By combining achieve accurate stitching. supplier, make sure you get shown here.
colour and tone in different This project (approx 48cm the narrow diamond - the Place fabric A right side
ways effects from the x 48cm when completed) is other diamond shape sold is down, and lay the template on
dramatic to the ethereal can suitable for a wall hanging, or for 6-pointed stars.) it so that one side of the
be achieved. Plain colours for use as a small shrine cloth; template lays exactly along
work best on a project of this or you could applique the star MATERIALS the line of the fabric threads
size. If you cannot find colours motif onto a special bag, Fabric in 6 colours: (Fig 1). Draw round the
that blend in colour, all the cushion or throw. A: approx 20 x 20cm template slowly and gently
fabric to be used can be put Once you are familiar with B: approx 45 x 45cm with fabric pencil taking care
through a light dye before working this pattern, it can be C: approx 60 x 60cm not to drag the fabric and
starting to achieve an overall enlarged by adding more rows D: approx 100 x 100cm marking as close to template
colour link. to the points before background: 50 x 50cm as possible. This is the seam
The choice of back-ground assembling the star. lining: 55 x 50cm line to guide your stitching.
colour will be central in the A large quilt project takes border: 4 pieces 50 x 5cm Lift off template and mark
effect you are seeking. Black quite a while to make, and the fine dressmaking pins a second line 0.5cm outside
or deep coloured larger the size of the motif, fine needle the first - the cutting line. Cut
backgrounds give the most the greater the need for thread to match fabrics out. Repeat until the required
dramatic and vibrant effects, accuracy. small piece stiff card/plastic number of patches have been
while pastels and pale colours A sampler quilt can be 8 clear plastic bags cut in each colour: A - 8; B -
are gentler. made by repeating the size of iron 24; C - 40; D - 56.
design shown here using fabric pencil (light on dark Now sort the patches into
FABRIC : for beginners it is different colourways and fabrics) 8 sets, one for each section
best to choose fabric with a fabrics and seaming the scissors. or point of the star. Each set
fine, firm weave, such as shirt background squares together has 1xA, 3xB, 5xC and 7xD
weight cotton, and a slightly (see opposite). You can also CONSTRUCTION colour patches. Put a set in
heavier weight for the try quilting them (not
background square. described here.) cutting line
Fig 1
New fabrics are easier to
handle as they contain DESIGN : always make a sewing line
dressing that will keep pieces point plan before starting (as
in shape while working. in Fig 4) to map out your
If you are using older fabric, patch arrangement. From this straight of fabric 0.5cm
you could give it a light starch or plan you can calculate how
sugar water rinse before cutting many patches you need of


MAKING A POINT each plastic bag to keep them flat and clean.
Now take a set and begin to assemble a point.
Fig 2: row 4
Select the colours for row 1 (Fig 2). The stitch used is a
colour plan small running stitch. Ensure thread is fastened securely
D D D D at the start and finish of each seam. The stitches must
C C C D row 3 follow along just inside the seam line. Place a pin
vertically through each seam end of a patch to line up
D row 2
the seam. Pin and sew, passing needle through the
A B C D row 1 hole made by the positioning pins at the start and finish Fig 6: placement of star
of each seam (Fig 3). Remove pins as you go. Keep on background
checking on the underneath that the stitches are
accurate. This sounds complicated, but becomes easier
Fig 3: joining patches after a few patches and a little extra time with accuracy
at this stage avoids an out-of-shape motif later. Press
seams open, lifting and placing the iron rather than
sliding over the fabric. This helps keep the work in
shape (block pressing).
Patches are joined in rows, pressing seams open on
each row as it is completed. Fig 7: trimming fabric
allowances at edge of
To ensure patches are added on in the correct
direction, place Row 1 face up and lay Row 2 patches
alongside before pinning (Fig 4A.) Then join each row
to make one point. Make sure that you pin the rows
accurately as shown, so that the seams that cross line
Fig 4A: joining patches to lie in the
right direction up (Fig 4B). Block press.

