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Research Instrument

Letter Scale Interval Interpretation Description


A 7 6.51 7.0 Excellent = The students academic performance has

exceptional achievement

B+ 6 5.51 6.5 Very Good = The students academic performance has

substantial achievement

B 5 4.51 5.5 Good = The students academic performance has

extensive achievement

C+ 4 3.51 4.5 Satisfactory = The students academic performance has

acceptable achievement

C 3 2.51 3.5 Sufficient = The students academic performance has

acceptable but below average achievement

D 2 1.91 2.5 Fair = The students academic performance has

substandard achievement

F 1 1.0 1.9 Poor = The students academic performance has

inadequate/minimal achievement

Scale Interval Interpretation Description

7 6.51 7.0 Describes me = The statement absolutely describes the

very well motivation of the student

6 5.51 6.5 Describes me = The statement considerably describes the

quite well motivation of the student
5 4.51 5.5 Describes me = The statement substantially describes the
well motivation of the student

4 3.51 4.5 Describes me = The statement modestly describes the

slightly well motivation of the student

3 2.51 3.5 Describes me = The statement satisfactory describes the

fairly well motivation of the student

2 1.91 2.5 Describes me = The statement more or less describes the

somewhat well motivation of the student

1 1.0 1.9 Not at all = The statement insignificantly describes the

describes me motivation of the student

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