When all the individual points have been completed

they are joined in pairs, then pair to pair, then half to
half (Fig 5.)
Block press well, turning under 0.5cm seam
allowance all round the outer edge.
Fig 8: Trimming lining
The star is now ready to applique onto the background
Take the background fabric and tack (mark with long
running stitches in contrasting thread) connecting the
mid-points of each side and the corners. Lay star face
Fig 4B: using pins to line up rows
up on the background fabric using the tacked grid
markings to align it centrally, and pin and tack star
Fig 5: sequence of joining points carefully in place (Fig 6).
Now hem as invisibly as possible round edge of star
in small, but not tight, stitches. If the star is baggy or
does not lay flat it can be further fixed with small
running stitches along the main seam lines between the Fig 9: making mitres
points. Again, dont make the stitches too tight. on corners at
Block press. front of work
Mark line round edge of background fabric to pass
2cm outside the tips of the points and cut to line as
shown (Fig 7).
Lay work on lining fabric wrong sides together. Make sure it is all flat and
square. Pin and tack through all thicknesses a little way in from edge. Trim lining to
leave 3cm extra all round edge of background fabric. (Fig 8). On each edge of lining
press to front 1cm and fold again and press 2cm turning as shown.
Fold mitres (Fig 9) at corners, pin and tack. Tack all turnings in place so that
lining forms a border that just touches each point of the star.
Sew on four hanging loops from seam binding or from toning fabric on back of
top edge of finished work. Thread onto dowel or hardwood strip batten.

Jan Wood teaches sacred craftwork and shrine building. With her partner, Nick Wood she leads
Earthwise introductory workshops on Medicine Wheel teachings. Jan also works with individuals as a
shamanic advisor and counsellor.


PODER A (a superb singer and great fun to work me that tapes can be invaluable and
SANTA with), or you play a medieval instrument enable me to practice the journey at
MARIA and want to join in with Stevie Wishart times and in places in which live
Sinfonye the director of the group, dont miss the drumming would have proved
Almaviva records chance: the last workshop was three impossible - especially when I am
DSI 0105 years ago; the next one - who knows. working alone.
(Distributed by This tape provides two journeys of
Further details of the workshops: (01454)
Harmonia Mundi) 20 minutes each (solo drum), and one
632306 evenings - (0117) 936 8056 daytimes.
Length 67.32 mins. Available from High Street record shops
CD: (Full price) longer journey of 40 minutes (two
Reviewer: drums.) Each journey has call back
Nicholas Wood rhythms at the end and the rhythm is
steady and well-controlled.
SHAMANIC JOURNEY This tape has excellent sound quality
Do you own a Djembe or darabuka? Do Lea Rutherford and Howard Charing
you think you can play it? I recently MC: 9 (inc P&P) is a much-needed resource for those
watched a film of Hendrix playing Reviewer: already skilled in journeying technique.
guitar; he had a union between himself Jan Wood However, it is a difficult resource to
and the instrument. present and package. Some
The connection here? Well, the explanation of the contents must be
percussionist in Sinfonye is the most made, but there is a difficult line to
inspiring player I have ever heard, he There are now a draw in offering journeying instruction to
plays drum like Hendrix played guitar - considerable - and a beginner.
his playing is almost liquid. growing - number The inlay card has a clear
This is a recording of Cantigas de of people who have explanation of journeying and of the the
Santa Mara (13thC Spanish story trained in shamanic Middle, Lower and Upper worlds
songs about the miracles of the Virgin journeying (the commonly experienced during the
Mary). We reviewed cantigas by practising of an altered state to enter journey. It offers guidance on how to
another group a few issues ago, but the spirit realms of non-ordinary journey to the Lower World, the place
there is no duplication of the songs reality.) where earthly help and guidance is
between the two recordings. This journey is usually made to a usually sought.
Sinfonye are a well established early steady drumbeat, which facilitates Having gone thus far I wish the
music group who often perform trance. This also provides impetus for function of the call back had been
medieval womens music, such as the journey and, by using a change of explained and a suggestion included
songs by women troubadours. With the rhythm, calls back the journeyer to that the journeyer should wind to the
exception of Jim Denley the ordinary reality at the end. end of the tape and play the rhythm of
percussionist, they are all women, and Many of those who practise this the call back a few times to familiarise
the four members are joined on this drum journey find it difficult to do so themselves with it.
recording by a Spanish woman folk alone. Firstly, if one plays the drum For those of you who wish to learn
singer Equidad Bars. oneself, entering the altered state journeying, there are many excellent
This is music which makes your means that conscious drumming usually teachers around giving basic instruction
spine tingle. The singing is gutsy and ceases. The journeyer may then find, and also drumming groups. (Shamanic
passionate, the instruments (hurdy- as there has been no rhythmic drum counselling, incidentally, usually
gurdy, medieval fiddle and Arabic lute) call back that they experience some means one-to-one journeying
all add to this and then you have Jim difficulty fully returning to normal instruction.)
Denleys percussion playing. He plays attention at the end of the journey and To all of you already journeying,
European frame drums including the may be left feeling spaced out or who are struggling with home-made
pandeiro, a double skinned square disorientated. tapes (drums are notoriously difficult to
drum. Put together with the rest of the Secondly, even if you are fortunate record accurately), or relying on the
groups this all makes for a stunning enough to have a friend to drum for help of friends, I have no hesitation in
recording. you, you may not have a house which is recommending this tape.
I have known about Sinfonye for soundproof, or neighbours who are
To purchase the tape and have further details of
many years, and seen them perform on tolerant of periods of continuous Leo Rutherford and Howard Charings
numerous occasions; they are well drumming. workshops,
worth hearing. Even more exciting, Hence the need for this tape to use call 0171 435 8174 or 0181 567 4061.
they are doing a day workshop and either on speakers or with headphones.
concert near Bristol on September 13th, When I first learned the shamanic
three workshops in fact, all on the journey it was with live drumming. I
same day. The price for the workshops could not imagine, in my purist phase
are just 3.00 each, the concert is how a tape could possibly provide the
6.00. So if you want to have the same experience. Furthermore it was
chance to learn percussion techniques not authentic.
from Jim Denley, sing with Vivien Ellis Subsequent experience has shown
THE in this repect. people the military tend to look upon as
PRINCIPLES I particularly enjoyed the poem at the 'crackpots'. Even though the US were,
OF end of the book, a creatively written and doing it under a different name and with
humourous story of Yin and Yang and a more scientific slant, it was an old skill
Leo Rutherford the formulation of creation. Altogether with a new name.
Thorson Books an interesting journey through the In fact, one of the other viewers was
PB 162 pages principles of Shamanism - indeed, the very aware of Native American beliefs
ISBN 0 7225 3321 7 only introduction youll ever need. I and was quite immersed in their culture.
5.99 recommend it to anyone unfamiliar with It was this man's knowledge that in the
the subject end brought David Morehouse out of the
Jane Williams
Available from good new age book and High abyss he later plunged into.
Street bookshops. Many of these books can be suspect
How often have we heard there are as to their truth, but I feel there's
many paths to the truth? Here is one of nothing too far off the mark in this story
PSYCHIC WARRIOR - there is a lot that rings true to me in
them, clearly written and delightfully David Morehouse
presented in a form easily understood, Michael Joseph Books the words that are written and also in
perhaps the best first guide to HB 258 pages the words that are not. Many questions
Shamanism around. ISBN 0 7181 4178 4 should be raised concerning things that
I found the beginning of this book 16.99 he saw, especially one concerning the
Reviewer: detection of biological weapon canisters
easy to relate to. Anyone on the Julie Pembridge
spiritual path would find this so. The beside the burning oil wells of Kuwait -
authors hint of rebellion against dogma something that the US Government
and suppression created by society and wanted kept quiet. The words that
Christian structures highlights the need David Morehouse has written on this will
for books such as this, at this present At first sight this confirm the suspicions of many sick Gulf
time of changes. book may seem a War veterans.
Change is what must happen for the little at odds with Of course, in the end, the author
future survival of the planet and the purposes of the realised that the gift of remote viewing
ourselves. We all have as individuals the magazine. could be used for more humanitarian
power to change, this book describes Major David Morehouse was a career purposes and became disquieted with its
how we can do this. By becoming a soldier in the US army. His life changed current military use as an intelligence
Shamanic warrior, creating our own dramatically one Spring day in 1987: weapon. He felt that it was a gift not to
sacred space, increasing whilst on a training exercise in Jordan, a be kept secret but shared. Predictably,
consciousness, becoming aware of stray bullet hit him in the head and from the government didn't agree and soon
universal energy and using it to benefit then on he began to experience strange he was fighting for his career, family and
others. The methods clearly outlined in visions and nightmares. Eventually he even his life. The dirty tricks brigade
the book have been used since time became recruited into one of the most were out in all their glory. Happily he
began, this is a welcome revival of top secret US Government programmes survived and wrote this book. It is an
traditions forgotten in recent times. ever to be devised - Operation easy style to read, without too much
The Shamanic understanding of Sunstreak. Sunstreak, also known by technical or military jargon but I wish
healing links into all the ancient other names: Grillflame, Centrelane there had been a bit more detail on the
philosophies of medicine, where and Stargate, was a programme training techniques of remote viewing.
practices such as Acupuncture, designed to match the Soviet Republic's Nevertheless once started I couldn't put
Homoeopathy and related therapies all experiments into the paranormal. it down, and Mr Morehouse, if by any
acknowledge the body as having a vital Much US Government money was chance you read this, please try and get
force and energy centres through which poured into research centres such as over to the UK so that some of us here
many a chronic disease manifests. Stanford in California, evaluating can meet you.
Again the author clearly explains this metaphysical disciplines such as Available from high street book shops.
throughout the book, the old medicine telepathy, remote viewing, channelling ON FINDING TREASURE
ways are being resurrected as a and clairvoyancy to see if they would Kathy Jones
provide any advantage in intelligence Ariadne Publications
necessary part of our future healing in PB 243 pages
the evolution and survival of species. gathering on 'the enemy', whoever the
ISBN 1 872983 03 0
All things are cyclic - universal laws 'enemy' happened to be at that time. 9.99
of nature from which we cannot deviate The real winner in this research was Reviewer:
for long without great cost to ourselves remote viewing - the art of removing the Julie Pembridge
and planet earth, shamanism is about non-physical body into the ether in order
getting back to where we should be on to 'view' or experience a set target or
our true path in life and working with the person and bring back the information
way it is instead of against it. At this needed. Of course, native peoples have Finding Treasure is indeed how I would
present time, many are realising this; I been able to do this for millennia, and it describe this wonderful little book of
felt very much at home with the author tends to get called shamanism by sacred dramas. Kathy Jones is a woman

of many parts: Reviewer: your space - get this book! Of course,

writer, performer, Jan Wood the office was just the start. The book
director, healer, now sits waiting in the kitchen, a fresh
healer speaker, slip of paper inside with a growing
workshop leader and This book was my first real shopping list.... fruit and veg? Freezer
ceremonialist to introduction to this ancient Chinese body food? Not likely. First things first.... 1
name but a few. of knowledge. Its Small blue dish....1 picture of a fish....
Hardly surprising visual format and trailing pot plant (rounded leaves)......
then that from her step-by step layout Available from High Street Bookshops.
fertile mind come made it very
these five plays (here presented as approachable.
scripts) that speak on many levels and But I must also PSYCHIC PROTECTION
can be heard in different ways. Anyone confess a personal William Bloom
Piatkus Books
living in and around Glastonbury may well motive. The Hoop PB 168 pages
remember seeing them, for they have Office - or more ISBN 0 7499 1603 6
been performed regularly in the precisely - the need 8.99
Glastonbury Assembly rooms for the past for a more comfortable and energised Reviewer:
14 years. work space. Feng Shui, the management Pheoby Gladstone
The author takes Ariadne, the Snake of energy through the harmonious
Goddess of ancient Crete as her placement and colouring of an
inspiration in her writing, but the plays environment, is practised throughout
revolve around other ancient myths too: China. The feng shui practitioner is vital to I was happy to
Amazons, Green Tara, Rhiannon, success in business, and is consulted review this book as it
Blodeuwedd are all there, as are many extensively in the design of new buildings. was a subject I
others (some quite surprising). The art actually goes far beyond this wanted to know
The way the stories are told / retold is mundane level, and the book first explains more about. If many
both quite contemporary and at times the history and basic principles behind the of the suggested
humourous - no stuffy language here. It skills involved. ideas were used in
all flows, captures and enraptures the I was pleased to find that it did not schools, hospitals,
reader - each part coming alive, often purport to 'train', but to give some very bus stations etc. the
carrying a message for those who wish to basic suggestions that would demonstrate modem world would
hear; although as I said earlier, what is its efficacy to the reader. be a safer, and
said can be heard and understood on So, book in hand, we 're-organised' more pleasant place to live. Psychic
many different levels. After all, these the office. Perhaps I should set the scene Protection is easy to understand
aren't just plays - they have their own life a little more. Our office, like most of its because the information is presented
force, and within that the ability to reach kind, defies the normal laws of physics. simply and written from the premise that
out, transform and heal The photos of What is contained in hidden (and not-so- we know nothing. There are so many
some of the performances are inspiring, hidden) files, boxes and the ubiquitous ways of keeping ourselves and our
but I must admit I would have liked to carrier bags, should not scientifically be homes psychically clean and healthy, that
have seen a few more, maybe in colour able to be crammed into such a small people familiar with the subject would
too, because you get the feeling that space. also find.
colour plays a big part in these Feng shui emphasises uncluttered The few illustrations are diagrammatic
productions. and spacious design..... It felt a bit like an and the book doesnt take long to read. I
I don't often find playscripts very easy unsolvable equation. But, armed with appreciated the way the author wrote
to read: usually I get bored and switch to desperation, such equations can be about energy maintenance, and personal
either a novel or the TV instead. But tackled. Did it work? I can only say that health, as well as protecting ourselves
Kathy Jones book kept me hooked and I the office now contains all it did before, from external energies. This is not a book
just hope that one day I can get along to but regular visitors are now asking how that encourages paranoia. Instead it
see one of her plays performed live. It does it seem bigger? manages to be both sensible and playful.
would be an honour to be there. I also do not cringe when I walk in in Housework has taken on a new
Available from Ariadne Publications, 56 Whiting Rd, the morning, but feel as if something relevance. Anything that inspires me to
Glastonbury. Somerset, BA6 8HR. Please add 1.50 greets me in a most relaxing way. What is keep my home clean cant be bad. I
for P&P.
even more welcome, it didn't cost a would recommend this book.
fortune; the adjustments can be very Available from High Street bookshops.
FENG SHUI minimal, the inclusion of small wind
The Complete Illustrated Guide chimes at a strategic point, the removal of
Lillian Too a mirror and so on. And if you don't feel
Element Books it's working, adjust again. It's an excellent
HB 224 pages way of sharpening up your sensitivity to
ISBN 1 85230 882 6
your environment.
My conclusion: if you want to improve
People on the Path
DIARY DATES June 21 - Sept 21
JUNE 20 -22. experience of drumming or dancing. With
THE RICHNESS OF SILENT SPACE. For further information Chris Southall. Contact 01494 782720.
NEAR BIRMINGHAM. on events listed , JULY 13.
A weekend retreat on Tantric Tibetan contact the phone WALK FOR THE
Buddhist practice with Ngakpa Chgyam INDIANS OF PERU.
numbers provided.
Rinpoche and Khandro Dechen. Contact A sponsored walk for Survivals work for the
01902 608966. There are often support of tribal people. In your area.
JUNE 23. information booklets Contact 0171 2421441.
SUMMER SOLSTICE - available and organisers JULY 13.
LONDON. answer your queries NEAR LONDON.
An evening of song and chanting. With Suitable for people with any level of
Chris James. Contact 0171 2876711. experience of drumming or dancing. With
JULY 4 - 6. EARTH DRAGON INITIATION. Chris Southall. Contact 01494 782720.
GLASTONBURY. Initiation using the power of image work. ENLIGHTENMENT INTENSIVE.
Talks and demonstrations as well as With Annie Wildwood. Contact 01458 MID WALES.
personal Tarot readings. With Cath Milne 833933. A camp with the Spirit Horse Nomadic
and Kathy Jones. Contact 01458 833933. JULY 11 - 19. Circle crew. Contact 0181 3463660.
There is no quicker way to learn the An evening talk on sexuality. With Malidoma
With Chris Southall. Contact 01793
profound mysteries of astrology than by and Sobonfu Some. Contact 0171
personal experience. Contact 01256 2876711.
JULY 5. 893369. JULY 17 - 18.
A day to explore your inner and outer
landscapes through shamanic journeying AND TRANSFORMATION. Two days with this visiting teacher. Contact
and sacred sonic sound. With Sean Wright. EXMOOR. 0171 4833732
Contact 01553 840806. A 10 day journey of discovery in the inner JULY 18 - 20.
JULY 5 - 6. heart-love dynamic. With Bethlehem Tayor. RITUAL HEALING & COMMUNITY.
DRUMBEAT CAMP. Contact 01884 881467. STROUD.
SUFFOLK. JULY 12. A residential weekend for men and women
Tipi dwelling creative camp. With Chris Tero MAKE A DRUM. with African shaman Malidoma Some.
and Gary Newland. Contact 01787 NEAR LONDON. Contact 0181 34148
269819. Make an African drum and learn to play. JULY 19.
JULY 6 -11. Suitable for people with any level of ONE DAY RETREAT.
A chance to undertake a one day retreat
with Andrew Cohen. Contact 0171
A workshop on the traditions of shamanism.
With Jonathon Horwitz. Contact 0181
PLEASE NOTE: 4833732
JULY 19.
JULY 10 - 13.
Whilst it is hoped that NIGEL SHAW & CAROLYN
CELEBRATING NATURE. organisers and leaders of HILLYER.
events shown in People on TRURO.
DORSET. An open air concert. Contact 01872
A training workshop for teachers, youth and the Path practise according 261522.
community workers etc, to develop to the ethics of respect and JULY 19 - 20.
environmental skills. With Gordon
MacLellan. Contact 01297 569342. right relationship with all WORLD EARTH HEALING DAY.
aspects of creation, A global link-up day. Further details contact
JULY 10 - 14. 0181 8063828
SACRED MAN ~ SACRED WOMAN. inclusion in the listing does JULY 23 - 27.
MID WALES. not imply endorsement THE BIG GREEN GATHERING.
A camp looking on sacred relationship.
With the Spirit Horse Nomadic Circle crew.
or its editors. Camp with many activities. Contact 01747
Contact 0181 3463660.
JULY 11.
JULY 25 - AUG 14.

We can include your event in People on the Path

if you are a current subscriber or advertiser. Send relevant details to:
Celia Wearing, 47 Pamington Fields, Fitzhamon Park,
Ashchurch, Tewkesbury, Glos. Tel: (01684) 299982


People on the Path
DIARY DATES June 21 - Sept 21
TIBETAN BUDDHISM CAMP. Earth. With Rik Mayes. Contact 01654 End of the summer Rainbow Warriors
MID WALES. 702655 or 01558 685038. celebration camp. With Bethlehem Tayor.
A chance to work with Ngakpa Chgyam AUG 11. Contact 01884 881467.
Rinpoche and Khandro Dechen. Also with WED TO THE BONES OF THE SEPT 13.
the Spirit Horse Nomadic Circle crew. EARTH. PERCUSSION, VOICE
JULY 25 - AUG 3 Evening concert with Carolyn Hillyer. Contact NEAR BRISTOL.
UNICORN CAMP - LAMMAS FAMILY. 01822 880301. A rare chance to work with members of the
CORNWALL. AUG 15 - 18. leading early music group Synfonye. (see
Celebrate the rich fullness of summer. THE SHIATSU PRACTICE CAMP. review this issue). With Jim Denley, Vivien
Contact 01256 893369. EXMOOR. Ellis and Stevie Wishart. Contact 01454
AUG 1. The 4 day camp to enhance and develop 632306 or 0117 936805.
THE TRADITION OF HUNA your Shiatsu skills. With Bethlehem Tayor. SEPT 19.
LONDON. Contact 01884 881467. SACRED CIRCLE.
An evening talk by a visiting leading Huna AUG 20 - 30. HERTFORDSHIRE.
teacher. Contact 0181 5561596. UNICORN CAMP - An evening of songs, ceremony, prayer and
AUG 1 - 4. DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE. journeying to self exploration and healing.
CLAIMING OUR POWER. CORNWALL. With Sean Wright. Contact 01553 840806.
NORTH DEVON. An abundance of love, harmony and beauty. SEPT 19 - 21.
Womens lammas camp, a gentle mix of Contact 01256 893369. THE HERON HOUSE.
psychology and ceremonial work drawing on AUG 21 - SEPT 2. DARTMOOR.
Native American and Celtic traditions. With SONG - DRUM - STORY - DANCE. A weekend journey for women, to meet our
Annie Spencer. Contact 01271 863319. MID WALES. ancient foremothers, of this land who
AUG 2. A camp of celebration, with the Spirit Horse travelled close into its rhythms and secrets.
EARTH, HEALTH & MYSTIC FAYRE. Nomadic Circle crew. Contact 0181 With Carolyn Hillyer. Contact 01822
PENZANCE. 3463660. 880301.
Experience taster workshops and talks on a AUG 22 - 14. SEPT 20 -21.
varity of subjects. Contact 01736 332610. WAY OF THE GREAT PEACE. JOURNEY TO PERU.
THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN. Leading to Way of the Great Bliss 10 day A weekend inspired by Andean teachings to
An introduction to shamanic journeying. With adventure in Realisation. With Bethlehem explore our shamanic creative potential
Leslie Kenton. Contact 01225 852615. Tayor. Contact 01884 881467. through myth, ritual and sound. With Peter
AUG 2 - 3. Cloudsley. Contact 0181 8064916.
AUG 23.
An introduction to the use of runes. With A day of inner shamanic journeying and other EXETER.
Kestrel. Contact 01458 833933. techniques to communicate with your An experiential weekend working in the
AUG 3 - 11. ancestors. With Sean Wright. Contact sacred circle. With Pamela Woods, Annie
01553 840806. Aris, and Eleonor Lind. Contact 0181
MID WALES. 8064916.
AUG 23 - 24.
A camp mixing tantric Tibetan Buddhism and DRUMBEAT CAMP. SEPT 27 - OCT 4.
shamanic practice, with the Spirit Horse SUFFOLK. FIRE EARTH AND SPIRIT.
Nomadic Circle crew. Contact 0181 Tipi dwelling creative camp. With Chris Tero ITALY.
3463660. and Gary Newland. Contact 01787 269819. A week long retreat for men in a wonderful
AUG 7 - 10. loaction. With Chris Southall.
AUG 23 - 25.
Contact 01638 741280.
A 4 day intensive with USA teachers Mattie DEVON.
Davis-Wolfe and David Thompson. Contact A chance to attend talks and buy from stalls
01626 778811. covering a variety of subjects. Contact
AUG 7 - 12. 01984 640005.
Celebration of the Goddess in the sacred NEAR BIRMINGHAM.
landscape of Avalon at lammas. Contact A weekend retreat on Tantric Tibetan
01458 833933. Buddhist practice with Ngakpa Chgyam
AUG 7 - 12. Rinpoche and Khandro Dechen. Contact
THE HERON HOUSE. 01902 608966.
An ancient womens round, an exhibition of a THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN.
new circle of paintings by Carolyn Hillyer. LONDON.
Contact 01822 880301. A workshop on the traditions of shamanism.
AUG 8 - 17. With Jonathon Horwitz. Contact 0181
To rediscover and celebrate our own native MOON OF THE FALLING LEAVES.
spiritual traditions and concern for the good EXMOOR.
The following can give information on activities with local groups


Jo Protero - % (01225) 723622. Liz - % (0191) 373 5109. Michle Brown - % (01328) 711168.
Alex - % (01272) 557220. ESSEX Sean & Trisha Wright - % (01553) 840806
Simbana Please - % (01225) 859860. Gary Davidge - % (0279) 863 160 SCOTLAND
Drum Doctors -% (01373) 831171. GLOUCESTERSHIRE Laura Davison - % (01224) 593305.
Annie Wildwood -% (0117) 941 1557. Linda - % (01242) 674937. Suzy -% (01764) 679525.
BEDFORDSHIRE Ama - % (01453) 751858. SOMERSET
Val Randle - % (01234) 309636. Nick Twilley -% (01453) 763713. Dee Robertson - % (01460) 52924.
Anne Sears - % (01223) 242577. Ade Borrelli - % (01452) 383759. SURREY
BERKSHIRE Carolyn Finlay - % (01242) 528363. Terry Wilkes - % (0181) 773 0827.
Sue Nennemann - % (01734) 791818 HAMPSHIRE SUSSEX
CAMBRIDGESHIRE Steve & Carrie Hounsome - % (01962) Paddy Mooney - % (01424) 433035.
Eileen Haines - % (01733) 204102. 864022. WEST MIDLANDS
Sean Wright - % (01553) 840806 HEREFORDSHIRE Eve Lung - % (0121) 449 0877.
CORNWALL Keith Brocklehurst - % (01531) 670477. YORKSHIRE
Roger Croxson - % (01822) 832653. Peter Terry - % (01885) 400352 Carol Youngson - % (0114) 274 7522
Lynn Lane - % (01736) 793285. HERTFORDSHIRE Ron Pyatt - % (01274) 499910.
Marjorianne Rowland - % (01209) 843194 Chritine Owen - % (01923) 261464. WARWICKSHIRE
DERBYSHIRE Sheena Barnes - % (01923) 220426 Frances Ommanney - % (01926) 881772
Cora Greenhill - % (01433) 630759. KENT WALES
DEVON Alawn Tickhill - % (01304) 381614. Ashera - % (01766) 762462.
Sue Jamieson - % (01803) 868057. LONDON Andy and Sue - % (01341) 280255.
Tribal Mind - % (01288) 356676. Heather Campbell - % (0181) 399 8156. Beth - % (01352) 840398.
Eleonore Lind - % (01884) 881229. Michael Berman - % (0171) 328 7827. Sharon Forrest - % (01686) 412328
Bethlehem Taylor - % (01884) 881467. Leo Rutherford - % (0171) 435 8174. Mary - % (01639) 730052.
Roland - % (01803) 762255. Trisha Mulholland - % (0171) 609 4956. WORCESTERSHIRE
DORSET Howard Charing - % (0181) 567 4061 Nick and Jan Wood - % (01386) 49680.
Eliana Harvey - % (01963) 23468 . Kathryn Player - % (0171) 236 6268.
Michael - % (01297) 60342. MIDDLESEX7
Willy Lone Bear - % (01202) 481333. Earthsong Drumming - % (0181) 977 4282
Circle of Sound- % (0181) 898 2877


This Sacred Land
The sacred Land project, an organisation
dedicated to renewing the sacred sites of
Britain. We talk to its founder Martin

Maori Bone Carving

The people of New Zealand have a
wonderful tradition of sacred carving.

E xplains the reasons for
all the fearsome beasties
found in Tibetan Buddhist
art and practices.

In the absence of the sacred ~
nothing is sacred ~ everything is for sale
Oren Lyons, Onondaga Tribal Chief
An Hawaiian Elder once remarked that The water feeds the island and the island feeds
the people. This is an example of what is known by tribal peoples as a sacred trust;
seeing their relationship with the Earth and the sea as a sacred trust, seeing themselves
as stewards of the land and the sea and in return the land and sea both care for them.
The Sacred Trust was founded with that vision in mind, to undertake the protection,
preservation and study of shamanism and indigenous sacred traditions. It is
currently seeking charitable status which, once achieved, will allow us to further
step towards fulfiling this vision. Central to our work is an on-going curriculum of
workshops, training and teaching events with with some of the most remarkable
teachers, elders and carriers of shamanic wisdom, from the four quarters of the Earth:
Hyemeyohsts Storm is a legendary Earth Teacher and Remember, who was the first writer to introduce the Way of the
Sacred Medicine Wheels to the modern world within the pages of his classic work Seven Arrows. Grandfather Storm was
raised on the Indian reservations of Montana and as a young man became a student of the Zero Chiefs; scholars, teachers
and healers from the ancient Americas who continue to protect and preserve the Medicine Wheel teachings to this day.
Grandfather Storm has taught in the UK for the last two years and we are honoured to welcome him back here this
September when he will be teaching The Circle of Law, together with his partner in Life and in Medicine, Swan Storm.

Victor Sanchez and Ken Eagle Feather are both Toltec Warriors. According to tradition, Toltec
means man or woman of knowledge. They were the ancient sorcerer-seers of Mexico, concerned with
unravelling mysteries and fixating the awareness of others with the intent of freedom. Victor Sanchez
trained directly with the living descendants of the Toltecs - the Wirrarika peoples, who live hidden in the
mountains of north-west Mexico. He is the author of two books, the most recent of which - Toltecs of
the New Millennium - is the first written record of the traditions and practices of the Wirrarika. Ken
Eagle Feather underwent a ten year apprentice with the legendary Toltec teacher of Carlos Castaneda;
don Juan Matus, during which time he was initiated and trained in the methods of the ancient Toltecs.
Both of these teachers will be teaching in Britain this Autumn.

Brooke Medicine Eagle is a Native American Earthkeeper, healer, ceremonial leader and the author
of Buffalo Woman Comes Singing. She undertook training with many great teachers of Native American
wisdom, including the the Northern Cheyenne Medicine Woman, Stands Near The Fire, who was the
Keeper of the Sacred Buffalo Hat. Her dedication is to bring forward the ancient truths concerning how to
live a fully human life in harmony with All Our Relations and furthermore,to the nurturing and renewing of
the circle of life through the growth and healing of the two-legged family upon the Earth. Brooke will be
teaching during June and July and this represents the first opportunity to work with her in Britain.

Sandra Ingerman and Leslie Kenton are both faculty members of The
Foundation For Shamanic Studies (FSS), the organisation founded by the world
authority on shamanism, Dr Michael Harner. The Sacred Trust is pleased to organise
the work of the FSS in the UK and in that capacity offers both introductory and
advanced trainings on subjects that include Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Extraction
Training and Keltic Shamanism. Sandra Ingerman is the author of the seminal work
Soul Retrieval - Mending The Fragmented Self and Leslie Kenton is a noted author
and teacher on health and well-being.

Arwyn Dreamwalker is a practising shaman and a remarkable seer of Native American and Keltic-lrish lineage who has
studied with traditional native elders and is a lineage carrier of the vision of Grandfather Tom Wilson Largewhiskers the Navajo
Medicine Man and Holy Man. Her aim is to bring together the shamanic teachings of the native American and Keltic Traditions,
awakening the sacred symbols of the Rainbow Dream in all those who work with her. This will be the tenth year that Dreamwalker
has taught in Britain and she will be offering a number of ceremonial workshops throughout June, July and August.
The Sacred Trust also produces what is perhaps the finest and most comprehensive mail-
order book and audio catalogue which focuses entirely on Shamanism and the Medicine
Ways. To receive information concerning the future of our work full details of forthcoming
teaching events as well as a copy of our mailorder catalogue contact us today:

PO Box 603 Bath BA1 2ZU

Tel: 01225 852615 Fax: 01225 858961 Sacred Trust@CompuServe. com

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